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It is used to define the data base objects.


1. How to create a table?

A. create table emp(empno number(3),ename varchar2(10),job varchar2(10),salary number(8),hire_date date);

2. How to create a table from the existing table?

A. create table t1 as select empno,ename,deptno from emp;

3. How to create user?

A. create user hari identified by hari;

4. How to view the table structure?

A. desc emp;

5. How to modify the structure of the table?

A. alter table emp modify address varchar2(25);

6. How to add a column in the existing table?

A. alter table emp add address varchar2 (20);

7. How to drop a column in the table?

A. alter table emp drop column address;

8. How to set the column unused?

A. alter table emp set unused (ename);

9. How to mdrop unused columns?

A. alter table emp drop unused columns;

10. How to drop a table?

A. drop table emp;

11. How to change the table name?

A. rename emp to emp1;

It is used to manipulate the information in the data base objects.


1. How to insert data into the table?

A. insert into emp values(100,'hari','marketing ',8000,sysdate);
2. How to insert data into a particular column?
A. insert into emp(ename,salary) values('raju',7000);

3. How to insert null values into the table?

A. insert into emp values(100, 'hari','marketing ',8000,default);

4. How to update or insert row using single condition?

A. merge into dept d using emp e on(d.deptno=e.deptno)
when matched found then update set d.job=e.job d.salary=e.salary
when not matched then insert values(e.ename,e.job,e.salary,e.deptno);

5. How to insert multiple rows in to the table?

A. insert all into emp2 values(empno,ename,job,sal,deptno,comm,hire_date) select * from emp;

6. How to update the columns in the existing table?

A. update emp set hire_date=to_date(‘02/06/05’,’dd/mm/yyyy’) where empno=102;

7. How to update columns more than one?

A. update emp set ename=’manoj’,salary=7000 where empno=108;

8. How to delete or ‘truncating’ a rows in the table?

A. delete from emp; [If we use this condition total rows will be deleted]
truncate table emp;

9 How to delete a particular row in the table?

A. delete from emp where empno=100;

10. How to copy rows from one table to other table?

A. insert into emp1(no,name,job,salary) select empno,ename,job,salary from emp;
insert into emp1 select * from emp;

It is used to share information between users

(A) GRANT - It is used to give permission
(B) REVOKE - It is used to cancel the permission

1. How to give permission to another user?

A. grant all on emp to scott1; [all - means select,insert,update,delete]

2. How to give permission only on delete to another user?

A. grant delete on emp to scott1;

3. How to give permission for insert,update,select to another user?

A. grant insert,update,select on emp to scott1;

4. How to give permission to two users?

A. grant all on emp to scott1,scott2;

5. How to give permission to all users?

A. grant insert on emp to public;

6. How to give permission to scott1 to give grant option to other user?

A. grant all on emp to scott1 with grant option;

7. How to give permission on columns?

A. grant insert(empno,ename,hire_date) on emp to scott1;

8. How to cancel permission from the user?

A. revoke all on emp from scott1;

9. How to cancel permission on a particular columns from the user?

A. revoke insert,delete on emp from scott1;

10. How to cancel the permission from all the users?

A. revoke all on emp from public;

11. How to cancel permission on columns?

A. revoke insert on emp from scott1;

12. How to see the permission list given by user to others?

A. desc all_privs_made

13. How to see the permission list received by user from others?
A. desc all_privs_recd

It is used to control the DML operation.

(A) COMMIT - It is used to save the data dynamically.
(B) ROLL BACK - It is used to cancel the changes.
(C) SAVEPOINT - It is used to mark the transactions.

