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and the electrical damping between genera-

Effect of Prime-Mover Speed Governor tors and parts of the system contribute very
greatly to stable operation. (The amount of
load damping required to assure stable
Characteristics on Power-System operation regardless of the rate of governor
response is inversely proportional to the
speed regulation.)

Frequency Variations and 3. The frequency stability of eifhtr of two

systems may be either improved or lessened
by an electrical interconnection, depending

Tie-Line Power Swings upon the magnitude of the tie-line electrical

4. Interconnection of two power systems

with good frequency stability may introduce
some instability if there is little damping in
the tie line. For small tie-line and small
load damping, sustained self-excited oscil-
lations can be set up in a system by dead
band in the governing system for a con-
Introduction tigation of some of the effects of govern- siderable range of system parameters. Fre-
ing system characteristics on power sys- quency oscillations at the tie-line natural

I N the normal steady-state operation of

a power system, proper load division,
tem performance, and to relate the con-
clusions drawn from this work to those
frequency (producing a tie-line power swing)
and at a lower frequency determined by the
governor characteristics may be sim ul tane-
frequency, and time are maintained by presented in the companion paper.!
ously excited by dead band in the governing
manual or automatic system control, system. On the other hand, considerable
while the transient swings occasioned by Conclusions damping of larger tie-line power swings may
load changes are absorbed by the inertias be produced by governor action when these
and speed governors of the individual The following general conclusions have swings cause frequency variations outside
generating units. With improvements in been drawn. the governor dead bands.
reliability and performance of systems 5. For machines in service unnecessary
1. Reduction of dead band,' afoidance of system frequency movement or oscillation
and their interconnections, it is a natural too small a regulation, either transient or caused by governing can be most easily and
development that further careful atten- steady-state, and proper proportioning of effectively reduced by reduction of dead
tion and study be given to the basic speed the response of the various elements of the band and broadening of the regulation of
governing mechanism tend to .improve the governor mechanisms on the units
governors and their effects on system
stability, so that a system will have a maxi- tending to cause the unnecessary movement.
operation. 1,5,6 It is desirable to deter~ mum tendency for a rapid settling down of
mine the requirements which a good frequency and load after a load change and 6. Steam turbine generators, because of
the smaller time lags associated with govern-
governing mechanism should fulfill, and a minimum tendency for the support of a
ing steam flow as compared with water, are
the effects of specific governor and system sustained frequency variation. The over-
inherently capable of producing a greater
all dead band of the governing mechanism
characteristics on over -all system per- of a prime mover including governor head,
stabilizing influence on system frequency
formance. Moreover, under certain con- than are hydro generators.
hydraulic relays, and valve gear, rather than
ditions some governors may accentuate that of anyone particular element of the
rather than reduce the magnitudes of the governing mechanism, is of importance in Discussion of Results
determining the governor stability char-
frequency swings, and it is desirable to STABILITY
know the conditions for which this may
occur. 2. System characteristics have an impor- One of the desirable characteristics of
tant influence on the frequency stability. a governing system is that it should re-
The purpose of the present paper is to Load damping (net change of system elec-
present the results of an analytical inves- spond to load changes and settle down to
tricalload and input torque with frequency)
its new operating position with the least
possible disturbance. This means that
it should be as stable as possible. There-
500 fore the first aspect of governor perform-
300 ance studied was the effect of the various
200 parameters on system frequency stability.
The problem of the stability of governing
£100 Td=1.0
,..., Paper 41-23, recommended by the AlEE committee
V) on power generation, and presented at the AlEE

z 50 !\ winter convention, Philadelphia, Pa., January
S 40 /
~ R=O.06 1---
M=4000 1 - - -
27-31, 1941. Manuscript submitted October 26,

1940; made available for preprinting December 3,

~ 30 ~.5 Ts:O
~ 20 " '- 1940.-
IV v~ ) I
C. CONCORDIA and S. B. CRARY are in the central
station engineering department, and E. E. PARKER
in the turbine engineering department of the Gen-
z UNSTABLE I eral Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Mr.
o I II I Parker is a member of The American Society of
I I· Td : 2 .0 g 7 /
Mechanical Engineers.
( 1 J
3 I' I ( / / The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of
\ \ .. J. B. McClure and R. J. Caughey of the General

"'-"- --
~ /
2 ~~
v Figure 1. System or single
Electric Company in the preparation of the paper,
and of the Moore School of Electrical Engineering,
, f'.... t--I-I--
University of Pennsylvania, particularly C. N.

Weygandt and F. J. Maginniss of the faculty, for
Td=O the use of the Moore School differential analyzer.
STABLE I Effect of governor time lags 1. For all numbered references, see list at end of
.5 2 3 4 5 10 20 so 4050 100 100 300400500 and load damping on stability paper.

