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25 March 2019, this was our first meeting for this course.

Actually, there was no teaching-learning

process that we did, but lecture agreement only. In these, our lecturer tried to design the lesson
activities based on the learners need, designed the final project rules and observed the book that want
we use in our teaching-learning prosess. Actually, I am proud to my lecturer, she tried to find activities
and learning materials based on the wish/need of her students. Some of lecturer generally carry out
learning process based on what they want without looking for what the students need in their courses.
So that in the end, the students only complete the materials instead of understanding the materials.

After design the lesson activities, our lecturer emphasized us to read and answer the exercises in unit 8.
She also asked us to find and collect as much research articles as possible in accordance with the
problems that we will discuss in our writing later. And of course our writing can be used as material for
our thesis in the future.

A few days after this course, I started looking for topic that I will discuss in my writing. Of course this is
not an easy process, I have to adjust my topic to the new problems that are happening around me,
especially in the scope of education. I decided to discuss with my parents who are a teacher in my
village. After finding the topic, I started to search the research articles or journals that are in line with my
topic on internet. I was surprised, because there are so many previous research that discussed my topic.
These is also an obstacle for me to find a gap.

At the Saturday, I started to read the Unit 8. Well, I was surprised because the book explains how to
write an academic writing very well. There are several ways to construct research paper. Not only read
the materials in unit 8, I also tried to answer the exercises to understand the materials deeper.

The second meeting (1 April 2019) was started, the first activity our lecturer asked us one by one to tell
her about what is new point that we find after read the unit 8. Same I said before, this book is very good
to new researcher because it explains several ways to construct research paper, such as moves, tenses,
the sentences that can be used to combined one review to others and also how to make the negative
opening. Actually, I was surprised on the tenses, especially the tenses to write down the previous
research, because I think we can use past tense only, but the fact we can use present perfect and present

The teaching-learning process at the second meeting, we discussed about the moves in research paper
introduction. Actually, I interested to this material because I never learned this before. Honestly, the
previous lecturers never teach about how to construct the sentences to be good paragraph, paragraph to
be good introduction especially the parts of the good introduction and moves, they just emphazise to
make the good introduction without give solution.

Not only about the moves, our lecturer also explained about the ways to find a gap. She suggested us to
read several research articles and recognize the theory, method, findings and discussion to find a gap. At
least, fifteen articles but more is better. She suggested us to go to the sitework, chat with the
communities, students or the school staff to find the problems that can be used as the topic of our
Actually, the are so many materials which we must understand in the unit 8, but in this course our
lecturer use self-learning method. She emphasized us to more learn the materials by ourselves. And at
the end meeting, she asked us to read six research articles and find the moves.

My report study at last week till 8 April 2019

The first thing I did was to select the research articles that I had collected a few days before that is
related to my topic. When I read one by one, most of the researchers are from Indonesia, very few from
overseas or research articles from scopus indexed journals. I began to sort out research articles that are
closely related to the issu that I will discuss later. There are six articles, I began to identify their moves
one by one. I did not find any obstacles in determining move 1, but on move 2 and 3 it was difficult for
me because several of the research articles had introduction that is so short and only discuss the issues
which discussed by previous researchers without explaining the gap, procedures and objectives of their
research in the future. I decided to read Unit 8 once again and more focused on Move 2 and Move 3, I
found that Move 2 is same as a mini-critique (related to Unit 6) that use language focuses such as
however, few researchers, little researchers, etc. (Page 348). I checked the articles again, and I found the
move 2. Not all the research articles actually, only three of them.

After Academic Writing class on 8 April 2019, I got the Fisma's work. The research article has good
structure because it has all the moves on introduction, not only that the researcher put language focus
that use on move 2 clearly, research questions, and research purposes. So it can help the reader,
especially for Fisma and me to determine the moves on introduction from the research article.

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