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Strategic Management Journal

Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/smj.513


INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France

We develop an approach to analyzing the sustainability of competitive advantage that emphasizes

demand-side factors. We extend the added-value approach to business strategy by introducing an
explicit treatment of how firms create value for consumers. This allows us to characterize how
consumer heterogeneity and marginal utility from performance improvements on the demand
side interact with resource heterogeneity and improving technologies on the supply side. Using
this approach, we address a variety of questions including whether technology substitutions will
be permanent or transitory; the sequence in which new technologies attack different market
segments; how rents from different types of resources change over time; whether decreasing
marginal utility and imitation give rise to similar rent profiles; the extent of synergies within
a firm’s resource portfolio; the emergence of new generic strategies; and the conditions that
support strategic diversity in a market. Our focus on consumer utility and value creation
complements the traditional focus in the strategy literature on competition and value capture.
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION regard, however, these two views are quite sim-

ilar—both focus primarily on firms’ supply-side
The drivers of sustainable competitive advantage interactions and largely neglect the demand envi-
are a focal point of debate in the strategy litera- ronment in which these interactions take place.
ture. In this debate, the competitive strategy school Whether couched in the language of mobility
(e.g., Porter, 1980; Ghemawat, 1991), with its con- barriers (Porter, 1980), imperfect factor markets
cern for industry structure and firms’ choices of (Barney, 1986), or isolating mechanism (Rumelt,
strategic positions, and the resource-based school 1984), the thrust of their concern is with firms’
(e.g., Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1991), with its ability to capture value by excluding rivals from
concerns for the value, uniqueness, inimitability, opportunities. This focus on value capture tends to
and non-substitutability of resources, are often pre- take for granted the prerequisite challenge of value
sented as strong contrasts, the former focused on creation.1
firms’ external environments, the latter focused
on firms’ internal capabilities. In an important 1
Clearly, the question of value creation has long been present
in the literature, but it has tended to be treated as a background
concern. As the Priem and Butler (2001)–Barney (2001) debate
Keywords: technology competition; resource portfolios; highlights, in the context of the resource based view, value has
generic strategies; decreasing marginal utility; consumer largely been considered in terms of firms’ ability to capture value
heterogeneity when resources are purchased in imperfect factor markets. In

Correspondence to: Peter Zemsky, INSEAD, Boulevard de contrast, the assessment of how resources create value from a
Constance, Fontainebleau Cedex 77305, France. consumer perspective has received less attention. While the com-
E-mail: petitive strategy school has been more explicit in its treatment

Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 20 October 2003
Final revision received 11 July 2005
216 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

Value creation presents a distinct set of plots the price premium as a function of the per-
challenges. Consider for example the market formance premium that a given processor offered
for computer microprocessors. For over 30 years in comparison with the slowest processor in the
microprocessors have followed a steep technology annual product line. Note that while higher pro-
trajectory, with processing speed approximately cessing power always commanded a price pre-
doubling every 2 years in accordance with mium at a point in time, the rightward shift of
Moore’s law. The market has been controlled the curves shows that this premium decreased
by the duopoly of Intel and AMD, with Intel between 1996 and 2000. This suggests that despite
dominating the market based on impressive Intel’s ability to maintain the pace of performance
product and process resources. Despite its strong improvements, its ability to create value for con-
position, from the late 1990s Intel faced problems sumers was hampered by consumers’ decreasing
that were more fundamental than threats of marginal utility from these performance improve-
resource imitation by AMD. ments. This was a major challenge that reshaped
Figure 1 shows the price premium for differ- Intel’s strategy (see Intel Corporation, 1998).3
ent microprocessors in Intel’s product line in 1996 Concurrently, Intel faced increasing consumer het-
(Pentium) and 2000 (Pentium and Celeron).2 It erogeneity and responded by introducing the

While Figure 1 is consistent with consumers having decreasing
willingness to pay for faster processors as highlighted by discus-
of valuation by consumers, which underlies the ideas of com- sions of Intel in the business press (e.g., ‘This is not the Intel
petitive positions and substitution, its research agenda too seems we all know,’ Business Week, August 16, 2004: 32), we expect
to have been primarily focused on firm-firm interactions. that some of the shift also reflects increasing capabilities of the
We thank Joel Baum for providing these data. rival AMD.

Pentium product line 1996 2000 Pentium 3c
Pentium product line 2000 1133 mhz, $990
Price of microprocessor / Price of slowest processor in product line

Celeron product line 2000


1996 Pentium 133 Mhz, $198 2000 Celeron
2000 Pentium 3c 550 Mhz, $163 766 Mhz, $138
2000 Celeron 366 Mhz, $43
Pentium MMX
200 mhz, $550

1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Speed of microprocessor / Speed of slowest microprocessor in product line

Figure 1. Price premium for performance premium in Intel’s product lines in 1996 and 2000, where the rightward
shift shows Intel’s decreasing ability to extract a price premium for performance improvements. Adapted from Adner
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 217

Celeron product line to target the low-end market and Zemsky, 2003, 2004). In both cases the prior
segment, maintaining the Pentium line to target the work has focused on the competition between firms
high-end market segment. to acquire resources, and has tended to take for
In this paper we explore the ways in which granted how these resources create value for con-
decreasing marginal utility and consumer hetero- sumers, which is our focus here.
geneity across market segments affect the sustain- A final strand seeks to articulate a demand-
ability of competitive advantage through shifts in based perspective on strategy. Adner and Levinthal
consumer willingness to pay.4 We consider the (2001) introduce the construct of decreasing margi-
implications for a variety of threats to sustainabil- nal utility to study patterns in the evolution of
ity: (i) how the threats from substitute technologies technology. Adner (2002) considers how decreas-
change over time and whether these threats will be ing marginal utility interacts with consumer hetero-
permanent or transitory; (ii) how rents from dif- geneity across discrete market segments to study
ferent resources change over time and the extent the emergence of disruptive technologies. Adner
to which imitation and decreasing marginal util- and Zemsky (2005) build on these simulation stud-
ity have similar effects; (iii) how the viability of ies to develop an analytic model that considers the
different competitive strategies changes over time implications of discrete market segments and dis-
and whether a market can support strategic diver- ruptive technologies for a variety of classic IO
sity such that both a cost leader and a differentiator concerns such as industry concentration, social
coexist. welfare, and the effect of mergers on market struc-
ture. These studies, however, focused on questions
of technology strategy. The present paper extends
Formal foundations of strategy
the demand-based perspective to address questions
This paper contributes to three strands in an emerg- at the firm and resource levels of analysis.
ing literature that is developing the formal foun-
dations of strategy. One strand, the added-value
Key elements
approach to business strategy (Brandenburger and
Stuart, 1996), seeks to leverage cooperative game Just as Lippman and Rumelt (1982) use a simple
theory. This literature starts with value creation by model to demonstrate the importance of uncer-
coalitions of different economic actors. In contrast tain imitability for explaining differences in firm
to the non-cooperative approach used in standard performance, our objective is to demonstrate the
IO models, in cooperative games the competition importance of demand-side factors for the analy-
for value capture takes the form of free-form bar- sis of sustainability. We develop a formal model
gaining. Subsequent work in this strand has tended that offers a stylized characterization of firms and
to focus on the conditions that govern the ability competition, which allows us to focus on the impli-
of different parties to capture value (e.g., Lippman cations of the demand-side elements of interest.
and Rumelt, 2003; MacDonald and Ryall, 2004). On the supply side we consider a duopoly set-
We complement this work by shifting attention ting where firms differ either because they use
toward the drivers of value creation. different technologies or because they hold dif-
A second strand seeks to formalize the resource- ferent resources. The performance of firms’ offers
based view. Much of this literature draws on infor- improves over time along technology trajecto-
mation economics to elucidate the workings of ries (e.g., the increasing performance of IT hard-
strategic factor markets in which firms acquire ware; increasing safety of automobiles; increasing
valuable resources (e.g., Makadok, 2001; Makadok breadth and timeliness of financial information).
and Barney, 2001). In addition, it explores resource Our approach to competitive interactions follows
accumulation strategies in the presence of time the added-value methodology (e.g., Brandenburger
compression diseconomies (Pacheco de Almeida and Stuart, 1996), which assumes that a firm’s
ability to capture value is governed by its added
We associate the sustainability of competitive advantage with value. In our analysis, we make the notion of
the extent to which firm rents do not erode over time. This is a competitive advantage precise by equating it with
common approach in the literature, but it differs from approaches added value. A firm’s ability to sustain competitive
that focus on the extent that firm strategies remain unique despite
attempts at imitating their benefits (Barney, 1991; Makadok, advantage is thus equivalent to its ability to sustain
1998). added value.
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
218 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

