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1, 2000
© 2000 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology ISSN 0002-9270/00/$20.00
Published by Elsevier Science Inc. PII S0002-9270(99)00762-5

Standardization of a Simplified
Scintigraphic Methodology for the Assessment
of Gastric Emptying in a Multicenter Setting
Gervais Tougas, M.D.C.M., F.R.C.P.C., Ying Chen, M.Sc., Geoffrey Coates, M.B.B.S., F.R.C.P.C.,
William Paterson, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., Christian Dallaire, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., Pierre Paré, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.,
Michel Boivin, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., Alain Watier, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., Sandra Daniels, M.Sc., and
Nicholas Diamant, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario; Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario; Université Laval, Québec,
Québec; Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec; Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec; Astra
Pharma, Mississauga, Ontario; and University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

OBJECTIVE: Scintigraphy remains the gold standard to study GI conditions and symptoms, including gastroesophageal
gastric emptying. The technique is onerous and normal reflux disease (GERD), and dyspepsia (2, 3). Furthermore,
values vary between centers. Standardized protocols, al- symptoms usually associated with gastroparesis, such as
though desirable, are not presently available. We validated nausea, vomiting, early satiety, bloating, and belching, can
a simplified scintigraphic protocol in a multicenter setting. also be the result of several other mechanisms and often
correlate poorly with delayed gastric emptying (4). Finally,
METHODS: In 69 healthy volunteers from seven Canadian
institutions, gastric emptying of a standard meal (99mTc- it is often difficult to identify gastroparesis on clinical
labeled beef liver) was assessed by scintigraphy every 10 rounds alone (4). Therefore, it is important to establish
min for 1 h, then every 20 min for the next 2 h. Gastric whether or not there is an actual delay in gastric emptying, as
retention was fitted to a power exponential model, Propt ⫽ prokinetic drugs may be useful in patients who have a pro-
{-(␬t)␤ } with Propt ⫽ proportion of retention at time t, either longed gastric emptying but may be of limited efficacy in those
using all 13 time intervals (conventional technique) or using with normal, or even rapid, gastric emptying.
measurements at 0, 1, 2, and 3 h (simplified technique). Gastric scintigraphy is the most commonly used test for
the assessment of gastric emptying and, although several
RESULTS: The power exponential model yielded identical other methods have been proposed as alternatives, scintig-
emptying curves and T 1⁄2 values with both techniques. raphy remains the gold standard. However, a standardized
Gastric emptying was more rapid in men than in women ⬍ approach to the scintigraphic assessment of gastric empty-
35 yr (p ⬍ 0.01) and in younger than in older men (p ⬍ ing is still lacking, and techniques can vary substantially
0.005). Gastric emptying was slower in women from Qué- between individual centers. In a Canadian survey of gastric
bec than in women from Ontario (p ⬍ 0.04). Gastric reten- scintigraphy, a wide variability was found in the actual
tion was similar at 1, 2, and 3 h among the seven centers. technique as well as in the values believed to represent the
Gastric emptying of a beef liver meal was slower than that normal range (5). Thus, comparisons between gastric emp-
of a low fat egg substitute (p ⬍ 0.03). tying studies obtained in different institutions and pooling of
CONCLUSIONS: A simpler scintigraphic approach, using results in the context of clinical trials are difficult. In addi-
four rather than 13 samples, provides results comparable to tion, as presently conducted, scintigraphy is costly, labor
those of the conventional technique. This simpler approach intensive, and time consuming, both for the patients and for
provides an economical, yet accurate, alternative to the the personnel involved.
techniques presently used and is applicable to a multicenter The aims of the present study were 1) to establish a
setting. (Am J Gastroenterol 2000;95:78 – 86. © 2000 by standardized yet simple scintigraphic protocol for the as-
Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology) sessment of gastric emptying in seven academic Canadian
institutions, and 2) to determine what constitutes normal
emptying of a standardized meal. We have also attempted to
simplify data analysis and the requirement for frequent
Gastroparesis is usually defined as a symptomatic delay in sampling to make the technique more widely usable. Fi-
gastric emptying in the absence of any definable mechanical nally, we examined whether there are regional differences in
obstruction (1). Delayed gastric emptying is one of the gastric emptying between residents of French- and English-
factors implicated in the pathogenesis of several common speaking Canada.
AJG – January, 2000 Simplified Scintigraphy for Gastric Emptying Assessment 79

