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a Place
The National Library
the Republic of Indonesia

Author: Sulis Setiowati, S.Pd.

Created on October 20th 2019, 12:29:12
Jakarta, Indonesia

Study English easily with Miss Sulis! (SEEMS)

Points to talk about
• Where is it? >> the location
• How to get there? >> the transportation
• How long does it take to get the place? >> how long to get there
• What’s so special about the place? >> the facilities that are
• What additional/ supporting facilities are available in that place?
>> the additional/ supporting facilities that are provided
• When does the place open to serve the visitors? >> the service/
operational hour
• What other tourist’s sites near it that people can visit? >> other
interesting places near there to visit
• How to get (or to get back from) the place? >> (for additional
information, you don’t need to add if you don’t want)
Where is it? How to get there?
How long does it take to get the place?
If there’s a place I love the than an hour to get there. If you

most in Jakarta, it would be the have JakLingko or other similar

National Library. It is a 24-storey TransJakarta access cards, you can

building, located on South Medan take TransJakarta bus #2 that serves

Merdeka street, next to the City Hall the route Pulo Gadung-Harmoni. The

(Balai Kota), in front of the National bus can be reached through Senen

Monument of the Republic of Central bus shelter near the campus.

Indonesia. From our campus at Stay in the bus until you get the

Kramat Raya street, it only takes less Harmoni Central bus shelter.
The 24-storey building of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia
Where is it? How to get there? How long does
it take to get the place?
Arriving at the Harmoni walking along the pavement until

Central bus shelter, you have to you find the traffic lights. Cross the

transit to another #2 bus that will road after the green light for

serve the reverse route, from pedestrians turns on. The building is

Harmoni to Pulo Gadung. At the City in the front of the opposite road,

Hall bus shelter, stop and get off the beside the City Hall.

bus. Tap your JakLingko or other

TransJakarta access card, pass the

shelter gate and continue the trip by

The 24-storey building of the
National Library of the Republic
of Indonesia
What’s so special about the place?

Thousands of book that the 19th. Non-fiction works including

written and published by local and novels are also available, simply

international writers and publishers press the elevator button #22 to be

are kept neatly there. From able to access them.

academic to children and parenting

collections are available. Not only

reading materials, you can also enjoy

the audio visual files on the 8th floor

and the multimedia collections on

The reading hall for visitors to read comfortably on the
22nd floor
What additional/ supporting facilities are
available in that place?
If you feel tired and hungry, go to floor 6 to pray, then you can

you don’t need to go out of the continue your activity right after

building. All you should do is simply that. One good thing that you might

find the canteen on the 4th floor. The like is that there are enough well-

canteen provides various foods and maintained restrooms in the

drinks that affordable to buy. There building.

is a big hall for visitors to sit and

enjoy their foods there. When the

prayer time has announced, you can

The canteen and big hall for visitors to have lunch or

coffee break
Sop Iga (Indonesian meat soup), Ayam Geprek (Chicken with Chilli) and iced Thai tea are some foods and drinks they sell
in the canteen of the National Library
When does the place open to serve the
To serve the visitors, the National Library publicly opens

every day, from Sunday to Saturday. The operational hours are

from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and from 9 a.m. to

2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Only on special days such as Eid

Fest, the Independence Day etc., the service is closed. By

providing service every day, they want to give more satisfaction

for the citizens, where they can use their free time to do good

things, visiting the National Library and fill their brain with new

knowledge which they can get it by reading books there.

What other tourist’s sites near it that people can
The pleasure isn’t stop there. After reading books, you can

enjoy the gallery in the front side of the building. If you still have

more free times, you can also visit the National Monument

(Monas), an iconic building that is located in front of the

National Library. If you go there on foot, to get to Monas, you

have to cross the road, then enter the gate. To get the turn to

cross the road, don’t forget to press the pedestrian’s button to

make the vehicles that are going to pass the road will stop for a

while and let you cross the road safely.

How to get (or to get back from) the place?

