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For what purpose has the product been developed, and how would the product
be used in that country?

First, the roses will be sold by online companies where people can order flowers and make
them delivered where they want. This is used for people who don't have time to go to buy
roses and also for people who wants to offer roses but cannot see the person because of

Then, the wedding planners will use our roses because it is really frequent in France that
people want roses in their wedding, it represents the flowers of love and then wedding
planners use a lot of roses for their customers.

Also, in supermarket because it is more convenient than going to flowers shops you can
just buy flowers during doing groceries and they don't lost time but going in another place
to buy flowers.

The roses could also be used as cosmetics products as creme or perfume.

To finish they could be bought by importers and they will just distribute them where and
how they want.

Shrimps could be sold to supermarkets and online shop to satisfy as much customer as
possible and make the product accessible for customers. We can also sell directly to
seafood restaurants. In all these channels of distribution, the shrimps will be eaten buy

But shrimps can also be used in Canada, for cosmetics and medical reason. The Ovensa
company make cosmetics from shrimps and also find that in some way, it can reduce the
rate of cholesterol. So, the shrimps will also be used for health reason.

To finish, in Chile a company do shrimps flour and so this augmented product will be
used to cook and make more dishes.

2. What distinctive properties does the product have?

● Roses

First of all Ecuador has a privileged location, geographically speaking, for the growth of
many agricultural products including roses. Our geographical location gives us conditions
like weather and sunlight.
The Ecuadorian roses are already considered one of the best options in the global market
and are commercialized in every continent of the world. About 400 varieties of roses are
shipped to 160countries around the globe.

Reasons why Ecuadorian roses are preferred:

o Thickness of the button, its bigger stems and durability.

o Longer life compared to roses from other parts of the world (because of
the location of Ecuador the shipping is faster and they have a longer shelf

o Thanks to the equator line the sun rays fall perpendicular over the roses.
They can receive 12 hours of sunrays

● Shrimp

The most important thing we have to keep in mind is that the shrimp produced in Ecuador
is called the Litopenaeus vannamei (White leg shrimp) which is a special kind of shrimp
of which Ecuador is the third largest producer worldwide and the largest producer in Latin

Although some Asian countries, which also produces white leg shrimp, have a bigger
production, Ecuador uses extensive production systems instead of intensive production
systems, we have the advantage in the fact that we possess a relatively low farm level
production costs, to high quality and high degree of uniformity of raw materials, to
relatively large harvest sizes of shrimp.

Ecuador focuses on the production of HOSO (head on, shell on) shrimp. Ecuadorian
HOSO shrimp is preferred for its high quality and level of uniformity, specially in
European cooking industry. It’s also considered a premium product in the Chinese
cooking industry.

3. What benefits is the consumer expected to gain?


● Canada: The benefits that Canadian consumers seek with our Ecuadorian shrimp
is to enjoy the pleasures of the sea with the best quality, the greatest quantity and
the best price. Our shrimp will be distributed in supermarkets and online stores
like No frills, Walmart, Longos, Shrimps fever and seafood online for these
commercials directly to the final consumers and these of the uses in the way they
prefer; In addition, shrimp will be distributed to restaurants like Joso´s, Rodney´s
Oyster House and Adega to prepare special dishes with our products due to their
exquisite flavor and finally they will be distributed to a company that
manufactures cosmetics and health products based on shrimp (Ovesa), therefore,
the fines of this company are aesthetic and medicinal.
Similarly, Canadian consumers seek comfort, that is, that the product arrives quickly,
directly and that it supplies them constantly to avoid the shortage of the product
at their points of sale or for the manufacture of their products
● Chile: The benefits that Chilean consumers seek with our Ecuadorian shrimp is
to enjoy the pleasures of the sea with the best quality, the greatest quantity and the
best price. Our shrimp will be distributed to supermarkets such as Walmart Chile,
Cencosud, SMU and Supermercados del Sur so that they sell them directly to final
consumers and they use them in the way they prefer; In addition, shrimp will be
distributed to restaurants such as Azotea Matilde, Pinpilinpausha, Ocean Pacific
and La Mar Cebicheria to prepare special dishes with our products due to their
exquisite flavor; our products will be distributed to a company producing shrimp
flour and finally they will be distributed to a company that manufactures fertilizers
and gourmet dressings based on shrimp, therefore, the purposes of this company
are agricultural and gastronomic
Similarly, Canadian consumers seek comfort, that is, that the product arrives quickly,
directly and that it supplies them constantly to avoid the shortage of the product
at their points of sale or for the manufacture of their products