1. How to save the changes permanently?

A. commit;

2. How to cancel changes which we made?

A. rollback; [if we use DROP condition it will delete permanently]

3. If we made delete,insert,update,how to cancel only update statements?

A. savepoint s1; [ use after deletion]
savepoint s2; [ use after insertion]
rollback to savepoint s2; [It will cancel only the updates]
commit; [It will save the changes only for delete & insert]


It is used to get the data from data base objects for read only purpose

1. How to see the data in the table?

A. select * from emp;

2. How to retrieve specific columns from the table?

A. select empno,ename,salary from emp;

3. How to do arithmetic operations in the select statement?

A. select empno,ename,salary,salary+3000 from emp;

4. How to use alias in the select statement?

A. select empno,ename,salary,salary*12 “annual salary” from emp;

5. How to eliminate the duplicate rows in the select statement?

A. select distinct deptno from emp;


1. How to retrieve a particular column from the table?

A. select * from emp where empno=100;
select * from emp where salary>4000;

2. How to retrieve the data from the table using between condition?
A. select * from emp where salary between 3000 and 7000;
select * from emp where salary not between 3000 and 7000;

3. How to retrieve data from the table using relation condition?

A. select * from emp where job_id=’marketing’ and salary>5000;

4. How to retrieve selected row more than one from the table?
A. select * from emp where empno in(100,105,110);
select * from emp where empno not in(100,105,110);

5. How to retrieve names which is starting with ‘S’ from the table?
A. select * from emp where ename like’s%’;
select * from emp where ename not like’s%’;

6. How to retrieve ‘upper case’ characters?

A. select * from emp where upper(ename) like’A%’;

7. How to retrieve lower case characters?

A. select * from emp where lower(ename) like’a%’;

8. How to retrieve names which is ending with ‘S’ from the table?
A. select * from emp where ename like’%s’;
select * from emp where ename not like’%s’;

9. How to retreive names which is the second letter ‘S’ from the table?
A. select * from emp where ename like’_s%’;
select * from emp where ename not like’_s%’;

10. How to retrieve null values from the table?

A. select * from emp where comm is null;
select * from emp where comm is not null;

11. How to retrieve data belonging two column conditions from the table?
A. select * from emp where job_id=’marketing’ or salary>5000;
select * from emp where ename like’s%’ or salary>5000;


1. How to see the absolute value in the select statement?

A. select empno,ename,abs(comm-salary) from emp;

2. How to see the square root of the given number?

A. select sqrt(5) from dual;

3. How to see the power of the given number?

A. select power(4,2) from dual;

4. How to see the modulus of the given number?

A. select mod(6,3) from dual; [It gives the remainder value as output]

5. How to see the exponential value for the given number?

A. select exp(5) from dual;

6. How to see the ‘log’ value?

A. select log(4,3) from dual;
7. How to see the ‘sine’,’cosine’,’tan’ values?
A. select sin(30),cos(45),tan(60) from dual;