1941, VOL. 60 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing 559

lumped into one time constant does not Figure 1 further shows that when there
_ 5.0
have the possibility of instability exhib- is load damping, the system may be made

ited by an actual governing system, while stable by either increasing or decreasing
~ 2.0 R =0.06
u M:a4000 one with two time lags does. For ex- one or both time lags, and that if the load
w Td=1.0
en 1.0 ~ ..........
Ts=1.0 ample, a governing system with no laK-__---damping is sufficiently great (Td~ 1 +
z between speed change and inlet valve (8R)) stability is obtained regardless of
~ "'"
!z 0.5 '- position would operate stably even with the governor lag. The condition of syn-
a large lag due to stored steam or water. chronizing a machine corresponds closely

z Td'=2.1
\ As far as stability is concerned, it is be- to that of zero damping and no electrical
8 0.2 cause of the inherent physical limitations ---tie; Td=O and Ts=O, and is the least
- Y
~ in the possible speed of response of mecha- stable condition shown in figure 1.
~ 0.1
nisms, that a slow rather than a fast re- Figure 2 shows the effect of a synchro-
f- ~I--
KTd=O.O sponse governing system must be used in nous tie between the machine of figure 1
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0
some cases. Moreover, in the case of and an infinitely large system, when the
water turbines the valve response must be tie-line damping is small or zero. Much
Figure 2. Machine tied to large system slow because of the water- conditions faster response is required for stability)
which might otherwise arise during large but the amount of damping required to
Effect of governor time lags and load or tie-
lin~ damping on stability
and rapid gate movements. prevent any instability is not affected
Figure 1 shows the results of stability appreciably.
calculations made for this simple system. It is interesting to note that if there ex-
systems is about as old as governing it- It is seen that if one of the governor time ists small damping either electrical or
self, and, at least in the case of prime- constants T 1 is made sufficiently small, mechanical, as for example in a salient-
mover governors, has been studied for the system is stable regardless of the pole generator with no amortisseur wind--
many years, the first analytical investiga- ing connected to a system at light load"
tion having been reported in 1868 by J. C. ~3 the unit may be more unstable than under-
~ STABLE M=4000
Maxwell. 3 The particular contribution 0: R=O.06 the condition of synchronizing (figure 1,.
of the present work is in showing the ~2 TI=T2 - '---- T s = 0, T d = 0). This has been observed in
-J I 'I'~\. T5=",0 the field and indicates the desirability of
effects of the power-system characteris- c::(

/~Nm,~ <,,
tics and of governor dead band. amortisseur windings for salient-pole
...JO - I machines. Usually the electrical rotor
w 02 0.4 1.0 .4 10
SINGLE MACHINE TOTAL TIME CONSTANT IN SECONDS damping is sufficiently large so that the
As the simplest approximation to a operation of a single machine connected
Figure 4. Machine tied to large system to a large system is more stable than that
speed -governed power system the sys-
tem generating capacity was lumped as Effect of governor time lag on load or tie-
of the 'same machine isolated, or of tle
a single equivalent machine, having an line damping, required for stable operation entire system operating against the load
inertia and a load damping characteristic, damping.
and governed by the idealized type of value of the other time constant T 2 • For The results obtained with two time
speed governor described in th~ appendix. a given degree of stability, the allowable lags tend to be somewhat more stable
Such a mechanism represents the behav- total time constant T 1+ T 2 is smallest than those which would be found for an
ior of a steam governor somewhat more when the two time constants are equal. actual governing system having more
exactly than that of a hydro governor This result is consistent with the state- than two lags. Therefore, for further-
having a droop compensation mechanism. ment that there could be no instability study the least stable case, equal time-
Two first -order time lags in the governing with only one time constant. In general, lags, was selected. Figure 3 shows for-
mechanism were used because two IS the the fewer the number of stages (and con- this case and for the system of figure 1 the-
smallest number which will result in the sequently the simpler the mechanism) effect of regulation on the load damping-
proper qualitative behavior. That is, a for a given total time lag, the more stable required to produce stable operation as
governing system whose "lags, are all is the system. the time lags are varied. As regulation is.
increased the allowable range of time lags.
increases and the required amount of load
~ 1:1.3-3
damping decreases. Moreover, as regu-
1nm7 'r\ ,
lation increases the effect of moderate
,..~-amounts of load damping (Td ~ 2) in
allowing longer response times becomes,
z \
;i6 M=4000
~ ~ Tt=T2 much greater. The effect of regulation
a Ts=0 on stability is also seen in figure 14, which

« gives acornparison of the rates of deca y


~l1. Figure 3. System or single
~4 v of the frequency oscillations caused by a,
sudden load change, for three different
~ R&O.Oj
Effect of governor time lag and
" r-,

32 II I ~
,~ regulation on load damping re- Figure 4 shows the required damping-
-torque T d for the case of T 1 = T 2 when a
/ "' quired for stable operation

r-::::: '"
~ ',~


(Y ............ 1'-00
Q. ........... ,~ NOTE: Maximum points oc- machine is connected to a large system

/ 1 ::::: T = __ <through a synchronous tie (T3 = 1.0).

~ ~.12
cur at time (in rediens)
::~ 1

o J ~I II UNSTABLE T2 = 8RM, arid dt damping This curve, when compared with the-
0.4 1.0 4 10 40 100
TOTAL TIME CONSTANT IN SECONDS (T1 +T2) 400 Td=1/C8R) curve for R=O.06 of figure 3, shows the-

560 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing AlEE TRANSACTIONS.

~ Figure 5. Two interconnected
~3 (a). It is shown in the appendix that
a: T~&b.ld ~TA~LE T,,~T211T22=Tt2
R,,, R2" 0.06 systems or machines the possible inaccuracy of load division
~2 T5=0.1-1-. Mt" M'2"4000_I--~

