Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.: User Notes

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.


May 2001

- Drilling Specification -

Access Control

User Notes:

The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance

shall only be authorised by TWM through STEP-OUT approval.

A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's

EDMS. Before making reference to this document, it is the user's
responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current.
For assistance, contact the Document Custodian or your Contract Holder.

Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this

document by providing constructive feedback.

Keywords: access, control, muster board, personnel, signs, vehicles, visitors

This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any
part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise)
without prior written consent of the owner.
Drilling Specification – Access Control Version 1.0

Document Authorisation

Document Authority Document Custodian Document Author

Nick West TBA Dinesh Pandya

Ref. Ind: TWM Ref. Ind: TWE/52 Ref. Ind: TWM/91

Date: 05/06/01 Date: 05/06/01 Date: 05/06/01

The following is a brief summary of the four most recent revisions to this document.
Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the Document Custodian.

Version No. Date Author Scope / Remarks

Version 1.0 May 2001 Dinesh Pandya Supersedes:
 D.O.M. Version 2.2, Vol 1, s4.6.1
Steve Williams

SP-1224 Page ii May 2001

Drilling Specification – Access Control Version 1.0


1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Purpose.....................................................................................................................................1

2. Scope.................................................................................................................................................2
2.1. Definition..................................................................................................................................2
2.2. Deliverables..............................................................................................................................2
2.2.1. Records............................................................................................................................2
2.2.2. Reports.............................................................................................................................2
2.3. Responsibilities.........................................................................................................................2
2.4. Performance Requirements......................................................................................................3
2.4.1. Access Control – General................................................................................................3
2.4.2. Vehicles............................................................................................................................3
2.4.3. Personnel..........................................................................................................................3
2.4.4. Signs.................................................................................................................................3
2.5. Performance Monitoring..........................................................................................................3
2.6. Review and Improvement.........................................................................................................4
2.7. Reporting Format......................................................................................................................4

SP-1224 Page iii May 2001

Drilling Specification – Access Control Version1.0

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This Specification describes Well Engineering requirements for controlling access to
drilling rig sites in order to ensure:

 Only appropriately trained, authorised persons are on the well site

 Adequate information is available to conduct a muster in the event of an emergency.
 All personnel entering the rig site are aware of emergency procedures if an alarm is
 All personnel entering the rig site are wearing adequate PPE

SP-1224 Page 1 May 2001

Drilling Specification – Access Control Version1.0

2.0 Scope

This Specification applies to all drilling rigs.

2.1 Definition
This Specification addresses access control to rig locations with a particular focus on:

 Personnel
 Vehicles
 Signs

2.2 Deliverables
2.2.1 Records

Records shall be maintained to document the implementation of this Specification. These


 Visitor log

2.2.2 Reports

PDO staff and Contractors: Any non-compliances with this Specification shall be notified,
investigated and reported per Well Engineering’s non-compliance procedure (refer to PR-
1444 “Well Engineering Management”).

2.3 Responsibilities
The Senior Well Engineer is responsible for ensuring that well designs and wellsite activities
comply with the requirements of this Specification. As Contract Holder for drilling rigs, the
Senior Well Engineer is also responsible for communicating this Specification to
Contractors, and for ensuring that the requirements of this Specification are adhered to
within the scope of their contracts. In the event that circumstances prevent compliance with
this Specification, the Senior Well Engineer shall seek step-out approval (refer to PR-1444
“Well Engineering Management” ).

The Drilling Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that drilling rig activities comply with
the requirements of this Specification. In the event that circumstances prevent compliance
with this Specification, the Drilling Supervisor shall seek step-out approval (refer to PR-
1444 “Well Engineering Management” ).

Contractors are responsible for ensuring that activities undertaken within the scope of their
contracts are managed in accordance with the requirements of this Specification.

SP-1224 Page 2 May 2001

Drilling Specification – Access Control Version1.0

2.4 Performance Requirements

2.4.1 Access Control - General

The main entrance to the rig shall be secured by a gate. It shall be manned during daylight
hours by a gatekeeper.

GSMs/mobile phones shall be deposited with the gatekeeper prior to entering the location.

2.4.2 Vehicles

Vehicles shall be parked in a designated area outside the rig location.

Other obvious access points to the rig location shall be blocked to vehicles by tool skids or
other appropriate means.

Visitors may only drive vehicles onto the location for operational purposes when conditions
allow, and after authorisation from the Drilling Supervisor or Contractor Toolpusher.

2.4.3 Personnel

All personnel entering the rig-site shall place their identity card /H 2S pass on a muster
board. The muster board shall be located at the gate keeper’s office or the Contractor
Toolpusher’s office.

On arrival, visitors shall sign in (record name, company, H 2S permit number and expiry
date, time in and time out) and will receive a safety briefing (preferably by way of a taped

Ad-hoc visitors to the location shall complete a visitor's card after their HSE briefing and
place it on the muster board.

Cards shall be removed from the muster board prior to leaving the location.

In cases of unauthorised access to the location by the local population, the PDO Drilling
Supervisor and Contractor Toolpusher shall attempt to resolve the problem locally. In cases
of difficulty, assistance should be sought from Supervisor Services Relations in the
respective Area. Such instances shall be reported as soon as possible to the Senior Well

2.4.4 Signs

Warning signs, including: the H2S classification level; no GSM; no smoking; PPE; no drugs
or alcohol; shall be displayed in a manner that is visible to all traffic approaching the well

The name of the drilling PDO representative in-charge and drilling contractor representative
in-charge of the location shall be clearly displayed.

All signs within the prepared rig site shall be illuminated under conditions of poor visibility
and at night. All signs not illuminated shall be painted with reflective paint such that they
shall be readily visible from other light sources.

2.5 Performance Monitoring

Compliance with this Specification shall be monitored through workplace supervision, and
periodic site inspection.

SP-1224 Page 3 May 2001

Drilling Specification – Access Control Version1.0

2.6 Review and Improvement

Any user of this document who wishes to provide constructive feedback, or who encounters
a mistake or confusing entry is requested to immediately notify the Document Custodian
using the form provided in PR 1444 “Well Engineering Management”.

This document shall be reviewed as necessary by the Document Custodian, but no less
frequently than every four years. Triggers for full or partial review of this Specification are
listed in PR 1444 “Well Engineering Management”.

2.7 Reporting Format

PDO Staff: There are no routine reporting requirements against this Specification.

Contractors: There are no routine reporting requirements against this Specification.

SP-1224 Page 4 May 2001

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