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Strategic Management Journal

Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)

Published online EarlyView in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/smj.868
Received 12 February 2009; Final revision received 5 May 2010


The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A.
School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, U.S.A.

This study identifies the practical and philosophical difficulties associated with testing strategic
management and organization theories. Working from a critical realist perspective, we affirm
the importance of falsification and verification efforts for progress in theory development. We
advocate a four-step approach for advancing theory testing that prioritizes identifying and testing
for the presence and effects of hypothesized causal mechanisms, rather than solely focusing on
correlational methods to jointly test the set of effects composing a theoretical system. Going
beyond prior critical realist writings, we provide practical guidance for deploying established
research methods to test management theories. Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION 2007; Pentland, 1999; Weick, 1989) than to test-

ing them (Davis and Marquis, 2005; Hambrick,
Both practical and philosophical obstacles hinder 2007).
management researchers’ efforts to test theories Most empirical studies in strategic management
conclusively. Some challenges to testing manage- use correlational methods that do not directly test
ment theories are inherent to the complex, open, the explanatory mechanisms proposed by our the-
and changing nature of organizations and their con- ories (Bromiley and Johnson, 2005; Tsang, 2006).
texts (Astley and Van de Ven, 1983; Fabian, 2000). As a result, we fail to provide direct evidence ver-
Other obstacles relate to researchers’ beliefs and ifying or refuting our theoretical explanations and
practices. For example, imprecisely stating theo- do not rule out alternative explanations. In short,
ries obstructs empirical testing (Astley and Zam- researchers often fail to test theories rigorously.
muto, 1992; Bacharach, 1989). Verifying or falsi- As empirical research grows in the management
fying evidence remains disputable due to differing field and methods proliferate, we need to consider
beliefs about what constitutes relevant evidence how our efforts contribute to cumulative progress
and how such evidence should be collected and toward theory falsification and verification. To sup-
analyzed. In response to such obstacles, manage- port theory testing efforts, the current study pro-
ment researchers have given greater attention to vides both philosophical arguments and practical
building theories (Lewis and Grimes, 1999; Locke, research methods.
We present critical realist philosophy of sci-
ence as an alternative to strict falsificationism
Keywords: critical realism; mechanisms; philosophy of (Popper, 1959) that supports the critical evalua-
science; research methods; theory testing tion of theories on the basis of empirical data.
*Correspondence to: Kent D. Miller, The Eli Broad Graduate
School of Management Michigan State University, East Lansing, By positing a realist ontology and a fallibilist
MI 48824-1122, U.S.A. E-mail: millerk@bus.msu.edu epistemology, critical realism motivates efforts

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

140 K. D. Miller and E. W. K. Tsang

toward falsifying theories in order to advance Nature of social phenomena

scientific knowledge. However, falsifications are
never certain and definitive; they may be revised In the social sciences, ‘it is unrealistic to assume
(Sayer, 1992: 205–206). Critical realist philoso- that all relevant data will be consistent with a the-
phy acknowledges the potential fallibility of all ory even if the theory is correct’ (Lieberson, 1992:
knowledge claims, and supports modesty regard- 7). There are several factors that make conclusive
ing verification and falsification alike. The aim of theory testing more difficult in the social sciences
researchers evaluating theories is to offer ‘judge- in general, and management theory in particular,
ments of superiority and inferiority’ (Sayer, 1992: than in the natural sciences.
206). First, organizations are diverse, complex, and
The current study begins by providing back- changing social phenomena, with multiple levels
ground on the challenges—both practical and of analysis, as well as multiple and contingent
philosophical—that inhibit the testing of man- causal processes (Astley and Van de Ven, 1983;
agement theories.1 We then offer an overview Fabian, 2000). Owing to our inability to identify
of critical realism, highlighting key aspects per- all the pertinent variables, we are often unable
taining to the evaluation of theories. However, to state precisely the conditions on which differ-
the problem remains that prior writings come up ent types of behavior depend or even the contin-
short of translating critical realist philosophy of gencies that make particular theories relevant to
science into applied research methods. As Dan- certain empirical contexts. Where boundary con-
ermark et al. (2002: 150) succinctly summarize, ditions are ambiguous, it may not be possible
‘Critical realism is not a method.’ Acknowledg- to determine whether theoretical explanations are
ing this claim, the latter portion of our study direct competitors. From a theory testing view,
addresses the gap between critical realist phi- the availability of competing hypotheses derived
losophy and practical methods for theory testing from different theories is a fortuitous situation,
within empirical management research. We trans- but it occurs infrequently in management research
late critical realist philosophy into four actionable due to the diverse range of phenomena studied.
research steps. Our approach emphasizes identi- By focusing on diverse phenomena, researchers
fying causal mechanisms and testing their effects tend to position their theories as complementary
directly, as steps complementary to testing theoret- rather than competing. By contrast, the history
ical systems using multivariate correlational meth- of natural science shows that testing compet-
ods. Rather than advocating novel methods, we ing hypotheses is an effective way to determine
discuss how to deploy various established research the relative merits of alternative theories (Losee,
methods within a critical realist approach to theory 2005).
testing. A second factor that renders theory testing dif-
ficult concerns the element of personal volition
in human behavior. Though constrained by habits,
rules, routines, and institutions, humans have free-
OBSTACLES TO TESTING dom to choose their actions (Archer, 2000; Down-
MANAGEMENT THEORIES ward, Finch, and Ramsay, 2002; Searle, 2001). In
strategic management, this belief is reflected in
The major obstacles to testing management the- arguments supporting strategic choice as causal,
ories in a rigorous manner can be categorized and not merely epiphenomenal (Child, 1997). A
into four domains: the nature of the social phe- similar conviction is found in research on cre-
nomena that management researchers investigate, ativity in entrepreneurial venturing (Sarasvathy,
imprecise and fragmented theorizing, inadequate 2001). Although contextual factors have important
research designs, and inevitable reliance upon influences on organizations, Child (1972) submits
untested assumptions. This section discusses each that organizational decision makers are not pas-
of these major obstacles to testing management sive. They exercise choice and take actions that
theories. enact their organizations’ environments. Not only
are strategic behaviors nondeterministic, they can
By ‘management theories,’ we mean strategic management and be intentionally unpredictable and deceptive in
organization theories. efforts to gain advantages over rivals. Freedom and
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
Testing Management Theories 141

