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 Just as there are many ways to define and
understand communities, there are many
models of community practice.
 Some models place greater emphasis on
mobilizing people at the grassroots while other
emphasize the technical nature of problem
solving in the macro arena.
 Some models emphasize the inequality and
injustice that exists in most communities and
seek to radically alter the broad social structural
factors that contribute to these problems.

 Others believe that people in the community
must identify and define problems for
themselves and that professionals may be able
to support their efforts but they can't do it for
 Some models place considerable emphasis on
the process of electoral politics. Others seek to
ignore the role of political systems in favor of
encouraging local self-reliance, thereby freeing
the community from the broader political

 Some models are most appropriate for
mobilizing support for mass movements such as
the Civil Rights Movement, the Nuclear
Disarmament Movement, and more recently,
the environmental movement.
 Other models are more suited for addressing
locality based problems that are of special
concern to local neighborhoods. No mater what
model is used, the common thread running
through all of these models is people working
together to change the conditions that directly
effect them in their daily lives.
Deputi Bidang SDM dan Kebudayaan

Kemenindag, Kemenindustri,
Kemen Pariwisata, Kemen UKM,
Peningkatan Kemen BUMN, Kemen KP, Pemda
Kemendagri, kemandirian
Kemenag, ekonomi &
Kemensos, daya saing Peningkatan
Peningkatan bangsa pendidikan Kemdikbud,
peran lembaga yang
Kemenpora, sosial, agama, KemRistek & Dikti,
berkualitas dan
Kemen PP & PA keluarga, kebudayaan Kemenag;
BKKBN, Pemda media publik yang memacu Pemda, K/L lain yg
daya cipta & melaksanakan
Bappenas: Koord
fungsi pendidikan
Menko: Koord
Pelaksanaan Peningkatan
Kemedikbud, MELAKSANAKAN kepatuhan &
Pengembangan Kemenkum &
REVOLUSI penegekan
Kemenag, kepribadian & HAM, Polri,
MENTAL hukum dan
Kemendagri, peneguhan jati Kejagung, KPK
Kemensos, diri bangsa
lembaga Pemda
Pemda peradilan

Kemensos; Pemanfaatan kelembagaan
Kemendikbud, Modal Sosial politik & Kemendagri,
dan Modal reformasi Kemen PAN &
Kemen Desa, birokrasi
Budaya RB, KPK, Pemda
Trans, PDT; pemerintahan

Kedaulatan Politik
1. Peningkatan kepatuhan dan penegakan hukum dan reformasi birokrasi
2. Perkuatan kelembagaan politik dan reformasi birokrasi pemerintahan.

Kemandirian Ekonomi
1. Peningkatan kemandirian ekonomi dan daya saing bangsa.

Kepribadian dalam Kebudayaan

1. Pembangunan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan kebudayaan yang memacu
daya cipta dan inovasi.
2. Pemanfaatan modal sosial dan modal budaya.
3. Pengembangan kepribadian dan peneguhan jati diri bangsa.
4. Peningkatan peran lembaga sosial , agama, keluarga dan media publik

Kedaulatan Politik Kedaulatan Politik,
1. Peningkatan kepatuhan dan penegakan a. mantapnya proses konsolidasi demokrasi;
hukum dan reformasi birokrasi b. meningkatnya stabilitas sosial politik;
pemerintahan c. efektifnya penegakan hukum dan meningkatnya budaya hukum
2. Perkuatan kelembagaan politik dan dalam bentuk kepatuhan pada hukum dan aturan;
reformasi birokrasi pemerintahan. d. meningkatnya peran Indonesia dalam forum-forum internasional;
e. meningkatnya kualitas penyelenggaraan birokrasi pemerintahan
dan layanan perizinan.
Kemandirian Ekonomi
1. Peningkatan kemandirian ekonomi dan Kemandirian Ekonomi,
daya saing bangsa. a. meningkatnya kemandirian ekonomi nasional yg berdaya saing;
b. berkembangnya ekonomi nasional yang bertumpu pada budaya
maritim; dan
Kepribadian dalam Kebudayaan c. meningkatnya budaya produksi sejalan dengan meningkatnya
1. Pembangunan pendidikan yang budaya inovasi di masyarakat yang didukung oleh sistem logistik
berkualitas dan kebudayaan yang nasional yang baik untuk mendukung distribusi bahan produksi
memacu daya cipta dan inovasi. dan konsumsi.
2. Pemanfaatan modal sosial dan modal Kepribadian dalam Kebudayaan,
budaya. a. meningkatnya penguatan karakter bangsa untuk menegaskan
3. Pengembangan kepribadian dan identitas nasional dan meneguhkan jati diri bangsa;
peneguhan jati diri bangsa. b. meningkatnya kualitas sumber daya manusia yang unggul, maju,
4. Peningkatan peran lembaga sosial , mandiri, berakhlak mulia, berbudaya, dan berkeadaban; dan
agama, keluarga dan media publik c. meningkatnya partisipasi publik dalam berbagai kegiatan untuk
menggerakkan agenda revolusi mental. 8
 A number of authors have proposed models or
strategies for changing community systems.
 Each of these models requires that the social
worker assume different professional roles
which require somewhat specialized
professional skill sets.
 While there is some overlap in the models
presented below, they represent models that
have been widely used in social work to think
about the professional roles for and requisite
skills needed by macro social workers.

