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The Oxford university is an institute located in england, United Kingdom with

approximately 22348 students, composed of about forty schools the departments

seek to develop research, provide facilities for teaching and learning, the colleges

are in charge of organizing the academic classes for their undergraduate members,

the most colleges have a wide variety of professors in all fields of study Libraries are

provided for all levels of study, the university is subdivided into departments by area,

like many other universities. Departments play an important role in postgraduate

education, and more and more in undergraduate education, offering lectures and

classes and organizing assessments. The departments are also research centers,

supported economically by external institutions that include the main research

councils; Although schools have an interest in research, most are not specialists in

any area in terms of organization.

The academic course is divided into three periods, each lasting eight weeks. The

Michaelmas period runs from October to December; Hilary usually goes from

January until before Easter; And Trinity runs from after Easter until June. These

periods are the shortest of any British university, and the workload is intense.

Admission to college is highly rigorous and is based on the academic merits and

potential of the candidate. Individual colleges carry out undergraduate admissions,

working together to ensure that the best students have a place in college. The

selection is made based on school references, personal essays, results achieved,

predicted results, written work, written tests and interviews, the selection of the

postgraduate students is done first by the department in which they will study each

one, and then in a secondary way by the college to which the department is


The university is a "university city", since it does not have a main campus; In

contrast, universities, departments, accommodation and other facilities are scattered

throughout the city center.

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