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SOAL UTN PPG 2015 (Part 1)

Climate Change is recognised as the most serious and threatening global environmental
problem. (1)................ natural variation in climate over time is normal, humans are contributing to
climate change through the emission of substantial amounts of greenhouse gases. To run cars and
provide heat for our homes, business and industries, fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel, oil, coal, peat
and gas are burned. (2).................... carbon dioxide (CO2 – the main greenhouse gas) being
released into the atmosphere. Other gases are released as a result of activities in the agricultural,
industrial and waste sectors.
Some greenhouse gases exist naturally in the atmosphere and are necessary to keep the earth
at the global temperature suitable for ecosystems and life as they have evolved. (3)..........greenhouse
gases released into the atmosphere from human activities are building up and trapping extra heat in
the atmosphere. The resulting rise in the Earth's temperature contributes to man-made climate
change. The changes are not limited to increased average temperatures or warmer weather – they
also mean more extreme and unstable weather conditions, more storms and floods, more droughts
and more coastal erosion - as well as warmer weather in parts of the world.

1. (1)............. natural variation in climate over time is normal.....

a. unless
b. when
c. since
d. while
2. (3)............... , greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere from human activities
a. however
b. although
c. nevertheless
d. .......
3. Nda ingat pertanyaannya bla...bla...blaaaa
a. consequently
b. naturally
c. similarly
d. ……
A Truly stunning
A truly stunning detached home! Having undergone extensive work over recent years we are
delighted to offer this three bedroom detached property situated within easy walking distance of
Byfleet & New Haw mainline railway station and the Brooklands stores. Downstairs
accommodation has been greatly enhanced by the addition of an extension with a vaulted ceiling,
which is fitted with a modern kitchen with built in appliances including an oven, hob and coffee
machine. This is open plan to a dining/breakfast area with a sitting room at the front with a bay
window. There is also a utility room and a downstairs shower room with a WC. Upstairs there are
three bedrooms and a refitted modern bathroom with a separate shower cubicle. Outside to the rear
is a large well maintained garden with decking and lawned areas.

4. It is implied in the text that all the bedrooms are...

a. Upstairs
b. Furnished
c. Downstairs
d. Connected
5. It is implied from the text that the facility are... except..
a. Good maintenance
b. Comfortable situation
c. Complete innovation
d. Modern furniture
Pay for performance...
The idea of “pay for performance,” which involves supplementing teacher pay or providing bonuses
based on student test scores, is one of the latest educational fads to sweep the country.Research and
experience, however, indicate that (1) .................. As one analyst notes, “test-based pay is more
useful politically than it is effective educationally.”
Research shows that the carrot of higher pay does not lead to better results. In an authoritative study
conducted at Vanderbilt University, for example, teachers who were offered bonuses for improving
student test results produced no more improvement than the control group.Similar studies of teacher
merit pay have shown that (2)...................... in New York City and Chicago. Because of the lack of
positive results, a number of pay for performance programs have been abandoned, including
programs in New York City and California.
Methods that use test scores to evaluate teachers, including the currently popular “value added”
calculations, have also proved highly unreliable. The National Academy of Sciences and experts
have warned that (3) .........................