o I\~~S=O.~ /~
r--..... ........ Tdt :Td2: Td Effect of governor time lag and between two machines for a given total
u \ 1 sJ~. O·L~r\.. I """" ~ 100.....
tie-line damping on load damp- load is approximately equal to the ratio
of the sum of the dead bands of the gov-
V~ III"Td12 1.0" ~~
ii 8 A BLE :--I"'- ing required for stable opera-
J It=.?:1J \/
~O tion eming mechanisms of the two machines
0.5 1.0 100
UJ 5 10 50
to the sum of their regulations. (AT=
+ +
(el e2)/ (R 1 R 2).) Since the kilowa tt
load error is equal and opposite on the
effect of the synchronous tie in changing the systems, with, however, the same ef- two machines, the maximum percentage
the range of required time lags for sta- fective speed regulation on the combined error evidently occurs on the smaller
bility. These results show the influence systems. It is seen that the system is machine and may in the limit equal the
of governor regulation, electrical damp- slightly less stable when the governing is ratio of the sum of the dead bands to the
ing, and synchronizing torques on the not uniformly distributed. per cent regulation (on its own base) of
stability of the system. Since the elec- When the connected systems are not the small machine. On the other hand,
trical damping available is usually limited identical, physical considerations, as well if frequency, rather than total load is
and determined by system conditions, the as the equations given in the appendix, maintained constant, the maximum load
results show the desirability of reasonably show that the normal modes of oscillation variation of any machine is equal to the
broad transient regulation. involve both the oscillation of one system ratio of its dead band to its regulation.
Just as figures 1-4 show that system against the other and also the oscillation (b). Maximum frequency variations on
electrical damping is required to compen- of the combined system at frequencies large systems may be of the order of only
sate for the tendency toward instability determined by the system, tie-line, and 0.1 cycle per second, or about 0.2 per
caused by large time lags in the governing governor characteristics. Thus when tl:e cent. It is thus evident that a governing
system, calculations have similarly shown
that with small time lags the governing
Figure 6. Two inter-
system may contribute considerable ~3.0 I,
a OO

connected systems

damping. It may be shown that the z

1I~r\:2'O Rt
R2 ~ 0.03
Ts: 0.1
possible contribution of the governing Effect of distribution ~2.0
\ -r----.... T22:T12 ~
~ '"~~too-.
of governing effort o .....
M1c M2=4000
system becomes greater as the time lags -oJ )1
on stability. (Com-
are reduced, and that for any given speed ~1.0
pare with figure 5) ex '1/1
1I~"",,,Td12::1.0 ~I
r---- r--"""",
of response there i's an optimum range of t
governor regulation (which is not how- ~ 0 IJ ~J \1 i
Lt.J 0.5 1.0 '1 3 4 5 10 20 304050 100 200 300400500
ever very critical), for maximum damp- TOTAL TIME CONSTANT IN SECONDS (T, +1:2)
ing effort. Because optimum regulation
is more or less proportional to the time system becomes unstable, both a tie-line mechanism having a dead band of 0.1 per
lag, steam units are inherently capable of power swing and also a swing of the aver-. cent might give a much smaller response
a greater system frequency stabilizing in- age system frequency will in general occur to a frequency change than would be com-
fluence than hydro units. Field expe- simultaneously. The principal compo- puted on the basis of its incremental regu-
rience seems to bear out this conclusion, nent of the tie-line swings usually has a lation neglecting dead band. It is fur-
and to indicate that for reasonably fast period of from 0.5 to 5 seconds while the ther evident that a reduction in dead
response governors the optimum regula- swing of average frequency may have a band may well lead to a greater gain in the
tion may be of the order of six per cent. period of from 5 to 60 seconds. magnitude of the response than a reduc-

Table I. Effect of Location and Distribution
If two similar systems are connected of Dead Band on Sustained Speed Oscillation
In addition to the instability or hunting
together through a tie line it is evident
which may arise because of the character-
that they can vary in speed together as Run ei es ea Sustained
istics of the governing mechanism as dis- (Per (Per (Per Oscillation
one machine or that the two systems can Num-
.cussed in the previous sections, another ber Cent) Cent) Cent) (Per Cent)
oscillate against each other about a point
source of hunting or undue frequency
in the middle of the tie or that both modes
variations lies in mechanical imperfec- Tl =T2=300
of oscillation can occur simultaneously.
tions and friction in the mechanism. 69
1 °
Thus we may expect to find an unstable
These effects manifest themselves as a 84 0.05 0.05 0 0.41
region corresponding to that of figure 3 71. 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 033 0 . 51
"dead band," or a frequency band within 72 0 .. , .0.05 0.05 0.54
and also one corresponding to that of
which the governing system will not re- Tl = 100, T2 =800
figure 4 with half the tie-line reactance
spond. * There are at least three aspects 80 0.1 0 0 ...... 0.23
(twice the synchronizing torque coeffi- 81. 0 0.1 0 ...... 0.24.
of system performance which the dead 82 0 . 05 0 . 05 0 ...... 0.24
cient). Figure 5 bears out this conclu-
band may affect: T 1 = 800, T2 = 100
sion and shows how a tie between two
86 0.1 0 0 ...... 0.26
previously separated systems may intro- (a). Accuracy of load division among 85 0 0.1 0 ...... 0.4
duce a new region of instability unless paralleled machines,
NOTES: R =0.06, M =4,000.
the tie line has considerable damping. (b). Response to the small frequency varia-
tions encountered on large systems, ei = dead band between speed po and speed indicator
Figure 5 is for two identical systems plJ'.
with identical 'governing mechanisms. (c) . Possible excitation of sustained fre- e2 = dead band between intermediate displacement
quency or tie-line power oscillations. o and 0 '.
Figure 6 is included to show the effect of , es = dead band between control output To and tur-
having all the governing effort on one of *See appendix for description of dead band. bine input Tr/.