creativity curtail the predictive power of theories can make them logically nonfalsifiable. For exam-
of human behavior. ple, Perrow’s (1994: 216) contention that ‘no mat-
Third, researchers’ activities may change the ter how hard we might try, the characteristics of
beliefs and practices of managers and thereby complexly interactive and tightly coupled systems
undermine the continuity of the phenomena inves- will cause a major failure, eventually’ cannot be
tigated (Numagami, 1998). Self-fulfilling and self- falsified due to its open time horizon. Imprecise
defeating prophecies are not causes for concern wording is not unique to strategic management and
in the natural sciences. A theory of, say, plan- organization research. Kuhn (1962) and Lakatos
etary motion will not change how planets actu- (1970) documented scientists’ tendency to state
ally move. By contrast, managers may alter their and interpret theories in ways that make them
behaviors on the basis of the knowledge cre- immune to falsification.
ated by researchers (Knights, 1992). The extent Donaldson (1995) portrays management theories
to which research influences managerial practice as oriented toward different levels of analysis and
likely varies widely depending on the theory and different value assessments, as well as having dis-
organization of interest. tinct languages and methodologies. For each the-
Moreover, researchers and managers are related ory, there is a dedicated group of scholars working
to one another such that researchers themselves on research to test hypotheses derived from their
can, at times, be direct causal agents in organiza- theory. To establish their distinct niches within
tional actions (Bradbury and Lichtenstein, 2000). a research field, groups of researchers empha-
For example, making explicit the implicit theory- size how their theories differ from one another
in-use within organizations can catalyze organiza- (Mone and McKinley, 1993). Over time, barri-
tional change (Argyris and Schön, 1978), thereby ers between groups of theorists grow (Aldrich,
undermining the behavioral relevance of a pre- 1992). As researchers perceive their theories to be
viously identified theoretical explanation. Con- incommensurable and discontinue conversations
versely, an invalid theory, if vigorously promoted with advocates of alternative theories (Mahoney,
to managers and given sufficient time, could be- 1993), integration becomes very difficult (Jack-
come a more accurate description of their behav- son and Carter, 1991). For instance, in a debate
ior (Brennan, 1994). Ferraro, Pfeffer, and Sutton with finance researchers Amihud and Lev (1999)
(2005, 2009), for example, maintain that economic and Denis, Denis, and Sarin (1999) concern-
theories become self-fulfilling as their behavioral ing the relation between equity ownership struc-
assumptions become normative in organizations. ture and corporate diversification strategies, Lane,
A related issue is that unlike the natural sciences, Cannella, and Lubatkin (1999) claim that agency
falsification of a theory in the social sciences theory and strategic management present two dif-
may not eliminate it permanently because the his- ferent worldviews. Such claims of incommensura-
torical and institutional conditions that originally bility imply difficulty in comparing—logically and
supported the theory, though subsequently super- empirically—the merits of distinct theories.
seded or transformed, may, with further historical Not only do we have a plurality of theories
change, return again to restore support (Hutchison, within management research, there is also no
1988). consensus about the criteria for evaluating theo-
ries. Critical realism (Fleetwood, 2005; Tsang and
Kwan, 1999), positivism (Donaldson, 1996; Wicks
and Freeman, 1998), constructivism (Mir and Wat-
One of the primary obstacles to testing man- son, 2000), interpretivism (Lee, 1991), and prag-
agement theories is their imprecision. Bacharach matism (Powell, 2002, 2003; Wicks and Freeman,
(1989: 501) comments that management theories 1998) are among the most prominent philosophies
‘are often stated in such a vague way that the the- of science reflected in management studies.
orists can rebut any discrediting evidence.’ Astley In the natural sciences, a common view is
and Zammuto (1992: 446) note: ‘while linguistic that there can be only one true theory explain-
ambiguity increases the potential number of empir- ing any particular phenomenon. Thus, researchers
ical tests conducted on a theory, it also reduces the espousing competing theories are keen to pro-
chance that those tests can amount to a refutation vide not only evidence that supports their theories
of the theory.’ Imprecise wording of hypotheses but also evidence that challenges rival theories
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
142 K. D. Miller and E. W. K. Tsang

(Chalmers, 1999). By contrast, among manage- derived from mathematical identities, which pro-
ment theorists, it is generally accepted that the vide some assurance against specification errors.
same phenomenon can be explained by different Instead, researchers are left to their own discre-
theories (Allison, 1971; Ghoshal, 2005). If expla- tion in choosing which variables to include and the
nations are not mutually exclusive, greater space functional forms of their models. Because our the-
is opened up for researchers to create original ories are incomplete, we augment our models with
theories that provide novel explanations. Taking control variables to reflect supplemental explana-
the view that various theories can coexist in har- tions to the extent that our data provide relevant
mony, some researchers advocate examining orga- proxies. Exercising discretion in model specifica-
nizational phenomena through multiple theoretical tion does not present an inherent bias against falsi-
lenses (Nambisan, 2002; Rajagopalan and Spre- fication, but it can be an occasion for opportunistic
itzer, 1996). For example, in their study of the behavior by researchers who are intent on verifi-
differential impact of foreign institutional and for- cation. Researchers seeking to verify their theories
eign corporate shareholders on the performance can search for specifications that produce theory-
of emerging market firms, Douma, George, and supporting results (Caudill and Holcombe, 1987,
Kabir (2006) use agency, resource-based, and insti- 1999; Leamer, 1978).
tutional theories, claiming that a multitheoretic Most tests of management theories are not con-
approach provides a more holistic perspective. ducted under the conditions of a closed system,
Viewed positively, this approach is compelling which is defined as ‘one in which a constant
given the complexity of organizations and the conjunction of events obtains; i.e., in which an
lack of a general theory to account for the rich event of type a is invariably accompanied by
variety of organizational phenomena. Viewed neg- an event of type b’ (Bhaskar, 2008: 70). Reg-
atively, it could evidence a failure to carefully ularity of events occurs when a phenomenon is
specify and scrutinize the assumptions, explana-
buffered from outside influences, but conditions
tions, and implications of different theories to
of closure are rarely achievable in the nonex-
determine whether they are compatible or incom-
perimental social sciences. Macro-organizational
patible. Whereas management researchers are not
phenomena are often not amenable to laboratory
entirely averse to engaging one another in debates
research, although it may be possible to extrap-
(Fabian, 2000), these exchanges tend to remain
olate, mutatis mutandis, from laboratory research
at a theoretical, and sometimes a philosophical,
level (De Cock and Jeanes, 2006). For instance, on individuals and groups to the organization level.
the debate between Ghoshal and Moran (1996) and Efforts to isolate social phenomena in laboratory
Williamson (1996) concerning how and how far experiments can introduce artificiality, which alters
organizations are able to reduce opportunism has behavioral responses (Harré and Second, 1972). It
remained at the theoretical level, stimulating few is impossible to specify all the necessary initial
follow-up empirical studies. By avoiding clearly conditions in a test situation, even in controlled
stating competing hypotheses and digging into the experiments (Caldwell, 1984). The openness of the
evidence, empirical claims within our theories are social world entails that a causal mechanism that is
never at risk in such debates. under study will not alone determine the course of
events observed by researchers (Peacock, 2000).
We can learn more from disconfirming cases
Research design than from confirming cases, yet our reasoning
Because management theories often do not pro- and sampling tend to have a confirmatory bias
vide guidance that is precise enough to know if (Wason and Johnson-Laird, 1972). The originators
our models are properly and fully specified, we of a theory may hold it with such conviction that
cannot assess the nature and extent of misspecifi- they—consciously or unconsciously—pay atten-
cation. For example, our theories specify causes tion primarily to supporting results. Observing
and effects, but rarely tell us the precise tim- this more than a century ago, Chamberlin (1965
ing (Mitchell and James, 2001). A theory may [1890]) advocated the method of multiple working
alert us to causality running in one direction, hypotheses: instead of basing empirical tests on
but neglect direct or indirect causal relations run- a single theory, researchers should try to develop
ning the other way. Rarely are our tested models tenable hypotheses for the phenomenon of interest
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
Testing Management Theories 143

