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Calibration process:-To test the accuracy of the equipment we use calibration

1. CT04 – Create characteristics – ( Unit of measure – UOM) The same characteristics is used to create measuring point and
inspection characteristics Enter a limit this limit is written into inspection characteristics as upper and lower control limits to
verify the calibration results. When performing results recording via inspection lot.
2. QS21 - Master inspection characteristics Quantitative , Qualitative In Control indicators choose sample procedure
3. IE02 - create a measurement counter and note same characteristics
4. IA05 – Create a task list with required operations, Inspection point - 300 for equipment ,310 for functional location
Select operation and click on Inspection characteristics and provide Sample procedure or create using QDV1
5. IP41 - Create a maintenance plan with category – QM Enter the calibration task list and equipment’s and scheduling period
Use order type PM06 Inspection type – 14 for order which consider the order as calibration order
SPRO – PM&CS – maintenance and service processing – orders – Functions and settings for order types – Assign inspection
types to maintenance order types
6. IP10 – Schedule Maintenance plan, IP02 – Check call object, IW33 – ILAS denotes inspection lot and view inspection lot
7. Inspection lot – QA01 , QE51N – Perform results recording, QA11 – You can design user decision (UD) code with the follow up
activity like a mail or a notification ,Results in UD screen – Accepted, Rejected

Refurbishment Process Reconditioning of Equipment or Material is known as Refurbishment Process.

To do Refurbishment in SAP, Order type has to be checked as Refurbished. All Equipment should be managed in inventory & it
should be serialized. And Split Valuation. [Valuation categories & Valuation Types] C1 – New, C2 – Used, C3 – Damaged
Steps for Refurbishment Process:
2. Equipment to be dismantled by using IE4N and send to the store with updated valuation type C3 and Movement type – 501,
Create Refurbishment order – IW81, Standard order type will be PM04 for Refurbishment.
3. Through Stores in charge or MM People will create refurbishment orders generally planning for Manpower, Components &
Services will be done from IW81.
4. Release Refurbishment Order – Execute or Refurbished material to Work shops. Time Confirmations – IW41/IW42/IW44
5. Return refurbished material to stores – IW8W. It will ask you to updated valuation types C3 to C2 and Movement type - 101
once returned to stores they will do TECO.Settlement should be done to Material Numbers only – KO88/CO88.
Close Refurbishment Order – IW32, Now material will be available in stores as Used Material OR Repaired Material.

Preventive maintenance: To avoid sudden breakdowns during operations, required to consider pre-measuring activities
known as preventive maintenance. Preventive Maintenance Concept is used to increase meantime between failures of the
There are 3 types of preventive maintenance plans available.
1. Single Cycle Maintenance Plan – Time base (or) Performance base – IP41
IA05 - Create a task list using and plan for OPERATIONS and COMPONENTS.
CT04 - If we do for performance base, we need to create characteristics, then we need to create Counters for Equipment
IK01 and we need to initialize it using IK11, before creating a task list.
2. Strategy Maintenance Plan – Time base (or) Performance base - IP42
a. Create Strategy – IP11
b. CT04 - If we do for performance base, we need to create characteristics, then we need to create Counters for
Equipment IK01 and we need to initialize it using IK11, before creating a task list.
c. Create Task list With Strategies – IA05/IA01/IA11
d. Once Task List is created, Create Strategy Maintenance Plan using – IP42/IP01
e. Scheduling Strategy Maintenance Plan – IP10/IP30
f. Complete Generated Call Object.
3. Multiple Counter Maintenance Plan – Performance base (or) Performance & Time base. - IP43 counter IP11Z

