Orchids, The International School. Mysore Road. Grade 2-ENGLISH PRACTICE SHEET (Reading Comprehension) Name: - Section

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Orchids, The International School. Mysore road.

Grade 2- ENGLISH PRACTICE SHEET (Reading Comprehension)

Name: ____________________________ Section: ____________

Read and answer.

A. A long time ago, in the town of Hannover, there lived a donkey with his master
on a small farm. The donkey was very hardworking and loyal to his master. Every
day, the donkey carried heavy corn sacks for his master. But, the donkey was
getting old and was not able to work hard, which made his master angry.
Fill in the blanks:

1. The donkey was very ___________________________ and ____________

to his master.
2. Heavy __________________________ was carried by the donkey.
True or False:

1. The donkey lived with his father on a small farm. ____________

2. Donkey was getting old, which made his master angry. ____________

Answer the following:

1. In which town did the donkey live with his master?

2. How did donkey help his master in his farm?

3. Why was the master angry?

B. One day, the donkey heard his master talk to his wife. “The donkey is
useless to us. He does nothing but bray the whole day. We can’t afford
to keep him anymore. I will drive him away,” said the cruel master.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The donkey heard his master talking to his ________________

2. The sound made by donkey is called ___________________
True or False:

1. “This donkey is useless to us”, said master’s wife. ____________

2. Master will kill the donkey. ____________
Answer the following:

1. “I will drive him away?” who said these words?

2. Write the antonym:

cruel: _________________

3. Write the synonym:

useless: __________________

C. When the donkey heard his master, he felt sad because he had served his
master for many years. He decided that it was better to leave. He had heard of
the musical town of Bremen, a town merrier than Hannover. It was full of
merry musicians who sang and danced happily.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Bremen is famous for _________________________________

2. Donkey served his master for _____________ years.
True or False:

1. Donkey was musician of Bremen.

2. After hearing to his master, donkey decided to stay.
Answer the following:

1. What did musicians do in Bremen?

2. Write the antonym of “sad”.

3. Write two words with “ng” blend. Example: sang.

D. Happily braying, the donkey set out on his journey to Bremen. After some
time, he came across a dog who was howling. “Dhenchoo Dhenchoo… did your
master make you cry too?” asked the donkey to the dog. The dog replied,
“I grew up on my master’s farm and guarded it with all my might. I was very
faithful and only wanted his love.”

Fill in the blanks:

1. The donkey set out on this _________________ to Bremen.

2. The dog was very _________________ to his master.

True or False:

1. Donkey was happily howling. __________________

2. Dog guarded his master’s farm with all his strength. __________________
Answer the following:

1. What did dog want from his master?

2. Who made the dog cry?

E. The dog replied “This morning, I heard that he wanted to kill me because I
was getting old and feeble. I immediately ran away from the farm. I am
saddened by my master’s selfish nature. After serving him for all these
years, this is the love that I received. I ran as fast as I could and I came here.
Now I am not only sad but also tired and hungry.”
Fill in the blanks:

1. Dog was getting _________________ and ________________.

2. After running so far, dog was _____________ and _______________.
True or False:

1. Master wanted to chase away the dog. _______________

2. Dog received lot of love from his master. _______________
Answer the following:

1. Write the synonym of “feeble”.

2. How was the nature of dog’s master?

F. Feeling sorry for the dog, donkey said, “Dhenchoo Dhenchoo, here is an
idea. I am going to Bremen, the famous town of merry musicians. You can
join me. Once we are there, we can join a band of musicians. You can play
the guitar while I will play the drums. We will search for something to eat
on the way.” The dog was delighted by this idea and agreed to accompany
the donkey.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The dog agreed to _____________________ the donkey to Bremen.

2. Donkey will play ______________ and dog will play ________________.
True or False:

1. Hannover is the famous town of merry musicians. _____________

2. Donkey was feeling sorry for the dog. _____________
Answer the following:

1. Write the synonym for “delighted”.

2. Whom will donkey and dog join after going to Bremen?

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