1941, VOL. 60 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing 56l

... 4
.23 8
~ 3 ---...----,r----y--.,...,r----rr-- ..., Figure 8. Self-ex-
~ ra- 0 cited speed oscilla- su
a T5=0 ~
R : 0.06 --+---+----t--+--"ff- tn tions produced by ex
w I
~,,) dead band
Z T1=T2

o Effect of regulation
-' and time constants of ~-J - Td =2, Ts = 0, T1 =Tl

governing system- -J (5



with system damp-

o&&.I o 2- a:
W ing. (See figure 7 c
N :/
Q. w o· /
1 ~--4------1f-----f-li...-----it----:+t------1 for definitions of e) a. ~

\0 (/')

~t ~~I ¢cJ
=> t:;
1';/ I~0°0,
~ .,.0::.- _-=.:::' "21' 0.097, 1'1,0.0" 0..", O~'

Q",,-,,O. I
J"2 I' 0.048, Td,2, J'O.OI~ ~48,Td'2,R'0.0&
~ °0 1 2 3 b I I I --
Figure 7. Self-excited speed oscillations

Comparison of various kinds of governing-

system dead band turbine power input, following a sudden line of instability (see figure 3) is ap-
load torque change. The curves were proached, and (c) the location of the dead
NOTE: The first subscript on e indicates the continued long enough to observe the band within the governing mechanism
kind, and the second subscript indicates the rate and manner of decay of the conse- does not make very much difference.
location of the dead band (subscript 1 indi- quent oscillations, and to determine the Table I also gives information on the
cates a dead band at the speed point, subscript magnitude of any sustained oscillation. effect of location of dead band (first
2 indicates a dead band at an intermediate
Figure 13 shows a typical frequency ver- kind), and indicates some tendency for
point in the mechanism Q. (See appendix)
sus time and frequency versus turbine the effects to become greater as the loca-
input curve. A few of these curves have tion moves away from the governor head
been included in the paper, and the prin- end of the mechanism and as the dead
tion in incremental regulation. More- cipal results are summarized in figures 7- band is more evenly distributed. Of
over, a smaller incremental regulation 9 and 11-17 inclusive and in the tables. course, dead band cannot actually ap-
would have the detrimental effects of re- pear between the control output T g and
ducing accuracy of load division for a
SINGLE MACHINE the turbine input To', since this is be-
given dead band and possibly increasing Figures 7-9 show the magnitudes of yond the water or steam storage lag.
the frequency variations excited by dead sustained frequency oscillations excited Figure 8, as compared with figure 7,
band, while a smaller dead band would by governor dead band for the sim- shows the effect of load damping in sup-
have just the opposite effects. ple system considered in the first section pressing the oscillations due to dead band
(c). The excitation of frequency varia- of this discussion. Figure 7 includes the of the first kind for sufficiently fast re-
tions by governor dead band has been effects of dead bands of the first and sec- sponse. Figure 8 also shows the effect
studied by setting up the relations de- ond kinds described in the appendix, and of a smaller regulation in requiring a
rived in the appendix on the differential shows that (a) for a governor with fast much faster response for the same oscilla-
analyzer of the Moore School of Electrical response the magnitude of the self-excited tion magnitude. For small time lag,
Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. frequency oscillation is practically equal dead band of the second kind is more
The results were obtained as curves of to the frequency change within which severe, while for larger time lags dead
frequency, tie-line power, etc., as func- the governor may be insensitive, (b) the band of the first kind is more severe,
tions of time, and of frequency versus magnitude increases sharply as the border Figure 9 shows the effect of an un-

Table II. Effect of Location, Response, and Regulation of Governor on Speed and Tie-Line Power Swings

Tie-Line Power Per Cent Speed

At Five Cycles At Five Cycles
At First Swing Maximum At
Run First Max. Oscil- t= ex> Oscil- t= ex>
Number Swing Swing lation Average Average pch pch lation Average Average

13 0.06 .. 0.06 .. 50 .. 50 0.056 0.026 0.039 0.039 0.295 0.310 0.093 0.214 0.209
39 0.06 .. 0.06 .. 800 .. 50 0.077 0.011 0.038 0.039 0.38t>* 0.439 0.038 0.200 0.209
38 0.06 .. 0.06 .. 50 .. 800 0.055* (0.056) 0.024 0.041 0.039 0.290* 0.437 0.461 0.087 0.200 0.209
33 dTl=0.078 ex> •• 0.03 50 0.088 0.003 0.074 0.074 0.390* 0.317 0.012 0.244 0.209
36 0.03 .. ex> •• 50 0.044 0.026 0.004 0.0042 0.249 0.315 0.329 0.090 0.214 0.209
21 ex> •• 0.06 100 0.075 (0.095) 0.037 0.071 0.071 0.393 0.501. .. 0.501. 0.139 0.381. .. 0.378
41 ex> •• ex> ••••••••••••• 0. 735 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? 0 . 391 0. 707 . .. ? ...? ? . . ? .•. 1 .95
lfi.} 0.06 .. 0.06 .. 50 .. 50 0.016 (0.017) 0.0095 0.0112 0.0098 0.088* 0.110 0.103 0.034 0.032 0.052
40 0.06 .. 0.06 .. 800 .. 50 0.019 (0.021) 0.0093 0.0090 0.0098 0.100* 0.135 0.134 0.029 0.022 0.052
37 J1T 1 =0.OHJ5 0.06 .. 0.06 .. 50 .. 800 0.016* 0.0095 0.0105 0.0098 0.088* 0.139 0.151. 0.029 0.027 0.052
28 ex> •• 0.06 100 0.018 (0.025) 0.0126 0.0175 0.0176 0.098 0.142 0.159 0.147 0.044 0.088 0.094
42 ex> •• ex> ••••••••••••• 0.018 0.0107 0.0098 0.0195 0.100 0.177 ? ? 0.037 0.433 0.488

*Indicates presence of appreciable low-frequency oscillation.