● Canada and France: The benefits and uses that our Canadian and Chilean
consumers seek with our roses are: make floral arrangements for weddings or
important celebrations, make floral arrangements for sale through channels such
as online stores and supermarkets, use this product to manufacture products
beauty in order to take advantage of the properties of roses for skin care and finally
for the distribution of this product in the national territory, since one of our
potential customers are the importers of roses, companies that acquire the product
in large quantities to distribute and market in smaller quantities to retail
Therefore, it can be stated that the benefits that our potential consumers expect are:
aesthetic, skin care and in turn commercial.
4. How is the product positioned and what image do the consumer perceive it to
● Roses: Ecuadorian roses are considered by many to be the best and most beautiful
flowers in the world. They are appreciated for their quality and physical attributes,
among them, their size, their texture, their colors, and their beauty. Ecuadorian
roses differ from those in other countries by the thickness of their button, their
larger and thicker stems and their durability.
In Ecuador, the rose is an important part of the economy. In the country more than
110,000 people freely or indirectly in the cultivation of flowers. It has more than
400 varieties of roses that it exports to more than 160 destinations worldwide. It
is the third exporter of cut flowers in the world, of which about 73% are roses.
Ecuador is the world leader in the rose market. Its main destinations are the United
States, European Union and Russia.
● Shrimps: The Ecuadorian shrimp has a high demand in the world. The preference
in the US and European markets, mainly, has made Ecuadorian crustacean exports
exhibit sustained growth over the past 24 months, which translates into currencies
for more than USD 1.8 billion annually in exports.
International consumers appreciate the Ecuadorian shrimp because of its freshness, since
it is not a processed product, but it is fished, frozen and sent to the destination
market immediately; for its quality, since it is a premium shrimp, without physical
defects; for its size; for environmental care, since these shrimp are the result of
good environmental practices; and for the social factor, and 60% of the people
who work in the Ecuadorian shrimp production chain, from capture to processing,
are women, according to the National Chamber of Aquaculture.
5. Which consumer segments of the total market are expected to buy it, on what
occasion and for what purpose?


France Segment:

France is one of the most important European markets for roses. They import of roses
grew from €112 million in 2011 to €135 million in 2015, the French consumers spend
about €47 per year on flours; the most used, and dominant market channels for the
distribution of this product are flower shops and kiosks, but as we explain in other points,
the French hypermarkets and supermarkets are taking part of the market channels, as well
the online way is getting more attractive because of the comfort of the additional services
of delivery.

As can be seen in the CBI Trade Statistics for cut flowers and foliage, French consumers
on average spend about €47 per year on cut flowers. This makes France one of the
European countries that has a relatively high consumption of cut flowers per capita.
Because France is also one of the larger European countries with 66 million inhabitants,
it is a major market for cut flowers, estimated at a total of €3.1 billion.

Roses are sold in bouquets, as mono bunches, or as single stems, and are often bought as
a present. In France, about half of all cut flowers are sold in bouquets and 30% in mono
bunches. The most important colors are red, pink and white. Peak days play an important
role in the market for cut roses. In France, important flower days are among others
Valentine’s Day (14 February), Mother’s Day (usually the last Sunday in May), the
French National Day of 14 July, Secretary’s Day (April) the Liberation Days of the First
and Second World Wars (11 November and 8 May), the Christian holidays of Easter and
Christmas, as well as a special day of Saint Fleur (5 October).