MATERIALS AND METHODS wave oven for 1–2 min, stirring the mixture once during
cooking. The meal was then ingested within 10 min. The
Subjects caloric value of the low fat meal was 255 Kcal; it contained
A total of 69 healthy volunteers (33 male and 36 female; 2% fat, with 72% carbohydrate 24% proteins and 2% fiber).
mean age ⫽ 39 yr, range 20 – 63 yr) were recruited from
seven different Canadian institutions. The centers involved Scintigraphy
were Hamilton (McMaster University Medical Centre), To- To avoid possible diurnal variations, all studies began be-
ronto (The Toronto Hospital, Western Division), Kingston tween 09:00 and 10:00, to finish between 12:00 and 13:00.
(Hotel-Dieu Hospital), Montréal (Hôpital Saint-Luc), Sher- Anterior and posterior images of the gastric region were
brooke (Center Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke), taken within 1 min of the completion of the meal (defined as
Québec (Hôtel-Dieu de Québec and Hôpital Saint-François time 0, T0). Subsequent images were obtained every 10 min
d’Assise). during the first 1 h and every 20 min afterward until 3 h had
All subjects were in good health and without GI, neuro- elapsed. For every time point, both 1-min anterior and
logical, endocrine, renal, hepatic, pulmonary, or cardiovas- posterior images were obtained in the 140 KeV 99Tc peak
cular disease. They had no prior GI surgery, with the ex- with a 20% window. All images were collected with the
ception of appendectomy. In addition, none of the subjects volunteers standing and leaning right up against the camera.
had any symptoms suggestive of delayed gastric emptying. Between imaging periods, the subjects were allowed to sit
The subjects were currently not taking any medication upright in an adjacent waiting area. This frees the gamma
and had not been smoking for ⱖ14 days. Female partici- camera for most of the time.
pants were either postmenopausal or had had a negative
Analysis of Gastric Emptying
pregnancy test within 3 days of the study.
For each image taken, the gastric region was drawn using a
Signed, informed consent was obtained from each partic-
manually operated cursor. The geometric mean was calcu-
ipant. The study was approved by the ethical review board
lated as the square root of the product of the anterior and
of every institution involved.
posterior counts corrected for time decay.
Several parameters were individually calculated for every
Test Meal
subject. These include calculation of percent gastric reten-
The standard meal used in every center consisted of a slice
tion at 13 data collecting times, gastric retention curves
of beef liver (57 g) mixed into 225 g of Campbell’s chicken
spanning the entire period from the end of the meal (T0) to
stew (225 g). The caloric value of the meal was 275.5 kcal
180 min later, and estimation of lag phase and T 1⁄2. Gastric
(22.8% carbohydrate, 43.7% protein, and 33.5% fat). The
retention curve were generated using a power exponential
meal was prepared de novo on the morning of the study.
model, Propt ⫽ {⫺(␬t)␤}, where Propt is the proportion of
Using a microwave oven, liver and stew were first sepa-
retention at time t.
rately thawed but not cooked. Then 18.5 Mbp (0.5 mCi) of
99m Lag phase was defined a priori as the period extending
Tc sulfur colloid were drawn up into a tuberculin syringe
from the end of the meal to the time at which 5% of the
and made up to 1 ml using normal saline. Afterward, the
original gastric content has left the stomach, and T 1⁄2 as the
isotope was injected into the slice of liver, using 10 discrete
time to emptying of 50% of the original gastric content.
injections so as to cover as much of the total surface area as
We compared two different approaches to generate gas-
possible. Immediately afterward, the liver was fried in an
tric retention curves: in the first instance we used the con-
electric, Teflon-coated frying pan for approximately 1 min
ventional technique, and all data samples from each time
on each side. It was then removed from the pan, cut into
interval (every 10 min in the first 1 h, and every 20 min
square pieces of approximately 1 cm2, and then returned to
thereafter) used to determine lag phase and T 1⁄2. In the
the frying pan and fried until thoroughly cooked (5 min second instance we used a simplified method in which only
more). At that time, the thawed chicken stew was added to the gastric counts at T0 and 60, 120 and 180 min were used
the pan and the entire mixture heated. The meal was then to generate the gastric emptying curve and subsequently
taken to the scintigraphy room and the fasting volunteer calculate lag phase and T 1⁄2.
instructed to consume it within 10 min.
In two centers (Hamilton and Montréal), a low fat meal Statistics
using a synthetic egg-substitute was also used to assess As most of the measured data were not normally distributed,
gastric emptying. This meal consisted of a scrambled egg results are primarily reported as medians, with 90th and 95th
substitute (120 g EggBeater, equivalent to the volume of percentiles, and plots presented as box and whiskers plots.
two large eggs), two slices of bread, strawberry jam (30 g), The central horizontal line of the box represents the median
and drinking water (120 ml). The egg substitute was first and the bottom and top edges the 25th and 75th percentiles,
radio-labeled using 1 mCi (37 Mbp) of 99mTc-labeled sulfur respectively. The whiskers extend from the box upward and
colloid, which was mixed into the liquid egg substitute downward to the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively.
preparation. The labeled mixture was then either scrambled Data that are normally distributed are reported as mean ⫾
in a nonstick frying pan for 4 –5 min or cooked in a micro- 2 SD (T 1⁄2 in particular). When appropriate, comparisons by
80 Tougas et al. AJG – Vol. 95, No. 1, 2000