By explicitly linking firms’ supply-side activi- in a market’s development there are positive syn-
ties to demand-side value creation we are able to ergies to holding multiple resources that arise from
derive a typology of resources. Process resources advancing the time at which the firm has positive
reduce a firm’s production costs. Product resources value creation. As markets mature, so that even an
increase the performance of a firm’s offer by unresourced firm creates positive value, we find
a fixed amount. Timing resources give a firm a that most resource combinations exhibit neutral or
head start in developing its technology. Finally, even negative interactions.
innovation resources enhance a firm’s technology We extend our base model to allow firms to
trajectory. change their competitive positions over time by
We introduce two new elements to the added- adjusting their resource portfolio. We identify con-
value approach. The first is the extent to which ditions under which firms pursue a Resource Gen-
consumers have decreasing marginal utility (DMU) eralist strategy by investing in product and process
from performance improvements. This key resources simultaneously. We find that such firms
demand-side driver of value creation relates the pioneer markets sooner than Cost Leaders and Dif-
extent to which increases in product performance ferentiators due to the initial synergies in their
are reflected in increases in consumers’ willingness resource portfolio.
to pay. DMU reduces the value of performance The next section introduces the model and dis-
improvements over time. One implication is that cusses the key assumptions. The following section
DMU erodes the rents from product resources, and defines competitive advantage in the context of
does so in a way that parallels the effects of classic the added-value approach. Once these preliminar-
resource imitation. Further, we find that the effects ies are in place, we proceed to the results, with the
of DMU on entry timing and resource strategy are formal proofs given in the Appendix.
contingent on the nature of a firm’s competitive
DMU is of interest as an independent variable MODEL
because it varies across markets and market seg-
ments. Generally, in settings where the product is In our model, there are two firms, which we index
more critical to the consumer, whether in direct by i = 1, 2, each of which has a single product
consumption or as an input into a process, perfor- or service offer that is improving over time. Con-
mance improvements are more highly valued and sumers belong to one of two market segments,
DMU is lower. In settings where the product is less which we index by m. There is a high-end mar-
critical, DMU is higher. For example, improve- ket segment (m = H ) with sH > 0 consumers and
ments in display resolution face different levels a low-end market segment (m = L) with sL > 0
of DMU depending on the application (e.g., we consumers. Each consumer buys at most one unit.
would expect lower DMU for display resolution Following Brandenburger and Stuart (1996, 2003),
improvements in medical imaging devices, where we assume that firm i’s profit in segment m is pro-
the stakes are high, than in personal organizers). portional to its added value, which we denote by
The second key element we introduce is con- Aim (t).
sumer heterogeneity. We model such heterogeneity
with discrete market segments that vary in their
Value creation
taste for quality. These differences in taste for qual-
ity across segments determine the relative impor- A key element of an added-value analysis is a pre-
tance of performance-based and cost-based com- cise specification of the value creation of a firm’s
petitive advantages. For example, we show how offer. From Brandenburger and Stuart (1996), an
the extent of consumer heterogeneity determines offer’s value creation for a consumer is the differ-
whether a market can support strategic diversity ence between the consumer’s willingness to pay
such that firms pursuing different resource strate- (WTP) for the offer and the firm’s opportunity cost
gies can profitably coexist. of serving an additional consumer. We denote a
In addition to DMU and consumer heterogene- consumer’s willingness to pay for the offer of firm
ity, an important driver of our results is the dis- i by wim (t). Note that WTP varies over time and
continuities that arise as new firms begin to create across firms and segments. We simplify by assum-
value in a segment. We find, for example, that early ing that there are no capacity constraints so that a
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 219

firm’s opportunity cost is just a constant marginal The exponent β parameterizes the extent of
cost ci > 0. Thus, a firm’s value creation, vim (t), DMU. For example, the utility from increasing the
is maximum speed of an automobile is much greater
when the maximum speed is 40 miles per hour than
vim (t) = wim (t) − ci (1)
when it is 100 miles per hour. We assume that β
is between 0 and 1 so that consumers’ willingness
Willingness to pay to pay increases as performance improves, but at
a decreasing rate.6
We assume that consumers’ WTP is given by In summary, firm i’s value creation for segment
m at time t is
wim (t) = am [xi (t)]β (2)
vim (t) = am [bi (t + hi ) + ri ]β − ci (4)
where am > 0 is consumer taste for quality, xi (t)
is product performance at time t, and β ∈ (0, 1)
parameterizes the extent of consumers’ decreas- Firm heterogeneity
ing marginal utility (DMU) from performance
improvements. We consider two sources of firm heterogeneity in
Consumers’ taste for quality am can be inter- value creation. First, firms might use different tech-
preted in several ways. If consumers are individ- nologies. This is our approach when we analyze
uals, am can be interpreted as an ability to pay the threat posed by a substitute technology. Sec-
which is (usually) increasing in income level, or ond, firms using the same technology might differ
as the intensity of interest in the category (e.g., in their resources. This is our approach when we
audiophiles). If consumers are organizations, am address the sustainability of firm rents and compet-
can be interpreted as the importance of the input itive positions. Equation 4 gives rise to a natural
(e.g., airplane engine performance might be more typology of resources. For firm resources to impact
important for military than for civilian buyers) value creation, they must impact one of the firm-
or as the frequency with which the offer will be specific parameters (i.e., bi , hi , ri , and ci ). We
used. We assume that the high-end segment has a develop this typology in the section on resource
greater taste for quality than the low-end segment, rents.
aH > aL . We characterize consumer heterogeneity
in terms of variation in segments’ taste for quality
(aH − aL ).5 ADDED VALUE
Product performance—the speed of a micropro-
cessor, the accuracy of medical testing, the reli- A critical first step in the analysis is to identify a
ability of logistics services—is given by xi (t). firm’s added value in a market segment at a point
Although many offers have multiple performance in time because this is what drives profitability.
attributes, we simplify the analysis by focusing on Firm i’s added value is the total pay-off to all
a single key attribute. We assume that performance parties when firm i is in the market compared to
is increasing over time according to the total pay-off were firm i to withdraw from the
market. In our context, this is the value a firm cre-
xi (t) = bi (t + hi ) + ri (3) ates relative to a consumer’s next best alternative,
which may either be purchasing a rival’s offer or
where bi > 0 is firm i’s technology trajectory, hi ≥ not making a purchase at all.
0 allows a firm to have a head start in developing
its offer, and ri allows for a fixed increment to the 6
Formally, marginal utility is ∂wim /∂xi = am β/[xi ]1−β . We
performance of firm i’s offer. restrict attention to xi > 1 so that marginal utility is increasing,
and DMU is decreasing, in β. We note that DMU is decreasing
in am as well. For expositional simplicity we focus on the effects
Our simplifying assumption of consumer homogeneity within of β on DMU; in the proofs we show that the results hold as well
market segments yields a demand function that decreases in two when it is shifts in am that affect DMU. Finally, note that the
discrete steps. As the number of segments in a market increases, exponential form xi (t)β is conservative in that consumer utility
and as the size of these segments decreases, demand in our model is unbounded and hence limx→∞ wij (t) = 1. Imposing an upper
more closely approximates the downward sloping demand curves bound on WTP would imply that DMU is even more pronounced
found in traditional economics textbooks. than with our functional form.

Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
220 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

Consider the added value of firm 1 in segment offer. When it is the rival that has positive added
m. When firm 1 creates less value than firm 2 (i.e., value, the firm’s offer is not purchased.7
v1m (t) ≤ v2m (t)), then firm 1’s added value is 0.
This is because the consumer buys at most one
unit and that unit is purchased from firm 2; hence, Added value and firm profits
if firm 1 is not in the game, nothing is lost. When Firm 1’s profits in a segment are given by
firm 1 creates more value than firm 2, three cases A1m (t)sm , recalling that A1m (t) is the added value
arise as illustrated in Figure 2. for a consumer in segment m and sm is the number
First, firm 1 might have negative value creation, of consumers in the segment.8 Firm 1’s total profits
which occurs when its marginal costs exceed the across the high-end and low-end segments are
consumer’s WTP for its offer, in which case the given by
firm has no added value. Second, firm 1 might have
positive value creation while firm 2 has negative 1 (t) = A1H (t)sH + A1L (t)sL − F (6)
value creation. In this case, firm 1’s added value is
the entirety of its value creation, v1m (t), since this where F ≥ 0 allows for the possibility of a fixed
is what it brings to the game. Finally, when both cost to maintaining resources, which we make use
firms have positive value creation, firm 1’s added of in the section on how resource strategy changes
value is the difference in value creation, v1m (t) − over time.9
v2m (t), since firm 2’s value creation would remain
if firm 1 were to exit the game. 7
Note that when the two best options have the same value
creation, added value and hence rents are zero. Although an
Lemma 1. The added value of firm 1 is added-value approach does not specify which offer consumers
purchase in this case, from a rent perspective it does not matter.
A1m (t) = 8
Note that we are assuming that firms capture all of their added
 value. One could easily consider the effects of bargaining power
v1m (t) if v1m(t) > 0 ≥ v2m (t) in our model by introducing a parameter αm such that a firm
v1m (t) − v2m (t) v1m (t) > v2m (t) > 0 (5) is able to capture a fraction αm of its added value. Because sm
and αm are both multiplicative terms, our assumption that firms
0 otherwise capture all their added value (i.e., αm = 1) is without loss of
generality. That is, sm can be interpreted as reflecting both a
An analogous expression defines A2m (t). segment’s size and its bargaining power.
Thus, when a rival begins to create value in 9
There are several alternative approaches to linking firm value
a segment, the determinant of the focal firm’s creation to firm profits. Our approach is to assume that profits
are proportional to a firm’s added value. We would get the
added value shifts from its absolute level of value same profit function if we assumed Bertrand price competition.
creation to its relative value creation. In a working paper (Adner and Zemsky, 2002), we consider
What is the connection between added value Cournot competition. The main difference is that under the
added-value approach each segment is winner-take-all, while
and consumer choice? If a firm has positive added with Cournot the firms coexist in the segment if their value
value in a segment, then consumers purchase its creation is sufficiently close. Using a Shapley value approach

Added value of
firm 1, A1m (t)
Value Creation

v1m (t)

v2m (t)
Added value of
firm 1, A1m (t)
v1m (t)
v2m (t)
v1m (t)

v2m (t)

Figure 2. The value creation and added value of the firms at three points in time. Firm 1’s added value is calculated
relative to the next best alternative, either firm 2’s offer or not purchasing
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 221

Added value and competitive advantage example, by the phenomenon of disruptive tech-
nologies (Christensen, 1997). Disruptions occur
We now make explicit the relationship between
when existing industry boundaries are redrawn by
competitive advantage and added value. It is useful
the entry of firms using new technologies that
to separate competitive advantage into two parts:
start in a niche segment and, as they improve,
relative costs and relative differentiation. Firm 1’s
displace incumbent technologies from mainstream
cost (dis)advantage is
segments. The recent technology bubble, in which
many promising new technologies turned out not
Ac1 = c2 − c1 (7)
to be disruptive, underscores the need to critically
assess the substitution threat posed by new tech-
and its differentiation (dis)advantage is
We consider how change in the relative value
Ad1m (t) = w1m (t) − w2m (t) (8)
creation of technologies shapes the evolution of
Note that a firm’s cost advantage in our model market boundaries. We address whether a new
is the same across segments, while its differenti- technology will displace an incumbent technology
ation advantage varies by segment and over time. from a given segment; if so, when this will occur;
Analogous expressions define Ac2 and Ad2m (t). and finally, whether substitution will be permanent
Firm 1’s net competitive advantage is or transitory. We show how the answers depend on
the extent of DMU, technology trajectories, and
Ad1m (t) + Ac1 = (w1m (t) − c1 ) − (w2m (t) − c2 ) cost positions.
Specifically, in this section we consider the
= v1m (t) − v2m (t) following situation. Firm 1 represents the new
technology, whose performance depends on its
Thus, we have shown the following. technology trajectory