To end your fun day and go home, don’t worry, you won’t

get difficult to do so. After going out of the gate of Monas, turn

left and walk along the pavement until you find the City Hall

(Balai Kota) bus shelter. Tap your JakLingko or other TransJakarta

access cards on the gate to enter and wait for the bus. It will

come from your right hand side.

JakLingko card to enter the gate of the

busway shelter
Phrases for Describing or Giving Direction
to a certain place
 a (24)-storey building
 located on (South Medan Merdeka) street
 next to (the City Hall)
 in front of (the National Monument)
 from (our campus) at (Kramat Raya) street
 it only takes (less than an hour) to get there
 you can take the (TransJakarta) bus #2 (that) serves the route
(Pulo Gadung-Harmoni).
 The bus can be reached through (Senen Central) bus shelter
near (the campus).
 Stay in the bus until you get the (Harmoni Central) bus
Phrases for Describing or Giving Direction
to a certain place
 Arriving at the (Harmoni Central) bus shelter
 you have to transit to (another #2) bus (that) will serve (the
reverse) route from (Harmoni to Pulo Gadung)
 At the (City Hall) bus shelter, stop and get off the bus
 Tap (your JakLingko or other TransJakarta) access card
 pass the shelter gate
 and continue the trip
 by walking along the pavement >> walk along the pavement
 until you find the traffic lights
 Cross the road after the green light for pedestrians turns on
 The building is in the front of the opposite road.
 Beside/ next to the City Hall
Phrases for Describing or Giving Direction
to a certain place
 go out of the building
 find the (canteen) on the 4th floor
 There is a big hall (for visitors) to (sit and enjoy their foods)
 you can go to floor 6
 in the front side of the building
 an iconic building that is located in front of (the National
 go there on foot
 to get to (Monas), you have to cross the road, then enter the
 the vehicles
Phrases for Describing or Giving Direction
to a certain place
 pass the road
 turn left
 walk along the pavement until you find (the City Hall) bus
 wait for the bus
 (The bus will come from) your right hand side/ the right side
“Where am I now” Games
Rules of the Game
 You’ll be divided into 4 big groups.
 Choose 3 of you within the group to present respectively in front of
the class.
 Each presenter has to give some clues for each question.
 The questions are about famous places/ buildings in Jakarta.
 Each presenter has only 30 seconds to give guidance for the team
 The team members have to guess during the 30 seconds.
 To get clearer about the clues, all the members of the team can ask
questions using the list of questions that has been discussed with
the lecturer previously.
 The presenters are forbidden to say the name of the building.
 The winner is the team with the most correct answers.
Question #1
Bank Indonesia
(The Central Bank of Indonesia)
 A place where the policies of finance of the government of
Indonesia created (policies : kebijakan-kebijakan)
 It is located on Budi Kemuliaan street
 The office is lead by the governor (lead by : dipimpin oleh)
 It’s a bank office
 It opens at office hours, from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5
 It’s an office building
Question #2
Gelora Bung Karno
(Bung Karno National Sports Centre)
 It’s the national sports centre of the Republic of Indonesia
 It’s the centre place where the national and international sports
championships are usually held
 It’s located on General Sudirman highway (highway = street : jalan
raya/ jalan protokol)
 It has several sports arena such as olympic-size swimming pool/
arena, international-standard-size football yard, badminton-court,
tennis-court etc.
 It operates every day from Sunday to Saturday, 24 hours a day
 It’s a group of sports arenas
Question #3
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
(The Miniature Park of the Beautiful
 It has a miniature map of the Indonesian archipelago (archipelago :
kepulauan; miniature : mini, versi kecil dari suatu benda)
 It’s located in Eastern Jakarta (eastern : bagian Timur)
 It was founded by Ibu Tien, the first president of Indonesia, Mr.
Soeharto’s wife
 It’s a place where the visitors can see the miniature of various
cultures, traditional customs, houses and dances of all tribes of
 It opens every day, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
 It’s a big park
Question #4
 It’s located on Cikini Raya street
 It opens every day, in the afternoon and in the evening
 It’s a building where scientists and ordinary people can find a
telescope to see the distant objects such as the stars, comets etc.
