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Excelling from

Excelling from Within

As a child, we always had the opportunity to aspire what we pursue in
the future, most often than not we aimed to be a doctor, a nurse, a teacher
and even a police office, as for me I wanted to play with cotton and
stethoscopes of my aunt and draw samples of designs of the interior of
houses, furthermore as I grow older and experienced more occasions of
trials in my life, what I want in life is slowly becoming clearer.

It was always a dream of mine to work in an environment where my

skills related to science would be developed to its fullest potential and excel
form within and I believe that I can achieve that goal by becoming a
Medical Technologist. According to, a Medical
Technologist is a highly skilled health professional who tests and analyzes
blood, other body fluids, and tissue samples, medical technologists are
responsible for operating and maintaining the equipment used to analyze
specimens and ensuring that tests are completed in a correct and timely
manner. I have developed my liking towards being a medical technologist
upon taking biology classes in senior high school, I was fond of
microbiology specifically the cells; how it processes inside the body that
cannot be seen through the naked eye. I also have chosen to be a medical
technologist as a pre-med in college and pursue Pediatrics as a second
career choice because I aspire to help children in aiding their diagnosed
illness and also having younger siblings made me want to study Pediatrics
because somehow I am hurt when they are hurting and I want to do
something about it and I believe that learning about them is the key.

Career paths are roads where the finish is yet to be seen. I may still be
young to dream big but all I want to be when I grow older is to be a big help
not only to my family but as well as the community I am living at. It may be
impossible at first but through trust, love and prayer nothing is

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