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Official Game Adventure

The Revenge of Kang

By Ray Winninger

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................ 2 Chapter 18: Back to School..................................... . 41
The Player Characters .............................................. 4 Chapter 19: Lunch Time ............................................ 42
Non-Player Characters................................................. 6 Chapter 20: Big Man on Campus .............................. 43
Friendly NPCs ........................................................... 6 Chapter 21: Peter Parker ........................................... 44
Enemy NPCs.............................................................13 Chapter 22: The Big Dance ....................................... 45
Chapter 1: Something Rotten in Manhattan .........17 Chapter 23: Again, Kang .......................................... 45
Chapter 2: A Strange New World ..........................19 Chapter 24: The Man Without Fear ....................... 46
Chapter 3: Across the Bay ....................................21 Chapter 25: Down Through the Alley ....................... 47
Chapter 4: Through the Swamp .............................22 Chapter 26: Title Fight ............................................... 48
Chapter 5: Up the Spire............................................22 Chapter 27: Good Afternoon, Mister Tyler ............ 50
Chapter 6: The Ko-Kri Tribunal ................................25 Chapter 28: The Nam ................................................. 51
Chapter 7: The Test of Skill......................................26 Chapter 29: Mister Stark, I Presume ...................... 52
Chapter 8: The Great Escape ................................27 Chapter 30: Wong Chu's Camp ............. … ............... 53
Chapter 9: The Test of Wisdom ...............................27 Chapter 31: Yet Another Kang................................... 54
Chapter 10: Return to the Spire ..............................28 Chapter 32: The Master Kang.................................... 55
Chapter 11: The Test of Courage ............................30 Chapter 33: Here Comes the Bride ........................... 57
Chapter 12: The Well of Pain .....................................34 Chapter 34: A Brave, New World ........................... 60
Chapter 13: The First of Many Kangs .......................35 Chapter 35: The House of Ideas ............................... 61
Chapter 14: The Uncanny X-Men .............................37 Chapter 36: Kleinberg's Penthouse.......................... 61
Chapter 15: The Fantastic Four ..............................39 Chapter 37: The Supreme Kang! .............................. 62
Chapter 16: Getting Into Aerodyne ........................40 Chapter 38: Wrapping It All Up ................................. 63
Chapter 17: A Touch of Gray......................................41

Credits The Fine Print

Design: Ray Winninger Editing: This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of
Caroline Spector Cover Illustration: America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or
Jeff Butler Interior Illustrations: John artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
Statema Maps: Frey Graphics consent of TSR, Inc. and Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. Distributed
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TSR, Inc. FOB 756 Lake MARVEL SUPER HEROES is a trademark of the Marvel Entertainment
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®1989 Marvel Entertainment Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Remember the good old days? When back to the Second World War to nite number of rivulets, each com-
the Fantastic Four was still the prevent the nefarious Red Skull and prising one of the event's possible
Fantastic Four and Spider-Man was his cronies from changing history. In outcomes. At the junction which rep-
still a nerdy college student. Remem- the second adventure, The Weird, resents World War II, for instance,
ber when Thor would regularly trans- Weird West, the heroes jumped back there might be a branch representing
form himself into the lame young to the old west in the 1870s and con- the familiar Allied victory, a branch
physician named Donald Blake and fronted a deadly chronovore who representing an Axis victory, a
the X-Men all wore matching uni- was swallowing the Marvel time- branch representing the possibility
forms? stream. that the major powers might have
Of course you do! And so does The Revenge of Kang picks up the signed an armistice years ahead of
Kang. action where The Weird, Weird West schedule, and many others.
That's right, Kang the Conqueror, ended. If you have not played Therefore, from beginning to end
superhuman refugee from the 30th through the earlier adventures there there are an infinite number of possi-
century and master of time and is an alternate start provided in ble temporal pathways or time-
space. He's back, and this time he Chapter 1 that will allow you to jump streams. The traditional Marvel Uni-
has his sights set on the early 1960s, right into the action. If you are not verse and its events (such as the
the era that spawned Earth's mighti- playing the entire time travel cam- formation of the Avengers, the com-
est heroes. paign, you should probably omit ing of Galactus, and the death of
Or does he? "Part II, The Campaign Conclusion" Elektra and her subsequent rebirth)
The Revenge of Kang is an adven- from the adventure (see pg.00 for an make up only one such timestream,
ture module for use with the Mighty explanation of Part II). there are many others. In fact, every
MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ Role- now and then one of the heroes or
playing Game. Somewhere within Time and the Marvel villains from the Marvel Universe will
this package you will find (or Universe travel into one of these alternate
SHOULD find): timestreams seeking adventure.
—an enormous 64-page Adventure In order to play through this adven- An interesting side effect of time
Book containing descriptions of the ture you need to know a little some- travel in the Marvel Universe is that
player and non-player characters for thing about time and its nature. We'll any traveller journeying back and
the adventure, as well as the individ- begin with a little physics lesson- forth within the timestreams is dupli-
ual encounters that make up the Marvel style. cated in the cosmic order. Where
adventure itself. Don't look for this Picture time as a series of rivers once there was one traveller, there
booklet for too long, it's in your hand. and streams. Time begins trickling are now two. Thus, there are hun-
—a four-color, full-sized pullout down from its source, the beginning dreds of copies of someone like
featuring various landscapes and of all things, then runs on down Kang (who constantly flits back and
maps you'll need during play. through a series of important histori- forth within the various timestreams)
cal events: births, deaths, the Big in existence and another copy is
This adventure is quite lengthy and Bang, the signing of the Magna created each and every time one of
its plot is rather complex. For these Carta, the death of your goldfish the Kangs travels in time. These
reasons it's absolutely imperative Skippy, and just about everything duplicates are usually safely segre-
that you read through this entire else that happens to you, me, and gated into separate diverging time-
booklet before beginning play. In Aunt May. streams, but it is quite possible for a
fact, you might want to read through Most of us are like canoes floating traveller with the ability to move be-
the material several times in order to down the river of time. We can only tween the different timestreams (like
insure that you are completely famil- move forward at a slow, steady pace; Kang the Conqueror) to meet a copy
iar with the adventure and all its con- the currents and eddies sweep us on of himself.
cepts before you begin. down our destined paths. In fact, Kang is an excellent exam-
However, in the Marvel Universe ple of this phenomenon. Over the
The "Time Travel" Trilogy there are a few intrepid individuals years the heroes of the Marvel Uni-
like Reed Richards, Kang the Con- verse have battled several different
The Revenge of Kang is the stunning queror, and Doctor Doom who have versions of Kang, all of whom were
finale in a series of three adventure managed to master time. These be- "created" when the original Kang
modules which comprise the "MT" ings can move upstream as well as journeyed through time. Some even
Time Travel campaign. downstream and vary their rate of adopted new names and personali-
In the first adventure. AII This and movement in either direction. ties like Immortus, the Pharaoh
World War II, the heroes captured an Now, at each and every historical Rama-Tut, and the Scarlet Centurion.
alien time machine and travelled event time branches off into an infi- Upon occasion, Kang has even met
and battled "himself."

Kang and His Plan Part I compiling all of the information about During one such trip, Kang discov-
the heroes needed to change history ered the theories of Rolf Kleinberg, a
In this adventure, Kang is planning on this scale. In return for their role scientist from the alternate reality.
to gain complete dominion over in the affair, each of the duplicate Kleinbfiig postulated the existence of
Earth of the late 20th century, a goal Kangs will rule over a portion of the alternate realities such as Kang's
he's been trying to accomplish for Marvel 20th century once it has been own Marvel Universe and tried to
decades. In each of his previous overrun. describe the relationships between
assaults on the 20th century, Kang Kang's plan hit a snag when the them. Based upon Kleinberg's notes
was defeated by one or more of the duplicate he dispatched to eliminate and his own 30th century technology,
era's superheroes. Being a quick- trie X-Men delayed his attack long Kang hit upon a devious plan: If he
witted fellow, Kang recently realized enough to double check all of the could somehow establish a synchro
that his odds of successfully subju- original Kang's temporal calculations. nicity of events between the two
gating the century would drastically By the time the duplicate began his realities, he could forever link their
increase if he could somehow find a journey back to the mid-1960s, the destinies together; what would hap-
way to rid the world of its heroes. timestream had become so malleable pen in one reality Would automati
The plan he finally hit upon was due to the damage wrought by the cally happen in the other.
direct, but complex. Kang deter- other duplicates and time travel so Establishing such a synchronicity
mined that he could remove all of the dangerous that the Kang duplicate would prove difficult, but was well
heroes from the late 20th century by became caught up in a "temporal within the realm of possibility. Kang
altering history to prevent 12 key wormhole" which swept him into an noticed that the Marvel Comics Inc.
heroes from appearing in the mid- isolated pocket dimension. of the alternate reality was publishing
1960s. Kang is unaware that the player a comic series titled "Space and
These heroes are: the Fantastic character heroes have access to a Time" featuring time travel stories
Four (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Girl, the time machine of their own, allowing starring the player heroes. If he
Thing, and the Human Torch), them to detect and foil his scheme could somehow manipulate the real
Spider-man, Daredevil, Iron Man, (the time machine captured in All player heroes of the Marvel Universe
and the X-Men (Cyclops, Ice Man, This and World War II. If you did not into undergoing a series of adven-
the Beast, the Angel, and Marvel play through this adventure, the he- tures identical to those described in
Girl). If these 12 heroes were re- roes will receive their own time ma- the comics, he could use his
moved from the timestream, Kang chine in the "Alternate Start" in advanced technology to set up a
determined that all of the other he- Chapter 1. synchronicity chain between the two
roes would disappear (some would dimensions and link them together
never have been created, others Kang and His Plan, Part II forever. It was actually Kang who
would have died because the miss- —"The Real Story" secretly set in motion the events that
ing heroes weren't around to save resulted in the events in both All This
them during key battles, etc). The plan described above is what and World War II and The Weird,
In order to alter history in this fash- Kang would like the heroes to think Weird West, and he has now re-
ion, Kang has recruited duplicates of he is really up to. Here's the real cruited several duplicates of himself
himself from various alternate time- story: from alternate timestreams to lead
streams. Each of these duplicates A long time ago, one of the Kangs the heroes through the adventure
will travel to certain key areas within was caught up in an odd temporal described above.
the Marvel timestream and prevent phenomenon and was swept into a All three of these adventures ap-
each of the important heroes from strange, new alternate reality. In this pear in the Marvel "Space and
gaining his or her abilities. reality, Kang discovered all the Time" series, and once the heroes
Once the heroes are out of the Marvel heroes and villains (himself complete the third adventure, Kang
way, conquering the 20th century included) existed only as comic book will have mapped enough events
should prove to be child's play. Kang Characters published by the daunt- from one reality onto those of the
will provide each of the duplicates less Marvel Comics Inc. other to establish a synchronicity. He
with the information he needs to After a while, Kang was able to can then control the events of the
prevent one hero's creation. This modify his time vessel in such a way real Marvel Universe by manipulating
particular Kang has spent a lot of as to permit him to enter and leave what appears in the Marvel Comics
time discovering the secrets' of the alternate reality at will. Fasci- of the alternate reality and vice
Earth's various heroes through tem- nated by his new discovery, Kang versa. Once this synchronicity is
poral research. He has never tried a began making frequent exploratory established, Kang plans to take con-
scheme like this before, mainly be- trips to the alternate dimension in trol of the "Space and Time" writer
cause he has only recently finished search of knowledge. and force him to write an issue in
which Kang and his duplicates be-

come the rulers of all time, an event series, was specifically designed for Life Support: The Vision has Incredi-
which would then come true in the use with player heroes of your own ble Life Support powers and can
real Marvel Universe. design. If your players don't have the survive in space for up to 40 rounds.
In order to gauge the heroes re- time or inclination to create charac- He does not need to eat or breathe.
sponses and decide the best ways in ters of their own, suggest that they Solar Beams: The Vision can fire
which to manipulate them so he take on the roles of the West Coast laser-like beams of solar energy from
could perfectly duplicate the events Avengers (see the Judge's Book for his or eyes or the jewel in his fore-
of the "Space and Time" series, their statistics and abilities). A few head. This is a Remarkable Energy
Kang captured a duplicate of each more of the Avengers are presented attack with a Range of 8 areas.
one of the player heroes from an below: Solar Regeneration: The Vision has
alternate timestream and brought this power at the Amazing rank. In-
them to the alternate reality so that THE VISION doors, the Vision will still heal at an
he could conduct psychological tests accelerated rate if solar or laser en-
upon them. What Kang does not F RM 30 Health: 140 ergy is directed at his forehead.
know is that one of these duplicates A EX 20 Talents: The Vision has the Repair/
managed to escape for a short while S AM 50 Karma: 60 Tinkering Talent.
and send a warning message to the E IN 40 Contacts: The Vision is an Avenger
"real" player heroes of the Marvel R EX 20 Resources: PR(4) of long standing and is married to the
Universe. I GD 10 Scarlet Witch. His best friends are
P RM 30 Popularity: 30 Glynis and llya Zarkov, the stage
If you have not played through the magicians Glamor and Illusion.
earlier adventures in the campaign, KNOWN POWERS: Background: Ultron-5 obtained the
you can ignore the entire "alternate Density Manipulation,Self: The Vi- deactivated body of the android Hu-
reality" aspect of the plot and stop sion can control his density with Un- man Torch, originally built in 1939
after the heroes complete Part I. In earthly ability. His normal density is and forced the android's creator,
this case, the heroes goal is to pre- Good. At densities above Good, the Prof. Phineas T. Horton to remove
vent Kang from changing history and Vision gains Body Armor equal to the the android's flame powers and re-
eliminating the heroes of the late density rank. At densities above In- place them with the abilities to syn-
20th century. credible he suffers a -1 CS to his thesize energy and manipulate
If you are playing through the en- Fighting and Agility ranks. At densi- density. Ultron then erased the Hu-
tire MT series, the players must not ties above Amazing, use the density man Torch's memories and gave the
only prevent Kang from changing rank in place of the Vision's Strength android a new personality based
history and eliminating Earth's he- for Charging combat. At Unearthly upon that of Simon Williams, Wonder
roes, but must prevent him from density the Vision cannot move. The Man. Originally programmed to de-
taking over all of space and time as Vision can shift his density from Shift stroy the Avengers, the Vision turned
well. 0 all the way up to Unearthly or any against Ultron-5 and helped to de-
rank in between in a single round stroy the robot. Joining the Aveng-
Karma Points instantaneously (limited to one den- ers, the Vision had a long and
sity shift per round). Me has devel- illustrious career, finally assuming
While playing the adventure, you will oped a number of Power Stunts team leadership during the first Se-
find a list of suggested Karma point using this ability: cret War.
bonuses and penalties at the end of —Phasing through solid objects at By this time, a control crystal in the
each chapter. These points are to be Shift 0 density. Unlike normal phas- Vision's brain was malfunctioning,
split evenly among the heroes partic- ing, this does not cause malfunctions causing him to concoct a misguided
ipating in the events of the chapter, in electronic equipment. plan to impose peace on the world
though you have the option of award- —Flight at Shift 0 density (Poor by controlling military and civilian
ing more points to the heroes who speed). computer networks. The Avengers
perform the lion's share of the work. —Disrupting living targets or non- convinced him to abort the scheme,
If the players decide to form a Karma living materials by solidifying inside and the Vision removed the defective
Pool for the adventure, all Karma of them. The damage inflicted is control crystal. He was ultimately
awards go directly to the pool. equal to the Vision's chosen density forced to temporarily resign from the
rank, ignoring the target's Body Ar- team.
The Player Characters mor. The Vision's precise computer Despite his originally "cold and
brain enables him to use this stunt unfeeling" demeanor, the Vision's
The Revenge of Kang, like all of the with little risk of killing living crea- love for the Scarlet Witch has always
modules in the time travel campaign tures. been strong. With the removal of the
control crystal, the Vision became

capable of developing a true human cal Blunt damage, or Good Grap- as "I want Kang's force field to over-
personality. Recently, the Vision be- pling). load and short out." The Judge then
gan developing strong family ties. He Background: Mercenary Marc Spec- assigns the Intensity of the FEAT. In
now regards Wonder Man as a tor gave his life trying to prevent some instances, the Judge may rule
brother, and the strong emotional another mercenary from robbing an that the event requires a successful
bond between the Vision and the Egyptian archeological dig. Appar- Power Stunt. Wanda's hex spheres
Scarlet Witch enabled them to birth ently slain, Specter regained his life will never affect objects with a mate-
children through mystical means. at the feet of a statue of the Egyptian rial strength of greater than Class
god of the moon, Khonshu. Attribut- 1000. Wanda currently uses this
MOON KNIGHT ing his resurrection to that deity, ability at the Amazing rank.
Spector became Moon Knight. For Magical Abilities: Wanda's hex
alias Marc Spector months afterward, Spector served as spheres have seemed magical in
a freelance agent with aliases as cab effect, and some have assumed that
Normal / Moonlight driver Jake Lockley and millionaire she was a true sorceress. She also
F RM 30 /In 40 Health: 90/150 Steven Grant. He used "Grant's" has the potential to wield powerful
A EX 20 /RM 30 money to fund his crime fighting magic (the potential was implanted
S EX 20 /IN 40 Karma: 60 career. Tired of juggling several iden- by the demon Chthon when Wanda
E EX 20 /IN 40 tities, Spector finally retired his other was born), but she only recently
R GD 10 /GD 10 Res: Rm(30) selves and sold the statue of Khon- sought out true magical instruction.
I EX 20 /EX 20 shu. When the buyer sought to turn Wanda has an intuitive "sense" of
P EX 30 /RM 30 Popularity: 10 the statue toward his own evil ends I mystical events, has had precogni-
three ancient priests of Egypt called tive dreams, has detected the mysti-
KNOWN POWERS: upon Spector to rescue the statue cal impressions left upon an object
Power Boost: When the moon is in and retake the mantle of Moon by its former user, has taught minor
the sky, Specter's abilities and Knight. weather control magic to a teenage
Health are raised to the levels found student, and has at least twice used
above. This increase occurs as soon THE SCARLET WITCH magical ceremonies to communicate
as the moon is clear of the horizon with spirits in other dimensions. Treat
and lasts as long as it is in the sky. alias Wanda each of these abilities as a devel-
As it is the rays of the moon that give oped power stunt that operates at a
him the added power, a new moon or F GD 10 Health: 46 rank equal to Wanda's Psyche.
eclipse will not trigger the transfor- A GD 10 Talents: Wanda has a Magical Back-
mation, but being inside or under- S TY 6 Karma: 60 ground and a wide knowledge of
ground will not prevent its effects. E EX 20 Occult Lore.
Ankh: The Moon Knight carries a R GD 10 Resources: TY(6) Contacts: In addition to her contacts
golden ankh symbol that glows if his I EX 20 within the Avengers, Wanda is a
life is potentially threatened. Spec- P RM 30 Popularity: 30 friend of the Inhumans and Doctor
tor's Intuition is Amazing when he is Strange. Wanda was also a student
using the Ankh. KNOWN POWERS: of the now deceased Agatha Hark-
Weaponry: Moon Knight carries a Hex Spheres: This power is a unique ness, but she can sometimes com-
number of weapons, including: and formidable type of Matter and municate with Harkness' dead spirit.
—an ivory boomerang (range of 3 Energy Control that alters a target's Wanda's father is Magneto. Her
areas, Excellent Blunt damage, re- probability field and causes it to ex- brother is the hero Quicksilver. She
turns to the thrower). perience unlikely events. Wanda is married to the android Vision. The
—10 scarab darts (range of 3 ar- cannot use the power to cause the Scarlet Witch is currently tutoring
eas, Good Edged damage, a "called impossible (she cannot create ob- Holly Ladonna, a Leonian teenager,
shot" can pin a target to a vertical jects out of thin air, for example), but and her best friends are Glynis and
surface). her power is otherwise limited only llya Zarkov, the stage magicians
—a set of throwing irons (range 5 by the imagination. She can, for ex- Glamor and Illusion.
areas, Good Edged damage). ample, cause a device to suddenly Background: Wanda was born on
—a "lasso-grapple" (range 1 area, malfunction, an object to collapse Wundagore Mountain, citadel of the
Good damage or Excellent Grappling and fall apart, or projectiles and en- High Evolutionary and prison of
ability against one foe) that allows ergy bolts to deflect their paths in Chthon the Demon. She and her
Moon Knight to scale walls at 2 sto- mid-flight. In play, the player running brother Quicksilver were raised
ries per round. the Scarlet Witch should describe among Django Maximoff's gypsies,
—and a bola (range 3 areas, Typi- the desired event to the Judge, such but had to flee when a mob attacked
their keepers. They were later re-

cruited by Magneto, and became force which he controls by means of team leader, a role in which Scott
members of the First Brotherhood of an adjustable visor or ruby quartz has proven himself capable.
Evil Mutants. glasses. Without this protection,
They eventually fled from his tyr- Scott can cause Excellent damage at THE BEAST
anny and joined the Avengers where a range of 2 areas, affecting all tar-
Wanda met and fell in love with her gets in both areas. With his visor on, Hank McCoy
husband, the Vision. Wanda and the Scott can control the beam's focus
Vision have taken several leaves of causing up to Amazing damage at a F IN 40 Health: 130
absence from the organization, most range of 3 areas and can make A IN 40
recently after the Vision's misguided called shots. He can fire his optic S RM 30 Karma: 50
attempt to seize control of the planet. blasts at ranges longer than 3 areas E EX 20
Through the use of magic, Wanda (10 areas max range), but their dam- R EX 20 Resources: RM(30)
and the Vision have realized their age is reduced by one rank for each I GD 10
long-held dream of having children. area over the basic three area range. P EX 20 Popularity: 0
Wanda, the Vision, and their sons, Cyclops can also use his optic blasts
Thomas and William, live in Leonia, as a pressor beam firing it at low KNOWN POWERS:
New Jersey, and are trying to live power to support up to 500 Ibs Feet and Hands: The Beast can use
fairly normal lives despite the inevita- though such a use still inflicts Typical his feet as a second set of hands,
ble turmoil that is a part of any super- damage upon the object supported. giving him a +1 CS when wrestling.
hero's life. Cyclops fires his blasts with Incredi- Both are substantially larger than the
ble Agility. human norm.
NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS Resistance to Injury: Cyclops is im- Climbing: The Beast's dexterity is so
mune to the effects of both his own good and the muscles in his feet and
Here are the statistics and back- energy blasts and those of his hands so developed that he can
ground descriptions you will need for brother Havok. However, Havok's climb any wall or hang from any ceil-
all of the important non-player char- blasts will drive him back by sheer ing that will give him purchase (such
acters the heroes will encounter dur- force at Good Intensity. as brick or concrete, but not smooth
ing the adventure. For the sake of Talents: Scott is an accomplished substances such as steel and glass)
convenience, NPCs have been di- pilot. Treat his Reason and Agility as with Remarkable skill.
vided into two groups: friends and though they were Remarkable in all Balance: The Beast's balance is
enemies. Only the major NPCs are matters concerning air and space- ,' such that he can walk a tightrope
presented here. The descriptions of craft. Scott also possesses the Lead- automatically and a slack rope with a
all the minor non-player characters ership Talent and has been fully successful Agility FEAT. His sense of
the heroes will encounter during the instructed in Martial Arts A and C. balance helps him fall up to three
adventure will be found in the Contacts: At this point in his career, stories (30') without damaging him-
encounter descriptions. Scott's only contacts are with his self provided he lands on his feet
fellow X-Men. (Agility FEAT required). He can pre-
Friendly NPCs Background: Scott Summers and vent damage from a longer fall by
his brother Alex were orphaned at a grabbing and swinging off protru-
young age when their parents were sion's in the fall's path every three
The X-Men captured by a Shi'ar exploration stories (flagpoles, lampposts, etc.) as
ship. Scott's mother, Katherine, died long as he keeps making Agility
CYCLOPS at the hands of the Shi'ar while his FEAT rolls.
father, Major Christopher Summers, Leaping: The Beast's Strength is
Scott Summers escaped and became the space buc- considered Amazing for leaping pur-
caneer known as Corsair. Alex and poses.
F EX 20 Health: 76 Scott were placed in orphanages and Hank has one power stunt that he
A EX 20 while Alex was adopted, injuries to has developed with this ability:
S TY 6 Karma: 70 Scott that he suffered while escaping —The Beast can make a "banked
E RM 30 the Shi'ar prevented him from being shot" which allows him to bounce off
R EX 20 Resources: GD(10) taken in by a family. Scott grew up in of several walls and stop his momen-
I RM 30 the orphanage and has remained a tum by crashing into an opponent.
P EX 20 Popularity: 6 loner for most of his life. When the Beast performs this ma-
Professor Charles Xavier recruited nuever he is considered to be Dodg-
KNOWN POWERS: Scott into the X-Men soon after the ing with Remarkable Agility and
Optic Blasts: Cyclops' eyes con- boy's mutant abilities began to sur- strikes on the Charging column with
stantly emit a ruby-colored beam of face. Xavier also made Summers the

Remarkable Endurance. while flying but only at a maximum Worthington wore a long blonde wig
Lightning Speed: The Beast's ground speed of two areas per round. and a long nightshirt so that he
speed is Excellent when sprinting. Angel can lift at least 200 lbs in looked like an angel. The rescue was
He must make a successful Endur- flight, greater weights require a successful and his identity remained
ance FEAT roll (modified by -1 CS for Strength FEAT roll. Angel's ability to secret. Shortly thereafter,
every round of contiguous sprinting) manuever in the air is Amazing. The Worthington became a costumed
or suffer -1 CS in all actions taken total time Angel can remain airborne crime fighter in New York City under
during the round he stops. is difficult to discern and would de- the name Avenging Angel. He was
Talents: Hank is skilled in Biochem- pend upon headwinds, and other then contacted by the X-Men and
istry, Genetics, and Electronics. He weather conditions, but he has been agreed to join them.
uses Acrobatics, Tumbling and Mar- known to fly non-stop for up to twelve
tial Arts C in combat. hours at a time. Angel's average ICEMAN
Contacts: At this point in his career, cruising altitude is 10,000' but he
Hank's only contacts are his fellow X- can ascend to 29,000' for a few min- Bobby Drake
Men. utes by making a Red Endurance
Background: Hank McCoy is a mu- FEAT roll. He can hover in place for F GD 10 Health: 56
tant whose powers were in evidence hours and has never had any diffi- A GD 10
since birth. The probable cause of culty using his hands and feet while S TY 6 Karma: 20
his mutation was his father's expo- airborne. E RM 30
sure to massive amounts of radiation Adapted Anatomy: Angel's entire R GD 10 Resources: TY(6)
during a nuclear power plant "inci- body (bones, musculature, fat cells, I PR 4
dent." As a youth, McCoy's superhu- etc.) is designed for flight and is ex- P TY 6 Popularity: 16
man agility and athletic prowess tremely light. This means he takes
earned him recognition in school as much less physical damage when he KNOWN POWERS:
a star football player. It was then that drops from a great distance (treat Ice Generation: Iceman has Remark-
Professor Charles Xavier learned of this as Remarkable body armor able Ice Generation powers, able to
him, invited him to join his School for when taking a fall). Breathing and form ice wherever there is sufficient
Gifted Youngsters, and gave him the seeing normally, even at high alti- moisture in the air, including desert
code name Beast. tudes, is never a problem for Angel. terrain. He can perform the following
His eyesight is as good as many Power Stunts:
ANGEL predatory birds and his ability to spot —Create shields of Remarkable
an object or person is considered protection.
Warren Worthington III Monstrous when he is flying high in —Form weapons of Remarkable
the air. material strength. When using such
F EX 20 Health: 90 Talents: Warren has Remarkable weapons in Edged or Blunt attacks
A RM 30 Reason in business matters and Iceman receives a +1 CS.
S GD 10 Karma: 26 knows Martial Arts B. He gains +2 —Create supports of Remarkable
E RM 30 CS while fighting in aerial combat. material strength. These structures
R GD 10 Resources: RM(30) Contacts: At this point in his career, last anywhere from 5 to 25 rounds
I TY 6 Angel's only contacts are his fellow depending upon the surrounding
P GD 10 Popularity: 12 X-Men. temperature.
Background: Warren Worthington III —Project cold a Remarkable in-
KNOWN POWERS: was attending a private school in his tensity.
Flight: Warren flies by means of two adolescence when wings began to —Create a ramp which he can
natural, feathered wings jutting from grow from his shoulder blades. The slide along at Excellent ground
his shoulders (wingspan of 16'). He wings reached their full adult size speed (5 areas/round).
normally has Excellent air speed but within months, but Worthington kept Invulnerability to Cold: Iceman is
can spring up to Unearthly speeds. them a secret by strapping them immune to CL1000 intensities of
After flying at maximum speed for back and concealing them under his cold.
two consecutive rounds, he must clothes. At first he though himself a Body Armor: When "iced up," Drake
make an Endurance FEAT roll each freak, but then he learned that he has Remarkable protection against
succeeding round. Failure indicates could use his wings to fly and came physical attacks, and Good protec-
he is exhausted and must rest for to enjoy his new ability. Then one tion against energy attacks, including
two rounds before he can continue night there was a fire in his dormitory flame and heat. These last two at-
on at maximum speed. For the pur- and he resolved to use his flying tack forms, however, weaken Ice-
pose of this power, Warren can rest power to rescue the people inside. man's body armor by the rank
To conceal his identity,

