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PM504 CRA ASSESSMENT ITEM NO3 – Industry Case Study - Team Management Plan

Assessment Item No. 3

Assessment Name: Industry Case Study - Team Management Plan
Description: This assessment will involve developing a Project Team Management Plan and providing rationale for the plan.
Relates to learning outcomes: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Weight: 50%
Internal or external: Internal
Group or Individual: Group with Individual Component
Due Date: To Blackboard by Close of Business on Week to be determined


You are required to create a report on developing a high performance project team using a planned approach. You are required to provide a rationale for
the plan. The report is to be in “essay or report format” The report is expected to use the frame of being in a scenario where a senior manager has come to
you with the following:

“I know that you have been studying Project Management at University and I’ve been reading about high performance project teams. Could you do a
report for me outlining how we could develop a high performance delivery team in the next major project”.

The report would show:

A. The Key ingredients of a high performance team.

B. The recommended strategies and rationale to implement the high performance team
C. How process risk would be addressed
D. How the plan would be developed, monitored and controlled.

You will also be required as a team to meet with “a senior management board” made up of unit lecturers. This meeting will take place following the
submission and will be in the format of a “discussion” where senior management will be looking to assess:

1. Clarity around the report as necessary

2. How this group worked as a high performance team in developing the report.
Your reflective journal would be an aid to this discussion.
WORD COUNT 3500 - 4000

You are to review the literature and write an assignment that;

1. Shows a logical approach.

2. Addresses the issues that would be appropriate for the plan.
3. Shows an application to practical Project Management.
4. Makes recommendations applicable to project management.

In you analysis

Word length – 3500 - 4000

You are also required to be available as a team to meet with the Project Control Board (Examiners) to answer questions on your report.

This meeting, (face to face or on line) will take place during exam week


CRITERIA 7 6 5 4 3/2/1
The Report Structure The report follows a logical While following a logical The report addresses the issues but The report neither The report is
10% framework. framework there are lacks a frame addresses all the issues inadequate in the frame
opportunities for more nor follows a logical and addressing of the
rigour frame, but just issues
adequately addresses the
The report content The report addresses all the The report covers the The report content while not The content is lacking and The content is lacking
issues applicable and covers all majority of the issues in complete is complimented by a there is no more than an and the understanding
30% the content issues, and the case and shows a demonstration of understanding of adequate understanding of the issues is not
demonstrates understanding of high degree of the issues of the issues visible
the issues. understanding of the
Applications to The paper clearly and The paper provides an The paper provides an incomplete The description of the The description or the
practical Project appropriately describes how the incomplete description description of the application and application and the evidence is not
Management concept applies to Project of the application or supporting evidence is lacking supporting evidence is recognisable in the
through the Management and provides supporting evidence is not easily recognised but paper.
rationale. supporting valid evidence from lacking existent in the paper
20% the literature.
Recommendations The recommendations show a The recommendations The recommendations show a degree The recommendations The recommendations
applicable to Project practical, applicable while demonstrating an of understanding the need to and demonstrated show a lack of
Management 25% understanding of the concepts understanding of the practically apply the concepts in understanding are barely understanding of the
and how they could be applied application, lack projects but fail to demonstrate an acceptable importance or approach
in a practical; strategic sense. practicality; strategy or understanding of “why” or “how” to to application in
applicability implement these concepts into projects.
project management.
Board Presentation The team members show The team members, The team members knowledge and Team members Team members
15% complete evidence that they while demonstrating a application of HPT while acceptable knowledge and knowledge and
know the content and applied knowledge , lacked key lacked important points. application was barely application was not
effective process to work as a aspects adequate adequate
high performing team.

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