LWT - Food Science and Technology: Khan Nadiya Jan, P.S. Panesar, Sukhcharn Singh

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LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

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LWT - Food Science and Technology

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Optimization of antioxidant activity, textural and sensory characteristics of T

gluten-free cookies made from whole indian quinoa flour
Khan Nadiya Jan, P.S. Panesar, Sukhcharn Singh∗
Department of Food Engineering and Technology, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, (SLIET), Longowal, Punjab, India


Keywords: The present study deals with optimization of the process parameters for formulation of gluten-free cookies from
Quinoa quinoa flour. The levels of major ingredients and process conditions were varied to determine their effect on
Cookies responses (color, spread factor, hardness, antioxidant activity and overall acceptability) defining consumer ac-
Optimization ceptance of cookies. Response surface methodology was used to optimize levels of ingredients and process
Antioxidant activity
conditions and the selected variables had a dominant effect on responses. Increase in fat and sugar content
Overall acceptability
increased spread factor and decreased the hardness of cookies, while an increase in baking temperature and time
decreased spread factor and increased hardness. The optimized values obtained for independent variables i.e. fat
content, sugar content, baking temperature and baking time were 41.83%, 33.95%, 181 °C and 18 min, re-
spectively. Experimentally determined values for responses were color 53.05 spread factor 7.16, hardness 47.05,
antioxidant activity 20.67 (% DPPH inhibition) and overall acceptability 7.61. Results obtained from this study
validate the production of functional and acceptable gluten-free cookies made from quinoa.

1. Introduction 2006). There is dearth in availability of gluten-free products in the

market. Further, already available products are of low quality and poor
Quinoa, a pseudocereal is one of the oldest crops of Andean region nutritional value (Alvarez-Jubete, Arendt, & Gallagher, 2009). Quinoa
with almost 7000 years of cultivation. Recently, Europe Asia and Africa in India is at nascent stage of its growth and FAO data for its cultivation
have also participated in the cultivation of quinoa and consider it as a is also not available (Jan, Panesar, Rana, & Singh, 2017a; Jan, Panesar,
‘super food’ because of its high nutritional profile. Quinoa consists of & Singh, 2017 b). This limited production of quinoa seeds in India has
higher protein content with balanced amino acid composition in com- created a shortage, resulting in the increased price of these seeds.
parison to cereals. The protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber content of Cookies represent the largest category of snacks in bakery industry
quinoa ranges from 11.7 to 16.4%, 55.3–75.82%, 4.69–12.4% and and can serve as effective vehicle of nutrient supply to consumer. They
1.92–3.38%, respectively. The storage proteins of quinoa include al- refer to the baked product containing three major ingredients: flour, fat
bumin and globulin, with little or no prolamine which is the major and sugar. Cookies shall have low water content (1–5%) and can also
storage protein in many cereals. It is also a rich source of minerals, contain minor ingredients like leavening agents, salt, emulsifiers and
vitamins and antioxidants (Arneja, Tanwar, & Chauhan, 2015). Quinoa yeast (Pareyt & Delcour, 2008). Development of cookies can be a better
has the potential of being the bioactive and functional ingredient in choice than any other product because of the relatively longer shelf life,
food products due to its high natural antioxidants and dietary fiber. The wide consumption, ready to eat form and better palatability (Tsen,
seed may be conical or ellipsoidal with saponins concentrated in peri- Peters, Schaffer, & Hoover, 1973). Various studies (Harra, Lemm,
carp (Bhargava, Shukla, & Ohri, 2006). The saponins make the seed Smith, & Gee, 2011; Wang & Zhu, 2016; Wang, Opassathavorn, & Zhu,
unpalatable and hence need to be removed before consumption. This 2015) have evaluated the potential of quinoa for development of
can be done by washing and/or abrasive dehulling (Risi & Galwey, cookies. However, in these cases quinoa was used in combination with
1984). In addition to this, quinoa is naturally gluten-free (low prola- wheat flour or some other flour which decreases the nutritional value of
mine and glutamine) and can be recommended for people with celiac quinoa and also in some cases invalidates the concept of the prepared
disease. Products labelled as “gluten-free” must meet standards of less cookies being gluten-free. Available gluten-free cookies are of low
than 20 mg gluten/Kg (i.e. 20 ppm) of final product according to the quality with poor flavour and mouthfeel (Gallagher, Gormley, &
revised standards of Codex Alimentarius commission (Gibert et al., Arendt, 2004; Pestorić et al., 2017). Also simultaneous optimization of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: Sukhcharns@yahoo.com (S. Singh).

