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Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.61.1.9 on 1 January 1989. Downloaded from on October 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.

Br Heart J 1989;61:9-13

Treatment of pain in acute myocardial infarction
From the Department of Medicine I, Sahlgren's Hospital, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
SUMMARY The treatment of pain in acute myocardial infarction varies with local practice.
Narcotic analgesics are still the usual treatment in many hospitals. Knowledge of optimal doses,
duration of pain relief, and time between drug administration and pain relief is inadequate. Many
studies indicate that the relief of pain is often incomplete after' treatment with narcotic analgesics.
There is often a need for altemative treatments. Large randomised studies consistently show that
fi blockade, initially given intravenously and then orally, relieves pain and reduces the need for
analgesics. Studies also indicate that early administration of streptokinase and glyceryl trinitrate
relieves pain. There is evidence that drugs that limit ischaemic damage also relieve pain.
Chest pain is the most obvious clinical marker of relief is assessed. Since the pain course is difficult to
myocardial ischaemia in the acute phase of a suspec- predict, it is difficult to assess whether or not relief or
ted acute myocardial infarction. Pain relief is impor- complete disappearance of pain is the result of drug
tant, not only for patient well being, but also because administration. It is said that in many patients relief
pain can induce systemic circulatory effects such as of pain is unsatisfactory after the administration of
an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and stroke morphine' and that narcotics rarely give complete
volume. These changes may adversely influence the pain relief.47
balance between myocardial metabolic requirement
and supply and result in infarct extension. Various DELAY UNTIL OPTIMAL ANALGESIA
treatments have been suggested ranging from pure The time lag from drug administration until optimal
analgesics, particularly narcotics or tranquillisers, to relief of pain has not been comprehensively assessed.
drugs that have a direct or indirect effect on the A delay of 20 minutes was reported after intravenous
ischaemic myocardium.'' administration and 45-90 minutes after intra-
muscular administration of analgesics.89 It is likely
Narcotic analgesics that diamorphine and maybe also methadone act
somewhat faster than morphine.410 The effect of
DRUGS diamorphine may be more rapid because it is more
The most commonly used agents are morphine, soluble in water and so it reaches the circulation more
pethidine, pentazocine, methadone, and diamor- quickly. Its active metabolite, 6-monoacetyl-
phine (heroin). Morphine and diamorphine are the morphine, also quickly passes the blood-brain
most popular because they have been more exten- barrier.
sively studied and have better haemodynamic effects
than, for example, pentazocine. DURATION OF ANALGESIA
The duration of analgesia is difficult to estimate
RELIEF OF PAIN because of the large variability in the course of
The analgesic effect is said to be the result of an pain.1 12 Postoperative studies suggest that analgesia
increased pain threshold and a reduced sympath- is effective for seven and nine hours after the
etico-adrenal response. Relief of pain in suspected administration of 10 and 15 mg morphine respec-
acute myocardial infarction varies considerably. The tively."
results depend on how soon after the injection pain
Requests for reprints to Dr Johan Herlitz, Department of Medicine Little is known about the optimal doses of narcotic
I, Sahlgren's Hospital, S-s413 45 Gothenburg, Sweden. analgesics in suspected acute myocardial infarction.
Accepted for publication 12 August 1988 Other clinical applications indicate that 7-9 mg of
Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.61.1.9 on 1 January 1989. Downloaded from on October 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
10 Herlitz, Hjalmarson, Waagstein
morphine/70 kg is optimal and that any further dose effect that persisted for the first hour. In a placebo
increase does not produce greater relief of pain.'3 In controlled study by Waagstein and Hjalmarson of
one study 15 mg of morphine given postoperatively practolol, H 87/07 (AB Hassle, Molndal, Sweden)
resulted in effective pain relief in 83% of patients, and metoprolol, three selective blockers two ofwhich
whereas 10 mg produced relief in 74 %. " Any evalua- (H 87/07 and practolol) had intrinsic stimulatory
tion of optimal doses of narcotic analgesics must take activity, pain relief occurred within two minutes and
account of the side effects. the maximum effect was observed within five min-
utes ofthe end of intravenous injection. Ten minutes
SIDE EFFECTS after injection 70% had satisfactory pain relief and
Circulatory after one hour 50% had satisfactory pain relief.
