Why Ethics Matter in The Field of Pharmacy: Adonis A. Natividad Jr. BSP Ii 7/6/19

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Adonis A. Natividad Jr.

BSP II 7/6/19

Why Ethics Matter in the Field of Pharmacy

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deal with the moral aspect of human

behavior. Ethics is generally important in everyday decision making, but ethics

play a major role in the field of medicine because it deals with human lives. People

in the medical field often hold the strings of life and death and it’s important to

weigh the everyday moral decisions they make.

Some people may think that the moral decisions in the field of medicine is

black and white. What’s best for the patient is often hard to determine. Since

pharmacy is an evolving profession, it is incredibly important to maintain

standards and that includes direct patient care. Pharmacists must be aware of their

words, actions, and approach when interacting with patients. Emotional

intelligence becomes a crucial role in a pharmacist’s tool kit when they want to

succeed and provide the best care possible for the patient. Pharmacists often have

to listen to embarrassing stories from patients, so it’s incredibly important to make

the patient feel comfortable. Pharmacists also have to refute and correct certain

misunderstandings from patients and they must do it with the utmost respect.

Another reason is that the profession is being integrated with other

healthcare team members, it’s important to create communities of trust and

encouragement. Trust is important when it comes to teamwork, much so if the

Adonis A. Natividad Jr. BSP II 7/6/19

professions deal with life and death. It’s also vital to encourage other healthcare

members because the daily things they face is not for the faint of heart. It can be

draining to new members, so it’s important to encourage them.

The third reason is the pharmacist’s role in dispensing. The pharmacist must

be aware of the consequences when there is a mistake in their dispensing. Drugs

sometimes have negative side effects that would endanger a patient’s life if the

wrong dose or amount is given. Pharmacists also handle narcotic drugs which tend

to be addictive substances and often have negative effects on the nervous system.

It’s important for pharmacists to pay attention in every calculation and every

dispensing they make.

The final reason is the pharmacist’s expectations. It is important to strike a

balance between optimism and pessimism. It’s best to set realistic expectations to

not get discouraged. Whether it’s the business aspect or the social aspect. A

pharmacist’s job deals with many kinds of individuals, including workers, and it’s

of paramount importance to net let cynicism seep through and maintain a good

moral outlook on life.

To conclude, a pharmacist’s daily routines is often plagued with moral

dilemmas, so learning ethics will help him or her succeed in the field. Ethics helps

sharpen our conscience and allow quick moral decision making to be made.

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