Lemma 2. When both firms create value in a seg- x1 (t) = b1 t (10)

ment, firm 1’s added value A1m (t) is equivalent to
its net competitive advantage: Firm 2 represents the incumbent technology whose
A1m (t) = v1m (t) − v2m (t) = Ad1m (t) + Ac1 (9)
x2 (t) = b2 (t + h2 ) (11)
Recently, there has been renewed interest in the
appropriate definition of competitive advantage depends on its technology trajectory as well as on
(e.g., Rumelt, 2003; Barney and Peteraf, 2003). its head start in the market. We assume that the
Our contribution to this debate is to take one incumbent technology’s head start is sufficiently
possible definition and show how it can aid in the great that it creates value in the segment before
study of some central strategy questions. the new technology. The technologies can vary in
their marginal costs (c1 = c2 ). In this section we
consider competition in a single segment.
SUBSTITUTE THREATS IN A SEGMENT We take technological progress to be exogenous
to the firm’s activity in the focal market seg-
Industry analysis (Porter, 1980) is often criticized ment. Such technological progress in the absence
as taking too static a view of market boundaries of sales in the focal segment can be observed when
(e.g., Grant, 1998), paying insufficient attention the technology is developing in other market seg-
to how the threat from substitute technologies ments. An example of this is Christensen’s (1997)
changes over time. The importance of understand- description of the hard disk drive market, in which
ing shifts in market boundaries is highlighted, for 3.5-inch hard drives initially serve only notebook
computer users and then, after continued devel-
(see Lippman and Rumelt, 2003) similarly relaxes competition opment in this niche, eventually improved to the
and allows both firms to profit in the same segment. In both point at which they attracted consumers in the
Cournot and Shapley, just as in our model, an important driver
of a firm’s profits is its added value. The key difference is that mainstream desktop segment. From the perspec-
in these models absolute value creation also matters. tive of an observer of the mainstream desktop
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
222 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

segment (which is the perspective we will take Better trajectory

in this section) the 3.5-inch technology improved
Now consider the case where the new technology
over time despite the fact that it had no sales in
has a better trajectory than the incumbent technol-
the mainstream segment.
ogy (b1 > b2 ). Because the incumbent has a head
From the discussion of consumer choice in the
start, the new technology begins with a differenti-
previous section, we know that the new technology
ation disadvantage; over time it develops a differ-
can only displace the incumbent technology from
entiation advantage due to its superior technology
the segment if it has a net competitive advantage
trajectory. As the new technology’s differentiation
Ad1m (t) + Ac1 > 0. The cost advantage Ac1 is fixed,
advantage grows, it eventually overwhelms any
while the differentiation advantage Ad1m (t) changes
cost disadvantage and substitution occurs.
over time.
The effect of DMU on the timing of substitution
depends on the relative cost positions of the tech-
nologies. With a cost disadvantage, the new tech-
Same trajectory
nology does not substitute until it has a sufficient
With identical technology trajectories (b1 = b2 ), differentiation advantage. Because the value of any
the new technology always has a differentiation differentiation advantage is magnified when DMU
disadvantage due to the incumbent’s head start. is lower, lower DMU speeds the onset of substitu-
However, the value of the head start erodes over tion in this case. Conversely, if the new technology
time due to DMU: as performance gets better and has a cost advantage, it will enter the segment
better over time, the incumbent technology’s per- while it still has a differentiation disadvantage and
formance advantage has less and less impact on hence anything that erodes its differentiation disad-
consumers’ willingness to pay. In the long run, vantage, such as higher DMU, speeds substitution.
DMU completely erodes the incumbent’s differ-
entiation advantage. Thus, if the new technology Proposition 2: If the new technology has a bet-
has a cost advantage, it will eventually substitute. ter trajectory, it will eventually substitute for the
What affects the time to substitution? The lower incumbent technology. The effect of DMU on the
the marginal utility from performance improve- timing of substitution depends on the new tech-
ments, which depends on the extent of DMU, the nology’s cost position: with a cost advantage
faster the differentiation advantage erodes and the (disadvantage), the higher is DMU, the sooner
sooner substitution occurs. (later) substitution occurs.

Proposition 1: If the technologies have the same Consistent with this proposition, there are numer-
trajectory, the new technology substitutes for ous cases of new technologies that start with
inferior performance but, by improving along a
the incumbent technology only if it has a cost
superior technology trajectory, eventually substi-
advantage. The greater the extent of DMU the
tute for incumbent technologies. Classic examples
sooner substitution occurs.
are radial tires substituting for bias ply tires and
steamships substituting for sailing ships (Foster,
Proposition 1 highlights the role of DMU in shift- 1986).
ing the emphasis from differentiation to costs as More subtly, Proposition 2 makes predictions
technologies improve. For example, as computer about how the impact of shifts in the demand
hard drive capacities increased, unit costs played environment depends on the relative costs of the
an increasingly important role in determining mar- competing technologies. Consider the effects of
ket outcomes in the desktop segment. Those new the rapid adoption of the World Wide Web in the
hard drive technologies that had lower unit costs late 1990s. The ready availability of rich content
than higher performance incumbent technologies increased consumers’ willingness to pay for com-
(3.5 vs. 5.25-inch; 2.5 vs. 3.5-inch) were able to munication bandwidth, which, consistent with the
displace incumbents from the PC segment; disk proposition, raised the threat posed by higher-cost,
drive technologies that had a cost disadvantage broader-band communication technologies such as
(1.8-inch and 1.3-inch) were not disruptive (Adner, cable modems and ADSL to the incumbent dial-
2002). up technology. Conversely, because the Internet
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 223

allowed users to exploit the power of remote Eventually, the incumbent’s differentiation advan-
servers, the Internet lowered the willingness to pay tage offsets the entrant’s cost advantage and it
for desktop processing power, which increased the re-enters the segment at time tb .
threat posed by lower-cost PC architectures (e.g., Decreases in DMU serve to magnify the dif-
the ‘sub-$1000’ PC). ferentiation advantage of the incumbent, which
both delays the onset of substitution and advances
the time at which the incumbent retakes the
Worse trajectory segment.

Not all substitutions are permanent. Consider the

shifting fortunes of discount brokers such as Proposition 3: Suppose the new technology has
Schwab and eTrade relative to full service brokers a worse trajectory. Without a sufficient cost
like Merrill Lynch. Consider, also, Bic’s entry into advantage, it never substitutes for the incum-
the mainstream razor market with its disposable bent. With a sufficient cost advantage, it sub-
offering, an incursion that was ultimately reversed stitutes for the incumbent, but only for a limited
by Gillette’s superior technology trajectory for car- interval of time. The duration of substitution is
tridge razors. How can we account for cases in increasing in DMU.
which a new technology aggressively enters a mar-
ket but is then driven back by the incumbent tech-
nology? Consider a new technology with a worse The logic of Proposition 3 offers an approach
trajectory in the context of our model. Figure 3 to distinguishing between permanent and tempo-
illustrates the evolution of the firm’s competitive rary threats, which informs whether the appropri-
advantage. ate response to new technology threats is to con-
Because of its superior trajectory and its head tinue investing along the existing trajectory or by
start, the incumbent technology always has a dif- embracing the new technology.
ferentiation advantage. At first, the differentiation In this section, we have considered the sustain-
advantage falls as DMU erodes the effect of the ability of a firm’s ability to add value in the face of
incumbent’s head start. If the new technology has substitute technologies. One basis for firm hetero-
a cost advantage that is large enough to offset geneity is differences in production technologies.
its differentiation disadvantage it enters the mar- An alternative basis for firm heterogeneity is dif-
ket at time ta (see figure). However, the new ferences in the underlying resources among firms
technology’s competitive advantage is not sustain- using the same technology. We now turn to the
able. Over time, the incumbent’s superior trajec- sustainability of such resource-based competitive
tory causes its differentiation advantage to grow. advantages.

Firm 2’s differentiation advantage Ad2m



Firm 1’s cost advantage

ta tb

Figure 3. The duration of market entry by a substitute technology when b1 < b2 . Firm 1 is in the segment between
time ta and time tb , during which its cost advantage exceeds its differentiation disadvantage. Without a sufficient cost
advantage (i.e., Ac1 < Ac1 ) firm 1 never enters the segment
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224 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