from as many conceivable perspectives as possi- undermine the prospects for testing theories. Ac-
ble. By doing so, researchers are less likely to be cording to this thesis, theories are never tested
biased by theory when collecting observations and alone. Rather, they are tested together with other
conducting analyses. untested auxiliary hypotheses, which include back-
Researchers tend to adopt what Klayman and Ha ground assumptions and rules of inference. A the-
(1987: 211) call a ‘positive test strategy,’ that is, ory and its associated auxiliary hypotheses together
examining instances in which a theory is expected form a test system. Let H be the principal hypoth-
to hold. ‘A theory-confirming researcher perse- esis derived from a substantive theory of interest,
veres by modifying procedures until prediction- A the set of auxiliary hypotheses, and O the obser-
supporting results are obtained’ (Greenwald et al., vational consequence entailed by the conjunction
1986: 220). Journal review processes reinforce of H and A so that H ∧ A ⇒ O.2 An observa-
this confirmatory orientation by favoring theory- tion ‘not O’ implies ‘not (H ∧ A)’ rather than ‘not
supporting results (Feige, 1975; Pfeffer, 2007). H ’ alone. In other words, the whole test system,
In a similar vein, Aldrich (1992: 36) laments instead of the principal hypothesis, is falsified by
that management research ‘systematically disdains the contradictory outcome (Grünbaum, 1960), and
the two processes central to scientific endeavor: the existence of auxiliary hypotheses confounds
attempted replication of previous findings, and tests of the principal hypothesis. When a finding
publication of negative findings.’ A positive test does not support a theory, one can argue that the
strategy leads to inflated confidence in a the- problem resides in the failure to control for certain
ory’s corroborating evidence and generalizability; conditions of the theory, rather than in the theory
it also discourages exploration of possible alterna- itself (Nooteboom, 1986).
tive explanations. Consider, for example, the above mentioned
exchange about the relation between equity
ownership structure and corporate diversification
Unavoidable assumptions strategies. Finance and strategic management re-
In science and daily life, we operate on the basis of searchers arrive at distinct conclusions concerning
untested assumptions. No one can be a consistent the relation because they employ different test sys-
skeptic; action requires trust in the veracity of a tems. Researchers in the two fields measure key
guiding theory (Putnam, 1974). Neither theoretical constructs differently and use disparate reasoning
nor practical knowledge is free of presumptions to qualify and interpret empirical evidence (Lane
(Gadamer, 2002; Rescher, 1988, 2000). For exam- et al., 1999). These differing auxiliary assumptions
ple, researchers’ interest in empirical evidence pre- lead to the perception that the two research streams
supposes that our perceptions of data give some are not mutually informing, and obstruct reaching
indication of the way things are. Also, our use of a shared conclusion based on the evidence from
language to communicate our theories and find- past research.
ings assumes that others will interpret our research A critical problem posed by the Duhem-Quine
in ways that approximate our intended meaning thesis is that when an instance of falsification
(Campbell, 1963). As Polanyi (1962) points out, occurs, logic alone cannot isolate the elements
we cannot possibly doubt all of our beliefs simul- of a test system responsible for the falsification.
taneously; we can only doubt some beliefs on the This problem of underdetermination is particu-
basis of other beliefs that we hold unquestioningly. larly serious in the social sciences where there
Hence, Polanyi (1962) portrays scientists as oper- is little agreement among researchers as to how
ating from a ‘post-critical’ or fiduciary perspective, certain auxiliary hypotheses should be tested inde-
rather than from universal skepticism. Because of pendently (Meehl, 1978).
our unexamined assumptions and human fallibility, Testing management theories under the condi-
and our limited access to data, our conclusions are tions of an open, rather than closed, system further
always tentative and our generalizations are risky; aggravates the problems associated with isolat-
nevertheless, researchers venture bold claims about ing the relations of interest from other confound-
the relevance of their findings in settings beyond ing effects. Specifying the boundary conditions
those studied. of a theory is critical to advancing theory testing
The Duhem-Quine thesis (Duhem, 1954; Quine,
1961) raises a logical concern that threatens to 2
The logical operator ∧ signifies ‘and.’

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
144 K. D. Miller and E. W. K. Tsang

(Bacharach, 1989). For instance, the Uppsala inter- motivate the need for and possibility of critically
nationalization process model proposed by Johan- evaluating theories. As such, they make up the
son and Vahlne (1977) maintains that firms exhibit core of the critical realist philosophy of science.
a pattern of incremental commitment to foreign Because of the existence of an external referent,
markets as learning occurs over time. Early state- knowledge claims may be challenged and their
ments of the model were vague about its boundary merits assessed logically and empirically. Bhaskar
condition that the model applies primarily to over- (2008 : 43) notes: ‘To be a fallibilist about knowl-
seas expansions motivated by the objective of mar- edge, it is necessary to be a realist about things.’
ket seeking. If other motives—such as resource Science is a personal and social process and
seeking—are dominant, the model does not apply nothing in the methods of science guarantees
(Petersen and Pedersen, 1997). For years, lack of success in arriving at truth (Miller, 2005). Re-
clarity about this boundary condition caused con- searchers’ fallibility and unavoidable reliance upon
fusion about how far empirical data supported the presumptions rule out claims to indubitable knowl-
model. edge, but do not preclude knowledge claims in
general (Bernstein, 1983; Polanyi, 1962). Lacking
an indubitable basis for science, we can, neverthe-
CRITICAL REALISM AND THEORY less, reasonably assert the veracity or falsity of sci-
EVALUATION entific theories—albeit, not definitively. A critical
realist perspective affirms the possibility of truth-
For guidance on how to evaluate theories, we turn ful knowing but acknowledges that human limita-
to critical realism, which is a growing intellec- tions undermine claims to indubitable or objective
tual movement in the social sciences (Cruickshank, knowledge.
2003), especially economics (Lawson, 1997), man- Critical realism rejects judgmental relativism —
agement (Fleetwood and Ackroyd, 2004), market- the inability to judge the merits of theories—as a
ing (Hunt, 1992), and sociology (Hamlin, 2002).3 general implication of researchers’ fallibility and
This section briefly describes some key elements of social situatedness (Sayer, 2000). Critical realism
this philosophy of science, including its epistemo- takes a balanced and modest stance regarding the
logical stance, reliance upon explanations stated in prospects for affirming and rejecting theories based
terms of mechanisms, and view that nature consists on empirical evidence. As Sayer (2000: 70) sum-
of irreducible strata. marizes, ‘Just as assessing truth or practical ade-
quacy is not an all-or-nothing affair, neither is
Epistemological stance falsification. In practice it is messy, provisional
and often partial, and the empirical observations
Critical realism interrelates ontology and episte- are theory-laden—or at least conceptually medi-
mology. On the one hand, it posits a realist ontol- ated—though this does not make it impossible for
ogy, that is, the existence of a world independent the theory in question to be contradicted.’
of researchers’ knowledge of it. On the other hand,
critical realism holds to a fallibilist epistemol-
ogy in which researchers’ knowledge of the world Mechanisms as explanations
is socially produced. These two claims jointly Bhaskar (2008) distinguishes between the domains
of the real, actual, and empirical. The real domain
It is beyond the scope of this article to compare critical realism consists of generative mechanisms, which refer to
with other philosophical perspectives, but we note a few refer- ‘the ways of acting of things’ (Bhaskar, 2008: 14).4
ences for the interested reader. Sayer (2000: Part II) compared
critical realism and various postmodernist perspectives. Bhaskar
Through enabling or preventing change, mecha-
(1998: Chapter 4), a key founder of critical realism, wrote a nisms give rise to events in the actual domain.
critique of positivism and hermeneutics. Manicas (1987: Chap- Some events are experienced, and some are not.
ter 12) critiqued positivist empiricism. Danermark et al. (2002:
Chapter 6) argued the merits of critical realism, as a methodolog-
The empirical domain is made up of events expe-
ical guide, over positivism (which is associated with quantitative rienced through direct or indirect observation, such
methods), as well as hermeneutics and phenomenology (which
are associated with qualitative methods). In strategic manage-
ment, Mir and Watson (2000, 2001), on one side, and Kwan and For further background on mechanisms see: Bunge (1997),
Tsang (2001), on the other, debated the merits of constructivism Hedström (2005), Hedström and Swedberg (1998), Machamer,
and critical realism. Darden, and Craver (2000), and Pajunen (2008).

