Evaluation of Technical Drilling Operation - Case Study in Indonesia

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Final Examination Report



NIM. 12211014


NIM. 12211039


NIM 12211063

Submitted as the final examination of Drilling Engineering Lecture

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung





Final Examination Report



NIM. 12211014


NIM. 12211039


NIM 12211063

Submitted as the final examination of Drilling Engineering Lecture

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung


Date :...........................................................


Dr. Ing. Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun


A. Alfahrisi*, G. Ardiansah*, A. Damayanti*, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Copyright 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung

This report was prepared to fulfill drilling engineering lecture final examination at the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Institut
Teknologi Bandung. This report was written using standard SPE Publication Style in 2013.

Well planning is an essential part in drilling engineering because it will be the backbone of every other process that we
are going to do with the oil field that we are dealing with. Process such as reservoir simulation, production engineering,
or even surface facilities operation will be affected by the well planning process. Well planning process are constituted
by several steps which start from determining the pore presure and fracture pressure in order to determine the casing
design. Casing design is then important to determine the casing setting depth, and also to create the most efficient cost to
be paid for the casing operation. After the casing design is finished, the well planning process will go to the next step
which is mud design process. The mud design is the heart of drilling engineering because it’s the main component to
maintain borehole stability to prevent blowout from happening. Because of that, mud design is considered to be very
important. Other than mud design, another design that we have to do is the casing design in order to provide strong
mixture of cement that can hold the casing weight. Next to that is bit choosing by taking into account the borehole size,
formation characteristic, and also the economic cost.

In casing design process, we need to take into account burst, collapse, and tension load of the casing to determine
the size of the casing and also casing setting depth. This is very important to ensure the casing can withstand the load that
will be handled during the well lifetime period. After that, we need to proceed with the drillstring design in order to design
the type of drillpipe to be used and the size. This is important to make the drilling process more efficient because the
wrong selection of drillpipe may create economic loss that’s very important to the company. The casing and drillstring
design are very necessary to calculate the maximum load to be held by the rig that we can use in determining the righ
type and size because rig renting is one of the major budget portion in every drilling operation.

All the design process that are described above are then intended to avoid the non-productive time of drilling
operation to create more efficient drilling process. Additional analysis is then required to determine whether we need
directional or horizontal drilling operation based on geological considerations and economic reasons to recover more oil
and gas.


Well TM-19 is a vertical well with total depth of 3610 feet. The drilling activity is intended to evaluate the
hydrocarbon appearance on sandstone formation. The well was drilled on 7th August 2009 and reached 3610 feet on 18 th
August 2009 by using 2 PDC drilling bits (both of them are second-hand). The company started the operation from 572
feet(hole 12 ¼“ trajectory) until 3610 feet(TD).

The 12 ¼” trajectory started from 572 feet until 1874 feet by using mud of 8.8 – 9.2 ppg density. On this
trajectory the reading of background gas is on the interval of 10-30 units with maximum gas of 411 units on 1724 feet.
By getting in 49 joints of K-55, 36 ppf R3 BTC cylinder 9 5/8” with float shoe set on 1870 feet.

The 8 ½” hole trajectory started from 1874 feet deep until 3610 feet by using mud weight of 9.2-9.4 ppg. On this
trajectory, the background gas is around 5-15 units with maximum gas of 172 units on 2065 feet. The recording data
Electric Logging is done by Schlumberger which is PEX-BHC-AIT-GR ; GR-RFT ; CST-GR. Getting in 97 joints K-55,
23 ppf, R-3, BTC cylinder of 7” with float shoe set on 3610 feet.

This study is intended to analyze whehter the measure that have been done by the company is efficient enough
to the drilling process and give a better recommendation that will finally lead to effectiveness of the drilling operation.

In order to do that, this study will be using theoretical approach and calculation that will hopefully help the
company to evaluate the inefficient measures in the TM 19 Well Project and put a better meassure based on our analysis
on their next project. The evaluational analysis will include on the following measures : pore pressure, fracture gradient,
casing setting depth, hole geometry selection, mud plan, cement plan, bit program, casing design, drillstring desing, rig
sizing and selection, field performance, and directional drilling.

Theoretical Background

A literature review was performed to gain knowledge of different pore pressure and fracture gradient prediction methods
and economical design in an effort to find the best strategy for this area
Pore Pressure. Formation pressure (pore pressure) is an important factor that affects the drilling operation, due to
improper evaluation may lead to drilling problems such as lost circulation, blow out, stuck pipe and hole stability.

For optimization of the drilling process, so when determining formation pressure should we focus on
determining the areas where there are formations that have an over pressure, it requires some methods to detect and
predict where the pressure will be encountered over. Basically it is aided by the seismic data, but it is not very accurate
precision and accurate because the data obtained is data that is rough.

Therefore, we need to make observations of certain parameters recorded during drilling underway that will help
in preventing the occurrence of wild bursts (blow-out) as a result of the detection area / zone over pressure. Drilling
parameters that need to be considered include: drilling penetration rate (rate of penetration / ROP), rotational speed
(RPM) and load on the chisel (WOB), in which the relationship of the three parameters shown in the following formula.

log( 𝑊)
𝑑= 12𝑊 1)
log( 6 )
10 𝐵

where :

d = drilling exponent

R = rate of penetration (ROP), ft/ hrs

N = rotary speed(RPM)

W = weight of bit(WOB), lbs

B = bit diameter/ bit (inchi)

The value from above equation still needs to be corrected again against the normal gradient and the density of the mud,
so that:
𝑑𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟 = 𝑑 ( ) 2)

where :

dcorr = d- exponent terkoreksi

mn = mud density on normal formation (normal gradient), lb/gal

mc = circulation mud density, lb/gal

In Indonesia,especially in Sumatera and the surroundings area have normal value of the gradient around 1.06 SG
(8.8 ppg). In these wells estimate formation pressure or pore pressure based on: backgorund gas, gas connection,
temperature out, the interpretation of lithology, observation wells and d-exponent. Value of pore pressure can be obtained
from the data d-exponent of the result dcorr plot against gas connection. If there is a connection to a gas drilling
continuously mud weight indicates that we use is approximately equal to the pore pressure of the formation, mean pore
pressure of the formation is equivalent to the weight of the mud that we use. At the time of the gas drilling takes place does
not look great, because covered by ECD (Effective Circulating Density) of mud whose magnitude depends on the properties
of the mud.

ECD value itself is affected by the density of the mud used and the pressure loss in the annulus along the circuit
as a function of depth, can be calculated by the following equation:

∑𝛿 𝑝
𝐸𝐶𝐷 = 𝑀𝑊 + 3)

where :

ECD = Effective Circulating density, lb/gal

MW = mud density, lb/gal

∑𝛿 𝑝 = total pressure losses in annulus, psi

D = depth, ft

Fracture Pressure. Pressure fracturing (fracture gradient) is the hydrostatic pressure of the formation of the
maximum that can be detained without due cause fracturing in case of fracture feared to be the inclusion of an influx of
gas that can cause kick. In addition, by knowing the fracturing pressure gradient is very useful when researching the basic
strength casing (casing), whereas when the fracturing pressure gradient is not known it will find it difficult to cloaking
well cementing and casing or mounting.

The value of the fracturing pressure is affected by overburden pressure, formation pressure and rock strength
conditions. The calculation of the gradient estimation of fracturing wells using the calculation method of Matthews and

Kelly. This calculation is based on the value of Ki (matrix stress coefficient) derived from the results Leak Off Test.
Fracturing gradient calculation formula is:

𝐹 = 𝑃⁄𝐷 + 𝐾𝑖 𝜎⁄𝐷 4)


F : fracture gradient, psi/ft

P : formation pore pressure, psi

𝜎 : matrix stress at point of interest, psi

D : depth at point of interest, TVD, ft

Ki : matrix stress coefficient, dimensionless

Casing Design Depth. Casing setting depth is determined based on downhole condition such as pore pressure, fracture
pressure, and pressure window. From the pressure window we have constructed we can analyze the interval of our casing
used. After determining casing size and depth for every casing string, and design drilling operation, load towards the
casing can be calculated. Weight and grade of casing that is suitable to counter a load can be calculated.
1. Collapse Load
Casing will receive maximum load if the external radial force is more than internal radial force. Maximum collapse
load on casing can be calculated by assuming inner casing is in empty condisiton. Collapse load on every point along
the casing can be calculated with:
𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑠𝑒 = 𝑃𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 − 𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 5)

2. Burst Load
Casing also will gain a burst load if the internal radial load is bigger than external radial load. Burst load along casing,
can be calculated with:
𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑠𝑒 = 𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 − 𝑃𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 6)
3. Axial Load
Axial Load on casing can be in the form of tensile load and compressive load, depends on the operation. Axial load
on casing can have a very variety value. Axial load will applied on some operations and have to calculated and sum
to determine total axial load toward the casing.

Hole Geometry Selection. Bit and casing size selection can mean the difference between a well that must be abandoned
before completion and a well that must be abandoned before completion and a well that is an economic and engineering
success. Improper size selection can result in holes so small that well must be abandoned due to drilling or completion
problems. The drilling engineer (and well planner) is responsible for designing the hole geometry to avoid these problems.
However, a succesful well is not necessarily an economic success. For example, a well design that allows for
satisfactory, trouble- free drilling and completion may be an economic failure because the drilling costs are greater than

be expected return investment. Hole geometry selection is a critical part of the engineering plan that canmake the
difference between economic and engineering failure or success.

Rig Sizing and Selection. Rig is one of the most important component to drill a well, and the first component that we
need to prepare before drilling. Usually Rig Design is related to its maximum load to run in a casing or a drillstring.

