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2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

Madrid, Spain, October 1-5, 2018

Motion Control of Piezo-Driven Stage Via A Chattering-free Sliding

Mode Controller With Hysteresis Compensation
Yunfeng Fan1 , Yichang He1 , Dingguo Zhang2 and U−Xuan Tan1

Abstract— This paper presents a novel sliding mode con- open-loop controller is sensitive to the modeling accuracy
troller for trajectory tracking of the piezo-driven stage. The and externally environmental variations.
tracking performance of piezoelectric actuator is mainly af- The combination of feedback control and feedforward
fected by the hysteresis nonlinearity. Sliding mode control is a
possible solution to achieve better tracking performance. How- compensator is a possible approach to provide good perfor-
ever, conventional sliding mode control generates discontinuous mance in the application of piezoelectric driven system by
control signal which results in chattering. Hence, the hysteresis compensating the hysteresis nonlinearity with feedforward
nonlinearity is first compensated with a hysteresis model, and an controller and mitigating the inversion error and uncertainty
uncertainty and disturbance estimator is designed and included with feedback controller. The hysteresis can be partially
to devise a smooth control action. The stability of the proposed
method is demonstrated via Lyapunov analysis. Both simulation compensated by inverse hysteresis model, and the unmodeled
and experiment are also conducted to verify the effectiveness hysteresis is treated as the disturbance term or uncertainty
of the proposed approach. The results are compared with term. Based on this treatment, the controller is designed
a conventional sliding mode controller and a proportional- to target good performance and maintain the stability of
integral control with notch filter (PIC-NF). the whole system. For instance, the H∞ control [14], the
inversion-based iterative controller [15], model predictive
I. INTRODUCTION control [16], and sliding mode control (SMC) [17] are
applied in the piezo-driven systems. In particular, the SMC,
Fast steering mirrors (FSMs) have been widely used in
due to its effectiveness and simplicity, becomes a good
different applications such as micromanipulation [1], optical
choice for dealing with model uncertainty and disturbance by
disk driver [2], and microscopy [3]. Most of the FSMs
stressing the system state trajectory to the predefined sliding
are driven by piezoelectric actuators due to merits of high
surface and keeping it on this surface.
stiffness, high resolution and rapid response [4], [5] when
However, the conventional SMC inherently has the chatter-
compared to other actuators. However, there is one major
ing problem because of the discontinuous control action. The
disadvantage of piezo actuator, which is the hysteresis non-
chattering problem may degrade the tracking performance
linearity and it affects the tracking performance significantly.
and even make the system unstable for higher frequency dy-
Research work to address the hysteresis nonlinearity can namics. This makes achieving precise tracking performance
be categorized into several groups. One method to alleviate more challenging for the piezo-driven stage with hysteresis
the hysteresis is to use charge-driven approach [6]. However, nonlinearity.
it is seldom used for the complexity in circuit design, In this paper, the control scheme with feedforward con-
and the cost as compared to voltage amplifiers. Another troller and feedback controller is used to improve the tracking
category is the feedforward controller which can compen- performance. There are some works existing in the literature
sate the hysteresis effect by cascading an inverse hysteresis to combine the feedforward controller and feedback con-
model [7]–[11]. To model hysteresis phenomenon, there are troller to improve the tracking accuracy. Song et al. [18]
generally two categories in the literature, namely: physical have proposed a PD controller with inverse Preisach model
models and phenomenological models [4]. The difference to improve the tracking performance without proving the
between them is: the physical model is generated from the stability. Edardar et al. [17] have proposed to hybrid inverse
first principle of physics while the phenomenological model PI-based hysteresis model and SMC for better tracking result
is to model hysteresis curve without detailed description while the chattering problem of SMC is not addressed. On
of its physical meaning. The commonly used hysteresis the other hand, the uncertainty and disturbance estimator
models in the literature are Bouc-Wen model [12], Preisach (UDE) is widely used in recent control design ever since
model [7], and Prandtl-Ishlinskii (PI) model [13] (which it is first proposed by Zhong and Ree [19]. Chen et al. [20]
is based on Prandtl-Ishlinskii (PI) operator). However, the have also used UDE to improve the tracking performance
but a reference model is needed for the design and the
1 Yunfeng Fan, Yichang He and U-Xuan Tan are with the Pillar
controller is to track the states of the reference model while
of Engineering Product Development , Singapore University of
Technology and Design, 8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372, Singapore, we are interested to track the desired trajectory directly. Xu
{yunfeng_fan,yichang_he}, [21] has proposed an adaptive sliding mode control with UDE without a reference model, the perturbation estimation
2 Dingguo Zhang is with the State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System
and Vibration, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong (PE) is needed to estimate the uncertainties, and this will
University, Shanghai 200240, China, introduce computational burden and require more resources

