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Development Proposals for Sidhi Town Under Mini Smart City Scheme

Road No. 2 - Improvement and Widening of Fatte Singh Marg in Sidhi

Total Length of Road = 2180m

S.No. Description of Item Amount in Rs.

1 Detailed Estimate of Road (CC) 10937612

2 Detailed Estimate of Drain (RCC Covered) 1761366

Total 12698978
Development Proposals for Sidhi Town Under Mini Smart City Scheme
Detailed Estimate of Improvement and Widening of Fatte Singh Marg in Sidhi
Total Length of Road = 2180m
Existing Features -
1 Existing Width including carriageway = 5.80 m to 6.50 m
2 Ch 0 to 100, 180m to 260m, 480m to 560m, 810m to 880m & 1640m to 2180mm - Damaged CC Road
3 Ch 100 to 180, 260m to 480m, 560m to 810m & 880m to 1640mm - Damaged BT Road
4 Ch. 860m,960m, 1180m Culvert
Provisions :
CC Road
New CC Crust in place of BT road and widening in existing CC portion
1 CC Road PQC M40 Grade of Concrete, 200 mm thick, 3.75 m wide. Ch 0 to 2180 = 2180m -
2 Profile correction of existing damaged CC Road with 50 mm thick DLC, Road Widening width 525mm Both Side,
Widening (Ch 0 to 100, 180m to 260m, 480m to 560m, 810m to 880m & 1640m to 2180mm = 870m)
3 DLC 100mm Thick, 4.05 m wide. Ch 100 to 180, 260m to 480m, 560m to 810m & 880m to 1640mm = 1310m
4 CRM 200 mm thick, width 525mm Both Side, Widening
5 CRM 200 mm thick, 4.05 m wide. Ch 100 to 180, 260m to 480m, 560m to 810m & 880m to 1640mm = 1310m
6 Subgrade 150 mm thick, width 525mm Both Side, Widening
7 Hard shoulder 300mm thick, both side in above Ch Ch 0 to 2180m
Covered Lined Drain
8 Drain Inner Size 450mm Width & 600mm Depth, One Side of Road
Detailed Estimate of Road No. 2
UADD Measurement
SOR Amount in
S.No. Descriptions of Item Rate Unit
ITEM No. L B H Quantity Rs.
1 3.1, Vol Excavation
III, pg Excavation for roadway in soil
21 including loading in truck for carrying
of cut earth to bankment site with all
lifts and lead upto 1000 meters and
as per relevant
clauses of section-300.

For Proposed Road

OLD CC Portion
Ch 0 to 100, 180m to 260m, 480m to
560m, 810m to 880m & 1640m to
2180mm = 870m 2.00 870.0 0.525 0.400 365.4
Total 365.4 88.20 cum 32228
2 2.4, Vol
Dismantling of flexible pavements
III, pg
15 Dismantling of flexible pavements
and disposal of dismantled materials
up to a lead of 1000 meter, stacking
serviceable and unserviceable
materials separately and as per
relevant clauses of section-200.
a) Bituminous courses

BT Portion
Ch 100 to 180, 260m to 480m, 560m
to 810m & 880m to 1640mm =
1310m 1.00 1310.00 2.500 0.020 65.5
Total 65.5 322.20 cum 21104
Detailed Estimate of Road No. 2
UADD Measurement
SOR Amount in
S.No. Descriptions of Item Rate Unit
ITEM No. L B H Quantity Rs.
3 3.11, Earthwork
Vol III, Construction of Embankment/Sub
pg 22 grade/ earth shoulders, as per
clause 305 & its sub-clauses, Where
required but with approved
materials/soil like morrum CBR
value not less then 7% i/c all lead &
lifts i/c excavation, cost of watering,
compaction and maintenance of
surface during construction to
ensure shedding & preventing
ponding of water (clause 305.3.6)
shaping & dressing (clause 305.3.7),
finishing etc. complete but excluding
scarifying existing
granular/bituminous road surface
vide clause 305.6.

OLD CC Portion Av.