6. (3)......
a. Students will be the victims in test-based evaluation system implementation
b. The cost of executing test-based evaluation system is potentially damaging
c. Test-based evaluation system are not yet based on accurate studies
d. Implementing test-based evaluation system is not on legal bases.
7. Similar studies of teacher merit pay have shown that (2)......................
a. Needless in New york and Chicago
b. ....
c. ....
d. ....
8. Research and experience, however, indicate that (1) ..................
a. such schemes are more likely to damage our children’s education than to improve it.
(dipilihannya itu kalo nda salah na paraphrase ki)
b. ....
c. ....
d. ....
Black holes are some of the strangest and most fascinating objects found in outer space. They are
(1)......................, with such strong gravitational attraction that even light cannot escape from their
grasp if it comes near enough.
Albert Einstein first predicted black holes in 1961 with his general theory of relativity. The term
“black hole” was coined in 1967 by American astronomer Jhon Wheeler, and the first one was
discovered in 1971.
When a star burns through the last of its fuel, it may find itself sollapsing. For smaller stars, up to
about three times the sun’s mass, the new core will be a neutron star or a white dwarf. But when a
larger star collapses, it continues to fall in on itself to create a stellar black hole.
(2)..................................... of individual stars are (relatively) small, but incredibly dense. Such an
object packs three times or more the mass of the sun into a city-size range. This leads to a crazy
amount of (3).............................. on objects around it. Black holes consume the dust and gas from
the galaxy around them, growing in size.
According the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, ”The Milky Way contains a few
hundred million” stellar black holes.
9. This leads to a crazy amount of (3).............................. on objects around it.
a. Gravitational force pulling
b. Gravitatioanal pulling force
c. Force gravitational pulling
d. Pulling gravitational force
10. (2) ................................. of individual stars are (relatively) small, but incredibly dense.
a. Black holes formed by the collapse
b. The collapse formed by black holes
c. .....
d. .......
11. But when a large star collapses. The bold sentence is closest meaning with.....
a. A large star ruins
b. A large star breaks up
c. A large star falls
d. .............
12. The term “black hole” was coined in 1967 by American astronomer Jhon Wheeler, the bold
word is closest meaning with ………
a. Called
b. Discovered
c. Created
d. Referred to
13. (1) .................
a. Objects of extreme density
b. Extreme objects of density

Living Will
M. Stanley Bubien
"Since she lacks a living will," the lawyer told me. "As executor of your mother's estate, the
decision falls to you."
As he spoke, the air conditioner shut off. Arms crossed to stave off the lingering chill, I gazed upon
the pen he had previously offered, but gave no response.
Presently, he said, "Let me ask you a question."
I nodded.
He lifted a sheet from his desk. "It seems the Alzheimer's is so bad, it's left your mother bedridden
and unable to communicate."
"That's why I'm here."
"Of course," he replied. "Given this, are you sure that you have the resources to care for her?"
"As executor, the burden of your mother's care is also your responsibility."
A vision of my one-bedroom apartment flashed unbidden to mind, and I shivered.
"Factor in, as well, the absence of quality-of-life." He dropped the paper, causing it to drift forward,
coming to rest directly before me. "Consent to Euthanize" stood out in boldfaced type atop the
Sighing, I leaned upon the desk and lifted the pen.
"Sometimes," he intoned. "This is the most compassionate solution."
I eyed the lawyer under my brow. The air started again, and in my position, it blew down my neck.
Without signing, I replaced the pen and stood to suppress another shiver. "I need a break. I'll be
back to..." I indicated the papers, "finish up in ten minutes or so."
He tapped his chin with his fingers.
"But before I return," I said. "Can you please turn on the heat?"

14. The story is about ............................

a. a lady who reported her mother’s condition to her lawyer
b. a lady who consulted a lawyer concerning her mother ‘s will
c. a lawyer who expected his client’s mother to commit suicide
d. an old lady who had been suffering from serious alzheimer’
According to the lawyer, the best solution for the bedridden lady was to..... keep staying in the
a. use her right to euthanasia
b. remaind stay with her daughter
c. give all her wealth to her carataker
15. Based on the passage above, the dialogue is happen in...
a. Winter
b. Summer
c. Autumn
d. Spring
16. It is implied from the text that the lady is.....
a. Fall in love with the lawyer
b. Living in a small appartment
c. Well condition
d. Discuss to save her live.