Received 21 December 2017; Received in revised form 4 April 2018; Accepted 6 April 2018
Available online 07 April 2018
0023-6438/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.N. Jan et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

major ingredients and baking parameters of cookies has not been ex- sample consisted of methanol and DPPH solution.
plored. The combination of independent variables selected for this
study has not been studied earlier as available studies show the effect of DPPH radical scavenging activity(%)
baking temperature and baking time only (Farris & Piergiovanni, 2008, Abs of extract at t = 30 min ⎤
= ⎧1 − ⎡ × 100 ⎫
2009). Considering the above, the objective of present study was to ⎨
⎩ ⎣ Abs of control at t = 0 min ⎦ ⎬

optimize the process parameters for preparation of cookies from quinoa
flour and to determine the effect of these parameters on color, spread
factor, hardness, antioxidant activity and overall acceptance of cookies. 2.7. Sensory analysis

2. Materials and methods Sensory analysis of freshly prepared cookies was carried out by
twenty seven semi-trained panellists who were familiar with the quality
2.1. Raw materials aspects of baked products. The panellists were drawn within University
community. The attributes used to evaluate cookie quality were color &
Quinoa germplasm was obtained from National Bureau of Plant appearance, mouth feel, texture, taste & overall acceptability. The pa-
Genetic Resources (NBPGR) Shimla and was then cultivated at the ex- nelists scored their liking of characteristics using nine-point hedonic
perimental farm of Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & scale (9-like extremely to 1-dislike extremely).
Technology. Harvesting was done manually and the seeds thus obtained
were cleaned of all foreign materials, soaked and washed by rubbing till 2.8. Experimental design
there was no foam formation. The seeds were then dried and ground to
flour using cyclotec mill. The flour was then passed through 60 BSS For the optimization of quality of pseudocereal cookies, experiments
sieve to get uniform particle size. The flour was then packed and stored were conducted according to central composite rotatable design con-
under refrigerated conditions till further use. taining four independent variables which dictated 30 experimental
runs. The experiments at central point were six in order to calculate the
2.2. Cookie preparation repeatability of the method. Independent variables used to determine
optimum baking conditions were fat content, sugar content, baking
The process adopted for preparation of cookies included slight temperature and baking time. The low and high levels of parameters
modification in AACC (2000) standard method (10–50 D). The in- were 35–45 g for fat, 25–35 g for sugar, 170–190 °C for baking tem-
gredients used for modified method included; flour 100 g, sodium bi- perature and 15–20 min for baking time. The level of different variables
carbonate 1.2 g, salt 1.0 g, skim milk powder 5 g and water 16 ml. Sugar is shown in Table 1. Factors such as color, spread factor, texture, an-
and shortening were mixed initially to cream followed by addition of tioxidant activity and overall acceptance were selected as quality at-
flour and other minor ingredients to form dough. The dough was then tributes of cookies.
kneaded and sheeted manually on a dough sheeter to a uniform
thickness of 0.5 cm and cut into round shapes of 5 cm in diameter. 2.9. Data analysis
Baking was carried out at different time-temperature combinations
designed by response surface methodology. The cookies were then al- Statistical analysis was conducted using a Design-Expert version 11
lowed to cool at room temperature and subjected to further analysis. (Stat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, USA). All the responses were analysed as a
function of independent variables using a second order polynomial
2.3. Color of cookies equation as follows:
n n n−1 n
Hunter colorimeter (Model i5 Green Macbeth, USA) was used for Yk = βk 0 + ∑ βki Xi + ∑ βkii Xi2 + ∑ ∑ βkij Xi Xj
determination of color value of cookies. The color property was re- i=1 i=1 i=1 j=i+1 (1)
corded in terms of L-value and varies from 0 to 100 (L = lightness to
Where Yk is the response variable, Xi and Xj represent the coded in-
dependent variables. βko is the value of the fitted response at the centre
point of the design, βki, βkii, βkj represent the linear, quadratic and cross-
2.4. Spread factor of cookies
product regression coefficients, respectively of the model. Analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was used to observe the effect of variables on re-
For determination of spread factor diameter (D) and thickness of
cookies were measured with the help of vernier calliper at two places
and the average was calculated. Spread factor was then calculated by
dividing the diameter of cookies with their height (Sharma, Saxena, & 3. Results and discussion
Riar, 2016).
The experimental variables in actual form along with values of re-
2.5. Hardness sponses are given in Table 2. ANOVA data for response variables along
with correlation coefficient is shown in Table 3. Lack-of-fit, model
Texture analyzer (TA-XT2, Stable micro systems, Surrey, UK) at-
Table 1
tached with a 3-point bending rig was used for determining the hard-
Level of different variables in coded form for cookies preparation.
ness of cookies. The distance between lower beams was set at 4 mm.
The beam at top was brought down at a pre-test, test and post-test speed Independent Units Symbols Levels
of 1.5, 2 and 10 mm/s. The downward movement was continued till the variables
−α −1 0 1 α
breakage of cookie. First peak force was recorded as hardness and all
measurements were repeated five times. Fat g 100g −1
X1 30 35 40 45 50
2.6. Antioxidant activity (% DPPH inhibition) Sugar g 100g−1 X2 20 25 30 35 40
Baking Temperature °C X3 160 170 180 190 200
Antioxidant activity (AOA) was measured as percent discoloration Baking Time Min X4 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
by the method of Brand-Williams, Cuvelier, and Berset (1995). Control