𝑊𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑊𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 ( 𝑙𝑏 ) 𝑥 ℎ𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 (𝑓𝑡) 𝑥 3.281 7)


Wtotal = Total weight of casing (lbs)
Wcasing = Weight of casing (lb/ft)
hcasing = Casing depth (ft)

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑅𝑖𝑔 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 𝑥 (𝑛 + 2)8)

Wtotal = Total weight of casing (lbs)
n = Number of coiled drilling line in the crown block (Assume: n=10)

Mud Plan . In geotechnical engineering, drilling fluid is used to aid the drilling of boreholes into the earth. Drilling mud
is one of the most important element on drilling operation. Drilling fluid has many functions which need to be optimized
to overcome hole problem. Failure of the drilling fluid to meet its design functions can prove extremely costly in terms
of materials and time, and can also jeopardise the successful completion of the well and may even result in major problems
such as stuck pipe, kicks or blowouts.So type planning, additive and volume of drilling fluid is important to make the
drilling operation succeed. Often used while drilling oil and natural gas wells and on exploration drilling rigs, drilling
fluids are also used for much simpler boreholes, such as water wells. Liquid drilling fluid is often called drilling mud.
The three main categories of drilling fluids are water-based muds (which can be dispersed and non-dispersed), non-
aqueous muds, usually called oil-based mud, and gaseous drilling fluid, in which a wide range of gases can be used. The
main functions of drilling fluids include providing hydrostatic pressure to prevent formation fluids from entering into the
well bore, keeping the drill bit cool and clean during drilling, carrying out drill cuttings, and suspending the drill cuttings
while drilling is paused and when the drilling assembly is brought in and out of the hole. The drilling fluid used for a
particular job is selected to avoid formation damage and to limit corrosion..

Hp = 0.052 x Mw (ppg) x D = Psi 8)

where :
Hp = Hydrostatic pressure from the mud, psi.
Mw = Mud density, ppg/pcf
D = Depth, ft.

There are many drilling fluid additives which are used to develop the key properties of the mud. The variety of
fluid additives reflect the complexity of mud systems currently in use. The complexity is also increasing daily as more
difficult and challenging drilling conditions are
encountered. We shall limit ourselves to the most common types of additives used in water-based and oilbased muds.
These are:
1. Weighting Material
Weighting materials or densifers are solids material which when suspended or dissolved in water will increase the
mud weight. Most weighting materials are insoluble and require viscosifers to enable them to be suspended in a
fluid. Example of weighting materials are: barite, hematite, magnetite, etc.
2. Viscosifiers
The ability of drilling mud to suspend drill cuttings and weighting materials depends entirely
on its viscosity. Example of viscosifiers are: bentonite, CMC, PAC, Xanthan Gum
3. Starches
Starch is a natural polymer used in drilling muds primarily to reduce filtrate loss and to
provide viscosity.

Cement Plan. In order to plan cement, we must determine top of cement (TOC) is the point where the cement began to
be pumped or cement top spot. In cementing operations we know the term squeeze cementing is a condition in which the
hydraulic pressure is used to push the cement passes through the hole in the casing and into the annulus. In any cementing
operation, decisive step by subtracting the TOC is squeeze cementing intervals with 50 ft to obtain the TOC value. In this
case, because the casing is installed at 571 ft, then the selected TOC at 521 ft. Top of cement can be determined by 2
ways :
 Survei Temperatur
This involves running a thermometer inside the casing just after the cement job. The thermometer responds to
the heat generated by the cement hydration, and so can be used to detect the top of the cement column in the

Figure-1. Determining Top of Cement by using temperature log
(Source : Heriott-Watt University, Drilling Engineering)

 Radioactive Survey
Radioactive tracers can be added to the cement slurry before it is pumped (Carnoliteis commonly used). A
logging tool is then run when the cement job is complete. This tool detects the top of the cement in the annulus,
by identifying where the radioactivity decreases to the background natural radioactivity of the formation.

Figure-2. Determining Top of Cement by using Radioactive log
(Source : Heriott-Watt University, Drilling Engineering)

In cementing operations recognized two types of cement namely lead and tail cement cement. Both types of
cement have differences in terms of density and also the penyemenannya. Head cement is the cement that was first
pumped at the top of the drill hole as temperature and lower pressure so that the quality of cement even worse than the
tail cement. While the tail cement is cement which is located in the deeper part so that it has better quality because they
have to withstand temperatures and higher pressures.

Figure -3. Lead cement and Top cement

Source : http://www.drillingformulas.com/what-are-lead-and-tail-cement/ accessed on 10th May 2014

Figure-3. Partition of Cementing Program
Source : Source : http://www.drillingformulas.com/what-are-lead-and-tail-cement/ accessed on 10th May 2014

Bit Program. A Drill bit, is a device attached to the end of the drill string that breaks apart, cuts or crushes the rock
formations when drilling a wellbore, such as those drilled to extract water, gas, or oil. The drill bit is hollow and has jets
to allow for the expulsion of the drilling fluid, or "mud", at high velocity and high pressure to help clean the bit and, for
softer formations, help to break apart the rock. A tricone bit comprises three conical rollers with teeth made of a hard
material, such as tungsten carbide. The teeth break rock by crushing as the rollers move around the bottom of the borehole.
A polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bit has no moving parts and works by scraping the rock surface with disk-
shaped teeth made of a slug of synthetic diamond attached to a tungsten carbide cylinder. The tricone bit is an
improvement on the original bit patented in 1909 by Howard R. Hughes, Sr. of Houston, Texas, father of the famed
billionaire Howard R. Hughes, Jr..PDC bits, which first came into widespread use in 1976, are used for gas and oil
exploration in the North Sea. They are effective at drilling shale formations, especially when used in combination with
oil-base drilling muds.
The criterion for bit selection is normally based on cost/ft (C) and this is determined using the following

𝐵+(𝑇+𝑡)×𝑅 $
𝐶= ( ) 9)
𝐹 𝑓𝑡

The trip time (T) is the sum of RIH and POH times. If the bit is pulled out for some reason, say, to casing shoe
for a wiper trip, such duration, if added, will influence the total trip time (T) and, in turn, cost/ft. Bit performance,
therefore, can be changed by some arbitrary factor and for accurate comparisons of different bit types, the tip time should

be based on the time required for straight RIH and POH. Rotating time is the total time the drill bit is rotating on bottom
while drilling.

Hydraulics. One of the primary functions of drilling fluid is to carry drilled cuttings from the bit face, up the annulus,
between the drillstring and wellbore, to surface where they are disposed of. A significant amount of power is required to
overcome the frictional resistance to flow of the fluid in the drillstring, annulus and through the nozzels in the bit. The
resistance is expressed in terms of the amount of pressure required to circulate the fluid around the system. Since the
flowrate through all parts of the system is equal, attention is generally focused on the pressure losses in each part of the
system. It is a must to optimize the pressure losses through bit nozzles and to minimize the sacrificial losses in the
drillstring and annulus in objective of circulating the drilling cuttings as efficient as possible and to make best use of
power available to drill the hole. The pressure losses in a typical drillstring, for a given flowrate is shown the figure below.

Figure -4. Pressure Losses in Drillstring, Nozzles, and in Annulus

The principal factors which influence the magnitude of pressure losses in the system are:

 The geometry of circulating system.

 The flowrate through the system.
 The flow regime in which the fluid is flowing (laminar/turbulent).
 The rheological properties of the circulating fluid.
In regards of the factors above, there are two different approaches to optimum hydraulics design:
a. Maximize the Hydraulic Horsepower at the Bit
b. Maximise the Hydraulic Impact at the Bit

Casing Design. It is generally not possible to drill a well through all of the formations from surface (or the seabed) to the
target depth in one hole section. The well is therefore drilled in sections, with each section of the well being sealed off by
lining the inside of the borehole with steel pipe, known as casing and filling the annular space between this casing string
and the borehole with cement, before drilling the subsequent hole section. This casing string is made up of joints of pipe,
of approximately 40ft in length, with threaded connections. Depending on the conditions encountered, 3 or 4 casing
strings may be required to reach the target depth. The cost of the casing can therefore constitute 20-30% of the total cost
of the well (£1-3m). Great care must therefore be taken when designing a casing programme which will meet the
requirements of the well.
Each string of casing must be carefully designed to withstand the anticipated loads to which it will be exposed
during installation, when drilling the next hole section, and when producing from the well. These loads will depend on
parameters such as: the types of formation to be drilled; the formation pore pressures; the formation fracture pressures;
the geothermal temperature profile; and the nature of the fluids in the formations which will be encountered. The designer
must also bear in mind the costs of the casing, the availability of different casing types and the operational problems in
running the casing string into the borehole. Since the cost of the casing can represent up to 30% of the total cost of the
well, the number of casing strings run into the well should be minimised. Ideally the drilling engineer would drill from
surface to the target depth without setting casing at all. However, it is normally the case that several casing strings will
have to be run into the well in order to reach the objective formations. These strings must be run concentrically with the
largest diameter casing being run first and smaller casing strings being used as the well gets deeper. The sizes and setting
depths of these casing strings depends almost entirely on the geological and pore pressure conditions in the particular
location in which the well is being drilled. Some typical casing string configurations used throughout the world .
In view of the high cost of casing, each string must be carefully designed. This design will be based on the
anticipated loads to which the casing will be exposed. When drilling a development well, these loads will have been
encountered in previous wells and so the casing programme can be designed with a high degree of confidence, and
minimal cost. In an exploration well, however, these loads can only be estimated and problems may be encountered which
were not expected. The casing design must therefore be more conservative and include a higher safety margin when
quantifying the design loads for which the casing must be designed. In addition, in the case of an exploration well, the
casing configuration should be flexible enough to allow an extra string of casing to be run, if necessary. A well drilled in
an area with high pressures or troublesome formations will usually require more casing strings than one in a normally
pressured environment.

Drillstring Design. Drill string design is combining drillpipe, drillcollar and other BHA to give an appropriate WOB and
other drilling parameters to gain the optimum drilling operation. There some important things about drill string design,
such as:
1. Drill Collar Selection
Drill collars are the component of the bottom hole assembly (BHA). Both slick and spiral drill collars are used. In
areas where differential sticking is a possibility spiral drill collars and spiral heavy-walled drillpipe (HWDP)
should be used in order to minimise contact area with the formation.

The drill collars are the first section of the drillstring to be designed. The length and size of the collars will affect the
grade, weight and dimensions of the drill pipe to be used. Table 1 illustrates typical sizes of collars to be run in each
hole section.