RESOURCE RENTS management in the PC industry could be char-

acterized as a process resource.
A fundamental concern in strategy is the sustain- • Resources can increase the performance of firm
ability of resource rents. The question of how the i’s offer so that ri = r > 0. We term such
value of resources evolves, however, is largely resources product resources. McKinsey’s rep-
unexplored. The resource-based view argues that utation in management consulting and Sony’s
competitive advantage is conferred to those firms advantages in miniaturization could be charac-
that possess valuable, rare, inimitable, and non- terized as product resources.
substitutable resources. The received literature has • Resources can give firm i a head start of hi =
primarily focused on firms’ abilities to acquire h > 0 in developing its offer. We term such
resources at favorable prices (e.g., Barney, 1986; resources timing resources. One can think of
Dierickx and Cool, 1989; Makadok, 2001) and on firms that are consistently fast to market, such
the threat of imitation (e.g., Lippman and Rumelt, as 3M, as possessing a timing resource.
1982; Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993). • Resources can give firm i a better technol-
Although the resource-based view is clearly sen- ogy trajectory, so that bi = b + b . We term
sitive to the issue of resource value and substitu- such resources innovation resources. One could
tion, its treatment of these constructs is less well interpret Gillette’s superior product develop-
developed than its treatment of barriers to imi- ment process as an innovation resource.
tation (Priem and Butler, 2001). Further, within
the resource-based view, substitution is usually
approached from a supply-side perspective, con- The effect of DMU on resource rents
cerned with the emergence of equivalent, or pos- We now consider resource rents in the simplest
sibly superior, resources for production (e.g., the case where only one firm has a resource and there
substitution of charismatic leadership for formal is a single focal segment. Specifically, firms 1 and
planning systems in Barney, 1991), rather than 2 are identical except that firm 1 has a unique
with buyers’ assessments of relative value in con-
and inimitable resource that improves its ability to
create value for the focal segment. If not for this
In this section, we start by using our model to
unique resource, the firms would have the same
develop a typology of resources. We then char-
costs (c1 = c2 = c) and their offers would follow
acterize the effect of DMU on the evolution of
the same trajectory (x1 (t) = x2 (t) = bt).
rents from these resources types. Finally, we con-
trast these rent profiles with those that arise when
resources are subject to imitation. Early rent profiles
The early rent profile for each of the resources
Resources and value creation: A typology is broadly the same. Firm 1’s unique resource
Resources matter to the extent that they affect always gives it a competitive advantage over firm
value creation. In our model, a firm’s value cre- 2. Because of its greater value creation, firm 1
ation in a market segment, vim , is a function is always first to enter the segment. Refer, for
of the segment’s taste for quality, am , and four example, to the left panel of Figure 4.
firm specific components; recall from Equation 4 Until time t1 neither firm is in the market
that vim (t) = am [bi (t + hi ) + ri ]β − ci . Each of the because neither firm has positive value creation.
four firm-specific components (bi , hi , ri , and ci ) are From time t1 to t2 , firm 1 does not face competi-
avenues through which resources can create value. tion in the market because firm 2 does not create
As a benchmark, we assume that a firm with- value and hence, from Lemma 1, we have that firm
out any resources has ci = c, hi = 0, ri = 0, and 1’s rents are proportional to its value creation and
bi = b. We can now define the following resource the size of the segment: sm v1m (t). Over time, as
typology: the quality of firm 1’s offer improves, its value
creation and its rents increase (but at a decreas-
• Resources can lower firm i’s production costs, ing rate due to DMU). Starting at time t2 , firm 2’s
so that ci = c − c . We term such resources offer has improved sufficiently that it too has posi-
process resources. Dell’s superior supply chain tive value creation in the segment. From this point
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 225

3 3
Resource rent
Resource rent
with imitation
with DMU

0 0
t1 t2 20 t1 t2 20
Time Time
smv1m (t) Smv1m (t)

smv2m (t) Smv2m (t)

-3 -3

Figure 4. The evolution of resource rents when firm 1 has a process resource (for c = 1; c = 3, sm = 1, and b = 1)
under assumptions of DMU (left panel, β = 0.5) and imitation (right panel, z = 0.15). The dashed lines show each
firm’s value creation

on, firm 1’s rents are proportional to its relative segment, its rents first increase over time and
value creation and the size of the segment. then stabilize at sm c .
The evolution of rents from time t2 onward
depends on the type of resource.
Product and timing resources
Both product and timing resources improve the
Process resources
performance of firm 1’s offer by a fixed amount.
Suppose firm 1 has a process resource. In this case, In the case of a product resource, we have x1 (t) =
value creation is increasing at the same rate for bt + r , such that the performance difference
each firm but firm 1’s value creation is always between the firms is x1 (t) − x2 (t) = r . In the
higher by the amount of its cost advantage, Ac1 = case of a timing resource, we have x1 (t) = b(t +
c . Figure 4 (left panel) illustrates this. After time h ), such that the performance difference between
t2 , when both firms have positive value creation the firms is bh . Hence, firm 1 always has a dif-
and firm 1’s rents are proportional to its relative ferentiation advantage, but this advantage erodes
value creation, rents stabilize at sm c , which is over time due to DMU. From time t2 , firm 1’s
constant over time. rents decay as illustrated in Figure 5 (left panel).

Proposition 4: Suppose that firm 1 has a process Proposition 5: Suppose that firm 1 has either
resource. From the time of firm 1’s entry into the a product resource or a timing resource. From

1.5 1.5
Resource rent
Resource rent
with imitation
with DMU

0 0
20 20
Time Time
smv1m(t )
smv1m(t )

smv2m(t )
smv2m(t )
-1.5 -1.5

Figure 5. The evolution of resource rents when firm 1 has a product resource (for r = 4, c = 2, sm = 1, and b = 1)
under assumptions of DMU (left panel, β = 0.4) and imitation (right panel, z = 0.1). The dashed lines show each
firm’s value creation. The left panel also illustrates the case where firm 1 has a timing resource with h = 4
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226 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

the time of firm 1’s entry into the segment, its Thus we find that the rents from an innovation
rents first increase and then decrease to zero resource are sustainable, but that even in the best
over time. case of a non-imitable innovation resource profit
growth rates are not.
Thus, even a firm possessing an inimitable re-
source, such that it maintains a constant level The effect of imitation on resource rents
of performance superiority, can see its resource
How would these rent profiles differ if resources
rents decay over time as DMU erodes consumers’
could be imitated? In this subsection we relax the
willingness to pay for this performance difference.
assumption that resources are inimitable.10 At the
Consider how this proposition applies to Apple
same time we assume that there is no DMU (i.e.,
Computer’s ability to profit from its head start in
β = 1). This allows us to compare rent profiles
developing easy-to-use personal computers. Over
that result from just imitation with those discussed
time, despite its ability to maintain superior ease
above that arise from just DMU. We continue
of use over rival offers, consumers’ WTP for this
to focus on the case where only one firm has a
advantage seems to have declined.
resource and where there is a single focal segment.
We assume that resources are imitated over
time. Specifically, the degree of resource unique-
Innovation resources
ness at some time t is given by the decreas-
With an innovation resource, firm 1 again has a dif- ing function U (t) = 1/(1 + zt). With this imita-
ferentiation advantage. In this case, x1 (t) = (b + tion process, initially resources are entirely unique
b )t and the difference in performance between (U (0) = 1) and in the long run uniqueness dis-
the firms is x1 (t) − x2 (t) = b t. In contrast to appears (limt→∞ U (t) = 0). The parameter z gives
product and timing resources, this differentiation the ease of imitation in that the larger is z the faster
advantage grows over time. It does so, however, uniqueness erodes.11 Consider the case where firm
at a decreasing rate due to DMU. Figure 6 (left 1 has a process resource. Over time, firm 2 acquires
panel) illustrates this. this resource as well so that firm 1’s cost advan-
Hence, firm 1’s rent continues to increase even tage erodes according to Ac1 = c U (t). Refer to
after firm 2 has positive value creation, although Figure 4 (right panel) for the resulting rent pro-
the rate of profit growth decelerates. file. As in the case without imitation, the resource
asymmetry results in an interval of time during
Proposition 6: Suppose firm 1 has an innovation 10
We thank an anonymous referee for suggesting this section.
resource. From the time of firm 1’s entry into 11
In this subsection, we restrict attention to product, process,
the segment, its rents increase over time, but at and innovation resources. In a single segment context it is not
a decreasing rate. clear what it means to imitate a timing resource.

Resource rent
2 with DMU 2

Resource rent
with imitation

0 0
20 20
smv1m(t ) Time smv1m(t ) Time

smv2m(t ) smv2m(t )
-2 -2

Figure 6. The evolution of resource rents when firm 1 has an innovation resource (for b = 0.3; c = 2, sm = 1, and
b = 1.3) under assumptions of DMU (left panel, β = 0.7) and imitation (right panel, z = 0.15). The dashed lines show
each firm’s value creation
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 227

which only firm 1 creates value for the segment Proposition 9: With imitation and no DMU, from
and in which its rents increase with its level of the time of firm 1’s entry into the segment, the
value creation. After time t2 , when firm 2 starts to rents from innovation resources increase over
create value as well, rents depend on the net com- time, but at a decreasing rate.
petitive advantage c U (t), which is eroding due
to imitation. For both product and innovation resources we
Now consider the case of a product resource, as find that DMU and imitation give rise to qual-
illustrated in Figure 5 (right panel). Over time, firm itative similar rent profiles. Hence, sustainability
2 acquires this resource so that firm 1’s differenti- of advantages rooted in superior product perfor-
ation advantage erodes as the gap in performance, mance is threatened not only by imitation but also
x1 (t) − x2 (t) = r U (t), shrinks due to imitation. by consumers’ decreasing willingness to pay for
The resulting rent profile follows the same pattern a superior product. Thus, imitation and DMU are
as with a process resource. Thus we have: substitute threats such that it is worth expending
resources to neutralize one only to the extent that
Proposition 7: With imitation and no DMU, from the other threat can be avoided as well. Broadly,
the time of firm 1’s entry into the segment, the strategy formulation needs to anticipate not only
rents from both product resources and process competitor imitation but also shifts in the bases of
resources first increase and then decrease to zero consumer value creation. Consequently, it would
over time. be useful to extend the empirical literature on sus-
tainability (e.g., McGahan and Porter, 2003) to
While the rents from product resources are eroded decompose the sources of rent erosion into supply-
by imitation and DMU in qualitatively similar side and demand-side drivers.
ways, the rents from process resources are sus-
tainable under DMU but not under imitation.
With either imitation or DMU we have an initial A MULTI-SEGMENT,
period of increasing rents. Without DMU, how- MULTI-RESOURCE EXAMPLE
ever, value creation for both firms increases faster.
The increase in firm 1’s rate of value creation To this point we have restricted the analysis to
leads its rents to increase at a faster rate. However, a single segment and to the rents from a sin-
because firm 2’s rate of value creation benefits gle resource. These simplifications are useful for
from an equivalent increase, the interval of time developing some basic intuitions about demand-
during which only firm 1 creates value is shorter. side drivers of sustainability. Reality, of course, is
Thus we have: more complex. A market can have multiple seg-
ments, a firm can hold multiple resources, and its
Proposition 8: With imitation and no DMU, the rivals can hold their own unique resource bun-
rate of increase in rents from product and pro- dles. In this section, we begin to extend our model
cess resources is greater than with DMU and to incorporate these complexities to more closely
no imitation, but the period during which rents approximate empirical settings.
increase is shorter. We consider an example, loosely inspired by
the competition between Sony and Matsushita
Finally, consider the case where firm 1 has an in consumer electronics. Firm 1 (Sony) holds
innovation resource, as shown in Figure 6 (right both a product resource (r = 1) and a timing
panel). With imitation, Firm 2’s technology trajec- resource (h = 2), while firm 2 (Matsushita) holds
tory increases over time, converging to the trajec- a process resource (c = 0.7). We return to the
tory of firm 1. What matters for value creation, assumptions that there is DMU (β = 0.5) and that
however, is not the rate of increase at a point in resources are inimitable. The high-end segment has
time, but rather the absolute levels of performance a taste for quality of aH = 2, the low-end segment
that have been achieved. Consequently, conver- has a taste for quality aL = 1.4, b = 1, sH = sL =
gence in trajectories only implies a deceleration in 100, c = 3.5. Figure 7 shows each firm’s rent pro-
the growth of firm 1’s competitive advantage. This file.
results in an increasing rent profile that parallels Due to the combined strength of its timing and
the profile with DMU. product resources, firm 1 is the first to create value
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228 R. Adner and P. Zemsky