K.N. Jan et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

Table 2 study were > 0.70 representing a good fit between the model and ex-
The central composite rotatable design with process variables and experimental perimental data. The difference between the experimental and pre-
results of responses. dicted values was less indicating the suitability of the model used.
Runs Variables Responses
3.1. Effect of variables on responses
X1 X2 X3 X4 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5

1 35 25 170 15 56.90 6.66 39.33 18.83 6.30 3.1.1. Color

2 45 25 170 15 56.73 6.94 35.45 18.90 6.46 Surface color has been considered as an important indicator of the
3 35 35 170 15 54.48 6.82 39.36 19.14 6.57
degree of baking of cookies and contributes to consumer preference
4 45 35 170 15 54.37 7.19 35.54 19.16 6.91
5 35 25 190 15 52.97 6.47 48.00 20.23 6.40
hence needs to be controlled strictly. The lightness value of the cookies
6 45 25 190 15 52.90 6.69 43.15 20.26 6.53 ranged from 46.08 to 56.90 (Table 2). The p value (Table 3) indicates
7 35 35 190 15 49.99 6.51 48.10 20.42 6.65 that linear (except fat) and quadratic of all the variables had a sig-
8 45 35 190 15 49.81 6.84 43.20 20.45 6.96 nificant effect. In contrast among interactions only “sugar and time”
9 35 25 170 20 53.48 6.60 41.98 19.25 6.45
and “temperature and time” showed a significant effect on color of
10 45 25 170 20 53.36 6.89 36.60 19.27 6.62
11 35 35 170 20 51.57 6.68 42.00 19.98 6.75 cookies.
12 45 35 170 20 51.48 7.07 36.63 20.00 7.04 The magnitude of regression coefficients (Table 3) showed that the
13 35 25 190 20 50.58 6.38 56.94 20.50 6.10 linear term of temperature had a maximum negative effect
14 45 25 190 20 50.49 6.64 49.00 20.52 6.15 (B = −1.81) followed by time (B = −1.15) and sugar content
15 35 35 190 20 48.92 6.44 56.87 20.78 6.20
16 45 35 190 20 48.71 6.74 49.05 20.81 6.44
(B = −1.04). Fig. 1(a and b) shows the decrease in color value with
17 30 30 180 17.5 53.29 6.63 47.61 19.80 6.68 increase in baking temperature, time and sugar content. It can be ob-
18 50 30 180 17.5 52.87 7.22 34.05 19.85 7.33 served that the major effect was of baking temperature as with rise in
19 40 20 180 17.5 53.90 6.99 44.80 19.75 6.76 temperature lightness decreases remarkably. The decrease in lightness
20 40 40 180 17.5 50.40 7.26 46.14 20.48 7.47
value with increase in temperature, time and sugar content may be due
21 40 30 160 17.5 53.75 6.52 34.90 18.12 5.88
22 40 30 200 17.5 46.08 5.89 58.09 20.97 5.54 to caramelization of sugar and Maillard browning reactions causing
23 40 30 180 12.5 55.62 6.78 36.22 19.97 6.57 malanoidin formation during heating and thus, resulting in the dar-