Hole Section Recommended Drill Collar OD (inch)

36 9½+8
26 9½+8
17 ½ 9½+8
16 9½+8
12 ¼ 8
8½ 6¼
6 4¾
Table-1. Drillcollars and Hole Sizes

Drill collar selection is usually based on buckling considerations in the lower sections of the string when weight is
set on the bit. The design approach that satisfies this criteria is the buoyancy factor method
2. Buoyancy Factor Method
Drill collars are used to provide weight for use at the bit and at the same time keep the drill pipe in tension. Drill
collars have a significantly greater stiffness when compared to drill pipe and as such can be run in compression. Drill
pipe, on the other hand will tend to buckle when run in compression. Repeated buckling will eventually lead to early
drill pipe failure by fatigue. Since elastic members can only buckle in compression, fatigue failure of pipe can be
eliminated by maintaining drill pipe in tension.
Research and field experience proved that buckling will not occur if weight on bit is maintained below the buoyed
weight of the collars. In practice weight on bit should not exceed 85% of the buoyed weight on the collars
3. Procedure for Selecting Drill Collars
Determine the buoyancy factor for the mud weight in use using the formula below:
𝐵𝐹 = 1 − 10)

Where :
BF = Buoyancy Factor, dimensionless
MW = Mud weight in use, ppg
65.5 = Weight of a gallon of steel, ppg

The pendulum principle was originally used to drill vertical wells with slick (non stabilised) BHAs.The physical
properties of the various downhole components of the BHA have a significant effect on how the bit will drill. The principle
uses the weight of the BHA hanging below the tangent point to produce, via gravity, a force that pushes the bit to the low
side of the hole. The effect of the pendulum varies with the length of the BHA below the tangent point. The fundamental
pendulum assembly increases the restoring force by increasing the pendulum length with a stabiliser in the proper position.
When the drillstring is lowered into the borehole, the total length of the drillstring is under tension due to its own
weight which is partly counterbalanced by the buoyancy. To drill a well, the rock beneath the bit has to be destroyed. Part
of this destruction force is obtained by a certain amount of weight on bit (WOB) which forces the bit against the rock.

Therefore during drilling, the lower part of the drill string is set under compression, leaving the upper part of it
still under tension. When drilling vertical wells, standard practice is to avoid putting ordinary drill pipe into compression
(recommended by Lubinski in 1950). This is achieved by making sure that the “buoyed weight” of the drill collars and
HWDP exceed the maximum WOB. The buoyed weight of the drill collars is the amount of weight that must be supported
by the derrick when collars are run in the hole. This load is always less than the in-air weight if mud is used in the well.
The higher the weight on bit, the more the assembly will bend. This can move the tangent point nearer to the bit
and hence is detrimental to the effectiveness of the assembly. Furthermore, the side force at the bit, produced by the
weight on bit, acts against the pendulum force. Weight on bit as low as possible is desirable for a pendulum assembly.
WOB data are available for each type of bits from this well, we can determine the weight of BHA minimum in
air using the formula below.

Maximum WOB x safety factor

Required air weight of BHA = 11)
buoyancy factor x cosθ

percentage safety margin
the safety factor = 1 + 12)

The BF (buoyancy factor), assuming that the drillstring is not lowered empty (ρsteel = 65.5 ppg), can be computed as :
BF = (1 − ) 13)

The normal drill string design practice aim is to avoid abrupt changes in component cross sectional areas. Abrupt
changes can lead to concentrations in bending stresses which in turn can lead to a twist off (Refer to figure 9.1). The ratio
I/C between the moment of inertia (I) and radius (C) of the pipe is directly related to the resistance to bending. The
following are used to determine the section modulus I/C:
I = Moment of inertia 14)
= 𝑥(OD4 -ID4 )
C= Radius of the tube 15)

At a crossover from one tubular size to another size, the ratio (I/C large pipe)/(I/C small pipe) should be less
than 5.5 for soft formations and less than 3.5 for hard formations.
I/C Drill Collars
Ratio = 16)
I/C Drill Pipes

Drill pipe will be subjected to serious damage if run in compression. To make sure the drill pipe is always in tension, the
top 10 to 15% of the drill collar or HWDP must also be in tension. This gives a safety margin and keeps the buoyancy
neutral point within the collars when unforeseen forces (bounce, hole friction, deviation) move the buckling point up into
the weaker drillpipe section or this will put the change over from tension to compression, or neutral zone, down in the
stiff drill collar string where it is desirable and can be tolerated. According to Lubinski, the neutral point is defined as
point along the drillstring where it is divided into two parts, an upper part, being suspended from the elevators and which
is under tension as well as a lower part that generates the appropriate WOB and is under compression.

Figure-5. Tension and Bending In Drill Pipe

Since the collars are under compression, they will tend to bend under the applied load. The amount of bending
will depend on the material and the dimensions of the collar. The shape of the drill collar may have a circular or square
cross section. A string of square collars provides good rigidity and wear resistance, but it is expensive, has high
maintenance costs for certain conditions and may become stuck in key-seated dog-leg. Typically, standard and spiral drill
collars with external grooves cut into their profile may be used to reduce the contact area between the BHA and the
The tension load is evaluated using the maximum load concept. The tension load can be evaluated after the
weights, grades, and section lengths have been established from the collapse designs. Buoyancy is included in the design
to represent realistic drilling conditions due to the manner in which biaxial stresses alter the collapse properties of the
The tension design is established by consideration of the following:
1. Tensile Forces: These include:
 weight carried
 shock loading
 bending forces
2. Design factor
3. Slip Crushing Design
The tension design line is established as the maximum load resulting from applying three different design
considerations, including overpull, design factors,and slip crushing. Each consideration is applied separately to the load
line. The design line is selected as the worst case from the three design loads.
A minimum overpull factor is applied to the tension load. The difference between the maximum allowable
tension and the calculated load represents the Margin of Over Pull (MOP). MOP is the minimum tension force above
expected working load to account for any drag or stuck pipe. The minimum recommended value of MOP is 60.000 lb and
it shall be calculated for the topmost joint of each size, weight, grade and classification of drill pipe. The anticipated total
depth with next string run and expected mud weight should be considered when calculating the MOP.A typical range for

the overpull value is 50.000-100.000 lb. When deciding on the magnitude of the MOP, the following should be
 Overall drilling conditions
 Hole drag
 Likelihood of getting stuck (may require higher values of MOP)
When the depth is reached where the MOP approaches the minimum recommended value, stronger drill pipe shall be
added to the string.
A range of tension design factors has been frequently used for drillpipe design. This range is typically from 1,1-
1,5 although 1,1-1,3 seems to be most common. A design factor of 1,6 should be applied to the tension loads calculated
above if shock loading is not accounted for.The primary purpose of the design factor is to ensure an overdesign of the
pipe to minimize the catastrophic problem of pipe parting near the surface when the pipe is fully loaded. In addition, it is
selected to account for acceleration loading of the pipe, which occurs when the slips are set.
The maximum allowable tension load must also be designed to prevent slip crushing. In an analysis of the slip
crushing problem, Reinhold and Spini, and also Vreeland, proposed an equation to calculate the relation between the hoop
stress (SH ) caused by the action of the slips and the tensile stress in pipe (ST) resulting from the load of the pipe hanging
in the slips. The equations used are as follows:
Ts = TL ( H) 17)

where :
Ts = Tension load due to slip crushing
Ts = Static load tension
(SH /ST ) is hoop stress to tension stress ratio as derived from the equation bellow :
( H) = (1 + +( ) ) 18)
ST 2Ls 2Ls

where :
SH = Hoop stress (psi)
ST = Tensile stress (psi)
D = Outer Diameter of the pipe (in)
K = Later load factor on slips ( )
tan(y + z)
y = Slip taper (typically 9° 27′ 45" or 9,4625 degrees)
z = Arctan μ
μ = Coefficient of friction, typically 0,06 − 0,14
Ls = Length of slips, usually 12 − 16 in

In as much as tool joint lubricants are usually applied to the back of rotary slips, a coefficient of friction of 0.08 should
be used for most calculations.
To create a graph of tension and compression along the drillstring requires the following calculation.
1. Calculate the buoyancy force (BF1) acting on the bottom of the drill collars using:
BF1 = −(P x A) 19)
P = 0,052xDepth(ft)xMud Weight(ppg)x (ODDC in)2 − (IDDC in) 2 20)

2. Calculate the buoyancy force (BF2) acting at the top of the drillcollars.
BF2 = (P x A) 21)
Due to the well drillstring consists of drillcollar, HWDP, and drillpipe then the formula used to calculate P is
as follows.
P = 0,052 x LDP x MW x (ODDC )2 − (ODDP ) 2 22)
+ 0,052 x (Depth − LDC ) x MW x (ODDC )2 − (ODHWDP ) 2
+ 0,052 x LDP x MW x (IDDP )2 − (IDDC ) 2

3. Calculate the drill collar weight

WDC in air ( ) = A (cross sectional area)x 1 ft x ρsteel 23)
π lb 1
= x((OD in)2 − (ID in) 2 )x1 ft x (489,5 ) x
4 ft 144
WDC in air (lb) = WDC in air ( )xLDC 24)

4. Calculate the shock load

Shock load (lb) = 1500 x pipe weight per foot 25)
Note : 1500 was used to represent slow running speeds.
5. Calculate the total dynamic and static load at surface
Total dynamic load (lb) = BF1 + BF2 + drillcollar weight + drillpipeweight
+shock load 26)
Static load without shock load (lb) = BF1 + BF2 + drillcollar weight
+drillpipe weight 27)
6. Static load at top of drillcollars (lb) = BF1 + WDC in air 28)
7. Static load at bottom of drillpipe (lb) = BF2 + Static load at top
of drillcollars 29)
8. Dynamic load at bottom of drillpipe (lb) = Static load at bottom
of drillpipe + shock load 30)
9. Calculate the design line for the tension load by multiplying the load on the drill pipe at surface and at the top
of the collars by the 1,3 design factor (since shock loads have been included).
10. Calculate the design line for the MOP by adding the 50.000-100.000 lb overpull factor to the static tension load
values calculated earlier.
11. Calculate the design line for slip crushing using equation 9.9 and equation 9.10 with TL =
static load at surface without shock load.