Firm 1 s rents

Firm 2 s rents

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 20

Figure 7. The evolution of firm rents in a two segment setting where firm 1 holds performance and timing resources
and firm 2 holds a process resource

in the market. Firm 1 creates value first in the from the low-end segment. At time t6 , its differ-
high-end due to that segment’s higher taste for entiation advantage has eroded so much that firm
quality. From time t1 until time t2 , it is only firm 1 is displaced by firm 2 in the high-end segment
1 that is creating value and therefore its rents as well. After time t6 , firm 2’s rents continue to
increase as its offer improves. From time t2 , firm increase as firm 1’s differentiation advantage fur-
2 joins firm 1 in creating value in the high-end ther erodes, converging to a final profit level of
segment. Firm 1’s rents from that segment, which sm c = 70 in each segment.
are now proportional to its relative value creation, Thus, by assembling different elements of our
decay over time as DMU erodes its differentiation simple model, one can characterize relatively com-
advantage. To this point, the rent profiles are the plex patterns that include shifts in market leader-
same as those illustrated in Figure 5 (left panel). ship across segments and shifts in firms’ absolute
At time t3 , firm 1 returns to a period of profit and relative profits over time.
growth as its offer begins to create sufficient The example raises several questions that are
value to serve the low-end segment. Now, firm worthy of further exploration. First, what is the
1 starts earning rents from the low-end segment interaction among multiple resources held by a
which are proportional to its value creation and single firm and how does it change over time? Sec-
which increase as its offer improves. The increas- ond, what explains firms’ order of entry into dif-
ing rents from the low-end segment more than ferent market segments? Third, what are the condi-
offset the continuing decay in rents from the high- tions that allow firms with heterogeneous resources
end segment. to coexist in a market? We address these questions
At time t4 , firm 2 begins to create value in the in the remainder of the paper.
low-end segment, triggering a permanent decline
in firm 1’s fortunes. Now, firm 1’s rents from both
segments are decaying over time. MULTIPLE RESOURCES
Note that until time t5 firm 2 does not sell to
either of these segments. It is firm 2’s increasing There is a prior literature exploring the value
relative value creation that limits firm 1’s rents.12 to firms of combining multiple resources (e.g.,
At time t5 DMU has eroded firm 1’s differentiation Amit and Schoemaker, 1993; Teece, Pisano, and
advantage sufficiently that firm 2’s cost advantage Shuen, 1997; Makadok, 2001). This literature
gives it superior value creation in the low-end seg- focuses on how internal firm capabilities govern
ment. Consequently, at time t5 firm 1 is displaced the effectiveness with which firms can deploy
their resources. Our focus in this section com-
plements the internal focus of the received lit-
Note, however, per the discussion of exogenous technological erature, with an external focus on how different
progress in the section on substitute threats, that firm 2 might
be selling its products to consumers in an (unanalyzed) niche resource combinations affect value creation in the
segment. See also footnote 9. market.
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Demand-Based Perspective 229

In the above section on resource rents, we char- One significance of superadditivity, or resource
acterized the rent profiles from holding individual synergies, is that resources cannot be valued in
resources on their own. We now consider the rents isolation. Rather, resource valuation depends on
from combining multiple resources within a single interactions within a firm’s portfolio of resources.
firm.13 When is the rent profile of a multi-resourced In contrast to prior work on resource combination,
firm different from the simple sum of the rents the synergies in our model do not arise from
from holding each of the resources on its own? internal capabilities. Our synergies arise from the
Holding two resources together can result in rents interaction between the resource portfolio and the
that are less than, equal to, or greater than the sum demand environment, which ultimately determines
of the rents from holding each on its own. This the threshold for value creation. One implication
leads to the following definitions: is that firms pioneering new market segments have
greater incentives to acquire resources because
• Definition 1. Two resources are subadditive each additional resource speeds the time of entry
when the rent from holding both resources and the onset of rents.
simultaneously is less than the sum of the rents Do these synergies persist as markets mature?
from holding each on its own. As firm value creation increases, it is no longer
• Definition 2. Two resources are additive when the ability to break into the market that matters,
the rent from holding both resources simulta- but rather the level of value creation. Consider
neously is equal to the sum of the rents from a firm holding a timing and a product resource.
holding each on its own. Both of these resources increase the performance
• Definition 3. Two resources are superadditive of the firm’s offer and hence its value creation.
when the rent from holding both resources Due to DMU, the greater the level of performance,
simultaneously is greater than the sum of the the lower the effect of an additional performance
rents from holding each on its own. enhancement on WTP. Hence, the net effect on
WTP (and therefore on value creation) of the two
All types of resources increase firm value creation resources in combination is less than the sum of the
and a firm holding two resources must create effects when the resources are held on their own.
more value than a firm holding either resource Therefore, timing and product resources become
on its own. Hence, a firm with two resources subadditive as the market matures.
starts creating value in a segment earlier, and starts Next consider a firm that holds a process re-
earning rents sooner, than a firm holding either source and some other, performance-enhancing
resource on its own. Consequently, rents must resource type. Since the shift in value creation is
initially be superadditive because neither resource the sum of the cost reduction and the increase in
held on its own would have yielded positive value WTP from the performance enhancement and since
creation. Even at a time when one of the resources DMU does not impact the value of cost reductions,
is enough for positive value creation, the resources there is an additive interaction between process
remain superadditive because adding the second resources and the other resource types.
resource increases rents even though this second Finally, consider a firm holding a timing and an
resource, on its own, would not be have positive innovation resource. Here there is a superadditive
value creation. interaction between the two resources: the greater
Therefore: the technology trajectory, the greater the benefit to
having a head start on development; and the greater
Proposition 10: Consider a firm with two re- the head start, the greater the benefit to increasing
sources facing an unresourced rival in a seg- the firm’s trajectory.
ment. There is an interval, starting at the time
where the firm has positive value creation, dur-
ing which the two resources are superadditive. Proposition 11: Consider a firm with two re-
sources facing a rival with none. After the initial
interval of superadditivity, the resources can
Alternatively, one could interpret the discussion below as be additive, subadditive, or they may remain
applying to resources spread across multiple firms that are using
an alliance, joint venture, or other contractual mechanism to superadditive, depending on the identity of the
jointly deploy their resources. resources. (See Table 1 for details.)
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230 R. Adner and P. Zemsky
Table 1. Resource interactions after the initial interval resources are split among competing firms? In any
of superadditivity, classified as subadditive (−), additive given segment, the combined profits of the two
(+), or continued superadditivity (++)
firms depend on the added value of the firm with
Resource Process Product Timing Innovation the greatest value creation. Splitting the resources
type between the firms necessarily lowers the value
creation of the leading firm. At the same time,
Process + + + + it necessarily increases the value creation of the
Product + − − − lagging firm. The net result is lower added value
Timing + − − ++
Innovation + − ++ − and hence lower industry profits.

Proposition 12: Suppose that there are two firms

In a mature market segment, the nature of the and two resources. Industry profits are higher
interaction between firm resources depends on the when one firm holds both resources than when
type of resources involved. Table 1 lays out the both firms hold one resource.
full set of contingencies, including the interactions
between two resources of the same type. The broad A level playing field is bad for firms since it
results are clear: process resources are additive reduces their added value and allows consumers to
with other resource types and, with the exception capture more value. This poses a puzzle to which
of timing and innovation resources, the interactions we will return in the section on strategic diver-
among other performance-enhancing resources are sity: how to explain the coexistence of multiple
subadditive due to DMU. resource-holding firms?
The different additivity paths identified in these
propositions complement traditional perspectives
on resource combinations. The logic for the tran- MULTIPLE SEGMENTS
sition from early superadditivity to later subaddi-
tivity suggests that declines in the effectiveness of In contrast to rents from multiple resources, going
resource combinations in generating rents need not from one segment to multiple segments is straight-
be rooted in a degradation of the resources them- forward. Because our stylized model has no inter-
selves or in a firm’s internal capability to combine dependencies between a firm’s value creation
resources. Neither do they need to be rooted in dis- across segments, rents can be calculated in each
crete shifts in the competitive environment. Rather, segment separately and then aggregated to get the
we observe that shifts from superadditivity to sub- firm’s total rent profile.
additivity can be driven by the effect of DMU in
a maturing market. Proposition 13: With multiple segments, a firm’s
The synergies between timing and innovation total rents are the sum of the rents in each
resources, which remain superadditive, suggest segment.
that there are lasting benefits for combining these
two resources in a single firm. One possible exam- More subtle is the order in which firms enter
ple is, which aggressively improves segments that vary in their taste for quality (i.e.,
its e-commerce capabilities and at the same time aH > aL ). In terms of value creation, there is
aggressively pioneers new e-commerce market a clear ordering. Because the high-end segment
segments. Similarly, Cisco’s strategy of acquir- always has a higher WTP for any given product, a
ing startups with promising technology trajecto- firm’s offer first has positive value creation in the
ries and exploiting its existing resources to speed high-end segment.
their access to product markets might be viewed
as exploiting the superadditivity of innovation and Proposition 14: In an industry with a high-end
timing resource combinations. and a low-end segment, all firms first create
value in the high-end segment.
Splitting resources across firms
Hence, an unserved market is going to be pio-
To this point, we have considered multiple re- neered in the high-end segment. However, once
sources held by the same firm. What happens when there is an incumbent that needs to be displaced,
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 231