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Gastric Emptying of a Tc-Labeled Beef Liver Meal
Healthy Probability
Volunteers 1st 3rd of Normal 90th 95th
(N ⫽ 69) Median Quartile Quartile Skewness Distribution Percentile Percentile
% Gastric Retention
1h 77 70 85 ⫺1.29 ⬍0.0001 92 95
2h 42 ⫾ 36 29 53 ⫺0.12 ⬍0.5 67 70
3h 17 10 27 0.33 ⬍0.06 34 42
* As data for % retention at 2 h are normally distributed, mean ⫾ SD are presented.

groups were performed using repeated analysis of variance Effect of Gender and Age on Gastric Emptying
(ANOVA) based on rank, two sample t test, Kruskal-Wallis, Although there are no overall significant differences be-
and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. Differences are considered tween the gastric emptying of men and women, there are
significant only at p ⬍ 0.05. significant differences between men and women ⬍35 yr of
age. Men exhibit a significantly faster gastric emptying than
RESULTS women ⬍35 yr of age (p ⬍ 0.01, Fig. 3A). This is reflected
in longer mean T 1⁄2 in women than in men ⬍ 35 yr (118 and
Sample Population: Demographic Characteristics 91 min, respectively, p ⬍ 0.04). However there are no
A total of 69 subjects (range 20 – 63 yr) were studied. There differences in gastric emptying between men and women
were 33 men and 36 women. In all, 29 subjects (15 men and ⱖ35 yr (p ⬍ 0.4) (Fig. 3B).
14 women) were ⬍35 yr of age, and 40 subjects (18 men As shown in Figure 4A, younger men (⬍35 yr) empty
and 22 women) were ⱖ35 yr. their stomach more rapidly than men ⬎35 yr (p ⬍ 0.005
Each of the seven centers contributed 10 subjects, with overall, p ⬍ 0.02, 0.02 and 0.01 at 1, 2, and 3 h, respec-
the exception of one center, which recruited nine individu- tively). Correlation between percent residual and age of men
als. There were a total of 29 subjects from Ontario and 40 was significant at 2 and 3 h (p ⬍ 0.02) and nearly significant
from Québec.

Gastric Emptying of a Liver Meal: Descriptive Values

Table 1 shows the median measured percent gastric reten-
tion at 1, 2, and 3 h. The data are not normally distributed
(Fig. 1A, B, and C), particularly at 1 h (the probability of
normal distribution p ⬍ 0.0001); consequently, the median
and 90th or 95th percentile, rather than the mean and SD, are
used to determine normal values.
At 1, 2, and 3 h, the 90th percentile values for percent
gastric retention are 92%, 67%, and 34%, respectively. The
95th percentile values are 95%, 70%, and 42%, respectively,
for the same intervals.
Figure 2 shows the estimated gastric emptying curves
generated by the power exponential model (Propt ⫽
{⫺(␬t)␤}) using median ␬ and ␤ values derived from the
entire database. Both the simplified method, using only four
data points (0, 60, 120, and 180 min), and the conventional
method, which uses a total of 13 data points, provide es-
sentially identical results. The median lag phase and mean T
1⁄2, as determined by the conventional method, were 25 min