Being innovative and offering clients new varieties will improve our company’s profile.
This way we will expand our principal consumers, as well there’s a broad segment in
France that will help us as a company to enter in that market.

(CBI , 2017)

Chile Segment:

In Chile, the consumption of shrimp increased the imports from 2001 to 2011. Given this
intensification, it is relevant to generate information regarding the preference of Chilean
consumers. The objective is to analyze the behavior of shrimp consumers in the Chilean
market. A non-probabilistic sample provided by a specific source gave us the next results:
by coexistence of 400 consumers that belong to the community of the center of Santiago,
Metropolitan region was used. The factors obtained in the factorial analysis were used
and it was established that there are positive attitudes in two segments towards the country
of origin, and two other segments consider the price as very important. There is a positive
valuation towards peeled and deveined shrimp in three segments, and other quality
guarantee seals, establishing that there is a positive correlation between the family
incomes and purchase frequency. Finally, the preference determination was established
through the conjoint analysis using visual representations in 11 cards, evaluating the
attributes: country of origin (Ecuador, Guatemala, and China), added value (whole shrimp
and tails) process (cooked and uncooked), with three hypothetical prices of shrimp. The
ideal product was the combination of: tails and cooked, Ecuadorian shrimp and positive
price valuation. Consequently, commercial development orientations were established.

(Martínez, 2018)
6. How does the product fit into the total market?
● Canada
o Roses

We have already stablished that although the Canadian market already has Ecuadorian
roses it is still a growing and very promising market.

It’s also easily discernible that the biggest opportunity por Ecuadorian roses un Canada
is in the wedding market, which is a huge market with more than $4billion Canadian
Dollars and more than 150000 wedding being held annually.

We also have to consider that the Ecuadorian roses are favorites all year long because it
keeps fresh for longer, the color selection is brighter, the texture of the petals and the size
of the button.

o Shrimp

In pretty much the same way it was established back in question number two the
Ecuadorian shrimp is preferred because of it’s quality, uniformity, size and presentation
(HOSO – head on, shell on shrimp) and the northern art of the continent is no different.

As we said before Ecuadorian shrimp is considered a premium product in both Europe

and Chinese cooking industry, right along with these countries we also find that the
United States is one of the biggest importers of Ecuadorian shrimp. As we already have
a foothold in North America and an established presence in Canada it would be simple to
fit in the Canadian market.

● Chile
o Flowers

We have a very big market opportunity in Chile when we talk about roses, primarily
because even if Chile is also in South America their roses production, differently from
Ecuadorian production, is not supported all year long with the same quality level.

The reasons for Ecuadorian rose to be better are directly linked with Ecuador position on
the equator line and so since the Ecuadorian roses are superior, we already fit in this

o Shrimp
Although Chile is one of the biggest producers on seafood in Latin America and they also
produce shrimp our shrimp is also considered a premium product in this country mainly
because Chile produces a different kind of shrimp.

While Ecuador produce the white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei), Chile produces
Hetercarpus Reedi also known as red shrimp. The differences between these 2 shrimps
are crucial for Ecuadorian shrimp to be preferred:

● Ecuadorian shrimp is bigger than the Chilean shrimp

● Ecuador’s production has a more uniform level of quality than Chile’s production
● HOSO (head on, shell on) presentation is preferred over peeled shrimp (Ecuador
exports HOSO shrimp, Chile exports peeled shrimp)
● Ecuadorian shrimp production is bigger

For these reasons Ecuadorian shrimp fits quite nicely in the Chilean market

CBI . (13 de June de 2017). Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Obtenido de Exporting Roses To

Martínez, R. (04 de Mayo de 2018). Universidad de Chile. Obtenido de Repositorio

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