Call Horizon Call horizon determines when a maintenance call object (e.g. Work Order, Notification) should be generated.
Example – Plan with 30 Day Cycle, 100% Horizon Call & Plan Dates are same, 50% Horizon Call Date is 15 Days before Plan
0% Horizon Call Date is 30 Days before Plan
Tolerance defines the period within which late or early completion impacts subsequent scheduling of Plan. (+)Tolerance is set
for late completion, (–) Tolerance for early completion. If completion is within Tolerance period it is not considered late or early
and does not impact schedule. If completion is out-with Tolerance period it will impact schedule taking account of Shift Factor
Shift Factors the Shift Factor applies in event of late or early completion of Maintenance Task (Call Object).It defines how much
subsequent schedule dates will be changes as result of later or early completion.
Complete requirement if you tick complete requirement, it will not generate further call object unless until previous call object
is finished.
Cycle modification factorIs a concept which is used to increase or decrease cycle length Once the plan is active we can modify
only cycle modification factor only
IP10 – Schedule By comparing annual estimate the schedule dates are there in the schedule list
IP30 - Deadline monitoring Dead line Monitoring is a concept used for Scheduling Multiple Maintenance plans.T.CODE – IP30, it
is also called as batch input program or batch scheduling T.CODE.It will consider all modifications done in maintenance plans.
Job Scheduling will be done to run T.CODE IP30 at Regular intervals using SM36 T.CODE. Basis consultants will be doing batch
Release Call: If we want to do maintenance Activity before Scheduled Time or sudden Breakdown happened to equipment
before scheduled time.
Fix Call: If we want to do an activity before or after planned date, we use fix call.
Skip Call: If the activity is completed or if the scheduled activity is not necessary at that moment then we use SKIP CALL.
TECO Directly: If we use TECO Directly it will complete the Call from Scheduling Area directly without completing pm order or
Manual Call: If we want to generate a call at respected period and even requires the scheduled call then we will be using
manual call.

Integration of PM Module with other Modules:

1. For Stock Material Inventory will be taken care by MM Module. Moment type will be 261 for issuing & 262 for return.
2. For Non-Stock material & External Services, Procurement process will be taken care by MM Module. i.e., PR – PO – GR/Service
entry sheet.
3. For Settlement of PM Orders, Cost Receiving Objects, Distribution rule, Posting Periods including Settlement Profiles &
Settlement rules will be taken care by CO Module.
4. All Vendor Master will be Defined & Controlled by SD Module.
5. All Maintenance Activities will be communicated to PP Module, using Equipment or machine work center concept.
6. The accuracy of test equipment or Calibration process for test equipment’s involve inspection lots, Results recording,
Valuations involving user Decisions will be taken care by QM Module.
7. When we Plan for Investment order, Settlements will be done to WBS Element – PM07, which will be taken care by PS Module
– Project systems (CJ20N)

WCM – Work clear management

1. Create Maintenance Order for Technical Object that require WCM processing. Assign Control Key “WCM” to activate WCM
2. Generate WCA (Work Clearance Application) from the Maintenance Order. Generate WCD (Work Clearance Documentation)
from the WCA.
3. Prepare FLs and EQs that are to be “Tagged” (inspect, seal off for safety reasons).Set WCA to “Prep” status. Set WCD to “Prep”
4. Set WCA’s Permit to Tag (can begin Tagging process).Release MO for Spare Parts Preparation before Technician start work.
5. Set “TAG” status for planned EQs/FLs to instruct officer to begin physical tagging. Set “TAGGED” status after officer has
physically completed the tagging step.
6. Set “Release for Execution” as environment is safe to begin maintenance activities. Maintenance completion now Set “Work
Completed” to inform safety offices.
7. Safety office set “UNTAG” status to prepare for the UN tagging instructions. After the physical environment is untagged, set the
“UNTAGGED” status. Set WCD to “Closed” status. Set WCA to “Closed” status. Work Order can now be “TECO”.

IFCU FLEET Recording and consumption

1. Create chanrecstics for liter and kilometers and in IMG we need to set up special measurement positions for the fuel distance
counter so IFCU recognizes it.
2. Create new vehicle with category F enter the data in Vehicle ID tab then create the counters with the characters created
3. Create a material PETRON as a petrol to be consumed $2 per liter. In the IMG we will create a Fluid type to link to the MM
material Petron.
4. Create a gas station to link it to MM plant and S.LOC and in Assign Auxiliary materials and consumables link Fluid type, Gas
station and material and Define key for cost object for updating material documents
5. Assign fluid type Petron to the equipment as primary fuel and material consumption as M key defined for material document.
6. Create a MO and release it and same order is given to equipment as settlement receiver.
7. Now open IFCU record the distance and liters consumed measurement documents created respectively. Go to the maintenance
order and check the material document with movement type 261 is created

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