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
Testing Management Theories 145

as detection through instruments. The reality of the data are wrong, or if countervailing mechanisms
world does not assure our access.5 Our situation, cause researchers to conclude prematurely that a
including our sensory capacities and instruments, theory is false.
can render aspects of the world imperceptible. Rather than focusing solely on empirical out-
Mechanisms can be—but need not be—stable, comes, critical realists seek explanations for con-
whereas events and empirical outcomes are always tingent relations, understood in terms of causal
contingent. Only to the extent that mechanisms are mechanisms. As such, critical realism rejects
intransient can they serve as explanations across Hume’s (2000 [1739]) conception of causality
cases and time. in terms of universal empirical regularities. A
The implications of mechanisms need not be science concerned with potentialities rather than
actualized or empirically evident. Realized events actualities, proposes and examines real causal
are conjunctures of all of the mechanisms operat- mechanisms. Hence, critical realists seek to test
ing in a situation (Bhaskar, 1998). Lawson offers explanations, not just correlations between observ-
a similar contention: ‘A demi-regularity, or demi- able antecedents and consequences (Carter and
reg for short, is precisely a partial event regularity New, 2004). The search for explanations also goes
which prima facie indicates the occasional, but less beyond the pragmatic concern for whether acting
than universal, actualization of a mechanism or on a theory produces the expected and desired
tendency, over a definite region of time-space. The effect.
patterning observed will not be strict if counter- Sayer (1992) emphasizes the priority of expla-
vailing factors sometimes dominate or frequently nation over prediction in theory testing. The valid-
co-determine the outcomes in a variable manner’ ity of predictions depends upon ceteris paribus
(Lawson, 1997: 204, emphasis in original). This conditions, which do not apply in open sys-
observation places great importance on establish- tems. By contrast, explanations based on causal
ing a theory’s boundary conditions, and account- mechanisms may function despite their effects
ing for countervailing mechanisms in order to test remaining unrealized due to other countervailing
a theory. For example, if an observed choice of mechanisms. In light of the openness of social
governance structure contradicts the prediction of systems, Bhaskar concludes, ‘. . .the rational devel-
transaction cost economics, it is not necessarily opment and replacement of theories in social
an incident of falsification. Rather, it may indicate science must be explanatory and non-predictive’
the presence of countervailing mechanisms, such (Bhaskar, 1998: 45–46. emphasis in original).
as tax incentives or government restrictions. There- Testing explanations requires examining not only
fore, testing a theory’s explanatory power involves the causal mechanism of interest, but also the
going beyond deducing a theory’s implications and empirical evidence regarding intervening and coun-
seeking empirical data regarding those implica- tervailing mechanisms. In this way, claims regard-
tions; it requires checking whether the proposed ing intervening and countervailing mechanisms
theoretical mechanisms account for the data. should not be invoked simply as a post hoc means
Bhaskar (2008) notes that the openness of social to bolster a theory in the face of contrary evidence;
systems has both extrinsic and intrinsic sources. they should be tested.
Extrinsic closure refers to the standard notion
of controlling for extraneous variables. Intrinsic
Strata within reality
closure inhibits individuals from altering their
behavioral responses to circumstances. Recog- Critical realism portrays reality as stratified. The
nizing system openness, critical realists (Archer, mechanisms operating in each stratum are unique
1998; Sayer, 1992) generally have dismissed con- and, despite being made up of components
clusive falsification as unattainable within social (Pajunen, 2008), may exhibit properties that are
science research. Furthermore, Bhaskar (2008: not explicable in terms of mechanisms operat-
160–162) cautions against ‘pseudo-falsification,’ ing at other levels. It is a conceptual error to
which can occur if a theory is not sufficiently conflate distinct strata (Archer, 1995). Instead,
developed to deal with anomalous findings if the emergent properties must be treated as depen-
dent upon other levels, but not reducible to the
The ‘epistemic fallacy’ associates reality only with the experi- mechanisms operating at those levels. Social phe-
ential, thereby limiting ontology to epistemology. nomena emerge from biological and psychological
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
146 K. D. Miller and E. W. K. Tsang

strata, but explanations drawn from biology or psy- distinction between the real, the actual, and the
chology may be too distant to account for them. empirical. Using variance designs (Mohr, 1982),
Following such reasoning, Nickel and Rodriguez researchers often study empirical regularities ex-
(2002) question management researchers’ extrap- pressed as correlations, rather than examining
olations from individual-level theories, such as causal explanations directly. Although research
Kahneman and Tversky’s (1979) prospect theory, methods training sensitizes us to the distinction
to formulate hypotheses about organizational risk between closed and open systems, our theories and
taking. The appropriate tests for theories involve empirical tests reflect to only a limited extent the
examining mechanisms at the level of analysis at critical realist emphasis on outcomes as resulting
which they occur, thereby reflecting the relevant from contingent conjunctions of mechanisms.
emergent properties that would be lost by exam- The methodological implications of critical real-
ining mechanisms only at lower strata. Machamer ism for management researchers remain sketchy.
et al. (2000: 13–14) refer to this level of analysis Ackroyd (2004) offers general implications of crit-
as where a mechanism ‘bottoms out.’ Mechanisms ical realism for management research. Tsang and
should not be reduced to their components if doing Kwan (1999) address the role of replicating prior
so strips them of essential properties. In adopt- research in theory development. Tsoukas (1989),
ing a stratified view of nature, Bhaskar (1998) Easton (2000), and Harrison and Easton (2004)
rejects reductionist approaches to social science propose critical realist approaches to case study
such as methodological individualist accounts of research. Mingers (2004) critiques researchers’ use
social phenomena. Critical realists reject conflation of statistical modeling. Fairclough (2005) explains
of levels and reductionism. a critical realist approach to organizational dis-
Stratification of the world justifies a parallel course analysis.
stratification of science. Indeed, a stratified view Some critical realists (Wuisman, 2005; Yeung,
of reality simplifies our research efforts by allow- 1997) acknowledge the gap between critical real-
ing us to focus on those mechanisms germane to ism’s contribution to philosophy of science and
the phenomenon of interest, without needing to the dearth of methodological guidance in this lit-
examine mechanisms associated with constituent erature. Those who have begun to address this gap
levels. Such focus should not, however, be taken to have done so primarily for the purposes of theory
mean that only one level of analysis is required to generation and verification, rather than theory fal-
explain any given social phenomenon. For exam- sification. We see a need to augment critical realist
ple, social phenomena often involve both agency, writings by specifying methods for testing theories.
at the individual level, and structure, at the social To the extent possible, proposed methods should
level (Archer, 1995). This multilevel perspective address the obstacles to theory testing identified
is evident in research on technological change earlier.
(Orlikowski, 1992), strategy (Jarzabkowski, 2008; This section advances practical guidance for
Pozzebon, 2004), and entrepreneurship (Sarason, evaluating theories—particularly management the-
Dean, and Dillard, 2006) as structuration pro- ories—that would facilitate theory testing from a
cesses. Mechanisms are not always uncovered by critical realist perspective. We first propose a four-
dropping to a lower level of analysis; mechanisms step approach to theory testing, and then advocate
can operate downward from a higher level or later- research programs that combine both extensive and
ally within the same level, as well as upward from intensive designs.
a lower level (Anderson et al., 2006).
Testing mechanisms
CRITICAL REALIST METHODS Within critical realism, to theorize is to propose
mechanisms that explain events. To identify mech-
The issues to which critical realism alerts us tend to anisms, researchers rely upon a mode of reason-
go unacknowledged in the design and implemen- ing beyond the two forms traditionally empha-
tation of management research. Most researchers sized in philosophy of science—deduction and
work from an implicit empiricist ontology, which induction (Wuisman, 2005). Retroduction is the
conflates the empirical and the real, rather than mode of inferential reasoning that reconstructs the
a realist ontology informed by Bhaskar’s (2008) conditions for the occurrence of an empirical
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
Testing Management Theories 147