Rig Sizing & Selection. To determine the maximum load the rig then we should know the type of casing used. That way
we will know the weight of the casing so as to obtain the maximum load of the rig that will be used. The type and weight
of the casing is different for different sizes. To determine the amount of the maximum load sustained by the rig used the
following formula, where the total load is the heaviest load to be lifted rig.

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑙𝑏𝑠) = 𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 ( ) × 𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ (𝑚) × 3.281 31)

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑
𝑅𝑖𝑔 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑 = × (𝑛 + 2) 32)

In the optimal drilling operations , it is important for us to support the weight of the rig during operation. This is
to prevent us from losses that may result, if the rig that we have " collapse ". In the calculation of the maximum load of
the rig we use the formula given above. Rig load calculation we do for every case that we will attach to the wellbore,
starting from the surface casing, intermediate casing, production casing, until the liner if necessary.

Well and Field Performance. It is important to realize that each step should follow the preceding steps in drilling without
delay. Each step should take the least possible time with good practice. Non-productive time is the time spent during
drilling operations that are not in accorandce with the operating plan that has been designed previously or any time that
has been spent for routine or abnormal operations which are carried out as a result of failure.

Directional Drilling. Directional drilling is the process of directing the wellbore along some trajectory to a predetermined
target. It includes selecting the most appropriate survey techniques, defining the best control tools, researching applicable
government regulations, and gathering pertinent geological data. In addition, the directional program may alter or affect
the casing and cement program, hydraulics, centralization and completion techniques. Directional drilling is required
when :
1. Reaching a target which is below inaccessible or restricted areas such as a mountain, a highly populated area, a
national park, etc.,
2. Multiple wells have to be drilled from one offshore platform to deplete large portions of a reservoir from one
3. Side tracking has to be done around a fish,
4. Fault drilling is necessary,
5. Salt dome drilling takes place,
6. Drilling a relief well to intersect a blowout well,
7. Sidetracking from an old well to explore different horizons and/or directions.

When drilling a well, formations are often encountered that are under a different pressure regime. These
formations are named to be “abnormally pressured”. Abnormal pressures can be positive which means actual formation
pressures are higher than hydrostatic pressure. Directional wells are drilled to avoid drilling a vertical well through a
steeply inclined fault plane where abnormal pressure develop and may lead to slip and shear the casing. This fault in
sedimentary rocks is caused by tectonic activities. Sedimentary beds are broken up, moved up and down or twisted. There
are a variety of reasons why abnormal pressure develop due to faulting:
1. The fault plane act as a seal against a permeable formation thereby preventing further pore fluid expulsion with
compaction. The permeable zone will become overpressured.
2. If the fault is non sealing, it may transmit fluids from a deeper permeable formation
to a shallower zone, causing abnormal pressures in the shallow zone.
3. A zone may move down the fault plane causing the zone to be subjected to a higher overburden pressure and
higher geothermal temperature. If the zone further compacts and the pore fluids cannot escape, abnormal
pressure will result.
4. Rate of sedimentation usually increases on the downthrown block and this rapid
sedimentation can lead to undercompaction and development of overpressure.

The values that must be identified for directional well design are as follows:

 lateral, or horizontal, displacement from the target to a vertical line from the rig site

 kickoff point (KOP)

 desired build angle rate

 final drift angle

 plan type: L type, S type, and J type

Objective of The Study

The objective of this research are as follows:
1. To develop pressure window of well at the case area
2. To develop new casing setting depth, casing design, and drillsktring design to optimize drilling operation cost
3. Estimate the appropriate mud plan, cement plan, and bit program
4. To design rig size and selection
5. Analyze Non-Productive Time of drilling operation
6. To develop directional drilling plan

Data Used for Study

The main data sources used to construct pressure window estimation model for the studies are as follows:
1. End of Well Report, Drilling Prognosis, and Actual Report
The operational histories for each day of well TM-7 taken from the end well report such as Dc-exponent, bit
data, mud data, hydraulic data, list of hole and formation tops
2. Mud-Logging Data
Mudlogging data is only available on 1807-3363 ft depth
3. Pie Chart Activity
4. Sidewall Core Data


Figure-6. Workflow of analyzing technical drilling operation in Well TM- 19

Case Study

Pore Pressure. From the mud logging data, drilling parameters such as ROP, WOB, RPM, bit diameter, and ECD data
were available so computation of d-exponent, d-corrected, and d-normal can be performed. There are pore pressure data
well TM-19 of depth.

Depth Est. PP Form. PP Form.PP Form. PP + TM

ft ppg Psi ppg Ppg
573 8.6 256 8.59 8.89
750 8.6 335 8.59 8.89
1000 8.7 452 8.69 8.99
1250 8.7 566 8.71 9.01
1500 8.7 679 8.71 9.01
1750 8.7 792 8.70 9.00
2000 8.8 915 8.80 9.10
2250 8.8 1030 8.80 9.10
2500 8.8 1144 8.80 9.10
2750 8.9 1273 8.90 9.20
3000 8.9 1388 8.90 9.20
3250 8.9 1504 8.90 9.20
3500 9 1638 9.00 9.30
3610 9 1689 9.00 9.30
Table-2. Pore Pressure Well TM – 19

Pressure Window

Equivalent Mud Weight (psi)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800


Depth (1000 ft)


Formation Pressure



Graph-1. Pressure Window Pore Pressure (psi)

Pressure Window

Equivalent Mud Weight (ppg)

8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 18.5 20.5 22.5 24.5


Depth (1000 ft)



Formation Pressure

Graph-2. Pore Pressure (ppg) terhadap Kedalaman pada Pressure Window

From graph above, known that the formation has a normal pore pressure and its value is 0.472 psi/ ft without over pressure
zone exist.

Fracture Pressure. Pore pressure gradient can be estimated from pore pressure log at each depth from the available data of the
end of well report.

Depth ki
ppg psi/ft ppg ppsi/ft
590 8.7 0.452 20.82 1.083 1.149
1890 9.2 0.478 22.94 1.193 1.356
Table-3. Leak Of Test Well TM - 19

Depth Form. PP ki Fracture Fracture Gradient Surge Fracture Gradient +

Matrix Stress Pressure Factor SF
Ft psi psi/ft ppg
Coefficient psi ppg Ppg
573 256 1.149 620 1.083 20.82 0.3 20.52
750 335 1.18 825 1.1 21.14 0.3 20.84
1000 452 1.21 1115 1.115 21.44 0.3 21.14

1250 566 1.24 1414 1.131 21.76 0.3 21.46
1500 679 1.27 1722 1.148 22.07 0.3 21.77
1750 792 1.3 2037 1.164 22.39 0.3 22.09
2000 915 1.356 2386 1.193 22.94 0.3 22.64
2250 1030 1.376 2709 1.204 23.15 0.3 22.85
2500 1144 1.396 3037 1.215 23.36 0.3 23.06
2750 1273 1.416 3365 1.223 23.53 0.3 23.23
3000 1388 1.436 3703 1.234 23.73 0.3 23.43
3250 1504 1.456 4046 1.245 23.94 0.3 23.64
3500 1638 1.476 4386 1.253 24.10 0.3 23.80
3610 1689 1.496 4563 1.264 24.31 0.3 24.01
Table-4. Fracture Pressure Data of Well TM – 19

Pressure Window

Equivalent Mud Weight (psi)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000


Depth (1000 ft)


Fracture Gradient



Graph-3. Fracture Pressure (psi) terhadap Kedalaman pada Pressure Window

Pressure Window

Equivalent Mud Weight (ppg)

8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 18.5 20.5 22.5 24.5


1.5 Fracture Gradient

Depth (1000 ft)



Graph-4. Fracture Pressure (ppg) terhadap Kedalaman pada Pressure Window

From the above data it can be seen that the fracture gradient we derive consistent with the theory that there is an
increase in the gradient due to the increasing depth and this is also supported by the increase in the value of Ki (matrix
stress coeficient) against depth.
If we combine Pore Pressure Gradient and Fracture Pressure Gradient we can construct a pressure window

Pressure Window

Equivalent Mud Weight (psi)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000


Depth (1000 ft)


Fracture Gradient
Formation Pressure



Graph-5. Pressure Window Pore Pressure and Fracture Pressure (psi)

Pressure Window
Equivalent Mud Weight (ppg)
8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 18.5 20.5 22.5 24.5


Fracture Gradient

Depth (1000 ft)


Formation Pressure

Graph 5. Pressure Window Pore Pressure and Fracture Pressure (ppg)

And we input a trip margin 0.3 ppg and kick margin 0.3 ppg we can construct a new pressure window for building a
casing setting depth design

Pressure Window
Equivalent Mud Weight (ppg)
8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 18.5 20.5 22.5 24.5


Fracture Gradient

Depth (1000 ft)


Formation Pressure


Graph-6. Pressure Window Pore Pressure + TM and Fracture Pressure + SF (ppg)

Casing Setting Depth. Casing Setting Depth is constructed from the pressure window. Our purpose to construct pressure
window is to estimate casing setting depth depend on its pore pressure and fracture pressure gradient. Because of the wide
pressure window we can easily setting the casing depth but we need to consider about the formation condition from other
parameters. According to what we learned in fact that we are dealing well with one casing can be handled the well, but
we also have to consider the rock lithology and the presence of gas and the cost of casing that we used. As we known
from geological data, gas is present at depths of 2065 ft, but the present gas with produced oil at depth of 2538 – 3501
ft, so we better put up casing producing from a depth of 2538 ft.

Pressure Window
Equivalent Mud Weight (ppg)
8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 18.5 20.5 22.5 24.5

Casing 20" @78 ft

Casing 13-3/8" @3610

Fracture Gradient
Depth (1000 ft)

Casing 9-5/8" @3610 ft



Formation Pressure


Casing 7" @3610 ft

Graph-7. Casing Tally of Existing Data Casing Setting Depth

Pressure Window

Equivalent Mud Weight (ppg)

8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 18.5 20.5 22.5 24.5


Fracture Gradient

Depth (1000 ft)


Formation Pressure

Graph-8. Existing CSD Vs Propose CSD

Hole Geometry Selection. Based on data that given on the report, for well TM-19 have a geometry selection.