the order of entry is contingent. Echoing the logic differentiation advantage are sometimes very suc-
of Proposition 2, if the new firm has a cost advan- cessful (e.g., Kim and Mauborgne, 1997; Besanko,
tage relative to the incumbent, then entry occurs Dranove, and Shanley, 2000). To explore this, we
while the new firm still has a differentiation disad- allow a firm to pursue a Resource Generalist strat-
vantage. The new firm therefore enters the low-end egy, by holding a product and a process resource
segment first since that is where differentiation is simultaneously.
less important. Conversely, if the new firm has a We first explore the sustainability of different
cost disadvantage, then entry only occurs when it resource strategies. We then consider the condi-
has an offsetting differentiation advantage. In this tions under which a market can support strategic
case, the new firm enters the high-end segment first diversity, where firms pursuing different strategies
since that is where differentiation is more highly can profitably coexist.
valued. In every period firms first choose their resource
strategy, which determines their value creation,
Proposition 15: In an industry with a high-end and then compete in the market as before. For-
and a low-end market segment both being served mally, we are studying a biform game as intro-
by an incumbent, a new technology enters the duced by Brandenburger and Stuart (2003). We
low-end segment first when it has a cost advan- assume that there is a fixed per-period cost to main-
tage. It enters the high-end segment first when it taining resources of Fc > 0 for process resources
has a cost disadvantage. and Fr > 0 for product resources. If a firm holds
both resources simultaneously, there is an addi-
Thus, low-cost mini-mill technology started in tional fixed cost associated with organizational
low-end segments like reinforcement bars before complexity of K ≥ 0. Following Porter (1996), the
moving into higher-end segments like structural parameter K captures the extent to which inter-
steel, while jet engine technology was first adopted nal trade-offs make it difficult to pursue cost and
in high-end military market segments before mov- differentiation advantage simultaneously.
ing into long-haul commercial segments. The
proposition can be applied not only at the technol-
Single segment analysis
ogy level, but at a firm level of analysis as well.
For example, the discount broker Schwab began Suppose that there is a single segment. To justify
in low-end segments and has gone on to penetrate the fixed investment in maintaining resources, a
higher-end segments as the quality of its offer has firm must have rents and therefore positive added
improved, while Dolby’s noise reduction technol- value for some customers. Since at most one firm
ogy moved from the professional recording market can have added value in a segment, with a single
to the mass market. segment at most one firm will maintain resources.
How will the firm’s resource strategy change over
time? The three main drivers of resource strat-
RESOURCE STRATEGY OVER TIME egy in a single segment are time, the costs of
complexity, and the stand-alone profitability of
To this point, we have considered how the value each resource. From Proposition 4, the profitabil-
of resources changes over time, taking resource ity of maintaining the process resource on its own
endowments as given. We now take a first step reaches its maximum at the time when the unre-
toward endogenizing a firm’s resource strategy. sourced firm starts creating value, and is a constant
We restrict attention to three generic strategies thereafter. Let c be the maximum profitability of
for holding product and process resources. As in maintaining the process resource on its own. From
Porter (1980), a firm can be a Differentiator, by Proposition 5, the profitability of maintaining the
holding a product resource, or a Cost Leader, by product resource is highest at the point where the
holding a process resource. Porter argues that firms unresourced firm starts creating value, and declines
face a choice between positioning with a cost or a thereafter. Let r be the maximum profitability of
performance focus, and that those firms that do not maintaining the product resource on its own. We
choose one of these positions risk being stuck in consider the case where r > c > 0.
the middle. Others, however, have observed that Figure 8 shows how the firm’s resource strategy
firms that simultaneously pursue both cost and varies over time and with the cost of complexity.
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
232 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

Cost of Complexity (K )

no Leader
Πc entry


20 70 120

Figure 8. The effect of the cost of organizational complexity on a firm’s resource strategy over time in a single
segment (for c = 10, c = 1.4, Fc = 100, r = 90, Fr = 60, β = 0.4, am = 1, sm = 100)

At first the firm is out of the market and (i) If the cost of complexity is sufficiently small
holds no resources because no resource combina- (K < c ), then the firm enters the market
tion results in consumer willingness to pay that segment with a Resource Generalist strat-
is greater than firm costs. What happens next egy.
depends on the cost of complexity. Suppose that (ii) For higher costs of complexity (K > c ),
the cost of complexity is high, specifically K > the firm enters the market segment with a
c . Then firms will only maintain one resource at Differentiator strategy.
a time. The firm starts with a Differentiator strat- (iii) For any value of K, in the long run the firm
egy because, initially, the profits from maintaining pursues a Cost Leader strategy.
the product resource are greater (an implication of
r > c ). Over time, however, DMU erodes the The proposition shows how one can place bound-
rents from the product resource so that at some ary conditions on the pursuit of different generic
point the process resource offers higher returns. strategies.14 While one may see a firm pursuing
At this point, the firm shifts to a Cost Leader the classic generic strategies of Cost Leadership or
strategy. Differentiation, we identify conditions under which
Now suppose that the costs of complexity are a firm does better, for a limited interval of time,
low, specifically K < c . Then the firm enters the with a Resource Generalist strategy. The shift over
time away from product resources and towards
market with a Resource Generalist strategy. Recall
process resources echoes the technology life cycle
from Proposition 10 that when pioneering a market
literature, where a central empirical regularity is
any two resources are superadditive. As a result,
the shift from product to process innovation as
the entry time for a Resource Generalist is earlier
markets mature (Utterback, 1994). Unlike classic
than that for a Differentiator. Resource superad-
explanations based on the emergence of a domi-
ditivity is partly offset by the cost of complexity nant design (Utterback and Abernathy, 1975), in
and hence the lower is K the earlier the entry. Over our theory the transition is driven by DMU (see
time the rents from the product resource erode and also Adner and Levinthal, 2001).
the firm eventually drops the product resource from Consider the effects of DMU on resource strat-
its portfolio, shifting to a Cost Leader strategy, as egy. Not only does it accelerate the erosion of the
in the case with a high K.
For simplicity, we restricted the analysis to the case of r >
c > 0. Consider the case where c > r > 0. For low K
the firm still enters as a Resource Generalist and subsequently
Proposition 16: Suppose r > c > 0 and switches to be a Cost Leader, while for high K the firm now
there is only a single segment. enters directly as a Cost Leader.

Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 233

returns from the product resource, it also delays the greater relative value creation for the Differentia-
time at which the firm is able to enter the market. tor. Thus, the Differentiator must have added value
Thus there is a clear negative relationship between in the high-end segment, which implies that the
the extent of DMU in the market and the time dur- Cost Leader must have added value in the low-end
ing which the firm maintains the product resource. segment to be viable.
In contrast, the effect on the holding of a process Both firms must have sufficient added value in
resource is contingent: for low costs of complex- their respective segments to cover their resource
ity, the two resources are deployed simultaneously costs. For the Differentiator, this means that the
and hence higher DMU delays the deployment of taste for quality in the high-end segment cannot
the process resource. On the other hand, for high be too low (aH ≥ a H ). For the Cost Leader, the
costs of complexity, the firm is choosing between taste for quality in the low-end segment cannot be
the two resources and higher DMU speeds the shift too high (aL ≤ āL ), as otherwise the Differentia-
from the product to the process resource. tor would create too much value there. However,
neither can the low-end segment’s taste for qual-
Proposition 17: Suppose r > c > 0 and ity be too low (aL ≥ a L ) because decreases in aL
there is only a single segment. Increases in DMU increase the Cost Leader’s added value only until
reduce the time during which the firm maintains the point where the Differentiator no longer creates
the product resource, but have an ambiguous value for the segment. After that, further decreases
effect on the time during which the firm main- in the segment’s taste for quality reduce the Cost
tains the process resource. Leader’s added value, eventually driving it to zero.