phenomenon (Bhaskar, 2008; Danermark et al., interviews or questionnaires) can elicit evidence
2002; Sayer, 1992). Retroduction seeks to identify regarding mechanisms, although self-report mea-
the generative mechanisms that generalize beyond sures are susceptible to various kinds of biases and
the immediate instance of the phenomenon and must be treated with caution (Schwarz, Groves,
are critical to its occurrence. To abstract from and Schuman, 1998).
specific empirical instances to mechanisms, we Strategic management research tends to move
attempt to distinguish general and essential con- from theoretical arguments motivating sets of
ditions that underpin the phenomenon from inci- hypotheses directly to theory testing using multi-
dental and nonessential conditions (i.e., spurious variate models that incorporate proxies for multiple
effects). theoretical and control variables. Such research
Less emphasized in the coverage of critical real- seeks to test full theoretical systems using vari-
ist methods is the needed complementary process ance (i.e., correlation) methods. Bolstering this
of testing postulated mechanisms. Sayer (1992) approach is the concern that regression models
advocates testing mechanisms directly instead of that are less than fully specified produce biased
testing their observable implications. This view coefficients. We support the use of multivariate
reflects an analytical shift from empirical corre- correlational methods, but believe that they do not,
lations to real mechanisms. Whereas correlation by themselves, fulfill the exigencies of critical real-
analyses can evaluate the predicted implications ism. In particular, they neglect the requirement to
of a theory, they fail to substantiate or refute attend directly to testing causal mechanisms as part
a theory’s causal explanation directly or to rule of the process of verifying or falsifying a theory.
out alternative explanations. If mechanisms are Examining mechanisms directly calls for added
to be truly explanatory, they must be amenable research steps that specify the hypothesized mech-
to testing directly (Bromiley and Johnson, 2005; anisms, test for the presence of these mechanisms,
Tsang, 2006). However, critical realist discussions and determine whether they function as hypothe-
identify two characteristics that present formidable sized. These three steps, together with testing the
obstacles to testing explanations: (1) mechanisms full theoretical system, make up our four-step crit-
may not be directly observable and (2) their effects ical realist approach to theory testing.
are contingent. If critical realists are to engage in Step 1. The initial step involves identifying
both theory generating and theory testing research, the causal mechanisms believed to account for
they must overcome these two obstacles by pro- the hypothesized relations in a study. This step
viding methods to (1) identify and measure the requires interpretive work at the interface of theory
relevant mechanisms in play in a situation and and the empirical context of interest. Researchers
(2) test for conjunctions of mechanisms as expla- must resolve ambiguities in their theories and
nations for empirical outcomes. derive their implications for particular settings.
The concern about unobservable mechanisms The goal is a contextualized specification of the
has been addressed elsewhere in strategic manage- explanatory properties and processes that under-
ment research. Godfrey and Hill (1995) distinguish lie hypothesized causal relations. Because a theory
between constructs that are measurement unob- may propose different mechanisms to explain dif-
servable (i.e., there is no instrument appropriately ferent phenomena, researchers need to select those
calibrated) and state unobservable (i.e., observa- mechanisms that they believe operate in their par-
tion perturbs the state). In the former case, the key ticular research setting. More than one mechanism
emphasis needs to be on advances in measurement. may be relevant to a given causal relation; fur-
For the latter case, effort should be directed toward thermore, mechanisms may have complementary
techniques for unobtrusive data collection (Webb or conflicting implications for a hypothesized rela-
et al., 2000). The two forms of unobservability are tion. To illustrate the importance of identifying
not unique to critical realist research, and the meth- all relevant mechanisms, Bromiley and Johnson
ods for addressing both challenges are well estab- (2005) point out the varied and conflicting ways
lished, although success in overcoming them is by that top management team diversity affects firm
no means guaranteed. Mechanisms that are unob- performance.
servable from the researcher’s perspective may be To detail the steps in our critical realist approach
apparent, nevertheless, to participants within the to testing theories, consider a simple theory con-
research setting. Questioning participants (using tending that variables x1 and x2 jointly determine
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
148 K. D. Miller and E. W. K. Tsang

Step 1: Identify the hypothesized mechanisms. Tests for the presence of a mechanism can
involve looking for collateral implications of the
x1 mechanism beyond those predicted by the theory
m1 of interest (Goldthorpe, 2001). Even if a particu-
x2 m2 lar mechanism is not directly observable, the more
observable effects that logically are attributable to
the mechanism, the more compelling is the case for
Step 2: Test for the presence of the mechanisms (m1 and m2) its presence. For example, consider an argument
in the empirical setting. claiming that experience with an alliance partner
Step 3: Test isolated causal relations. leads to greater willingness to make asset-specific
investments, with growth in trust as the explana-
tion. Trust between alliance partners may not be
x1 y
directly observable, but it should produce a vari-
ety of manifest effects on negotiations, contracts,
and coordination processes. In this case, multiple
x2 y observable indicators provide indirect support for
the presence of an unobserved mechanism. The
Step 4: Test the theoretical system. reasoning here parallels the use of multiple indi-
x1 cators for latent constructs in structural equation
b1 y e
modeling but, in this case, the construct of interest
x2 b2 is a causal mechanism.
Bhaskar (1998) maintains that people’s reasons
Figure 1. Steps in a critical realist approach to testing can operate as causes, which in turn are respon-
theories sible for producing or inhibiting change. Such
intentional human behavior provides an opportu-
nity for testing the mechanism of a theory. The
y. The top portion of Figure 1 shows the path retroduction of intentions relies upon either truthful
diagram representing this theoretical system. The disclosure by the individuals involved, generaliza-
hypothesized mechanisms, m1 and m2 link x1 and tions about similarly-situated others, or projections
x2 , respectively, to y. We maintain the impor- of the researcher’s own intentions onto the stud-
tant distinction between the parameters relating ied subjects. In order to infer reasons and evaluate
x1 and x2 to y (designated β1 and β2 in step the subjects’ espoused reasons, we draw heuristi-
4), and the mechanisms themselves, m1 and m2 . cally upon our own self-understanding for insights
The circle encompassing the path diagram reflects into others’ unobservable intentions. Our common
the explicit or implicit ceteris paribus condition, humanity and experiences, rather than a posture
which treats the theoretical system as closed. Spec- of objectivity, inform the hermeneutical act of
ifying a model according to step 1 of Figure 1 chal- inferring intentions from others’ actions (Gadamer,
lenges theorists to clarify theoretical mechanisms 2002; Ricoeur, 1981).
(Anderson et al., 2006) and boundary conditions Bromiley and Johnson (2005) and Tsang (2006)
(Bacharach, 1989). contend that behavioral assumptions are funda-
Step 2. The next step in testing this theory is mental to the explanations of management theo-
to consider whether the proposed mechanisms are ries, yet they are often overlooked in empirical
indeed present in the empirical setting. Step 2 of evaluations. As such, it remains unclear whether
Figure 1 conveys the emphasis on substantiating the mechanisms really exist and account for the
the existence of the causal mechanisms. Failure phenomena as purported. For example, transac-
to validate the presence or the nature of postu- tion cost economics assumes that opportunism
lated mechanisms provides compelling evidence to is a key factor affecting governance costs, and
reject a theory’s arguments. Prioritizing testing for economizing on transaction costs in turn deter-
mechanisms, rather than jumping directly to testing mines the governance choice (Wathne and Heide,
their hypothesized relations to dependent variables, 2000). This explanation of managerial choice relies
runs contrary to the pattern in strategic manage- on an implicit view that perceived, rather than
ment research (Bromiley and Johnson, 2005). objective, transaction costs are what managers
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
Testing Management Theories 149