 You need to buy an affordable ticket to enter the building
 The word of the name of this building comes from one of the sky
objects, “planet”
 It has a big telescope to see the distant objects in the sky
Question #5
Kota Tua
(The Jakarta Old City)
 It’s located in West Jakarta
 It’s a culture place where the citizens of Jakarta gather to see some
culture performances, some museums such as Fatahillah, Perangko
and other museums
 One of the word that forms the name of the place is the antonym of
the word “young” (antonym : lawan kata)
 The place is near the first railway station where the trains that serve
Jabodetabek route begins the trip from Jakarta to Bogor
 It’s not a building, it’s a historical place of Batavia
 The weather there is hot enough to make you get tanned suddenly,
so use sun glasses and a hat to protect you from sun burn hit
Question #6
Masjid Istiqlal
(The Istiqlal Mosque)
 It’s built at the era of the first president of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno
 It’s a building that can be accessed from several roads in Central
Jakarta, including Juanda, Medan Merdeka and Gambir streets
 It’s a holy building for a religious group in Indonesia
 The closest famous landmark to this place is the main church of
 The building welfare council is lead by a person called “Imam”
 It’s a prayer place for muslims
Question #7
Bundaran HI
(HI Round-about)
 It’s not a building, it’s a famous site of the city of Jakarta
 It consists of fountains and wide ponds that filled by water
 It’s located in the centre of Jakarta
 Near the site, there’s an old yet great hotel which is the first hotel
that built in the era of President Soekarno
 The name of the hotel is just the same of the name of the site
 One of the word of the name of this site comes from the name of
our country
Question #8
Kebun Binatang Ragunan
(Ragunan Zoo)
 It’s ot a building, it’s a big park located in the South part of Jakarta
 It opens every day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
 It’s a crowded place, especially on big days such as Eid Fest or other
big days of Indonesia
 Jakarta families love to visit the place with kids and relatives
 The temperature isn’t too hot because there are many trees live
 It consists of animals and trees
Question #9
Plaza Atrium
 It’s a building where the citizens come to buy some stuffs, have
lunch or dinner in some food stores/ restaurants, or just to do sight-
seeing (stuffs : barang-barang)
 It has many merchants and vendors that sell stuffs such as clothes,
shoes, bags, foods and beverages, etc.
 The building opens every day from Sunday to Saturday from 10 a.m.
to 10 p.m.
 It’s not an office building
 It’s a modern version of a market
 It’s located in Senen business area
Question #10
Patung Jendral Sudirman
(General Sudirman Statue)
 It’s not a building, it’s not a park, it’s a statue
 It’s a human creature’s statue
 It’s the statue of the Indonesian hero
 The statue is figuring a person with his long jacket looking at the
southern side of Jakarta
 The statue rises one of his palm to the head level and greets a
thing/ a person
 It’s located on the highway where the name is similar to the name
of the person that figured by the statue
Question #11
Gedung Parlemen/ MPR/DPR
(The Parliament Building)
 It’s located in South Jakarta, near the National Sports Arena
 It’s not an ordinary office building
 This place often becomes the object of the citizens to show their
protests to the country
 All the representatives of the people of Indonesia have meetings in
this place
 The representatives of the Indonesian citizens always produce new
national regulations or policies from this building
 College students from almost all universities in Jakarta were
occupied the building in May 1998 to force the second president of
Indonesia, Mr. Soeharto, to hand over his power as the president
Question #12
Gedung Proklamasi
(Proclamation Building)
 It’s not an ordinary office building, it’s a historic building
 It has a statue of two of the most well-known leaders of the
Indonesian nation
 It’s a historic building that keeps an important event of the nation in
the past
 It’s located on Pemuda street
 Some citizens visit the place to commemorate the Independence
Day of Indonesia
 It’s a symbolic place of the independence of Indonesia
Thank you

Some message from Miss Sulis:

“Don’t be afraid. Just practice
your English. Making mistake is
a part of the learning process.
The more you make mistake, the
more you’ll know.”

Study English easily with Miss Sulis! (SEEMS)

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