24 40 30 180 22.5 51.56 6.52 47.15 20.91 6.48 kening of product (Manzocco, Calligaris, Mastrocola, Nicoli, & Lerici,
25 40 30 180 17.5 54.10 7.22 46.01 20.25 7.73 2000). The results are in conformity with the Farris and Piergiovanni
26 40 30 180 17.5 54.26 7.20 46.11 20.37 7.84
27 40 30 180 17.5 54.87 7.21 46.03 20.20 7.70
(2008) who reported the decrease in color (L-value) of cookies with
28 40 30 180 17.5 54.47 7.19 47.08 20.36 7.67 increase in temperature and sugar content. Gan et al. (2007) also re-
29 40 30 180 17.5 54.15 7.24 46.95 20.40 7.82 ported the similar decreasing trend of color value for cake.
30 40 30 180 17.5 54.71 7.23 47.00 20.34 7.79 The model F-value of 126 implies that the model is significant. The
pred R-Squared of 0.963 is in reasonable agreement with the Adj R-
Where Y1 = color (L-value); Y2 = spread factor; Y3 = hardness (N);
Squared of 0.983.
Y4 = antioxidant activity (% DPPH inhibition); Y5 = overall acceptability.

analysis and R2 were used to determine the adequacy of models. The 3.1.2. Spread factor
lack-of-fit measures the ability of a model to represent the data in ex- Spread factor has been considered as an important quality para-
perimental domain and cannot be accounted for random error. Model is meter for cookies. Higher spread factor means the higher product yield.
considered as adequate in describing the responses if lack-of-fit is in- The spread factor of cookies varied from 5.89 to 7.26. The effect of
significant. The aptness of the model to signify real relationship among process variables on the spread factor of cookies is shown in Table 2.
selected parameters is given by R2. The R2 values of models for this The magnitude of p value indicates that linear and quadratic effect
of all variables was significant. However, among interactions “fat and

Table 3
Estimated regression coefficients of the fitted second order polynomial and their significance.
Parameters DF Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5

Model 14 53.42 7.22 46.53 20.32 7.76

X1 1 −0.078 0.151*** −2.96*** 0.014 0.125***
X2 1 −1.04*** 0.065*** 0.124 0.185*** 0.163***
X3 1 −1.81*** −0.142*** 5.57*** 0.630*** −0.098***
X4 1 −1.15*** −0.050*** 2.45*** 0.233*** 0.050**
X12 1 −0.318** −0.073*** −1.34*** −0.136*** −0.198***
X22 1 −0.554** −0.023** −0.223*** −0.064** −0.170***
X32 1 −1.10*** −0.253*** 1.34 −0.206*** −0.521***
X42 1 −0.198** −0.142*** −1.17*** 0.018 −0.317***
X1 X2 1 −0.008 0.021** 0.009 −0.003 0.042*
X1 X3 1 −0.004 −0.014* −0.441* −0.001 −0.014
X1 X4 1 0.001 0.003 −0.566* −0.004 −0.012
X2 X3 1 −0.059 −0.020* −0.003 −0.068* −0.023
X2 X4 1 0.226* −0.011 −0.015 −0.068* −0.018
X3 X4 1 0.351** 0.004 1.37*** −0.076*** −0.142***
R2 0.991 0.997 0.994 0.987 0.993
Lack of fit 10 NS NS NS NS NS