Tdl= Td2=2, T 8 = 0 . 1 , Ml=M2=4,000. el=e2=0.1 per cent, Td12=O. (See figure 11 for definitions of e.)

562 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing AlEE TRANSACTIONS

TIble III. Effect of Locltion, Response, and Regulltion of Governor on DeclY of Tie-Line 40
Lesd Swings \
...Z \
Run er, es
Constant Changes in T d12
0: \
(Per (Cycles) From Run Indi- 0-
ber Rl* Tdl* Td2 Td12 Cent) T(",) (Equiv. Td12) cated at Right ~ 30
a: \
58 0.06 .. 25 .. 2 .. 2 1.15
3.1 12.4
t i
0.06 .. 25 .. 2 .. 2
0.06 .. 25 .. 2 .. 2 0.5
Z \ Ts·O. T,=T2=0
\ 1:R

61 0.06 .. 25 .. 2 .. 2 0.24 1.10 3.2 12.8 +0.4 (58) J: REQUIRED Td=

56 0.06 .. 50.. 2.. 2............................ 2.52 1.4 5.6 - 6.8 (58) ~ 20
0.06 .. 50 .. 6 .. 2
ex) 2 .. 2
9.6 +4.0
1.36.... 0
66 ..• ex) • • • • • • 2 .. 2 0.5 4.37 0.81 3.24 +1.88 (60)
62 • • • • • • 10 .. 10 1.57 2.3 9.2 +7.8 (60)
W \
ex) ::l
*On smaller machine base.
**On larger machine base. w
a:: 10
[On "effective" machine base-equiv. Td12= VM'T" where M'= MIM 2 . a (AW=cz.2/ 2 ) <;
1rT("') Ml+M2 w
~ .............
tUntil about two cycles, after which rate of decay was much slower, as oscillations were within dead band.

Ml=4,OOO, M2=1,333, T,=0.125, R2=0.12, T2=100, Td2=2, Td12=O except as marked. (See figure
11 for definitions of e.)

2 468 10
damped synchronous tie between the nected systems. The figures show the
machine of figure 7 and an infinitely large magnitudes of the sustained self-excited Figure 10. Required value of machine damp
ing Td to prevent self-excited oscillations
system. speed oscillations with different governor
Since hunting caused by dead band of distributions. Note that a speed oscilla- No governor time lags-dead band of second
the second kind was not suppressed by tion of 0.1 per cent with a period of about kind, e2
the load damping considered in figure 8, 2.1 seconds corresponds to a tie-line
the amount of damping required to sup- power swing of about 2.5 per cent or 25 but if the governor on one system has no
press such hunting was computed. Figure per cent of the tie-line synchronizing dead band, and the governor on the other
10 shows the results of a calculation made power coefficient. The long period speed system has a dead band of 0.2 per cent,
for the most stable case of no time lag in swings, however, have no corresponding sustained oscillations are not excited.
the governing system. The required power exchange, as the systems are then Comparison of figures 11 and 12 shows
load damping coefficients are seen to be swinging more or less together. The that, as noted in figures 5 and 6, with all
very large, so that one may expect that principal self-excited speed oscillation oc- the governing on one of the systems, the
dead band of the second kind will always curred at the tie-line natural frequency combined system is slightly less stable
excite frequency oscillations. in most of the cases studied, although in than with a uniform distribution of
Tests have indicated that dead band some cases the principal oscillation had a governing.
of the first kind is much more usual than long period. Both the high- (tie-line) In addition to stability, another aspect
dead band of the second kind, although and low-frequency self-excited frequency of system performance which might be
perhaps neither kind may occur in a pure oscillations may exist simultaneously, al- affected by the distribution of governing
form. Therefore only the first kind will though as noted above there is a tendency effort over the system, is the transient
be considered in the discussion of inter- for the high-frequency oscillations to pre- swing following a sudden load change on
connected systems. dominate. one system. Figures 15 and 16 give in-
Figure 11 shows that for the case under formation on this point. Figure 15
INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS consideration, if the governors on both shows the frequency swings of two inter-
Figures 11 and 12 and tables II and III systems have dead bands of 0.1 per cent, connected systems, following a load
show some of the results obtained in the frequency and tie-line oscillations are ex- change of two per cent on one system.
study of the performance of intercon- cited over a definite range of time lags, The upper set of curves is for similar
governors of reasonably fast response,
the middle set for a slow response gover-
~ 2.5 nor on the system subjected to the load
ex I change, the lower set for a slow response
I governor on the other system. Figure 16

~ 2.0
shows a similar set of frequency curves

/ -
for a load change of eight per cent.
V Figure 9. Self-ex- Measurements taken from these curves
o Td = O. T s = 1. O. R = 0.06
I cited speed oscilla- and from other similar curves are sum-
o T 1=T2
marized in table II.
i -f---
/ tions produced by
Q.. /
1.0 dead band It is seen that for load changes of about
w /1
z two per cent the relative speeds of re-
I~C?~/ Effect of time lags of
t- sponse of the governors on two inter-
governing system-

- l/.CL\r/
~ 0.5 Q.'~""

connected systems make very little dif-
-~ ~
-J with system tie and
- no damping. (See ference in the maximum swing or continu-
1- °o 0.1 0.2 0.3
0.4 figure 7 for defini- ing oscillations of the system speeds or
TOTAL TIME CONSTANT IN SECONDS (T1TTl) tions of e) tie-line load.