Figure-7. Hole Geometry Selection Well TM-19

Mud Plan. Based on pore pressure data, we can estimate the mud weight needed to balance the pore pressure

Calculation example :

Depth : 573 ft

Hp = 0.052 x Depth x EMW

EMW = = 8.591757283
0.052 𝑥 573

No. Depth Pressure EMW(ppg)

1 573 256 8.591757283

2 750 335 8.58974359
3 1000 452 8.692307692
4 1250 566 8.707692308
5 1500 679 8.705128205
6 1750 792 8.703296703
7 2000 915 8.798076923
8 2250 1030 8.803418803

9 2500 1144 8.8
10 2750 1273 8.902097902
11 3000 1388 8.897435897
12 3250 1504 8.899408284
13 3500 1638 9
14 3610 1689 8.997443
Table-5. Equivalent Mud Weight needed to balance pore pressure
Source : Program Bor Ipang

EMW vs Depth
8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9 9.1









Graph-9. EMW vs.Depth

Source : Program Bor Ipang

From the calculation, we need mud weight ranging from 8.6 ppg to 9 ppg. Mud additives are compunds that’s used to
create specific characteristic of the mud and thera are the appropriate additives of drilling fluid for each section.
a. Viscosity control additives
Commercial clays are used to control the viscosity of water based muds. These are graded according to their yield. The
yield of a clay is defined as the number of barrels of 15 centipoise viscosity mud which can be obtained from 1 ton of dry
clay. (A 15 centipoise viscosity will support barite). Wyoming bentonite has a yield of about 100 bbl/ton, whereas native
clays may only yield 10 bbl/ton. The result of this would be that the native clay would cause a higher solids content and
mud density than the Wyoming bentonite to build the same viscosity. The specifications for bentonite are laid down by
the API and are shown in Table 4. The yield of a clay will be affected by the salt concentration in the mixwater. The
hydration and therefore dispersion of the clay are greatly reduced by the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions.
b. Density control additives
Barite (barium sulphate, BaSO4) is the primary weighting material used in muds. Densities of 9 ppg to 19 ppg can be
achieved by mixing water, clay and barite. The API specification for barite is shown in Table 5. Other weighting materials
are calcium carbonate and galena (lead sulphide). The drill solids from the formation will increase the mud density if they
are not separated out. This will be discussed under solids control.

c. Filtration control additives
Loss of fluid from the mud occurs when the mud comes into contact with a permeable zone. If the pores are large enough
the first effect will be a spurt loss, followed by the buildup of solids to form a mud cake. The rate at which fluid is lost is
a function of the differential pressure, thickness of filter cake and viscosity of the filtrate.
d. pH control additives
Caustic soda NaOH is the major additive used to keep the pH of the mud high. This desirable to prevent corrosion and
hydrogen embrittlement. The pH of most muds lies between 9.5 and 10.5. Caustic potash, KOH and slaked lime, Ca(OH)2
may also be used.

e. Removal of contaminants
Various substances may enter the mud and cause an adverse effect on the quality of the mud and reduce its efficiency.
These contaminates must be removed.

Section 1 (572 ft – 1874 ft). If seen from the graph shown above , there are 4 intervals where appropriate mud density
rise occurs quite spontaneously . For example, at a depth of 1750 heading into 2000 , it takes 1 ppg mud with a density
higher than the previous interval . This suggests that the increase in pressure on the formation of the zone is quite
significant . For this zone , we need 8.6-8.8 ppg mud density . Because we have to use a 8.8 ppg mud , but at other depths
there that only requires 8.6 ppg , would be uneconomical if we divide it into different sections again . Therefore , the
necessary additives to prevent lost circulation because of the excess density of the mud in some depth. As there is no
more information about the specifications given temperature , then we should use this additive Wyoming Bentonite as an
additive to the work function of the most common and can be used for many conditions and requires only a little additional
( approximately 6 % ) to reduce fluid loss up to 10-12 cc . In addition to fluid loss control additive of course we need the
ballast standard barite mud density can only reach about 8.65 ppg so as to raise the weight becomes 8.8 ppg , barite needed
Section 2 (1874 ft – 3610 ft). Because, basically, the second part has the same characteristics of the formation relative to
the first part, then the analysis will be relatively the same. However, the second part of this requires a heavier mud density
that is from 8.8 - 9.0 ppg due to the more dalmnya depth necessary to make mud density greater. Just like the first part,
then we need a lost circulation control is Wyoming Bentonite to prevent fluid loss mud at depths greater density with
formation pressure.

Cement Plan.

OD 9.625 In
Intermediate Casing ID 8.921 In
Length 1302 Ft
OD 7 In
Production Casing ID 6.366 In
Length 1736 Ft
Diameter 12.25 In
Depth 3610 Ft
Shoe Joint Length 100 Ft

Top of Lead 521 Ft
Lead Cement Yield 1.308672183 cuft/sack
Density 12.5 Ppg
Top of Tail 1823 Ft
Tail Cement Yield 1.056037388 cuft/sack
Density 13.5 Ppg
Volume 20 Bbl
Density 11 Ppg
Mud Lama Density 8.6 Ppg
Mud Baru Density 9 Ppg
Stroke 18 SPM
Pump Displacement 13 gallon/stroke
Rate (known) 630 GPM
∆P casing 500 Psi
∆P annulus 800 Psi
Excess Volume 0.25

Table-6. Data provided by the drilling report

Source : Program Bor Ipang


Section Fluida Zona Panjang Unit

I Mud Baru Dalam Inner Casing 1636 Ft
II Tail Shoe Joint 100 Ft
III Tail Openhole – Openhole 1874 Ft
IV Tail Openhole - Inner Casing 50 Ft
V Lead Openhole - Inner Casing 384 Ft
VI Lead Outer Casing - Inner Casing 781 Ft
VII Spacer Openhole - Inner Casing Tidak Ada Ft
VIII Spacer Outer Casing - Inner Casing 521 Ft
IX Mud Lama Openhole - Inner Casing Tidak Ada Ft
X Mud Lama Outer Casing - Inner Casing Tidak Ada Ft

Section Fluida Zona Volume (cu-ft) Volume (gal)

I Mud Baru Dalam Inner Casing 361.6129352 2704.864755
II Tail Shoe Joint 22.10348015 165.3340315
III Tail Openhole - Openhole 1917.251853 14341.04386
IV Tail Openhole - Inner Casing 34.45065186 257.6908759
V Lead Openhole - Inner Casing 264.5810063 1979.065927
VI Lead Outer Casing - Inner Casing 130.2795142 974.490766
VII Spacer Openhole - Inner Casing Tidak Ada Tidak Ada
VIII Spacer Outer Casing - Inner Casing 86.90861317 650.0764265
IX Mud Lama Openhole - Inner Casing Tidak Ada Tidak Ada
X Mud Lama Outer Casing - Inner Casing Tidak Ada Tidak Ada

Table-7. Calculation of Total Cement Volume
Source : Program Bor Ipang

Lead cement Calculation

Total Volume = Volume Section V + Volume Section VI

Total Volume = 263.5810063 + 130.2795142

Total Volume = 394.8605205 cu-ft

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝐶𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

Total Sack Lead =
𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝐶𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

Total SackLead =

Total Sack Lead = 301.7260744 sack

Tail Cement Calculation

Total Volume = Volume Section II + Volume Section III + Volume Section IV

Total Volume = 22.10348015 + 1917.251853 + 34.45065186

Total Volume = 1973.805985 cu-ft

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑇𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝐶𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

Total Sack Tail =
𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑇𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝐶𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

Total SackLead =

Total Sack Lead = 1870 sack

Total Sack Semen

Total Sack Cement = Total Sack Lead + Total Sack Tail

Total Sack Cement = 302 + 1870

Total Sack Cement = 2172 sack

Bit Program. Based on data, there are bit program for well TM-19 for each hole section.

 For section 1 : conductor – OH 17-1/2”
We are not using drill bit to create this section. It’s made by digging using conventional ways such as digging machine
thus we are going to create 20” conductor size. Then the digging process is continued until 571 feet to create hole size of
 For section 2 : 12-1/4”
For this section, we are going to use 12-1/4” drillbit from 572 feet until 1874 feet.
 For section 3: 8-1/2”
For this section, we are going to use 8-1/2” drill bit from 1874 feet until 3610 feet.

Bit Type. According data that given bit type that we used for each section are :
 For section 12-1/4” : Rock bit
Roller cone bits (or rock bits) are still the most common type of bit used world wide. The cutting action is provided by
cones which have either steel teeth or tungsten carbide inserts. These cones rotate on the bottom of the hole and drill hole
predominantly with a grinding and chipping action. Rock bits are classified asmilled tooth bits or insert bits depending
on the cutting surface on the cones (Figure2 and 3). The first successful roller cone bit was designed by Hughes in 1909.
This was a major innovation, since it allowed rotary drilling to be extended to hard formations. The first design was a 2
cone bit which frequently balled up since the teeth on the cones did not mesh. This led to the introduction of a superior
design in the 1930s which had 3 cones with meshing teeth. The same basic design is still in use today although there have
been many improvements over the years. The cones of the 3 cone bit are mounted on bearing pins, or arm journals, which
extend from the bit body. The bearings allow each cone to turn about its own axis as the bit is rotated. The use of 3 cones
allows an even distribution of weight, a balanced cutting structure and drills a better gauge hole than the 2 cone design.

Figure-9. Rock bit (Source : Heriot-Watt University, Drilling Engineering)

 For section 8-1/2” : PDC bit

A new generation of diamond bits known as polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits were introduced in the
1980’s (Figure 5). These bits have the same advantages and disadvantages as natural diamond bits but use small discs
of synthetic diamond to provide the scraping cutting surface. The small discs may be manufactured in any size and
shape and are not sensitive to failure along cleavage planes as with natural diamond. PDC bits have been run very
successfully in many areas around the world. They have been particularly successful (long bit runs and high ROP)
when run in combination with turbodrills and oil based mud.