*Significant at p ≤ 0.05.
**Significant at p ≤ 0.01.
***Significant at p ≤ 0.001.
NS- Not-significant; DF- Degree of freedom.
Where Y1 = color (L-value); Y2 = spread factor; Y3 = hardness (N); Y4 = antioxidant activity (% DPPH inhibition); Y5 = overall acceptability.

K.N. Jan et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

Fig. 1. Response plots showing the effect of a) Time, sugar and their mutual effect on color (L-value). Other variables are constant: Fat, 40 g/100 g Flour and time
17.50 min. b) Temperature, time and their mutual effect on color (L-value). Other variables are constant: Fat, 40 g/100 g Flour and sugar 30 g/100 g Flour. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

sugar”, “fat and temperature” and “sugar and temperature” showed a response plots for effect of temperature, fat content and time on spread
significant effect on spread factor of cookies. The analysis of regression factor are shown in Fig. 2. Increase in sugar content increased the
coefficients (Table 3) showed that the linear term of temperature and spread factor of cookies. Similar increased mobility of dough and higher
time had a negative effect with temperature showing higher effect spread of cookies by increase in sugar content was observed by
(B = −0.14) than time (B = −0.050). While as fat and sugar had a Doescher, Hoseney, Milliken, and Rubenthaler (1987). Kulthe, Pawar,
positive effect on spread factor with magnitude being higher for fat Kotecha, Chavan, and Bansode (2014) also observed that the spread
content (B = +0.15) followed by sugar content (B = +0.065). The factor is decreased by decrease in sugar content. Spread factor increased

K.N. Jan et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

Fig. 2. Response plots showing the effect of a) Temperature, fat and their mutual effect on spread factor. Other variables are constant: sugar 30 g/100 g Flour and
time 17.50 min. b) Temperature, time and their mutual effect on spread factor. Other variables are constant: Fat, 40 g/100 g Flour and sugar 30 g/100 g Flour.

gradually with increase in fat content. Singh, Gupta, Singh Sodhi, and spread.
Singh (2002) also observed the increase in spread factor by increase in The model F-value of 378 implies that the model is significant. The
sugar level and attributed it to the increase in fluidity of dough allowing predicted R-Squared of 0.986 is in reasonable agreement with the
two dimensional extensible film formation rather than three-dimen- Adjusted R-Squared of 0.994.
sional elastic network formation. The spread factor increased from 6.66
to 7.26 with increase in temperature from 170 to 180 °C. However, 3.1.3. Hardness
further increase in temperature decreased the spread factor to 5.89. Hardness has been considered as an important characteristic of
Cookie spread rate is controlled by the viscosity of dough. Sugar con- cookie quality as it affects consumer acceptance and repeat sales
tributes to dough viscosity and is related to the dough expansion during (Gaines, Kassuba, Finney, & Donelson, 1992). Hardness refers to the
baking (Abboud & Hoseney, 1984). During low temperature and time ease with which the product will break. Hardness of the cookies varied
combinations sugar gets dissolved in available water content of the from 34.05 N to 58.09 N. Table 2 depicts the effect of process variables
dough which lowers the initial viscosity of dough and the cookie on the hardness of cookies.
spreads at a faster rate and vice-versa occurs during high temperature The magnitude of p value indicates that linear as well as quadratic
and time combinations due to lower availability of water content. An- terms of all variables had a significant effect on hardness of cookies
other reason for decrease in spread factor of cookies at higher tem- (Table 3). Among interactions “fat and temperature”, fat and time and
perature may be that the cookies set up before getting a chance to “time and temperature” showed significant effect on hardness of