number of the attack. read minds and project her own mental contact with them. Charles
Contacts: At this point in his career, thoughts into the minds of others can forcibly alter the thoughts of
Iceman's only contacts are his fellow with Remarkable ability. She can another being within the same area,
X-Men. also attack an opponent's mind with generate mental illusions within a 10
Background: Bobby's mutant Remarkable strength mental bolts. area range, make himself invisible,
powers first became evident in child- Talents: Jean has the Fashion Tal- and temporarily paralyze others.
hood, but he managed to keep them ent. Xavier must make an Unearthly
secret until his mid-teens. Once they Contacts: At this point in her career, Psyche FEAT roll to use his powers
became public (when he fought a Jean's only contacts are her fellow X- with a -1 CS for every rank of
mugger), he was saved from a lynch Men. Psyche that his target possesses
mob by Cyclops and Professor Background: Jean Grey was the above Typical (altering the thoughts
Xavier and joined the X-Men. daughter of Professor John Grey and of someone with Incredible Psyche
his wife Elaine. Jean manifested would reduce Xavier's power by four
MARVEL GIRL early telepathic powers that threat- ranks). Permanently altering the
ened her sanity and she was referred minds of others is a repugnant con-
Jean Grey to Professor X who placed mental cept to Professor X, though he will
blocks upon her preventing the un- sometimes wipe out the memory of a
F GD 10 Health: 54 conscious use of her power and in- battle from the minds of innocent
A GD 10 formed the young girl that she was a bystanders so that there will be no
S PR 4 Karma: 80 mutant. When Jean was older Xavier panic or so the true identities of his
E RM 30 recruited her into the X-Men. students will remain a secret. Any
R GD 10 Resources: GD(10) other use of the professor's powers
I EX 20 PROFESSOR X to permanently alter the mind of an-
P AM 50 Popularity: 20 other results in the loss of all Karma.
Charles Xavier Professor Xavier's telepathic power
KNOWN POWERS: drops to Amazing if he is operating in
Telekinesis: Jean has the ability to F PR 4 Health: 50 an area where overwhelming evil
mentally manipulate objects with A GD 10 psychic forces exist (such as a magi-
Incredible Agility. Her limit is about S TY 6 Karma: 165 cally cursed locale, in the presence
800 Ibs, (Remarkable Strength FEAT E RM 30 of evil creatures with Monstrous or
roll required if she attempts to lift R IN 40 Resources: RM(30) better Psyche ranks, or in the pres-
over about 150 pounds). I AM 50 ence of a hate-filled mob).
Deflection: Jean can use her teleki- P MN 75 Popularity: 20 Mental Bolts: Xavier can attack any
nesis to deflect attacks (like a shield) living target within two areas with
or contain explosions (like a force KNOWN POWERS: bolts of pure mental force. These
field). Her ability to do this is Mon- Telepathy: Professor Xavier is an attacks use his Monstrous Psyche
strous if she is defending just Herself Unearthly telepath. He can normally rank to hit, cause up to Unearthly
or someone else, Amazing if she is read the thoughts of others and con- damage, and have effects listed on
defending an entire area, Incredible tact other sentient minds at a range the Force column of the Battle Ef-
for two areas, Remarkable for three of 250 miles (up to 500 miles if he fects Table. Xavier's bolts success-
areas, and Excellent for four areas, makes an Endurance FEAT roll, over fully attack through most force fields
her limit. the entire planet if he does nothing (unless the field is specifically proof
Telekinetic Flight: By manipulating but concentrate for a 24-hour per- against mental powers).
her telekinetic force Jean can fly at iod). Mutant Detection: Professor X is
Good air speed, float herself and He keeps a "low-grade" contact sensitive to the mental wavelengths
others at typical air speed or create with all of the X-Men at all times. of fellow mutants. He can detect
an ascending "elevator" at Poor air This is an almost unconscious moni- another mutant four areas away au-
speed. toring of their surface thoughts that tomatically.
Mental Bolts: Jean can project men- is automatic unless Charles is at- Handicap: Professor X is confined to
tal bolts that have a range of 3 areas tacked. This contact is not noticeable a wheelchair.
and hit with Amazing Agility on the by the students themselves, but it Talents: Professor X has Amazing
Force column. The bolts cause up to notifies Charles if they feel they are Reason in matters of genetics and
Incredible damage if aimed at a be- in danger or are under great stress Remarkable Reason in matters of
ing or Amazing Damage if aimed at a though he cannot discern the exact electronics and engineering. He also
structure or object. nature of the danger or stress in- possesses the Leadership Talent.
Telepathic Power: Jean is able to volved unless he makes complete Background: Xavier is the founder
of the X-Men. Devoted to the cause

of helping mutants learn use and attacks and Good protection from I EX 20
control their powers, Xavier set up energy. P GD 10 Popularity: 50
his School for Gifted Youngsters. Hyper-lntelligence: Reed's natural
mental abilities were greatly aug- KNOWN POWERS:
THE X-MEN IN THE ADVENTURE: mented by the mutation which gave Invisibility (Physics type): Sue pos-
Note that the X-Men described above him his elongation abilities. Before sesses Excellent rank Invisibility. She
are the original team members as he got his powers his Mental attrib- can make herself transparent to visi-
they stood shortly after their first utes were all one rank lower (drop- ble light, but not infrared, ultraviolet,
official case. The heroes will meet up ping his Karma to 70). radio waves, or hard radiation. She
with the X-Men shortly after they Hyper Invention: Reed has the can be harmed by attacks that use
battle the Kang that was heading Amazing ability to comprehend, de- these forms of energy. She can pro-
back into the past to eliminate Pro- sign, and repair technology. ject this power into an invisibility field
fessor X and his mutants. It is quite Talents: Reed Richards is one of the which covers a single target site of
likely that X-Men will team up with world's leading experts in the fields up to 40,000 cubic feet in volume at
the heroes and help them throughout of Electronics, Engineering, Physics, a maximum range of 6 areas. She
most of Part I of the adventure. Dirnension Travel, and the physiology can use her power to make a target
of superbeings. invisible while remaining visible her-
MISTER FANTASTIC Contacts: At this point in his career self. She has perfected this stunt in
Reed's only contacts are his fellow ways such as "peeling away" visual
Reed Richards members of the Fantastic Four. barriers to reveal their hidden con-
Background: Reed was born to Na- tents or the everyday act of wearing
F GD 10 Health: 42 thanial and Evelyn Richards. His her invisible costume under her
A TY 6 mother died when he was seven. street clothes. Sue has also devel-
S TY 6 Karma: 100 Nathanial was a brilliant scientist oped the ability to use her power to
E EX 20 who fueled the young Reed's interest negate another's physics type Invisi-
R AM 50 Resources: RM(30) to uncover new knowledge. The two bility.
I EX 20 men's drives took them in different Force Field: Sue can generate a psi-
P RM 30 Popularity: 50 directions and Reed rarely saw his onic energy field of Amazing rank.
father in the decade before Nathanial This gives her rank protection
KNOWN POWERS: left Earth for a new dimension. Reed against physical and energy attacks
Elongation: Reed has Monstrous was a brilliant scholar who attended and extremes in her environment.
ability to elongate any part of his several universities. While at Empire The Force Field can be modified
body. The maximum extent to which State University in New York he met instantaneously to allow or block the
he can stretch is 1500'. many of the people who would later passage of air. The Force Field can
Plasticity: Reed's body is Amazingly affect his life, especially Ben Grimm protect a single area at full strength.
pliable and can absorb virtually any and Victor von Doom. Later, he at- For each doubling of the area Sue
impact. By combining this power with tend the California Institute of Tech- protects with her field its rank drops
his elasticity, he has managed to nology, Harvard, and Columbia by -1 CS. The power is a function of
develop the following power stunts: Universities. While at Columbia, he Sue's conscious mind and as such
—Reed can form his body into a became friends with his landlady's cannot function if Sue is uncon-
bouncing ball with Amazing Agility niece, 12 year-old Sue Storm. After scious. At this point in her career
and Typical speed. graduation, Reed came into a two Sue has developed one power stunt:
—By forming his body into a kite, billion dollar inheritance from his now —Kinetic bolt: Sue can channel
Reed can glide at Feeble air speeds. vanished father. He invested most of her power into a surge that does
—By making a Reason FEAT, this money into the ship that led to Remarkable damage.
Reed can dissolve his body into a the creation of the Fantastic Four. Talents: Sue has the Performer tal-
puddle capable of flowing through ent and Martial Arts E.
almost any opening. INVISIBLE GIRL Contacts: At this point in her career
—Reed has developed the Sue's only contacts are her fellow
Amazing ability to assume any geo- Sue Storm members of the Fantastic Four.
metric shape. Background: Sue Storm was born in
—Reed has the Amazing ability to F GD 10 Health: 46 Glenville, New York to Dr. Franklin
become as thin as a sheet of paper. A GD 10 and Mary Storm where she lived a
Body Armor: The unusual nature of S TY 6 Karma: 40 normal suburban childhood. The only
Reed's physiology provides him with E EX 20 dark spot in her early life was when
Remarkable protection from physical R GD 10 Resources: RM(30) her father was imprisoned for per-
forming undisclosed, illegal medical

procedures. At age 12 she met Reed skilled in Martial Arts B and Wres- A EX 20
Richards when he lived in her aunt's tling. S GD 10 Karma: 26
NYC boarding house. As an adult, Contacts: At this point in his career E EX 20
she became an actress and had a the Thing's only contacts are his R GD 10 Resources: RM(30)
few small television parts. Upon fellow members of the Fantastic I GD 10
learning that Reed had moved to Four. P TY 6 Popularity: 50
California, Sue followed hoping to Background: Ben Grimm was born
conquer Hollywood. Instead, she in poverty on New York's Lower East KNOWN POWERS:
conquered Reed's heart and the two Side. His alcoholic father, Daniel Fire Generation: The Human Torch
quickly became engaged. Sue was Grimm, was chronically unemployed. can generate Amazing Intensity
so devoted to Reed that when she What money the family did have flames and has established the fol-
learned of his and Ben's plan to take came from Ben's older brother's lowing Power stunts:
off in a prototype starship Reed had "criminal activities. Daniel Jr. was the —Amazing damage fireballs with a
built Sue offered herself and her leader of the Yancy Street Gang until range of 3 areas.
brother as passengers to show her his death in a gang war when Ben —Skywriting to create flaming
faith in Reed's plans. was eight. Ben decided it was now images which last four turns.
his turn to care for the family and —Johnny can unleash his "nova-
THE THING joined the gang eventually becoming flame," a single burst of Shift X en-
its leader. His later rejection of the ergy which does 150 points of
Benjamin Grimm Yancy Street Gang led to a long- damage to everything within one
standing grudge against him by the area and 100 points to everything
F IN 40 Health: 200 gang's members. After his parents from 2-5 areas away. Following this
A GD 10 died, Ben was entrusted to his uncle, great effort, however, all of his
S MN 75 Karma: 50 Dr. Jacob Grimm, who had lifted powers drop to Feeble for 1-10 turns
E MN 75 himself out of the ghetto to become a and he must make a Red Endurance
R GD 10 Resources: RM(30) successful physician. While Ben FEAT roll to avoid fainting.
I GD 10 initially resented his uncle's success, Energy Sheath (Fire): Johnny can
P RM 30 Popularity: 10 he learned love from him in his first shroud himself in Amazing intensity
warm family relationship. flame which gives him Unearthly
Ben (human form) Ben was a football star and earned protection from physical and energy
an athletic scholarship to Empire . attacks, but offers no protection from
F EX 20 Health: 50 State University. His freshman room- cold, wind, or water-based attacks.
A GD 10 mate was a young Reed Richards. True Flight: The Human Torch can
S GD 10 Karma: 50 That was the start of a long-lasting attain Excellent speeds in the air
E GD 10 friendship that forever altered Ben's when flaming.
R GD 10 Resources: RM(30) life. Even then Reed had planned on Specific Resistance (Heat and
I GD 10 building a starship and Ben jokingly Flame): Johnny can ignore flames
P RM 30 Popularity: 10 promised to pilot it for him. and heat up to CL1000 intensity.
After graduation, Ben joined the Weakness: Most of Johnny's powers
KNOWN POWERS: US Air Force and became a test operate only while he is aflame.
Body Armor: The Thing's epidermis pilot. When Reed told him that he Cold, Water, or Wind-based attacks
mutated into an organic, rock-like had finally built his starship, Ben of Monstrous intensity can extinguish
material that gives him Incredible upheld his old promise. He even his flames, as can a loss of oxygen
protection against physical and fire agreed to take along Reed's or being covered with a flame negat-
based attacks. It is less effective girlfriend, Sue Storm, and her ing substance (such as asbestos).
against energy attacks and provides brother, Johnny. After the fateful Talents: Johnny has Remarkable
only Excellent protection. crash that led to the creation of the reason in the areas of vehicle and
Talents: Ben is a talented pilot who Fantastic Four, Ben was so appalled engine design and construction.
can operate any aircraft or space- at his transformation that he chose Contacts: At this point in his career
craft of terrestrial design. If he is the degrading name "the Thing." Johnny's only contacts are his fellow
required to fly an alien ship he can members of the Fantastic Four.
figure out the controls with a Reason THE HUMAN TORCH Background: Johnny Storm is the
FEAT. His normal Reason rank in- younger brother of Sue Storm and
creases to Incredible when it is ap- Johnny Storm the only son of Dr. Franklin and Mary
plied to flying air or spacecraft. The Storm. Despite Mary's death in a car
Thing is also an expert brawler. He is F GD 10 Health: 60 crash when Johnny was very young,
he developed a love of automobiles

and racing. He spent most of his free R EX 20 Resources: PR(3) adhesive web shooter. Billing himself
time with mechanics and quickly I GD 10 as the Amazing Spider-Man and
learned to repair and rebuild cars. P EX 20 Popularity: 0 keeping his true identity a secret so
When he turned sixteen his father as not to embarrass his Aunt May
gave him his first car. Shortly after, KNOWN POWERS: and Uncle Ben, Parker was a hit on
when Dr. Storm was imprisoned for Wall-Walking: Spider-Man can ad- Variety Time, a national television
murder, Sue told Johnny that their here to vertical and upside-down show. Following one performance,
"father had died. Johnny came out to surfaces with Amazing ability. Parker passed up an opportunity to
Central City, California to visit his Spider-Sense: Spider-Man has a stop a burglar saying that he was a
sister. When he learned that Sue was Combat Sense of Amazing at all professional performer and that
planning on being a passenger on times. This spider-sense determines crook chasing was not his job. Sev-
Reed's starship's maiden flight potentially dangerous situations and eral days later, Parker's Uncle Ben
Johnny insisted upon coming along. warns the hero by a mental "buzz- was murdered by the same burglar.
This, of course, was the flight that ing." The intensity of the buzzing Filled with remorse for his lack of
lead to the creation of the Fantastic varies with the intensity of the threat. action, Parker realized that great
Four and gave the Human Torch his Spider-Man cannot be blindsided responsibility comes with great
powers. when this form of combat sense is in power and decided to become a
effect, and may perform defensive crime fighter.
THE FANTASTIC FOUR IN THE actions if he makes a successful
The heroes will encounter the denied him, his Intuition is as listed The heroes will encounter Spider-
Fantastic Four on two separate occa- and all of his Agility FEATs are at -1 Man twice. First, they will prevent
sions during part one of the adven- CS. one of the duplicate Kangs from in-
ture. Web-Shooters: Hidden beneath the suring that the wall crawler is never
They will first prevent one of the wrists of his costume are a pair of created, and later, they will encoun-
Kang duplicates from wiping the FF devices that shoot a stream of en- ter Spidey at the wedding of Reed
out of history and will later attend the snaring webbing. The webbing has Richards and Sue Storm where one
wedding of Reed Richards and Sue Incredible Strength in the round in of the Kang duplicates will try to wipe
Storm where one of the Kangs will which it is fired and hardens to Mon- out all 12 key heroes in one shot.
attempt to wipe out all 12 key heroes strous Strength in the next round.
at one time (see Kang's Plan Part I, Spider-Man uses the webbing to DAREDEVIL
above). Note that the stats above ensnare opponents, to make swing
reflect the members of the Fantastic lines (he can travel at a rate of three Matt Murdock
Four as they stood during the first areas/round in this fashion) as mis-
few years of their careers and may siles inflicting Excellent Blunt dam- F IN 40 Health: 110
differ with information published age and to make shields of A IN 40
elsewhere. Monstrous material strength. The S GD 10 Karma: 91
webbing automatically dissolves, E EX 20
SPIDER-MAN after one hour. R TY 6 Resources: EX(20)
Talents: Parker is knowledgeable in I MN 75
Peter Parker Chemistry and Photography. P GD 10 Popularity: 10
Contacts: At this point in his career,
F RM 30 Health: 160 Parker has no contacts. Matt Murdock (pre-accident)
A AM 50 Background: High School student
S IN 40 Karma: 70 Peter Parker was attending a public F GD 10 Health: 40
E IN 40 lecture on the safe use of nuclear A GD 10
R EX 20 Resources: TY(6) power sponsored by the General S GD 10 Karma: 26
I GD 10 Tectronics Corporation when he was E GD 10
P IN 40 Popularity: 20 bitten by a spider that had been ex- R TY 6 Resources: TY(6)
posed to massive doses of radiation. I GD 10
The bite of this spider gave Parker P GD 10 Popularity: 10
Peter Parker (Non-Powered Form) the equivalent Strength and Agility of
a spider and, in addition, allowed KNOWN POWERS:
F TY 6 Health: 24 him to adhere to vertical surfaces. Enhanced-Senses: Daredevil's
A TY 6 Seeking to benefit from these senses of taste, hearing, and smell
S TY 6 Karma: 50 powers, Parker created a red and have been enhanced to the Mon-
E TY 6 blue outfit and developed a powerful

strous rank. He can identify sub- small canister of radioactive waste keeps Tony Stark alive. Without the
stances by taste, read raised printing material that the truck was carrying suit's aid, Stark would die.
on a page, or track by a specific odor broke open nearby and Murdock was Talents: Stark has Monstrous Rea-
on a Power rank FEAT roll. Overload- bombarded with radiation. This un- son in the areas of bionics and weap-
ing these senses (excessive noise, known radiation blinded him, but onry and armor design.
for example) reduces his Intuition by also mutagenically heightened his Contacts: At this stage in his career
-1 CS and any FEATs against spe- other senses. Young Murdock later Iron Man has no Contacts.
cific attacks are at -2 CS. Daredevil met a blind martial arts master Background: Anthony Stark, son of
uses his enhanced hearing in a named Stick who taught him how to industrialist Howard Stark, demon-
Power Stunt to determine if someone use his augmented senses and strated his mechanical aptitude and
is lying (he listens for an erratic trained him as a crime fighter. inventive genius at an early age. He
heartbeat) with Amazing ability. was enrolled in the Massachusetts
Radar Sense: In addition to his en- DAREDEVIL IN THE ADVENTURE Institute of Technology at the age of
hanced sense, Daredevil can "see" See the Fantastic Four and Spider- 15. When he was 21, he inherited his
three dimensional images up to 3 Man above. father's business, Stark Industries.
areas away, regardless of the lighting Turning it into a multi-national, multi-
conditions. Rapid movements and IRON MAN million dollar industry whose chief
chaotic conditions reduce this power contracts were weapons and muni-
and Daredevil's Intuition by -2 CS. Tony Stark tions for the US government.
Daredevil cannot be blindsided. While in Vietnam field testing one
Billy Club: Daredevil carries a billy F GD 10 Health: 84 of his new transistorized weapons,
club made of Incredible Strength A PR 4 Stark tripped a booby trap which
material that he wields or throws for S RM 30 Karma: 66 lodged a piece of shrapnel in his
Excellent blunt damage. He can E IN 40 chest. He was taken prisoner by the
throw it up to one area away and R IN 40 Resources: IN(40) Viet Cong and told that the shrapnel
ricochet off multiple targets or hard I EX 20 would work its way into his heart and
surfaces as a power stunt. P TY 6 Popularity: 20 would eventually kill him. Stark was
Blindness: Since his accident Dare- offered a deal by his captor, Wong
devil has been blind. As such, he is Tony Stark (without armor) Chu. Build a powerful weapon for the
unaffected by light-based and visual Communists and they would operate
attacks, illusions, and hypnosis. F TY 6 Health: 22 to remove the shrapnel. Stark
Talents: Daredevil is a master of A TY 6 agreed, hoping to gain time and ac-
Acrobatics and possesses Martial S PR 4 Karma: 66 cess to tools.
Arts A, B, and E. He is a weapons E TY 6 He was set up in a small laboratory
specialist with his billy club and re- R IN 40 Resources: IN(40) with another captive, the renown
ceives + 2 CS when fighting with it. I EX 20 scientist Professor Ho Yinsen. To-
Matt Murdock is a licensed lawyer. P TY 6 Popularity: 20 gether, they built the Iron Man armor
Contacts: At this point in his career which allowed Stark to escape from
Murdock has no contacts. KNOWN POWERS: the Viet Cong. During the escape,
Background: Matthew Murdock was Body Armor: Iron Man's armor is Professor Yinsen was killed. Stark
the son of "Battling Jack" Murdock, made of a Remarkable strength ma- avenged his friend's death by routing
a small-time prizefighter who had terial that provides its wearer with Wong Chu and his guerilla troops.
promised his wife on her deathbed to Remarkable protection against physi- Stark escaped from the jungle with
make a better life for young Matt. cal attacks and Typical protection help from American helicopter pilot
Hence, the elder Murdock urged his against heat, cold, and energy, and James Rhodes and returned to the
son to pursue his studies rather than acid attacks. United States with the armor.
become an athlete. Matt Murdock Magnetic Control: The armor can
became an excellent student, but project magnetic beams of force that MARTY JENKINS
one day, after being taunted by oth- strike for Remarkable Force damage.
ers as a weakling, and mocked with These beams can also attract, repel, F PR 4 Health: 22
the name "Daredevil," he decided to and control metallic objects with A TY 6
train himself in secret. Remarkable ability. S TY 6 Karma: 18
One day, young Murdock saw a Absorption: The suit has Monstrous E TY 6
truck about to hit a blind man. Hurl- absorption capabilities. R TY 6 Resources: GD(10)
ing himself in front of the truck Mur- Life Support: Iron Man's armor also I TY 6
dock managed to save both the man contains a bulky pacemaker which P TY 6 Popularity: 5
and himself from being struck, but a

Marty is the writer of the "Time and Background: Rama-Tut, fleeing from end of the adventure, the Master
Space" series for the Marvel Comics the 30th century BC after a defeat by Kang heads into the alternate reality
of the alternate reality. If you are the Fantastic Four, reached the 20th of Marvel Comics and attempts to
playing through Part II the heroes will century AD and met Doctor Doom. doublecross the Supreme Kang.
meet up with Marty toward the end of Rama-Tut continued his journey to Master Kang has Reason, Intuition,
the adventure. the war-torn 41st century AD, built a and Psyche ranks of IN/EX/RM re-
A basically good-hearted person, suit of armor inspired by Doom's, spectively. If you are hot playing
Marty is incredibly open minded and and assumed the identity of Kang the through Part II, the Master Kang is
some times has trouble separating Conqueror. Since then, his conquer- the ultimate villain of the piece.
his reality from the comic books he ing efforts throughout the timestream "Kang Duplicates:" The Kang du-
writes. have created many divergent dou- plicates are the lesser Kangs who
bles of himself (see the Introduction). attack each of the Marvel heroes in
ENEMY NPCs In most realities, Kang's most fre- the timestream. The heroes will meet
quent opponents have been the the first Kang duplicate in the dimen-
KANG Mighty Avengers. sion of the Ko-kri. Each duplicate has
Recently, one of the Kangs was Reason, Intuition, and Psyche ranks
Kang the Conqueror accidentally drawn into another real- of IN/GD/EX respectively.
ity where he discovered scientist Rolf
F TY 6 Health: 86 Kleinberg's theories concerning the KO-KRI (Typical)
A GD 10 nature of reality itself. Kleinberg's
S RM 30 Karma: Varies theories supplemented Kang's own F GD 10 Health: 70
E IN 40 knowledge and allowed him to hatch A GD 10
R IN/AM 40/50 Resources: MN(75) a grand plot to gain control over the S GD 10 Karma: 76
I TY/RM 6/30 entire Marvel Universe (see the Intro- E IN 40
P GD/IN 10/40 Popularity: -30 duction). To aid him in this conspir- R TY 6 Resources: PR(6)
acy, Kang recruited several of his I EX 20
Known Powers divergent duplicates with promises of P AM 50 Popularity: 0
Body Armor: Kang wears full body power.
armor that provides him with Re- KNOWN POWERS:
markable protection. Kang's Ability Ranks Psi-Blast: Each Ko-kri can launch a
Resistances: Kang's armor's life sup- Each of the Kangs has differing Rea- psionic bolt with Monstrous Agility
port provides resistance to corro- son, Intuition, and Psyche ranks. In which inflicts Amazing Health dam-
sives, diseases, toxins, at a rank order to help you keep the various age upon its target. The bolt is not
equal to Kang's Reason +1 CS. Kang duplicates straight each of stopped by Body Armor or Force
While wearing the armor, Kang need them is given a special name below. Fields of any kind.
not sleep or eat. This name is used to describe the Talents: None
Force Field: Kang's force field pro- Kang throughout the rest of this Contacts: None
vides protection equal to Kang's booklet. Background: The Ko-kri are descen-
Reason rank. It is effective against The "Supreme Kang:" The Su- dants of a time travelling race known
physical, energy, and force attacks, preme Kang is the villain the heroes as the Quokrillians who constructed
but not mental or magical attacks. encounter in the other "reality" of a temporal navigation beacon in the
Blaster Gauntlets: These weapons Marvel Comics toward the end of the Ko-kri pocket dimension many hun-
fire force or energy beams and have adventure. Supreme Kang has dreds of years ago.
a range and intensity equal to Kang's Reason/intuition/and Psyche ranks The original time travellers were all
Reason rank. of AM/RM/and IN respectively. If you wiped out in an attack by wildlife
Time Ship: Kang's timeship travels are not playing through Part II, the native to the pocket dimension. The
from era to era and is also capable of heroes will never encounter the Su- Ko-kri the heroes will encounter early
independent locomotion. preme Kang. in the adventure are the descendants
The "Master Kang:" The Master of the few aliens who survived. The
Cont Sp Body Prot Kang is the villain that the heroes are Ko-kri have long since lost all knowl-
AM 1000 AM AM led to believe is behind the plot to edge of the advanced technology
remove all of Earth's heroes from the that lead them into the pocket dimen-
Talents: Kang has the Repair/ late 20th century. The heroes invade sion (in fact they currently worship
Tinkering talent and Engineering the Master Kang's fortress late in the such technology) and are currently
skills. adventure and encounter him once technologically and sociologically
Contacts: Kang has no contacts. again at the wedding of Reed Rich- advanced to the point of a typical
ards and Sue Storm. Toward the very

stone age tribe. The Ko-kri place Background: The Super-Skrull was Talents: The Thinker is a superb
particular value in the concepts of created for the express purpose of organizer of previously discovered
skill, wisdom, and courage ("Skill, avenging the Skrulls when the facts. He has Monstrous computer
Wisdom, Courage" used to be the Fantastic Four defeated their first skills.
motto of the alien time travellers). scouts. The toughest, most danger- Background: The Thinker's origin is
Interestingly enough, the Ko-kri are ous Skrull warrior was given powers unknown. He is a brilliant mathemati-
superior to their Quokrillian ances- equivalent to those of the Fantastic cian who has discovered the equa-
tors in one way: The harsh living Four and sent out to destroy the tions for predicting human responses
conditions in the pocket dimension heroes. In this adventure, the PCs and even some "random" events.
have developed the Quokrillians will meet up with the Super-Skrull at His criminal career was accom-
powerful latent psionic powers in the the wedding of Reed Richards and plished with such success that the
Ko-kri through a process of natural Sue Storm where he is part of the police seldom suspected a crime had
selection. huge super-villain army that is being ever been committed and never sus-
mind controlled by Doctor Doom and pected him of being involved. In this
SUPER-SKRULL commanded to attack the ceremony. adventure the heroes will encounter
the Thinker at the wedding of Reed
F RM 30 Health: 150 MAD THINKER Richards and Sue Storm.
A EX 20
S AM 50 Karma: 22 F TY 6 Health: 24 EXECUTIONER
E AM 50 A TY 6
R TY 6 Resources: FE(2) S TY 6 Karma: 62 Skurge
I TY 6 E TY 6
P GD 10 Popularity: 0 R AM 50 Resources: RM(30) F MN 75 Health: 245
I TY 6 A EX 20
KNOWN POWERS: P TY 6 Popularity: 7 S AM 50 Karma: 36
Shape-Shifting: Super-Skrull pos- E UN 100
sesses the Unearthly rank ability to KNOWN POWERS: R GD 10 Resources: GD(10)
assume any humanoid form or Total Memory: Mad Thinker has Mon- I TY 6
shape. strous recall. This enables him to P EX 20 Popularity: -20
Elongation: As a Power Stunt, Super- simulate the Hyper Invention and
Skrull can stretch any part of his Weapons Tinkering powers at the KNOWN POWERS:
body up to 3 areas away with Un- Monstrous level as Power Stunts. Body Armor: The Executioner's
earthly ease. Android: The thinker has an Incredi- tough skin provides him with Re-
Fire Generation: Super-Skrull can ble Android with the following abili- markable protection from physical
emit flames of Monstrous Intensity ties: attacks and Good protection from
and range. energy attacks.
Fire Control: He has Monstrous con- F A S E R I P Resistances: Skurge has Incredible
trol over natural and personally gen- GD GD AM RM FE FE FE resistance to heat and Excellent
erated flames. Health: 100 resistance to cold.
Rocket Flight: Incredible air speed. Karma: 6 Enhanced Vision: The Executioner
Armored Skin: Remarkable resist- has Incredible eyesight .
ance to physical and energy attacks. The android is constructed of an Magical Axe: The Executioner wields
Invisibility: Excellent rank. Amazing strength material which a double bladed weapon made of
Power Selection: A maximum of allows it to duplicate the physical Unearthly material which inflicts
three powers can be used during a texture of others (Thing's rocky hide Amazing Edged damage. He can
single turn. gives it Excellent body armor, Ice throw the axe up to 10 areas. The
Power Source: Super-Skrull derives Man's icy sheaths give it Good pro- axe also disrupts magical illusions up
his powers from cosmic ray projec- tection from physical attacks and to Shift Z rank and allows Skurge to
tors. Remarkable protection from heat; travel between dimensions.
Talents: Super-Skrull is a trained metallic sheaths give it Remarkable Talents: Skurge is a weapon special-
warrior proficient in Martial Arts C body armor). The android can also ist with the axe for +2 CS.
and E and Skrull and Kree weapon transform its fists into granite blocks Background: Skurge is the son of
technology. He is skilled in Espio-. that inflict Amazing damage and has an Asgardian goddess and a storm
nage, Astro-Navigation, Piloting and Feeble growth powers. A blow to the giant. An outcast because of his
Survival. Super-Skrull is also a. mas- androids right armpit of Amazing mixed parentage, he frequently
ter of hypnosis. Intensity will stun it for 21-30 turns. fights the giants, Asgardians, and

the Avengers. Skurge is another of MELTER manipulation.
the villains the PCs will encounter at —Incredible force attack.
Reed and Sue's wedding. Bruno Morgan —Remarkable air control permit-
ting flight at Excellent speeds.
THE UNICORN F GD 10 Health: 32 —Monstrous disintigration with no
A TY 6 effect on living targets.
Milos Masaryk S TY 6 Karma: 32 —Remarkable intensity darkforce
E GD 10 generation.
F RM 30 Health: 130 R EX 20 Resources: EX(20) Only Mandarin may use the rings
A EX 20 I TY 6 due to a strong psionic link he has
S IN 40 Karma: 28 P TY 6 Popularity: -20 with them.
E IN 40 Talents: Mandarin knows Martial
R TY 6 Resources: GD(10) KNOWN POWERS: Arts A, D, and E. He is also skilled in
I EX 20 Melting Ray: This weapon makes use Biochemistry, Engineering, and Re-
P FE 2 Popularity: -15 of Excellent Intensity energies to pair.
break down the structure of iron and Background: Mandarin, a long-time
KNOWN POWERS: steel. It has Excellent range but be- foe of Iron Man, derives his power
Body Armor: Unicorn's skin and soft cause it is mounted in a chest har- from the rings of modified alien tech-
tissues are many times tougher than ness, it can only be used against nology that he wears. Mandarin
a normal human's and provide him targets in front of Melter. seeks the destruction of Iron Man
with Remarkable protection against Talents: Melter has Remarkable and the subjugation of the west. The
physical damage. Reason in Engineering, Repair/ heroes will meet Mandarin at the
Power Horn: Unicorn's main arma- Tinkering, and Business. wedding of Reed Richards and Sue
ment consists of an energy projector Background: Horgan is a weapons Storm.
with variable settings. The power designer and industrialist who lost
horn can inflict up to Monstrous dam- important government contracts BLACK KNIGHT
age. through shady practices, many of
Flight: Unicorn wears a rocket belt these contracts were later awarded Nathan Garret
that enables him to travel at Good air to Tony Stark. Horgan first used his
speeds (8 areas a round). melting ray to try to get revenge on F EX 20 Health: 60
Talents: The Unicorn is trained in Stark. The heroes will meet Melter at A EX 20
Martial Arts A, B, and E. He has the the wedding of Reed Richards and S GD 10 Karma: 20
Espionage talent and picks locks Sue Storm. E GD 10
with Excellent ability. R GD 10 Resources: EX(20)
Background: The Czech-born Ma- MANDARIN I TY 6
saryk was a Soviet Intelligence oper- P PR 4 Popularity: -5
ative assigned to the laboratories of F RM 30 Health: 90
Anton Vanko. Following his develop- A EX 20 KNOWN POWERS:
ment of the Crimson Dynamo armor S GD 10 Karma: 60 Body Armor: Good protection from
Vanko created an energy projector E RM 30 physical damage.
known as the "power horn" which he R IN 40 Res: AM(30) Flying Horse: Garret used his knowl-
taught Masaryk to use with the ap- I GD 10 edge of genetics to create a winged
proval of the Soviet government. P GD 10 Popularity: -12 horse with Poor flight speed and the
With Vanko's defection, Masaryk, following abilities:
equipped as the Unicorn, was sent to KNOWN POWERS:
the United States to return the flee- Weapons: Mandarin's ten rings, re- F A S E R I P
ing scientist. Unicorn was stopped by covered from a crashed alien ship 10 20 30 40 6 10 6
the efforts of Iron Man though he and modified, are the source of his Gd Ex Rm In Ty Gd Ty
hung about in the US for a while power. Their abilities, from left hand
conducting various mission for the little finger to right are: Weapons: The Black Knight's most
Soviets. In this adventure, the PCs —Remarkable ice blast. important weapon is his energy lance
will encounter the Unicorn at the —Remarkable mind control. which can fire Remarkable intensity
wedding of Reed Richards and Sue —Remarkable electrical attack. energy and force blasts and can fill
Storm. —Remarkable flame projection. an entire area with Excellent density
—Remarkable intensity light. smoke.
—Remarkable intensity matter Talents: Garret is skilled in Biology,