(5th and 95th percentile ⫽ 7 and 55 min) and 107 min

(normal range, defined as mean ⫾ 2 SD ⫽ 46 –169 min),
The results are almost identical when only four data
samples are used, with the median lag phase being 24 min
(5th and 95th percentiles ⫽ 7 and 54 min) and the mean T
1⁄2 being 107 min (normal range, defined as mean ⫾ 2 SD ⫽

46 ⫺ 169 min). The calculated ␬ and ␤ were 0.0077 and

1.80 with the conventional method and were 0.0077 and Figure 1. Overall distribution of percent gastric retention of a beef
1.85 with the simplified scintigraphic method. All data are liver meal at 1, 2, and 3 h in 69 subjects. The distribution of the
summarized in Table 2 and Table 3. data are markedly skewed at 1 and 3 h, but less so at 2 h.
AJG – January, 2000 Simplified Scintigraphy for Gastric Emptying Assessment 81

than in those located in English Canada (p ⬍ 0.04 overall).

Median lag phase and mean T 1⁄2 were, respectively, 20 and
96 min in Ontario and 27 and 116 min in Québec (p ⬍
0.009). This interprovincial difference is entirely attribut-
able to a significantly slower gastric emptying in women
from Québec (French Canada) compared to gastric empty-
ing in women from Ontario (English Canada, p ⬍ 0.04
overall, p ⬍ 0.02, 0.04 and 0.08 at 60, 120 and 180 min, see
Fig. 6A). There were no interprovincial differences in the
gastric emptying among men (p ⬍ 0.4 overall) (Fig. 6B).

Comparison Between Gastric Emptying of a

Tc-Labeled Beef Liver Meal and a Low Fat
Meal Using 99mTc-Labeled Egg Substitute (Eggbeater)
In two centers (Hamilton and Montréal), we further com-
pared the values obtained using 99mTc-labeled beef liver and
a low fat meal using 99mTc-labeled synthetic egg prepara-
tion (EggBeater). The protocols used were identical in both
studies except for the preparation and nature of the meal.
The demographic characteristics of the participants were
comparable. The two meal have a very similar caloric con-
tent (liver meal ⫽ 275.5 kcal, low fat meal ⫽ 255 kcal). The
beef liver meal has higher fat content and different compo-
sition than the low fat meal (liver meal ⫽ 33.5% fat, 22.8%
carbohydrate, and 43.7% protein; low fat meal ⫽ 2% fat,
Figure 2. Overall estimated percent gastric retention curves gen- 72% carbohydrate, 24% protein, plus 2% fiber).
erated using a power exponential model, either with frequent Gastric emptying of a low fat meal was significantly more
imaging (dashed line, median ␬ ⫽ 0.0077 and median ␤ ⫽ 1.80),
or only with imaging at 0, 60, 120, and 180 min (solid line, median rapid than gastric emptying of a beef liver meal which
␬ ⫽ 0.0077 and median ␤ ⫽ 1.85). The power exponential model contains more fat (overall, p ⬍ 0.03; p ⬍ 0.05 and 0.007 at
is defined as propt ⫽ {-(kt)␤} (see Materials and Methods). 2 and 3 h, respectively, Fig. 7). Median lag phase and mean
T 1⁄2 were 17 min and 81 min, respectively, when using the
low fat egg substitute meal compared to 18 and 96 min with
at 1 h (p ⬍ 0.07). The calculated median lag phase and mean
the beef liver meal (p ⬍ 0.02).
T 1⁄2 were 21 and 91 min, respectively, in men ⬍35 yr and
Although most subjects found the low fat meal easier to
29 and 115 min in men ⱖ35 yr (p ⬍ 0.05). There were no
ingest, both meals were well tolerated and could be ingested
comparable differences between women ⬍35 yr and ⬎35 yr
easily by everyone within the allotted time. Technical staff
of age (p ⬍ 0.8 overall) (Fig. 4B).
involved generally found preparation of the low fat meal
Interinstitutional and Interprovincial Variability easier than the preparation of the beef liver meal, which
As can be seen in Figure 5, there were no overall differences requires an electric frying pan and freezer facilities to store
in gastric emptying among participants from the seven dif- the frozen constituents. Cleaning of the cooking utensils was
ferent centers (p ⬍ 0.2). However, when grouped according also mentioned as an inconvenient feature of the liver meal.
the province of origin, there were significant differences
between the four centers from Québec (⬎90% French Ca-
nadian origin) and the three centers from Ontario (⬍5% of
French Canadian origin). Overall, gastric emptying was A precise definition of what constitutes normal gastric emp-
significantly slower in the centers located in French Canada tying remains elusive. A direct relationship is often missing