K.N. Jan et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

Fig. 3. Response plots showing the effect of a) Temperature, fat and their mutual effect on hardness. Other variables are constant: sugar, 30 g/100 g Flour and time
17.50 min. b) Temperature, time and their mutual effect on hardness. Other variables are constant: Fat, 40 g/100 g Flour and sugar 30 g/100 g Flour.

cookies. The regression coefficients revealed that linear term of fat water loss from the dough which may lead to a more rigid fiber frame
showed negative effect on the hardness of cookies (B = −2.96). The after baking. Further formation of fiber-protein complexes during high
response plots for effect of temperature, fat and time on hardness of temperature time combinations can also promote the hardening of
cookies are shown in Fig. 3 (a and b). The decrease in hardness with product (Farris & Piergiovanni, 2009). Sugar content showed the non-
increase in fat content may be due to the tenderizing effect exerted by significant positive effect of lower magnitude (B = +0.12) on hard-
fat. The decreased hardness may also be due to the encapsulation of ness. Increase in hardness with increase in sugar content may be due to
flour particles by fat, thereby isolating the flour particles from each its conversion from solution to harder glass-like state after cooling.
other and making them more easily detachable. The linear terms of Singh et al. (2002) also observed the increase in hardness of cookies by
temperature, sugar and time showed positive effect (Table 3) on the sugar and attributed it to its conversion to hard glassy state.
hardness of cookies with the higher magnitude observed for tempera- The model F-value of 202 implies that the model is significant. The
ture (B = +5.57) than time (B = +2.45). Increased hardness with pred R-Squared of 0.975 is in reasonable agreement with the Adj R-
increase in baking temperature and time may be due to the higher Squared of 0.989.

K.N. Jan et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

Fig. 4. Response plots showing the effect of a) Temperature, sugar and their mutual effect on antioxidant activity. Other variables are constant: fat, 40 g/100 g Flour
and time 17.50 min. b) Temperature, time and their mutual effect on antioxidant activity. Other variables are constant: Fat, 40 g/100 g Flour and sugar 30 g/100 g

3.1.4. Antioxidant activity (% DPPH inhibition) followed by time (B = +0.233) and sugar content (B = +0.185). The
Antioxidants have gained increased interest among consumers be- response plots for effect of temperature, sugar content and time on
cause the epidemiological studies have revealed the lower risk of cancer antioxidant activity are shown in Fig. 4. It can be observed that the
and cardiovascular diseases with frequent consumption of antioxidants major effect was that of temperature as with increase in temperature
(Temple, 2000). Antioxidant activity of optimized cookies varied from antioxidant activity of cookies increased remarkably. Increase in anti-
18.12% to 20.97% (Table 2). The p value indicates that linear and oxidant activity with increase in sugar, temperature and time may be
quadratic effect of all variables (except fat content) was significant due to the formation of melanoidins during baking process. These
(Table 3). However, in case of interactions “sugar-time”, “sugar-tem- compounds have been reported to show antioxidant activity (Manzocco
perature” and “temperature-time” showed the significant effect. et al., 2000). The antioxidant activity of cookies remained almost
The analysis of regression coefficients showed that the variables constant after 180 °C suggesting the stability of molecules bearing ra-
sugar, temperature and time had a positive effect on antioxidant ac- dical scavenging ability. Increase in antioxidant activity can also be
tivity with magnitude being higher for temperature (B = +0.630) attributed to the possible breakdown of phenolics or their degradation

K.N. Jan et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

Fig. 5. Response plots showing the effect of a) Sugar, fat and their mutual effect on overall acceptability. Other variables are constant: temp, 180 °C and time
17.50 min. b) Temperature, time and their mutual effect on overall acceptability. Other variables are constant: Fat, 40 g/100 g Flour and sugar 30 g/100 g Flour.

