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School subjects

 Geography what is your Favorite subject?

 Math My favorite subject is --------
 History It´s ------
 English
 P.E (physical education)
 Art
 Music
 Communication
 Science
 Biologic


 Doctor medico
 Nurse enfermera
 Pólice officer policía
 Bus driver conductor de bus
 Taxi driver taxista
 Waiter mozo
 Waitress Moza
 Pilot piloto
 Cook cocinero
 Salesperson vendedor
 Teacher profesor
 Lawyer abogado
 Secretary secretaria
 Photographer fotógrafo

Verb to be

Ser o estar
Is singular
Are – plural


I am a teacher
He is a doctor
She is a secretary
It is a pet
We are students
You are pupils
They are boys

Short form
I am – I´m
He is – he´s
She is – she´s
It is – it´s
We are – we´re
You are – you´re
They are – they´re

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