take into account when making their decisions Step 3. If the available evidence affirms the pres-
(Chiles and McMackin, 1996). To test the trans- ence of the theorized mechanisms, we move to
action cost economizing assumption, researchers testing their causal effects. Prior to attempting to
need to examine how managers actually perceive verify or falsify an entire theoretical system in an
and evaluate transaction costs. In other words, open context, we advocate testing binary or more
investigating managers’ perceptions and intentions complex subsets of relations under controlled cir-
would provide a direct test of the alleged mecha- cumstances. For the hypothetical example shown
nism. However, in a survey of the research, Tsang in Figure 1, we seek tests of the component x1 -y
(2006) found that researchers rarely subject the and x2 -y relations in contexts that isolate each rela-
theory’s core assumptions to empirical tests. This tion from other effects. Step 3 of Figure 1 depicts
assumption-omitting way of testing theories fails to such tests. To do so, we must move from the open
provide direct tests of their explanations. Two stud- system of the empirical context of ultimate interest
ies by Buckley and Chapman (1997, 1998) asked to experimental or quasi-experimental settings.
managers directly about the internalization and In spite of the threats to external validity (Guala
externalization of corporate activities and found no and Mittone, 2005), laboratory experiments allow
evidence of transaction cost economizing, indicat- for testing the effects of mechanisms under con-
ing the absence of the hypothesized mechanism. ditions similar to those of a closed system and,
Nevertheless, does Buckley and Chapman’s due to random assignment of treatments, gen-
(1997, 1998) finding really matter as long as gover- erally provide stronger evidence that supports
nance structures observed in the empirical domain or rejects hypotheses than do nonexperimental
are consistent with the assumption of transaction designs. Many theories invoke mechanisms that
cost economizing? Yes, it matters if we care to consist of chains of causal links in which one
understand the process giving rise to the outcome. event leads to another; experiments help to isolate
There is more than one reason for observed gov- and test these links. Moreover, experiments enable
ernance structures to be consistent with expecta- researchers to assess the merits of competing the-
tions based on transaction cost economizing: both ories by, for example, testing competing mediat-
natural selection and managerial choice are plau- ing relations proposed by those theories (Shadish,
sible causal mechanisms. An explanation based on Cook, and Campbell, 2002). Although experiments
natural selection ‘adopts the population of organi- have been a popular research method in psychol-
zations as the level of analysis, the environment ogy and organizational behavior, they are seldom
as the primary selection mechanism that utilizes used in strategic management research to facilitate
some selection criteria (e.g., transaction cost econ- tests of mechanisms (Croson, Anand, and Agar-
omizing), the long run as the appropriate time wal, 2007). A notable exception is the experiment
frame, and an ex post objective view of costs’ conducted by Sutcliffe and Zaheer (1998) to study
(Chiles and McMackin, 1996: 76). In this framing, the effects of different kinds of uncertainty on
firms engage in a random series of configurational the likelihood of vertical integration. Another is
changes, some of which are by accident transaction Schweiger, Sandberg, and Rechner’s (1989) exper-
cost reducing while others are not. Firms that hap- iment involving managers in dialectical inquiry,
pen to arrive at low transaction cost configurations devil’s advocacy, and consensus approaches to
will succeed relative to those that do not (Buckley group strategic decision making.
and Chapman, 1997). The surviving governance A behavioral simulation involves individuals in
structures are generally consistent with the logic of a setting constructed to mimic key aspects of a
transaction cost economics regardless of whether naturally occurring organizational situation. The
managers’ choices were based on transaction cost realism of the constructed setting is the key feature
economizing (Robins, 1987). The issue here is that distinguishing behavioral simulations from labora-
the natural selection approach invokes a mecha- tory experiments. In an interactive behavioral sim-
nism very different from that of the managerial ulation, researchers control the simulated context
choice approach (Hodgson, 1993). As such, iden- and observe the behaviors and decisions coming
tifying the mechanisms operating in the empirical from participants’ interactions with one another.
setting is an effective way of assessing competing The method is particularly suited for strategy pro-
theories of the same phenomenon. cess research (Dutton and Stumpf, 1991). For
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
150 K. D. Miller and E. W. K. Tsang