Genetics, and Engineering. ing capacitor. Seeking to turn his ATTUMA
Background: Nathan Garret was a abilities to monetary gain, he began
descendant of the original Black a career as a costumed criminal. F IN 40 Health: 175
Knight of Camelot and inherited Gar- Dillon, too, will attend the wedding of A GD 10
ret castle where the Ebony Blade Reed Richards and Sue Storm. S MN 75 Karma: 32
was kept. Unable to draw the sword E AM 50
from its scabbard, Garret nonethe- THE BEETLE R TY 6 Resources: EX(20)
less created the criminal identity of I TY 6
the Black Knight to finance his scien- Abner Jenkins P EX 20 Popularity: -20
tific research. The Black Knight is yet
another of the villains that the heroes F GD 10 Health: 70
will meet at the wedding of Reed and A GD 10 KNOWN POWERS:
Sue. S RM 30 Karma: 56 Hyper Swimming: Good water
E EX 20 speed.
ELECTRO R EX 20 Resources: EX(20) Water Freedom
I RM 30 Water Breathing
Maxwell Dillon P TY 6 Popularity: -10 Minions: Attuma has several under-
sea minions with the following abili-
F GD 10 Health: 100 KNOWN POWERS: ties:
A EX 20 Armor: Jenkins' suit provides Excel-
S EX 20 Karma: 36 lent protection from physical and F A S E R I P
E AM 50 Remarkable protection from energy Ex Ex Rm Rm Ty Ty Ty
R GD 10 Resources: TY(6) attacks. The suit jams all microwave Health: 100
I EX 20 transmissions within 3 areas with Karma: 18
P TY 6 Popularity: -12 Incredible intensity.
Wall-Crawling: Suction cups allow the Talents: Attuma is an expert in oce-
KNOWN POWERS: Beetle to wall crawl with Excellent anic warfare.
Electrical Generation: Electro has the ability. Background: Attuma grew up to
ability to generate and channel large Flight: Beetle normally flies at Poor become the ruler of the barbarian
quantities of electrostatic energy with speed. This is raised to Good speed tribes of the Atlantians. He believes
Amazing ability. He can perform if power is shunted from all other that he will conquer Atlantis by force
many power stunts: systems. Beetle's wings are made of because of a prophecy he discov-
—Fire bolts of lightning at a range Good strength material. ered as a young adult.
of 5 areas with a +1 CS to hit. These Electro-Bite: Beetle can fire an Excel- Attuma is yet another villain who
bolts inflict Incredible damage to lent intensity electrical blast up to 10 crashes in on Reed and Sue's wed-
grounded targets, Good damage to areas. ding.
insulated or ungrounded targets. Battle Computer: Mounted in his
—He can administer an Amazing chestplate, Beetle's battle computer KANG'S SCRIPT—IMPORTANT!
electric shock at a range of touch. can be programmed with the fighting As you are playing through Part I of
—Ride lines of electric potential style of a particular foe so that Beetle the adventure you should have sev-
(such as power lines) with Monstrous can anticipate his movements and eral blank pieces of paper in front of
ground speed. attack accordingly. you. Use this paper to record every-
—Override electrical systems with Against programmed foes, Beetle thing that the players do: "Players
Amazing ability, including shutting is +2 CS on Fighting FEATs, +1 on travel to main complex, fight electro-
down alarms and reprogramming Agility, and +2 on Intuition. Pro- snakes, etc." You shoufd even try to
electrically-powered robots. Targets grams exist for Spider-Man, Dare- get down a few lines of exact dia-
with an Endurance stat many make devil, Iron Man, and Captain logue uttered by the players. Later,
an Amazing Intensity Endurance America. you will show these notes to the play-
FEAT roll to avoid the effects. Talents: Beetle has electronics and ers when the PCs find this "script,"
Invulnerability: Electro has Class Repair skills. providing them with an important
1000 invulnerability to electrical en- Background: Jenkins was a master clue to solving the adventure.
ergy and Excellent resistance to mechanic who turned to crime to You need only follow these instruc-
other forms of energy. alleviate the boredom in his life. The tions if you are playing through Part
Background: Dillon gained his heroes will encounter Jenkins at the II of the adventure.
super-human powers when a bolt of wedding of Reed Richards and Sue
lightning transformed him into a liv- Storm.

SUMMARY: In this first chapter, the ENCOUNTER: Ask the players to Materializing the Ship
heroes return from a brief jaunt in the indicate which of the PCs is piloting Once the pilot of the time machine
Orphu time machine they captured in the time machine. He or she must receives a total of eight or more
All This and World War Two only to make an immediate Good Intensity "Navigation Points" on his or her
discover that all of the superheroes Agility FEAT roll. If he or she passes Agility FEAT rolls, the time machine
have ceased to exist in modern day this roll, the time machine stops comes to rest and materializes in the
Manhattan. This is a result of Kang's wheezing for the time being and present. Read the following text to
plot—see Kang and His Plan, Part I. everything seems okay. If the pilot the players:
After rescuing some stranded workers fails the Agility FEAT, however, the
from a fire, then confronting newspa- time machine shakes violently and You finally make your way out of
per and television reporters, the he- everyone on board automatically the temporal turbulence and the
roes jump back into their time takes Typical Blunt damage. time machine comes to a halt.
machine to investigate. The time machine is passing You've missed your spatial desti-
through the temporal "turbulence" nation since the turbulence threw
STARTING: If you have not played that is the result of Kang's duplicates off your guidance system, but
All This and World War Two, or The having just altered history ("The you're sure that you have returned
Weird, Weird West, read the "Alter- Story So Far," below). The time cap- to the proper time.
nate Start" passage aloud to the sule was just buffeted by a strange Opening the viewport, you find
players, followed by the "Starting "wave" of turbulence emanating you've materialized just off Fifth
Description." If you have played from one of the points in time which Avenue in downtown Manhattan.
through the earlier adventures, sim- Kang has altered. Right across the street, you can
ply read the description. If the heroes attempt to use the see a large crowd that has assem-.
equipment aboard their time ma- bled to watch a nearby stately
Alternate Start: chine to track down the source of manor go up in flames! Both the
these waves, inform them that such police and the fire department
It's certainly been a rough week. an operation is impossible until the have yet to arrive on the scene.
Five days ago, you agreed to help ship's computers have been properly A fire in mid-town Manhattan is
S.H.I.E.L.D. conduct some top programmed, a task which will take always a curious scene. This one
secret tests on a new piece of at least an hour. is particularly curious since you
equipment. What you didn't know The pilot of the time machine must are quite certain the burning build-
was this so-called new equipment now successfully navigate the turbu- ing is the legendary Avengers
was actually a fully operational, lence to safely return the PCs to their Mansion!
bona-fide time machine! proper time and place.
For the last five days you've The heroes will almost certainly rush
been giving the S.H.I.E.L.D. time Navigating the Turbulence across the street to do what they can
machine a real workout, travelling On each round, the pilot must make about the fire. Just as they arrive on
to and from some of history's most a Good Intensity Agility FEAT roll. On the scene, a young secretary runs
noteworthy events in order to test a Green result, he or she receives out of the building and screams,
the machine's guidance system. one "Navigation Point," on a Yellow "There are still at least four people in
result he or she receives two "Navi- there!"
gation Points," and on a Red result As the heroes approach the man-
Starting Description:
he or she receives four "Navigation sion, they will also notice that the
Points." Once the pilot has received sign out front which used to read
You are returning to your proper
a total of eight Navigation Points, he "Avengers Mansion" now reads
place and time from another pleas-
ant jaunt in your time machine. or she has navigated the turbulence "Dynatech Inc." If the heroes rush
and the time machine materializes into the building and attempt to res-
Outside the machine's viewports,
back in 1989 as described below. cue the missing persons, refer to the
you can see the odd combination
During every other round which maps of the Avengers' mansion on
of colored lights that make up the
the time machine spends in the tur- the pullout mapsheet. The power
temporal vortex, the strange region
bulence (beginning with the second), ranks that appear in some of the
of timelessness that the time ma-
another "wave" passes by and the areas on the map indicate the inten-
chine passes through while it is
between destinations. ship begins wheezing. As these sities of the flames at those points.
Suddenly, your time capsule waves pass, the pilot must again Anyone who passes through an area
pass an Agility FEAT roll as de- with a power rank takes the appropri-
begins to groan and wheeze, a
scribed above or the ship is severely ate amount of fire damage immedi-
sound it's never made before. This
might be trouble! buffeted, damaging everyone inside. ately after passing through the area.

Unknown to the bystander who the eighth round, the gas tanks will In order to set things to right, the
rushed out of the building, there are explode, inflicting Incredible damage PCs must return to the past and pre-
actually five people who remain on anyone within the mansion and vent each one of the Kang duplicates
trapped in the mansion. You can Excellent damage to anyone within from changing history.
place these people in the non-fire three areas of the mansion outside.
areas of your choice. The gas tanks are made of Good AFTERMATH: If the PCs try to get in
All the trapped bystanders have strength material and are Remarkable touch with any of their Contacts or
their attributes rated at Typical and weight. attempt communications along simi-
Health scores of 24. At the end of lar lines, they'll find that all of Earth's
each round, there is a 20% chance After the Fire superheroes (and most of its super-
(roll of 1 -2 on 1D10) that the intensi- Once the heroes have doused the villains) are missing and no one re-
ties of the flames in all areas of the flames or finished rescuing the members any of the heroes ever
mansion will increase by one rank. trapped bystanders, a group of ex- having existed (if you are using the
Certain powers and abilities might cited reporters suddenly rushes up alternate start and the PCs try to
allow the PCs to reduce the intensi- and ask for interviews. Roleplay the contact S.H.I.E.L.D. they find that it,
ties of the flames in certain areas, as confrontation. Among the questions too, does not exist).
follows: that the reporters will ask are: Eventually, the PCs will put two
—An appropriate power (wind and two together and ask if there
"What are your names?"
control, water creation, etc.) will might be a connection between the
"How did you get your extraordi-
lower the intensity of all flames within temporal disturbance they encoun-
nary abilities?"
range by its rank number. "Who are you beneath those tered earlier and the current state of
—Water poured on the flames will affairs in Manhattan. If and when
reduce their intensities by a rank they do so, inform them they might
"Are you from New York and do
number based upon the amount of be able to use the equipment aboard
you plan to stay in this area?"
water in use. Running to a nearby their time machine to track down the
building and grabbing a fire hose will After catching a glimpse of the source of the temporal turbulence if
reduce the flames in any one area by sign outside Avengers Mansion and they first re-enter the temporal vortex
a typical amount each round (there a little bit of this sort of treatment (this time, they can program the time
are no usable firehoses inside the from the press, the heroes should machine's computers for the opera-
mansion), while rushing off to the start to get the idea that something is tion before they re-enter the vortex).
Hudson Bay, returning with a freight definitely wrong here. Their suspi- When they finally do just this, pro-
car filled with water, and dumping it cions will be confirmed when one of ceed to Chapter 2.
upon the conflagration might reduce the reporters begins delivering a If the PCs don't make the connec-
all of the flames in the mansion by an remote spot for television: tion between the time disturbance
Excellent amount. and the current state of affairs in
In addition to the fire damage, "This is Ronald Edwards outside New York, have their characters
everyone inside the mansion must the Dynatech Mansion in downtown make Good Intensity Reason FEAT
pass an Excellent Intensity Endur- Manhattan. Today a group of cos- rolls. When one of these rolls finally
ance FEAT roll at the end of each tumed heroes, the first to appear in succeeds, the character makes the
round or take Typical damage due to the United States since World War connection between the two events.
smoke inhalation. Two, helped rescue bystanders Penalize the PCs 2 Karma points for
Inform anyone who specifically trapped inside the raging inferno." each such Reason roll they must
asks about the scenery inside the make before moving on. If anyone
mansion that the entire structure is The Story So Far asks, the cause of the fire was a
dominated by research labs and The temporal turbulence which the simple laboratory accident.
scientific equipment. heroes encountered earlier was the
Inside many of these labs are result of Kang's duplicates altering KARMA: Safely materializing the
strange dispensers that disperse ex- the timestream by removing the 12 time machine +5
otic gasses used in various experi- key heroes from history (see Kang Each person rescued from fire +5
ments. Anyone noticing the dispensers and His Plan—Part I). As Kang pre- Preventing the explosion from harm-
can easily trace the gas lines down to dicted, the removal of these 12 he- ing anyone +10
a series of tanks in the basement (any- roes wiped all of Earth's costumed Attempting to talk to the reporters +5
one entering the basement automati- heroes from the timestream. The Getting back in the time machine
cally discovers the tanks as well). PCs were not affected by Kang's and re-entering the vortex +5
Unless the tanks are found and re- maneuvering since they were travel- Standing by and refusing to do any-
moved, or all of the flames in the base- ling in time at the moment history thing about the fire -20
ment are extinguished by the end of was altered.

SUMMARY: The heroes head back ENCOUNTER: The time capsule is pilot fails a FEAT, the timeship is
into the temporal vortex in order to caught in a massive time eddy cre- vigorously buffeted about and every-
attempt to identify the cause of the ated when the duplicate Kangs tam- one inside takes 5 points of damage
anomalies in time they have just pered with history. The "waves" that due to the stress. At each obstacle,
witnessed in the late twentieth cen- the PCs were trapped in earlier were the pilot must also choose the proper
tury. En route, they are trapped in a actually a tiny part of the eddy which route to keep the timeship on course.
time eddy, yet another result of was just beginning to form. Read each of the following se-
Kang's tampering with history, and At this point, the time machine is quences of historical events to the
swept into an odd pocket dimension. being buffeted around so violently pilot and ask him or her to choose
there is no way that the PCs can use the event which happened first. If he
STARTING: Read the following text: the equipment aboard the capsule to or she is correct, the timeship stays
attempt to locate the source of the on course (the correct answer is
The time machine rattles to life as time disturbance. They will all have printed in bold type). If he or she is
you prepare to jump back into the their hands full trying to navigate the incorrect, the ship is buffeted off
temporal vortex. The instant you time machine through the eddy. course and everyone takes another
dematerialize, the capsule begins Inform the pilot of the time vessel five points of damage. If the pilot
to shake violently. The time distur- that rapidly flashing series of histori- received a red result on the Agility
bance is much worse than it was cal events are passing before his or FEAT roll to navigate past the obsta-
when you first emerged from the her eyes and that keeping the ship cle, he or she need not select a his-
vortex just a little while ago. Bright on course has become difficult. In torical event and can proceed on to
lights flash in your face as histori- order to navigate the eddy, the pilot the next obstacle.
cal events whiz by in the greyness must keep the timeship on course
of the vortex. The shaking in the and dodge oncoming historical ob- OBSTACLE ONE: 1) The end of
capsule is getting so bad that you stacles. In order to pass through the World War II or 2) The release of the
are starting to wonder if this might eddy, the pilot must pass three ob- motion picture Gone With the Wind.
be your final trip! stacles. Each obstacle requires a
Good Intensity Agility FEAT roll. If the OBSTACLE TWO: 1) The end of the

Civil War or 2) The beginning of the diameter. There is only one obvious the ship also has a burned-out warp
Franco-Prussian War. entrance into the capsule, and it regulator, a vital triangular shaped
appears to be unlocked. The instant circuit. Until this circuit is replaced
OBSTACLE THREE: 1) The Lusita- anyone attempts to enter the cap- the timeship is completely immobile.
nia is sunk or 2) World War I ends. sule, a powerful laser screen is acti-
vated which seals off the entrance The Story So Far, Part II
Once the pilot has passed all three and automatically inflicts Incredible The timeship actually belongs to one
obstacles, the time machine be- energy damage on anyone who en- of the Kang duplicates. This particu-
comes caught up in a huge spiralling tering the time capsule or attempting lar duplicate doubted the master
"funnel of time" and heads toward to pass through the screen. Anyone Kang's calculations concerning the
an intense white light. who examines the doorway or is effects of removing the 12 key he-
When the machine finally reaches about to enter the capsule is allowed roes from the timestream. He spent
the light, its emergency materializa- an Excellent Intensity Intuition FEAT some time checking them over for
tion circuits kick in and the time cap- roll to see if they notice the laser himself before going off to attack his
sule begins to fade out of the vortex. screen before it activates. target, the Uncanny X-Men.
There is nothing anyone aboard the Disengaging or deactivating the By the time the duplicate actually
time machine can do to prevent the screen requires a Remarkable Inten- left, the other Kang duplicates had
ship from reaching the end of the sity FEAT. After remaining activated already removed their targets, caus-
"funnel" and materializing. for 12 rounds the batteries which ing the temporal disturbance which
When the machine finally material- power the laser screen are depleted dumped the heroes in this peculiar
izes, read the following text: and it switches off permanently. alternate dimension. This particular
Once inside the capsule, the PCs Kang duplicate was caught up in the
The emergency circuits must have quickly confirm that it is a timeworthy same disturbance and was swept
kicked in because you have mate- vessel, though they just as quickly here as well.
rialized, but in a place unlike any discover that all of the batteries that After coming to rest in the pocket
you have ever seen before. The power the time craft are dead. dimension, the Kang duplicate did a
chronometer reads like you've Lying on the timeship's control bit of research and drew up the plans
been completely removed from console is a set of plans for some ' for the device the PCs discovered in
time and space altogether. sort of complicated electronic appa- his timeship. Unless the heroes stop
To make matters worse, the ratus. Anyone who examines these him in the upcoming chapters, the
time machine's control board is plans and passes a Good Intensity Kang duplicate builds the device using
completely dead! There is no way Reason FEAT roll realizes the appa- parts he found in the spire (see Chap-
that the machine can leave this ratus described would require both ter 5), returns to normal time and
dimension under its own power. an interspatial overdrive unit (there is space, and stops the X-Men from
Looking outside the viewport, no such unit aboard either this time- forming, thus contributing to the lack
you find that you have come to ship or the heroes' own) and an of costumed heroes in the late 20th
rest in the middle of a vast sea of enormous power source to properly century.
sand and shrubs beneath a pale function (beyond the timeship's own
red sky. About five miles in the capacity). Anyone examining the AFTERMATH: When the heroes
distance you see a huge spire that plans and passing an Excellent In- finally decide to travel to the spire,
is filled with a pale green liquid. tensity Reason FEAT roll realizes the ask them which route they would like
By land there is a thick "swamp" plans are for an "escape device" to take. If they want to take a closer
between your present location and which would enable a timeship to look at the bay and look at the possi-
the spire, a disconcerting sight break the dimensional barrier and bility of travelling across it, go to
considering the swamp is adjacent leave the area in which everyone is Chapter 3. If the heroes decide to go
to a desert. Located about one currently stranded. It is doubtful through the swamp instead, refer to
hundred yards away appears to these plans are of any direct use to Chapter 4.
be another stranded time capsule the heroes since the device de-
half-buried in the sand. scribed in the plans can only be con- KARMA: Navigating the time
structed by someone with a Reason eddy +5
The two obvious courses of action rank of Amazing or better, even as- Navigating the eddy without taking
are to check out the time capsule suming the heroes can somehow damage +5
and/or to head off toward the spire. manage to locate an interspatial Entering Kang's capsule +5
overdrive. Examining the plans +5
The Time Capsule Anyone who examines the time- Examining the control console +5
The time capsule buried in the sand ship's control panel and passes a
is a metallic sphere roughly 20' in Good Intensity Reason FEAT realizes

SUMMARY: The heroes discover a Complacency: Although the fish has necessitates Good Intensity FEAT
boat moored in the bay and attempt well over 1000 Health points, it will rolls, and a Red result means that
to cross over to the large spire. On leave the heroes alone after they the FEAT rolls are of Remarkable
the way, they are attacked by a have inflicted 100 points of damage. Intensity. Once any of the heroes
strange predator. Swimming: The fish swims at Typical have been knocked into the water,
STARTING: Read the following text: speeds. the fish will attempt to swallow them
Fish's Tactics: After it emerges from on its next pass. The fish must make
the water, the fish will attempt to ram a successful Fighting FEAT roll to
As you walk down toward the bay, into the heroes' boat and shake the swallow a target and can only at-
you notice a peculiar silver object PCs into the water. If none of the tempt to swallow one target per
beached on the shore. The object PCs are knocked into the water by round. Heroes who are swallowed
is a hollow cylinder, approximately the fish's attack, the creature spends are NOT killed, they are simply
ten feet long. The four paddles a round swimming away to pick up swept into the creature's gullet. Any
you find inside confirm that the speed, attempting to ram the boat hero who has been swallowed finds
object is, in fact, a boat. again. Every time the fish uses this him or herself in another tight situa-
Although the liquid that fills the tactic, make a Fighting roll for the tion. Living in the creature's gullet is
bay is pale green in color, it seems creature. If the roll fails, the fish a giant insect which the fish swal-
to be identical to normal water in misses the boat and no one is lowed long ago. The insect is rather
all other respects. knocked into the water. If the roll is hungry and immediately attacks any
successful, the fish strikes the boat swallowed PCs. The insect has the
ENCOUNTER: The spire is two miles and each of the PCs must make an following statistics:
away by boat and five miles away by Agility FEAT roll to stay in the boat.
land. If the heroes are all capable of The Intensity of this FEAT depends F A S E R I P
flight, they can simply fly over to the upon the quality of the fish's result. A 10 6 10 10 2 2 2
spire. In this case, skip directly to Green result necessitates Typical Gd Ty Gd Gd Fe Fe Fe
Chapter 5. The boat belongs to the Intensity FEAT rolls, a Yellow result Health: 36 Karma: 6
Ko-kri (see NPCs, p. 13). If any he-
roes try to take the boat across, the Bite: Good damage.
trip takes about an hour. Once the
boat is halfway across the bay, read Chitinous Shell: The insect's chitin-
the following text: ous skin provides it with Typical pro-
tection against physical attacks and
Up until now, the waters have Poor protection against energy at-
been calm, almost too calm. Sud- tacks. Heroes who are swallowed by
denly, the waves begin to pick up the fish must choose whether they
in intensity. A large black spot is are attacking the insect or the fish.
forming beneath the water. Anyone inflicting fifty or more points
Abruptly, a small island begins of damage upon the fish from the
to emerge from the water just up inside causes the creature to spit all
ahead of you. As more and more characters who have been swal-
of the island rises out of the water lowed back out into the water. The
you come to a horrible realization: fish continues to attack until either all
The object is no island—it's a fish! of the heroes have been swallowed,
And an angry fish at that! or it has been "driven off" as de-
scribed above. Unlike the Ko-kri, the
fish and the insect are originally na-
The fish is approximately 300 yards tive to this dimension.
long and has the following statistics:
AFTERMATH: After the fish has
F A S E R I P been driven off, the rest of the trip
6 4 50 1000 2 2 2 across the bay is uneventful. Once
Ty Pr Am Cl1000 Fe Fe Fe the heroes finally reach the spire,
Health: 1060 Karma: 6 proceed to Chapter 5.
Hide: The fish's hide provides it with
Good protection against physical and KARMA:
energy attacks. Driving off the fish +10
Reaching the spire +5

SUMMARY: The heroes travel over- of the creatures in all and each has As soon as the heroes leave the trail
land going through the swamp to the following statistics: they come upon huge hordes of tiny
reach the spire. On the way they stinging and biting insects. The in-
may contract an unusual disease or F A S E R I P sect bites do no immediate damage
raise the ire of a pack of vicious 10 20 10 20 2 2 2 serving mostly to annoy the heroes.
predators. Gd Ex Gd Ex Fe Fe Fe Anyone who does not have Poor or
Health: 60 better protection against physical
STARTING: Read the following text Karma:6 attacks, however, must make an
to the players: Excellent Intensity Endurance FEAT
Bite: The alligator creatures' bite roll after reaching the spire. If this
inflicts Good Edged damage. roll fails, the hero contracts an unu-
The swamp is unlike any you have sual illness from the insect bites.
ever seen before. The lush plants Tail: On any round in which one of Anyone who contracts the illness
are various shades of orange and the alligators receives a Yellow result suffers the following effects:
yellow; the water which surrounds or better with its bite attack, the crea- —As soon as you reach Chapter
you is pale green. There is a ture can also attempt to whip its tar- 6, his or her Fighting, Agility,
muddy, slightly elevated trail that get with its tail, inflicting Typical Strength, and Endurance ranks are
leads through the swamp in the Blunt damage. . reduced by -1 CS.
direction of the spire. —And, whenever he or she is re-
The alligator ambush takes place duced to half of his or her beginning
halfway between the edge of the Health score or less, he or she must
ENCOUNTER: The spire is approxi- swamp and the spire. As the heroes make a Good Intensity Endurance
mately five miles away by land. If the approach, the alligators are buried in FEAT roll or suffer an immediate
heroes are capable of flight, they can the mud hoping to surprise their Stun.
simply fly right up to the structure. In prey. Each of the heroes has an op- —These penalties remain in effect
this case, skip to Chapter 5. If the portunity to pass a Remarkable In- until you reach Chapter 13.
heroes are actually going to travel tensity Intuition FEAT roll in order to
through the swamp, they must now detect the alligators before the crea- AFTERMATH: If the heroes are trav-
choose whether to take the high, tures can spring their trap. If any of elling along the trail, the rest of the
visible trail, or to keep out of sight in the heroes pass this roll, play out the journey is uneventful after the alliga-
the lush vegetation. combat normally. However, if all of tor attack. If the heroes are travelling
the heroes fail, the alligators auto- through the foliage there are no
The Trail matically receive one free round of encounters along the way. The com-
The Ko-kri and other creatures native surprise attacks. Any alligator who is plete trip along the trail takes two
to the dimension travel this trail fre- reduced down to 20 points of Health hours. The trip through the foliage
quently. For this reason, a small pack or less retreats back into the swamp. takes three hours. Once the heroes
of alligator-like creatures frequently reach the spire, proceed to Chapter
sets up ambushes along the trail in The Foliage 5.
search of a snack. The alligator crea- It is possible the heroes will avoid the KARMA: Driving off the alligators +5
tures look like normal terrestrial alli- trail to stay out of sight for the time Passing through the foliage without
gators except their snouts and jaws being. In this case, they must slog anyone contracting the disease +5
are three times longer. There are four through the water and thick foliage. Reaching the spire +5

SUMMARY: The heroes reach the
spire and search it for clues as to You've finally reached the edge of approximately 50' tall. On top of
their whereabouts. Just after they the spire. Now that you are closer, the cone is a transparent sphere,
reach the spire's top, they are you can get a slightly better look about eight feet in diameter. There
confronted by a group of Ko-kri who at the structure. is only one obvious entrance to
attempt to take them prisoner. The tower is made of a peculiar the tower above, a huge sliding
silver metal that glints in the light. door located at ground level. The
STARTING: Read the following text The spire is cone-shaped and door is standing wide open.
to the players:

ENCOUNTER: Before the PCs actu- cuitry and identify each of the miss- FEAT): The spire's power is not actu-
ally enter the spire, they will probably ing pieces with a successful ally generated by this machine. In-
want to look around a bit. There are Excellent Intensity Reason FEAT roll. stead, the power is beamed to the
no hidden entrances leading into the The square circuit was an interspa- spire in the form of radio waves.
tower and there is nothing unusual tial overdrive and the triangular cir- These waves are then converted into
about its construction. cuit was a warp regulator. Both of electrical energy and distributed
Any hero who flies up to take a these circuits were removed by the about the spire.
look at the transparent globe atop Kang duplicate who became Anyone realizing the power is be-
the tower realizes with a successful stranded in this dimension along with ing beamed to the spire from a re-
Good Intensity FEAT roll that the the heroes. Kang entered the spire, mote location might be interested in
globe is some sort of signalling bea- looked around, and left just before finding out where the energy is com-
con. the PCs arrived. He took the warp ing from. Pinpointing the exact
The beacon houses an extremely regulator so he could replace the source of the power is impossible,
powerful light that is currently non- burned out regulator in his timeship but anyone examining the machinery
functional. The exotic metal from and the overdrive so he could use it can get a fix on the direction in which
which the spire is constructed is of to build the device he drew up that the power is being broadcast with an
Monstrous material strength. will enable him to escape the pocket Excellent Intensity Reason FEAT roll.
The door to the spire is open as dimension and return to normal time If this FEAT is successful, the heroes
described in the text passage above. and space (see "The Story So Far," determine the point from which the
There is nothing to stop the heroes (page 18). power is being transmitted is some-
from entering. Also on the first level is a set of where along a line that lies 140 de-
Level One stairs that leads up to level two. grees from the western horizontal in
The first level appears completely Hanging on the wall next to the stairs relation to the spire. The players can
empty. The only features found on is a complete scale map of the entire then examine their map of the pocket
this level are four large, monolithic pocket dimension that was drawn up dimension (found on level one) and
pedestals which stretch almost up to by the ancestors of the Ko-kri. Show try to get a fix on where the power is
the ceiling. The pedestals appear to the players the map located on the coming from. If the players are un-
made of some sort of exotic plastic. pullout mapsheet. The PCs can eas-
Anyone examining the four pedes- ily remove this map and take it with
tals and passing a Typical Intensity them if they wish to.
Intuition FEAT roll notices each struc- Level Two
ture features a locked hidden panel Level two houses the giant com-
that can be opened with a Remark- puter banks that once stored the
able Intensity Reason FEAT (bypass navigational information which the
the lock) or a Remarkable Intensity spire beamed out into the temporal
Strength FEAT (force the panel open) vortex. Anyone looking closely at the
to reveal a maze of complex circuitry. computer banks automatically real-
Anyone examining this circuitry and izes they, have been inactive for cen-
passing an Incredible Intensity Rea- turies. The computer banks are so
son FEAT determines that the cir-' tightly packed together on this level
cuitry in the pedestals was designed that they form a sort of maze. In or-
to beam some sort of navigating der to reach the stairs that lead up to
signal out into the temporal vortex the third level, the heroes must nego-
and all of the surrounding dimen- tiate this maze.
sions. The spire was built by the Level Three
ancestors of the Ko-kri as a sort of Level three houses a single huge
"cosmic lighthouse" to make trips to piece of machinery. Anyone examin-
and from the pocket dimension much ing the machinery who passes the
less risky. appropriate FEAT rolls learns the
If the PCs examine the circuitry following:
inside the pedestal in the northeast —(Good Intensity Reason FEAT):
corner of the room, they notice The machine is the power supply for
something peculiar. Two major links the entire complex. A thick network
are missing from the circuits. One of wires housed in a large plastic bus
missing circuit is square in shape leads off to all four of the spire's
and the other is triangular. The PCs levels.
can examine the surrounding cir- —(Remarkable Intensity Reason

able to draw out the proper line on fourth level via the stairway and de- immediately rushed out to the spire
the map, you can help them out mand that the heroes surrender (this to investigate. By the time they
(their characters are automatically group entered the spire about five reached the tower Kang was long
able to find the line). On the Judge's minutes ago and made their way up. gone and the PCs had just entered.
map of the pocket dimension (lo- Any heroes stationed on a lower The Ko-kri now believe the beacon
cated on the inside cover) you will level or outside the tower altogether was switched off by "spirits" inhabit-
find two dashed lines labelled "Line will see the Ko-kri and be confronted ing the spire because these spirits
1" and "Line 2." Take a straight by them before they reach level were angry that outsiders (the PCs)
edge and draw in "Line 1" on the four). The Ko-kri are angry and in no had entered their holy shrine.
players' map of the dimension. This mood to chat. If the heroes ask the
line lies 140 degrees from the west- Ko-kri what they are doing, the Ko-kri AFTERMATH: Considering the pow-
ern horizontal in relation to the spire. respond with: erful psionic powers of the Ko-kri,
Note that the line seems to indi- "You must come with us and serve there is almost nothing the PCs can
cate the power is being broadcast tribunal. You have entered our sacred do to avoid capture. Once they are
from somewhere in the middle of the shrine and angered the spirits of the captured, the heroes will be taken all
desert, where no structures are lo- tower. In displeasure, they have the way back to the Ko-kri camp and
cated. Since the PCs know only that doused their beacon which sits atop thrown in a small isolated hut, where
the power is originating from some- the tower." they will await their tribunal. The hut
where along the line, there is no way The Ko-kri will take the heroes by is guarded by a single Ko-kri warrior.
they can find the power's true point force if they must, using their psionic At this point, the Ko-kri will NOT let
of origin until they can get another fix powers if necessary. any of the PCs touch anything else in
on the transmitter's location. the spire (even if the PCs are promis-
Level Four The Story So Far—Part III ing to take a look at the beacon and
Compared to the rest of the scenery Once the Kang duplicate had drawn restore it). If the PCs attempt to es-
within the spire, level four seems up plans for the device to exit the cape before the tribunal, see Chap-
almost out of place. When the PCs pocket dimension, he went out ter 8. If the PCs decide to wait
reach the fourth level, read the fol- searching for the parts he would around for the tribunal, see Chapter
lowing text aloud: need to build the device and repair 6. If the PCs somehow avoided cap-
his time vessel. It was a stroke of ture, their next logical move is to visit
The fourth level is unlike any of its luck when he happened upon the the main complex. In this case, pro-
predecessors. It seems this level spire and found almost everything he ceed to Chapter 11.
once housed machinery like each needed. After stripping the parts
of the three previous levels but all from the machinery in the tower, KARMA:
of the machines have been Kang returned to his timeship and Discovering that the circuits are
smashed to bits or removed. Cur- installed the stolen warp regulator missing +5
rently scattered about the level thereby restoring power to his time Identifying the missing circuits +5
are hundreds of assorted elec- vessel. This allowed him to use the Analyzing the power supply +5
tronic circuits and a number of timeships equipment to locate the Attempting to track down the power
crudely constructed wooden large power source beaming energy source and drawing the proper direc-
benches and tables. Decorating to the spire (remember, Kang's es- tional line on the map without help
the walls are a series of roughly cape device will require a large from the Judge +5
rendered chalk drawings. The power source to function). Submitting to the Ko-kri peace-
largest and most elaborate of the Kang then flew the timeship out to fully +10
chalk drawings show a humanoid the power source (unlike the PCs'
figure driving away a pack of time capsule, Kang's vessel is capa-
scorpion-like insects by blowing a ble of flying through normal space
huge horn. Scrawled in large let- without entering the temporal vortex)
ters above the stairway is a sign and began constructing the escape
that reads: "Prowess, Wisdom, device, a task which will take him
and Courage." several hours (if the PCs took Kang's
plans with them, he can easily dupli-
cate them). As soon as Kang re-
The Ko-kri use this level as a sort of moved the warp regulator from
religious shrine. As the PCs are inside the spire the beacon light at
probing about the wreckage, a group the top of the tower went out. Since
of fifteen Ko-kri suddenly enters the the Ko-kri recognize the spire's light
as a powerful religious symbol, they

SUMMARY: After being captured in that there really are no spirits. In
the tower and brought back to the "Friends, I will make this as brief addition, you can award the player
Ko-kri encampment, the PCs stand as possible. I am sure you will an additional +1 to +3 CS bonus
trial for violating the sanctity of the agree with me that those who based upon how well you felt he or
spire. Depending upon their actions, stand accused are guilty and de- she delivered the speech and the
the heroes will either be forced to serve a speedy death under the cleverness of his or her argument. If
undergo a ritual test of their abilities, terms of the code. I hereby claim the result of the FEAT is a failure,
or sentenced to death. the accused have angered the record a 1; if the result is green, re-
spirits themselves. We all know cord a 2; if the result is yellow, re-
STARTING: Read the following text: that the beacon has been doused. cord a 3; and if the result is red,
And we all know that we of the Ko- record a 5. You can then ask the next
kri have not missed a single sacri- player into the room, and repeat the
After waiting approximately one
fice. procedure until everyone has spoken
hour, you are led out of your hut
and into the Ko-kri camp, where The spirits, therefore, cannot be (players that have already spoken
angry with us. Since these infidels are not allowed to prompt their fel-
almost 50 of the strange creatures
are the only outsiders in the lows). Once all of the PCs have spo-
have gathered. One of the Ko-kri
realms, they must be the source of ken, their "defender" (if they have
approaches you.
the spirits' ire. I see no possible one) will deliver an uninspired
"You have been brought here to
defense and believe that the only speech which really does more harm
stand tribunal for angering the spir-
appropriate penalty is instant then good (that's what happens
its of the tower and violating the
sanctity of the shrine. During the death in the Well of Pain." when you "force" an unwilling by-
tribunal you will receive an opportu- stander to defend you).
nity to make a statement in your The Heroes' Turn Guilt or Innocence
favor, but you will not speak until Each of the heroes is allowed to
prompted. The penalty for failing to Once all of the PCs have spoken, the
make a speech in his or her defense. Ko-kri vote on the heroes' guilt or
abide by this rule is death." This should prove somewhat difficult innocence. You can figure out the
since the PCs are ignorant about the results of the voting by adding up all
idiosyncracies surrounding the primi- of the numbers you recorded during
ENCOUNTER: The Ko-kri tribunal tive religion of the Ko-kri, making it
procedure is rather simple: An "ac- the speeches and dividing the total
difficult for them to dispute the Ac- by the number of players present.
cuser" makes a speech detailing the cuser's argument.
defendants' crimes, and then each of Before you divide, subtract two from
According to Ko-kri custom, any the total if the PCs chose to employ
the defendants is allowed to make a defendants who have not yet spoken
speech of his own. All of the Ko-kri a "defender." No matter how well the
are not allowed to hear the speeches heroes spoke, there is no way that
then vote on the guilt or innocence of of their comrades (this is to insure
the accused. the Ko-kri will find them entirely inno-
that each of the accused will speak cent; but if the final result of the
Before the tribunal begins, one of in his own words).
the Ko-kri points out that because above calculation is 1.5 or greater,
Simulate the speeches as follows: there is enough doubt in the air for
the heroes are outsiders they are Have all of the players but one leave
entitled to have someone from the the tribe to call for a Trial by Deed.
the room and ask the remaining During a Trial by Deed, one of the
tribe assist them and deliver a player to deliver a brief speech in his
speech in their defense in addition to Ko-kri will explain, the defendants
or her defense. At the conclusion of are given three tests. If they pass all
any speeches they make them- the speech, ask the player to make a
selves. The accuser then asks for a three tests, they must be innocent in
Remarkable Intensity Reason FEAT the eyes of the spirits. If they fail any
volunteer to defend the heroes, but roll to determine how forcefully his or of the tests, however, they are obvi-
no one comes forward. her character delivered the rhetoric.
The PCs are given a choice: They ously guilty and sentenced to death.
The player receives a +2 CS bo-
can either waive their right to a "de- nus to this FEAT if he or she men- AFTERMATH: If the PCs are found
fender" or the accuser can force tions the possibility of there being guilty they will automatically be sen-
someone to speak for them. Ask the another outsider present in the tenced to die in the Well of Pain. In
players to select an option. pocket dimension and presents any this case, proceed to Chapter 12. If
support ("We arrived in a ship and the Ko-kri have decided to put the
The Accuser's Speech found another ship just like it"), and heroes through a Trial by Deed, go
After the matter of the defender has a +1 CS bonus if he or she attempts on to Chapter 7.
been cleared up, the Accuser makes to explain that the light atop the spire
his speech. Read the following text: is only a navigational beacon and KARMA: Declining the defender +5
Winning a Trial by Deed +10

SUMMARY: After being sentenced to use their psionic powers during the penalty to -2 CS (the Ko-kri champi-
a Trial by Deed, the PCs are led out trial). A Ro-ku blow inflicts either ons have all the same stats as a
for their first test, the Test of Skill. If Good damage or an amount of dam- typical member of their race). Of
they fail the test, they are con- age equal to the fighter's Strength course, any hero that has a blind-
demned to death. If they pass, they rank, whichever is higher. fighting power like Daredevil's radar
are allowed to proceed to the second —The combatants must stay in the or Spider-Man's spider-sense does
test. "arena." Anyone using flight or some not suffer these penalties.
similar power is automatically dis- It is impossible to kill someone
STARTING: Read the following text qualified. with a Ro-ku. Any combatant re-
aloud: —The battle ends as soon as one duced to 0 Health is automatically
of the fighters falls unconscious, unconscious and need not make the
which causes his or her side to lose. usual Endurance FEAT roll. Should
Five Ko-kri come and lead you out —And here is the kicker: AII four the heroes make any attempt to es-
of the isolated hut and back into combatants are blindfolded after they cape during the trial, all of the Ko-kri
the main compound, where the enter the arena. During the combat, will attempt to subdue them. In this
entire tribe seems to have once don't allow the players playing the case, the heroes are automatically
again assembled. heroes in the arena to see the battle found guilty and sentenced to death.
"Your first ordeal is the trial of map. Instead, they must rely on di-
skill." rections shouted to them from their AFTERMATH: If the heroes knock
The Ko-kri hands you a long, friends outside the ring (the other one of the Ko-kri combatants uncon-
soft staff. players). scious first, they win the battle and
"This is a Ro-ku, one of the an- Every time one of the PCs tries to are allowed to continue on with the
cient weapons used by our peo- shout instructions to a comrade in Trial. In this case, go to Chapter 9. If
ple." the ring, roll 1D10. On a result of 1-3 the heroes lose the battle or violate
Off in the distance, you can see the shout was lost in the crowd noise any of the rules, they are found guilty
a pair of large Ko-kri deftly spin- and didn't reach the heroes in the and sentenced to death in the Well of
ning Ro-kus overhead. Uh oh. arena (unless, of course, one of the Pain. In this case, proceed to Chap-
heroes has some type of enhanced ter 12. If the heroes are going on to
hearing power). When it is their turn the next test, they will be returned to
ENCOUNTER: The test of skill is a to act, the hero combatants must tell their isolated hut, where they wait for
trial by combat. One of the Ko-kri will you exactly where they want to move one hour before the test is to begin.
explain the rules to the PCs: The and what area they want to attack If they entertain the idea of escape
heroes are to select two champions (i.e., "I'll move two areas to the left during this interval, go to Chapter 8.
to represent the entire group. Only and swing around to attack the area
the two champions will fight. The Ko- behind me"). If there are no targets KARMA:
kri have already selected their cham- in the area the PC is attacking the Winning the battle +10
pions. attack has no effect. If anyone tries
—The battle will take place in a to move out of the arena, he or she is
large fenced-in "arena" five areas shoved back in by the Ko-kri who
long and five areas wide. There are have gathered around the edge.
chalk lines scrawled across the To help simulate the confusion of
ground one area away from the area the arena, you shouldn't tell the he-
edge on two opposite sides of the roes when and if they have been
square. One of the combatants from Slammed. Simply move their
each side must stand behind this line counters on the battle map disorient-
at all times; no fighting is allowed ing them. You can assume that the
behind the chalk marks (thus the Ko-kri are so good at this type of
actual battle zone is three areas long fighting that they can move about the
and five areas wide). The combatant ring and fight at will. The Ko-kri do
who stands behind the chalk line can not attack for two rounds after they
only emerge to fight after his or her have been Slammed, spending the
partner has retreated behind the line time to re-orient themselves instead.
(sort of like tag-team wrestling). All of the blinded combatants suffer a
—Only blows struck with the Ro-ku -3 CS penalty to their attacks, but the
are legal. Anyone attacking an oppo- Ko-kri combatants are masters of the
nent with a power or fist is automati- Ro-ku and receive a +1 CS bonus
cally disqualified (the Ko-kri will not when fighting with it, lowering their

SUMMARY: The heroes attempt to ing the attention of the guard only if around the Ko-kri camp without at-
escape from the Ko-Kri camp. they have some special power allow- tracting any attention (someone has
ing them to breach the hut wall with- x-ray vision or can turn invisible) they
STARTING: You should be coming to out making any noise (simply find no other areas of interest any-
this chapter after the heroes were punching or tearing a hole in the wall where in the camp.
captured in the spire in Chapter 5, automatically makes enough noise to
after the heroes were put on trial in attract the guard), and only if all of AFTERMATH: If the heroes manage
Chapter 6, between tests in Chap- the heroes pass a Remarkable Inten- to escape they will probably begin
ters 7, 9, and 11, or just before the sity Agility FEAT roll (to sneak away looking for the mysterious traveller
heroes are to be executed in Chap- quietly). who is stranded in the pocket dimen-
ter 12. Read the following text aloud: —If the heroes make an attempt to sion with them (the Kang duplicate).
use their powers to lure the guard The heroes should know the trav-
The Ko-kri have placed you in a away or create a diversion, the guard eller will need a large power source
small isolated hut that is sepa- should receive an Intuition FEAT roll to build the escape device they
rated from the rest of the encamp- to see through their deception. The found drawn out in his timeship.
ment by a low ridge and 200 yards exact intensity of this FEAT is up to Their next logical move is to visit
of ground. Outside the hut, only you, based upon your own assess- either the spire or the main complex
one Ko-kri guard stands watch. ment of the quality of the heroes' and look for such a power source. If
plan (begin with Typical and modify they missed the power source clue in
upward for a good plan, and down- the spire and decide to return, pro-
ENCOUNTER: In light of their formi- ward for a poor plan). ceed to Chapter 10 (the heroes
dable psionic powers, escaping from —If the heroes attract the attention might also return to the spire to see if
the Ko-kri will prove difficult, but it is of the guard while escaping, he at- they can restore the beacon and get
certainly not impossible. The Ko-kri tempts to use his psionic powers to the Ko-kri off their backs). If the he-
do not take any of the heroes' weap- subdue them. After two rounds of roes head out to the main complex,
ons or equipment away from them battle, the guard gives the heroes an proceed to Chapter 11. If the heroes'
before they are placed in the hut. opportunity to surrender and return escape attempt fails and they did not
Here are some guidelines that will to the hut. If the heroes accept this surrender within the first two rounds
help you resolve any escape at- offer, the entire incident is forgotten. of combat, they are automatically
tempts: If they continue to battle or flee the sentenced to death. In this case, go
—There are no movable objects guard shouts out a warning that to Chapter 12.
inside the hut and the hut is made of brings ten of his fellows out to inves-
a Typical strength material. The he- tigate. KARMA: Escaping the camp +10
roes can blow a hole in the hut and —If the heroes somehow escape Permanently harming any of the Ko-
escape out the back without attract- and have some means of looking kri -50


SUMMARY: After passing their first down bowl on the ground in front of
test, the Trial of Skill, the heroes are once again clustered about the him.
led out for the second test, the Trial "arena" in which you defeated the "Beneath this bowl, I have five
of Wisdom. If they pass this second Ko-kri earlier, but this time only a beads in a line from my left to my
test, they are prepared for the third. single figure awaits you. right. Each of the beads has a
If they fail, they are condemned to different color: red, blue, yellow,
death. black, and white; and each of the
ENCOUNTER: This is the Test of beads has a different shape: square,
STARTING: Read the following text Wisdom and the single figure is the triangle, circle, oval, and rectangle.
aloud: tribe's wise man. The wise man will You must determine which colors
present the heroes with a problem match up with which shapes and the
which they will have a limited time to order in which the beads rest. Here
After the long wait, you are lead
solve. are your clues:
outside to undergo the second of
The Wise Man's Problem 1. The red bead is to the left of the
your three ordeals. The tribe is
The wise man sits with an upside square bead.

2. The oval and rectangular beads
are on the two ends.
3. The white bead is between the
triangular bead and the rectangular
4. The second bead is blue.
5. The black bead is not next to the
blue bead.
6. The circular bead is next to the
oval bead.
7. And, the red bead is next to the
fourth bead."
There is enough information given
in the clues to solve the puzzle.
The Ko-kri will give the heroes 15
minutes to come up with the solution.
Use a convenient clock or watch to
time the players.
The Solution
The beads are in the following order:
yellow oval bead, blue circle bead,
red triangular bead, white square
bead, black rectangular bead.
If the players are not able to solve
the puzzle, you can allow each of their
characters to attempt Good Intensity
Reason FEAT rolls. If at least half the
rolls succeed (fractions rounded up) or
if at least one hero receives a Yellow
result or better, the heroes are able to
solve the puzzle even though the play-
ers are unable to. during this interval, see Chapter 8. If case, proceed to Chapter 12.
AFTERMATH: If the heroes solve the the heroes simply wait for the next
test, see Chapter 11. If the heroes fail KARMA:
puzzle, they will be congratulated and Solving the puzzle without making
led back to the isolation tent to await to solve the puzzle, or come up with
the wrong solution, they are automati- any FEAT rolls +20
the third test, which will begin in one Solving the puzzle with FEATs +5
cally condemned to death. In this
hour. If the heroes attempt to escape


SUMMARY: After escaping the en- likely to be coming to this chapter. most certainly want to return to the
campment, or being declared inno- First, it's possible that the heroes spire and find out how the tower is
cent by completing the Trial by Deed, missed the clues concerning the drawing its energy. No doubt hoping
the heroes return to the spire hoping spire's power supply during their to locate a large power source and
to find valuable clues as to the earlier visit. In this case, the PCs will possibly the traveller himself (re-
whereabouts of the mysterious trav- probably later remember the traveller member at this point it probably
eller who seems to be trapped in the who arrived in the timeship that they seems to the heroes as though they
pocket dimension along with them. explored in Chapter 1 will need a will be unable to return to normal
vast power source to build and oper- time and space unless they find the
STARTING: There are only two cir- ate his "escape device." After they traveller, since he seems to know
cumstances under which you are remember this, the heroes will al- how to build a device that will enable

the timeships to shatter the dimen- innocent and have received the Ko- inflicting Remarkable damage upon
sional barrier and escape). kri's permission to return to the everyone in the room. If the heroes
Secondly, if the heroes somehow tower, they can walk around inside do manage to restore the beacon,
managed to escape the Ko-kri camp, and examine the areas in the tower the Ko-kri will instantly become
it is possible that they will attempt to at will. Once the heroes are inside, friendly regardless of their previous
return to the spire and restore the refer back to Chapter 5 for a descrip- status. From this point forward, the
beacon in order to get the Ko-kri off tion of the spire. tribesmen will cooperate with the
their backs. If the heroes want to heroes in any reasonable manner.
return to the spire after completing Restoring the Beacon
the Trial by Deed and being declared While visiting the tower, the heroes AFTERMATH: There is no way the
innocent, one of them must pass a might try to re-light the beacon in heroes can figure out the location of
Good Intensity Reason FEAT roll to order to please the Ko-kri. Anyone the power source from the clues they
convince the Ko-kri to allow them to flying up to examine the beacon or found in the spire alone, they must
return to the holy tower. examining the machinery on the first also visit the main complex. If they
In this case, two Ko-kri will accom- level and passing an Excellent Inten- have already done so, they probably
pany them as escorts. If this roll fails sity Reason FEAT roll realizes the now have all the information they
and the heroes return to the tower beacon shorted out because the need to pinpoint the power supply
anyway, the Ko-kri become their ene- electricity powering it was routed and will want to travel out in search
mies once again and sentence them through the missing warp regulator. of it as soon as possible. In this case
to death if they are ever re-captured. Power can be restored to the beacon see Chapter 14. If the heroes have
As they approach the tower, read the using the following procedure: There not yet visited the main complex and
following text aloud. Read the text in are four wires running into the space would now like to do so, hoping to
bold print only if the heroes are fugi- formerly occupied by the warp regu- get another fix on the power supply,
tives from the Ko-kri. lator, and four wires running out of go to Chapter 11. If the heroes were
the space (both sets of wires are captured by the Ko-kri during this
Once again you approach the labelled #1-4). chapter they will be returned to the
spire, this time paying special Anyone passing the FEAT roll encampment and sentenced to
attention to the vast globe that knows power will be restored to the death. In this case, go to Chapter
was once the beacon of the Ko-kri, beacon if electricity can be carried 12.
sitting atop the tower. from the proper input wire to the
Posted outside the spire are two proper output wire. Ask anyone at- KARMA:
Ko-kri guards. If you jump behind tempting to restore the beacon to Finding the missing circuits +5
a nearby ridge, you can sneak up make two Good Intensity Reason Identifying the missing circuits +5
to within about twenty yards of the FEAT rolls. On a Green result on the Analyzing the power supply +5
guards without being seen. first roll, the hero realizes that wire Attempting to track down the power
#1 is not the correct input wire; on a source and drawing the proper direc-
Yellow result, the heroes realizes that tional line on the map without help
ENCOUNTER: The two guards are wire #s 1 and 4 are not correct; and from the Judge +5
present outside the spire only if the on a Red result, the hero realizes Submitting to the Ko-kri peace-
heroes are fugitives. They were that wire #s 1, 3, and 4 are all not the fully +10
posted shortly after the heroes were correct wire. Avoiding capture +15
captured inside the tower in order to On a Green result on the second Restoring the Beacon +15
insure there was no further trouble. roll, the hero realizes that wire #2 is
Needless to say, the Ko-kri guards not the correct output wire; on a Yel-
will vigorously defend the spire. If the low result, the hero realizes that wire
heroes attempt to create some sort #s 2 and 1 are not correct; and on a
of diversion or lure the guards into Red result, the hero realizes that
an ambush, the Ko-kri receive an wire #s 2, 1, and 4, are all incorrect.
Intuition FEAT roll (with a special +1 The hero can then connect to-
CS bonus due to their alertness) to gether any two wires he or she
see through the deception. If the Ko- chooses. If input wire #2 is con-
kri guards detect and defeat the he- nected to output wire #3, power is
roes, they will take them back to the restored to the beacon, which sud-
encampment, where they will be denly flashes into life. If input wire #3
sentenced to die in the Well of Pain. is connected to output wire #4, how-
If the heroes have been declared ever, there is a powerful energy feed-
back which causes an explosion

choose not to avoid the swamp you
should refer to Chapter 4 for notes
on conducting the journey.
If the heroes contract the swamp
illness at this point in the adventure,
its effects begin immediately and last
until you reach Chapter 15.
If the heroes are being brought to
the complex for the Test of Courage,
they are accompanied on their jour-
ney by 15 Ko-kri warriors. The main
complex was actually built by the
ancestors of the Ko-kri several hun-
dred years ago. It once served as the
quarters for the research team the
ancestors left in the pocket dimen-
sion to operate and maintain the
navigational beacon in the spire.
Read the following text aloud to
the heroes as they approach the
complex. Read the text in bold type
only if the heroes are visiting the
complex as part of the Test of Cour-

In the distance you catch your first

sight of the main complex. It is a
split level structure which lies
across a wide ridge. It seems to
have been constructed by the
same people who built the spire
and its beacon. There are two
SUMMARY: The heroes enter the cape or avoid the Ko-kri, they might apparent entrances to the com-
main complex constructed by the decide to visit the main complex on plex: a broad entrance on the high
ancestors of the Ko-kri. Inside, they their own volition as part of an at- end of the ridge, and a narrow
find that the complex was overrun by tempt to locate the power source and back entrance on the opposite
a vicious pack of snake-like crea- mysterious traveller who is construct- side of the structure down on the
tures. They also discover the origin ing the "escape device" (the heroes low side of the ridge.
of the Ko-kri tribe. The heroes also should have learned about the main One of the Ko-kri approaches
find a valuable clue that will lead complex and its location from the you. "This is your third and final
them to the hidden alien power sta- map of the landscape they found in test, the Test of Courage. The rules
tion and Kang the Conqueror. the spire in Chapter 5). are simple: All you must do is enter
The main complex lies approxi- the complex at the broad entrance
STARTING: There are two ways in mately seven miles from the spire located on top of the ridge and
which you might be coming to this and eight miles from the Ko-kri en- emerge from the smaller entrance
chapter. First, if the heroes were campment. The entire journey from located on the bottom of the ridge.
subjected to a Trial by Deed and the encampment to the complex is Be warned! The peril of the com-
have already passed the first two through the hot, dusty desert. The plex is legendary, though no one
tests, the Ko-kri bring them to the shortest route from the spire to the has ever been able to offer a de-
main complex for the third and final complex is through the swamp. If the scription of the dangers that await.
test, the Test of Courage. The rules PCs are travelling from the spire to I feel it is only fair to inform you
of the test are explained below. the complex, ask them whether they that no one has ever passed this
Or secondly, if the heroes have want to travel through the swamp or test. Good luck."
already been declared innocent after skirt its edge. If the heroes avoid the
surviving the ordeal in Chapter 12, swamp, they add another seven
or have somehow managed to es- miles onto their journey. If they

ENCOUNTER: The obvious first step When the complex was opera- roll can bend the pipes out of the
for the PCs is to enter the complex. tional, these security lasers were way and clear the passage, but he or
Next to the broad entrance is a hand tuned to the brain waves of the Ko-kri she automatically takes the steam
panel. Any pressure on this panel ancestors. They are still programmed damage while doing so.
opens the main door. If the heroes to attack all non-Ko-kri attempting to The heroes can pass by the pipes
are undergoing the Test of Courage, enter the complex. All of the doors without taking the steam damage by
the Ko-kri will show them how to indicate on the map are unlocked timing the steam releases and rush-
open the door. If the heroes are visit- and open effortlessly. ing past between bursts. Properly
ing the complex on their own, they timing the blasts requires an Agility
have little trouble identifying the Moving About the Complex or movement FEAT roll. If this roll
hand panel and its purpose. If the Refer to the map of the main com- succeeds, the hero passes through
heroes attempt to enter through the plex located on the inside cover as without injury, otherwise he or she
rear entrance, they find the lower the heroes wander about. Areas of takes the steam damage.
door completely sealed. There is no special interest are described below:
way to open this door from outside Computer Lab This room houses
the complex unless one of the he- Quarters the complex's main computer unit
roes is powerful enough to smash his These once served as living areas which is, surprisingly, still functional.
or her way inside (all doors and walls for the ancestors of the Ko-kri. Each Anyone passing an Excellent Inten-
within the complex are made of Mon- contains the remnants of a bed, sity Reason FEAT can re-activate the
strous strength material). As soon as chair, table, and chest of drawers. computer and access a personal log
the PCs enter the complex, they find Any personal items belonging to the of the complex to learn the following:
themselves in a short, narrow corri- residents have long since disinte- —The complex and the spire were
dor. Once all of the heroes have en- grated. There is a 40% chance that built eons ago by a race known as
tered, the main door quickly reseals any of these rooms the heroes enter the Quokrillians. The spire is a navi-
itself. There is now no way to open is occupied by a single acid snake gational beacon constructed to aid in
this door from within the complex, (see below for stats and details). time and dimension travel, while the
the heroes must leave through the complex served as a base of opera-
back exit. Storage tions to the workers who operated
These areas were once used for and maintained the beacon.
The Anti-Intruder Screen supply storage. They now contain —Almost all of the Quokrillians
The first hero who attempts to leave the dusty remains of crates and me- were killed 100 of years ago when a
the small entry foyer and enter the tallic casings. None of the items horde of acid snakes, peculiar rep-
larger corridor ringing the computer which were once stored in these tiles native to this dimension, bur-
lab automatically trips one of the containers remain. There is a 60% rowed up through the floor of the
complex's hidden anti-intruder de- chance any storage area entered by base and overran the main complex
fense mechanisms. The defense the PCs is occupied by a single acid after the subterranean cave in which
mechanism causes a screen of la- snake. the snakes formerly resided was
sers to spring from the ceiling and shifted by an earthquake and filled
form a curtain which inflicts Excellent Rubble with lava. A few of the aliens es-
Energy damage upon the first hero Part of the complex structure col- caped the snakes and fled, but there
crossing the threshold. If the hero lapsed here well over 100 years ago is no record of them ever returning to
can pass an Excellent Intensity Intui- blocking off the corridor with a huge the complex.
tion FEAT roll, he or she glimpses pile of heavy rubble. Removing
the laser screen before exiting into enough of the rubble to pass through NOTE: If you are going to be playing
the main corridor and activating it. requires three separate Incredible through Part II of the adventure all
Once the energy screen has been Intensity Strength or power FEAT of these events were set in motion by
activated, it will remain in place for rolls. Living in the rubble pile are Kang and his duplicates. See the
three rounds and then switch off, three acid snakes which will attack Kang entry in the NPC section for
taking the next two rounds to reset anyone disturbing their nest (see details.
itself. Any heroes crossing over into below for stats and details). —And finally, just before the PCs
the larger corridor during this two Gas Pipes Two rusted-through water sign off on the computer, a video
round interval take no damage. Any- pipes intermittently fill the corridor image of the emblem of the Quokril-
one crossing over after the two with hot steam here. This steam lian will appear on the screen. The
rounds have passed reactivates the inflicts Excellent heat damage upon emblem shows a ship careening
screen. Disabling the screen re- anyone that passes through the cor- through space with the legend "Skill,
quires a Remarkable Intensity Rea- ridor here. Anyone that passes a Wisdom, Courage," the Quokrillians
son or power FEAT roll. Remarkable Intensity Strength FEAT motto, scrawled above it. This motto

is still revered today by the Ko-kri. relation to the complex. If the players door identical to the one the heroes
Clever players can probably use this are unable to find this line on the encountered when they entered the
information to figure out the Ko-kri map, help them out and draw it in for complex. The screen can be shut off
are the descendants of the original them (their characters are automati- with a successful Typical Intensity
aliens. The Quokrillians who es- cally able to find the line). The cor- Reason FEAT roll.
caped the complex must have rect line is labelled "Line #2" on the
slipped back to a primitive lifestyle Judge's map of the pocket dimen- Fluid Puddle
due to the difficulty of surviving out sion located on the inside of the Covering the floor in this area is a
in the desert. All of the other data cover. Once the heroes have found huge puddle of pink fluid stretching
banks are inoperative and there is no this bearing, they should be able to across the entire width of the corridor
other information to be found here. locate the hidden power source by (the fluid leaked out of a pipe in the
finding the point at which it intersects ceiling and was once used in the
The Stairs Down with the line they drew in back at the complex's cooling system). Resting
The corridor surrounding the stairs is spire. If the heroes have not yet ana- in the puddle on the left side of the
blanketed by a thick, nauseous gas lyzed the power unit at the spire, you corridor are two, bare, live wires
leaking out of a nearby vent. The gas might have to encourage them to running down the wall. Though the
inflicts 5 points of Health damage per return and do so. PCs only detect the wires if one of
round on everyone standing near the them is able to pass a Good Intensity
stairway. It requires a successful Bio-Lab Intuition FEAT roll. Anyone walking
Incredible Intensity Strength FEAT to This area was once used for biologi- through the puddle takes Excellent
seal the vent. The stairs are sealed cal experiments conducted upon the electrical damage. The puddle is one
off in a locked transparent booth flora and fauna native to the pocket area wide.
(Incredible strength material). The dimension. After the complex was
lock is a simple combination mecha- overrun, one of the odd biological Electronics Lab
nism. experiments went out of control, This area once housed a simple
Inform the players that the combi- producing a thick, slimy fungus electronics laboratory that, unlike the
nation is a three digit sequence in which over the last several hundred rest of the complex, remains partially
which the digits 1, 2, and 3 are each years has overgrown the entire lab functional. One notable item present
used once and ask them to dial in a and a large portion of the corridor in the electronics lab is a 500' long
guess (the correct combination is outside the lab. Anyone stepping on insulated cable that lies coiled in a
312). With each new guess they this fungus triggers the release of corner (Excellent strength material).
must dial, take another round (and toxic spores which, if inhaled, cause You can also assume that all of the
thus anyone standing near the stair- a character's Fighting, Strength, and parts and tools that the PCs will need
way takes another 5 points of dam- Agility ranks to all drop by -1 CS. for any quick kit-bashing attempts
age if the heroes have not sealed off This will last until the character that they might wish to try can be
the vent). Anyone forcing open the leaves the complex, and a single found here.
panel housing the lock mechanism release of the spores will affect ev-
and attempting to analyze its cir- eryone standing in the hallway to the Nutrient Center
cuitry (requiring a Good Intensity left of the power supply chamber. targe machines in this area used to
Strength FEAT followed by an Excel- Allow everyone specifically stating extract minerals from the ground and
lent Intensity Reason FEAT) realizes they are holding their breath as soon process them into a sugary syrup
that the first digit is a 3 with a Green as you announce that the spores are which the Quokrillians would then
result or better, and that the second released to make an Excellent Inten- process into edible synthetic food-
digit is a 1 with a Yellow result or sity Intuition FEAT roll to determine stuffs. These machines still function
better, and that the third digit is a 2 whether or not they were able to but some of the pipes that carried
with a Red result or better. react in time. the nutrients have long since rusted
away, spilling the syrup produced by
Power Supply Control Room the machines all over the floor of the
This area houses a power unit identi- This room houses four panels fu|l of chamber. This freely flowing syrup
cal to the one that the heroes saw on dilapidated switches and levers. All has attracted the vast majority of the
level three of the spire (see Chapter of the security and atmospheric func- acid-snakes that still inhabit the com-
5). The power supply is still func- tions of the complex were once con- plex to this area. The nutrient lab is
tional. If the heroes pass the neces- trolled from here, but only the five areas long by three areas wide
sary rolls to analyze this particular security panel is still functional. Any- and each area contains ten of the ten
unit, they find the point of origin of one looking at panel #3 discovers the foot long snakes. Each of the snakes
power lies along a line skewed 100 security panel and realizes there is has the following attributes:
degrees from the western vertical in an anti-intruder screen on the back