1. How to see the whole number for the output value?

A. select round(sin(30)) from dual;
Select round(19.7876) ,round(19.4634),round(19.7872,2) from dual; [Ans: 20 19 19.78]

2. How to use trunc function?

A. select trunc(19.7876),trunc(19.4536),trunc(19.7342,2) from dual; [Ans: 19 19 19.73]


1. How to display the first char as capital?

A. select empno,initcap(ename),job,salary from emp;

2. How to display the string in capital letter?

A. select empno,upper(ename),salary from emp;

3. How to display the string in small letters?

A. select empno,lower(ename),job,deptno from emp;

4. How to display the length of the string in the table?

A. select empno,ename,length(ename) from the emp;

5. How to display the string in reverse?

A. select empno,ename,reverse(ename) from emp;

6. How to display the ascii value of the character in number?

A. select ascii(‘A’),ascii(‘a’) from dual;

7. How to display the number in ascii value?

A. select chr(43),chr(50) from the dual;

8. How to display the left space with * in the select statement?

A. select empno,ename,lpad(sal,6,’*) from emp;

9. How to display the right space with & in the select statement?
A. select empno,ename,rpad(sal,6,’*’) from emp;

10. How to remove the first char in the string?

A. select ename,trim(‘s’ from ename) from emp;

11. How to concatenate ename with a job in the select statement?

A. select ename ||’is a’|| job from emp; [‘is a’ it is a literal string]

12. How to replace string in the table?

A. select ename,replace(ename,’s’,2) from emp;

13. How to translate the characters in the select statement?

A. select empno,ename,translate(ename,’aeiou’,’12345’) from emp;

14. How to display the first five letter of the string in the table?
A. select empno,ename,substr(ename,1,5) from emp;

15. How to see the position of the char?

A. select ename,instr(ename,’a’,1,1) from emp;


1. How to display the sysdate date?

A. select sysdate from dual;

2. How to see how many months happen up to now from joining?

A. select ename,job,months_between(sysdate,hire_date) from emp;

3. How to add months to the hire_date in the select statement?

A. select ename,hire_date,add_months(hire_date,6) from emp;

4. How to display the next day using hire_date?

A. select hire_date,next_day(hire_date,’Friday’) from emp;

5. How to display the last day of the month?

A. select hire_date,last_day(hire_date) from emp;


1. How to see the fractional seconds with date & time of server?
A. select systimestamp from dual;

2. How to see the fractional seconds with date & time of client system?
A. select current_timestamp from dual;

3. How to see the date of client system?

A. select current_date from dual;

4. How to see the system date?

A. select sysdate from dual;

5. How to converts the date into timestamp?

A. select to_timestamp(sysdate) from dual;


1. How we can display the date format in another model?

A. select hire_date,to_char(hire_date,’ddth/mm/yyyy’) from emp;
select hire_date,to_char(hire_date,’dy mon yyyy’) from emp;
select hire_date,to_char(hire_date,’day month year’) from emp;
[special characters are th,nd,st]


1. How to select the least value from the given values?

A. select least(12,09,4,20,6,46) from dual;

2. How to select greatest value from the given values?

A. select greatest(12,09,4,20,6,46) from dual;

3. How to select minimum & maximum salary from the table?

A. select min(salary),max(salary) from emp;


1. How to converts a null value in to actual value?

A. select empno,ename,nvl(comm,10) from emp;
select count(nvl(comm,0)) from emp; [if the comm is null then it takes the value as 10]

2. How to use ‘NVL2’ in the select statement?

A. select empno,ename,nvl2(comm,salary+comm,salary) from emp;
[if exp1 is true it displays exp2, if exp1 is false then it displays exp3]

3. How to use ‘NULLIF’ in the select statement?

A. select length(ename),length(job_id),nullif(length(ename),length(job_id)) “result”from emp;
[if the exp1 & exp2 lengths are equal then it displays value as null]

4. How to use ‘COALESCE’ in the select statement?

A. select empno,ename,coalesce(comm,salary,10) from emp; [if exp1 is not null it shows comm, if
exp1 is null it shows sal, if two exp’s are null it shows the value as 10]

5. How to use ‘CASE’ expression in the select statement?

A. select ename,saalary,case job_id when ‘marketing’ then .10*sal when ‘clerk’ then .5*sal
else salary end “revised salary” from emp;

6. How to use ‘DECODE’ expression in the select statement?

A. select ename,salary decode(job_id,’marketing’,.10*sal,’clerk’,.5*sal,sal) “salary” from emp;


1. How to retreive the data in the ascending order from the table?
A. select * from emp order by deptno;

2. How to retrieve data in the descending order from the table?

A. select * from emp order by empno desc;


Group functions operate on sets of rows to give one result per group

1. How to select average & sum salary from the table?

A. select avg(salary),sum(salary) from emp;

2. How to select maximum & minimum salary in the table?

A. select max(salary),min(salary) from emp;

3. How to select total no.of row in the table?

A. select count(*) from emp;
select count(empno) from emp;

4. How to display the salary according to deptno?

A. select deptno,avg(salary) from emp group by deptno;

5. How to use ‘HAVING’ clause in group function?

A. select deptno,avg(salary) from emp group by deptno having avg(salary)>5000;


1. Display all the employees name in their relationa hierarchy?

A. select ename from emp start with mgr is null connect by prior empno=mgr;

2. Display all the employees name in their relation hierarchy output should be formatted?
A. select lpad(ename,length(ename)+level) from emp start with mgr is null connect by prior

3. Display those employees whose level is odd number?

A. select ename from emp where mod(level,2)!=0 start with mgr is null connect by prior empno=mgr;

4. Display total salary paid by jones to his employees?

A. select sum(sal) from emp where level>1 start with ename=’JONES’ connect by prior empno=mgr;

1. How to display data from two tables using ‘cross join’ or ‘cartesian join’?
A. select * from emp,dept;

2. How to display data from two tables using ‘equi join’ or ‘natural join’ condition?
A. select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,d.dname from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno;
select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,d.dname from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno
and ename=’hari’;