example, Hough and White (2003) used an interac- unbiased by omitted theoretical variables through
tive behavioral simulation to study the moderating choosing research settings where the unmeasured
effect of environmental dynamism on the relation variables can be assumed to be either invariant or
of decision making comprehensiveness to decision irrelevant.
quality. Gist, Hopper, and Daniels (1998) report The openness of social systems complicates test-
that interactive behavioral simulations remain quite ing jointly a theory’s hypotheses. Although the
rare in management research—even among studies theoretical system is closed (see step 1), the empir-
published in organizational behavior journals. ical contexts of organizations and industries are
Quasi-experiments share some characteristics of not. Step 4 of Figure 1 depicts the open theoreti-
laboratory experiments, but they occur in field cal system in which outside influences give rise
settings and researchers have less than full con- to unexplained variance that is relegated to the
trol over the assignment and scheduling of effects error term, ε. Here, the error term results from
(Shadish et al., 2002). Thus, quasi-experiments omitting variables relevant to the empirical context
have some merit by offering conditions that ap- but outside the scope of the theory itself. Failure
proximate randomly assigned treatments. In to account for some of the relevant mechanisms
contrast with laboratory experiments, quasi- diminishes the proportion of variance explained
experiments trade off some control for exter- by a model and potentially biases the estimated
nal validity (Grant and Wall, 2009). Again, with effects of the theoretical variables. Step 4, in con-
few exceptions, management researchers outside trast with the original theoretical model (step 1),
the domain of organizational behavior rarely use focuses on estimable partial correlations (β1 and
quasi-experimental designs. An example of such β2 ) and omits the generative mechanisms (m1 and
exceptions is Szulanski and Jensen’s (2004) inves- m2 ). This switch from mechanisms to correlations
tigation of the role of templates in the replication accommodates established multivariate methods.
of organizational routines, which was based on an We acknowledge that fitting empirical data to a
eight-year longitudinal case study that took the multivariate model treats the process generating
form of a naturally occurring, repeated-treatment the dependent variable as a black box and, as such,
quasi-experiment. correlational analysis can only complement other
We recommend that strategic management and research that directly tests mechanisms, not substi-
organization researchers further explore the poten- tute for such tests.
tial of laboratory experiments, behavioral simula- Acknowledging potentially relevant outside con-
tions, and quasi-experiments for providing data to tingencies, in large sample studies researchers
rigorously test the relations invoked in their the- attempt to include control variables to account
ories. Because such research designs fall outside for effects beyond those in their theory and inter-
the training typically acquired in strategic manage- actions to reflect conjunctions of mechanisms.
ment doctoral programs, we see opportunities for However, critical realist reasoning can lead to
collaborating with scholars in fields such as orga- an ‘interactionist regress’ (Sayer, 1992: 189) in
nizational behavior and psychology where such which explaining outcomes as contingent conjunc-
designs are in the mainstream. tions of mechanisms results in complex interac-
Step 4. If empirical data corroborate a theory’s tions that are difficult to understand conceptually
mechanisms and their effects, then the next step and test empirically. Large-sample analytical meth-
to take in evaluating the theory is to examine ods require simplifying generalizations regarding
the implications of its mechanisms jointly. This the contingencies affecting observations, whereas
step moves the analysis from isolated mechanisms case research can identify and take into account
to the entire theoretical system, thereby adding idiosyncratic contingencies (Nash, 1999). We dis-
complexity to the evaluative procedure. At this cuss next how different research designs contribute
stage, we are interested in whether all of the to theory testing.
theory’s mechanisms are necessary and whether
they are jointly sufficient to explain the outcome.
Research designs
For a complicated management theory, it may not
be feasible to test all of its mechanisms in a single Critical realism is highly pluralist in terms of
study. In such cases, a second-best alternative is empirical research methods. Because different
to design tests of subsets of mechanisms that are methods focus on different aspects of reality,
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
Testing Management Theories 151

combining several methods together in a research mechanisms after controlling for other mechanisms
program yields a rich understanding of the phe- that also could affect the outcome. Ron submits
nomenon of interest (Mingers, 2001). Critical that researchers’ repeated respecification of regres-
realists distinguish between extensive and inten- sion models exhibits an exploratory search for
sive designs, and maintain that both approaches mechanisms affecting an empirical outcome. Such
are needed and complementary (Danermark et al., exploratory use of regression analysis seeks to
2002; Sayer, 1992, 2000). Extensive research tests explain empirical patterns retrospectively, and, for
empirical generalities across cases and typically open systems the result should not be interpreted
employs quantitative methods. Intensive research as a predictive model, nor do conventional cri-
tries to uncover the explanatory mechanisms rel- teria for evaluating the statistical significance of
evant in particular cases, and is often associated coefficients for theory-determined models apply.
with qualitative modes of analysis. Mixed designs If our intent is to falsify theories, researchers
combine both extensive and intensive designs, ought to pursue model respecifications that under-
thereby utilizing their complementary strengths mine hypothesized relations, not just post hoc
and weaknesses. Critical realism encourages mixed respecifications that favor the theory (Caudill and
designs in efforts to cope with the complex- Holcombe, 1987, 1999; Kennedy, 2005; Leamer,
ity of studied phenomena, aspects of which may 1978) or adjustments in theoretical arguments to
go undetected by any single research approach fit findings (Lipton, 1991).
(Mingers, 2006). Manicas (1987, 2006) raises the concern that
the causes postulated in critical realist research
Extensive designs. Critical realist concerns about are not linearly additive and, thus, violate a key
relying upon extensive designs revolve around assumption of regression modeling. Such a critique
(1) their focus on empirical correlations rather misses some possibilities for using multivariate
than specifying explanatory mechanisms, (2) as- modeling in critical realist research. For example,
sumptions of model stability and closure, and researchers can use regression models with inter-
(3) reliance upon statistical tests of significance action terms to test contingent effects. If a hypoth-
(Mingers, 2004). Conveying similar concerns, esized effect varies over the range of values for a
Sayer observes: ‘Given the disjunction between regressor, then a spline function can be used. Using
mechanisms and events, a strong correlation (or regression analysis, relations for which empirical
some other quantitative association) need not imply tests are feasible consist primarily of direct effects
causation, nor a weak one absence of a causal or and lower-level (two-way or three-way) curvilinear
structural relation. If a theory is to help solve this effects, rather than more complex contingent rela-
type of problem it must postulate causal mecha- tions. Hierarchical linear modeling allows coef-
nisms and not merely specify how total variation ficients to vary contingent upon moderating and
in the dependent variable might relate quantita- mediating effects at other levels of analysis (Hof-
tively to variation in the independent variables’ mann, Griffin, and Gavin, 2000; Zhang, Zyphur,
(Sayer, 1992: 194). Even Starbuck’s (2006) prior- and Preacher, 2009) and, as such, is another tool
itization of effect size over statistical significance suitable to critical realists’ interest in testing the
omits the goal of explanation through identifying effects of intervening mechanisms on theoretical
mechanisms and their surrounding contingencies. relations.
Estimated effect sizes capture causal importance For models with complex and dynamic con-
only if models are specified in terms of contin- junctions, computer simulation modeling offers a
gent relations reflecting complex conjunctures of means to transition from theoretical arguments to
mechanisms. empirical testing. Experimentation with a simula-
However, Ron (2002) offers some counterargu- tion model generates data for a response surface
ments to address such concerns. He points out reflecting the effects of multiple variables on a
that open systems do not necessarily undermine particular outcome of interest. Such data permit
empirical regularities and the occurrence of such estimation of an algebraic function, often called a
regularities can provide insights into the opera- meta-model, which captures the effects of a set of
tive mechanisms. Working from a critical realist independent variables on the dependent variable.
perspective, a researcher uses regression analysis Response surface methods estimate a multivariate
to demonstrate the effects of theorized causal equation that approximates the functional relation
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DOI: 10.1002/smj
152 K. D. Miller and E. W. K. Tsang

of explanatory variables to an outcome variable as ethos of professionalism was a mechanism coun-