 Hanna & Robinson (1994) identify three basic
models of "community empowerment."
 Traditional Social Change
 Direct Action Social Change
 Transformative Social Change

 The traditional social change model is based
on change flowing out of "traditional"
electoral politics.
 The formal political party is viewed as central
to this model. It is called traditional because
the authors believe it signifies the status quo.
That is, they believe interest group politics
and political liberalism will yield little by way
of benefits to marginalized social groups in
the U.S.
 While it is undeniable that increased
participation of minorities and women in
elected office is a positive step toward
diminishing race and gender discrimination,
critics have argued that electoral politics does
not bring large numbers of people to a sense
of their own power to effect change in their
daily lives.

 The direct action model is characterized by
active resistance or protest to existing
conditions or proposed laws or policies. People
may join together in temporary mass
mobilizations during a broad based national
crisis such as happened in the civil rights or anti-
war movements. Or, they may come together in
small-scale movements that focus on localized
issues. Resistance and opposition is based on
private values and interests that are openly
articulated on a collective basis, coupled with
public action.
 Transformative strategies are based on an adult model
of learning which requires strict adherence to the rules
of democracy. It is characterized by a small-group
orientation, that emphasizes self-directed learning,
interpersonal bonds, linking personal oppression to
social structural oppression, and a fully collective
approach to group awareness, decision making, and
social action. It believes people can't act on their own
behalf unless they are aware of the conditions that
effect them. Therefore, learning is a process of
consciousness raising for social action.

 Rothman (1995) also identify three models of
community organization and macro practice.
Originally developed in 1970, Rothman's three
models of community practice have probably
been one of the most influential
conceptualizations of macro social work
practice. Although the models are presented as
distinct approaches to macro practice, in reality
they are generally "mixed and phased" in order
to develop a comprehensive plan of action or
organizing paradigm for macro practice.

 Locality Development (Bottom-up)
 Social Planning (Top-down)
 Social Action (Inside-out)

 It referred the locality development model as
bottom-up because it is a self-help, participatory
model of change. It is based on the premise that
for change to occur, it is necessary to include the
broadest possible participation of community
citizens. It places a great deal of emphasis on
self-determination and democratic process.
Professionals can't change the community for
the people, they must do that themselves.
Professional can provide encouragement,
support, expert knowledge, and other resources.

 They can treat the members of the
community with respect and dignity. They
can work side-by-side with the residents to
create the conditions that make change and
empowerment possible. They can help the
residents develop knowledge, skills, and self-
confidence needed to challenge the status
quo. But the people themselves must define
the problem and develop a plan for dealing
with it.
 In a sense it is an extension of the group work model.
Considerable attention is given to group dynamics
and in some cases the process through which the
community defines its problems and develops
strategies to resolve them is more important than the
change itself. That is, the process of getting people
together to discuss their common concerns and to
plan for resolving specific problems is critical for
effective community development. This model places
great emphasis on such things as consensus,
cooperation, democratic process, participation, and
 Locality development is heavily process-
oriented, stressing consensus and
cooperation and aimed at building group
identity and a sense of community.

 The social planning model is in some ways the
opposite of locality development. I refer to it as a
top-down model of community change. It
emphasizes the technical aspects of solving
problems. It assumes that most social problems in
large industrial societies are too complex for the
average citizen to understand. Therefore,
professionals who have specialized expertise must
guide and control the change process through the
use of technical skills such as sophisticated data
collection and analysis and the manipulation of
large bureaucratic organizations.
 Participation on the part of the citizens can
vary greatly, but this model often provides
little opportunity for citizen input into the
planning process. Some have criticized it as
an "elitist" model of social change.

 When we talk about social planning, I think its
worth distinguishing between social planning
and physical planning. Social planning is
concerned with the provision of goods and
services to members of the community. Physical
planning is concerned with land use
management, zoning ordinances, and the
structure of physical facilities. They are generally
treated as separate and distinct. However, they
are closely related.

 The way we plan and structure our physical
environment can have a tremendous impact
on our social environment. For example, new
highways cutting through inner-city
neighborhoods, dislocation of low-income
neighborhoods to make room for a
convention center, the design and structure
of public housing projects such as the
infamous Pruitt-Igo in St. Louis.
 Social planning is heavily task-oriented,
stressing rational empirical problem solving—
usually by an outside expert—as a means of
problem solving.

 The social action model assumes one segment of
the community is being overlooked or by-
passed. The focus of this model is on organizing
those segments of the community to stand-up
for their rights, to demand that their needs and
concerns be addressed. Emphasis is on bringing
about basic change in major social institutions or
community practices, and to redistribute power,
resources, and decision-making processes in the
community or a formal organization.

 It is called this an inside-out model because it
starts with a committed core of people who
work to develop a collective consciousness
among all people who are effected by the
conditions. It represents a model which tries to
challenge the status-quo through a wide range
of disruptive, confrontational, and often
conflictive tactics.
 This model brings issues of social justice, equity,
oppression, and discrimination to the forefront
of the community's consciousness.

 The social action model is both task- and
process-oriented. It is concerned with
increasing the problem-solving ability of the
community and with achieving concrete
changes to redress imbalances of power and
privilege between an oppressed or
disadvantaged group and the larger society.


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