978-1-5386-8093-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 6424

the approach shown in Fig. 1(b) to achieve good tracking
performance in the application of the piezo-driven stage.
In this method, a hysteresis inversion is first employed and
cascaded in the controller loop to eliminate the hysteresis
effect. With this inversion, the system dynamics shown in
Fig. 1(b) becomes as
ÿ(t) + 2εωn ẏ(t) + ωn2 y(t) = Dωn2 u(t) + d2 (t) (3)
In this paper, the following assumption about d(t) is
Assumption 1: The lumped disturbance, d(t), described in
(3) is bounded and can be described as:
Fig. 1. (a) The dynamics of a piezo-driven stage is described by a hysteresis |d(t)| ≤ ∆ (4)
model H and a linear dynamics G, where u(t), h(t), y(t) denote the control
input, hysteresis response, and the response of the stage, respectively. (b) where ∆ > 0.
The control scheme based on an inverse hysteresis model, C is the controller,
and yr (t) is the desired trajectory.
The control objective of this work is to design the control
input u(t) such that the tracking error can asymptotically
converges to zero with the help of the hysteresis inversion.
which make it not so ideal for platforms like the FPGA A. PI hysteresis model and its inversion
In this work, we use the SMC as the feedback controller, In this section, the details of hysteresis model H based
an UDE is used directly for lumped uncertainty and dis- on PI operator and its analytical inversion H −1 are given.
turbance estimation to devise a smooth control action for Like all other PI-based methods to model hysteresis, the PI
avoiding chattering problem. Moreover, a PI-based hysteresis operator is used and defined as follows:
model is first used in this work to remove the hysteresis h(t) = Hr [u, h0 ](t)
effect as much as possible. The results are compared with a
= max{u(t) − r, min[u(t) + r, h(t − T )]} (5)
conventional sliding mode controller and PIC-NF.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows, the where h(t) ∈ R is the response of PI operator, u(t) ∈ R is
system model is in Section II, where the system dynamics the control input, r ∈ R and T ∈ R denote the threshold
is introduced with the PI-based hysteresis modeling and its of PI operator and sampling time, respectively. The initial
inversion. In Section III, the control is designed and the sta- consistency condition of (5) is defined similarly as
bility is analyzed via Lyapunov technique. The experimental
results and conclusions are given in Section IV and Section h(0) = max {u(0) − r, min[u(0) + r, h0 ]} (6)
V, respectively. and h0 is defined as 0 usually.
II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION Through summing a few PI operators with different thresh-
olds and weights, the basic PI operator (5) can be extended
The dynamics model of a piezo-driven stage which in- to model complex hysteresis behavior, and the generalized
cludes the hysteresis nonlinearity and mechanism dynamics form is given by
can be modelled as follows:
h(t) = ~wTh H~r [u,~h0 ](t) (7)
M ÿ(t) +Cẏ(t) + Ky(t) = KDH[u](t) + d1 (t) (1)
where w~ h = [wh1 , wh2 , · · · , whn ]T ∈ Rn is the weight vector of
where y(t) is the displacement of the system, u(t) is the con- PI operators; ~r = [r1 , r2 , · · · , rn ] ∈ Rn is the threshold vector
trol input. M,C, K, D denote the mass, damping coefficient, of PI operators where 0 < r1 < r2 < · · · < rn ≤ umax /2.
stiffness, and piezoelectric coefficient while H[u](t) repre- The key idea behind inverse compensator is to construct
sents the hysteresis nonlinearity, and d1 (t) is the unmodeled the control input u(t) with the given desired output h(t).
dynamics and external disturbance. Fig. 1(a) illustrates the To compensate the hysteresis given by (7), the inversion
dynamics of the piezo-driven stage, where H denotes the is generated and cascaded with (7) to linearize hysteresis
hysteresis nonlinearity and G is the linear dynamics. nonlinearity [10], [22], [23]
To facilitate the control design, the dynamics model (1)
of the piezo-driven stage is rewritten into the form: u = ~w0T
h H~r0 [h, u0 ](t) (8)
ÿ(t) + 2εωn ẏ(t) + ωn2 y(t) = Dωn2 H[u](t) + d2 (t) (2) with
w0h0 = ;
where ωn is the natural frequency and ε is the damping ratio. wh0
Since hysteresis nonlinearity is a complex nonlinear be- −whi
havior, in order to reduce the complexity during the con- w0hi =    , i = 1, ..., n;
troller design and reach precise tracking result, we adopt ∑ij=0 wh j ∑i−1
j=0 wh j