1941, VOL. 60 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing 563

~ 0.8 r-----,--~-""'T'T"--r--___.,r------T-~-...,
: I
M,= M2=4000
Tdl= Td2=2, Tdt2=O
- -
Figure 11 . Self-
excited system fre-

I Ts=O.l
quency oscillations ~

R, .. R2 ~ 0.0&
<2t=ClZ:O.1 % - - in two intercon-
; 0.6 I----+---t----t-+t
I BETWEEN I 11:. <21 = 0, Cl2=O.2 % nected systems o
9.4 SEC
Effect of distribution

of dead band and of
time lags of govern-
~ 0.4
I AT 7.1~ SECONDS - ing system. e. and e2 w

I I are dead bands (of o
first kind) on systems ~ 0.2
I 05

2 3 4
1 and 2, respectively ~
~ °0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
For large load changes of about eight the oscillations become less than the dead TOTAL TIME CONSTANT IN SECONDS(T1 + T 2)
per cent when the faster governor is on band, so the result is a slightly smaller
the system subjected to the load change effective rate of decay. Doubling the Figure 12. Self-excited system Frequency
(a) the initial maximum tie-line swing is regulation of the large system improves oscillations in two interconnected systems
smaller, (b) the continuing tie-line oscilla- stability, i.e., increases the rate of decay (Compare with figure 11 for effect of distri-
tion is larger, (c) the maximum speed (table III, run 61), while leaving the bution of regulation and for definition of e2)
swings are not affected very much, and small system completely ungoverned ex-
(d) the continuing speed oscillation is cept for its inherent self-regulation re-
larger. With all the governing on the sults in a slow decay (run 59). It is fur- stability calculations Inade· neglecting dead
system subjected to the load change (a) ther shown that the initially assumed band. For units already installed the most
the maximum tie-line swing is smaller, system damping must be increased by a effective way to improve undesirable system
(b) the continuing tie-line load and speed factor of five to create the amount of performance is to reduce the dead band or
increase the speed regulation of the units
oscillations are larger, and (c) the maxi- damping contributed by the governors known to be contributing to frequency in-
mum speed swings are not appreciably (run 62). stability.
different from the case of all governing 3. The sustained frequency oscillations
on the other system. The maximum Summary of Results produced by dead band become somewhat
speed swings are in fact about the same greater as the location of the dead band
as with the governing distributed over Additional results not covered by the moves from the input (governor head) to-
conclusions given at the beginning of the ward the output (valve lift) end of the
both systems. governing system. (See table 1.) Distri-
Figure 17 shows the tie-line power paper are as follows:
bution of a given total. amount of dead
swings following a load change on one 1. The stability of a system decreases if band over the various stages of the govern-
system of an interconnection. The sys- the speed regulation is made too small, ex- ing system as compared to the same amount
cept when the system consists of only one of dead band localized atone place in the
tem parameters are different from those
generator having a governor with droop mechanism increases the magnitude of the
of figures 15 and 16. Table III is in- compensation mechanism. sustained oscillations. (See table 1.) In
cluded to show for the case of figure 17 spite of these variations, the over-all dead
2. The magnitude of the sustained speed
the effects on the rate of decay of tie-line oscillations, if they exist, are at least equal band of the governing mechanism of each
oscillations, of governor response, dead to the width of the dead band of the unit prime mover, rather than that of any par-
having the smallest dead band, and become ticular portion of the governing mechanism,
band, and system and tie-line damping.
greater as the system characteristics ap- is the principal significant factor in deter-
It is seen from the figure and table that mining the magnitude of the frequency
proach the border line of stable and un-
the effect of dead band is slightly to in- stable operation. For dead band of the oscillations.
crease the effective time constant of the first or more usual kind, the speed oscilla- 4. In analyzing a system, it is not proper
decay of the oscillations. That is, the tions will be damped out by load damping to use a single effective dead band which is
component of oscillation which exceeds when the governing mechanisms are suf- equal to some kind of average of the dead
ficiently stable (regulation sufficiently large bands of the various governors on the sys-
the dead band decays at about the same
or response sufficiently fast). Thus con- tems. Instead, as the disturbance following
rate, but the rate of decay immediately siderable information regarding probable a load change dies down, the governor hav-
changes to a very small value as soon as system performance can be obtained from ing the smallest dead band tends to take

-0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Figure 13. Curves of frequency versus power
input and frequency versus time

Effect of dead band in producing sustained

oscilIations following a single loed disturbance
~ 0.8 10
0 0. 6
3; 0.4
ffi OL-~_"""""_-'---""""'-~~~_-L.---r-"---&._---L.-_....L..-~L..------L.~--'--_...1--7L----L_-L..._..J.-_"----L_.....L.Jl~-L-_L-.....::~_-"-_..L-_'----i._--L-
Q. 0 10 15 20 25 30

