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Student Name: Date: Observer:

Neo Genesis Basar March 16, 2018 Basan Romel B.

How is the student academic performance? Please describe any deficits

Neo fine motor skills continued to be a problem his writtin work was without spacing and

oblivous to the line of the page. Neo did show some improvement when the class began hand

writing. He was highly motivated to learned hand writing as this was seen develpmental step by

the student. Because of the emphasis place on space and on repetition of strokes, Neo came to

focus on the elements involved writing. His hand writing never up to standard required for his

age level, but there was evedence of growth in his fine motor skills. This transferred to his

printing and gradually it became more legible.

In terms of reading skills Neo at the age of the study was ten. While this was Neo at the

fifth year in the school system, his reading level was not at the grade four. It was difficult to

determine the exact level at which Neo read as his performance varried considerably

depending on his interest in what was being read. His ability to decode original print material

was weak. It is not clear form this observation weather Neo difficulties in reading were the

result of his learning disability, or the result od ADHD symptoms interfering with his reading.

He had also difficulties in in numeral writing and placement. This createddifficulties in the

operation to be completed. He understood the concepts, but his in attention to the task

demands created problems in their completion.

We have also tasks which required Neo to use his fine motor skills were the task which

failled to hold his attention. He had great difficulties in using on his pencil, scissors, and in

putting things together, such as gluing. When frustrated by these activities, he would not

remain on task.

there were instances in which Neo was able to sustain attention for a considerable lenght

of time: when he was colouring a picture of “Jesus Crusifiction” while listening to “May tatlong

bibe children rhyme ( three little ducks)” the examples cited would show that Neo was capable

to sustained attention. The picture of Jesus and colouring while listening, it can be seen that
he does have the ability to attend. ie the pre-skill. Method for imroving Neo’s attention to the
task at hand are evident at this examples.

Neo performave was improved by his interest in the task. He had enjoyed the study of Jesus

crucifiction and also by playing lego, reading books a talking book and this motivated him to

perform on the task.

How is the student behavior? Please describe deficit

Neo was off task for five minutes before he began to do work during the observation he:

dropped his paper unto the floor, looked in his desk for a pencil but but found a toy plane which

he “flew”, talked to his cousin and sister about what they have watch before, looked around the
house, picked up the paper, borrowed a pencil, finally began to work

Neo did not like reading passage or the basic reading session he seemed distracted, he

fidgeted and shifted in his seat, and performed poorly. The result of this observation did not

accurately indicate his reading ability. This results were more indicative of his lack of
motivation when completing task in which he has not interested.

Neo also motivated to listen to the story but had difficulty in sustaining attention for a longer

period of time. It was not until he had another activity which directed his physical energy

towards something else, the colouring, playing lego reading books through talking english book
that was successful in sustaining attention.

Neo was also very strong on his verbal performance profile and had considerable difficulties in
controlling his impulse to call out.

How is the student social functioning? Please describe any deficit

Actually he is not allowed to play with others except his classmates and his cousin and

family because according to his parent other peer rejected him and laugh at him so they make

a limitiation area where can Neo can have interact or have a socialization
Other Comments

In the results of my observation Neo performance in study was controlled by his interest in

the subject as well as the demands of the task which combined to form the motivation which

he had completed the task. It was this motivation which determined the effort put into the
task by Neo

Student Name: Date: Observer:

Basar Neo Genesis E. March 16, 2018 Basan Romel B.

Ability to sit still during lesson

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Talking out of turn or excessively

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Ability to follow instruction

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Ability to complete sit work

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Organization Abilities

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem
Student Name: Date: Observer:
Neo Genesis Basar March 16, 2018 Basan Romel B.

Ability to take three steps bacward within thirty secons until he could do it without losing
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Move up to three stairs on hands and kness within 30 seconds

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Ability to stand on one foot with one hand held for atleast 10 seconds to improve balnce

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Throwing 6 inch ball forward to him to catch it, then instruct to do the same thing to a

9 __________________________________________________
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Associate specific sound to approprite objects

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Student Name: Date: Observer:

Neo Genesis Basar March 16, 2018 Basan Romel B.
Ability to match objects according to their colors

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Ability to interact with the community ( e.g purchase items and where the item to be
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Follow up pediatric development assessment

1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

Familiar in vowels and phonetic sounds

14 1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Problem Major Problem

Appropriate expression of feelings when experiencing rejection, harassment, humiliation

or mocking from peers

15 __________________________________________________
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Problem Major Problem

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