(Metric Units) - Macro Calculator

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12 WEEK SHRED Step 1. Input Data

Metric Version Enter Your Weight: (kg) 64 Activity Levels are:
1.2 = Sedentary (Desk job, and Little Formal Exercise)
Instructions: Enter Your Height: (cm) 168
1.3 = Lightly Active (Light daily activity AND light exercise 1-3 days a week)
Input your data in the 4 yellow boxes in Step 1 Enter Your Age: 20 1.5 = Moderately Active (Moderately daily Activity & Moderate/hard exercise 4-5 days a week)
Enter Your Activity Level: 1.3 1.7 = Very Active (Physically demanding lifestyle & Hard exercise 6-7 days a week)
1.9 = Extremely Active (Athlete in ENDURANCE training or VERY HARD physical job)

Step 2. Daily Calorie Requirement (DCR)

BMR: 1,595
Daily Calorie Requirement (DCR): 2,074

Step 3. Determining Your Deficit

Calorie Deficit 415
New Caloric Goal For Fat Loss: 1,659

Step 4. Calculating Low-Carb Day Calories

Caloric Goal For Fat Loss: 1,659

Step 5. Calculating High-Carb Day Calories

Caloric Goal For High-Carb Day: 1,866

Low-Carb Day High-Carb Day

Macro Breakdown: (%) Calories Grams Macro Breakdown: (%) Calories Grams
Fat 25 415 46 Fat 20 373 41
Carbs 40 664 166 Carbs 50 933 233
Protein 35 581 145 Protein 30 560 140

Total Calories 1,659 Total Calories 1,866

Step 6. Putting It All Together

Daily Macronutritent Values Fat Carbs Protein Total Calories
Low-Carb Day 46 166 145 1,659
High-Carb Day 41 233 140 1,866

Weekly Macro Goals Fat Carbs Protein Total Calories

Monday (High-Carb Day) 41 233 140 1,866
Tuesday 46 166 145 1,659
Wednesday 46 166 145 1,659
Thursday (High-Carb Day) 41 233 140 1,866
Friday 46 166 145 1,659
Saturday 46 166 145 1,659
Sunday 46 166 145 1,659

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