Our basic model and the associated intuitions on Proposition 18: Strategic diversity, where one
the evolution of resource rents can be extended, firm has a process resource and the other has
in a straightforward way, to look at the choice of a product resource, requires a sufficiently high
resource strategy. This extension is a step toward cost of complexity, a sufficiently high taste for
addressing a weakness in the received literature on quality in the high-end market segment, and an
positioning, that ‘our understanding of the dynamic intermediate level of taste for quality in the low-
processes by which firms perceive and ultimately end market segment.
attain superior market positions is far less devel-
oped [than our understanding of advantage at a Thus, beyond internal trade-offs in the form of
point in time]’ (Porter, 1991: 95; see also Rumelt, costs of complexity we find that sufficient con-
1987). We think that explicitly linking resource sumer heterogeneity is required to support strategic
choice to the evolution of value creation is a diversity. For example, in the airline sector the
promising avenue for deepening our understanding high level of consumer heterogeneity (e.g., busi-
of the dynamics of positioning. ness vs. leisure travelers) helps support strategic
diversity (e.g., full service vs. no-frills airlines).
How do changes in market size and in the fixed
Strategic diversity
costs of maintaining resources affect the level of
Under what conditions would one expect to consumer heterogeneity (a H − āL ) required to sup-
observe strategic diversity, where one firm pur- port strategic diversity? For example, in 2001–02
sues a Cost Leader strategy and the other firm a the airline sector experienced reductions in market
Differentiator strategy? From the single segment size, especially at the high end, as well as higher
analysis, we need a sufficient cost of complexity fixed costs due to increased security requirements.
to preclude the industry from being dominated by a The greater is the fixed cost of maintaining the
Resource Generalist. Moreover, because each firm product resource and the smaller the size of the
must have added value in some segment, there high-end segment, the higher must be the Differ-
must be at least two different market segments. entiator’s added value for each high-end customer
How different must they be? As before, consider and hence the lower bound on the high-end seg-
a market with a high-end segment and a low-end ment’s taste for quality, a H , must increase. Con-
segment that vary in the taste for quality, aH > aL . versely, the greater is the fixed cost of maintaining
A higher taste for quality places greater empha- the process resource relative to the size of the low-
sis on product performance and hence results in end segment, the higher must be the Cost Leader’s
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
234 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

added value for each low-end customer and hence those settings where DMU and consumer hetero-
the lower must be āL and the higher must be a L . geneity are important, to develop intuitions regard-
ing their effects on sustainability.
Incorporating a demand-based perspective into
Proposition 19: The extent of consumer hetero- empirical research will enrich the hypotheses that
geneity (a H − āL ) required to support strategic can be tested in both cross-sectional and longitu-
diversity is increasing in the level of fixed costs dinal studies. Although new tools will be needed
required to maintain the resources and decreas- to characterize the demand environment, many
ing in the size of the segments. have already been developed for the purpose of
constructing quality-adjusted price indices (e.g.,
Griliches, 1961; Trajtenberg, 1990) and in the new
CONCLUSION empirical industrial organization literature (e.g.,
Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes, 1995). These tools
can provide the inputs that would be used to study
Our approach to sustainability starts on the sup- strategy questions.
ply side with product market competition and One limitation of our approach is that firms are
improving technologies. The novelty is that we assumed to engage in intense (i.e., Bertrand) price
introduce an explicit treatment of how technology competition and thus we cannot address changes in
improvements affect consumer choice among com- the intensity of rivalry. This is a substantive lim-
peting offers. This leads us to focus on demand- itation because technological progress and DMU
side drivers: marginal utility from performance might affect the intensity of rivalry in some set-
improvements, consumer taste for quality, and the tings. Similarly, firm choices regarding market
extent of consumer heterogeneity. We combine entry and resource portfolios could also impact
these elements in a simple model that allows us to the extent of rivalry. While these interactions are
address a wide range of issues related to the sus- beyond the scope of the current paper, we highlight
tainability of competitive advantage. By explicitly them as potential avenues for future research.
linking resources and utility, we have attempted There are two additional elements in this paper
to complement the traditional focus in strategy on that we think are a promising basis for future theo-
competition and value capture with a focus on con- retical work. First, the formalization of competitive
sumers and value creation. advantage as superior value creation provides a
At the level of firm resources, we show how simple and yet compelling foundation for strategy
competitive advantage can erode not only because theorizing. A natural way to build on this founda-
imitation undermines the uniqueness of resources, tion is to incorporate firm actions that shape value
but also because consumer valuation of firm dif- creation. Our analysis of resource strategy is one
ferences declines due to the effects of decreasing step in this direction. Second, a focus on the inter-
marginal utility. At the level of firm positions, we action between consumer heterogeneity and firm
show that strategic heterogeneity is rooted not only strategy offers a promising avenue for building
in differences between firms’ internal resources, a richer theory of firm–environment fit. In this
but also in the extent of consumer heterogeneity paper, we focus on the link between consumer
in the firms’ demand environment. heterogeneity and strategic diversity. Future work
While DMU and consumer heterogeneity are along this trajectory might fruitfully explore how
characteristic of many (though perhaps not all) set- firms should respond to consumer heterogeneity by
tings, they have been largely ignored in strategy their market segmentation choices, and relatedly,
studies. We note that the assumptions of DMU and their market diversification decisions.
consumer heterogeneity are critical to our results The interactions between firm strategy and the
and without them most of our observed patterns demand context suggest new dimensions along
would disappear. This, of course, is precisely the which to consider firm strategy. In particular,
point: to highlight the role of demand-side ele- important features of demand are subject to influ-
ments in determining sustainability, and to assure ence by firms. For example, Intel responded to
that these demand-side threats are not overlooked. decreasing marginal utility for processing power
We thus hope, first, to encourage the field to be by investing billions in venture capital directed
more sensitive to their existence; and second in at suppliers of complements that would increase
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 235

demand for processing power. In addition to invest- Amit R, Schoemaker PJH. 1993. Strategic assets and
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Brandenburger A, Stuart HW. 2003. Biform games.
mimeo, New York University.
Christensen CM. 1997. The Innovator’s Dilemma.
We would like to thank seminar participants at Harvard Business School Press: Boston, MA.
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BYU Winter Conference, Duke, Michigan, NYU, sustainability of competitive advantage. Management
Ohio State, Strategy Research Forum, Tel Aviv Science 35(12): 1504–1511.
University, Toronto, Washington University, and Foster R. 1986. Innovation, the Attacker’s Advantage.
Simon & Schuster: New York.
Wharton, as well as Jay Barney, Adam Branden- Ghemawat P. 1991. Commitment: The Dynamic of
burger, Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, Pankaj Ghe- Strategy. Free Press: New York.
mawat, Javier Gimeno, Constance Helfat, Anne Grant RM. 1998. Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Con-
Marie Knott, Bruce Kogut, Michael Leiblein, Dan cepts, Techniques, Applications (3rd edn). Blackwell
Levinthal, Rich Makadok, Anita McGahan, Patrick Business Press: Cambridge MA.
Morton, Mary O’Sullivan, Subi Rangan, Miles Griliches Z. 1961. Hedonic price indexes for automobiles:
an econometric analysis of quality change. In Price
Shaver, and Louis Thomas for their helpful com- Statistics of the Federal Government . National Bureau
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Intel Corporation. 1998. Letter to our stockholders.
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APPENDIX 0, we have ∂tb /∂am < 0 and ∂tb /∂β < 0. Hence,
the interval of entry [ta , tb ] is falling in am and β.
Proof of Proposition 1 Q.E.D.

Suppose b1 = b2 . We have Ad1m (t) = am b1β (t β −

Proof of Propositions 4–6
(t + h2 )β ) and hence Ad1m (t) < 0 and ∂Ad1m /∂t > 0
for all t > 0 and limt→∞ Ad1m (t) = 0. If Ac1 ≤ 0, For all four resource types, Ad1m (t) + Ac1 > 0 for
then Ad1m (t) + Ac1 < 0 for all t > 0 and substitution all t > 0 and hence firm 1 enters the segment first
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 237

and is never displaced. We have that ti is defined the period during which rents increase is shorter
by vim (ti ) = 0. From Lemma 1, we have that firm with imitation and no DMU than with DMU and
1’s rent from its resource is 0 if t ≤ t1 , sm v1m (t) no imitation.
if t ∈ (t1 , t2 ], and sm (v1m (t) − v2m (t)) if t > t2 . Suppose firm 1 has a process resource. With
For all resource types, v1m (t) > 0 as performance imitation and no DMU, we have that v1m (t) = b
increases in t and hence rents are always increas- and with DMU and no imitation we have that
ing for t ∈ (t1 , t2 ). For a process resource, v1m (t) − 
v1m (t) = bβ/(bt)1−β , which is less than b when
v2m (t) = Ac1 such that rents are constant for t > t2 . t > t1 . With DMU and no imitation, we have that
For all other resources, v1m (t) − v2m (t) = Ad1m (t), t1 = c11/β /b and t2 = c21/β /b and hence t2 − t1 =
which varies with time. For performance and c21/β /b − c11/β /b, which is decreasing in β. Hence
timing resources, ∂Ad1m /∂t < 0 and rents decline no DMU (β = 1) and imitation results in a smaller
for t > t2 with limt→∞ Ad1m (t) = 0. For innovation t2 − t1 than DMU and no imitation. This completes
resources, ∂Ad1m /∂t > 0 and rents increase over the proof of Proposition 8. Q.E.D.
time but at a decreasing rate since ∂ 2 Ad1m /∂t 2 < 0.
Proof of Propositions 10 and 11
Proof of Propositions 7–9 Suppose that firm 1 has two resources which
we index by ρ = A and B. As usual, let v1 (t)
For all four resource types, Ad1m (t) + Ac1 > 0 for
be firm 1’s value creation. Define v1A (t) and
all t > 0 and hence firm 1 enters the segment
v1B (t) as firm 1’s value creation when it only has
first and is never displaced. We have that ti is
resource A and B respectively. Define the follow-
defined by vim (ti ) = 0. From Lemma 1, we have
ing critical times: v1 (t1 ) = 0, v2 (t2 ) = 0, v1A (t1A ) =
that firm 1’s rent from its resource is 0 if t ≤ t1 ,
0, v1B (t1B ) = 0 and then define t1M = max{t1A , t1B }
sm v1m (t) if t ∈ (t1 , t2 ], and sm (v1m (t) − v2m (t)) if
 and t1m = min{t1A , t1B }. Note that t1 < t1m ≤ t1M <
t > t2 . For all resource types, v1m (t) > 0 as perfor-
t2 . We now consider resource interactions for var-
mance increases in t and hence rents are always
ious values of t.
increasing for t ∈ (t1 , t2 ). For a process resource,
For t < t1 even the firm with both resources has
v1m (t) − v2m (t) = c U (t) such that rents decrease
negative value creation and there are no rents; the
to zero for t > t2 . Similarly, for a product resource
resources are additive. For t ∈ (t1 , t1m ), we have
we have that v1m (t) − v2m (t) = r U (t) and rents
that possession of both resources yields positive
decrease to zero for t > t2 . This completes the
value creation and rents, while possession of either
proof of Proposition 7.
individually results in negative value creation and
For innovation resources, the willingness t to pay
no rents; hence any two resources are superaddi-
for firm 2’s offer at time t is given by 0 (b + (1 −
tive. For t ∈ [t1m , t1M ], there is one resource that
U (t))b )dt = (b + b )t − zb ln(1 + zt). We yields rents with or without the other. However,