3. How to join more than two tables?

A. select e.ename,e.deptno,d.dname,d.loc_id,l.address from emp e,dept d,loc l where
e.deptno =d.deptno and d.loc_id=l.loc_id;

4. How to use ‘outer join’ in the select statement?

A. select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,d.dname from emp e,dept d where e.deptno(+)=d.deptno;
select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,d.dname from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno(+);

5. How to retreive two tables using ‘USING’ clause?

A. select e.empno,e.ename,e.deptno,d.dname from emp e,dept d using(deptno);

6. How to retreive two tables using outer joins?

A. select e.empno,e.ename,d.dname from emp e full outer join dept d on(e.deptno=d.deptno);
select e.empno,e.ename,d.dname from emp e left outer join dept d on(e.deptno=d.deptno);
select e.empno,e.ename,d.dname from emp e right outer join dept d on(e.deptno=d.deptno);
7. How to use set operators in joins?
A. select distinct job from emp where deptno=10 union all select distinct job from emp where
select distinct job from emp where deptno=10 union select distinct job from emp where
select distinct job from emp where deptno=10 intersect select distinct job from emp where
select distinct job from emp where deptno=10 minus select distinct job from emp where


Simple Subquery
Correlated Subquery

1. How to display data who is having more than average salary?

A. select empno,ename,job,salary from emp where salary>(select avg(salary) from emp);
select * from emp where deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename=’krishna’);

2. How to display the employees who joined the company before their employees?
A. select * from emp e where e.hiredate>(select m.hiredate from emp m where e.mgr=m.empno);


1. How to lock a row for update or insert?

A. select * from emp where empno=100 for update;
[commit or rollback will release any type of lock]

2. How to lock the table for manipulations?

A. lock table emp in share mode;
lock table emp in share update mode;
lock table emp in exclusive mode;


1. How to create ‘primary constraint’?

A. create table emp(empno number(2),ename varchar2(10),job varchar2(10),deptno number(3),
constraint emp_deptno_pk primary key(deptno));

2. How to create ‘foreign constraint’?

A. create table dept(deptno number(3),dname varchar2(10),loc number(6),constraint
dept_deptno_fk foreign key(deptno) references emp(deptno);

3. How to delete child table from parent table?

A. create table dept(deptno number(3),dname varchar2(10),loc number(6),constraint
dept_deptno_fk foreign key(deptno) references emp(deptno) on delete cascade;

4. How to add a ‘not null’ in the existing table?

A. alter table emp modify empno not null;

5. How to add a ‘unique constraint’ in the existing table?

A. alter table emp add constraint emp_ename_uk unique(ename);

6. How to add a check salary constraint in the existing table?

A. alter table emp add constraint emp_salary_min check(salary>5000);

7. How to drop constraint?

A. alter table emp drop constraint emp_deptno_pk;

8. How to disable constraint?

A. alter table emp disable constraint emp_salary_min cascade;

9. How to enable constraint?

A. alter table emp enable constraint emp_salary_min cascade;

10. How to view constraint?

A. select owner,constraint_name,constraint_type from user_constraints where table_name=’emp’;
[To see the user constraints the query is : desc user_constraints;]


1. How to set the title in the top of the table?

A. ttitle on;
ttitle ‘employee reports’;

2. How to off the ttitle?

A. ttitle off;

3. How to set the title in the left side?

A. ttitle left ‘employee reports’ skip left;

4. How to set the title in the center?

A. ttitle center ‘employee reports’ skip center;

5. How to set the title in the right side?

A. ttitle right ‘employee reports’ skip right;

6. How to set the title in the bottom of the table?

A. btitle on;
btitle ‘end of the report’

7. How to off the btitle?

A. btitle off;

8. How to change the column name?

A. column empno heading ‘no’;

9. How to change the salary format?

A. column sal heading ‘salary’ format $9,999.99;

10. How to clear column heading?

A. column empno clear;
11. How to break the deptno?
A. break on deptno;

12. How to clear the break command?

A. clear breaks; [it clears all the break command]
clear breaks on deptno;


* It is a stored select statement.

