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Standard Method of Tess jor Ductility of Bituminous Materials AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 51-94 AASHTO 7 51-94 is identeal to ASTM D 113-86 except forthe following provisions 1. All teferences vo the ASTM standards contained in ASTM D 113-86, listed in the folowing table, shall be replaced with the corresponding AASHTO standard a ‘AASHTO “os io bisa i Tpame Ta 2. Replnce the second sentence n Section 4.2 of ASTM D 113-86 with the fotiowing: “The volume of water shal be not les than 10 ters. The depth of water shall be not less than SO. mm and such that the mold can be immersed to 8 depth of 25 mun. ‘The water am the bath shall be substantially free from oil nd sie cor other ozpanic frown” ‘Auld the following sentence to Section 4.4. of ASTM D 113-86 ne thermometer should te calibrated hy the Method of Verification and Calibration of Ligud-in-Glass Thermometers (ASTM Desipnation: E771" “The following sentence in Section S.1 of ASTM 113-86 is not ineloded in AASHTO T 51. 7 “suis the melied sample through # No, $0 (300-am) sieve conforing to specifiation E 11 5, Ad the following NOTE following Section 5.1 of ASTM D 11386. NOTE—Mintores of lyoetine and destrne or tale (3 grat slvcerice 19 sbowt $ prams dextrine or tale has teen vied ‘satsfactorily), Dew Coening Silicone Stop-Cock Grease, or # mina of castor ofl and Versamid 900 {100-1 rmixtne by weight heated to 20¢ 10 232°C (400 10 450°F) and stirred unl homogeneous) have been proven fuitable, Other teense agents may be used provided results ebtained are comparable wo thote obtained when sing one of the above

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