ri0 = the assumption in [19], a signal can be recovered through a
∑ wh j (ri − r j ), r0 = 0; i = 0, ..., n; low-pass filter which has the unity gain and zero phase shift
over the frequency spectrum of d(t) and zero gain over the
i n remaining frequency spectrum.
h0i0 = ∑ wh j hi0 + ∑ wh j h j0 , i = 1, 2, ..., n. (9) With this technique, the lumped disturbances and uncer-
j=0 j=i+1 tainties d(t) is estimated as
III. C ONTROLLER D ESIGN ˆ = g f (t) ∗ d(t)
d(t) (18)
In this section, the sliding mode control with the uncer-
tainty and disturbance estimator is designed for trajectory where g f (t) is the impulse response of G f (s) and G f (s)
tracking problem stated in Section II and the stability is satisfies that it is a strictly proper low-pass filter with
analyzed through Lyapunov analysis. unity steady-state gain and zero phase difference over the
To facilitate the controller design, the system dynamics (3) spectrum of d(t) and zero gain over the remaining frequency
is reformulated as spectrum,“*" denotes the convolution operator. With this
operation, the signal d(t) is well represented without losing
ÿ(t) + a1 ẏ(t) + a0 y(t) = b0 (u(t) + d(t)). (10) ˆ in (14) results in
any information. Replacing d(t) with d(t)
It is obvious that the term d(t) is bounded under the ˆ
Ṡ(t) = −ηS(t) + b0 (d(t) − d(t))
assumption 1. ˜
= −ηS(t) + b0 d(t) (19)
First, the tracking error is defined as
˜ denotes the estimation error using UDE tech-
where d(t)
e(t) = y(t) − yr (t) (11) nique, and that it is bounded.
where y(t) is the response of the piezo-driven stage, yr (t) Since d(t) is estimated by (18), (19) is reformulated as
denotes the desired trajectory. Ṡ(t) = −ηS(t) + b0 (g−1 ˆ ˆ
f (t) ∗ d(t) − d(t)). (20)
With the defined tracking error, a PD-type sliding surface
is defined as ˆ can be derived as
Therefore, d(t)
S(t) = ė(t) + λ e(t) (12) ˆ = g f (t) ∗ [Ṡ(t) + ηS(t) + b0 d(t)].
b0 d(t) ˆ (21)
where λ > 0 is the control gains. By choosing the following first-order low-pass filter
Taking the first derivative of S(t), we can get
G f (s) = (22)
Ṡ(t) = ë(t) + λ ė(t) τs + 1
= ÿ(t) − ÿr (t) + λ (ẏ(t) − ẏr (t)). (13) where τ is the time constant to determine the frequency
ˆ is finally represented as
spectrum, d(t)
Substituting (10) into (13) yields  Z t 
ˆ 1
Ṡ(t) =b0 (u(t) + d(t)) + (λ − a1 )ẏ(t) − a0 y(t) d(t) = S(t) + η S(ε)dε . (23)
τb0 0
− ÿr (t) − λ ẏr (t). (14) Therefore, the final control action is obtained
By ignoring the lumped disturbance term d(t) in (14), the u(t) = ueq (t) + un (t)
equivalent control ueq (t) can be obtained easily as proposed 1
in [24] = [ÿr (t) + λ ẏr (t) + (a1 − λ )ẏ(t) + a0 y(t) − ηS(t)]
1 1
 Z t 
ueq (t) = [ÿr (t) + λ ẏr (t) + (a1 − λ )ẏ(t) + a0 y(t) − ηS(t)] − S(t) + η S(ε)dε . (24)
b0 τb0 0
where η > 0 is the control gain. Theorem 1: For the system described by equation (3),
To devise the robust controller, a commonly used approach with the sliding surface (12) and tracking error (11), if the
is to augment the equivalent control ueq (t) with a discon- controller (24) is employed, the tracking error of position
tinuous switching control un (t). The role of discontinuous (11) will converge to zeros asymptotically.
switching control un (t) is to force the state of the linear Proof: To demonstrate the stability of the proposed
dynamics to reach the defined sliding surface and keep on method, a Lyapunov function candidate is adopted as fol-
this surface. Hence, the overall control action is derived as: lows:
V (t) = S2 (t). (25)
u(t) = ueq (t) + un (t). (16) 2
Taking the first-order derivative of (25) and using (19)
To handle the lumped disturbances d(t) in (10), one
approach to chose control term un (t) is given by V̇ (t) = S(t)Ṡ(t)
ˆ ˜
= S(t)(−ηS(t) + d(t))
un (t) = −d(t). (17)
≤ −η|S(t)|2 + |S(t)||d(t)|
The UDE here is to estimate the lumped disturbances and
ˆ through a low-pass filter. Based on
uncertainties d(t) as d(t) ≤ 0. (26)