Carlotta was trained in India and Bali in both Hatha and Vinyasa flow yoga. She has 500
hours of registered Yoga Teaching with Yoga Alliance in Vinyasa Flow Yoga Style and 200 hours
in Hatha Yoga. Her classes have been costantly evolving over the past 6 years reflecting on her
passion and devotion for practice. Her unique creativity is due to her long experience as a ballerina
and PT. Fitness and Opilates trainer. Her studies as a Shiatsu Massage Therapist, with a deep
knowledge on Anatomy skill, also contributes greatly to her practice. Carlotta also has extensive
experience in Meditation Yin Yoga and Pranayama.
She holds workshops around the world, especially in Italy, her home country. Spreading
love and inspiring people from all over the globe she is now based in Bali. For over 3 years she has
been teaching regularly Vinyasa Flow Classes and dynamic Hatha for all levels. Two of the most
beautiful studios in Bali, The Prana Studio in Seminyak and Power of Now Oasis in Sanur, are
where she does most of her teaching. She recently became a trainer as well, with over 200 hours of
Yoga Teacher Training. She now organizes retreats all over Indonesia and has been recently invited
to be present at the Dubai International Yoga Festival in 2015.
17. The text is about...
A. a lady whose profession is teaching types of yoga
B. an experienced Indian teacher who live in Bali
C. a yoga teacher who also teaches Indian dances
D. various types of yoga mastered by Carlotta
18. The main purpose of the text is to...
A. report Carlotta’s experience in sports
B. argue about Carlotta’s skill inspiring
C. explain the importance of masteing skills
D. describe a person’s skill and experience
19. Besides teaching Yoga Classes, Carlotta does the followings EXCEPT...
A. holding workshops
B. spreading love
C. inspiring people
D. event organizer
20. Carlotta’s creativity in teaching was influenced by ...
A. Experience in Italy, India, bali, and Dubai
B. India yoga, Balinese yoga, and experiences
C. Her patience, meditation, passion, and devotion
D. More than 6 years experience, ballet, and fitness

20. Where is he from? Italy

21. According to local government laws, regardless the ammount of milk carried in truck, ..........
affirmative for antibiotics when tanker trucks reach at a milk processing plant, the entire
truckload must be strictly discarded.
a. Should a milk test be
b. A milk test should be
c. Unless a milk test is
d. If should a milk test be
22. The subsequent point ... to put a check upon the participants’ presence at the world’s triathlon
championship is the first crossroad before the city hall.
a. Important
b. That is important
c. At which is important
d. By which that is important

Children have to be active every day. Physical activity stimulates growth (1)........ and leads
to improved physical and emotional health. Today, research shows that the importance of
physical activity in children is stronger than ever. For example, medical researchers have observed
that (2)....................... highly active children are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure,
diabetes, cancer of the colon, obesity, and coronary heart disease later in life.
Exercise is also known to relieve stress. Some children experience as much stress,
depression, and anxiety as adults do. And because exercise improves health, (3)............... a fit child
is more likely to be well-rested and mentally sharp. Even moderate physical activity has been
shown to improve a child’s skill at arithmetic, reading, and memorization.
23. And because exercise improves health, (3)………………………….
a. children health states prevent them from illness
b. it gives children more cognitive advantages
c. a fit child is more likely to be mentally sharp.
d. children with sports are physically stronger.
23. (2)......

24. (1)......
Mr. Miller
We all want to believe that laughter is good for what ails us, but the science backing that up is thin.
Most studies have been small and have relied on self-reported assessments.

Still, a rollicking good guffaw can't hurt. Or can it? There are rare instances of laughter prompting
an asthma attack and even rarer instances of it triggering a stroke. And though this hasn't been part
of a formal study, one researcher speculates that if you're surrounded by people laughing
inappropriately—finding, say, a cockfight hilarious—it increases stress.

However, a few studies relying on laboratory testing do show some benefits.

"A good belly laugh leads to the release of endorphins from the brain," says Michael Miller,
director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center in

That release sets off a cascade of heart-healthy biological events. Endorphins, pleasure-inducing
neurotransmitters, activate receptors on the surface of the endothelium, the layer of flat cells lining
blood vessels. That leads to the release of nitric oxide, which widens blood vessels—increasing
blood flow, lessening inflammation, inhibiting platelet clumping, and reducing the formation of
cholesterol plaque.

