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Good morning, my respected teachers and my beloved friends.

I would like to
express my gratitude to all of you who present here for giving me this opportunity
to be standing here speaking on the topic love for country in this very occasion. First
of all, let us all give thank to The Almighty for giving us His blessings so that we all
can be here together in good health.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am highly honoured to get an opportunity to deliver an oration on Patriotism. In
order to address this topic, I would like to share my views on patriotism. It is a very
important feeling for the country’s freedom. Malaysia is our country where we were
born and raised. Therefore, it can be said that it is our obligation to pay back
everything this country has given to us. Love is the greatest thing that we can give
in return to this beloved country. When we love something, we have this urge to take
care of it and protect it from all sorts of dangers. That is why love is the most
powerful thing that can make our homeland last forever.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Love for country is not only declaring that we love Malaysia, but also putting in
action showing that we love our country. Then, what should we do to show our love
for our homeland? First, we must learn the history of our country. There is saying,
“You can’t love what you don’t know.” If we do not really know Malaysia, then how
can we really love it? Learning history is a way to get to know our country better
and to love it more. Second, we must respect its people. As we know, the people of
our country come from various races, ethnics, and religions. We must respect them
regardless their background in order to maintain the unity of Malaysia. Next, we
must use our local products more often than using those of foreign in order to help
developing our country’s economy.

Dear friends,
Patriots go beyond limits of their character and morals to work for the betterment of
their country. A few major patriots that have made great sacrifices for Malaysia are
Tunku Abdul Rahman known as Father of Independence, Tun Abdul Razak, our
beloved Father of Development, Tun V.T. Sambanthan, Pahlawan Rentap, Tok
Janggut, Mat Kilau and many more. These people have given their lives for the
country and have always kept their country ahead themselves. These patriots are
remembered with intense feelings and will always serve as examples for the
generations to come.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for your time and attention. I hope it has made you realize that it is
important to love our homeland. Last but not least, Love our country and show it in
your actions.

Thank you.

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