Table 2. Calculated Parameters Using Power Exponential Model Based on Four Data Points
Median of Normal 10th to 90th 5th to 95th
(1st to 3rd Quartile) Distribution Skewness Percentile Percentile
␬ 0.0077 (0.0065–0.0090) ⬍0.0001 2.36 0.0056–0.0119 0.0052–0.0156
␤ 1.85 (1.51–2.21) ⬍0.004 1.09 1.29–2.53 1.26–2.89
T50 (min)* 107 (46–169) ⱕ0.5 ⫺0.17 68–151 53–160
Lag phase (min) 24 (18–38) ⬍0.002 0.90 13–49 7–54
* As data for T50 were normally distributed, mean ⫾ 2 SD are reported.
82 Tougas et al. AJG – Vol. 95, No. 1, 2000

Table 3. Calculated Parameters Using Power Exponential Model Based on 13 Data Points
Median of Normal 10th to 90th 5th to 95th
(1st to 3rd Quartile) Distribution Skewness Percentile Percentile
␬ 0.0077 (0.0064–0.0090) ⬍0.0001 2.58 0.0056–0.0118 0.0051–0.0164
␤ 1.80 (1.48–2.14) ⬍0.0001 1.38 1.29–2.64 1.21–2.91
T50 (min)* 107 (46–169) ⬍0.8 ⫺0.13 71–149 46–158
Lag phase (min) 25 (17–36) ⬍0.0001 1.18 12–49 7–55
* As data for T50 were normally distributed, mean ⫾ SD reported.

between symptoms and evidence of delayed gastric empty- different institutions, pooling of results is problematic if not
ing (6) (7). Patients with seemingly delayed gastric empty- impossible.
ing are often completely asymptomatic, whereas others, Our study is the first multicenter study to use a standard-
with ostensibly normal gastric emptying, are very symptom- ized methodology in seven different institutions to charac-
atic. The usual symptoms associated with delayed gastric terize gastric emptying, in this case of healthy Canadian
emptying (nausea, vomiting, bloating, early satiety, exces- adults of both genders. Our results demonstrate that, by
sive belching, and regurgitation) can result from not only using a standardized methodology, data from different cen-
from gastroparesis but from other GI factors as well as from ters can in fact be pooled. These seven centers collectively
several metabolic or neurological causes (8). In these con- generated a database of 69 healthy volunteers, allowing us
ditions, there is often no alteration of gastric emptying. It is to statistically determine the normal range in a healthy adult
therefore clinically important to have methods capable of Canadian population of different ages. Furthermore, the
objectively assessing gastric emptying in patients in whom large sample size also provided us with the statistical power
it may be contributing to symptoms, to better determine the to examine the data set in a number of different ways and to
respective contributions of gastroparesis and other factors to see if the procedure could actually be simplified and more
the symptoms reported. easily used in the clinical arena. Simplification has practical
An objective and reproducible assessment of gastric emp- implications. Presently, gastric emptying scintigraphy re-
tying would also be very useful in clinical trials examining quires frequent, if not continuous, sampling for 2– 4 h,
the effects and clinical utility of prokinetic compounds on thereby monopolizing the use of a gamma camera for almost
gastric emptying and symptoms. Disorders of gastric emp- the entire period (14, 15). This is something that is increas-
tying being relatively uncommon, therapeutic trials studying ingly difficult in an era of decreasing resources and acces-
the efficacy of new drugs and approaches in those conditions sibility.
usually require the involvement of several centers for pa- In the clinical setting, identification of delayed gastric
tient recruitment. At the present time, the techniques, meals, emptying is the necessary clinical endpoint. Therefore, our
and methods of analysis used for the scintigraphic assess- approach was designed to define normal gastric emptying of
ment of gastric emptying vary widely among institutions a standardized meal and to identify subjects with delayed
(9 –13), and large multicenter trials with standardized tech- gastric emptying. In this context, the ideal measure is one
niques are very difficult to conduct because of this lack of that will focus on the demonstration of an abnormal gastric
standardization. As the data are generated differently at retention of a meal for a prolonged period. The measure-