A 2005 study by Miller measured the blood flow of 20 volunteers before and after watching a funny
movie and a sad movie. After the sad movie, blood flow was more restricted in 14 of the 20
viewers. But after the movie that made them laugh, average blood flow increased by 22 percent.

"The best laugh is one that brings tears to our eyes," says Miller, author of Heal Your Heart: The
Positive Emotions Prescription to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, scheduled for publication by
Rodale Press in September. His prescription: at least 30 minutes of exercise at least three times a
week—and 15 minutes of daily laughter.


25. Based on the text, the researcher is doubt about..........

a. Whether laugh is good for our health
b. ...
c. ...
d. ...
26. Below are the proffesions of Mr. Miller,...
a. Director, physics, researcher
b. Writer,...
c. Publisher, ....
d. Doctor,....
27. Below are the benefit of laughter, except ...
a. Increase blood pressure and cause heart disease
b. ...
c. ...
d. ...
28. The closest meaning with Rolicking is ...
a. Loud
b. Strong
c. Sympathic
d. Energetic

Rolicking=bergembira ria
Mount Rinjani in Lombok, being the second highest volcano in Indonesia after Mount Kerinci in
Sumatra, is one of the most popular trekking in Indonesia. This is because it offers (1)………………..
wonderful adventurous hike that promises breathtaking view at the peak. It is also partly because of its
good location in Lombok which is many independent travelers’ (2)……………. favorite spot most
Standing at 3,726 m, Mount Rinjani is one of the most active volcano in Indonesia, (3)………….
Compared to Mount Bromo in Java. It bears a caldera of 50 km square that holds a crater lake called
SegaraAnak (Child of Sea), which has a natural hot spring.
To be awe in nature’s best combination of beauty and danger, an active volcano that can be so
foreboding and (4) desolate yet so beautiful. The demanding trek that requires two days to conquer the
mountain will make it all worthwhile when greeted by the view at the summit. At other times, it is
possible to (5) trek Mt Rinjani mostly due to the tropical climate but please do not attempt to climb
Mount Rinjani during lots of rain time because the path may be treacherous.

29. (1) = …
a. adventurous hike wonder
b. wonderful adventurous hike petualangan mendaki yang indah
c. wonder hiking adventure
d. adventurer wonderful hike
31. (2) = …
A. visited most favorite spot
B. spot favorite most visited
C. visited spot most favorite
D. favorite spot most visited
32. (3) = …
A. compared
B. compares
C. comparing
D. comparable
33. The underlined word in (4) desolate is synonymous with …
A. terrifying
B. deserted
C. remote (secluded, solitary)
D. distant

Desolate = terpencil
34. The underlined word in (5) trek is synonymous with …
A. see
B. trail
C. enjoy
D. visit
trek noun [ C ] uk /trek/ us /trek/
C1 a long walk over land such as hills, mountains, or forests: We did an eight-hour trek yesterday.

informal a walk that is long and difficult or makes you feel very tired:

You can walk to town from here, but it's quite a trek.

35. The closest meaning of treacherous ...

a. dangerous
b. ...
c. ...
d. ....

treacherous adjective
uk /ˈtretʃ.ər.əs/ us /ˈtretʃ.ɚ.əs/
treacherous adjective (DANGEROUS)

If the ground or sea is treacherous, it is extremely dangerous, especially because of bad weather
Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and drivers are warned to use caution.

No two students enter a classroom with identical abilities, experiences, and needs. Learning style,
language proficiency, background knowledge, readiness to learn, and other factors can vary widely
within a single class group. Regardless of their individual differences, (1)…, students are expected to
master the same concepts, principles, and skills. (2)………., obviously helping all students succeed in
their learning is an enormous challenge that requires innovative thinking.
Differentiated instruction is an instructional theory that allows teachers to face this challenge by
taking diverse student factors into account when planning and delivering instruction. (3) …. teachers
can structure learning environments that address the variety of learning styles, interests, and abilities
found within a classroom. (

36. (3) …
A. Ultimately,
B. In brief
C. As a result,
D. That is to say,
37. (1) ...........
a. however
b. ...
c. ...
38. (2)....
a. ...
b. ...
c. ...
d. ....

