Hand Signs C Major PDF

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Hand signs are an important bridge to understanding the musical meaning of notes and also provide a way of measuring

the distance
between them. I use colours for the ABSOLUTE notes (the alphabet names). These are the colours I use for C major.

a do - this is the ʻgroundʼ of the scale, very firm and solid, hence the fist.

s re - a hopeful rising note, hence the lifting shape

d mi - calm and settled, relaxing like a smooth lake

f fa - either desolate or awe inspiring this note falls naturally to mi like a sigh and
# # # # therefore points down towards it.

j so - a very grand or bright tone - a dominant building block of the major scale
k la - a sad and sensitive note, on which the minor scale is built. Contemplative
l ti - very insecure, desperate to climb to ʻdoʼ hence the upwards point
; do - here the scale can turn back or begin again but in a higher register

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