F A S E R I P unless they are able to detect and
10 10 2 6 2 6 2 disarm it (which might be difficult if
Gd Gd Fe Ty Fe Ty Fe the snakes are still around).
Health: 28
Completing the Trial of Courage
Bite: The snakes have sharp teeth If the PCs were brought to the com-
which inflict Good damage. Anyone plex by the Ko-kri to undergo the Trial
bitten sustains Typical damage from of Courage, they successfully pass
the snake's acidic saliva. Anyone when they emerge. In this case, the
looking out onto the sea of snakes astonished Ko-kri (remember, no one
sees a huge puddle of the pink liquid has ever passed this test) will de-
covering the entire chamber and clare them innocent and become
floating in it several skeletons that friendly. From this point on, the Ko-
obviously once belonged to Ko-kri kri will not interfere with the heroes,
(apparently the previous victims of but will not help them in any way
the Test of Courage). The snakes will either.
not leave the nutrient chamber un-
less they are attacked and it is im- AFTERMATH: If the heroes have
possible to reach the back door analyzed the power units found in
without confronting the beasties. both the main complex and the spire,
One possible solution is to attempt to they now know where the hidden unit
kill off enough snakes to make a that is broadcasting power to the
break for the door. entire area is located and will proba-
Remember the PCs can attack all bly head there in search of the mys-
ten snakes in a single area by taking terious traveller who is building the
the appropriate CS penalty to their escape device. In this case, proceed
attack roll (see the Players' Manual, to Chapter 14. If the heroes missed
p. 6). Once the snakes are attacked, the power unit in the spire earlier,
they begin flowing out into the corri- they will probably eventually decide
dor; anyone in an area filled by to return. In this case, see Chapter
snakes or adjacent to such an area 10.
is automatically attacked by 1-10 of
the creatures. A more elegant solu- KARMA:
tion is to connect the cable found in Making it out of the complex +15
the electronics lab up to the power Finding the history of the Ko-kri +10
supply and toss it into the puddles of Leaving the complex without directly
pink fluid (if the PCs saw the puddle battling the snakes +10
of fluid in the corridor, they are prob-
ably aware of the fact that it will con-
duct electricity). Connecting the
cable up to the power supply re-
quires only a Typical Intensity Rea-
son FEAT roll, and touching the live
cable to the floor in the nutrient
chamber automatically kills all of the
snakes. The PCs might also opt to
kit-bash something in the electronics
lab that will help them deal with the

The Back Door

The back door features an anti-
intruder laser screen identical to the
one the heroes encountered at the
front door. If the heroes have not
switched off this screen in the control
room, it will attack them as they exit

SUMMARY: The Ko-kri attempt to insects live below ground and occa- If the heroes remember the chalk
execute the heroes by casting them sionally come up into the bubble in drawing found in the spire depicting
into the "Well of Pain." If the heroes search of the food that the Ko-kri a warrior driving-off the insects with
survive the ordeal they are found toss them whenever they conduct an a horn they might suspect the in-
innocent of any charges brought execution. The insects are wor- sects are sensitive to loud noises
against them and released. shipped by the Ko-kri (who will stand and reconnect the warning siren. If
over the bubble and watch through- they do, a loud buzzing fills the bub-
STARTING: You should be coming to out the entire affair) as part of their ble and the insects retreat back
this chapter from one of the chapters primitive religion. Two "scorpions" through their hole. No matter what
numbered 6-10. will enter the bubble per round until the heroes do with any of the other
20 Ko-kri lead the heroes out of there are 20 of the creatures in all. circuits, it will have no effect upon
the isolated hut and off to an area on Anyone who saw the chalk drawing the insects.
the fringe of the encampment. Read on level four of the spire will recog-
the aloud the following text: nize the insects. Use the map of the Surviving the Ordeal
Well of Pain featured on the If the heroes kill all of the insects or
mapsheet to conduct the ensuing drive them off using the warning
The Ko-kri solemnly lead you out battle. The scorpions are hungry and siren, the amazed Ko-kri will release
to a point located on the fringe of have the following attributes: them from the bubble and declare
their encampment. At this point them innocent. From this point on,
you see a huge transparent bub- F A S E R I P the Ko-kri will not interfere with the
ble half-buried in the sand, the 10 10 10 10 2 10 6 heroes, but will not help them in any
bubble you hear the Ko-kri refer- Gd Gd Gd Gd Fe Gd way either.
ring to as the "Well of Pain."
One of the Ko-kri begins speak- Bite: The "scorpions" can sting for AFTERMATH: The next thing the
ing: Excellent damage with Excellent heroes will probably want to do is to
"Infidels are executed here in the Agility. visit the main complex in search of
Well of Pain. You still have one Chitinous Hide: The insects' tough clues that might lead them to a
hope, strangers. If you survive the outer shell provides them with Typi- power source and the mysterious
Well of Pain, our laws declare you cal protection from physical attacks. traveller. In this case, go to Chapter
innocent. But only one person has 11. If asked, none of the Ko-kri will
ever survived, the warrior Karak, a Analyzing the Control Panel accompany the heroes to the com-
man that to this day we honor as Anyone who spends two rounds ana- plex. If the heroes missed the power
one of our greatest warriors." You lyzing the control panel during the source clues in the spire earlier and
are then led to a small hatch. The battle and passes a Good Intensity wish to return, see Chapter 10.
Ko-kri open the hatch and force Reason FEAT roll finds the following
you to enter. circuits on the panel are still active: KARMA: Surviving in the pit +15
emergency lights, warning siren,
temperature control (controls the
ENCOUNTER: Since there are so temperature inside the capsule),
many Ko-kri around, it is doubtful the radio communication, and computer
heroes will be able to put up enough link. Any other circuits which might
of a fight to avoid being dumped into have once been on the control board
the bubble. As soon as the heroes are now inoperative.
enter the "Well of Pain" they realize Each of the operative circuits is
the bubble was once some sort of connected to a battery socket lo-
portable research laboratory. In the cated beneath the panel. Only one of
center of the bubble is a large control these sockets actually contains a
panel and lab table. The research lab battery (emergency lighting), the
was once used by the ancestors of other batteries have long since been
the Ko-kri to study geothermic activ- removed. None of the operative cir-
ity in the region. cuits will function unless it is con-
On the round after the heroes are nected to the battery. It takes one
dumped into the well, a number of complete round to disconnect the
five foot scorpion-like insects enter battery and move it to a new socket
the bubble through a small opening (the hero who is disconnecting the
near the floor on the side of the battery is unable to attack the insects
sphere opposite the hatch. These during this round).

SUMMARY: The heroes track down
the location of the hidden power
station beaming energy to the spire
and main complex hoping to locate
the mysterious traveller and a means
of escaping the pocket dimension.
Once they reach the power station,
the PCs battle the Kang duplicate
trapped in the pocket dimension and
gain access to his fully operational
"escape device" that will permit
them to return to normal time and
space. The heroes also capture a
strange spherical object from Kang
which will later prove important.

STARTING: The heroes reach this

encounter by analyzing the power
supplies in the spire and the main
complex. At each of these areas, the
heroes should have discovered pure
energy was being beamed to the
power supplies from a remote loca-
tion and should have calculated the
direction from which the power was
being broadcast. By using these two
directionals to triangulate, the PCs
can then pinpoint the power source's
exact point of origin by finding the
spot at which the two directional
lines intersect. The PCs will almost
certainly want to investigate the
power source since they know the the power station is located read the examines the hatch and passes a
mysterious traveller is building an following text: Good Intensity Reason FEAT roll
escape device and they know the realizes the ancestors of the Ko-kri
traveller must eventually gain direct used to open the hatch by beaming a
access to a large energy source to You have reached the exact point radio signal of a specific frequency to
power such a device. The source of where your calculations place the an underground transmitter which
the broadcast power is the most alien power source, but you see would then trigger the hatch's open-
logical place for the PCs to find the nothing but desert and the occa- ing mechanism. If the heroes have
traveller, who at present seems to be sional shrub surrounding you. some sort of radio transmitter with
their only hope of ever escaping the them, they can beam a signal that
pocket dimension and returning to will open the hatch in ten minutes. If
normal time and space. ENCOUNTER: The power source is the heroes do not have some sort of
The power station lies deep in the located below ground. The ancestors transmitter, they must force or smash
desert, approximately 20 miles from of the Ko-kri built the power station the hatch open (Remarkable weight
both the spire and the Ko-kri en- underground because it generates and material strength).
campment, and 15 miles from the energy by tapping the geothermic
main complex. Anyone who walks all releases beneath the surface of the Inside the Hatch
the way out to the station must make exotic extra-dimensional "planet." As soon as the heroes open the
a Good Intensity Endurance FEAT Anyone specifically stating he or hatch, they will catch sight of Kang's
roll. If this FEAT fails, the hero suf- she is searching the sand at the timeship down in the power chamber.
fers a -1 CS penalty to his or her point where the power source is sup- Kang opened the hatch by beaming
Endurance rank for the duration of posed to be located automatically the proper radio signal and flew his
this chapter due to the draining ef- finds the hidden hatch. The sliding vessel down into the power station. It
fects of the desert heat. When the hatch is very large (a 25' by 25' is a 30' drop from the hatch down to
heroes finally reach the point where square) and very heavy. Anyone who

the floor of the station, but there is a Kang then springs to attack. This obviously re-energizes itself every
ladder that will accommodate any particular Kang duplicate has aug- time it enters the vortex, but the he-
heroes who cannot fly or jump down. mented his usual assortment of roes do not know enough about
When the heroes reach the bottom weapons with a special belt that Kang's technology to figure out a
of the power station, they find them- gives him the Invisibility power at way to re-energize the circuit.
selves in a moderately sized under- Good rank (see the Player's Manual, Anyone with a Reason rank of
ground chamber (four areas by ten p. 78). Kang will fight until defeated. Excellent or better (or anyone who
areas). Other than Kang's timeship If you are going to be playing can pass an Excellent Intensity Rea-
(which occupies two areas), the only through Part II of the adventure, the son FEAT) realizes the only way to
other object that is present in the Kang duplicate will take it easy on escape the pocket dimension is to
room is the huge piece of machinery the heroes, knowing they must de- wire Kang's timeship up to the he-
tapping the geothermic power be- feat him in order to fulfill the "script" roes' own. The de-materialization
neath the chamber, converting it into and duplicate the events of the circuit in the heroes' ship is more
radio waves and broadcasting it out Marvel Comics. than adequate enough to phase both
to the spire and main complex. In this case, Kang will never inflict ships into the temporal vortex.
This machine is itself two areas the maximum amount of damage his Anyone with a Reason rank of
long by two areas wide and rests in blaster gauntlets will do and will even Good or better who analyzes Kang's
the middle of the chamber. Anyone switch his invisibility belt off after the ship can automatically figure out how
who glances at the machine notices first three rounds of combat. to use the radio equipment aboard
someone has recently been tamper- the ship to beam the signal that will
ing with it (Kang just finished building Escaping the Pocket Dimension open the hatch and pilot the vessel
a unit into the machine which will After the heroes defeat the Kang back to where the heroes left their
broadcast some of its power to the duplicate they can enter his time- own ship. Connecting the two ships
escape device in his timeship). ship. Inside, they find the "escape together will require an Excellent
When the heroes enter the power device" is already fully constructed Intensity Reason FEAT roll (since the
chamber, Kang is putting the finish- and ready for operation. Anyone with heroes will never escape the pocket
ing touches on the escape device a Reason rank of Excellent or better dimension unless they pass some of
inside his ship. He is still unaware of that analyzes the device (or anyone these FEATs, you should definitely
the heroes' presence in the pocket who can pass an Excellent Intensity encourage them to spend Karma). In
dimension (unless you will be playing Reason FEAT roll) learns: addition to the escape device, the
through Part II of the adventure, in —The device has been properly heroes will find a two foot diameter
which case this particular Kang is constructed and seems to be fully black metallic sphere lying on the
only pretending to be unaware of the operational. Kang has patched a unit control panel of Kang's ship. Anyone
heroes' presence, but is actually part into the heavy machinery outside in analyzing the device and making a
of the conspiracy that is trying to get the chamber that will transmit all of successful Excellent Intensity FEAT
the PCs to duplicate the events of the necessary energy to the device. roll learns that the sphere is a so-
the "Time and Space" mini-series —The device is set to return the phisticated computer remarkably
published in the Marvel Comics of timeship to one particular set of coor- similar in construction to the human
the alternate reality). dinates in space and time. The he- brain. Unfortunately, they will be
Two rounds after the heroes enter roes have no idea where and when unable to access the information
the power chamber, the Kang dupli- these coordinates lie and do not stored in the computer.
cate will emerge from his timeship. understand enough about the ma-
Read the following text: chinery to alter them in any way. AFTERMATH: Ask the heroes what
—The mechanism used to link the they would like to do with the de-
escape device into the timeship is far feated Kang. The obvious solution is
Suddenly, you hear some noise too complex for the heroes to dupli- to leave him stranded in the pocket
coming from inside the time cap- cate. There is no way for the heroes dimension. After the heroes pilot
sule and a figure emerges from its to remove the device from Kang's Kang's vessel back to their own time-
doorway, a rather menacing figure time vessel and install it in their own. ship and wire the vessels together to
you recognize as Kang the Con- —And Kang's vessel by itself is not escape, go to Chapter 14.
queror, the super-criminal who yet ready to make the journey back
plies the timelines. Kang seems to normal time and space. The circuit KARMA:
somewhat surprised to see you. which dematerializes the timeship Finding the power source +10
"/ don't know how you got here, into the temporal vortex is not ener- Defeating Kang +25
heroes. But you'll soon wish you'd gized (its energy was drained when Figuring out how to escape the
never seen this place." Kang was thrown off course by the pocket dimension +15
temporal disturbance). The circuit Finding the sphere +5

SUMMARY: After wiring Kang's time- years in the future so the X-Men ceives one "Diplomacy Point;" on a
ship up to their own timeship, the have no idea who they are). If the Yellow result, he or she receives two
heroes return to normal space and heroes have not exited the timeship, Diplomacy Points; and on a Red
time. They find themselves in the the X-Men will begin trying to smash result, he or she receives five Diplo-
mansion of the Uncanny X-Men their way into the timeship. Use the macy Points. Once the heroes have
shortly after the group was founded map of the basement located on the managed to reach a total of ten Di-
in the mid-1960s. The timeship was mapsheet to resolve the battle. plomacy Points on all rolls, the X-
programmed to bring the Kang dupli- Men will stop fighting and listen to
cate to the X-Men mansion so he X-Men Tactics their story. Any hero attempting to
could fulfill his part of the mission to The X-Men function as a highly dodge or fight at the same time he or
alter history by removing the X-Men trained and organized unit. While she is trying to convince the X-Men
from the timestream. fighting the heroes they will use the to end the battle receives a -2 CS
The PCs battle the X-Men, then following tactics: penalty to the persuasion attempt.
are befriended by them. Charles CYCLOPS: Cyclops is the team If the battle is still going on after
Xavier, the benefactor of the X-Men leader. He will pick out one opponent five rounds, Professor X appears in
and a powerful telepath, is then able and alternately blast and dodge the the elevator and orders everyone to
to access the information in the com- opponent's counter-attacks. He is cease hostilities with a powerful
puter sphere which the heroes cap- hoping to attract all of the opponent's mental command. The heroes now
tured from Kang earlier, thereby attention, opening him or her up for a have a chance to explain their pres-
revealing the master criminal's plot. blindside attack from Angel. ence to Professor X and his stu-
ANGEL: Angel will stay out of the dents.
STARTING: The trip out of the main fight for the first couple of
pocket dimension and back into nor- rounds hoping no one will notice Kang's Sphere
mal space and time is harrowing but him. On the third round, he will try a Shortly after Professor X enters the
uneventful. After the heroes material- blindside Charging attack on Cy- basement he informs the heroes that
ize, read the following text: clops' opponent and then begin look- he senses another presence aboard
ing for blindside attacks on the their timeship. After a brief search,
Beast's opponents. everyone discovers the emanations
You seem to have materialized in ICEMAN: If possible, Iceman will use which the Professor believed were
some sort of gymnasium. The his ice powers to form barriers which coming from another living mind are
chronometer inside your timeship will isolate a single opponent from actually being produced by the small
indicates that the year is 1966 and his or her comrades. The rest of the black sphere the heroes discovered
you are located somewhere in X-Men will then jump in and concen- in the time vessel.
upstate New York. trate upon this one opponent while The sphere is actually a sort of
the rest of the PCs are trying to get "time telegram." Kang implants mes-
past the ice. sages in these spheres and sends
ENCOUNTER: The heroes' ship THE BEAST: The Beast stays in mo- them through the timestream to his
materialized in the basement of the tion throughout the battle, darting duplicates. The heroes can deduce
X-Men mansion. The heroes can't from opponent to opponent keeping the sphere's true nature with a suc-
dematerialize and depart for a new everyone off guard. Anyone who cessful Excellent Intensity Reason
destination for ten minutes (that's chases the Beast will be in position FEAT. Xavier will then mind-link with
how long it takes to build up enough for a blindside attack from Angel. the sphere and access the informa-
of a charge to energize their time MARVEL GIRL: Marvel Girl will put tion in the computer, revealing the
machine). If the heroes step outside up her force shield and use her tele- following:
their timeship, they instantly set off a kinetic powers to fling the heavy —There are several duplicate
wailing security device. weights found in the gymnasium at Kangs running around the multiverse
Two rounds later, all five X-Men any convenient opponents. (since the heroes are not new to time
(see the NPC section) arrive to inves- travel they are familiar with this con-
tigate. If the heroes do not leave the Ending the Battle cept, but you still might want to read
timeship and trigger the alarm, the X- The PCs will certainly recognize the them the essay on time travel found
Men arrive in the gymnasium after X-Men as heroes and will probably in the Introduction). The sphere con-
five minutes anyway (time for the attempt to convince them to stop tains a message for the Kang the
daily workout). fighting as soon as the battle begins. heroes defeated earlier that was sent
Once the X-Men arrive on the Have anyone trying to persuade the by another Kang (hereafter referred
scene, they will mistake the heroes X-Men in this fashion attempt a Good to as the "master Kang"). The mes-
for intruders and attack (remember Intensity Reason FEAT roll. sage is asking the Kang duplicate to
the heroes are from more than 20 On a green result, he or she re- participate in a mission of conquest.

Four other Kang duplicates were time to enclose this brief message over the calculations, eventually
sent similar spheres. before he was recaptured. The file- confirming them before deciding to
—The Kangs are hoping to remove name "Fireball" is the clue that will participate in the operation.
all of the heroes from Earth's 20th eventually allow the heroes to locate —And an account of how the dupli-
century in preparation for an upcom- the alternate reality and discover cate became caught up in the time
ing assault. The master Kang has they are being manipulated. This eddy which swept him (and the PCs)
calculated the Kangs' assault on the message is only present in the cap- into the pocket dimension. In this
century has an 85% chance of suc- sule if you are playing through Part II account, the Kang duplicate theo-
cess if all of the heroes can be re- of the adventure. rizes the eddy was the result of the
moved from the timeline and only a From what they know about time other Kang duplicates altering his-
2% chance of success if none of the travel, the heroes can deduce that an tory and speculates he would not
heroes are removed. operation to alter history such as the have been caught in the temporal
In order to remove the heroes, the one described in Kang's sphere backlash if he would have left to
master Kang has included data on could very easily produce the tempo- complete his mission at the same
the origins of 12 particular heroes: ral disturbance which trapped the time the other duplicates left instead
the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, heroes' timeship at the beginning of of delaying to check the calculations.
Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Dare- the adventure.
devil. Also included are some tempo- AFTERMATH: If the heroes want to
ral calculations showing how all the Tracking the Sphere put everything back to rights, they
heroes of the 20th century will cease It is impossible to determine exactly must now use the coordinates found
to exist if these 12 key heroes can be what point in space and time the in the sphere and travel to prevent
eliminated before 1970. In return for sphere was sent from, but the heroes each of the other Kang duplicates
their participation in the mission, the might be able to get a fix on the di- from altering history. Professor
master Kang is offering each of the rection in which the sphere was sent Xavier volunteers the aid of his X-
duplicate Kangs complete dominion through the temporal vortex. Men for this mission (in fact, he will
over a portion of the spoils. Unfortunately, travel in time is so insist that they be allowed to help,
—Each of the duplicate Kangs has complex the heroes would need to though he will stay behind).
been assigned to alter history in get five such fixes on the sphere's You should encourage the heroes
such a way as to prevent one hero or point of origin before they can locate to split up into two separate groups,
hero group from forming. The Kang it. After the heroes defeat each of the each composed of a mix of PCs and
the heroes met in the pocket dimen- other Kang duplicates, they will find X-Men. Each of the groups can then
sion was assigned the task of elimi- the spheres that were sent out to visit two of the origin points (remem-
nating the X-Men. each of them. After they have all of ber, the PCs now have two time ma-
—And finally, at the end of the these spheres, the PCs can track chines). Handle each of the groups
data contained in the sphere is an down the location the spheres were separately and have any players
urgent message which sticks out, as sent from with a single Good Inten- whose characters are not present in
though it was not implanted in the sity Reason FEAT. the group you are currently handling
capsule at the same time as all of the take on the roles of X-Men.
other information. The message is Kang's Timeship Ask the players which group and
addressed to the player heroes and Now that power is restored to Kang's origin point they would like to tackle
reads: "WARNING. DANGER. timeship, the heroes can access any first and refer to the appropriate
FILENAME FIREBALL. FILENAME information in the ship's computers chapter (Chapter 15, for example,
FIREBALL." This message was sent with a successful Good Intensity begins the heroes' attempt to stop
by one of the duplicates of the player Reason FEAT roll (they might have the Kang duplicate that is trying to
characters captured by the Kang tried to access the information after eliminate the Fantastic Four).
who is working in the alternate reality they defeated Kang in Chapter 13 or
of Marvel Comics Inc. (the "Su- they might wait until after they battle KARMA:
preme" Kang; see the NPC section). the X-Men). The only useful informa- Ending the battle with the X-Men +5
The hero duplicate managed to tion stored in the ship's computer is Ending the battle without damaging
escape from Kang for a few minutes the Kang duplicate's log which de- any of the X-Men +10
and implant this message in the cap- scribes the following: Helping Xavier find the sphere and
sule being sent out to the Kang the —The duplicate's skepticism about unlock its secrets +5
heroes met in the pocket dimension, the calculations of the master Kang Finding the information stored in
encoding it in such a way as to guar- concerning the effects of eliminating Kang's timeship computer +5
antee the message would remain the 12 key heroes. And a detailed Asking about the location from which
buried in the capsule to emerge later. account of how the duplicate spent the sphere was sent +5
Unfortunately, the hero only had several days meticulously checking Agreeing to work with the X-Men +5

SUMMARY: The heroes travel in the ridge and search the woods and
time and space to the point where ship broke the atmosphere it was over the hill. The soldiers only search
the Fantastic Four was created and pelted with cosmic radiation which the area depicted on the map of the
try to prevent the Kang duplicate mutated the cells of the passen- research base, so if the heroes re-
from changing history. gers and endowed them with treat off the map they automatically
fantastic powers. avoid detection. Otherwise, each of
STARTING: The heroes can travel to them must make a Good Intensity
this encounter anytime after Chapter Agility FEAT roll to hide as the sol-
15 by travelling to the time space By glancing at the dates included diers pass.
coordinates corresponding to the with this information and the chro- The real problem for the PCs is
Fantastic Four which were listed in nometer inside their time machine, going to be hiding the time machine,
Kang's computer sphere. Note that the PCs see that Richards is set to which has a weight of Incredible. If
all the coordinates the heroes found steal the starship one night after the the heroes are not strong enough to
in the sphere are approximations heroes' arrival. move the time machine out of the
only. The pilot of the timeship must When the heroes punch the proper search area, they can attempt to
work out his or her own landing coor- coordinates into a time machine and cover the machine with brush and
dinates based upon Kang's calcula- materialize, read the following text: foliage and hide it from view with a
tions. You should warn the PCs there Remarkable Intensity Reason FEAT
is no guarantee they will be material- Your time machine has material- roll (only one hero makes this roll).
izing in the exact time and place the ized in some thick brush on a low If the heroes are in Kang's time
Kang duplicates are materializing, ridge overlooking a fenced-in re- machine, they can simply fly it out of
only that they will be materializing search center. Outside of the re- the area. If they try to lure the
somewhere (and sometime) nearby. search center is a huge sign searching soldiers away from the
which reads "AERODYNE INC." time machine or themselves with
Origin of the Fantastic Four You see a staff car pull up to the some sort of distraction or diversion,
The Fantastic Four entry in the com- gate. A general summons the two give the guards a Good Intensity
puter sphere contains the following soldiers who guard the entrance. Intuition FEAT roll to determine
information: "Yes, General Gray?" whether or not they fall for the he-
"Boys, I'm going to be gone for roes' scheme (modify the intensity
The original members of the a few days. I've rented a cabin just based on the quality of the plan).
Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, In- down the road from here. If any- If the soldiers detect the PCs, they
visible Girl, the Human Torch, and body needs me, you know where will attempt to take the heroes pris-
the Thing) were actually a scien- you can find me." oner. If the soldiers detect the time
tist, Reed Richards; his girlfriend, "Yes, General Gray." machine and the heroes are in the
Sue Storm; her brother, Johnny "And, by the way, I think you area, the guards automatically detect
Storm; and a test pilot, Ben ought to get some troops together them as well (after they see the time
Grimm. and sweep this whole area. We've machine they take a closer look
Richards was working on a top heard some rumors that there are around). If the heroes accept capture
secret starship for the Aerodyne saboteurs about." and go quietly, see "Captured" in
Corporation, a firm sponsored by Chapter 16
the government of the United
States. When government supervi- ENCOUNTER: The two guards are AFTERMATH: If the heroes elude
sors refused to permit Richards to armed with rifles and have the stats the sweep, their next order of busi-
Become one of the first passen- of a typical soldier (see the Judge's ness is to sneak into Aerodyne and
gers aboard the starship, he re- Book, p. 63). After overhearing this take a look around. At this point, the
cruited his friend Ben Grimm to snatch of conversation the heroes heroes know that Kang is around
help him break into Aerodyne and will probably want to hide themselves somewhere, but they still do not
steal the ship for a brief test flight. and their time machine so they are know exactly where he is or how he
Richards was so sure of the ship's not detected by the sweep. The he- is planning to alter history. The he-
safety he even allowed Sue and roes have 15 minutes to make prepa- roes materialized at 4 p.m. Ask them
Johnny Storm to accompany him rations before the sweep begins. to formulate their plans for getting
on the flight. into Aerodyne, and see Chapter 16.
Richards and his friends suc- Hiding From the Soldiers
cessfully broke into Aerodyne and The sweep of the area is conducted KARMA:
launched the ship. But once the by 12 typical soldiers. They will first Avoiding capture +10
drive around in jeeps and search the Fighting the soldiers -10
base perimeter and then climb up on

