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This AGREEMENT of MANAGEMENT is made as of January 4, 2016, by TB Management and

between the undersigned Artist.

I. Formation
The undersigned hereby form a General Agreement in, and in accordance with the laws of, the State of
North Carolina.

II. Name
This agreement is between Talissa Brown (TB Management) and Malik Devone (Artist).

III. Term
Management shall begin on January 4, 2016 and shall continue until March 2, 2016 of the same year
and thereafter if satisfied after the term. Management continues for the rest of the year and be renewed
year after year, If the artist is not satisfied after two months the agreement will be terminated as
hereinafter provide.

IV. Purpose
The purpose of the Management Agreement shall be to provide support and opportunities to further
Malik Devone career as an artist. Show loyalty and dedication in making sure each decision is in the
best interest of the artist.

V. Meetings
Periodic meetings shall be held no less than twice a week via phone, video message, email, text
messages, and/or face to face.

VI. Momentary Agreement

Each time the artist receive momentary pay for anything the management put together such as shows,
collaborations, events, hosting, appearances, and anything else that the management comes up. The
management will receive 40%. Which makes this agreement 40% (Management) 60% (Artist).

VII. Artist Responsibilities

The artist responsibilities is to have total confidence in management. Keep in house decisions
confidential and to confine in management before any business decisions is made. The artist is also
responsible to take this agreement serious. The artist is to focus on their music and complete any
projects that is given in a timely matter. It is important that the artist communicate with management of
any concerns that might occur during term.

VIII. Management Responsibilities

Management responsibilities is to focus on what is in the best interest of the artist. To keep the artist in
full knowledge of the decisions and ideas that occur. Management needs to network for the artist, help
artist promote and brand themselves. Be an assistant in whatever the artist needs. Also the
management responsibilities is based off what is written in the IV. Purpose section.

IX. . Forbidden Acts
No Management nor Artist shall:

 Have the right or authority to bind or obligate the Agreement to any extent whatsoever with
regard to any matter outside the scope of the Agreement purpose.

 Slander each other name while in the agreement

 Give out any personal information, unless each party is aware and has given full consent.

 Use the Partnership name, credit, or property for other than Partnership purposes.

 Do any act detrimental to the interests of the Agreement or any act that would make it
impossible to carry on the business or affairs of the Agreement.

The Partied have caused this Agreement of Management to be executed on the dates indicated below,
effective as of the date indicated above.

X. Termination of Agreement
The Agreement may be terminated by agreement of both parties by signing a termination agreement
created by a mediator to make it fair for both parties whose capital accounts total a majority in value of
the capital accounts of all the Partners. Written notice of a meeting where termination of the Agreement
is to be considered shall include a specific reference to this matter. Written notice of the decision to
terminate the Agreement shall be given to all the Partners. Payment shall then be made of all the
liabilities of the Management.


****If both parties finds this agreement satisfactory then sign below.

___________________________ _____________
Management (print) Date

___________________________ _______________
Management (sign) Date

___________________________ _______________
Artist (print) Date

___________________________ ________________
Artist (sign) Date


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