generated by a complex simulation model (Law tering the ascriptive nature of racist tendencies.
and Kelton, 2000). Provided relevant empirical Intentional sampling is an important step if
data are available, an estimated meta-model can intensive designs are to yield evidence verifying
be tested. This combination of simulation mod- or falsifying theoretical claims. Contrasting cases
eling of complex systems resulting in an empir- can provide evidence from natural experiments
ically testable regression model provides a way regarding how mechanisms operate under differ-
to move from complex (nonlinear) dynamic sys- ent conditions. Intertemporal comparisons through
tems to empirical tests using established meth- repeated studies of the same case can reveal how
ods. Such methods can advance empirical testing continuities and discontinuities in mechanisms and
in research areas such as organizational struc- contexts affect outcomes (Harrison and Easton,
ture and learning, where simulation research has 2004). Pathological or extreme cases can reveal
enhanced our understanding of the relevant mech- conditions where mechanisms are undermined or
anisms (Carley, 1992; Lin and Hui, 1999; Rah- unimpeded (Danermark et al., 2002). As Collier
mandad, 2008). (1994: 165) explains, ‘[B]y seeing how something
goes wrong we find out more about the conditions
of its working properly than we ever would by
Intensive designs. Intensive designs complement observing it working properly.’
extensive designs by addressing the differences Choosing cases that are very different from
across cases that one would expect if empirical out- one another enables tests that allow researchers
comes result from conjunctions of multiple mecha- to judge the relative merits of competing theories
nisms in open systems. The purpose behind inten- (Stinchcombe, 1968). This approach involves find-
sive designs is to identify and describe the gen- ing theories within a particular research area that
erative mechanisms operating in particular cases, make arguments that lead to conflicting empiri-
which is often not feasible for extensive designs. cal predictions. Setting up direct empirical tests
An intensive design emphasizes the collection of of conflicting theoretical predictions provides more
detailed data within one or more cases. The data compelling evidence regarding their relative mer-
are often qualitative, as are the analytic methods. its than does testing the implications of a sin-
Established methods for case study, ethnographic, gle theory and then invoking the alternative as
grounded theory, and action research guide inten- a post hoc explanation for unanticipated findings.
sive designs. Sagan’s (1993) case study of the Cuban missile
A distinctive feature of critical realist deploy- crisis is an exemplar of testing competing mecha-
ment of these methods is the emphasis on retro- nisms and implications proposed by the two major
duction. Intensive investigation of a case affords a theories that explain accidents in hazardous high-
unique opportunity to evaluate whether the mecha- technology organizations—normal accident theory
nisms proposed by a theory jointly affect empirical (Perrow, 1984) and high reliability theory (La
outcomes as expected, while taking into consid- Porte and Consolini, 1991; Roberts, 1989).
eration intervening and countervailing contextual
mechanisms. Easton (2000: 212) concludes: ‘Case Auxiliary hypotheses. The aforementioned
research which would wish to lay claim to a real- Duhem-Quine thesis informs how we test mech-
ist philosophy should be carried out in a different anisms and theoretical systems. Because the pres-
way: to be inquisitive, to look for the roots of ence of auxiliary hypotheses (A) confounds the
things, to disentangle complexities and to concep- testing of any theoretical hypothesis (H ), it is
tualise and re-conceptualise, test and retest, to be possible to accept a given theoretical hypothesis
both rigorous and creative and above all to seek for under one set of auxiliary hypotheses and reject the
the underlying reality through the thick veil which hypothesis under another set of auxiliary hypothe-
hides it.’ For instance, Porter’s (1993) ethno- ses. Although the confounding effects implied by
graphic study of how racism affected the occupa- the Duhem-Quine thesis cannot be eliminated,
tional relationships between nurses and doctors in Sawyer, Beed, and Sankey (1997) suggest two
a hospital adopted a critical realist perspective for ways of assessing the effects of auxiliary hypothe-
identifying mechanisms that generated the racist ses. One method is to conduct sensitivity analyses
events and found that the universalist-achievement where the auxiliary hypotheses are altered. For
Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 32: 139–158 (2010)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
Testing Management Theories 153

example, researchers can draw different samples, practical and philosophical obstacles, including the
use alternative measures, vary model specifica- complexity and contingency of social phenom-
tions, or employ dissimilar statistical methods for ena, imprecisely specified theories, the openness of
fitting and evaluating models. Consistent falsifying social systems, and the unavoidability of untested
or supporting evidence using alternative auxiliary assumptions. Critical realist arguments regarding
hypotheses is more conclusive than if alternative the conditions that make science possible also are
auxiliary hypotheses produce conflicting findings. relevant to making theory testing possible in the
A second method is to test the auxiliary hypothe- face of such challenges (Bhaskar, 2008; Van de
ses directly. Mäki (2000) distinguishes negligibil- Ven, 2007). Critical realism confronts the complex-
ity assumptions (that effects are small enough to ity of social phenomena by espousing explanations
neglect), joint negligibility assumptions (that a set stated in terms of mechanisms that generalize,
of effects is collectively small enough to neglect), with empirical effects that are contingent. Criti-
applicability assumptions (identifying contingen- cal realist philosophy acknowledges that theories
cies that make effects non-negligible), early-step are social products, but ontological realism pro-
assumptions (restrictions that are later relaxed), vides some hope of achieving greater precision
and as-if assumptions (involving counterfactual over time through testing our theories. To deal
claims). At the broadest level, Mäki (2000) distin- with the openness of social phenomena, manage-
guishes between the core and peripheral assump- ment researchers can employ experimental and
tions of a theory: core assumptions indicate the quasi-experimental designs to complement nonex-
major causes postulated by a theory while perimental designs. Critical realism also supports
peripheral assumptions refer to the minor causes. efforts to replicate prior research and directly test
Although tests of theories center on core assump- auxiliary hypotheses (Tsang and Kwan, 1999).
tions, direct tests of peripheral assumptions can We sought to make critical realist philosophy
provide further evidence qualifying theories. of science practical by addressing its implications
Replications that extend prior studies can help for testing management theories. We proposed a
researchers examine the implications of alternative series of four complementary steps for testing
auxiliary hypotheses by focusing their attention on strategic management and organization theories:
one part of the test system at a time. Suppose (1) identify the hypothesized mechanisms, (2) test
the findings of a study did not support the test for the presence of the mechanisms in the empir-
system, H ∧ A. Suspecting that a certain auxiliary ical setting, (3) test isolated causal relations using
hypothesis caused the result, a researcher replicates experimental or quasi-experimental designs, and
the study with an alternative auxiliary hypothesis (4) test the theoretical system using correlational
(A ) while keeping the rest of the test system methods. Though there have been scattered dis-
intact. Finding support for the new test system, cussions of these steps and the methods that they
H ∧ A , confirms the researcher’s conjecture.6 If entail in the literature, we know of no other attempt
the system is still not supported, the researcher to organize them into an integrative research pro-
needs to consider whether H should be rejected. In cess that facilitates theory testing from a critical
a similar vein, Søberg (2005) submits that a series realist perspective.
of experiments can be used to locate the source of Most empirical studies in strategic manage-
disconfirming evidence. ment, especially those based on extensive research
designs, seek to identify empirical regularities
expressed as correlations, and thus are located at
CONCLUSION step 4 of our recommended four-step approach.
Although many research studies also touch upon
To successfully test theories, management re-
step 1 during the development of hypotheses, steps
searchers must overcome a formidable set of
2 and 3 have been neglected for the most part.
Without examining causal mechanisms directly,
An assumption here is that the study has to be repeated in order
to examine the auxiliary hypothesis in question; that is, a simple it is difficult to adjudicate conflicting explana-
reanalysis of the prior data will not do. This is the case when, tions for empirical findings. Even in the face of
for example, the auxiliary hypothesis is about the measurement cumulative, mostly confirming empirical findings,
of a certain variable in a questionnaire survey. In such a case,
a new survey with a different set of measurement items for that omitting tests for the presence and causal effects
variable is needed. of mechanisms leaves theoretical explanations in
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