SUMMARY: The heroes break into roll to hide from the soldiers is in- search the labs until the scientists
the Aerodyne research facility hoping creased to Remarkable. are out of the way. If the PCs try to
to find clues that will enable them to create some sort of diversion to re-
determine how the Kang duplicate is Moving About the Camp move the scientists from the building
planning on eliminating the Fantastic Below are descriptions of all the ar- (by pulling a fire alarm, for example),
Four from the timestream. Inside, eas in the camp and the information each of the scientists is allowed an
they find such a clue which leads the PCs can uncover in each. The Excellent Intensity Intuition FEAT roll
them back to General Gray, who they number in parentheses after the area to see through the deception (Ri-
saw leaving the camp earlier. name is the number of rounds it will chard's Intuition is 20, both of the
take to search the entire area. It other scientists have Typical Intuition
STARTING: Ask the players to de- takes the PCs two rounds to move ranks). There is no useful information
cide whether they would like to from each area to the next. here and everything seems in order.
sneak into Aerodyne right away, or ROCKET PAD (10): Sitting on the pad PARKING LOT (2): Lots of cars during
wait for nightfall. As they watch the is Richards' starship. The heroes the day. Few cars at night.
camp, the PCs will notice jeeps with find no evidence of tampering. HILL (3): This is just a simple, care-
guards circling the encampment FUEL DUMP (4): These huge canis- fully maintained, grassy landscape.
about once every ten minutes. Each ters house the fuel to be loaded into
jeep holds four soldiers. After night- the starship for take-off. Again, there Captured
fall, most of the complex goes dark are no signs of tampering. If the PCs are ever captured, they
and one of the soldiers leaves his MISSION CONTROL (5): This build- will be taken and locked inside the
post at the main gate (there is now ing houses equipment the Aerodyne small laboratory. The soldiers will
only one soldier on duty at the gate). scientists will use to track the space- then call General Gray (actually
Patrols also seem less frequent after craft once it has been launched. Kang in disguise, remember) to
nightfall. There is no one in the control center come and interrogate the prisoners.
when the heroes enter, even if they Gray will make some excuse and
ENCOUNTER: The heroes must get are breaking in during the day. refuse to come for the time being,
past the guard at the gate, or cross Lying on one of the control tables ordering the soldiers to keep the
over the wall. The wall is eight feet in a pile of papers is a list of the pas- heroes locked up in the small lab for
high and requires a Typical Agility sengers who will travel aboard the the time being and promising to ar-
FEAT roll to climb. The wall is also starship's first flight. The list reads: rive in the next couple of days. You
electrically charged and inflicts Good Jordan, L.; Hermann, M.; Michaels, should then improvise an encounter
electrical damage upon anyone S. Written under the list in pen is in which the PCs escape, possibly
touching it. Anyone taking damage "Richards, R;" the addition is signed making use of acids or equipment
from the wall alerts the patrol who General Alfred Gray. This should found in the lab (the walls and door
automatically arrive to investigate on provide the heroes with the clue they of the lab are made of Excellent ma-
the next round. need. Kang has somehow managed terial, and the lock is made of Re-
to force the army to allow Richards to markable material). If the PCs
The Patrol travel on the starship's first flight continue to wander around the base
No matter where in the complex the after all. This means he and his after they have escape, the guard is
heroes are, a patrol of four soldiers friends will not steal the craft and doubled as though they had been
arrives after every five rounds. become the Fantastic Four. detected in the previous chapter.
Whenever the patrol arrives, each of Actually, Kang captured the real
the heroes must pass an Excellent Gray, then disguised himself as the AFTERMATH: After finding the
Intensity Agility FEAT roll in order to general and ordered Richards to be memo in the mission control center,
hide and avoid the soldiers. If the added to the passenger list. The the heroes should now know that
soldiers spot the heroes, they will heroes will rescue the real Gray and General Gray is, somehow, part of
attempt to take them prisoner. confront Kang in the next chapter. the Kang duplicate's plan. The he-
If the PCs are taken prisoner, see LAB (3/4/7): There are three rooms in roes heard Gray say that he would
"Captured," below. If the soldiers the lab: an entry area (three rounds be at a small cabin "up the road"
spotted the PCs during the last to search), a small laboratory (four earlier, so they will probably go out in
encounter and the heroes escaped, rounds to search), and a large labo- search of him. Go to Chapter 17.
all guard patrols are doubled. In this ratory (seven rounds to search). If
case, the patrol arrives every third the heroes are breaking in during the KARMA:
round and has six soldiers. If the day there is a scientist present in Getting into the base +5
heroes are breaking in during broad each area (Reed Richards himself is Finding the memo +5
daylight, the patrol arrives one round working in the large lab). Fighting the guards -10
sooner and the Intensity of the FEAT The heroes obviously cannot Getting captured -10

SUMMARY: The heroes look for rently houses the Kang duplicate's decide what to do with him and his
General Gray's cabin in an attempt timeship. Two rounds after the he- timeship. Anyone examining the
to discover his connection with Kang. roes enter the barn (or look in ship's control panel and passing a
through the window) Kang will Typical Intensity Reason FEAT roll
STARTING: If the heroes travel up emerge from the ship in his General discovers a self-destruct mechanism,
the road in the direction that General Gray disguise. Once he sees the so taking care of the ship probably
Gray indicated in Chapter 15, they heroes, he will panic and attack. This won't present a problem.
find a cabin with the general's staff particular Kang has augmented his If the heroes decide to take the
car parked outside two miles away arsenal with a hypno-gun that gives captive Kang along with them to their
from the base. Read the following him Amazing mind control powers. next destination, he won't provide
text: Kang will use these powers to control them with any problems for the rest
one or two of the heroes and force of the adventure (unless you're feel-
Up ahead you see a small cabin them to fight their allies. Use any ing particularly nasty). Once the he-
protruding from the thick forest. spare map to play out the battle. roes free the real General Gray, he
You are sure this is General The inside of the barn is two areas rushes to Aerodyne and informs
Gray's cabin since you notice his by three areas. Even though he has everyone that he was impersonated
staff car parked out front. The already made his bid to alter history, by an impostor.
cabin is a small, one-story struc- Kang is sticking around to make sure When he finds out about Kang's
ture that looks as though it has everything comes off according to order to restore Reed Richards to the
about five rooms. About 50' away plan. After the heroes finish off Kang, flight crew he instantly counter-
from the cabin is a small barn. they can enter his timeship. Inside mands it. Reed, Ben, Sue, and
they find a black sphere identical to Johnny will break into Aerodyne to-
the one they found in the ship of the morrow night after all. When the
ENCOUNTER: There are no lights on first Kang duplicate. The heroes will heroes are ready to proceed to their
the cabin or in the barn. The door to want to bring this sphere with them next destination, go to the appropri-
the cabin is unlocked. A quick because they'll need it to get a fix on ate chapter.
search will reveal that the cabin is the location from which all of the
unoccupied, though the find the real spheres were sent out (see Chapter KARMA:
General Gray in a closet, uncon- 14). Finding Kang +10
scious and tied up. Defeating Kang +20
Gray is uninjured, but he won't AFTERMATH: After the heroes finish Freeing General Gray +10
wake up for a while. The barn cur- off the Kang duplicate, they must


SUMMARY: Using the time-space and your players decide which of the
coordinates they found in the black two groups will be handling the ture, Parker was bitten by a spider
computer sphere captured from the Spider-Man situation. who had absorbed a large dose of
X-Men Kang duplicate, the heroes radiation from some of the
travel back to the time and place Details on Spider-Man's Origin demonstration equipment used in
where the Amazing Spider-Man was The following information about the lecture. This spider bite
created and attempt to prevent Spider-Man's origin was included in endowed Parker with a fantastic
another of the Kang duplicates from the computer sphere the heroes array of spider-based powers.
changing history. captured from the first Kang
duplicate. Read the following aloud The trip through time to the
STARTING: The exact order in which to the players: coordinates included with the
the PCs flit around and prevent the Spider-Man entry is uneventful.
Kang duplicates from eliminating the Spider-Man is actually a young When the heroes materialize, read
key heroes isn't important. Allow the student, Peter Parker. While the following text:
heroes to resolve their efforts in the Parker was enrolled in Hoover
order of their choice. Remember, at High School in New York City he You seem to have materialized in
this point the heroes are likely to be attended a lecture on the safe use some sort of athletic storage shed.
teamed up with the X-Men and split of nuclear power. During this lec- There is quite an assortment of
into two groups. Make sure that you
row corridor that runs down for ap- If the heroes don't find a way to
football tackling dummies, volley- proximately 30'. There is one room disguise themselves as students,
ball nets, free weights, and wres- located just off the corridor immedi- they will have a tough time getting
tling mats scattered about the ately after the storage shed, and around the school without attracting
room. All the equipment is marked several chambers that connect to the all sorts of attention. Just after the
with the legend, "Property of corridor farther down. There is no heroes get dressed up in their 1960s
Hoover High Athletic Dept." The one in sight. high school duds, one of the coaches
room's only exits are a large cargo The room closest to the storage approaches them.
door secured by a chain and pad- shed is the coaches' office. The door "Shouldn't all of you be in the cafe-
lock and a small, man-sized door is not locked and the only furniture teria now? I suggest you get down
on the opposite wall. inside the office is a desk and chair. there on the double."
The chambers connecting with the As the heroes leave the locker
corridor farther down are locker room, they notice a sign that reads
According to the chronometer inside rooms. At the end of the hall, the "Football Try-Outs Today, 3 p.m. at
the timeship and the dates included heroes notice a stairway that leads the field."
in Kang's data on Spider-Man, up and out of the locker area. Each
Parker is set to be bit by the radioac- locker room contains scores of indi- AFTERMATH: The next step is for
tive spider on the very day the he- vidual gym lockers. It is probable that the heroes to proceed to the cafete-
roes have arrived. the heroes will want to break into the ria and look for Peter Parker and
lockers and look for clothes that will signs of trouble. If the heroes try to
ENCOUNTER: The heroes' timeship enable them to blend in with the staff look for Parker elsewhere in the
has materialized inside the men's and students. This will allow them to building they won't find him for the
locker facility at Hoover High. You look around a bit and try to find Kang time being (most of the students are
should encourage the heroes to exit (point out to them, if necessary, that in the cafeteria) and will continue to
through the smaller man-size door. If the heroes should be trying to attract receive warnings from various teach-
it seems as though the heroes are as little attention as possible). ers and administrators ("Shouldn't
thinking about smashing through the Each of the lockers are made of you be in the cafeteria, young
larger door, discourage them with Excellent Strength material, and their man?"). When the heroes go on to
voices outside the door, etc. The locks can be picked with Excellent the cafeteria, proceed to Chapter 19.
larger door leads to the outside and Intensity Agility FEAT rolls. All of the
the football field. The smaller door heroes have no problem finding KARMA:
leads in through the locker room. clothes of the proper size in the lock- Arriving at Hoover +5
The smaller door is locked, but only ers. Of course, since this is the Disguising themselves as stu-
from the outside. men's locker room, female heroes dents +10
When the heroes leave the storage might have to pose as men or try to
shed, they find themselves in a nar- cobble something together.


SUMMARY: The heroes head into ENCOUNTER: The heroes are going most popular girls in the school) to a
the Hoover High cafeteria trying to to have a hard time finding Peter dance tonight. It seems that Jenny
find Peter Parker or some clues that Parker in the crowd since none of was supposed to go with Flash
might tip them off as to what Kang is them has any idea what he looks Thompson, the local football hero,
planning like. Their most obvious course of but Flash suddenly disappeared and
action is to begin asking around for stood her up. Parker's offer was the
STARTING: The heroes can find the him. There are basically three only other available, and Jenny
cafeteria easily. When they finally groups of people that the heroes can would rather suffer the
reach it, read the following text talk to in the cafeteria. Ask them to embarrassment of showing up with
aloud: select one: Parker the humiliation of not
The Girls: The girls all giggle when attending the dance at all. The other
It must be lunch time. The Peter Parker's name is mentioned girls are all amazed by this tale since
cafeteria is jam-packed with ("That nerd!"). But, one of them Jenny has never dated anyone who
students of every description. relates what seems to be an amazing was not on the football team. Jenny
story: Parker will actually be cannot resist football players, she
escorting Jenny Carson (one of the goes to every practice!
The girls also have a copy of the the cafeteria will cluster around to Jenny can't resist football players
high school yearbook, in which the watch the fight. After it is over, one of and she'll almost certainly be
heroes can find a pictures of Peter the other two groups mentioned present at the tryouts). Jenny would
Parker and Jenny Carson. The girls above will recognize the players as most likely dump Parker leaving him
also know that Parker often hangs newcomers and walk over to intro- free to attend the lecture. If one of
out in the science labs. duce themselves ("I saw you handle the heroes does decide to attend the
The Normal Boys: The boys give the those bullies. It was great!"). football tryout, go to Chapter 20.
heroes the same information as the If the heroes come up with some
girls, only they do not have the year- AFTERMATH: The heroes have just other method for breaking up the
book and they seem a little more picked up some valuable clues. unhappy couple, you'll have to im-
friendly towards Peter. If Parker is attending the dance provise a bit. All the important clues
The Tough Guys: The tough guys tonight there is no way he can attend that the heroes will need to find Kang
laugh when Peter Parker's name is the lecture and get bitten by the ra- are in Chapters 21 and 22. All of the
mentioned. dioactive spider. Kang's plan obvi- clues can easily be moved elsewhere
"That wimp Parker? Hey guys, ously involves the disappearance of and presented to the heroes in differ-
these people know Parker. Whaddya Flash Thompson and in order to ent forms. If some of the heroes go
say we show'em what we do to prevent Kang from changing history, to the science labs in search of
wimps?" the heroes must somehow see that Parker, go to Chapter 21.
Two of the tough guys then begin Parker does not go to the dance with
picking a fight (all of their ability Jenny Carson. KARMA:
ranks are rated at Typical). Use any There is really only one obvious Finding out about Parker and Jenny
spare map to play out the battle. If method of doing this: One of the Carson +5
the heroes can't finish off the tough heroes can pose as a student, try out Defeating the bullies +5
guys in five rounds, a group of teach- for the football team (remember the Hurting any of the bullies -15
ers shows up and demands an ex- sign in the locker room?), and then Dragging out the fight with the bul-
planation. All of the other students in ask Jenny to the dance (remember, lies until the teachers arrive -10


SUMMARY: One or more of the ENCOUNTER: The coach wasn't result on an Endurance roll, he
heroes attends the Hoover High kidding. The hero or heroes who are pushes the opponent back one area.
football tryouts. trying out for the team must pass As soon as one character has
three of the four tests. Fortunately, pushed his opponent back a total of
STARTING: As the sign in the locker their extraordinary abilities should two areas, he has won the struggle
room said, the tryouts begin at 3 make these tests seem like child's and passed the test.
p.m. Read the following text: play. Simulate each of the tests as TACKLING: One of the other
follows: candidates is given the ball and the
You're not the only one thinking RUNNING: In order to pass the hero is told to tackle him. Make a
about joining the football team. running test, the hero must cover map eight areas long and one area
Approximately ten others are eight areas in four turns or less. This wide. The hero begins in one of the
interested as well. Sitting out in shouldn't prove much of a problem end areas and the character with the
the stands watching the tryouts is for most PCs. ball begins in the adjacent area.
a small group of students. One of BLOCKING: The hero is paired off Handle the tackling test in rounds,
the students catches your eye. with one of the other candidates and like combat. During each round, the
You're almost certain that she are ordered to block each other. character with the ball moves two
must be Jenny Carson. Resolve the blocking test in rounds, areas toward the other end of the
A coach comes forward and just like combat. Both characters map and the hero is given an
explains the procedure: begin in the same area and make opportunity to follow him. At the end
"There are four tests: running, Endurance FEAT rolls each round. of each round, after both characters
blocking, tackling, and passing. The Intensity of the Endurance FEAT have moved, the hero is given an
Anyone who wants to be a is equal to the opponent's Endurance opportunity to tackle the character
member of this team must pass rank (the hero's opponent has Good with the ball. Tackling the ball carrier
three of these tests. Good luck, Endurance). Every time one of the from an adjacent area requires an
gentlemen." characters receives a Yellow or Red Excellent Intensity Strength FEAT.

Tackling the ball-carrier from the coaches also ask the hero for his disappeared, but no one knows any
same area requires a Good Intensity name and address (the heroes won't more details.
Strength FEAT. If the hero must be around long enough for the
tackle the ball carrier before he can coaches to discover that the hero AFTERMATH: Jenny gives the hero
carry the ball into the last area on the that just made the football team is her address and asks him to pick her
map in order to pass the test. obviously not a student, but you up at 8 p.m. In order to guarantee
PASSING: In order to pass the test, shouldn't tell the players this; let nothing goes wrong, the hero has
the hero must throw a football them sweat). little choice but to go ahead and
through a suspended tire three times If the hero passes the test he is accompany Jenny to the dance that
in five attempts. Throwing the ball also greeted by Jenny Carson, who night. Nothing interesting happens
through the tire is a Good Intensity rushes out onto the field to comple- between the end of tryouts and the
Agility FEAT. ment him. If the hero asks Jenny to beginning of the dance. When you
the dance at this point she will glee- are ready to run the action at the
Passing the Tests fully accept and run off to call Peter dance, go to Chapter 22.
If the hero passes three of the four Parker and cancel out on him. (Poor
tests the coaches welcome him to Peter.) If the hero asks Jenny or the KARMA:
the team and present him with a football coaches about Flash Thomp- Trying out for the football team +15
Hoover High letter sweater. The son, they will all admit that he has Asking Jenny to the dance +10


SUMMARY: The heroes head to the Peter will admit he knows about the this encounter and cancel out on him
Hoover High science labs in order to lecture scheduled for this evening (Peter takes it well though, he is
find Peter Parker and hopefully dis- and will express regret that he will used to it). He will then decide to
cover some clues that will help them not be able to attend. If any of the attend the lecture that evening. If any
uncover the Kang duplicate's plans. heroes tries to trick Peter into forego- of the heroes follows Peter in order
ing the dance for the lecture during to make sure that he attends the
STARTING: Finding the science labs this encounter, you should give Peter lecture, or asks Parker to accompany
is easy and Parker is the only stu- the appropriate Intuition roll to deter- him to the lecture, they encounter
dent in the labs when the heroes mine whether or not he sees through nothing out of the ordinary. If one of
arrive. Even if the PCs don't know the ruse or use your own judgement the heroes is taking Jenny to the
what he looks like, it won't be hard to to determine the results. dance, go to Chapter 22.
find him. Read the following text: When the heroes encounter him,
Peter is stuck on a tricky algebra KARMA:
You walk around through the high problem: "4x/2 + 2x = 16." If the he- Talking to Peter +10
school science labs for a while roes can help him with this problem, Solving his algebra problem without
until you come upon a lone stu- Peter will be more than grateful (in a FEAT roll +10
dent poring over some algebra this case, give the heroes a few Solving the problem with a FEAT
homework. You're sure he must column shifts in their favor if they are roll +5
be Peter Parker, the boy who will trying to trick Peter). If none of the Tricking Peter into foregoing the
one day become Spider-Man. players can solve the problem, their dance +15
characters can find a solution with a
Good Intensity Reason FEAT roll.
ENCOUNTER: Peter is friendly and The correct answer is x= + 2.
will gladly chat with the heroes. He
can't give them any clues about what AFTERMATH: The heroes can't re-
Kang is planning, but he will confirm ally gain any useful information in
the fact that he is going to the school this encounter but the interaction
dance with Jenny Carson that eve- between the heroes and the fledgling
ning. Peter knows Flash Thompson Spider-Man should prove to be a lot
disappeared recently, but doesn't of fun. If one of the heroes success-
know any of the details. If asked fully asked Jenny to the dance ear-
about a nuclear science lecture, lier, she will call Peter shortly after

SUMMARY: One of the heroes takes Kang (Coach Cook's address is
Jenny Carson to the big Hoover High You finally arrive at the Hoover posted on the wall of the coaches'
dance in order to insure that Peter High dance. As you enter the office in the locker room).
Parker attends the nuclear science gym, you see hundreds of teenag-
lecture and is bitten by the radioac- ers dancing and laughing. Optional Encounter
tive spider. If the heroes tangled with the bullies
in the cafeteria, they will meet up
STARTING: You'll be coming to this ENCOUNTER: Nothing out of the with them again at the dance. This
chapter sometime after playing ordinary happens at the dance, but time the bullies are back in force.
through Chapter 20. This is probably this is a chance for some great role Four of the thugs will try to pick a
as good a place as any to point out playing. Throw in any roleplaying fight with the hero escorting Jenny. If
that Jenny will not agree to accom- encounters that would be appropri- it takes the hero longer than five
pany any of the heroes to the dance ate at a 1960s high school dance. rounds to finish the bullies off, the
unless he has managed to qualify for In addition to any encounters you chaperones will arrive and demand
the football team. improvise, there is one additional an explanation.
The hero has no problem getting encounter that takes place, and an-
to Jenny's house and walking her other encounter that may take place. AFTERMATH: The heroes can now
down to the Hoover gym where the head to Coach Cook's house in
dance is being held. Before you play Mandatory Encounter search of Kang. When they do so,
through this chapter you might want At some point during the dance, one proceed to Chapter 23.
to improvise a comic relief encounter of Jenny's friends comes up and
in which the hero tries to get his asks her why she isn't with Flash KARMA:
hands on a formal suit to wear to the Thompson. When Jenny replies that Attending the dance +10
dance. Otherwise, you can rule that no one has seen Flash all day, her Making some effort to show Jenny a
the heroes have several changes of friend replies, "That's strange. I saw good time (joking, dancing, etc.) +5
clothes aboard their time machine Flash this morning and he told me Leaving the dance early and strand-
(getting back to the time machine to that Coach Cook had asked him to ing Jenny -5
pick up the clothes is not a problem). stop by his house this afternoon to Defeating the bullies +5
If any of the other heroes would like pick up some game films. Maybe he Hurting any of the bullies -15
to attend the dance (perhaps antici- never showed up." Dragging the fight with the bullies
pating trouble), they should feel free. This should give the heroes the out over more than five rounds -5
Read the following text: clue they need to find Flash and


SUMMARY: After picking up some Thompson's home using his 30th
clues at the dance, the heroes head neighborhood in Queens. As you century technology to duplicate
to Coach Cook's house, hoping to approach the house, you notice all Cook's voice.
find some clues that will lead them to the lights are out and everything is As Cook, Kang told Thompson to
Flash and end up finding Kang strangely quiet. drop by his home later in the
himself. afternoon. When Thompson arrived,
Kang knocked him unconscious and
STARTING: Coach Cook's house is ENCOUNTER: After the Kang hid him away in order to guarantee
easy to find. If the heroes did not duplicate arrived in this time zone, that Jenny Carson would go to the
copy down his address the first time he piloted his timeship to a place of Hoover High dance with Peter
they were in the locker room, they safety and observed the situation. Parker. Kang is still waiting around in
can return and get the address Eventually he discovered a subtle this time zone in order to make sure
without a problem. When the heroes way of preventing Peter Parker from everything comes out okay. If
reach the coach's house, read the becoming Spider-Man. By getting rid something goes wrong, he has a
following text: of Flash Thompson. Kang travelled contingency plan to kill Parker
to the home of Thomas Cook, one of shortly after he gets his spider
Flash's football coaches, knocked powers.
Coach Cook lives in a simple
Cook and his family unconscious, If the heroes approach the Cook
two-story home in the St. Albans
secreted them away, and called house and knock or ring the bell, no

one answers. The drapes are drawn battle begins, he will press a button search the house and the garage. In
so it is impossible to look into the on his belt. On the following round, Kang's timeship they'll find a black
windows of the house, but anyone two humanoid "battle robots" will sphere identical to those they have
looking into the windows of the ga- emerge from Kang's timeship in the captured so far (there is no other
rage notices one of Kang's time cap- garage and join in the battle. The useful information in the timesphere),
sules parked inside! All of the robots will fight until they are de- and hidden down in the basement of
entrance's to the Cook home are stroyed, and have the following at- the Cook home they find the uncon-
locked, but the heroes can break tributes: scious bodies of Flash Thompson,
down the door with an Excellent Coach Cook, and his family.
FEAT or break a window leading into F A S E R I P
the house with a Feeble FEAT. Inside 20 20 30 40 6 6 6 AFTERMATH: Before moving on, the
the house, the heroes will find the Ex Ex Rm In Ty Ty Ty heroes should think about what they
Kang duplicate sitting in the living Health: 90 are going to do with the Kang dupli-
room, patiently waiting for his Karma: 18 cate and his timeship. See Chapter
scheme to come to fruition. 17 for guidelines on handling this
Unless the heroes knocked on the Armor: The robots' tough metallic situation. After everything is squared
door or rang the bell earlier, they will skin provides them with Excellent away, the heroes can head on to
catch Kang by surprise when they protection from physical attacks and their next destination.
enter and receive one round of free Good protection from energy attacks.
attacks if they so choose. Use any Blasters: Each robot features a built- KARMA:
spare map to play out the ensuing in blaster that strikes for Excellent Reaching the house +5
combat. energy damage. Defeating Kang and his an-
This Kang duplicate also has a After the heroes have defeated droids +20
secret weapon. Two rounds after the Kang and his androids they can Rescuing Kang's captives +10


SUMMARY: Using the coordinates Judging by the chronometer reading
contained in Kang's sphere the prevent the old man from being inside the time capsule, and the
heroes travel back through space struck. As the truck swerved to dates included in the Daredevil entry
and time in order to prevent one of avoid the man, a canister of in Kang's sphere, the heroes have
the Kang duplicates from removing radioactive materials it was materialized several years before the
Daredevil from the timeline. carrying fell onto the ground and accident which gave Matt Murdock
burst open, striking Murdock his powers.
STARTING: The following details blind, but imbuing him with
about Daredevil's origin were extra-human senses and abilities. ENCOUNTER: When the heroes
provided in Kang's sphere. Read the finally move out of the storage room,
following text to the players: they find the tailor shop completely
The trip to the coordinates which deserted. Anyone passing a Typical
correspond with Daredevil is Intensity Intuition FEAT roll or
Daredevil is better known to the
uneventful. When the heroes arrive specifically examines the shop
public as the blind lawyer, Matt
and materialize, read the following window sees a sign that reads:
Murdock. Throughout his early
years, Murdock, the son of a
small-time prizefighter, spent a lot NEXT WEEK."
of time in Hogan's Gym located in You have materialized in the Looking outside the shop, the
Hell's Kitchen, a neighborhood of storage room of a tailor shop. heroes can see a gaudy neon sign
New York City. There he honed his There are half finished suits, that reads "HOGAN'S GYM"
combat skills and developed the bundles of cloth, and sewing hanging over a large building
fearlessness that would one day mannequins scattered around the situated across the street.
serve him as a crime fighter. room. The only exit leads out into At some point, the heroes will
While in college, Murdock saw a the front of the store. Oddly head over to the gym to look for Matt
truck about to run over a blind enough, the tailor shop seems Murdock and try to figure out what
man. Hurtling himself in front of rather quiet. Almost too quiet. the Kang duplicate is planning.
the truck, Murdock managed to Before they leave the tailor shop,

they will probably want to "borrow" store. If you hurry, you can catch him. Hogan, the gym's owner (one of the
some clothes so they can walk Go easy on the kid, though. He's had weightlifters).
around outside without attracting any a terrible day. Some young new If Hogan catches sight of the he-
attention. fighter kicked his butt this morning. roes sneaking back toward the
Inside Hogan's are several would- Matt took it hard. He was talking like rooms, he will refuse to allow them to
be boxers, bodybuilders, and martial he was never gonna step into a ring enter (only gym members are al-
artists clustered about a battery of again." lowed into these areas; laying out the
training bags and free weights. Since The boxers don't know who the cash to join the gym requires a Good
the heroes have no idea what Matt new fighter is, but they will inform the Intensity Resource FEAT).
Murdock looks like, they will have to heroes that he seems to turn up at Nothing in the back rooms is out of
ask around for him. Ask the players the gym at about 3 p.m. every day (it the ordinary. In the office, the heroes
which group of athletes they would is currently 11:30 a.m.). find a membership list in a desk
like to interview (boxers, weightlif- MARTIAL ARTISTS: There is nothing drawer (Matt Murdock is listed as a
ters, or martial artists) and refer to the PCs can say to get their atten- member); in the locker room there is
the notes below. tion. The students are currently at- a piece of paper posted on the wall
WEIGHTLIFTERS: "Murdock. Yeah, tempting to break a stack of three listing the names and addresses of
I've heard the name, but I can't place bricks, a feat which none of them all the local boxing managers.
the face. You might want to ask some can accomplish. If one of the heroes
of the fighters." steps forward and breaks the bricks AFTERMATH: The next logical step
BOXERS: "Murdock, huh? Who (Remarkable Intensity Fighting or is to head out to Perlmann's drug
wants to know?" The boxers, many Strength FEAT), the martial artists store in search of Matt Murdock.
of whom are friends of Matt's father will suddenly sit up and take notice, Anyone in the gym will give the
"Battling Jack" Murdock, seem quite answering all of the PCs' questions PCs direction to the drug store if
reluctant to share any information with the same information they could asked: "Yeah, go two buildings down
with the heroes. It takes a successful have learned from the boxers. and cut through the alley and you
Remarkable Intensity Reason FEAT can't miss it. Be careful, though. This
roll or an appropriate bribe (Typical The Back Rooms is a tough neighborhood."
Intensity Resource FEAT) to con- Hogan's also features limited locker
vince the boxers to talk. Successfully room and office facilities. If the he- KARMA:
interrogating the boxers reveals the roes want to visit these back rooms, Reaching this chapter +5
following information: they must pass Typical Intensity Talking to the boxers +10
"Matt just left here a few minutes Agility FEAT rolls to sneak back with- Talking to the martial artists +10
ago, heading to Perlmann's drug out attracting the attention of Mike Visiting the back rooms +5