When morphine is given to patients who are standing Metoprolol (with no intrinsic stimulatory activity)
or sitting it induces a drop in blood pressure, most had the most pronounced effect on pain and on heart
probably by dilatating the capacitance vessels. The work. The effect was similar irrespective of whether
unfavourable cardiovascular effects of morphine the infarction was transmural or subendocardial.2
have been explained by activation of the para- These initial observations have been confirmed in
sympathetic nervous system. Previously it was sug- large randomised studies in which more represen-
gested that morphine could induce severe hypoten- tative patient populations have been studied.
sion in a high proportion of patients with acute Intravenous administration of different P blockers
myocardial infarction.'4 But studies showed a sig- such as propranolol, atenolol, metoprolol, and
nificant drop in blood pressure with or without an timolol reduces the pain early,'"22 and consumption
increase in heart rate in 2-8%." 16 Hypotension has of analgesics indicates that symptoms of pain are
not been shown to be associated with infarct site.'6 reduced during the next few days if early intravenous
Unlike morphine, pentazocine increases the sys- treatment is followed by oral treatment.2'2324 In the
temic and pulmonary artery pressures, left ven- Goteborg Metoprolol Study of 1395 patients the
tricular filling pressure, systemic vascular resistance, requirement for analgesics was reduced by 30%
and systolic and diastolic heart volumes and during the first four days in the coronary care unit.2'
decreases the ejection fraction.7 18 Morphine, Similar results were reported by Ramsdale et al in a
therefore, seems to protect the myocardium more study including 78 patients with suspected acute
than pentazocine. myocardial infarction.'0 Of those who received
atenolol intravenously followed by oral treatment,
Respiratory 60% required narcotic analgesics during the next 24
Morphine, diamorphine, pethidine, and pentazocine hours compared with 77% of patients given placebo.
all induce moderate respiratory changes in acute In the Metoprolol in Acute Myocardial Infarction
myocardial infarction including a marginal decrease on (MIAMI) Trial which included 5778 patients
in PO2 and a marginal increase in pCO.20 It has been randomised to either metoprolol or placebo treat-
suggested that diamorphine induces a more rapid but ment,24 the estimated number of hours of pain was
not more pronounced increase in pCO2 and a more reduced by 17%. The number of patients with severe
pronounced decrease in P02 than morphine. Res- chest pain (defined as pain requiring at least four
piratory insufficiency seems to be rare after treatment injections of narcotic analgesics in combination with
with narcotic analgesics in acute myocardial infarc- glyceryl trinitrate and calcium antagonist) was
tion. There was respiratory failure in 1 % of patients reduced by 42% in the metoprolol group.
given morphine and 3% of patients given pethidine
in acute myocardial infarction." SUBGROUP ANALYSIS
Cenitral nervous system In two metoprolol studies the authors assessed the
Nausea was reported in 20-30% of patients given distribution of pain relief in different subgroups.2324
morphine or pethidine"1 and 5-15% of patients In both the effect was most pronounced in patients
treated with narcotic analgesics vomited.'5 Vertigo with a high initial rate-pressure product. In patients
occurred in 10-30% of patients.'5 All these symp- with either a low initial systolic blood pressure
toms are common in acute myocardial infarction and (< 120 mm Hg) or a low initial heart rate (< 60 beats/
it is difficult to assess their association with drug min) the pain course was similar in patients given
treatment. metoprolol and placebo, as judged by their
requirement for analgesics. To some extent this
f Blockers explains why reliefofchest pain was better in patients
with anterior infarction than in those with inferior
It is more than 10 years since the first report that infarction.23 24 The patients' requirement for
intravenous administration of f blockers to selected analgesics was reduced to a similar extent both in the
patients in the early phase of acute myocardial study in which metoprolol was started very early and
infarction relieved pain within a few minutes, an in the study in which it was started later.
Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.61.1.9 on 1 January 1989. Downloaded from on October 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Treatment ofpain in acute myocardial infarction 11
MECHANISMS OF THE PAIN RELIEVING EFFECT It may be more appropriate to adjust individual
OF 0 BLOCKADE dosage according to heart rate and systolic blood
There are several possible explanations for the pain pressure.
