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In order to win, you need to have three in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.) You and
your partner both must win, so two games will need to be played. You will also need to turn in
the corresponding work to the boxes that you have checked off.
In order to get credit for this assignment, you will need to put together a word document with
any information that you have found online or completed online.
1. If you are doing the IXL box, you will need to screenshot the problems that you are
solving and paste them on a word document. I do not expect you to type up your
answer when solving the problems. You can simply copy and paste the problems in the
word document and attach a piece of paper with your work. Please number your
2. If you did the box with the YouTube video, you will need to provide me with the link.
3. If you are graphing expressions, you will need to screen shot those and put theme on
your word document.
4. If you are doing the math is fun box, you will just need to write down and answer the
questions. No need for a screen shot. The questions do not change.
5. If you chose the boxes with quizlet, please screen shot the test and copy onto the word
Grading will be as follows:
This is an assignment where you will be graded in accuracy and completeness.

Points Possible Points Earned

Did both partners win? 5

Did you turn in a word document with all of your work? 5

Were your answers correct? 15

Did each box have corresponding work completed? 10

Does your work represent the boxes that you checked off? 5

Was your paper neat and organized? 5

Was your paper free of spelling and grammatical errors? 5

Total Points 50
Go to the quizlet from Follow the link to the IXL
the assessment portion website. This will take
of this website and write Use GeoGebra to graph you to problems that
down 10 vocabulary 3 different rational have to deal with
words that you are expressions. multiplying polynomials.
unfamiliar with and You must write down
write down their and answer 5.

Go to IXL, and pick under Find your own quizlet on

the category Z. polynomials and/or
Polynomials, any of the Use GeoGebra to graph rational expressions.
sub categories. Write 3 different polynomials Complete the test that’s
down and answer 5 of different degrees provided for the quizlet
problems. that you chose.

Go to the website, Go to IXL, This link will Go to YouTube, look up a

MathIsFun. This will lead lead you to and match video on rational
you to the section about polynomial functions to expressions. Write down
solving polynomials. At their graph. You need to at least 5 main points
the bottom of the page complete 5. from the video.
answer the 10 questions
on the bottom of the

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