SUMMARY: The heroes go out look- money and you won't get hurt."
ing for Matt Murdock. Finding him in conditions it takes to produce There are five of the thugs in all,
the alley between Hogan's Gym and someone like Daredevil. There is and each is armed with a baseball
Perlmann's drug store, the heroes no doubt about it. This is Hell's bat. The thugs have the following
rescue Matt from a gang of muggers Kitchen, the toughest neighbor- abilities:
and gain some valuable clues to the hood in New York City. Through
Kang duplicate's plan. the maze of trash cans and F A S E R I P
refuse, you can barely make out 6 6 6 10 4 6 6
STARTING: This chapter immedi- the silhouette of a high school Gd Pr
Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty
ately follows Chapter 24. The heroes youth kicking his way down Health: 28
should have a good idea as to where through the alley toward the drug- Karma: 16
Matt Murdock has gone from talking store. Something tells you that the
to the patrons of Hogan's Gym. boy must be young Matt Murdock. Baseball Bats: The bats strike for
When the heroes head out into the Good Blunt damage.
alley, read the following text: It is almost certain the heroes will
ENCOUNTER: Just before the he- intervene during the mugging. Use
roes approach Murdock, a group of any convenient map to play out the
As you step into the alley you get
thugs jump out from behind a pile of battle. You can assume the alley is
a first-hand glimpse of the sort of
trash cans. "All right kid, give us your two areas wide and three areas long.
There are several trash cans in each Interacting with Murdock restore his faith and show him that
of the areas that make up the alley Eventually, the PCs will probably try the fighter who beat him might not
that can be used as impromptu to turn the conversation around to be as good as he had thought.
weapons or shields. The trash cans boxing in order to get Matt talking
are made of Good strength material about the day's events, suspecting AFTERMATH: One method of restor-
and can be thrown a number of ar- this might have something to do with ing Matt's confidence is to take him
eas equal to the thrower's Strength the Kang duplicate's plot. back to the gym and have one of the
rank divided by ten. Thrown cans When the conversation does finally PCs offer to box the mysterious
strike for Blunt damage equal to the come around to boxing, Matt will fighter. If the PC wins, Matt will re-
thrower's strength rank number. announce that "Up until today, I was assess the mystery fighter and real-
THUGS' TACTICS: The thugs are training to be a fighter. But now I've ize he is giving up too easily. If the
rather stupid and have yet to come decided to follow my dad's advice heroes return to the gym to box the
across anyone who has ever given and give up boxing. I guess I just stranger, go to Chapter 26.
them a good fight. Consequently, don't have what it takes. This guy If the heroes come up with some
they are overconfident in combat. If walked into the gym today and other plan for restoring Matt's confi-
there are more thugs than heroes, whipped me like I was nothing. I'll dence, it's up to you to judge the
only one of the thugs attacks each never be that good." results. In any case, they will proba-
hero. The remaining thugs sit around The heroes should now be starting bly want to investigate the mysteri-
and scream encouragement to their to form a picture of exactly what is ous fighter, looking for Kang. See
fellows. As soon as half the thugs happening. If Matt Murdock gives up Chapter 26 for guidelines.
have been defeated, the other half his boxing training this early in his
flee. During the fight, Murdock will life, there is no way that he will ever KARMA:
join in and aid the PCs. After the develop the skills that will later allow Finding Matt +5
battle, he introduces himself, thanks him to become Daredevil. The Kang Defeating the thugs +5
the heroes, and offers to buy them all duplicate must somehow be behind Talking to Matt about his future +10
ice cream sodas at Perlmann's for all of this. If Murdock is going to con-
their help. tinue working out, something must


SUMMARY: The heroes return to The newcomer introduces himself "points." In this case, whoever did
Hogan's Gym with Matt Murdock in as Mike Franklin, but won't sustain a the most Health damage to his oppo-
tow, hoping to arrange a match with conversation. One of the boxers who nent is the winner.
the mysterious new boxer. frequents the gym agrees to referee GLOVES: Both boxers wear gloves
the bout. If none of the PCs are box- which cut the damage inflicted by
STARTING: In order to meet up with ing in this chapter, one of the fighters their punches in half (round fractions
the fighter, all the heroes must do is who hangs out in the gym will go up down).
make sure they're at the gym by 3 against Franklin, giving the PCs a MANEUVERS: At the beginning of
p.m. When the heroes and Murdock chance to notice that Franklin is each combat round, before the initia-
return to Hogan's, read the following drugged (see below) as well as an tive is rolled, each boxer must either
text: opportunity to search his gym bag. secretly choose one of the boxing
You can resolve the boxing match maneuvers listed below or one of the
Shortly after you enter the gym, a using these special rules: The boxing following maneuvers described in the
large young man carrying a black match is fought in three "rounds." Players' Book: Evade, Block, and
gym bag follows you inside. Judg- Each boxing round lasts three com- Catch. After the initiative is rolled,
ing from the look on Matt Mur- bat rounds. both fighters reveal their maneuvers
dock's face, this must be the new THE RING: Assume the ring is two for the upcoming round.
boxer. areas long and two areas wide. Haymaker: This is an all-out punch
"Anybody care to go a few WINNING: To win, one of the boxers aimed at knocking the opponent
rounds this afternoon?" must knock his opponent uncon- unconscious. The fighter receives a
scious by reducing his Health to zero + 1 CS to his Strength rank for the
or by receiving a successful Stun purposes of determining the damage
ENCOUNTER: If one of the PCs result. If neither boxer has knocked inflicted by the haymaker, but the
accepts the offer to box, the new- the other unconscious at the end of opponent automatically receives a
comer gladly accepts the challenge. the bout, the match is decided on + 2 CS bonus to his or her chance to
strike back during this round. Mike Franklin has the following Talking to Franklin After the Bout
Jab: This is a quick punch aimed at statistics: Win or lose, Franklin will refuse to
the head. The fighter receives a +2 discuss boxing after the bout and will
bonus to his initiative die roll during F A S E R I P not reveal the name of his trainer
this round, but his Strength rank is 30 30 20 40 6 6 2 (these were some of the conditions
reduced by 1 CS for the purposes of Rm Rm Ex In Ty Ty Fe that he agreed to when he accepted
determining the amount of damage Health: 120 the wonder drug from Tyler and the
the punch inflicts. Karma: 18 Kang duplicate).
High Hook: This is a solid punch to
the head. The fighter selecting the Mike's abilities are obviously super- AFTERMATH: If the heroes visited
High Hook receives a +1 CS to human. This is because Kang has the back rooms earlier and found the
strike his opponent if the opponent given him a complex booster drug list of trainers in the locker room,
selected Block and Hook. The oppo- that augments all of his natural abili- they now have all the information
nent receives a +1 CS to strike back ties, pushing them far beyond their they need to head out to the offices
during this round if he has selected normal limits. After the Kang dupli- of Tyler Management. If the heroes
either Body Punch or Duck and Go. cate materialized in this time period have not found the list and ask Mur-
Body Punch: This is a punch aimed and studied the situation, he decided dock about Tyler, Matt will take them
at the body. The opponent receives a the best way to prevent Matt Mur- back into the locker room and show
+ 1 CS to strike back during this dock from becoming Daredevil was them the list, but none of the other
round if he has selected either High to break his confidence by insuring boxers will help them find Tyler un-
Hook or Block and Hook. he would suffer a horrible defeat in less one of the PCs has just beaten
Uppercut: This is an upward punch the ring. The easiest way to do this Mike Franklin in the ring.
aimed at the target's chin. Uppercuts was to take control of a local boxing When the heroes go to see Tyler,
can only be thrown if the opponent trainer, Tom Tyler, and through Tyler go to Chapter 27. If the heroes
successfully clinches. If there is no offer the futuristic wonder drug to a missed the Tyler clue, you can have
clinch, the fighter takes no action young fighter with the stipulation his them meet up with a boxer who
during the round. first opponent must be young Matt knows that Franklin was being
Coverup: An all-out defensive effort. Murdock over at Hogan's Gym. trained by Tyler, but in this case, you
A fighter who covers up cannot throw The wonder drug will enhance should penalize the players a few
a punch during the round, but is at Mike's fighting abilities for the next Karma points for not being on their
-1 CS to be hit and reduces the week. Since the outcome of this box- toes. Instructions on how to handle
damage that all punches inflict upon ing match might well affect the fate things if the PC loses to Franklin are
him by one half. of the entire planet, you should en- given in the next chapter.
Duck and Go: This is a quick duck courage the hero to spend the
followed up by a Body Punch. The Karma necessary to guarantee a KARMA:
fighter receives a +1 CS bonus to hit victory. Winning the match +20
and is at -1 CS to be hit if his oppo- The PC who is boxing Franklin Searching the gym bag +10
nent selected Hook or Block and notices he is on some sort of boost- Missing the gym bag clue -5
Hook. ing drug with a successful Good
Block and Hook: This is a downward Intensity Intuition FEAT roll. Any PCs
block followed by a High Hook. The watching the bout notice Franklin is
fighter receives a +1 CS bonus to hit drugged with successful Excellent
and is at -1 CS to be hit if his oppo- Intensity Intuition FEAT rolls.
nent selected Body Punch or Duck
and Go. The Gym Bag
Clinch: An attempt to grab the oppo- Mike Franklin leaves his gym bag on
nent and prevent him from punching. the floor next to the ring while fight-
A fighter selecting Clinch cannot ing. Any PC who can pass a Typical
punch during this round. If the Intensity Agility FEAT roll can sneak
clinching fighter wins the initiative, a peek into the bag without being
his opponent can only punch this noticed. The bag contains only the
round if he selected Uppercut. usual boxing gear, but all of Mike's
gear is labelled "Tyler Manage-

SUMMARY: The heroes head to the draws a laser pistol (Remarkable have been defeated, the heroes can
offices of Tyler Management Inc. in Energy damage) and tries to kill the search their unconscious bodies.
an effort to find out how Mike Frank- heroes. Tyler, who has taken the Tyler has nothing of interest on his
lin got his hands on the booster drug. same booster drug that was given to person except for a small metallic
At Tyler they meet up with the Kang Mike Franklin, joins in the struggle disk stuck to the back of his head
duplicate. against the heroes. Tyler has the behind his right ear. This disk is a
following abilities: mind-control device Kang was using
STARTING: The heroes have no to dominate Tyler. The Kang dupli-
problem locating Tyler's office from F A S E R I P cate has three items of interest on
the address they found in the wall of 30 20 20 30 10 6 2 his person: a sample of the booster
the locker room in the gym. Like Rm Ex Ex Rm Gd Ty Fe drug, a sample of an antidote for the
Hogan's, Tyler's office is located in Health: 100 booster drug, and a small radio di-
Hell's Kitchen, approximately two Karma: 22 rection finder which is obviously ze-
blocks away from the tailor shop roing in on the location of some
where the heroes' timeship material- Tyler's office occupies two areas. No object.
ized. When the heroes reach Tyler's one from outside the office will notice
building, read the following text: the struggle over the loud yells of the Following the Homer
karate class as long as the heroes try If the heroes follow the homer that
Tyler's management office seems to keep the battle within the office. If they found on the Kang duplicate, it
to be located in another gym, lo- the battle spreads outside the office, will lead them right to Kang's time-
cated a couple of blocks away the karate students flee the building. ship which is currently located in the
from Hogan's. Tyler's gym is lo- sewers beneath Hell's Kitchen, ap-
cated on the second floor of a Defeating Kang proximately three blocks away from
four-story building. Every once Once Tyler and the Kang duplicate Tyler's gym.
and a while you see a young ath-
lete head up into the gym.

ENCOUNTER: When the heroes

finally make their way up to Tyler's
gym on the second floor, they find
the area dominated by a huge karate
class. There are 23 people in the
gym; 19 are attending this class.
If the heroes ask one of the four
athletes who are not karate pupils
about Mr. Tyler they are directed to a
back office. Tyler and an assistant
are both in the back office when the
heroes arrive. If the heroes ask Tyler
about Mike Franklin he denies he
has ever met the lad. If the heroes
persist, Tyler's assistant slams the
office door shut and begins to shim-
mer metamorphosing into the Kang
This particular Kang used his 30th
century technology to build a device
that will allow him to alter his appear-
ance at will. Kang is still hanging
around in this time zone in order to
guarantee that everything goes as
planned. If Murdock somehow be-
gins boxing again, Kang is prepared
with a contingency plan.
Once Kang reveals himself he

This Kang duplicate made some a way to restore Matt Murdock's AFTERMATH: Before the heroes
modifications to the timeship and waning confidence to restore the continue on to their next destination,
installed a laser defense screen iden- integrity of the timestream, even have them decide what they would
tical to the defense screen installed though they have already found and like to do with Kang and his timeship
in the Kang duplicate's ship that the defeated the Kang duplicate. Re- (one possibility is to program the
heroes found in Chapter 2. Once member the heroes now have a sam- timeship to strand Kang in the tem-
inside Kang's timeship, the heroes ple of the antidote to the booster poral vortex). Once Kang has been
have no problem locating a black drug. This means that they can re- disposed of, proceed on to the next
sphere identical to those that they turn to Hogan's gym, slip the anti- section.
have already found in the possession dote into some water (perhaps
of the other Kang duplicates, but requiring an Agility FEAT roll to do so KARMA:
even an exhaustive search will turn unnoticed), and fight Franklin again. Finding Tyler's Gym +5
up no other usable information. Use the guidelines in Chapter 26 to Defeating Kang and Tyler +15
handle the second boxing match. If Finding Kang's ship +5
What If the PC Lost the Boxing Murdock sees the hero succeed, he Bypassing the security system with-
Match? resumes his training. out taking damage +5
In this case, the heroes must still find


SUMMARY: The heroes head into ENCOUNTER: As soon as the he-
the past to the time and place where cist Ho Yinsen and together the roes step out of the timeship, the
the Invincible Iron Man was created two men built the first suit of Iron entire area is hit by a North Vietnam-
in order to stop one of the Kang du- Man armor which fulfilled the dual ese mortar barrage. Simulate the
plicates from altering the timestream. function of keeping Stark alive mortar attack using the following
and providing him with enough procedure. Have each of the heroes
STARTING: The following informa- power to escape the VC and head select a number between one and
tion on Iron Man's origin was in- back to America, where he be- ten. This number abstractly repre-
cluded inside of Kang's sphere. came a crime fighter. sents the hero's position (more than
Read the following text: one hero can select the same num-
ber). After all of the heroes have
Iron Man is better known as An- The trip to the Iron Man coordinates selected their positions, roll 3D10.
thony Stark, an American industri- is uneventful. When the heroes ma- Anyone who selected one of the
terialize, read the following text: three numbers that came up is at-
alist and inventor. While visiting
Vietnam to supervise the field tacked by the mortar (Excellent
testing of a weapons system he You have materialized deep in the Shooting damage. Assume the mor-
designed during the late 1960s, Southeast Asian jungle in the mid- tar's Agility is Good).
Stark tripped a Viet Cong booby dle of the night. Anyone "adjacent" to one of the
trap which lodged a piece of Judging from the noise, you get numbers that came up (occupies a
shrapnel in his heart and slowly the idea that a major offensive is position one number higher or lower
began to kill him. underway nearby. Mortar shells than one of the numbers that came
Shortly after he triggered the and rockets burst overhead and up) is attacked with Typical Agility for
trap, Stark was captured by a Viet you can hear the sound of helicop- Good Shooting damage (assume
Cong leader named Wong-Chu ters wailing away in the distance. positions "1" and "10" are adjacent
and placed in a prison camp, Your timeship is located behind to each other). Anyone attacked by
where he was offered a deal: If a high ridge that looks out onto a the mortar can dodge the blast with a
Stark would agree to design a marshy path that cuts into the successful Agility FEAT roll. The
powerful weapon for the North jungle. According to the dates Intensity of this Dodging FEAT is
Vietnamese a surgeon would be included with the data in Kang's equal to the Agility with which the
summoned to operate upon him sphere and the timeship's chro- mortar is attacking its target (Good if
and save his life. Stark agreed, nometer, the heroes have materi- the blast is landing in your area,
hoping to gain time and access to alized three days after Tony Stark Typical if the blast is landing in an
tools. Inside the prison camp, was captured by the Viet Cong. adjacent area). After two such mortar
Stark met up with oriental physi- attacks, a huge assault begins.

The Assault and have the statistics and abilities AFTERMATH: If the heroes defeated
Just after the mortar barrage ends, of the typical soldier described in the the Viet Cong, they will probably
nine American soldiers rush up and Judge's Book, p. 63. If the heroes try want to find out where their nearest
take cover behind the ridge with the to keep out of sight and stay out of prison camp is located. They can
PCs, and begin setting up a .30 cali- the battle, the American soldiers gain this information from any of the
ber machine gun to cover the path. trade shots with the Cong for a few captured enemy soldiers. When the
"/ don't know who you guys are, rounds, eventually become encircled heroes head out to the camp, pro-
but you've sure managed to buy and surrender. At this point, the he- ceed to Chapter 30. Also go to
yourselves some trouble. A huge roes might surrender as well, hoping Chapter 30 if the heroes followed the
wave of VC is expected to come the Viet Cong will take them to the VC as they led away the prisoners. If
through here at any minute!" prison camp where Stark is being the heroes were captured by the Viet
Two rounds after the American held. The heroes might also try to Cong, they are taken to Wong Chu's
soldiers arrive, the VC assault begins follow the VC to see where they will nearby prison camp; go to Chapter
just as the soldier had predicted. 15 take their prisoners. In this case, 29.
Viet Cong guerrillas come bolting each must pass a Good Intensity
down the path toward the American Agility FEAT roll to slip into the jungle KARMA:
position. without being noticed by any of the Defeating the VC +20
All the Viet Cong and American enemy soldiers. Getting captured by the VC +10
troops are armed with assault rifles Following the VC +15

SUMMARY: The heroes are taken to them are aware of a common Viet tells the heroes he and Professor
Wong Chu's prison camp where they Cong trick: Inserting spies disguised Yinsen were planning on double
meet Tony Stark and Ho Yinsen. as prisoners into POW camps in crossing the Viet Cong and building
order to discover and crush any es- a powerful weapon that they were
STARTING: After the heroes are cape attempts. Before either Stark or going to use to escape the prison
captured, the Viet Cong walk them Yinsen will share any real informa- camp (the Iron Man armor).
out to the prison camp located ap- tion with the heroes, Stark will first Yesterday, however, a Viet Cong
proximately two miles away. The give them a quiz he has designed to warlord named Lao Ye came to ex-
walk takes about 45 minutes. Read ferret out Viet Cong spies. Read the amine their laboratory and confis-
the following text to the players: following questions to the players cated the secret power unit they built
and ask for answers: for the armor and hid away. What
The walk out to the Viet Cong Who played Dorothy in the Wizard was odd is that Lao Ye apparently
prison camp is very unpleasant. of Oz?—Judy Garland refrained from telling Wong Chu and
The enemy soldiers prod and Where is Disneyland?—California the other Viet Cong about Stark's
poke you all the way to the camp. Who were the last three Presidents treachery, since Wong Chu still
"/ almost pity you Americans," of the United States?—Johnson sends them to the laboratory to work
one of the Viet Cong says." You are Kennedy, and Eisenhower. on the Viet Cong weapon every sin-
in the hands of Wong Chu now!" Who are the four Beatles?—John gle day. However, there is no way
Lennon, Paul McCartney, George they can complete their weapon with-
Harrison, and Ringo Starr. out the power unit.
ENCOUNTER: After they are Any of these questions the players
searched and stripped of all weap- themselves don't know, their charac- AFTERMATH: The heroes should
ons, the heroes are dumped into a ters can answer with a successful now have a good idea how the dupli-
large prisoner holding pen. Sitting Typical Intensity Reason FEAT roll. cate Kang is planning to get rid of
inside the pen are 40 American sol- If the heroes answer all of Stark's Iron Man. The next order of business
diers and two civilians, a young questions correctly, he will begin to should be to somehow escape the
American man and an older oriental. trust them. Stark will then relate his prison camp and go looking for the
The two civilians are obviously Tony story: How he came to Viet Nam to warlord Lao Ye. Go to Chapter 30.
Stark and Professor Yinsen. test a weapons system he had de-
signed; how he had accidentally set KARMA:
Interacting With Stark off the Viet Cong mine; how the Viet- Each quiz question answered without
Stark and Yinsen will be leery about namese have asked him to build a FEAT roll +3
speaking with the PCs at all. Both of them a super-weapon. Stark also Talking to Stark +5
SUMMARY: The heroes either find strength). It takes a Good Intensity diers. If any of the heroes fails this
Wong Chu's camp and break in to Agility FEAT roll to climb the wall. FEAT, five of the soldiers will awake
find Stark, or break out looking for Prisoner Holding Area: This is the and attack each round until all of the
the warlord Lao Ye. giant cage where all of the American soldiers are active.
prisoners are kept, including Tony Weapons Depot: This unguarded
STARTING: You should be coming to Stark and Professor Yinsen. There building contains a number of as-
this chapter in one of two situations. are approximately 40 prisoners in the sault rifles, explosive parcels, and
Either the heroes have just found cage in all. Two Viet Cong soldiers submachine guns. In addition, any
the location of Wong Chu's prison stand guard outside the cage. If the weapons or pieces of equipment
camp by interrogating a Viet Cong heroes break into the cage to talk to taken from the heroes when (and if)
soldier or following the VC as they Tony Stark, refer to the "Interacting they were captured are found here.
lead off their American prisoners, or with Stark" section of Chapter 29. Command Post: This is Wong Chu's
the heroes have already been taken If the heroes are breaking out of command center. When the PCs
prisoner themselves and are now the cage, they can either use their arrive there are two men on duty
making plans to escape. Note that it powers to free themselves (the cage here. The Command Post houses a
is still dark out when the heroes ar- is made of Excellent Strength mate- radio transceiver and all of Wong
rive at the camp. rial), or lure the two guards inside by Chu's military records and files. The
faking a fight or setting up some only item of note the heroes can
ENCOUNTER: Below is a complete other sort of diversion. Give the locate here is a map of the region
description of Wong Chu's camp and guards a Remarkable Intensity Intui- that indicates where all of the local
guidelines for handling any action tion FEAT roll to see through such a Viet Cong warlords are located. It
inside the camp. Refer to the map of scam, but allow the heroes to spend takes seven rounds to search the
the camp included on the pullout Karma to influence the results of the command post and find the map.
mapsheet. guards' roll. Once the guards are Wong Chu's Hut: Wong Chu (stats of
inside the cage, the heroes can grab a typical soldier) and four of his men
Sneaking about the Camp the guards' weapons and let them- are playing cards in the main room
The prison camp is patrolled by two selves out. when the heroes arrive. In addition to
teams of three soldiers who con- Breaking out of the cage is a little the main room, the hut features a
stantly circulate through the complex trickier than you might think since bed room, a study, and a bath. The
every five turns. The heroes can hide the heroes must make sure that heroes can sneak into the other
from the patrols by passing Typical none of the other prisoners escape rooms in the hut without attracting
Intensity Agility FEAT rolls. along with them. If there was a mass the attention of Wong Chu and his
In addition to dodging the patrols, jailbreak, Stark wouldn't be in the men with an Excellent Intensity Agil-
the heroes must also make sure they prison camp to finish building the ity FEAT. In the study, the heroes find
are not seen by the guards up in the Iron Man armor and the timestream a map identical to the map located in
guard towers. Anytime the heroes would suffer irreparable damage. the command post.
move through an open area in the Laboratory: Two guards bring Stark Motor Pool: Two trucks and four
camp each of them must pass Good and Yinsen from the holding area to jeeps are parked here. Starting any
Intensity Agility FEAT rolls to avoid this laboratory every morning and of the vehicles raises the alarm.
the guards in the towers. There are return them every night. When the Gate: The main gate is guarded by
two guards in each tower. heroes arrive there is no one present two soldiers.
If the heroes are detected by the here. Inside the laboratory are some
patrols or the tower guards an alarm of Stark's notes for the weapon he AFTERMATH: After talking to Stark
is be sounded on the following round and Yinsen are supposedly building and wandering about the camp, the
and ten soldiers come to investigate. for the Viet Cong, as well as all of the heroes should have everything they
All of the soldiers in the camp are parts and tools the heroes would need to track down Lao Ye, who is
armed with assault rifles and have need for any kit-bashing attempts almost certainly involved with the
the statistics and abilities of the typi- they care to try, and a few little Kang duplicate. When they do so,
cal soldier described in the Judge's pieces of what will eventually be- proceed to Chapter 31.
63. If the heroes are cap- come the Iron Man armor.
tured by the VC, they are dumped Barracks: This large building houses KARMA:
into the Prisoner Holding Area. 65 Viet Cong soldiers. There are 40 Breaking in to see Stark +15
soldiers sleeping in the barracks Talking to Stark +5
CAMP AREAS when the heroes arrive. The heroes Breaking out of the prisoner
The Wall: Surrounding the camp is a must pass Excellent Intensity Agility area +10
thick bamboo stockade topped by FEAT rolls to sneak through the bar- Finding one of the area maps +10
barbed wire (Excellent material racks without waking any of the sol-

SUMMARY: Using the map they loss of the power unit, Kang has AFTERMATH: Have the heroes de-
found in Wong Chu's camp the he- several contingency plans he can cide what to do with Kang and his
roes head to Lao Ye's command post implement. timeship before moving on using the
where they discover the Kang dupli- guidelines presented earlier. In order
cate is trying to remove Iron Man As soon as the heroes enter the to completely repair the timestream,
from the timestream. house, both Kang and Lao Ye will be the heroes must still see that Stark
waiting for them in ambush (the he- gets his power unit back so that he
STARTING: Using one of the maps roes must pass Excellent Intensity can finish the Iron Man armor. This
recovered from Wong Chu's camp, Intuition FEAT rolls as they enter the means they will have to sneak back
the heroes can find Lao Ye's com- house or lose a round due to sur- into Wong Chu's camp and give the
mand post with little difficulty. The prise). Lao Ye has all of the abilities unit back to Stark or hide it in his
CP is located approximately one mile of a typical soldier, and attacks the laboratory. Go back to Chapter 30
away from the prison camp. Read heroes with an assault rifle. Kang and use the guidelines for sneaking
the following text to the players: uses his usual equipment plus an about the camp.
unusual weapon that is unique to this
Lao Ye's command post is a small particular Kang duplicate. KARMA:
plantation house located on a Kang has constructed a belt which Defeating Kang and Lao Ye +20
gently sloping highland overlook- throws three mirror image illusions of Finding the power unit +10
ing the thick jungle. Fortunately, himself up around him (these illu- Giving the power unit back to
Lao Ye's command post does not sions are of Remarkable quality). Stark +10
house all of the troops present Each round each of the heroes must
back at Wong Chu's. There seem indicate which of the "Kangs" he or
to be only four soldiers on duty. In she is attacking (#1-4) and you
addition to the plantation house, should secretly select which of the
there is a small prefab shed that Kangs is genuine article before all
makes up part of the estate. such announcements are made.
Attacking an illusory Kang causes
the illusion to temporarily disappear,
ENCOUNTER: The heroes must get allowing any heroes that have yet to
past the guards before they can en- act to switch their attacks toward a
ter the plantation house. Two guards different Kang if they so choose.
are stationed outside the only en- Kang is so proficient at using this
trance to the house and two guards device and can move so well, that
are stationed outside the shed. The you should add to the heroes' confu-
guards are all armed with assault sion by changing the real Kang
rifles and have all of the abilities and around each round (say #3 the first
statistics of the typical soldier listed round, #2 the second, #4 the third,
in the Judge's Book, p. 63. Once the etc). Any dissipated illusions auto-
guards are out of the way, the heroes matically spring up again at the be-
can move about at will. ginning of each new round. Note that
Only two people are actually inside the illusory Kang's cannot make any
the plantation house: Lao Ye and real attacks of any sort, but all ap-
Kang. The Kang duplicate used a pear to, meaning that the heroes
hypnodisk (similar to the device used cannot discover the real Kang by
by the Kang duplicate that was after simply looking around for the one
Daredevil) to take control over Lao that is attacking.
Ye shortly after arriving in this time Once Kang is defeated, the heroes
zone and used him to confiscate can search the plantation house and
Stark and Yinsen's secret power unit the surrounding area. On Lao Ye
(Lao Ye outranks Wong Chu and they find a hypnodisk planted behind
Kang chose him as a pawn because his right ear and in Lao Ye's desk
he was more accessible). drawer they find Stark's secret power
Kang is hanging around to make unit. Kang carries no interesting
sure everything turns out the way he items. The pre-fab shed behind the
plans. If Stark and Yinsen manage to plantation house currently houses
build the Iron Man armor despite the Kang's timeship. Inside the timeship
is one of the black spheres.

