SMK Negeri 22 Jawa Timur: Adress:Jl - Cendrawasih Km.55 Wates Jawa Timur Postal Code 66342

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Adress:Jl.Cendrawasih Km.55 wates Jawa Timur postal code 66342
Jawa Timur,10 June 2015

Number : 234/STUDENT’S COUNCILSMK22/XII/2014

Attachment : Urgent
Event : Graduation Ceremony of SMKN 22 East Java
Dear. Father / Mother / Guardian of students

Class XII SMKN 22 East Java

To East Java
Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh,
Greetings to all of us,
With the presence of this letter I as the school secretary expect the presence of
Mr / Mrs / Guardians of class XII students to end the graduation ceremony for the
2015-2016 school year on:
Day : Monday
Date : june -15 -2015
The place : Field school at SMK 22 East Java
Event : Class XII graduation ceremony
Thus this invitation letter, I extend my gratitude for your attention and

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh

Best regards,
To SMKN 22 East Java

(Signet and Signature)

Official Letter, MPd. I

NIP : 1244559545168010715

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