Ch 0 to 100, 180m to 260m, 480m to
560m, 810m to 880m & 1640m to
2180mm = 870m 2.00 870.00 0.525 0.150 137
Earthen Shoulder (1.3+1.4
2.00 2180.00 )/2 0.150 883
Total 1020 244.80 cum 249678
4 3.19 Hard shoulders
Vol III, Construction of Hard Shoulder with
pg 23 approved material/selected soil
having CBR >12 i/c excavation all
lifts & leads i/c grading to required
slope & camber of 4% and
compacting using vibratory roller of
80 to 100 kN static weight to meet
requirement as per relevant clause
of 400.
OLD CC Portion
Ch 0 to 100, 180m to 260m, 480m to
560m, 810m to 880m & 1640m to
2180mm = 870m
2.00 870.00 ) 0.250 543.75
New CC Portion
Ch 100 to 180, 260m to 480m, 560m
to 810m & 880m to 1640mm = (1.0+1.6
1310m 2.00 1310.00 1) 0.305 1042.83
Total 1586.58 299.70 cum 475497
5 4.8 Crusher Run Macadam
Vol III, Crusher Run Macadam Base
pg 31 (Providing rushedstoneaggregate,
depositing on a prepared surface by
hauling vehicles, spreading and
mixing with a motor rader,watering
and compacting with a vibratory
roller to clause 410 to form a layer of
sub-base/Base) (a)By Mix in Place
(ii)For 45 mm maximum size

OLD CC Portion
Ch 0 to 100, 180m to 260m, 480m to
560m, 810m to 880m & 1640m to
2180mm = 870m
2.00 870.00 0.525 0.250 228.38
Detailed Estimate of Road No. 2
UADD Measurement
SOR Amount in
S.No. Descriptions of Item Rate Unit
ITEM No. L B H Quantity Rs.
New CC Portion
Ch 100 to 180, 260m to 480m, 560m
to 810m & 880m to 1640mm =
1310m 4.050
1.00 1310.00 0.200 1061.10
Total 1289.48 799.20 cum 1030548
6 6.1 Item for Dry Lean Concrete
Vol III, Construction of dry lean cement
pg 60 concrete Sub- base over a prepared
sub-grade with coarse and fine
aggregate conforming to IS: 383,
..............paver with electronic
sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes
vibratory roller, finishing and curing
and as per relevant clauses of

Old CC Portion
Widening Portion 2.00 870.00 0.525 0.100 91.35
Ch 0 to 100, 180m to 260m, 480m to
560m, 810m to 880m & 1640m to
2180mm = 870m 1.00 870.00 3.000 0.050 130.50
New CC Portion
Ch 100 to 180, 260m to 480m, 560m
to 810m & 880m to 1640mm =
1310m 1.00 1310.00 4.050 0.100 530.55
Total quantity of DLC 752.40 2443.5 cum 1838489
7 6.3 Vol Cement Concrete M-40
III, pg Construction of dowel jointed, plain
60 cement concrete pavement in M-40 grade
concrete over a prepared sub base with
43 or higher grade cement, maximum size
of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25
mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant
as per approved mix design, transported
to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form
paver with electronic sensor, spread,
compacted and finished in a continuous
operation including provision of
contraction, expansion, construction and
longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation
membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant,
debonding strip, placing of dowel bar and
tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing
compound, finishing to lines and grades
as per approved drawings as per IRC-15
2002 and as per relevant clauses of
section-602 of of MORTH specifications
complete but excluding cost of steel in
dowel bar & tie rod etc..

Ch 0 to 2180m 2180m 1 2180.00 3.750 0.200 1635.00

Total quantity of M 30 1635.00 4312.80 cum 7051428
8 6.12.1 Steel for Dowel bars
Vol III, Ch 0 to 2180m 2180m
pg 62 25 mm dia bars @ 300 mm c/c 72 No. 13 No. 0.360 3.858 1299.99
Total cost of steel 1.30 43065.00 MT 55984
Detailed Estimate of Road No. 2
UADD Measurement
SOR Amount in
S.No. Descriptions of Item Rate Unit
ITEM No. L B H Quantity Rs.
9 6.9 Vol RCC Pipes Across the Road
III, pg Providing and laying reinforced
61 cement concrete pipe 300mm dia
NP-4 for service ducts.
Providing and laying of a reinforced
cement concrete pipe duct, 300 mm
dia, across the road (new
construction), extending from drain
to drain in cuts and toe of slope to
toe of slope in fills, constructing
head walls in cement mortar 1:3 at
both ends, providing a minimum fill
of granular material over top and
sides of RCC pipe as per IRC:98-
1997, bedded on a 0.3 m thick layer
of granular material free of rock
pieces, outer to outer distance of
pipe at least half dia of pipe subject
to minimum 450 mm in case of
double and triple row ducts, joints to
be made leak proof, invert level of
duct to be above higher than ground
level to prevent entry of water and
dirt, all as per IRC: 98 - 1997 and
approved drawings