Figure-10. PDC bit (Source : Heriot-Watt University, Drilling Engineering)

Optimum bit selection. On the first section(from the surface to 573 feet) the well should not be drilled by using drill bit
because the hole size that is too big for the drill bit. So, in within the interval we are digging the hole by using conventional
way. On the next section from 572 feet-1874 feet, we are using the rock bit because the formation that’s dominated by
sand and still considerably low pore pressure thus we’re using bit that don’t really need specific ability because rock bit
is the most common bit that we use in the world. But, if we see the drilling data, on 1208 feet, it’s needed to replace the
rock bit with PDC bit due to insufficient drilling rate made by the rock bit. Other than that, we are using the same rock
bit to drill up to 1874 feet. On the second section(1874 feet-3610 feet) the well is drilled by using 8 1/2” PDC bit because
of the increasing pore pressure and harder rock formation thus the usage of rock bit will deemed to be inefficient both for
the drilling rate and economic-wise. In the economic analysis, the usage of rock bit will cause a big economic loss because
it will dull very quickly. So, my suggestion for the optimum bit selection is 12.25” rock bit for the first section and 8.5”
PDC bit for the second section.

Casing Design. On determining casing design, we need to consider the total load on casing. Loading scenario has
appropriate with its casing classification. Important to calculate the internal and the external load of casing. The loads are
plotted and the net loading is calculated.

CASING Expected
Expected LOT Pressure
Driven 20 - - - - - - -
17 ½ 13 3/8 8.6 8.7 8.7 @ 590 8.8 539 12.5 13.5 8.5
573 500 ft
12 ¼ 9 5/8 8.8 8.9 9.2 @ 1890 9 1824 12.5 13.5 8.5
1873 500 ft
8½ 7 8.9 8.9 9.2 @ 3600 9 3560 12.5 13.5 8.5
3610 500 ft

Table-8. Cementing Data from Drilling Report(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

Asumsi: Production Test Data:

Gas Density above Well test completion fluid
10000ft: 0.1 psi/ft density: 8.6 Ppg
ft TVD
Design Factor (Burst): 1.1 Test packer depth: 11000 RKB
ft TVD
Design Factor (Collapse): 1 Test Perforation Depth: 11250 RKB

Pressure at Top Perforation: 14 Ppg

Surface Casing (17-1/2" @571ft)
Burst Design - Drilling:
Internal Load: Asumsikan gas influx telah terjadi dan sumur penuh dengan gas menuju permukaan

Pore Pressure at bottom of 17 1/2" Hole: 866.8244 psi

Pressure at surface = Pressure at bottom of 17 1/2" Hole - pressure due to colom of gas
Pressure at surface = 679.5244 psi
Pressure at 20" Casing Shoe: 736.8244 psi
LOT Pressure at 20" Casing Shoe: 266.916 psi
Maximum pressure at surface = pressure at shoe- a colom of gas to surface
Maximum pressure at surface = 209.616 psi

External Load: Mengasumsikan pore pressure bekerja di casing shoe dan zero pressure di permukaan
Pore pressure at casing shoe: 256.2456 psi
External pressure at surface: 0 psi

Summary of Burst Load
DEPTH External Net Load Design Load
Load Internal Load
Surface 0 209.616 209.616 230.5776
Shoe@3000ft 256.246 266.916 10.6704 11.73744
Table-9. Burst Load Summary for Surface Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

Internal Pressure at surface: 0 psi

Internal pressure at shoe: 0 psi

External Load: Mengasumsikan pore pressure bekerja di casing shoe dan zero pressure di permukaan
Pore pressure at casing shoe: 256.2456 psi
External pressure at surface: 0 psi

DEPTH Net Load Design Load

External Load
Internal Load
Surface 0 0 0 0
Casing Shoe@3000ft 256.2456 0 256.2456 256.2456

Table-10. Collapse Load Summary for Surface Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

0 100 200 300




300 Burst




Graph-10.Burst and Collapse Design of Surface Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

K55 ID 12,515"

Existing data
N 80 ID 12,615

Intermedate Casing (12 1/4" @ 1873 ft)

Pore pressure at bottom of 12 1/4" Hole: 1670.708 psi

Pressure at surface = Pressure at bottom of 12 1/4" Hole - pressure due to colom of gas
Pressure at surface = 1309.708 psi
Pressure at 13 3/8" Casing Shoe: 1497.008 psi
LOT Pressure at 13 3/8" Casing Shoe: 904.176 psi
Maximum pressure at surface = pressure at shoe- a colom of gas to surface
Maximum pressure at surface = 715.176 psi

External Load: Mengasumsikan pore pressure bekerja di casing shoe dan zero pressure di permukaan
Pore pressure at casing shoe: 857.0848 psi
External pressure at surface: 0 psi

Summary of Burst
DEPTH Net Load Design Load
External Load
Internal Load
Surface 0 715.176 715.176 786.6936
Casing Shoe@1873ft 857.0848 904.176 47.0912 51.80032

Table-11. Burst Load Summary for Intermediate Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

Internal Pressure at surface: 0 psi

Internal pressure at shoe: 0 psi

External Load: Mengasumsikan pore pressure bekerja di casing shoe dan zero pressure di permukaan
Pore pressure at casing shoe: 866.8244 psi
External pressure at surface: 0 psi

Summary of Collapse Load

DEPTH Net Load Design Load
External Load
Internal Load
Surface 0 0 0 0
Casing Shoe@1873ft 866.8244 0 866.8244 866.8244

Table-12. Collapse Load Summary for Intermediate Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

Pressure (psi)
0 200 400 600 800 1000


Depth (ft) 1000



Collapse Burst

Graph-11. Burst and Collapse Design of Intermediate Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane,

Production Casing (8 1/2" @ 3610 ft)

Top of liner 9500 ft

Max Pore Pressure at top of
production zone: 1682.278 psi
CITHP = Pressure at top of perfs - pressure due to colom of gas 0.15 psi/ft
CITHP = 1137.028 psi
Pressure at top liner = CITHP + Hydrostatic colom of packer
Pressure at top of packer = 2762.6 psi

External Load: Mengasumsikan pore pressure bekerja di liner depth dan zero pressure
di permukaan
Pore pressure at top of liner: 1644.474 psi
External pressure at surface: 0 psi

DEPTH Net Load Design Load

External Load
Internal Load
Surface 0 1137.028 1137.028 1250.7308
Casing Shoe@3610ft 1644.474 2762.6 1118.126 1229.9386

Table-13. Burst Load Summary for Production Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

Internal Pressure at surface: 0 psi

Internal Pressure at Top of Liner 0 psi

External Load: Asumsikan maximum pore pressure bekerja di bagian luar casing pada TOL
Pore pressure at TOL 1682.278 psi

DEPTH Net Load Design Load
External Load
Internal Load
Surface 0 0 0 0
Casing Shoe@3610ft 1682.278 0 1682.278 1682.278

Table-14. Collapse Load Summary for Production Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

Pressure (psi)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Depth (ft)


Collapse Burst

Graph-12. Burst and Collapse Design of Production Casing(Source : Applied Drilling Engineering, Burgoyane, 1991)

Optimum casing design.The proposed casing design is C75 for the surface casing, L80 for the intermediate casing, and
H 40 for the production casing. This is due to the bending force provided by this casing because the C75 will provide an
even greater bending force ready to hold the external force. Moreover, the H 40 production casing provide the lighter
weight but stronger material so that it will reduce the load that’s held by the intermediate casing (L80). By this
configuration, we can see that the casing bond with the cement is better if we evaluate it with the CBL and VBL because
it will provide lesser total weight that cement will hold. Thus, creating a sustainable cementing operation.

Drillstring Design. Using equation 13) and the data of the mud used in these wells are shown in Table 9.3, the obtained
BF (buoyancy factor) in Table-20.

Depth (ft) Mud Weight (ppg) Yield Point (lb/100ft2)

572 8,7 10
953 8,8 10
1190 9 12
1198 9,2 13
1870 9,2 14
1877 9,2 8
2569 9,3 11

2983 9,4 12
3159 9,4 14
3457 9,4 14
For the portion of pendulum BHA below the tangent point or first drill string stabiliser, it is desirable to run drill collars
with the largest possible outside diameter. But potential problems associated with fishing the drill collars must be
considered in the design stage. Due to lack of data, the selection of drillpipe with a size of 5" OD and drillcollar 8" OD
based on the table below from ENI which illustrates the possibility and acceptability for 12 1/4 “ hole of soft formations.

Hole Drill collar / Drill I/C

I/C Remarks
size (in) pipe Ratio

DC 9 1/2" x 3" 83,8 1,5

DC 8 1/4" x 2
55,9 5,2 OK for soft
12 1/4" 13/16"
HWDP 5" x 42.6
10,7 1,9

DP 5" x 19.5 lb/ft 5,7 -


Here is the dimensional data and performance properties of new drill pipe 5" OD from API RP7G

Weight (lb/ft) Section

Torsional Tensile
Wall Area Collapse Burst
OD Approx. Wt. ID Yield Yield
Plain Thickness Body of Grade Pressure Pressure
(in) Incl. Tube & (in) Strength Strength
End (in) Pipe (psi) (psi)
Joint (lb) (ft.lb) ** (lb)
E 35.040 328.070 6.940 7.770
X-95 44.390 415.560 8.110 9.840
16,25 14,87 4,408 0,296 4,3743
G-105 49.060 459.300 8.620 10.880
S-135 63.080 590.530 9.830 13.990
E 41.170 395.600 10.000 9.960
X-95 52.140 501.090 12.030 12.040
19,5 17,93 4,276 0,362 5,2746
G-105 57.600 553.830 13.000 13.300
S-135 74.100 712.070 15.670 17.110

Therefore chosen drillpipe size 5 “x 3” and drillcolar size 8 “x 3”. Proved by calculating the ratio of the I/C at a crossover
from one tubular size to another size by using equation 16), its value is less than 5.5.