564 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing AlEE TRANSACTIONS

A governing mechanism on two interconnected
systems make very little difference in the
the following approximate torque equation.
maximum swing or continuing oscillations (1)
of the system speeds or tie-line load. (See
figure 15.) Some differences appear when where
the load change is much larger, but it does M is the effective inertia of the system,
not seem that similarity of rates of response and is numerically equal to the starting
is particularly significant for average load time, i.e., to the time in radians re-
changes as long as no response is made so quired to come to full speed from stand-
0.6 slow as to affect stability. still with rated torque applied. In
6. In case of two paralleled machines, dead terms of the conventional inertia con-
band in the governors may cause a maximum stant H used in system stability studies,
0.4 possible error in load division which varies M=41rfH, where f is normal system
directly with the ratio of the sum of the dead frequency in cycles per second
bands to the sum of the speed regulations T d is the load damping characteristic, or
0.'2 slope of-the combined prime-mover and
of the two machines.
load torque versus speed curves. That
is, with fixed valve, the turbine torque
0 ....·--~l---f----+--;'-----t-.,.. References T, decreases with increasing speed,
1.4 therefore 0 Tt/ow = - 1 at full load
1. SUPERPOSED-TuRBINE REGULATION PROBLEM, while the electrical load torque T;
A. F. Schwendner and A. A. Luoma. ASME
z Transactions, volume 58, page 615-FSP-58-8.
may either increase or decrease de-
~ 1.2 pending on the character of the load
u (Fourth edition, 1884, Macmillan and Company),
and on the degree of voltage regulation
o during the speed swings. Then
w Theory of Watts Governor, page 57, Conditions of
Td=oTe/ow-oT~/ow, where w=po
w 1.0
Go B Stability, page 170.
(J) 3. ON GOVERNORS, J. C. Maxwell. Philosophical
... Magazine, volume 35, series 4, May 1868, page 385. For example, if the system kilowatt load
is directly proportional to frequency
u CONNECTED SYSTEMS, J. B. McClure and R. J. oTe/ow = 0 which results in a value of Td= 1.
w Caughey. AlEE TRANSACTIONS, volume 60, 194.1
T/ is the change in prime-mover output
a. (April section), pages 147-51.
torque caused by motion of the con-
Davis. ASME Transactions, volume 62, number 3, trol valves
April 1940, page 207. AT represents the load changes to which
6. REGULATION OF SYSTEM LOAD AND FRE- the system is subjected. Only a unit
QUENCY, Herbert Estrada and H. A. Dryar. function load. torque change was used
ASME Transactions, volume 62, number 3, April in the present study
1940, page 221.
po is the system speed or frequency, so
ois the effective system angle
OJ----------------- p=d/dt
O.S Appendix. Explanation of Sys- t = time in radians; 1 second = 377 radians
tem Quantities Used for a 50-cycle system

0.6 All system torques and speed are expressed

Single System in per cent of rated torque and speed
c respectively throughout the paper.
The frequency variations of an electric The governing system, including the lags
power system may be studied by means of due to steam or water storage, was repre-


2 3 4 5 Figure 15. Effect on

TIME 1N SECONDS speed oscillations of
relative speeds of
Figure 14. Rates of decay of frequency response of gover- 0.2
disturbance nors on two inter-
connected systems w o~~--=--==-=:::::::::::S::~~~~~~~:=:;~~=
Effect of regulation "!J

Curve A-regulation = 1.5 per cent, AT = 0.32 Curve A-Tl = T2 = z·

Curve B-regulation =6 per cent, AT=0.16 0.13 second v

Curve C-regulation =12 per cent, AT=0.08 Curve B-T1 = 2 .1 w
~ 0.4 B
T1 = T2=0.33 second seconds, T2 = 0.13 V')

Td = 2 second I-

T8 = 0 ~ 0.2
Curve C-T1 = 0 .13 u
M=4,OOO ~
second, T2=2.1 ~ o~~:..... .=:::::::~:;;;;;~s=~s:::::::;;~:::::;;
R1 = R2 = 6 per cent, 06
control and so produce a more stable con- ATl = 2 per cent
dition. (See figure 11.) On the other hand,
the average system regulation appears to be
M l = M 2=4,OOO 04 c
a reasonably good indication of the degree el=e2=0.1 per
of stability, a uniform distribution of regula- cent
tion being only slightly most stable. (See
See table II
figures 5 and 6.)
5. For load changes of about two per cent See figure 11 for 4 5 6 7 g 10 ..
or less, the relative speeds of response of the definitions of e TIME IN SECONDS

1941, VOL. 60 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing 565

os Figure 16. Effect on Dead Band
speed oscillation of
To represent approximately the effects of
relative speeds of
0.6 sticking friction, loose mechanical connec-
A response of gover- tions, pilot valve lap, or any other governor
04 nors on two inter- characteristic which might contribute to
connected systems insensitivity, it was assumed that the
governing system did not respond accurately
Curve A-T1 = T2 = to the true speed variations, but instead
0.13 second responded to some modified "speed" which
Curve 8-T1=2.1 lags the true speed. Two kinds of these dead
bands were studied, as shown below:
seconds, T2 = 0.13
Curve C-T 1 = 0 .13 The first kind of dead band is illustrated
second, T2=2.1 in figure 18. As the speed w increases, no
seconds effect is felt by the governing system until
R1 = R2 = 6 per cent, the speed arrives at the upper edge of the
dead band (point a). From this point on
~Tl = 8 per cent
the apparent speed w', to which the govern-
M I=M 2=4,OOO ing system responds, is less than the actual
c el=e2=0.1 per speed w by an amount depending on the
cent original position in the dead band. For
See table II example, if the governor was originally in
the middle of the dead band the speed
See figure 11 for error would be ell/2. As soon as the speed
definitions of e w starts to decrease at point b, the governing
7 g

