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2. Ph6 t6ng giarn a6c di~u hanh va true tiep phu trach.

,' Vice General Director is responsible for:

Cac bao cao theo Quy ch€ hoat d(mg cua Nguoi dai dien theo uy quyen theo yeu du cua T6ng Cong Ty
Xay Dung Sai Gon.z Reports in accordance with the Operation Regulation of the authorized representative
at the request of Saigon construction corporation.

Ky cac van ban, cong van d€n, di I Signing the in and out document, official correspondence.

Ky thong bao thanh toan tien thue phat sinh hang thang/ Signing the Notices on requesting payment of
monthly leasing

Ky Hop a6ng lao d(mg va phu trach nhan S1J cua cac T6, Phong ban Cong ty/ Signing Labor Contracts and
be in charge of manage human resources of Divisions, Department of the Company.

Phu trach cong tac sira chira nang dp Van phong, Can h()./ To be in charge of repairing and upgrading
Offices, Apartments.

Ky cac hop d6ng cho thue can h(>, phong.z Signing leasing contracts related to Offices, Apartments.

3. Phu trach k~ toan tnrc tiep phu trach Van phong va Phong k~ toan/The person in charge of Accountant is
responsible for office and accounting department

Phu trach k€ toan duce duyet chi 3 khoan chi duoi 1.000.000 d6ngltuin (Mot trieu d6ng) I The perso 111
charge of accountant inspect expenses under 1.000.000 VND (one million VND) with 03 expeneses/week ,

Dam bao cac dich vu mua ngoai tren I 0.000.000 d6ng phai co ky hop ct6ng gitra 2 ben/ Guaranteeing l ~>).\
services purchased from outside over VND l 0,000,000 must be mutually signed. ·: 1 *
''! ;l:
Phu trach s6 sach, s6 lieu k€ toan, dam bao c?p nhat diy du cac nghiep vu phat sinh./ Documenting, : ·~\./
accounting data, updating all the accrued issues.

Ph~1 trach bao cao vci co quan thue, bao cao n()i b() thang, quy, thong ke/ Reporting to the taxation office,
internal report in month, quarter, statistic

Phu trach quan ly quy tiSn mat va con d~u cua Cong ty/ Managning and keeping company's cash & stamp

Thirc hien cac nhiern vu khac theo yeu du phan cong hoac uy quyen cua Ban TGD./ Performing other
tasks according to the assignment or authorization of Management Boa.rd.

Ky ten/Signature

T6ng giam dflc/General Director


Ph6 t6ng giarn dflcNice General Director


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