Figure 3. Box whiskers plots of the male and female percent gastric retention at 1, 2, and 3 h, in subjects aged ⬍35 yr (A) and in subjects
ⱖ35 yr (B). The central horizontal line of the box represents the median and the bottom and top edges the 25th and 75th percentiles,
respectively. The whiskers extend from the box upward and downward to the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. There was a clear
gender effect in younger persons, p ⬍ 0.01, which was not present among older individuals (p ⬍ 0.4).
AJG – January, 2000 Simplified Scintigraphy for Gastric Emptying Assessment 83

Figure 4. Box whiskers plots of the percent gastric retention at 1, 2, and 3 h among groups separated according to age (⬍35 yr vs ⱖ35
yr) and gender. The central horizontal line of the box represents the median and the bottom and top edges the 25th and 75th percentiles,
respectively.The whiskers extend from the box upward and downward to the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. A: The significant
difference in percent gastric retention at 1, 2, and 3 h between younger (⬍35 yr) and older men is shown. B: Percent gastric retention at
1, 2, and 3 h between younger and older women. There was a significant overall age effect in men (p ⬍ 0.005) but not in women (p ⬍

ment of percent gastric retention after 2, 3, or even 4 h is be defined by a gastric retention of ⬎34% (90th percentile)
probably a more useful index (16, 17). However, measures or ⬎42% (95th percentile) of a standard beef liver meal at
such as T 1⁄2 or the lag phase may be more important than 3 h. These values are greater than those generally reported.
percent gastric retention over time to assess gastric function A more commonly used measure of gastric emptying is
in relation to symptoms such as early satiety and fullness, or the T50 or T 1⁄2 emptying time, the estimated time required
in conditions such as functional dyspepsia. In these condi- for the stomach to empty one-half of the original meal (19).
tions, it is the initial part of the postprandial period that As our data indicate, these calculated values are more nor-
seems to be disordered (18). mally distributed, and the mean ⫾ standard deviations is
Several aspects of the data deserve further attention. Gas- probably appropriate to define the normal range. However,
tric emptying data are often described in terms of mean and in a recent study examining the performance of scinti-
SD (5, 12). This approach implies that the data are normally graphic gastric emptying studies in 173 different Canadian
distributed, which is clearly not the case based on our hospitals, abnormal emptying was defined in a number of
analysis (see Fig. 1). A more appropriate approach would be ways, with widely different values, based on several differ-
to use the median and a range defined as either between the ent criteria to describe the normal range (5). These criteria
5th and 95th percentiles or between the 10th and 90th sometimes, but not always, included the mean ⫾ 1 or 2 SD.
percentiles to define what constitutes normal emptying. If It ranged from as low as 36 min to as high as 125 min as the
such an approach is used, delayed gastric emptying would upper limit of normal for T 1⁄2. On the basis of our own data,
generated among seven different centers, these previous
values seem to be underestimations and likely produce a
high incidence of false-positive results. Based on the present
database, T 1⁄2 values ⬍135 min (mean and 2 SD) should be
considered normal with a low fat meal (an egg substitute),
whereas a liver- based meal (with a higher fat content)
would require T 1⁄2 values ⬎169 min for delayed gastric
emptying to be demonstrated. Poitras et al. (20) have pre-
viously reported comparable values using similar meals in
another series of healthy volunteers examined in two of the
institutions included in the present study. In addition, using
a low fat meal indentical to the meal used in the present
study, we have previously reported nearly identical results
in a large international multicenter study involving 11 in-
Figure 5. Box whisker plots of the percent gastric retention at 1, 2, stitutions in four different countries (21). If T 1⁄2 is used to
and 3 h in all seven individual centers. The central horizontal line assess gastric emptying in that previous study, delayed
of the box represents the median and the bottom and top edges the
25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. The whiskers extend from gastric emptying would be defined by a T 1⁄2 ⬎141 min, a
the box upward and downward to the 10th and 90th percentiles, figure that is almost identical to that reported in the present
respectively. There was no center effect at 1, 2, or 3 h (p ⬍ 0.2). study (135 min).
84 Tougas et al. AJG – Vol. 95, No. 1, 2000

Figure 6. Calculated power exponential model of gastric emptying of a beef liver meal in subject from Ontario (English Canadians, solid
line) and from Québec (French Canadians, dashed line). A: Power exponential curves for women, ␬ ⫽ 0.0084 and ␤ ⫽ 1.72 among women
from Ontario. ␬ ⫽ 0.0069 and ␤ ⫽ 1.95 among women from Québec (p ⬍ 0.04). B: Power exponential curves in men; ␬ ⫽ 0.0078 and
␤ ⫽ 1.70 among men from Ontario. ␬ ⫽ 0.0079 and ␤ ⫽ 1.95 among men from Québec (p ⬍ 0.4).