then have v1 (t) − v2 (t) = zb ln(1 + zt), which is value creation and rents are greater with both
increasing in t but at a decreasing rate because of resources and the second resources has negative
the concavity of the ln function. This completes value creation and no rents on its own; hence
the proof of Proposition 9. any two resources are superadditive. What hap-
Suppose firm 1 has a process resource. With pens for t > t1M depends on the identity of the

imitation and no DMU, we have that v1m (t) = b two resources.
and with DMU and no imitation we have that Suppose that the firm has a product and a timing

v1m (t) = bβ/(bt + r )1−β . For t > t1 we have that resource. When t ≥ t2 , then rent to holding both
bt + r > 1 and hence bβ/(bt + r )1−β < b and resources is sm (v1 (t) − v2 (t)) = sm am (b(t + h ) +
the rate of increase in rents is greater with imitation r )β − (bt)β ), while the sum of the rents from
and no DMU than with DMU and no imitation. holding both individually is sm am ((bt + r )β −
With DMU and no imitation, we have that t1 = (bt)β ) + sm am (b(t + h ))β − (bt)β ). For r = 0,
(c1/β − r )/b and t2 = c1/β /b, and hence t2 − t1 = these expressions are equal and the second expres-
r /b. This difference is independent of β and sion increases faster in r ; hence this resource
hence it holds when there is no DMU and no combination is subadditive for t ≥ t2 . For t ∈
imitation. As imitation reduces t2 , we have that [t1M , t2 ], the difference in rents between holding
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
238 R. Adner and P. Zemsky

the resources together and holding each individu- Proof of Propositions 16 and 17
ally is sm (am (b(t + h ) + r )β − c) − sm (am (bt +
r )β + am (b(t + h ))β − 2c), which is falling in Suppose that sL = 0 and let aH = a and sH = s.
t. Thus there exists a tˆ ∈ (t1M , t2 ) such that for With only a single segment, at most one firm
t1 < t < tˆ the resources are superadditive and for will pay the fixed costs to maintain resources.
t > tˆ the resources are subadditive. Let vc (t) = a(bt)β − c + c be the value created
Similar arguments establish the existence of a by a Cost Leader; let vr (t) = a(bt + r )β − c be
critical tˆ for a portfolio with a product and inno- the value creation by a Differentiator; and let
vation resource as well as for a portfolio with two vrc (t) = a(bt + r )β − c + c be the value cre-
timing, two product, or two innovation resources. ation by a Resource Generalist. Firm 2 starts
Suppose that resource A is a process resource. creating value at time t2 = c1/β /b. From previ-
For t ∈ [t1M , t2 ), the rents from holding both re- ous analysis, the rents from the Cost Leadership
sources are sm v1 (t) = sm (v1B (t) + c ) while the strategy are maximized for t ≥ t2 and are  ¯c =
rents from holding both individually are (recall- sc − Fc , and the rents from the Differentiator
ing that only one resource gives positive value strategy are maximized at t = t2 and are equal
creation on its own) sm max{v1B (t), v2 (t) + c } < to  ¯ r = s(a(c1/β + r )β − c) − Fr . Suppose that
sm (v1B (t) + c ); hence the resources are super- ¯
r >  ¯ c > 0.
additive in this range. For t ≥ t2 , the rent from Suppose that t ≤ t2 . The firm chooses the strat-
holding both resources is sm (v1B (t) + c − v2 (t)), egy at each point in time that maximizes its profits
the same as the sum of the rents from holding both where a strategy without any resources yields prof-
individually, and the resources are additive. Hence, its of 0. Being a Cost Leader yields svc (t) − Fc ,
for t1 < t < t2 the resources are superadditive and being a Differentiator yields svr (t) − Fr , and being
for t ≥ t2 the resources are additive. a Resource Generalist yields svrc (t) − Fc − Fr −
The final case to consider is a timing and K. Since vc (t) > vr (t) and  ¯r > ¯ c , we have that
an innovation resource. For t ≥ t2 , the differ- a strategy of Differentiation dominates Cost Lead-
ence in rents between holding both and hold- ership for t ≤ t2 . Subtracting the profits from being
ing each separately is sm am ((b + b )(t + h ))β − a Resource Generalist from those of being a Differ-
(b(t + h ))β − ((b + b )t)β + (bt)β ), which is entiator yields  ¯ c − K and hence for K <  ¯ c the
equal to zero for b = 0 and increasing in b . firm enters the market segment as a Resource Gen-
Hence, the difference is positive and the resources eralist and for K >  ¯ c the firm enters the market
are superadditive. It is straightforward to show that segment as a Cost Leader.
the difference in rents is monotonic in t for t ∈ Suppose t > t2 . Being a Cost Leader yields
[t1M , t2 ]. Hence, timing and innovation resources ¯ c , being a Differentiator yields sa((bt + r )β −
are superadditive for all t > t1 . Q.E.D. (bt)β ) − Fr , and being a Resource Generalist
The proofs of Propositions 12, 13 and 14 are yields sa((bt + r )β − (bt)β + c ) − Fc − Fr
straightforward and are omitted. − K. The latter two are both falling in t and con-
verge to a value of less than  ¯ c and hence in
the long run the firm pursues a strategy of Cost
Proof of Proposition 15
Leadership. This completes the proof of Proposi-
Suppose that firm 2 (the incumbent) is in both tion 16.
segment H and L at some point in time but For K >  ¯ c , the firm starts maintaining the
that firm 1 displaces it from these segments. The product resource when svr (t) − Fr = 0 and the
proofs of Propositions 1, 2, and 3 characterize start time is decreasing in β and a. The firm stops
the effect of am on the time at which firm 1 maintaining the product resource when sa((bt +
displaces firm 2 from segment m and show that r )β − (bt)β ) − Fr =  ¯ c and the stop time is
the entry time is increasing when firm 1 has a cost increasing in β and a. For K ≤  ¯ c , the firm starts
advantage and decreasing when firm 1 has a cost maintaining the product resource when svrc (t) −
disadvantage. Since aH > aL , firm 1 first displaces Fr − Fc − K = 0 and the start time is decreasing
the incumbent from the high-end segment if it has in β and a. The firm stops maintaining the prod-
a cost disadvantage and from the low-end segment uct resource when sa((bt + r )β − (bt)β ) − Fr −
if it has a cost advantage. Q.E.D. K = 0 and the stop time is increasing in β and a.
Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)
Demand-Based Perspective 239

For K >  ¯ c , the firm starts maintaining the pro- does not create value in the low end, which occurs
cess resource when it stops maintaining the product for aL (bt + r )β − c < 0. Then the profits of the
resource and hence the start time for the product Cost Leader are sL (aL (bt)β − c + c ) − Fc , which
resource is decreasing in β and a. For K <  ¯ c, are non-negative for
the firm starts maintaining the process and product
resource at the same time and hence the start time Fc c − c
aL ≥ a L = β
+ (16)
for the product resource is increasing in β and a. sL (bt) (bt)β
A Differentiator does not increase its prof-
its from shifting to a Resource Generalist strat-
Proof of Propositions 18 and 19 egy if sH (aH D − c ) − Fr ≥ sH aH D + sL aL D −
Formally, we consider the one-shot game where Fr − Fc − K or K ≥ sH c + sL aL D − Fc . Sup-
firms simultaneously choose their resources. For pose that the Differentiator creates value in the
it to be a Nash equilibrium that one firm is a low end. A Cost Leader does not increase its prof-
Differentiator and the other is a Cost Leader, it its from shifting to a Resource Generalist strat-
must be that each firm has non-negative prof- egy if sL (c − aL D) − Fc ≥ sL c + sH c − Fc −
its and that neither can increase its profits by Fr − K or K ≥ sH c + sL aL D − Fr . Suppose that
pursuing a Resource Generalist strategy. As the the Differentiator does not create value in the low
Differentiator has more added value in the high end. A Cost Leader does not increase its profits
end than the low end, we can restrict attention to from shifting to a Resource Generalist strategy if
parameters for which the Differentiator has pos- sL (aL (bt)β − c + c ) − Fc ≥ sL (aL (bt + r )β
itive added value in the high end and the Cost − c + c ) + sH c − Fc − Fr − K or K ≥ sL aL D
Leader has positive added value in the low end. + sH c − Fr . Hence, a necessary condition for
Note that if the Cost Leader has added value in strategic diversity to be a Nash equilibrium is
the low end then it has positive value creation in that K ≥ K̄ = max{0, sH c + sL aL D − Fc , sH c
both segments, while it is not the case that the + sL aL D − Fr }. Note that it is possible that K̄ = 0.
Differentiator necessarily has positive value cre- So far we have been concerned with the con-
ation in the low end. Define D = (bt + r )β − ditions for the existence of an equilibrium with
(bt)β . a Cost Leader and Differentiator. These condi-
The profits of the Differentiator are sH (aH D − tions do not assure uniqueness. For uniqueness one
c ) − Fr and these are non-negative for needs to rule out the equilibrium where one firm
is a Resource Generalist and the other does not
c Fr invest in resources. The pay-off to the resourced
aH ≥ a H = + (14) firm in this case is sH (aH D + c ) + sL (aL D +
D sH D
c ) − Fc − Fr − K. Note that for K sufficiently
which is increasing in Fr and decreasing in sH . small, the conditions aH ≥ a H and aL ≥ a L assure
If the Differentiator has positive value creation in that the Resource Generalist equilibrium exists
the low-end segment, then the profits of the Cost as well. Hence, for Cost Leadership and Dif-
Leader are sL (c − aL D) − Fc and these are non- ferentiation to be the unique Nash equilibrium
negative for we require that K > sH (aH D + c ) + sL (aL D +
c ) − Fc − Fr , which is greater than zero when-
c Fc ever the Cost Leader–Differentiator equilibrium
aL ≥ āL = − (15)
D sL D exists. Q.E.D.

which is decreasing in Fc and increasing in sL .

Note that a H > āL . Suppose that the Differentiator

Copyright  2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 27: 215–239 (2006)

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