39. the closest meaning of “Globetrotter”.....

a. someone who travel in different country
globetrotter noun [ C ]
uk /ˈɡləʊbˌtrɒt.ər/ us /ˈɡloʊbˌtrɑː.t̬ ɚ/
someone who often travels to a lot of different countries:
Japan last month, New York next month - you've become a regular globetrotter, haven't you?

40. It is implied the text that taking travel vaccine is .....

a. Optional
b. Necessary
c. Advisible
d. Important
41. Tips2 yang direkomendasikan untuk traveler, except....
a. Avoid visiting doctor.

42. the closest meaning of ‘thrive’....

a. Grow
b. live
c. develop

thrive verb [ I ]
uk /θraɪv/ us /θraɪv/ thrived or US also throve, thrived or US also thriven

C1 to grow, develop, or be successful:

His business thrived in the years before the war.

She seems to thrive on stress.

43. ............... except...

a. Reducing waves extinction.
b. ……
c. ……
d. ……

 3 cups (450 g) self-raising flour
 3 tablespoons butter, chopped
 1 1⁄4 cups (310 ml) milk
 1⁄4 cup (60 g) tomato paste
 1 small red capsicum, finely chopped
 1 small green capsicum, finely chopped
 3⁄4 cup (110 g) grated cheddar or mozzarella
 100 g ham, shredded
 1 egg, beaten
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
2. Sift the flour into a large bowl. Using your fingertips, rub in the butter until the mixture
resembles fine breadcrumbs. Make a well in the centre and add the milk, then stir with a
flat-edged knife until well combined.Turn the dough onto a floured surface and lightly
knead until smooth.
3. Roll the dough out to a rectangle about 1 cm thick, and about 38 x 26 cm in size. Spread the
tomato paste over the dough, then scatter the capsicum, cheese and ham over the top.
4. Carefully roll the dough up, starting from the longest side, enclosing the filling. Cut into
slices 2 cm thick.
5. Place the scrolls on the baking tray and brush with beaten egg.
6. Bake for 15–20 minutes, or until crisp and golden.

44. The essential steps of how to make ......

a. Diheatkan, ......, ......., baked.
b. …..
c. …..
d. …..

45. How long it serve .......

a. Less 15 minutes
b. More than 20 minutes
c. Approximately 20 minutes
d. About 18 minutes

46. The closest meaning of ‘shredded’....

a. Slice
b. Cut
c. Chop
d. …….

shredded adjective
uk /ˈʃred.ɪd/ us /ˈʃred.ɪd/ informal

having strong, well-developed muscles that can be seen through the skin, and little body fat:

Here are 10 ways to look shredded for your best swimsuit body!
WARRAGAMBA Dam in Sydney’s west has started spilling over and Western Sydney residents
are being warned to prepare for minor flooding.
“Following the spill the water level in the dam will be lowered down to just below full supply level
with small discharges from the dam. This is part of post-flood procedures,” the Sydney Catchment
Authority said on Thursday.
Avon Dam, Nepean Dam and Tallowa Dam are also spilling.
The spills from the dams may continue for a number of days.
The SES says the maximum spill is expected to be much less than previously forecast.
An SES spokeswoman said flooding in Penrith was expected to peak about 6pm, but that peak was
predicted to be below minor flood levels.
“The Hawkesbury is a concern and we always keep an eye on it,” the SES spokeswoman said.
The spill may continue for a number of days, but the water level in the dam will be lowered to just
below full supply level with small discharges.
“This is part of post-flood procedures,” the Sydney Catchment Authority said on its website.
Residents in parts of the western Sydney suburb of Wallacia have been warned to prepare for
isolation as the floodwaters peak, and are being urged to make preparations for work and
school on Friday. (
spill-over-for- second-time-in-14-years-causing-flooding-in-nepeanhawkesbury-areas/news-

47. The name of dam is spilling, except....

a. Avon Dam
b. Tallowa
c. Nepean
d. Hawkesbury
48. The purpose of the passage is...
a. To report goverment about the dam that has started to spill over
b. .....
c. ....
d. To explain ....
49. Bagaimana cara menghadapi bendungan yang meluap....
a. Letting ............ spilling over (bacaki jawabannya diatas
di’) b. ....
P.1 Western Sydney residents are being warned to prepare for minor flooding.

