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Bus Service Manual

1. Objective
To manage the planning, routing, daily running and issues relating to the school bus service.
2. Scope
This covers the buses operating for students availing the bus facility.
3. Responsibilities
Process Owner
o Administrator
o Bus Desk Supervisor (Vendor Contract)
Other Responsibilities
o Admin Executive
o Admission Desk Team Members
4. Bus Fees & Routes
Bus Fees are fixed as per format (TR07) and filed before the start of the Academic Year. The same is
updated with Admission Desk team and all the Coordinators of the school.
Bus Routes (TR06) are filed and updated with Admission Desk, Security Desk and with all the
Coordinators. The same is also shared with the parents as well.

5. Bus Option to Students

5.1 Transport Form will be sent to parents who wish to avail of bus services. The forms are distributed
to all students in the classrooms in the last week of March with an accompanying note in the
diary. This must be acknowledged by parents.
5.1 For new admission seekers, Transport Form to be given as a part of the Admission kit.

5.2 Route Maps to be clearly displayed in the lobby for the convenience of the parents.

5.3 During Admissions for next AY, the Bus Help Desk to be manned by the vendor for
answering parent queries.

5.4 Filled transport forms must be submitted to the Help Desk by 30th of March (for existing
parents) along with the two Post Dated Cheques as per the Transport Fee Structure
towards bus fees (term wise).

o Monthly options are not available.

o Submission of transport forms with fees does not guarantee eligibility to use bus services.
5.5 Based on the enrolment of students, routes to be finalized by the vendor/ school in
conjunction with the Admin Executive / Administration In Charge. The changed routes are
published again as per format TR06.

6. Operation:
6.1 The Vendor prepares route wise listing of students with their contact details (TR06) and
copies are given to the School Administration and bus attendants prior to commencement
of operation for the next AY.
6.2 Route lists are constantly updated with additions of new enrolment.
6.3 All the driver and lady attendant personnel records are submitted to the School Administration
6.4 Every bus must be manned by a Driver, and a Lady Attendant.
o All drivers to have a minimum of 5 years of experience.
o All drivers to have a police clearance certificate.
o All drivers to have a driving badge issued by the RTO.
6.5 All drivers and lady attendants will carry a mobile phone with them provided by the
Vendor. Mobile number of the lady attendant on a route will be communicated to all
concerned parents whose wards use that route.
6.6 All buses will be in road worthy condition and will carry all statutory documentation, duly
6.7 Buses will be equipped with a Fire extinguisher and First Aid Box.
6.8 All the copy of documents pertaining to vehicles to the handed to the school management
by the vendor (TR01)
6.9 All buses will meet the minimum safety requirements as outlined in the directive by the
Local State Transport Commissioner briefly listed below:
o School buses will not exceed seat : student ratio
o Emergency exit at the rear of the bus will not be sealed.
o There will be a minimum of 02 exit doors on every bus.
o Buses will have “On School Duty” placed on the rear and front.
o Buses will have the number of the transport helpdesk clearly displayed at the rear of the bus.
6.10 Buses to clearly display the Glentree Academy Board and Route Number for easy
6.11 Parents will be kept informed of:
o Pick up Point
o Pick up time
o Phone No. of Bus Attendant
6.12 Buses will not wait for more than 1 (One) minute at pick – up points.
6.13 The Vendor Transport Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the arrival time of the
buses in the school on a daily basis. He will also track the movement of all buses. To BE
6.14 The lady attendant to maintain an Attendance Register (TR08 / TR09) having format
(BUS4) for the bus on a daily basis marking students who are present.
o Attendance is taken during pick – up and prior to departure from school.
o This is submitted to the Transport Executive / Administration In Charge on a daily basis after
the morning pick – up for inspection.
6.15 Lady Attendant must ensure that all students are on board before departure. Any
student missing will be reported by the attendant to the Transport Coordinator. The
Transport Coordinator will confirm whether the child has been picked up from the school
by the parent or released due to illness or in the school for special activities.
6.16 The bus will be allowed to leave only on the instructions of the Transport Coordinator
6.17 Students up to UKG will be handed over to parents / guardian / person holding bearer
card, by the lady attendant at the drop point.

7. Discipline in Bus
7.1 The lady attendant will ensure discipline in the bus at all times.
7.2 Incidents of mis-behaving students to be reported to the Transport Coordinator in the
school. All such incidences will be noted in the Bus Log Book / Feedback Register (TR03 /
7.3 The Transport Coordinator in conjunction with the Administration In Charge will initiate
the remedial steps.
8. Administrative
8.1 Break Down of Vehicles
 Any break downs or accidents are to be reported immediately to the Transport
Coordinator. The Transport Coordinator to inform the office of the Vendor to arrange
for an alternative.
 In such cases, the parents of all students on the route need to be informed.
 This is done using the Bulk SMS facility available at the School.
 If the breakdown is enroute to or from school, it is the responsibility of the lady
attendant to keep all children in the bus till an alternative arrives. No child is allowed
to disembark, except at drop points.
8.2 Roll Call of Drivers
 The Bus In -Charge will conduct roll call of drivers 1.30 hours before the school timings
on all working days.
 Turnout and grooming will be checked.
 Buses will be checked for cleanliness before leaving the premises.
 In case of a driver being absent, the local contractor will be contacted to provide a
 Parent complaints and grievances may be discussed during the brief and what can be
done to better services.
Drivers should be briefed on cautious driving and observing driving rules.
8.3 Maintenance of Vehicles
 Vehicles are clean before leaving the premises.
 No unwanted material should be lying inside the bus.
 Servicing of Vehicles is done as per schedule to ensure minimum downtime.
 Transport Desk related records and registers are maintained on a day to day basis.
8.4 Special Cases:
 In case a child using the Bus Service is not travelling by bus on that specific day due to child
leaving early for any reason including illness,
 Child Release Form from helpdesk and noted in logbook (TR04).
 It is the responsibility of the Transport Coordinator to inform the Bus attendant that the child
will not be travelling by bus on that day.
8.5 Parents requesting to drop off their ward at a point different from the scheduled drop point:
 Such requests must come to the Bus Help Desk in writing in advance of the departure.
 No verbal requests will be entertained.
 If a Pre – Primary or Primary child, then handing over happens only after the bus attendant
has checked the Bearer card.
 In case of Pre – Primary children, if the authorized person (with valid photo ID – namely Bearer
Card) is not available at the drop point to collect the child, the lady attendant will bring back
the child to the school and the child’s parents will be called to school to collect him / her.
8.6 In case of breakdown in the school premises during departure, the parents instruct the school to
send their ward home with their peers who have someone coming to pick them up. Parents also
ask the school authorities to send the child by public / private transport.
o This is to be strictly avoided.
o Any verbal communication with regard to the above is to be avoided.

9. Forms and Formats

No Code Format Activity Brief Per Academic Year Ownership

Execution of transport contractor
1 Contract FILE One Time Activity Operations Head
with vendor
All documents pertaining to the
One Time Activity /
2 TR01 FILE fleet of vehicles at the school Administrator
including school cars
All documents pertaining to the
3 TR02 FILE One Time Activity Administrator
4 TR03 REGISTER School Bus Log Daily Security

5 TR04 REGISTER Travel Log Daily Security

Relationship Desk &
6 TR05 REGISTER Bus Incident Register Daily / Ongoing
One Time Activity /
7 TR06 FILE Bus Route List Administrator
8 TR07 FILE Transport Fee Structure One Time Activity Operations Head
Transport Attendance Register -
9 TR08 REGISTER Daily Route Teacher
Transport Attendance Register -
10 TR09 REGISTER Daily Route Teacher

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