Performance of gastric scintigraphy and analysis of the ous) imaging, to get a precise representation of the actual
data are cumbersome with the conventional methodology, emptying curve, and a reasonable estimate of parameters
because of the necessity to obtain frequent (if not continu- such as T 1⁄2, and lag phase (10, 11, 15). Less frequent
imaging would go a long way in improving the clinical
utility and the applicability of the technique. Using our large
database, we have demonstrated that a much simpler ap-
proach to the analysis of scintigraphic data for the determi-
nation of gastric emptying is feasible and reliable. The
simplified power exponential model makes it possible to
describe describe and predict accurately the emptying be-
havior of the stomach after a standardized meal, using only
four scintigraphic readings rather than the 13 readings pres-
ently necessary. Our simplified approach provides nearly
identical values for the estimation of lag phase, and T 1⁄2 to
those obtained with the much more labor-intensive conven-
tional methods.
The simplified approach only requires hourly scinti-
Figure 7. Box whisker plots of the percent gastric retention at 1, 2, graphic sampling (T0, then at 60, 120, and 180 min), does
and 3 h of a beef liver meal (Beef) and a low fat meal (Egg), using not monopolize use of scintigraphic equipment for the entire
EggBeater. The central horizontal line of the box represents the period of the study, and therefore allows the use of the
median and the bottom and top edges the 25th and 75th percentiles, equipment for other purposes between readings. In an era of
respectively. The whiskers extend from the box upward and down- cost constraints and increasing pressure toward a better, if
ward to the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. There was a
significant overall difference between the two meals (p ⬍ 0.03), not optimal, use of equipment, this type of approach cer-
with the gastric retention of the beef liver meal being greater than tainly has its appeal.
that of the egg substitute meal. Gastric emptying has been shown to vary depending on
AJG – January, 2000 Simplified Scintigraphy for Gastric Emptying Assessment 85

the age and gender of the subjects (22, 23). It tends to be plified approach based on a power exponential model using
more rapid in younger subjects and in men. In the present only four scintigraphic scans over 3 h. The method com-
study, we find that in men, gastric emptying is more rapid in pares favorably with the more labor intensive conventional
younger (⬍35 yr) than older (ⱖ35 yr) individuals, but this approach. The adoption of standardized methods would
age effect was not seen in women. Others have previously facilitate comparability of results between institutions and
reported similar effects of age on gastric emptying, but not the conduct of multicenter trials. There are, however, sig-
specifically in men (24 –26). However different meals, with nificant differences between men and women and between
lower fat content, were used. Horowitz et al. (26) further younger and older individuals. There may be ethnic or
argued that, although the age-related difference in gastric cultural factors involved in the differences observed be-
emptying is statistically significant, it was unlikely to be tween individuals originating from French- and English-
clinically significant. Our present results would tend to speaking Canada, although this original observation remains
support this assertion, as we found such a large variance and to be confirmed.
a substantial overlap in what constitutes normal emptying in
both age groups. Furthermore, Madsen has also questioned ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the effect of age on gastric emptying, having found it to be
similar across a wide age range (27). This study was supported in part through an unrestricted
Men have been shown to empty their stomachs more grant from Astra Hässle AB, Sweden.
rapidly than women (22, 28 –30). The present study supports
this observation, but only in younger men and women. Reprint requests and correspondence: Gervais Tougas,
Interestingly, there were no detectable differences between M.D.C.M., F.R.C.P.C., Division of Gastroenterology, Digestive
men and women ⬎35 yr. The difference in gastric emptying Disease Research Unit, Room 3N5D, McMaster University Med-
could be entirely attributed to the difference observed in ical Centre, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8N
subjects ⬍35 yr. This is in keeping with several previous
Received Apr. 20, 1999; accepted Sep. 7, 1999.
reports including the study of Knight et al. (31), who have
reported a similar difference in gastric emptying between
young women and young men. REFERENCES
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