ˆ → 0 asymptotically as t → ∞,
Since from (18) to (24), d(t) 10 Experiment

Angular Dis ( µ rad)

Control input 500
which means S(t) → 0 asymptotically as t → ∞. This implies 8

Voltage (v)
V̇ (t) < 0. 6 0
IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Time (s) Time (s)
In this section, we first demonstrate the experiment setup
which is used to verify the feasibility of proposed method. (a) (b)
Then, the hysteresis modeling result is illustrated to model Fig. 3. (a) Control input for piezo-driven stage; (b) Hysteresis modeling
the hysteresis nonlinearity. Controller parameters are selected result via PI-based hysteresis model.
and analyzed, and the tracking experiments are conducted to
show its ability for trajectory tracking application.
From: u1 To: y1
A. Experimental Setup

Magnitude (dB)
To verify the effectiveness of proposed method, Fig. 2 0
illustrates the schematic diagram of experimental setup and
Experimental Response
experiments have been conducted on a Physik Instrumente Identified Dynamics
S-340 piezo-driven stage. This stage is driven by the E-505 0

piezo amplifier module (Physik Instrumente) with a gain of

Phase (deg)

10. The output is measured by a high-resolution capacitive -360

sensor (E-509 from Physik Instrumente). The whole system -540

is controlled by the cRIO-9035 (National Instrument) and -720

100 101 102 103 104
the sampling rate is 5 kHz. Frequency (rad/s)

Fig. 4. The bode plot of identified dynamics and real data-driven result.
ŽŶƚƌŽů ůĞƌ ƌŝ ǀĞƌ

chosen and the threshold vector is chosen as ~r = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].

The weight vector of PI hysteresis model is identified using
ĐZ/KͲϵϬϯϱ ^ĞŶƐŽƌ MATLAB lsqcurve f it method and the result is shown in Fig.
3(b). The parameters of weight vector is given here ~wh =
[0.5723, 0.2650, 0.0218, 0.0010, 0.0012].
Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of experimental setup to verify the proposed C. Control Parameters
The system is identified using the dataset {H[u](t), y(t)}.
To quantify the tracking performance, the root-mean- The swept sinusoidal waveform is generated as the excitation
square error (RMSE) and the maximum absolute error over input. The collected dataset is stored and loaded into the
stroke length (Erm ) are utilized in this paper Matlab for system identification. The identified result is given
s by
∑Ni=1 (ei )2 1.02e06
RMSE = (27) G(s) = 2 . (30)
N s + 1453s + 9.916e05
Fig. 4 shows comparison of the bode plot of identified
max|ei | system dynamics and the real experiment result. It can be
Erm = × 100% (28)
stroke length seen that the identified model can model the actual dynamics
where N is the total number of data. well up to 1165 rad/s.
With the identified model and the proposed method, there
B. Hysteresis model are some parameters like the filter time constant τ, the control
To identify the parameters of PI-based hysteresis model, a gain of sliding surface function k, and the control gain of
low-frequency signal is used to excite the piezo-driven stage switch function η to be determined. In order to determine
(S-340 in this paper) because the effect of linear dynamics these parameters, we conducted some simulations to show
can be ignored in this condition. The input control is chosen the effect of these parameters on the tracking performance.
as In all the simulations, a sinusoidal signal is employed as the
u(t) = 4e−0.13t [cos(3πte−0.09t − 2π) + 1.0] + 2. (29)
1) Selection of control gain λ : To demonstrate the effect
The result is shown in Fig. 3(a). The response of S-340 of λ , different values of λ , including 18, 118, 238, are tested
is measured by the high-resolution capacitive sensor and the in simulation for which the result is illustrated in Fig. 5(a).
data with control input are stored simultaneously into the In this condition, τ and η are fixed with 8T (where T is the
cRIO-9035. For modeling the hysteresis, five PI operators are sampling time) and 600, respectively. It is notable that the

0.06 160

Angular Dis ( µ rad)

Tracking error λ = 18 λ =118 λ =238 200 140
0.04 120
0.02 0 60
0.6 0.7
-0.02 -200
ref Proposed SMC PIC-NF
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (a)

τ = 8T τ = 20T τ = 50T Proposed SMC PIC-NF

Error ( µ rad)
Tracking error

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (s)
Time (s)
Fig. 6. Tracking sinusoidal signal. (a) Reference and tracking results of
different controllers. (b) Tracking errors with proposed method, conventional
0.1 η = 10 η = 100 η = 600
Tracking error

SMC, and PIC-NF method.