* It will not hold any data.
* Desc,DML,Select allowed in views.
* Any manipulations in view will be reflected in table.
* Providing high security while sharing view with other users.

1. How to create view?

A. create view v1 as select * from emp;

2. How to display the view structure?

A. desc view

3. How to insert values in view?

A. insert into view v1 values(108,’prasad’,’clerk’,7000,40,sysdate);
[these values will be automatically inserted into emp also]

4. How to update values in to view?

A. update v1 set salary=8000 where empno=102;

5. How to delete rows in view?

A. delete from v1 where empno=102;

6. How to drop column in view?

A. no alter option in views;

7. How to drop view?

A. drop view v1;

8. How to create view based on view?

A. create view v3 as select * from v1 where salary>5000;

9. How to create view for read purpose?

A. create view v2 as select * from emp with read only ;
[In this we cannot do any changes if we use read only condition]

10. How to create view with out table?

A. create force view v1 as select * from emp1;
create table emp1 as select * from emp;

11. How to create materialized view?

A. create materialized view mv1 as select * from emp; (OR)
create snapshot s1 as select * from emp;
[this view will exit if u drop the emp table also,we cannot use DML option]
[we have to create a table with primary key ]

12. How to effect manipulation of emp in materialized view?

A. create materialized view mv1 refresh on commit as select * from emp;
[After manipulation in emp we have to give commit to occur in the view]

13. How to drop materialized view?

A. drop materialized view mv1;
drop snapshot s1;

14. How to create view from more than one table?

A. create view v1 as select empno,ename,e.deptno,dname,loc from emp e,dept d where
e.deptno=d.deptno; [in join view, no DML option]

15. How to create view using ‘with check option’?

A. create view v1 as select * from emp where deptno=30 with check option;
[we cannot insert rows & update the deptno because it violates with check option]

16. How to create a complex view?

A. create view v1(name,max(sal),min(sal),avg(sal)) as select d.dname,max(e.sal),min(e.sal),
avg(e.sal) from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno group by d.dname;
[we cannot do any manipulations in a complex view]


* It is automatically generated when select is performed.

* It is a unique value but not stored permanently.

1. How to retreive the top 5 salaried employees?

A. select rownum,empno,ename,sal from (select rownum,empno,ename,sal from emp order by sal desc)
where rownum<=5;

2. How to retrieve the Nth salaried employee?

A. select empno,ename,job,sal from (select empno,ename,job,sal from emp order by sal desc) group by
rownum,empno,ename,job,sal having rownum=&n;

3. How to retrieve alternate rows?

A. select rownum,empno,ename,job,sal from emp group by rownum,empno,ename,job,sal having

4. How to delete the duplicate records which is having the same data,empno & ename?
A. delete from emp where rowid not in(select min(rowid) from emp group by empno);

5. How to retrieve the first five rows from the table?

A. select * from emp where rownum<6;

6. How to retrieve the last five rows from the table?

A. select * from emp minus select * from emp where rownum<=10;
select * from emp minus select * from emp where rownum<=(select max(rownum)-5 from emp);

7. How to retrieve a particular row from the table?

A. select * from emp where rownum<6 minus select * from emp where rownum<5;
8. How to see the no.of rows in the table?
A. select max(rownum) from emp;

9. How to delete a row from the table using rownum?

A. delete from emp where rownum<2;
delete from emp where rownum<5;

10. How to update row using rownum?

A. update emp set sal=2500 where rownum<2;


It is used to generate number in order.