Drill collar /
I/C I/C Ratio Remarks
Drill pipe (in)
Between DC and
DC 8” x 3” 49,3 4,607476636

Between HWDP
HWDP 10,7 1,877192982
and DP

DP 5” x 4.276” 5,7 - -


There is heavy weight drillpipe on bottom hole assembly, the dimensional data and performance properties of HWDP
from the drilling data book of Baker Huges company can be seen in the table-19

TUBE Weight
Nom. Tube Dim. Upset Sec. Perform. Prop. Approx. Wt. Incl. Tube & Joint (lb)
Nom size
(in) Range II Range III
Wall Center Ends Tensile Torsional
ID (in) lb/jt lb/jt 45
Thick. (in) (in) (in) Yield(lb) (ft.lb) lb/ft lb/ft
30ft ft
3 1/2 2 1/16 0,719 4 3 5/8 345.400 19.535 26 810 - -
4 2 9/16 0,719 4 1/2 4 1/8 407.550 28.745 28 870 - -
4 1/2 2 3/4 0,875 5 4 5/8 548.075 40.625 42 1290 40 1745
5 3 1 5 1/2 5 1/8 691.185 56.365 50 1550 48 2090

Using equation 11) and equation 13) with a safety margin of 10% gained weight drillpipe and BHA are shown in the
following table

Required air
Interval Depth MW rata-rata Max WOB
BF weight of LBHA (ft) LDP (ft) WDP in air (lb)
(ft) (ppg) (lbfx1000)
BHA (lb)
572-1208 8,98 0,862900763 10 12747,69993 532,91 675,09 13164,255
1208-1874 9,2 0,859541985 7 8958,259325 722,99 1151,01 22444,695
1874-3610 9,328571429 0,857579062 10 12826,8057 909,4 2700,6 52661,7

Assumes production test zone or DST (Drill Stem Test) packer depth was just above the BHA, the design factor of
1.3 for the tension. For the interval depth 572-1208 ft MOP 100.000 lb and for the interval 1208-3610 ft MOP 60.000 lb.
Using equations above, obtained the following Static & dynamic loads and complete tension design graph along the
drillstring for each type of bit and BHA used. The results of the calculations can be seen in the table-21,22, and 23

Tension Load Line

Bouyant force Drillpipe Shock
Bouyant force Drill collar HWDP
Bit Data acting on the Weight load
acting on the top weight (lb) weight (lb)
top of the (lb) (lb)
of the collars /
collars / BF2
BF1 (lb)

RR 12 1/4" Rock
Bit S/N 1619- -24366,83853 26490,28689 28156,46621 13164,255 25390,08 29250

RR 12 1/4" PDC
-38726,95299 45532,75167 28156,47 22439,43 25450,56 29250
S/N 123121

RR 8 1/2" PDC S/N

-75644,65695 97670,91262 55807,8 56291,43 25373,76 29250


Static load at Dynamic load

Total dynamic Static load at
Static load at top of bottom of at bottom of
Bit Data load at surface surface without
drillcollars (lb) DP+HWDP DP+HWDP
(lb) shock load (lb)
(lb) (lb)

RR 12 1/4” Rock
Bit S/N 1619- 98084,24956 68834,2496 3789,627675 30279,91456 59529,91456

RR 12 1/4” PDC
112102,2549 82852,25488 -10570,48679 34962,26488 64212,26488
S/N 123121

RR 8 1/2” PDC
188749,2503 159499,2503 -19836,85227 77834,06035 107084,0603
S/N 124031


Design line tension load Design line for MOP Design line for slip crushing

Bit Data Dynamic load Static load at Static load at Slip crushing
Total Slip crushing
at bottom of surface bottom of load at bottom
Dynamic load SH/ST load at surface
DP+HWDP without shock DP+HWDP of DP+HWDP
at surface (lb) (lb)
(lb) load (lb) (lb) (lb)

RR 12 1/4"
Rock Bit S/N 127509,524 77388,8889 168834,25 130279,915 1,299572579 89455,10325 39350,94667

RR 12 1/4"
PDC S/N 145732,9314 83475,94435 142852,255 94962,2649 1,29957258 107672,5 45436,001

RR 8 1/2"
PDC S/N 245374,0255 139209,2785 219499,25 137834,06 1,29957258 207280,9 101151,01

Table -23

Static & Dynamic Loads RR 12 1/4" Rock Bit S/N 1619-103324

Compression (lb)
Tension (lb)
-50000 0 50000 100000 150000


400 Static Load line

Dynamic load line
Dpeth (ft)

600 Dynamic load line x 1.3






Complete Tension Design RR 12 1/4" Rock Bit S/N 1619-103324

Compression (lb)
Tension (lb)
-50000 0 50000 100000 150000 200000

Static Load line
400 Dynamic load line
100,000 lb overpull load line
Depth (ft)

Slip crushing design line






Static & Dynamic Loads RR 12 1/4" PDC S/N 123121

Tension (lb)
-50000 0 50000 100000 150000 200000
Compression (lb)


Static Load line
Dynamic load line
Depth (ft)

1000 Dynamic load line x 1.3







Comple Tension Design RR 12 1/4" PDC S/N 123121

Tension (lb)
Compression (lb)
-50000 0 50000 100000 150000 200000



600 Static Load line

800 Dynamic load line

Depth (ft)

60,000 overpull load line

Slip crushing design line






Static & Dynamic Loads RR 8 1/2" PDC S/N 124031

Tension (lb)
-100000 0 100000 200000 300000
Compression (lb)

Static Load line
Dynamic load line
Depth (ft)

2000 Dynamic load line x 1.3






Complete Tension Design RR 8 1/2" PDC S/N 124031

Tension (lb)
-100000 0 100000 200000 300000
Compression (lb)


Static Load line
1500 Dynamic load line
Depth (ft)

60,000 lb overpull load line

Slip crushing design line





Rig Sizing and Selection. Based on the given data and the assumption that the surface casing is a casing with OD 13 3/8
"with a grade of C-75 in accordance with the proposed casing which has been described previously as there was no surface
casing of the data used in the development well, obtained rig load calculation as follows :

Rig Load

Casing Casing Weight Depth Total Weight Rig Load

Grade lbm/ft m lbm Lbm
13 3/8" C-75 68 571 127394,668 152873,6
9 5/8" K-55 36 1874,81 221445,058 265734,1
K-55 29 681,21 64816,45029 77779,74
7" N-80 23 785,74 59294,29762 71153,16
K-55 23 3610 272421,43 326905,7
Table-24. Rig Load

Nominal weight threads and coupling / casing weight obtained from reference Burgoyne book which is a minimum
performance properties of casing based API. Specifications Type Casing used in this calculation Buorgoyne obtained
from reference books . In this book , has included the things you need to know to perform the calculations . It - it is the
grade of the casing, casing diameter and weight of the casing. In writing grade casing , we must know what it means. For
example, H-40, H indicates a casing forming material specifications that we have (marked with the letter H or C, can also
be other types). 40 states the minimum yield strength, which states how strong case that we have to hold the load, until
deformed and cannot return to its original size, in this case 40,000 psi.

Selected Nominal weight threads and coupling C-75 at table- 25 is the least desirable because it produces smaller
rig loads. Rig with a small load will make the selection of the rig that is not too big so that the costs would be even
cheaper. This also applies to the selection of casing weight on the proposed design of the casing is selected and rig loads
obtained in the following table.

Rig Load

Casing Casing Weight Depth Total Weight Rig Load

Grade lbm/ft m lbm Lbm
13 3/8" C-75 68 571 127394,668 152873,6
9 5/8" L-80 40 1874,81 246050,0644 295260,1
7" H-40 17 681,21 37995,85017 45595,02

Casing with most big rig loads, will be the limit for the selection of rigs that we use in drilling operations. Load
biggest rig on calculations in both tables previously obtained amounted to 326,905.7 LBM design development well
casing while the casing design proposed by 295,260.1 LBM. Therefore, it can be concluded that the proposed design of
the casing would result in a smaller rig and the rig will be cheaper. Selection of the casing design development wells are
more than likely caused by the unavailability of a lighter casing or drilling back to do so it is necessary for further
development of the larger rigs ability to withstand the loads resulting from the use of casing.

Productive and Non-Productive Time. From the existing data of development well, cannot be found any day intervals
from the drilling process is done. However, there is a pie chart that contains percentage of each of the process compared
to the total drilling time.

Well Activity Drill Cmt

Work BOP
1% Drill
WOC 5% Test BOP
Run Csg 3% Cond./Circ.
8% Cementing
7% Trip
8% Non- Log
Run Csg
0% WOC
Trip Work BOP
19% Drill
38.00% Test BOP
Drill Cmt
Non-productive time

Graph-19. Well Activity

Therefore, from the available pie chart obtained the required time for each process can be seen in table below.

Process Days
Drill 3,8
Cond. / Circ. 0,6
Trip 1,9
Log 0,8
Run Csg 0,7
WOC 0,3
Work BOP 0,5
Test BOP 0,8
LOT 0,07
Cementing 0,2
Drill Cmt. 0,3
Total days productive time 9,97
Total day non-productive time 0,03
Table-27. Well Activity

And a comparison can be made between productive time and the NPT as shown below

Well Activity

Productive time
(%) Non-productive
100% time (%)

Non-productive time
Productive time (%)

Graph-20. PT VS NPT

The cause of the occurrence of Non-Productive Time is diverse, it can be due to the occurrence of rig down time,
also when an error occurs that requires us to do fishing, or even abandon a well, which might happen if it turns out well
that we drill dry hole. Differential sticking, mechanical sticking, and lost circulation are the main events which cause
NPT in the drilling industry. In operations, there are also weather down time, this is because there is the possibility of a
storm that would impede the course of the operation. Simply NPT classified into three types:
o Repair Time
o Rectification time

o Client time

Details of the NPT should be recorded by the operator on a daily basis and should be checked against historical
NPT in the area to obtain trends and then arrive at solutions. Repair time is the time spent on repairs on the rig and related
equipment during which drilling operations is shut down. Based on drilling activity summary data, there were repair in
the blind ram BOP at 14-08-2009 when drilling stopped at a depth of 1874 ft which is included in the calculation of repair
time. Any operation that might be carried out to place the well in safe conditions before attempting repair and on
completion returning the well to former status, waiting on spare parts, weather or personnel before normal drilling
operations are carried out also part of the calculation of repair time.
Rectification time is the time spent in overcoming downhole problems that delay operations. In these wells that are
part of the rectification time is at a depth of 1208 ft was decided to replace the rock bit with the PDC bit, it is because the
very low rate of drilling at that depth using rock bit. In addition, there are other problems which are at a depth of 1827 ft
overpull of 40,000 lb while being carried POOH 12 1/4" PDC bit f / 1874 ft to 1827 ft and the overpull at a depth of 1796
ft 47,000 lb while being carried POOH 12 1/4" PDC bit f / 1874 ft to 1802 ft on 12-08-2009. Examples of other issues
are freeing stuck pipe, fishing lost cones, squeeze cement, and well kill operation. The NPT time includes normal
operations such as POOH, RIH, circulating etc. It is as if these operations are not part of the drilling process and they are
merely carried out to get us to where we were before the problem.
While the client time is the time spent on operations requested by client that was not included in the drilling program
earlier. These are not NPT, but indirectly linked and might affect the AFE. Operations are plugging back extra coring,
and extra logging.
Based on existing data such as overpull, drill bit replacement, and repairs blind ram BOP, it can be concluded that
the NPT should be greater than the actual value of the NPT which is listed on the pie chart on the data provided.
In the drilling operation, which we want is the smallest of the NPT, we do not want any additional drilling time
period of the plan that we have the previous design . This would increase our expenses in renting rigs, which are quite
expensive. Accurate calculation of NPT is essential if the operator attempts to improve future drilling operations.