10 12 13 system is again in its dead band so the ap-
parent speed w' remains constant at its
maximum value until the lower edge of the
dead band is reached at point c. Operation
sented by a two-stage amplifier, each stage Combining these two equations, the re- then continues as indicated by figure 18.
having a simple first-order time delay. That sult is
is, it was assumed that the speed change SECOND KIND
actuated some in termediate member Q, so
that if there was an abrupt (unit-function) The second kind of dead band is il-
change of speed, Q would respond by ap- lustrated in figure 19. As the speed w
proaching its final position along an ex- increases no effect is felt by the governing
ponential curve. Similarly, if Q changed system until the speed arrives at the upper
abruptly, the prime-mover input T g would or, edge of the dead band (point a). At this
respond by approaching its final position point the apparent speed w' suddenly jumps
along an exponential curve. Such a govern- (lIm) up to equal wand remains equal as long as
ing system can be completely specified by . w continues to change in the same direction.
two time constants T 1 and T 2 , and an ef- When the speed starts to decrease, at point
fective speed regulation R, where R is the b, the apparent speed again sticks at its
steady-state incremental regulation defined which is of the same form as equations 2. maximum value until the speed error is
as the ratio of per cent speed change to per
cent power input change for a small change
from 100 per cent speed. Thus the governor rIME IN SECONDS
W 11
5 (0 7
equations are:

T 1P+1

Figure 17. Decay
PfJ' = PfJ as modified by dead band of tie-line power
Q' = Q as modified by dead band
oscillation as af-
Tg' = Tfl as modified by dead band
fected by dead band
The time constants T 1 and T 2 are expressed and tie-line damping u.
in radians, except in the figure titles, where
Curve A-No dead to-
they are in seconds. Z

The form of equations 2 may be shown to band uJ


be appropriate for at least one component Curve B-Dead

of a governing system by considering the band=0.1 per cent
case of a hydraulic relay. Here the piston -within dead band
speed PXa may be approximately taken as
at 11 seconds
proportional to the pilot valve lift X2, or
pX 3= kx 2. Curve C-Dead
Further, the pilot valve lift X2 is the re- band =0.1 per cent
sultant of the initiating displacement Xl and Td I2=0.S-
(e.g., of the governor head) and the restor- within dead band at
ing displacement X3 of the piston, both acting
6 seconds
through a floating lever. Thus, X2 = lXI- .
mXa where land m an~ constants. See table III

566 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing AlEE TRANSACTIONS

b ,__L Figure ~;'i 18 (left).
, flU Dead band of first
C -"--r
,, kind

Figure 19. Dead

band of second kind

half the defined dead band e2I, at point c. change and the resulting change in input in the equations were tested by Routh's
At this point the apparent speed again torque. stability criterion! over the range of pa-
jumps down to equal w, and operation rameters shown in the curves, an unstable
continues as shown by the figure. system being defined as one in which
The first kind of dead band may repre- transient oscillations will not die out.
sent for example a slack in certain parts of (4)
the mechanism, or a constant sticking Accuracy of Load Division
friction force. The second kind might repre-
sent a sticking friction which breaks loose In equations 3, 4, 5 in the steady-state,
and becomes zero when the applied force POl= P02 = wand 01 - 02 = 012. If dead bands el
(or speed error) is sufficiently large. It is and e2 (of the first kind, on systems 1 and
evident that both of these kinds of dead (5) 2 respectively) are included, these equations
band may also be applied at the intermedi- become:
ate point Q of the governing system, or at
the prime-mover input To. These loca-
tions may be assumed to correspond roughly where
to particular locations in the actual govern- (6)
ing system, from the input (governor head) Tn, T 2l , T 12, T 22 are the time constants of
to the output (control valve). the two governing systems
RI, R 2 are the speed regulations
Adding the two equations 6 and solving
Two Interconnected Systems Note that R 1 , R 2 must be specified on the for system frequency w for the case of
For the case of two power systems con-
same kilovolt-ampere base, and so are not
always equal to the conventional per cent
steady load, fJ.Tl fJ.T2 = 0, we obtain as
the possible speed error,
nected by a tie line, if the inertia and regulations.
governor characteristics of each system are Dead bands of the first kind, of magnitude
considered as those of a single machine, the e1 and e2, were used between. POl and POI'
following approximate torque equations may and between P02 and P02' respectively, in
be written. the study of the two interconnected systems.
To study the effects of dead band and the
transient response of the system, equations
1 and 2, and 3,4, and 5 were set up on the
differential analyzer of the University of
Pennsylvania, and the transient perform-
ance for a sudden load change fJ.T1 was
determined for the cases discussed in the
where body of the paper.
Dead band of the first kind was simply and the possible torque variation of either
represented by introducing a definite machine is approximately (neglecting the
T d 12 is the tie-line damping torque coef-
amount of backlash in the shaft connecting small effect of T d l and T d 2) :
ficient, or change in the tie-line torque
per unit change in relative system (po)' to (po), Q' to Q, or To' to r; Dead
speeds, which depends on the strength band of the second kind was represented
of the tie and on the rotor electrical by disconnecting po' from po until po
damping of the machines reached its prescribed value, then (a)
1'8 is the synchronizing torque coef- stopping the time shaft, (b) reconnecting If R 1 , R 2 are taken as the per cent regula-
ficient, or change in torque per radian po' to po, and (c) setting the integrand po' tions on the bases of the individual machines,
change in relative angle, between the to equal po. The time shaft was then and if the fractions of the total capacity in
two systems connected by the tie line operated until po reached a maximum or machines 1 and 2 are KI, K 2, then the per
minimum as explained in figure 19, when cen t error of machine 1 is:
Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the two systems POI' was again disconnected. Q' and To'
1 and 2 respectively. were obtained in a similar manner.
The response characteristics of the govern- To determine the limits of stable opera- (9)
ing systems are represented, as before, by tion without dead band, the characteristic
two time delays between the initiating speed determinants of the coefficients of 01 and 02

1941, VOL:. 60 Concordia, Crary, Parker-System Governing 567

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