Moral Obligation

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“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act” -- Albert Einstein, as
human beings, each of us, we have a different moral compulsion to do, and for me as a
student and as an eldest child, also Since individuals constitute society, in general
speaking that It is our moral duty that we should serve our parents, teachers, brothers
and sisters and the relatives when it comes to obligations in our society. It is the moral
duty of every individual that he should look after our own family, right? And I do believe
that each of us have different kind of behavior we should act to do those things right or
wrong. And since we are all in one in society we belong it is our moral duty that we
should serve our village or our province as simple as that duty to choose of act
according by the law or implementations, that time it was our moral duty to serve our
community to our best abilities as we can and be good as one of best example for other
to spread the good will not just other said but it’s all about choosing to act willingly and
thinking the right will always.

For instances, I have helped many people through tough times in their life. I
remember when there is a typhoon I didn’t know what is the exact name of that typhoon
which everyone was nothing, as I remember, me and my parent do some fetching water
in Aplaya and as I noticed there is a group of children fighting over the insufficient
amount of food that they had to share. I knew that time we had nothing, My family and I
were noting as in nothing, but from what I saw, I knew that we were better off than other
people I knew, the good thing I saw some remaining food (snacks) we ate at night and
without any hesitation, after an hour I came back I call the two youngest children that
were fighting over the last grain of food. I shared my food my food with them and though
it was not sufficient for all, feeding the younger ones alone was better than not helping
any one of them at all. There was only little that I could possibly do but by sharing, I had
helped them in a great way, even if it was just for the time being. It makes me think also
that We live in a selfish society where everyone only cares about themselves. I am very
disheartened to think that, those anyone will do the same thing as I did to those helpless

Also it reminds me when we were on the church that the father says that, “Small
acts when multiplied by millions can transform the world”, which one reason pushes me
to do that act without anyone said, it is called doing your obligation or will. And also I
recognize those quotes in social media and that is according to Howard Zinn, those
quotes he droped has a huge impact for me which I carried until now, that being
interpreted by implying that as long as everyone tries within their reach to help every
situation that they can, then the world shall be a better place. This means that small
measures may not seem to be making a huge difference but when those actions are
multiplied by or totaled to the actions being performed by all. By seeing that we have a
moral obligation to help human beings wherever they are, we are improving the living
conditions for all.

Furthermore, no one who refuses to help the helpless like what I was mentioned
example above, is guilty of a moral atrocity we have an obligation to the helpless right?
Now, I must say that if anyone feels the need to help others, let it be a choice an
individual makes out of the kindness of their own hearts. Don’t let them be pressured
into doing well by sanctimonious liberals. I will certainly concede that helping others is
honorable I realized that providing no help to others is not evil, but rather an act of
neutrality. And now it makes me realized that morally obligated to help the less
fortunate, simple as that. As a society we are supposed to bring one another up and by
doing so we must help one another.

And as I researched that morality can be based on consciousness and various

perspectives but morals, regardless of distinct cultures, have a core fundamental of
comprehending what is right and wrong. By this, we are held to an obligation to assist
those in need. This means that we should feel obligated to do whatever it is within our
might to aid situations that need assistance.

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