products which could react with the reagent (Sun, Mu, Xi, & Song, 3.1.5. Overall acceptability
2014). Lindenmeier and Hofmann (2004) determined the influence of Overall acceptances of cookies as the sum of various quality char-
baking conditions on antioxidant activity of bread and the antioxidant acteristics (surface color, texture, mouth feel and taste) can be used to
activity was found to be higher in crust in comparison to the crumb and assess the quality of the cookies prepared. The overall acceptance score
untreated flour. They found a 3–5 fold increase in antioxidant activity of cookies varied from 5.54 to 7.84 (Table 2).
with increase in baking temperature and time and attributed it to the The magnitude of p value indicates that linear as well as quadratic
formation of antioxidant compound pronyl-L-lysine. The increase in terms of all variables had a significant effect on overall acceptability of
antioxidant activity due to baking was also observed by Sharma and cookies (Table 3). Among interactions “fat and sugar” and “time and
Gujral (2014). temperature” showed a significant effect on overall acceptability of
The model F-value of 84 implies that the model is significant. The cookies. The regression coefficients revealed that linear terms of fat and
pred R-Squared of 0.937 is in reasonable agreement with the Adj R- sugar showed positive effect on the overall acceptability of cookies with
Squared of 0.975. the sugar content (B = +0.16) showing effect of slightly higher

K.N. Jan et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 93 (2018) 573–582

Table 4 and fat and baking temperature and time markedly affected the re-
Criteria and outputs of the numerical optimization of the responses for cookies. sponses like color, spread factor, hardness, antioxidant activity and
Variables Goal Experimental range Importance Optimum values overall acceptability of quinoa cookies. Quinoa cookies can be used as
substitute for cereal in Indian subcontinent during fasting days. The
Min Max linear terms of temperature, fat content, sugar content and time was
found to have significant effect on all responses (color, texture, spread
X1 In range 35 45 3 41.83
X2 In range 25 35 3 33.95 factor, antioxidant activity and overall acceptability).
X3 In range 170 190 3 181
X4 In range 15 20 3 18 Conflicts of interest

Responses Predicted
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Y1 In range 46.08 56.90 3 52.72 Ethical review

Y2 Maximum 5.89 7.26 3 7.26
Y3 In range 34.05 58.09 3 46.40
This study does not involve any human or animal testing.
Y4 Maximum 18.12 20.97 3 20.54
Y5 Maximum 5.54 7.84 3 7.76
Where Y1 = color (L-value); Y2 = spread factor; Y3 = hardness (N);
Y4 = antioxidant activity (% DPPH inhibition); Y5 = overall acceptability. The authors would like to acknowledge UGC for providing Maulana
azad national fellowship (MANF).
magnitude than fat content (B = +0.13). While as linear terms of
temperature and time showed negative effect on the overall accept- References
ability of cookies with the temperature showing effect of higher mag-
nitude (B = −0.10) than time (B = −0.05). AACC (2000). Approved methods of analysis (10-50D). The american association of cereal
Fig. 5 shows the effect of temperature, fat, sugar content and time chemists (10th ed.). St. Paul, MN, U.S.A: AACC International.
Abboud, A. M., & Hoseney, R. C. (1984). Differential scanning calorimetry of sugar
on over all acceptability of cookies. The cookies with higher fat and cookies and cookie doughs. Cereal Chemistry (USA), 61(1), 34–37.
sugar content seemed to be more acceptable by the panellists. Positive Alvarez-Jubete, L., Arendt, E. K., & Gallagher, E. (2009). Nutritive value and chemical
effect of fat and sugar can be due to the reason that sugar acts as flavour composition of pseudocereals as gluten-free ingredients. International Journal of Food
Sciences & Nutrition, 60(sup4), 240–257.
enhancer and fat provides the better mouth feel. The negative effect of
Arneja, I., Tanwar, B., & Chauhan, A. (2015). Nutritional composition and health benefits
temperature on overall acceptability of cookies may be due to higher of golden grain of 21 st century, quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd.): A review.
temperature resulting in decreased color (L-value) and increased Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 14(12), 1034.
hardness of cookies. Bhargava, A., Shukla, S., & Ohri, D. (2006). Chenopodium quinoa—an Indian perspective.
Industrial Crops and Products, 23(1), 73–87.
The model F-value of 153 implies that the model is significant. The Brand-Williams, W., Cuvelier, M. E., & Berset, C. L. W. T. (1995). Use of a free radical
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