It is not related to the tables.
It uses two pseudo columns.
-- nextval (holds the next generated value)
--currval (holds the current available value)

1. How to create sequence?

A. create sequence s1
increment by 1
start with 200
maxvalue 210

2. How to insert into a table using sequence?

A. insert into emp(empno,ename,job,salary,deptno) values(s1.nextval,’ravi’,’employee’,8000,10);

3. How to see the sequence current value?

A. select s1.currval from dual;

4. How to see the sequence next value?

A. select s1.nextval from dual;

5. How to see the structure of sequence?

A. select sequence_name,min_value,max_value,increment_by,last_number from user_sequences;
[to see the user sequence the query is : desc user_sequences;]

6. How to modify sequence?

A. alter sequence s1
increment by 1
maxvalue 220

7. How to drop the sequence?

A. drop sequence s1;

It is mainly used to improve performance which retrieving (or) manipulating data by using indexed
columns in where clause. It is a pointer to locate the address of data.

1. How to create index on emp?

A. create index i1 on emp(empno);
create index i2 on emp(sal,deptno);

2. How to use index?

A. select * from emp where ename=’ram’;
select * from emp where sal=3000 and deptno=20; [the index will be activate in the back ground]

3. How to drop index?

A. drop index idx1;

4. How to see the structure of index?

A. select index_name,index_type,table_owner,table_name,table_type from user_indexes;
[to see the user indexes, query is : desc user_indexes]


Synonym is nothing but a Alias name to the table.

1. How to create synonym?

A. create synonym s1 for emp; [it is a copy of emp & it is related to emp table]

2. How to drop synonym?

A. drop synonym s1;


1. How to save the statements which we done in SQL in to a folder?

A. spool d:\hari
select * from emp;
spool off


Export the file

Import the file

1. How to export the data into the file?

A. conn system/manager
create user hari identified by hari;
grant connect,resource,dba to hari;
conn scott/tiger
D:\oracle\ora90\bin> EXP
Username : scott
Password : tiger
Enter array fetch buffersize:4096> (enter)
Export file:EXP.DMP.DMP> D:\hari.dmp (file name)
(2)U(sers),or (3)T(ables): (2)U> (enter)
export grants (yes/no): yes> (enter)
export table data (yes/no): yes> (enter)
compress extents (yes/no): yes> (enter)

2. How to import data from file into database?

A. conn hari/hari

D:\oracle\ora90\bin> IMP
Username : hari
Password : hari
Import file:EXP.DMP.DMP> D:\hari.DMP
Enter insert buffer size(minimum is 8192)) 30720> (enter)
List contents of import file only(yes/no) no> (enter)
Ignore create error due to object existence (yes/no) no> (enter)
Import grants(yes/no) yes>
Import table data (yes/no): yes> (enter)
Import entire export file (yes/no): no> (enter)
Username: scott
Enter table(T) or partition(T:P)name or . If done: (enter)


Fixed Flat File

Variable Flat File

1. How to insert data from the file.txt into the database using fixed method?
A. sql>conn hp/hp
sql>create table vtest(name varchar2(10),code varchar2(5));

cmd (run cmd prompt)

C:\> d:

Sql> select * from vtest;





NOTE: These two .txt files should be place in one directory.

2. How to insert data from the file.txt into the database using variable method?
A. sql>conn hp/hp
sql>create table sqld(name varchar2(10),code varchar2(5));

cmd (run cmd prompt)

C:\> d:

Sql> select * from sqld;





NOTE: These two .txt files should be in the same directory.



1. How to send data into file.txt from the database using W mode?
A. sql> create or replace procedure proc1 is
vfileID UTL_FILE.file_type;
vstring varchar2(2000);
cursor c1 is select empno from emp;
c1empno number(4);
UTL_FILE.Put(vfileid, vstring);
open c1;
fetch c1 into c1empno;
exit when c1%notfound;
WHERE EMPNO=c1empno;
UTL_FILE.Put(vfileid, vstring);
end loop;
close c1;
when others then
sql> exec proc1;

D:\hari1.txt (open the file in D:\ directory).

2. How to insert into database from the file.txt using R mode?

A. sql> create table hari(name varchar2(10),code number(4));
sql> create or replace procedure proc2 is
vfileID utl_file.file_type;
vstring varchar2(100);
vcode varchar2(10);
vname varchar2(10);
vcode :=substr (vstring,1,2);
vname :=substr(vstring,4);
insert into hari(code,name)
end loop;
when NO_DATA_FOUND then
sql> exec proc2;
sql> select * from hari;


10 Hari
20 Prasad
30 Kiran

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