relief produced by 0 blockade in suspected acute
myocardial infarction. A reduction in heart work Glyceryl trinitrate
(reduced heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and
contractility) improves the relation between coron- It is generally accepted that glyceryl trinitrate
ary perfusion (access of oxygen and nutrients and administered in the early phase of acute myocardial
washout of metabolites) and the myocardial infarction gives pain relief. The objective evidence
metabolic demand. for this, however, is not conclusive. The pain relief
A reduction in myocardial metabolic demand obtained with repeated sublingual doses of glyceryl
reduces the requirement for coronary flow in normal trinitrate was compared with that obtained with
areas, which may cause redistribution of flow to morphine in 30 patients with acute myocardial
ischaemic areas. In addition, a reduced heart rate infarction.3 Thirteen of 15 patients who received
prolongs the diastolic perfusion period. In glyceryl trinitrate were free from paim within two
experimental studies in animals, propranolol and hours compared with all of 15 patients receiving
metoprolol increased collateral circulation to the morphine. In another study of 30 patients with acute
ischaemic myocardium.2'27 myocardial infarction, intravenous infusion of
Since it is thought that pain comes only from an glyceryl trinitrate gave initial pain relief but the
ischaemic myocardium, one hypothesis is that pain longer term requirement for analgesics was not
relief is promoted by reduced ischaemia. The reduc- reduced." In contrast, treatment with intravenous
tion in ST elevation and the rate-pressure product, glyceryl trinitrate is known to relieve pain in patients
which were seen in association with pain relief, with unstable angina pectoris. In a study of 35
supports this hypothesis. However, the relation patients, all of whom had angina pectoris at rest
between the decrease in rate-pressure product and which was not responding to Pi blockers or trans-
the relief of pain after administration of f blockade is dermal or oral glyceryl trinitrate, intravenous
not always close. Such observations were reported in infusion of glyceryl trinitrate reduced the mean (SD)
angina pectoris and myocardial infarction." number of angina attacks per day from 3-5 (0 4) to 0-3
Morphine, however, reduces chest pain without (0 -1) and correspondingly reduced the requirement
changing the level of the ST segment elevation in for sublingual glyceryl trinitrate and for morphine.34
acute myocardial infarction.2
Other treatment alternatives
Tolerance of f blockade in suspected acute myo- Despite the fact that thrombolytic treatment has
cardial infarction has been evaluated extensively in been reported to restore blood flow to the ischaemic
patients with uncomplicated myocardial infarction' myocardium there is little information about its
as well as in a more representative patient series.Y2 effects on pain in the acute phase. Pain relief was
Taking into account the well known cardiovascular reported in one study after early thrombolysis.'5 It
contraindications of hypotension, bradycardia, may be that early thrombolysis gives considerable
atrioventricular block, severe left heart failure and pain relief in some patients but its effects must be
severe asthma, tolerance was good. On the basis of assessed more systematically.
previous experiences, it seems that about 80% of
patients admitted to the coronary care unit because of SEDATIVES
suspected acute myocardial infarction can be given f It has been reported that levomepromazine has a
blockade in the acute phase. The remaining 20% similar analgesic effect to that of pethidine but with
have absolute contraindications. fewer side effects.' Mortality over four weeks and one
year was significantly lower in patients given
OPTIMAL DOSES levomepromazine than in those treated with
The optimal doses of those (J blockers that have been pethidine.'
evaluated for pain relief in suspected acute myo-
cardial infarction are not yet known. At present, we ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS
can only examine the doses used in reported studies. Anti-inflammatory drugs are well tolerated in acute
It is possible that many patients who are already myocardial infarction and do not induce important
receiving long term treatment with ,B blockers will haemodynamic changes.6 Intravenous indoprofen
require higher doses than previously untreated (400 mg) gave better pain relief than intramuscular
patients because of down regulation of the / receptor. morphine (10 mg).6
Br Heart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.61.1.9 on 1 January 1989. Downloaded from on October 14, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
12 Herlitz, Hjalmarson, Waagstein
NITROUS OXIDE that f blockers should also be given promptly to
Nitrous oxide (35%) relieved angina.' Complete suitable patients in whom the heart rate is > 50-60
relief ofpain was reported in 39% ofpatients, but the beats/min. Although such treatment will reduce pain
effect was most impressive in patients with mild chest in many patients, the effect is unpredictable and
pain. The dose was well tolerated and there were no narcotic analgesics should be given quickly if neces-
haeniodynamic changes. In Britain, Entonox, a mix- sary. We cannot be certain how well patients will
ture of 50% nitrous oxide with oxygen, is widely used tolerate such a combination of treatment but we can
in the ambulance service.37 recommend it provided there is careful monitoring of
the heart rate and systolic blood pressure. If pain
EPIDURAL AND INTRATHECAL ANAESTHESIA continues, a glyceryl trinitrate infusion should
Intrathecal morphine was effective, with a rapid probably be started. Subsequent treatment depends
onset ofaction and few or no side effects.' 3 Epidural on local experience. More experience of the effect of
administration of morphine was effective in patients anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives, and epidural
in whom intravenous morphine was unsuccessful.' " anaesthesics is needed before these alternatives can
Thoracic epidural sympathetic blockade gave be widely recommended.
effective pain relief in unstable angina.'2 Evaluation
in acute myocardial infarction is limited. Future aspects
Patient controlled analgesia Narcotic analgesics such as morphine will remain the
first line treatment of severe pain in acute myocardial
It can be difficult for others to assess a patient's infarction, but drugs with a more rapid effect that
requirement for pain relief. Patient controlled anal- give better pain relief need to be developed. This in
gesia is most commonly used after operation' and combination with the development of anti-ischaemic
during child birth." When the patient presses a drugs should improve the treatment of pain in
button a limited amount of morphine, for example, is suspected acute myocardial infarction. Because pain
infused over a certain interval. The infusion intervals is most intense in the early phase45 treatment should
are adjusted for dose, and the patient's age and body be started before the patient is admitted to hospital.
weight. This type of treatment has been only
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