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DATE: OCTOBER 28, 2019

In the past several decades, assessment is played an important role in teaching. The role of
assessment in teaching is the imperative perspective of instruction. On one hand, it helps the
teachers to measure the knowledge and skills absorbed by the learners. On the other hand, for
the point of view of a student, he will be motivated to learn because he knows that he will be
having tests and exams. In addition, the result of the assessment guides students to improve their
abilities and capabilities in learning.

In education, the term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that
educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress,
skill acquisition, or educational needs of students (Glossary, 2014).

The academic performance of the students will be interpreted as a result of what the students
have learned throughout the discussion or throughout the grading period. According to
Calignacion (2008) academic performance is a productive result of teacher’s effort in teaching
and the students’ interest in the studying.

Test is a source of academic performance of students. Test is defined by Kubiszyn and

Borich (2000) as an attempt to provide objective information, which is combining to subjective
common sense impressions to make better educational decisions. According to Garcia (2008)
test is a systematic procedure for measuring individual’s behavior. Test results for making
decisions regarding the promotion of the students’ improvement or enrichment of the curriculum.

One of the types of test is an achievement test. Achievement test is used to check if the
students have learned something from the whole period. It is one way to know the totality of
knowledge that the students have acquired.

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Ms. Lara Celenia Olivera has listed three main purposes for classroom assessment and
these are:
 diagnosing students weaknesses and what they need to learn;
 identifying students current level on a particular topic; and
 knowing how much they have learned.

Ms. Lara is tasked to describe her utilization of the following assessment approaches from
one (1) being the lowest to ten (10) being the highest. She gave a perfect ten (10) for these three
approaches, selective response (Objective types), portfolio assessment, and observation

Ms. Lara favors using performance assessment and the pen and paper test. Through these
two, she is able to assess students’ knowledge and their higher-order thinking skills.

Also on a 10-point scale, with 1 equal to very low and 10 equal to very high. She rated herself
a point of 3 for her need on further training in the following assessment approaches.
a) Selective response
b) Constructed response
c) Performance assessment
d) Portfolio assessment
e) Personal communication
f) Observation techniques

Ms. Lara Celinia Olivera also believes that the so-called recent trends in classroom
assessments are actually evident in our classroom today. According to her Kto12 curriculum is a
product performance based curriculum. As long as the learners are participating and interacting,
those are considered an assessment already. Unlike before that most are done with pen and
paper test or recitations are graded and announced. Today, recitations can be spontaneous and

She described her overall level of assessment literacy on a 10-point scale by rating herself
a point of nine (9)

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Ms. Lara’s time of assessment based on which type of assessment method is being used,
for objective tests 10-12 minutes, for achievement tests a total of an hour. She uses oral question
assessments and observation assessment throughout the day. Moreover, she has used self-
report assessments at the beginning of the lesson as motivation to reinforce students’ knowledge
about the parts of the book. She started her lesson with a question “What is your favorite book?”
or “Do you read books?” by this kind of questioning students will reflect on the question. Do I have
favorite book? or Do I read books?

Ms. Lara uses two kinds of instructional decision in her class, process instructional decision
and planning instructional decision. Before instruction, she asks questions about the topic. Using
formative assessment, Ms. Lara identified either they have learned or not. If she feels that her
students did not absorbed or having difficulty on understanding the lesson. What she is going to
do is to tell to her students that they will be repeating the lesson next meeting. Strategy’s like “The
Art of Questioning” must possess by all teachers in the world. Ms. Lara is one of the teachers
possessing it.

The information gathered from classroom assessment is significant by making a decision.

Ms. Lara, a grade 7 teacher, uses spelling as part of her routine, and she always based on the
scores of her students, if the majority of her students have failed she will be repeating the ten
spelling words at the next meeting. Even though memorization is belong to lower-order thinking
skills, but in their learning capabilities it is necessary to have these spelling words every week.


I have found out that teaching in public schools is one of the hardest part of being a teacher,
because you are dealing with different students with various personalities. In addition you need
to address their strengths to motivate them to learn and weaknesses to help them in academe.
The teacher also needs to use appropriate assessment method to assess students’ skills and/or
Classroom management is also vital for the teachers to easily deliberate the lesson every
meeting. Ms. Lara has shown excellent classroom management to avoid any unnecessary things
that her students have done during instruction.

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1. The school must have proper facility for those students who are having difficulty in
reading. They do not have facility in remediation program to address students’ need.

2. School administration must provide different learning materials for the students and
teaching equipment that can be used by the teachers inside a classroom.

3. Parents should monitor their children performance in the school to praise when they
are doing good and/or to help them if they are having difficulty on the subject matter,
because sometimes they are afraid to ask questions to their teacher.

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One of the greatest part of being a student is you are having a chance to experience the
nature of your chosen profession. By doing this kind of activity helps to value the process of
assessing the skills and knowledge of the students. It is not easy like, you are looking at the ceiling
of your room and you will have instantly the grades of your students. I have learned a lot of things
when I was doing this activity. Firstly, the role of assessment is vital when addressing the
strengths and weaknesses of students. Secondly, how to deal with different personalities of the
21st century learners, also to deal with teachers that you will be working with in the academe.
Thirdly, students are motivated when the teacher pointed out their effort when answering in
English either grammatically incorrect or not.

As a future practice teacher and a future educator, I can apply all of those strategies that I
have learned with Ms. Lara. It is necessary to set classroom rules in you class in order to your
students’ to have boundaries when you are doing discussion. For instance, Yawning is not
allowed during class hour so your students will not do such thing. I also absorbed the way Ms.
Lara was doing her instructional materials with efficiency and creativity.

I always want to be a teacher. I have remembered when I was a child I used to be a teacher
when I and my cousins played. On becoming a teacher is not easy, but I am willing to undergo
such things to be able to achieve my dreams. I am a person who really believes that there is
always a room for improvement. As a result, I do not get offended if you told me I committed
mistake. Instead of getting offended I will use that mistake to improve myself. After I graduated
college and be able to get my license as a professional teacher I will continue my education to
have my master’s degree.

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