50. Answer: five dam are nearly full

50. Currently ........ “snailmail”
a. Will have...
b. Is being...
c. Was slowly...
d. Has slowly....

Snail mail and smail (from snail + mail) — named after the snail with its slow speed — is a retronym that
refers to letters and missives carried by conventional postal delivery services.
51. While ......... LCD, the teacher felt that the student bla bla bla blaaaaa
a. Used to facilitate
b. Using.... (while + V ing)
c. To use...
52. Apa yang terjadi jika hanya berfokus pada fluency :

Hal yang terjadi bila guru hanya berfokus pada fluency adalah

1. siswa akan memiliki kemampuan untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris yang lancar atau dapat
memberi respons secara spontan saat diajak berbicara bahasa Inggris,

2. Siswa memiliki kemampuan pronunciation yang bagus,

3. Siswa mampu berkomunikasi secara meaningful atau dapat menyampaikan maksudnya

dengan baik tanpa memperhatikan kebenaran struktur dari kalimat yang digunakan.

4. Guru tidak boleh mengkoreksi atau memotong saat siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam
berbicara bahasa Inggris

5. Siswa dimotivasi untuk berani mengungkapkan pikiran dan pendapatnya

6. Kelemahannya adalah saat guru berfokus pada kelancaran berbicara, siswa cenderung
melakukan kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan grammar atau technical seperti kesalahan
penggunaan tenses, penggunaan part of speech, dsb.

It’s worth mentioning that we can’t really focus on both accuracy and fluency at the same time. During
accuracy-focused activity, it is the role of the teacher to correct students, model native-like forms, help
students to notice the gap, and so on. When we’re building fluency, though, we need to shut all that off.
No correcting or interrupting. Our role is to encourage and support rapid speech, to lower inhibitions and
anxiety related to making mistakes.


First, order of operations: it’s a good general rule that accuracy activities come before fluency activities.
And when you think about it, this is common sense. You don’t want to be building fluency with
incorrect forms. First you want to get it right; then you want to speed it up.

When we talk about accuracy, we’re trying to raise our students’ awareness of form and forms, to draw
their attention to the details of how we use a new vocabulary item, construct a grammatical form,
pronounce a word. We model, we repeat, we give feedback.


In my experience, students (and often materials) tend to be overly focused on accuracy, paying too little
attention to actively building fluency. So when we talk about maintaining a balance between fluency and
accuracy, what we really mean is making sure we dedicate some time to fluency. Your mileage may
vary, though, so adjust your approach accordingly.

Paul Nation (2003) suggests that the following conditions be provided for effective fluency activities:

1. All language items involved are already familiar to students,

2. The focus is on communication (not form) in real time, and
3. Supports are in place for students to outperform their normal proficiency

Let’s look at an example of a fluency activity to get a better sense of what they look like. Once you
know what makes a good fluency exercise, they’re really easy to develop. This one could work with
intermediate (B1) students:

1. Students spend 5–10 minutes preparing a 3-minute spoken description of their dream house.
They may make notes but should not be reading from a script.
2. Place students in pairs and have them exchange descriptions.
3. Now shuffle the partners, and ask students to deliver the same description, but in 2.5 minutes.
4. Shuffle again, and give them 2 minutes.

In an exercise like this, students get the chance to work out the meaning and language the first time
through. In the subsequent recitations, they will be more confident with their words, and under greater
time constraints. Thus, we meet all of Nation’s conditions.

Other activities that build fluency in other skills could be freewriting, extensive reading, and authentic
listening (without subtitles).

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