Directional Drilling. At the beginning of the Middle Miocene is the beginning of the movement of compressible in South
Sumatra Basin. History of the formation of the basin since the Middle Miocene is characterized by regression cycles
reflected by Air Benakat formations, which cover Gumai formation. Air Benakat formations deposited in the marine
environment to the deep sea, consisting of claystone at the bottom that changes gradually became dominant sandstone to
the top. Regionally lithology penetrated by the well is included in the South Sumatra basin stratigraphic order in which
zones are the prospects of Air Benakat sandstone formations. These wells are located in the south of reverse fault trending
east-west relative (Thrown Down Block). Through this knowledge it is known manufacture directional drilling will turn
before the indication of clay and rock layers should not lead to the south where there is a reverse fault.
The study analyzes the integration of sedimentology and log data ever conducted, provides an overview of the delta
depositional environment Air Benakat formation. Existing deposition system is a variation of sediment delta front which
is believed deposited on the transition conditions between fluvial and marine. Sandstones in the sediment is interpreted
as distributary channels and delta front of the bar mounth relatively not affected by fluvial processes or tidal processes.
This is another consideration which is expected to be a lot of oil reserves that can be taken by applying directional drilling
in the layer. Of course this requires further studies and surveys as well as the calculation of the economics of the
directional drilling. We can use the MWD (Measurement While Drilling) which is a tool to increase the drilling efficiency

(stick-slip), be applied to detect the abnormal formation pressures or any kind of hole problems that may occur on the
reverse fault in Air Benakat formation that can help in designing directional drilling.
The values that must be identified for directional well design are as follows:
 lateral, or horizontal,
 displacement from the target to a vertical line from the rig sitekickoff point (KOP)
 desired build angle rate
 final drift angle
 plan type: L type, S type, and J type

The selection of KOP (kick-off point) and the build-up rate depends on several being hole pattern, casing program,
mud program, required horizontal displacement and maximum tolerable inclination. Choice of kick-off points can be
limited by requirements to keep the well path at a safe distance from existing wells. The higher in the hole the kickoff
point, the lower the dogleg severity needs to be in order to minimize fatigue in the drill string through the build section.
It may not always be possible to drill a directional well and not cause some fatigue in the drill string or to keep the
inclination below 30°. It depends upon the target departure. With high departure targets, high inclinations will be required.
The build angle rate describes the amount of angle build up below the KOP until the drift angle reaches the desired
value. The build-rate can be chosen to minimize fatigue in drill pipe, minimize keyseat possibility, or help to minimize
torque and drag. Build-up rates are usually in the range 1.5°/100 ft M.D. to 4.0°/100 ft M.D. for normal directional wells.
The build rate is chosen trying to keep below the endurance limit of the drill string in order to minimize the possibility of
fatigue damage.
When drilling directional wells the Directional Contractor should be asked to provide an assessment of the required
BHA changes, motor requirements and any limitations on bit operating parameters which may impact on the selection of
bits. In addition bit characteristics in terms of walk, build and drop tendencies will need to be assessed for their impact
on the well path. The double cone profile allows more cutters to be placed near the gauge giving better gauge protection
and allowing better directional control. Diamond side tracking bits are designed to drill “sideways” making it a natural
choice for “kicking off” in directional drilling situations. Window cutting through casing using diamond bits is now an
effective, field-proven method for re-entering older wells to increase production, to apply directional drilling techniques,
or to sidetrack. Using permanent casing whipstocks and specially designed diamond bits, wider and longer windows are
cut when sidetracking.
Since gravity acts vertically, only the weight of the along component of the BHA elements will contribute to the
WOB. The problem this creates is that if high WOB is required when drilling a high inclination borehole, a long and
expensive BHA would be needed to prevent putting the drillpipe into compression. However, for high inclination wells,
it is common practice to use about the same BHA weight as used on low inclination wells. On highly deviated wells,
operators have been running drillpipe in compression for years. If drilling a horizontal well, the build rate may be selected
based on steerability of the bottomhole assembly. In practice, BHA weight for steerable assemblies on typical directional
wells is not a problem for the following reasons :
 The WOB is usually fairly low, especially when a PDC bit is used.
 When the drillstring is not rotated, the drill pipe is not subjected to the cyclical stresses which occur during rotary

Therefore, sinusoidal buckling can be tolerated when there is no rotation of the drillstring. Helical buckling however,
must be avoided. Analysis of drillpipe buckling in inclined wells, by a number of researchers has shown that drillpipe can
tolerate significant levels of compression in small diameter of high inclination boreholes. This is because of the support
provided by the “low-side” of the borehole. Drillpipe is always run in compression in horizontal wells, without apparently
causing damage to the drillpipe. Selection of the drill pipe grade is based upon predicted values of pick-up load. For a
directional well, the prediction of pick-up load is best obtained using a Torque and Drag program, as well as including
the capacity for overpull.
Maximum permissible dogleg severity must be considered when choosing the appropriate rate. In practice, well
trajectory can be calculated for several KOPs and build-up rates and the results compared. The optimum choice is one
which gives a safe clearance from all existing wells, keeps the maximum inclination within desired limits and avoids
unnecessarily high dogleg severities.
When a number of drill collars are used in directional drilling, they produce a great amount of contact area with the
low side of the hole. As the collars are rotated, this high friction contact with the hole wall causes the collars to climb the
side of the wall. Rotating big, stiff collars through doglegs, developed in directional drilling, can cause very high-rotating
torque and excessive bending loads at the threaded connections. HWDP (heavy weight drillpipe) bends primarily in the
tube. This reduces the likelihood of tool joint fatigue failures occurring in the HWDP as it rotates through doglegs and
hole angle changes. HWDP design offers less wall contact area between the pipe and hole wall which results in:
 Less rotary torque.
 Less chance of differential sticking.
 Less vertical drag.
 Better directional and hole angle control.

L type wells are made up of a KOP, one buildup section and a tangent section up to the target. They are also called
Build and Hold Trajectory or L Profile Wells. These wells are drilled vertically from the surface to kick-off point at a
relatively shallow depth. From the kick off point, the well is steadily and smoothly deflected until a maximum angle and
the desired direction are achieved (build). Then, if desired, casing is run and cemented. Further, the established angle
and direction are maintained (hold) while drilling upto the target depth. Usually this method is employed when drilling
shallow wells with single producing zones.
Drop angle rates apply only in S plans, the S curve will drop angle prior to drilling into the target so entry is vertical.
S type are made up of a vertical section, a kick- off point, a build-up section, a tangent section, a drop-off section and a
hold section upto target. The S curve is selected primarily because it allows vertical entry into the target zone. Many
operators believe that vertical entry may improve completion and production efficiency. And effective cement jobs may
be easier to achieve in a vertical well.
From the KOP, the well is steadily and smoothly deflected until a maximum angle and the desired direction are
achieved (build). The angle and direction are maintained until a specified depth and horizontal departure has been reached
(hold). Then, the angle is steadily and smoothly dropped (drop) until the well is near vertical. Finally the angle and
direction is maintained till we reach the target depth.
The S curve requires careful consideration prior to its implementation. Since the angle change will occur deeper in
the well where the formations are harder, directional control may be more difficult. In addition, since angle dropping
requires fewer stabilizers in the bottom-hole assembly (BHA), azimuth control problems may occur. If a high-angle hole

is returned to the vertical position, keyseating may develop if a long section of vertical hole is drilled. The S curve will
usually require 10-20% more drilling time than a L type.
J type wells are made up of a vertical section, a deep kick off and a build up to target. They are also called Deep
Kick off wells or J Profile wells (as they are J - shaped). They are similar to the Type I well except the kickoff point is at
a deeper depth. The well is deflected at the kickoff point, and inclination is continually built through the target interval
(build). The inclinations are usually high and the horizontal departure low. This type of well is generally used for multiple
sand zones, fault drilling, salt dome drilling, and stratigraphic tests. It is not used very often.

It is necessary to study a planned well in objective to analysis the plans and to suggest a better and effective plan. From
the well we studied, it is concluded that ;
1. The formation is majorly sandstone with normal pore pressure.
2. The casing used in well must be corrected to the gas existing with produce oil.
3. The casing used to drill the well has been correctly decided using the maximum load method and since the well is
shallow, we can use relatively cheaper casing, such as C-75, K-55, N-80, and so on.
4. The bit used in the data has been selected effectively according to the lithology description.
5. The drillstring is designed using graphical method and existing well and proposal well the production casing load
contribute most of the load, it can be seen from the maximum rig load is the value of total production casing.
6. Non-productive time on drilling operation Well TM-19 is 0.3 % caused by repair, rectification, and client time.

We express our appreciation to Mr Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun as our drilling lecture and all of drilling assistants for
the guidance in finishing this case study.

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