D. Tracking Performance
-0.1 With the parameters tested in Section IV-C, k = 238,
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
λ = 600, and τ = 8T are used for the proposed method.
Time (s)
The tracking performance of the proposed method is verified
(c) through experiments and compared with a proportional-
Fig. 5. Simulation plots to show the parameters effect on tracking integral controller with notch filter (PIC-NF) and the con-
performance. (a) Tracking error with different control gain λ . (b) Tracking ventional SMC with PI inversion.
error with different filter time constant τ. (c) Tracking error with different First, to show its ability to track sinusoidal signal, a 5-
Hz reference position trajectory with 167 µrad amplitude
as shown in Fig. 6(a) is utilized. The tracking errors pro-
duced by the proposed method (SMC-UDE with hysteresis
inversion), conventional SMC with PI hysteresis inversion,
parameter λ determines the speed to reach the steady state
and PIC-NF are depicted in Fig. 6(b) . It is obvious that
and the tracking error. The smaller the λ , the longer it needs
the proposed method outperforms PIC-NF and conventional
approach to the steady state and the larger the tracking error
SMC with PI hysteresis inversion. The RMSEs and Erm s
would be. However, the parameter λ cannot be too large,
are 0.67 µrad and 0.38% for SMC-UDE with PI hysteresis
otherwise, the system will become unstable.
inversion, 4.63 µrad and 2.88% for conventional SMC with
2) Selection of filter time constant τ: To reveal the effect PI hysteresis inversion, 9.50 µrad and 4.96% for PIC-NF.
of the filter time constant τ on the tracking performance, The multiple-frequency signal is also utilized to verify the
with λ = 238 and η = 600, the time constant τ is tested ability of controller for tracking. The result is shown in Fig.
with different values depending on the sampling time T. 7(a) and the tracking error in Fig. 7(b). The RMSEs and Erm s
Fig. 5(b) shows the tracking error versus the value of τ, are 0.37 µrad and 0.26% for SMC-UDE with PI hysteresis
the smaller the τ, the better the tracking performance. It inversion, 3.48 µrad and 2.93% for conventional SMC with
should be noticed that the τ cannot be too small for the filter PI hysteresis inversion, 5.64 µrad and 3.25% for PIC-NF.
would fail to reject high frequency noise, which will degrade A summary is tabulated in Table I for comparison, where
the performance. Of course, we can increase the sampling different trajectories are utilized to verify the performance of
frequency to partially avoid this problem but this is limited proposed method. It can be seen that the proposed method
to the hardware as the sampling frequency is bounded. provides superior performance than the others. The tracking
performance becomes worse when the frequency increased,
3) Selection of η: With τ = 8T and λ = 238, the parame- this may be caused by two reasons: the modeling accuracy
ter η is tested with 10, 100, and 600. The result is plotted in and the sensor noise.
Fig. 5(c). It’s the same with the parameter λ , the bigger value Moreover, the control action un (v) is shown in Fig. 8
will introduce better performance. To maintain the stability for both the sinusoidal tracking (Fig. 8(a)) and multiple-
of the system, it should be chosen by trial-and-error in real frequency tracking (Fig. 8(b)). It can be clearly seen that
experiment. the conventional SMC produces discontinuous action while


u n (v)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Motion type Indices PIC-NF SMC Proposed
0.02 SMC
RMSE (µrad) 4.09 0.68 0.15
single frequency 0
Erm (%) 1.95 0.35 0.21
(1 Hz)
RMSE (µrad) 9.50 4.63 0.67 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
single frequency
Erm (%) 4.96 2.88 0.38
(5 Hz) Time (s)
RMSE (µrad) 33.93 6.99 1.95 (a)
single frequency
Erm (%) 15.66 3.19 1.01 -0.1
(10 Hz)
RMSE (µrad) 5.64 3.48 0.37 -0.2 Proposed
multiple frequency
Erm (%) 3.25 2.93 0.26

u n (v)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0.02 SMC
Angular Dis ( µ rad)

120 0
80 -0.02
60 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 40
Time (s)
0.5 0.6
-200 ref Proposed SMC PIC-NF
Fig. 8. Control action un (v) with proposed method and conventional SMC
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
for (a) sinusoidal trajectory tracking and (b) multiple-frequency trajectory
Time (s) tracking.

Proposed SMC PIC-NF for trajectory tracking.

Error ( µ rad)

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