SUMMARY: Using the five spheres heroes decide to leave back in the strength material). It takes a Remark-
they have captured from the various 1960s. able Intensity Strength or power
Kang duplicates, the heroes track When the heroes materialize in the FEAT to open the doors and gain
down the Master Kang and crash 50th century, read the following text: entrance to the castle (the castle
into his fortress. The master Kang walls are made of Unearthly strength
escapes, but the heroes find a clue Your timeship has materialized on material). Once the doors have been
as to where he is headed. top of a narrow rock outcropping opened, Kang's highly advanced
in the desolate 50th century. Judg- security systems instantly warn him
STARTING: Way back in Chapter 14 ing from your surroundings, it of the heroes' presence. Kang flees
the heroes most likely learned they seems that man has ceased to to his timeship and leaves to imple-
could track down the location from exist long ago. Ahead of you is a ment his contingency plan (see be-
which all of Kang's "time telegram" dark foreboding castle. A castle low). There is nothing the heroes can
spheres were sent once they had that undoubtedly houses Kang. do to stop him. Just before Kang
accumulated five of the spheres, leaves, he throws a switch that arms
allowing them to "triangulate" (simi- the castle's formidable automated
lar to the process the heroes used to ENCOUNTER: The castle is in fact defense systems.
discover the location of the Ko-kri the Master Kang's secret fortress LOBBY: This is simply a huge entry
power source in Chapter 13 only in near the edge of time. Refer to the way that provides access to the re-
an additional three dimensions). map of the fortress located on the maining rooms in the castle. Since
Once all the Kang duplicates have pullout mapsheet and allow the play- Kang threw the security switch be-
been defeated and the heroes have ers to wander about at will. Each of fore he fled, four panels in the floor
assembled the five spheres they will the major areas is described below: slide open the instant the heroes
probably rendezvous somewhere MAIN ENTRANCE: This is a huge set enter the lobby to reveal four power-
(most likely the X-Men mansion) and of iron double doors (Incredible ful security robots. Each of the ro-
begin to analyze their spoils.
With a single Good Intensity Rea-
son FEAT roll the heroes can track
down the approximate point from
which all five spheres were sent
through the temporal vortex (the
outcome of the adventure depends
upon this roll, so encourage the he-
roes to spend Karma). After analyz-
ing the spheres, the heroes learn
that their point of origin lies on Earth,
somewhere in the late 50th century.
Just before the heroes are ready to
leave for the 50th century, Professor
X uses his psychic powers to sum-
mon the X-Men. Professor X has just
learned that the villain known as
Magneto has taken over a missile
base on Cape Citadel and the Pro-
fessor wants the X-Men to stop him
(this is the team's first official case as
chronicled in X-Men #1). This means
the heroes will have to part company
with their newfound friends and
tackle the 50th century on their own.
After the PCs leave, Professor X
uses his psychic powers to remove
all memories of this adventure from
the minds of the X-Men, afraid such
knowledge might later lead them to
inadvertently violate the timestream.
Professor X also uses his powers to
destroy Kang's timeship should the

bots has the following statistics and heroes enter the room, the timeship Anyone who glances at the figures
abilities: is gone (Kang just left). can see that Kang has obviously
Anyone who examines the com- spent the last several years re-
F A S E R I P puters that Kang hooks up to the searching the twentieth century and
30 20 30 40 6 4 4 timeship while it is docked and its heroes. Another pile of papers on
Rm Ex Rm In Ty Pr Pr passes an Excellent Intensity Rea- the table contains complex temporal
Health: 120 Karma: 14 son FEAT roll realizes that the time- calculations that trace out the desti-
ship has left within the last few nies of all twelve of the key heroes
Armor: The robots have the equiva- minutes. There is no way to deter- and note how they all overlap at one
lent of Excellent body armor. This mine exactly where the timeship was common point somewhere in the late
armor provides them with Good pro- headed. 1960s (the approximate time space
tection against energy attacks. MUSEUM #1: This room houses a coordinates of this point are included
Plasma Cannons: Each robot has a few of the artifacts Kang has ac- in the scribblings).
built in plasma cannon that strikes quired during his many jaunts Anyone who passes a Good Inten-
with Excellent Agility for Excellent through time. Included in the room sity Reason FEAT immediately no-
energy damage. are: a German Pzkw IV tank, a can- tices that this latter set of figures was
Entwining Nets: Each robot can non from the American Civil War, an scrawled out much more recently
launch a single net which will grap- original Rembrandt, and some gold than the second set. Anyone who
ple a target with Good Strength. The jewelry from ancient Egypt. If any of passes an Excellent Intensity Rea-
nets are made of an Excellent the heroes are in the room for more son FEAT realizes that the figures
strength material. Once an opponent than a single round one of the ma- were scrawled out within the last
has been ensnared, the security chine guns on the tank suddenly hour. Actually, shortly before the
robots close in for the kill with the draws a bead upon them and fires heroes invaded his fortress, Kang
plasma cannons. (this is part of the defense system used his temporal supercomputers to
LABORATORY: This room features that Kang activated earlier). The check on the progress of his dupli-
Kang's collection of super-scientific machine gun strikes with Good Agil- cates, noting that they had all failed
equipment. All the items and equip- ity for Excellent Shooting damage in their missions (they were stopped
ment the heroes will need for any kit- and will keep firing until all of the by the PCs). Kang then began
bashing attempt they might care to heroes are dead, all of the heroes searching for a contingency plan,
try can be found here. If you will be have left the room or the heroes in- finally discovering that all 12 of the
playing through Part II of the adven- flict 20 or more points of damage key heroes would be together at one
ture, anyone that looks around the upon it (the machine gun has the place and time in the late 1960s.
lab and passes an Excellent Intensity equivalent of Excellent body armor). When the heroes arrived, Kang took
Reason FEAT roll realizes that Kang If the heroes take a close look at off for this point in his timeship, hop-
was recently working on some sort of the gun after knocking it out, they ing to see what he can do about get-
sophisticated robot here. find that it was fired by an automated ting rid of all 12 heroes in one shot.
TRAP ROOM: This room exists solely heat sensing unit. Analyzing the computers in the
to trap any intruders who might at- MUSEUM #2: Among the items room won't yield any useful informa-
tack Kang's castle. It was primed stored here are: a complete dinosaur tion (though anyone who does ana-
when Kang threw the security switch skeleton, a map that was drawn by lyze the computers notices that the
before he left. Just after the hero or Christopher Columbus himself, a suit heroes triggered an "Intruder Alert"
heroes enter this room, the ceiling of Maximillian plate mail armor, and a alarm when they entered the castle).
suddenly rushes to the ground, in- spy glass that once belonged to Na-
flicting Amazing crushing damage poleon. There are no special defen- AFTERMATH: The heroes should
upon everyone in the room. Anyone sive measures in place in the room have all the clues they need to figure
who can pass an Amazing Intensity and no other items of interest. out that Kang is going to make one
Intuition FEAT notices the ceiling is KANG'S CHAMBER: This room fea- last ditch effort at taking out all 12 of
falling in time to try to jump out of the tures a large throne, a table, and the key heroes at one time. They
room (requires an Excellent Intensity some simple computers. Spread out must now obviously travel to the
Agility FEAT). Anyone who can pass across the table are papers which coordinates that they discovered
an Amazing Intensity Strength or contain some of Kang's time-space embedded within Kang's figures and
power FEAT can catch the ceiling figures. By glancing over the figures, try to stop him. Go to Chapter 33.
and prevent everyone from taking the PCs can see how Kang deter-
damage. mined that all of the heroes would be KARMA:
TIMESHIP CHAMBER: This is where eliminated from the late 20th century Reaching the fortress +10
the Master Kang moors his timeship if the 12 key heroes could be re- Getting into Kang's chamber +15
while visiting his castle. When the moved from the timestream. Finding the coordinates +5

SUMMARY: The heroes head to the Fantastic Four Annual #3 for anyone point that it is no longer a factor.
coordinates they found in the Master who is interested). Since all of the villains are being
Kang's palace and find themselves Eventually, the heroes will head for mind controlled by Doctor Doom
at the wedding of Reed Richards and the Baxter Building in order look for (who, of course, is hoping to wipe out
Sue Storm. Kang has calculated that signs of Kang. Just before the PCs the Fantastic Four), they will fight
all 12 of the "key" historical heroes reach the building a huge portion of until they have been knocked uncon-
will be present at this event at the Doctor Doom's army arrives and scious. Doom himself is hidden a
same time, and hopes to take all of begins attacking the crowds of inno- short distance away from the Baxter
them out at once (his contingency cent bystanders gathered outside the Building (off the map) and there is no
plan). If you are playing through Part Baxter Building in order to attract the way the heroes can reach him during
II of the adventure, the heroes find attention of the heroes inside. The the battle. Because the super-villains
an important clue that will lead them villainous army consists of: the are all unwitting pawns in Doom's
into the alternate "reality" of Marvel Super-Skrull, the Mad Thinker, the attack none of them will spend ANY
Comics Inc. after they defeat the Executioner, the Unicorn, the Melter, Karma during the attack. During the
Master Kang. the Mandarin, the Black Knight, Elec- battle, you should roleplay any inter-
tro, the Beetle, Diablo, Attuma, and action between the PC and NPC
STARTING: After the heroes materi- ten of Attuma's legions. Get out the heroes. Remember, many of the
alize, read the following text: city map that came with the Marvel NPC heroes might recognize one or
Superheroes Advanced Set and des- more of the PCs from their activities
Your time machine has material- ignate any convenient building to- earlier in the adventure (Spider-Man,
ized across the street from a tall ward the center of the map as the for instance, might tell one of the
skyscraper, a skyscraper you rec- Baxter Building. The crowd occupies heroes that "You remind of a guy I
ognize as the famous Baxter every area within two areas of the met when I was still in high school, a
Building. The chronometer on building. For the first couple of real jerk. He stole my date," etc).
your control console indicates that rounds of the battle, it is up to the PC On the seventh round of the strug-
you have travelled to the late heroes to do what they can to protect gle, the Watcher suddenly appears
1960s. There is a huge, happy the crowds (everyone in the crowd and teleports Reed Richards away.
crowd assembled outside the Bax- has all attributes rated at Typical, Richards suddenly returns to the
ter Building. The "Fast Eddie's" assume there are 100 bystanders in scene two rounds later with an in-
catering truck you notice parked each area). During these opening credible technological device which
outside and the priest you glimpse rounds, only one villain (your choice) he uses to teleport all of the villains
standing in front of the building's will attack each of the heroes while out of the area. Read the following
entrance are your only clues as to the rest concentrate on harassing text:
what is happening. the bystanders.
Attuma and his legions enter from You see Richards activate his
one end of the map while all of the strange weapon and all of the
ENCOUNTER: The heroes' timeship other villains enter from the opposite villains suddenly disappear.
has materialized within an isolated edge. The heroes begin three areas "It's okay everybody. This device
alley way. As soon as the heroes away from the Baxter Building. On is a sort of 'wedding present' from
move out of the alley, they begin to the third round of the struggle, the Uatu, the Watcher. I've just used it
notice huge banners that read following heroes emerge from the to displace all of the villains in time
"CONGRATULATIONS REED AND Baxter Building and join in against to the points they occupied just
SUE ON THE EVE OF YOUR WED- the villains: Spider-Man, Mr. before they attacked. Doctor Doom
DING" posted all over the Manhattan Fantastic, the Thing, the Human was behind this, he seized mental
streets. The heroes have obviously Torch, the Beast, Cyclops, Ice Man, control over all of the villains and
materialized at the site of the historic Angel, Daredevil, and Iron Man. forced them to attack, hoping to
wedding of Reed Richards and Sue Have fun with the ensuing free-for- wipe us out. The device took care
Storm. Like just about every other all. To make life easier for yourself, of him, as well. Well, now we can
resident of the Marvel Universe, the you should divide up all of the NPC get on with the ceremony. There's
heroes are all aware that Reed and heroes who are present amongst the just one more thing. Uatu also
Sue's wedding was attended by al- players and control only the villains gave me a cryptic warning. 'Be-
most all of New York's costumed yourself. A handy reference table of ware the threat from beyond time
heroes and attacked by a huge army the ability and power ranks of all the itself,' he said, so everyone be on
of super-villains who were brain- heroes and villains is provided on the your toes."
washed by the insidious Doctor back of the cardstock cover.
Doom (all of this happened in By the time the NPC heroes arrive,
the crowd will have dispersed to the

(Incidentally, this is how Richards
and his friends actually defeated the
army of super-villains in Annual #3.)
The PC heroes will almost certainly
realize that Uatu's warning is refer-
ring to the Master Kang, who is un-
doubtedly lurking about somewhere
waiting to make a move. Just after
the battle Mr. Fantastic will approach
the heroes, compliment them on
their skills, thank them for defending
his well-wishers, and invite them to
his wedding, an invitation the heroes
are sure to accept since they still
have no idea where and when the
Master Kang plans to strike. The
heroes will then be ushered inside
the Baxter Building to mingle with
the other guests while everyone
waits for the wedding to begin.

Mingling With Reed and Sue's

Here is a perfect opportunity for
some heavy duty roleplaying. Gath-
ered in one room with the PCs are:
Dr. Strange, Nick Fury, Dum Dum
Dugan, Gabe Jones, Quicksilver,
Spider-Man, Patsy Walker, Hedy
Wolfe, Karen Page, Foggy Nelson,
Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Wasp,
Giant Man (Henry Pym), the X-Men,
Iron Man, Thor, Charles Xavier, Cap- arrived was a truck from Fast Eddie's powerful enough to destroy the en-
tain America, and Millie the Model. catering parked outside the building. tire Baxter Building and should take
You should improvise as many One of the caterers is obviously an out all of the heroes clustered inside
amusing little encounters between impostor! If the players don't catch without any problem. As soon as
the NPCs and PCs as possible. Re- on to this inconsistency give all of Kang catches sight of the heroes, he
member, many of the NPCs might their characters Typical Intensity flees out one of the building's emer-
recognize some of the PCs due to Intuition FEAT rolls to notice it, The gency exits and tries to run back to
their actions earlier in the adventure heroes will probably rush down to the his timeship which is parked in a
as noted above. None of the X-Men basement in order to check out the nearby alley. Kang battles the heroes
remember any of the player heroes caterer. None of the NPC heroes will as he runs (the Master Kang has no
(their memories of the entire adven- accompany them. special weapons just the usual armor
ture were erased in order to prevent Once in the basement, the heroes and gauntlets). Assume the timeship
them from inadvertently violating the find the Master Kang quickly assem- is located eleven areas away from
timestream), but Professor X remem- bling a giant bomb (remember the the Baxter Building on the street
bers all of the preceding events and Master Kang has a star imprinted on map of Manhattan.
may even be able to help the heroes his helmet for identification pur- As the heroes pass Kang's bomb,
if asked. Just before the wedding poses). This particular Kang has an they realize that the bomb is fully
starts, the Beast will asks, "Hey, advanced technological device that armed and will detonate in thirty
does anybody know where any of the allows him to mimic the appearance seconds. Some of the heroes, there-
Fantastic Four people are? A guy of another with Incredible ability. He fore, must stay behind and attempt
from Leo's Catering just showed up. I used this device to impersonate a to defuse the bomb while their com-
sent him downstairs." caterer and gain access to the Bax- patriots chase down Kang.
If the players are on their toes this ter Building.
should register quite odd. One of the The bomb he is assembling is
first things the heroes saw when they

Defusing the Bomb —A few smatterings about the from Kang just long enough to insert
There are four wires that lead to the revolutionary theories on the nature this warning into the time sphere the
bomb's detonator: a red wire, a blue of reality authored by a scientist in Supreme Kang was preparing to
wire, a yellow wire, and a white wire. the alternate reality (Kleinberg). send out to his cronies who would
Cutting one of these wires will diffuse —A memo indicating that several then make sure that the heroes got
the bomb. Anyone who examines the of the duplicate Kangs are working their hands on it and catapulting
bomb for 15 seconds and passes an as part of some gigantic conspiracy. them through the rest of the adven-
Excellent Intensity Reason FEAT roll A note exhorts the other Kangs, "Do ture and allowing Kang to extend his
realizes the yellow wire is not the not worry about being defeated by synchronicity chain (all of the events
correct wire with a Green Result, that the heroes, you will be rescued from of this adventure up until the present
both the yellow and the white wires whatever fate they subject you to at have also occurred in an issue of
are not correct with a Yellow result, a later time"). Marvel's "Time and Space" series in
and that the red, yellow, and white —Notes on various things that had the other reality).
wires are all incorrect with a Red to be done in order to set the first two In order to complete the script for
result. It takes five seconds to cut adventures in this trilogy into motion the adventure, the heroes were sup-
each of the wires. Cutting the blue (i.e., ensure that an Orphu time ves- posed to defeat the Master Kang, but
wire disarms the bomb. Cutting the sel crashlands in Nazi Germany; instead the Master Kang built an
red wire, however, automatically make sure that a chronovore is un- android of himself to take his place
detonates the bomb. Give any hero leashed into the 1870s of the Marvel and attack the wedding of Reed and
that is about to cut the red wire a timestream, etc). Sue. The real Master Kang is now
Good Intensity Reason FEAT to no- —And the complete script for this heading into the alternate reality
tice his mistake at the last minute. adventure (You have been keeping where he plans to double-cross the
If the bomb goes off, the heroes up with the script, haven't you?). Supreme Kang and take control over
fail in their mission and Kang is victo- However, the last scene of the script the Marvel Universe himself once the
rious. Explain all of this to the heroes has the PC heroes defeating the real master plan succeeds.
and encourage the appropriate Kang, not an android. Appended to
Karma expenditures. the script are notes that read: "Sub- AFTERMATH: The dumbfounded
jects have been analyzed and their heroes' next move should be to enter
Chasing Down Kang responses gauged. No deviation the alternate reality using the instruc-
Kang should last long enough to from this script is permissable if the tions found in Kang's computer.
make it back to his timeship where masterplan is to succeed." When they do so, go to Chapter 34.
he will make his last stand. Once the Of course, all of the information
heroes defeat the Master Kang they the heroes find in Kang's timeship is KARMA:
notice they were not battling Kang at only present if you are planning on Reaching the wedding +10
all but a highly complex android who playing through Part II of the adven- Refusing to help the bystanders
was impersonating him. Once the ture. If you are not going to be play- when the villain army arrived -25
android is out of the way, the PCs ing through Part II, the heroes defeat Battling the supervillain army +50
can enter the timeship and look the real Master Kang here (ignore all Mingling with the guests +10
around. There are no obvious clues references to the android above) and Recognizing the impostor without a
inside the timeship but anyone who the adventure ends. FEAT roll +15
passes a Good Intensity Intuition Defusing the bomb without having to
FEAT roll notices that one of Kang's What Is Really Going On make the FEAT roll before cutting the
computers is currently displaying a If you are playing through Part II of red wire +10
screen that reads "FILENAME?". If the adventure, things are starting to Defeating the Master Kang (Master
the heroes walk over to the screen get sticky. If the players are thor- Kang android) +25
and type in "Fireball" (the filename oughly confused as to what is going
that was included in the first time on, you've got them right where you
sphere that they analyzed way back want them. In order to make sure PART II — The Man Who
in Chapter 14), they receive a that you are not confused, here is a Would Be Kang
lengthy report. The report includes: quick rundown of what is really hap-
—The story of how one of the pening: Part Two of the adventure begins
Kangs accidentally discovered an The "Fireball" clue was planted in with Chapter 34. Remember that
alternate reality several months ago the first time sphere by a duplicate of Part II is optional. You should only
when he was caught up in an odd one of the PCs heroes (captured play through Part II if you have
temporal phenomenon (see the Intro- from another timestream) who the played through the earlier adven-
duction) and notes on how to reach Supreme Kang has captive in the tures in the MT series.
this reality using a timeship. other reality. This duplicate escaped

SUMMARY: The heroes enter the War Two adventure which began the played during the liquor store holdup
alternate reality in which they nor- series. Marty also asks if the heroes will take care of that), and Marty is
mally exist only as characters in have anywhere to stay and invites perfectly willing to accept any expla-
comic books published by a firm them back to his apartment. nation they offer. Since they have no
known as Marvel Comics Inc. Upon leads as to what Kang is up to and
entering the alternate reality the he- AFTERMATH: Marty has heard of where he is located, the heroes have
roes find themselves at the scene of Kang the Conqueror, but only as a little choice but to trust Marty and
a liquor store holdup where they comic book character. Marty will see if he might be able to provide
meet Marty Jenkins, the writer of explain to the heroes that he works them with any information. When
their comic series, and gain some for Marvel Comics Inc. where he they reach his apartment, Marty will
important clues. writes a comic book series ("Time provide all of the heroes with clothes
and Space") starring the player he- that will allow them to wander around
STARTING: The trip to the alternate roes. Marty has already written the the city inconspicuously. He will also
reality is not difficult once the heroes All This and World War Two and offer to take them to Marvel Comics
read the instructions in Kang's com- Weird, Weird West segments of the in the morning on the off-chance
puter. All they need to do is exit the book and can recount everything that they might be able to discover a cou-
temporal vortex at a certain trajec- happened in both adventures. He ple of clues. When the heroes are
tory and they find themselves re- also knows everything about the ready to take him up on this offer, go
moved from the Marvel Universe. heroes including all of their secret to Chapter 35.
When they materialize, read this text: identities and origins (Marty thought
he made all of this up). KARMA:
The "alternate reality" described The heroes have no problem con- Reaching the alternate reality +10
in Kang's computers seems nearly vincing Marty they actually exist (the Defeating the thugs +10
identical to the "normal" universe super-powers they no doubt dis- Befriending Marty +10
with which you are accustomed.
You have materialized in a deso-
late New York alley in the middle
of the night. Across the street is
an all-night liquor store. Just after
you notice the store you catch
sight of a group of thugs wearing
nylon masks hurrying inside.

ENCOUNTER: The heroes will cer-

tainly want to do something about
the holdup. There are four thugs and
each is armed with a shotgun (use
the stats for a typical thug found in
the Judge's Book). There are two
bystanders inside the store: the clerk
(all abilities Typical) and Marty
Jenkins. The inside of the store is
three areas square. During the bat-
tle, everyone reacts with extreme
surprise upon glimpsing the heroes
and their abilities (there are no
super-humans in the alternate real-
ity). After the PCs take out the thugs,
Marty will yell, "Oh my god, it's the
(Fill in the appropriate team name).
Are you for real? I write about you
guys!" Marty hands the PCs the first
issue of the Time and Space series
which is a complete account of their
adventures in the All This and World

SUMMARY: The heroes visit the ENCOUNTER: This is another great notes, for his theories on the nature
offices of Marvel Comics Inc., where opportunity for some roleplaying. All of reality. He was last seen at his
they learn of scientist Rolf Kleinberg over the office are writers and artists penthouse apartment in Manhattan
and discover Kleinberg has recently drawing up adventures of some of (the address is given). After glimp-
turned up missing. the PCs' friends and enemies. Throw sing this report, the heroes will prob-
in any comic relief roleplaying ably smell Kang's involvement in
STARTING: Jenkins will take the encounters that suit you (for exam- Kleinberg's disappearance, all of the
heroes with him over to the Marvel ple, the artist of the "Time and "reality" and "extra-dimensional"
offices the next morning. When the Space" series might notice how clues should tip them off that Klein-
heroes arrive, read the following text: much the PCs look like his charac- berg might be important in the ad-
ters, etc). Marty introduces the he- venture.
Marty shows you into the offices of roes to everyone as his "cousins."
Marvel Comics Inc. Inside, you Shortly after the heroes enter the AFTERMATH: The next logical step
see teams of artists, writers, ink- offices, a copy boy enters and an- is to check out Kleinberg's pent-
ers, letterers, and colorists busily nounces: "Anybody want to see a house and look for clues. If the he-
preparing the next month's books. newspaper?" If the heroes answer in roes didn't ask for a newspaper,
As Marty arrives, his editor, a man the affirmative the copy boy gives Marty gets one and points the story
name O'Malley, shouts, "Marty, I them a paper. The headline reads out to them. When you are ready to
put the proofs for Time and Space "TOP SCIENTIST MISSING," and proceed, go to Chapter 36.
#3 in the bottom drawer of the the lead story goes on to discuss
filing cabinet in my office. It goes how Rolf Kleinberg, an expert on so- KARMA:
to the printers at 4:00 p.m." called "extra-dimensional physics" Going to Marvel +10
has recently turned up missing. Reading the newspaper (without
Kleinberg is famous, the paper Marty pointing out the story) +10


SUMMARY: The heroes go to the case. The heroes must somehow get ral vortex in order to stabilize the
house of Rolf Kleinberg where they past the guard in order to search for connection (the frequency is also
find the clue they need to locate clues. If the heroes simply knock the provided).
Kang. guard unconscious, use the normal
combat rules. If the heroes try to lure AFTERMATH: Once the heroes
STARTING: Note that Marty will not the guard away from the door with glimpse Kleinberg's notes they might
accompany the heroes to Kleinberg's some sort of diversion, give the begin to piece things together. Inform
(he has work to do). The trip across guard an Excellent Intensity Intuition the heroes they can use the equip-
town to the penthouse doesn't take FEAT roll to see through the decep- ment in their time capsule to deter-
long. When the heroes arrive, read tion. mine whether or not any waves of
the following text: Once the guard is gone, the door the frequency found in Kleinberg's
is not locked. The inside of Klein- notes are being broadcast from any-
Kleinberg lived in an exclusive berg's penthouse is exactly what you where in the area. Once return to the
high-rise located in mid-town Man- would expect from a famous scien- timeship and search for such emana-
hattan. According to the placards tist: rich, lush, and lavish. Spread out tions, go to Chapter 37.
located in the lobby, Kleinberg's all over Kleinberg's desk is a pile of
penthouse was located on the notes on his latest project. The notes KARMA:
30th floor. describe Kleinberg's new theory Getting past the police guard without
which states there are an infinite harming him +10
number of possible realities. The Finding the notes +15
ENCOUNTER: When the heroes notes also describe the relationship
reach the 30th floor, they find a New between these realities: If a chain of
York City Police officer posted out- "synchronicity," or an overlapping of
side of Kleinberg's door (use the events can be set up, two of the real-
stats for a typical policemen found in ities can be bound together and their
the Judge's Book). No one is being destinies intertwined as long as en-
allowed to enter the penthouse lest ergy waves of the proper frequency
they disturb evidence needed for the were being broadcast into the tempo-
SUMMARY: The heroes discover this world. reality). The heroes cannot stop him.
someone in the area is broadcasting "My duplicates and I easily manip- During the battle, anyone within one
energy at the frequency Kleinberg ulated you into duplicating the efforts area of the table holding the PC du-
described in his notes. The heroes of your comic-book counterparts. plicates notices a red lever on the
trace down the emanations to the With Rolf's help, I was able to build table. Throwing this lever revives the
basement of the building that houses this machine which then cemented PC duplicates who will then aid their
Marvel Comics Inc. There they con- the two realities together. The events counterparts against the robots.
front both the Supreme and Master being published in your comic book in Each of the players now controls two
Kangs; discover Kleinberg and the this reality now immediately come copies of his character in battle!
duplicates of themselves that Kang true in our own reality. It proved sim- Master Kang will fight the heroes
captured from another timestream. ple to take control over the editor of along with the robots. Kleinberg will
your book and use him to change the cower in a corner.
STARTING: The heroes have no outcome of your series to one which I
problems making their way back to find far more favorable! AFTERMATH: Once the battle is
the timeship and using its equipment "But enough talk, and enough of over, the heroes can revive their du-
to try to hone in on Kleinberg's fre- this machine; its work is done. (Kang plicates if they have not already done
quency. Doing so immediately re- switches off the machine that was so. Once the duplicates are revived,
veals a powerful broadcast broadcasting the power.) Now all I one of them will say, "I see you got
emanating from the basement of the need do is wait for my ultimate tri- our message," referring to the "Fire-
Marvel Comics building. When the umph. I will rule the multiverse!" ball" warning inserted into Kang's
heroes return there and reach the As Kang is talking, a hooded figure capsule earlier in the adventure. The
basement, read the following text: suddenly emerges and walks up duplicates will then fill in the heroes
behind him. on what they know (they were cap-
In addition to the low moan of the "You mean I will rule!" tured from another timestream, Kang
building's heating and cooling "What?" Kang responds. The fig- analyzed them so he could figure out
systems, you also detect a slick ure removes his hood to reveal that how to guide them through a series
whine coming from around a he is the Master Kang (who tracked of adventures identical to those pub-
nearby corner. down the Supreme Kang by using lished in the comics, etc.). Kleinberg
the same clues the PCs found). says that he was captured by Kang
"What are you doing here? I told and forced to help build the machine
ENCOUNTER: When the heroes you that you would be well rewarded against his will.
head around the corner, they find for your cooperation," the Supreme From what Kang said in his
themselves face-to-face with the Kang says. speech, the heroes should be able to
Supreme Kang. Kang selected the "That is not good enough. I want to figure out that Kang's brainwashed
seldom-used basement of the Marvel rule it all. I will take your place." editor has cut the ending of the third
building as an ideal base of opera- "Then you must suffer the same issue of the Time and Space series
tions and moved here some time fate as the heroes. DIE!" and replaced it with one in which
ago. Show the heroes the map of the The Supreme Kang flips a switch Kang rules the multiverse. If the he-
Supreme Kang's laboratory located on the console in front of him and roes can get to the proofs for the
on the pullout mapsheet. Also eight battle robots suddenly shimmer issue (they should remember where
present are Rolf Kleinberg (the he- into being and begin attacking the they are being kept from what they
roes recognize him from his picture heroes and the Master Kang. Each overheard at Marvel) and change the
in the paper) and the duplicates of robot has the following statistics: ending around before it goes to the
the PCs (whose heads are covered printers, they might be able to defeat
by the stasis machinery that Kang is F A S E R I P Kang after all. If the players don't
keeping them in, preventing the he- 30 30 40 30 6 6 6 think of this on their own, Kleinberg
roes from recognizing them). Rm Rm In Rm Ty Ty Ty will suggest it. It is now 3:45 p.m. Go
When Kang sees the heroes enter, Health: 130 Karma: 18 to Chapter 38.
he makes a gloating speech.
Armor: The robots have Excellent KARMA:
Kang's Speech body armor. Finding the Supreme Kang +15
"You are too late. My master plan Blasters: Each robot is armed with a Defeating the robots and the Master
is complete! I have forever linked the blaster that strikes for Remarkable Kang +40
destiny of this reality to that of our energy damage. Reviving the duplicates + 20
own. I can now manipulate our own After the robots appear, the Su- Deciding to get hold of the last issue
world by manipulating the events in preme Kang leaps into his timeship of Time and Space without Kleinberg
and disappears (back to his own suggesting it +20

SUMMARY: The heroes try to get The heroes must defeat O'Malley AFTERMATH: If the heroes take a
their hands on the proofs for the third before they can get the proofs. Once look at O'Malley after they defeat
issue of Time and Space in order to O'Malley is out of the way, the he- him they will notice one of Kang's
prevent Kang from taking over the roes have no problem getting their hypno control disks behind his right
entire multiverse. hands on the proofs (as long as they ear. If the heroes remove the disk,
remember that they are in the lower O'Malley will be just fine when he
STARTING: The heroes have 15 drawer of O'Malley's file cabinet, wakes up. The PC duplicates will
minutes to get up to the Marvel of- otherwise they must spend two min- thank their counterparts and bid
fices on the 15th floor of the building utes searching for them). Pencil the them farewell. They will then return
and get hold of the proofs. At 4 p.m., following dialogue into the word bal- to the basement and use Kang's
the issue goes to the printers and all loons of the comic proof prop found equipment to return home making
is lost. On the way up to the Marvel in the back of this booklet: sure that the rest of the equipment
offices (whether via the stairs or via PANEL ONE: "Now I shall rid my- self-destructs after they leave so that
the elevator), the heroes encounter self of those meddling heroes." no one from the alternate reality will
Marty Jenkins who informs them that PANEL TWO: (caption) Suddenly, have access to its advanced technol-
editor O'Malley has allowed the en- a strange force lashes out through ogy. The PC duplicates will also take
tire staff to leave early this afternoon space and the heroes' timeship ex- care of the defeated Master Kang.
(Marty and the rest of the Marvel plodes!
staff work until 5 p.m. on most days). PANEL THREE: "Calculating Returning Home
Note that the heroes' duplicates from these final coordinates is the only The heroes have no problem setting
the alternate timestream WILL ac- task standing between me and com- their timeship for a course that will
company their counterparts up to the plete domination of the multiverse." take them back to their own reality,
Marvel office. Read the following PANEL FOUR: "There! At last, I've but en route the ship is buffeted
text: done it!" about by an immensely powerful
PANEL FIVE: "Now all I need do is temporal disturbance which automat-
You get up to the Marvel offices at return to my kingdom" ically knocks all of the PCs uncon-
about ten minutes to four. As you PANEL SIX: "My master plan has scious. This disturbance is the result
enter the door, you hear a loud succeeded! The multiverse is mine" of reality itself being manipulated
scream echoing out from behind O'Malley obviously substituted this through the comic story. The time-
you. Whirling about, you see that ending (prepared by Kang) for the ship automatically materializes
the source of the scream is an one Marty Jenkins had originally safely, but when the heroes awake
enraged O'Malley. Apparently written. The heroes now have ten they have no memory of the entire
Kang hasn't relinquished his con- minutes (minus 1 minute for every adventure (and thus no longer the
trol over the editor just yet. ten rounds the battle with O'Malley origins and secret identities of
lasted and minus an additional two Spider-Man, Daredevil, et al). Also,
minutes if the PCs couldn't remem- this last disturbance was of such a
ENCOUNTER: Just before he left to ber where the proofs were stored) to magnitude that it permanently
return to his own reality in the middle rearrange the ending into something shorted out the circuits in the heroes'
of Chapter 38, Kang ordered O'Mal- more agreeable. (This is real time. timeship rendering it useless (though
ley to send the other Marvel workers Get out a watch and time the play- you can ignore this last result if you'd
home and guard the proofs, just in ers.) like to keep the timeship in the cam-
case the heroes escaped his trap Photocopy the comic page, then paign for a while and get a little bit
and tried something. cut apart the individual panels and more adventuring mileage out of it).
In addition to seizing mental con- lay them out on the table in front of
trol over O'Malley, Kang also shot the players in their proper sequence. KARMA:
him full of a booster drug similar to The players can rearrange the pan- Defeating O'Malley +15
the one used by the Kang duplicate els in any order and change the dia- Re-arranging the comic panels into a
who was attacking Daredevil earlier logue and captions by rewriting. At story that makes sense and removes
in the adventure (though far more exactly 4 p.m., the messenger from the threat of the Supreme Kang (by
potent). O'Malley (in his augmented the printer arrives to pick up the stranding him in time somewhere,
form) has the following statistics: proofs. You should encourage the etc.) +75
players to arrange the panels in a
F A S E R I P way that makes sense. In the heroes
40 40 40 40 6 6 6 revised ending, Kang will almost
In In In In Ty Ty Ty certainly be defeated, captured, or
Health: 160 Karma: 18 stranded.

Kang's Fortress

Q Q x
stairs down
Level 2
S computer lab S
gas room
pipes rubble Museum Lab
Q #1

Nutrient center Lobby

Main door

Bio Power supply


slime fluid puddle Museum Library

Electronics lab Level 1

X = Heroes' timeship

Power Station

Ko-Kri Encampment
Well of Pain

Main Complex

PCs' Ship

1 Mile

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