Ch. 0to 2180m 66.00 2.50 165 1107.00 Rm 182655

Grand Total 10937612
Detailed Estimate of Improvement and Widening of Fatte Singh Marg in Sidhi
House of Chandraprakash Tiwari to Shitaldas Mandir - One Side
Total Length of Drain = 400m
Provision -
RCC Covered Drain, internal dimension 450 mm wide x 600 mm deep
Detailed Estimate of Drain
UADD Measurement
S. Amount
SOR Descriptions of Item Rate Unit
No. No. L B H Quantity in Rs.
Drain 450mmx600mm = 400m
1 2.8, Vol Excavation for Drain
II, pg 16 Earth work in excavation by
mechanical means ....drains (not
exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm
....... excavated soil as directed,
within a lead of 50 m.
2.8.1 All kinds of soil
Total Excavation 1.00 400.00 1.150 0.950 437.00 116.10 cum 50736
2 2.27 Vol Filling of Granular Material
II, pg 19 Supplying and filling in plinth under
floors including, watering, ramming
consolidating and dressing complete.

2.27.1 Crusher Stone Dust 1.00 400.00 1.150 0.100 46.00 565.20 cum 25999
3 4.1.5 Vol Cement Concrete M-10 for Base of
II pg 34 drain
Providing and laying in position
cement concrete .... Up to plinth level.
4.1.5 Cement concrete grade M-10
(Nominal Mix) with 40 mm maximum
size of stone aggregate

Total quantity of M 10 for base 1.00 400.00 0.950 0.100 38.00 3175.20 cum 120658
4 5.1.1 Vol Cement Concrete M-20 (Drain)
II, pg 46 Providing and laying Plain / Reinorced
cement concrete (mixed in concrete
mixture) … RCC Grade M20 with
20mm maxumum size of aggregate.

R.C.C. Footing 1.00 400.00 0.75 0.15 45.00

R.C.C. Wall 2.00 400.00 0.15 0.60 72.00
Cast in Situ - Drain Cover 1.00 400.00 0.75 0.15 45.00
Total quantity of M20 162.00 4255.20 cum 689342
5 5.20.6 Reinforcement for drain
Vol II, pg Reinforcement for R.C.C. work
49 including straightening, cutting,
bending, placing in position and
binding all complete.
5.20.6 Thermo-Mechanically Treated
bars. kilogram
Steel required for drain walls and base

As per X-section shown

Footing & Side Wall
Main Bar 10mm dia 160mm c/c
Wall 1 2500No. 2.35 0.617 3625
Distribution bar 8mm dia 150mm
c/c Wall 1x16 400.00 0.395 2528
Steel required for Drain Cover
Main Bar 10mm dia 100c/c 2 4000.00 0.617 4936
Distribution bar for cover 8 mm dia
150 c/c 2x5 400.00 0.395 1580
Total Weight of steel KG- 12669 54.00 Kg 684119
UADD Measurement
S. Amount
SOR Descriptions of Item Rate Unit
No. No. L B H Quantity in Rs.
6 20.1.1 Form work for drain
Vol II, pg Centering and shuttering including
209 strutting, propping etc.and removal of
form for :
20.1.1 Foundations, footings, bases of
columns, etc. For mass concrete.

P.C.C. Base 2 400.00 0.10 80.00

R.C.C. wall outer 2 400.00 0.75 600.00
R.C.C. wall inner 2 400.00 0.60 480.00
Drain Cover sides 2 400.00 0.10 80.00
Drain Cover Bottom 1 400.00 0.45 180.00
Total quantity 1420.00 124.20 Sqm 176364
7 14.8 Vol PVC Pipe
III, pg 99 Providing PVC Pipe in Brick masonry /
Plain / Reinforced concrete abutment,
.. as per clause 2706 of specifications.

PVC Pipe @ 1.00m c/c Length =

0.15m 2.00 400.00 0.150 120.00 117.90 RMT 14148
Sub Total 1761366

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