SMK Negeri 22 Jawa Timur: Adress:Jl - Cendrawasih Km.55 Wates Jawa Timur Postal Code 66342

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Adress:Jl.Cendrawasih Km.55 wates Jawa Timur postal code 66342
Jawa Timur,10 Agustus 2014


Attachment: Urgent
Thing : Graduation ceremony
Dear. Father / Mother / Guardian of students

Class XII SMKN 22 East Java

In East Java
Assalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh,
Best wishes for all of us,
With the presence of this letter I as the school secretary expect the presence of
Mr / Mrs / Guardians of class XII students to attend the graduation ceremony in
the 2014-2015 school year on:
Day : Monday
Date : June-15-2015
The place : School field SMKN 22 East Java
Event : Class graduation ceremony XII
Thus we send this invitation letter thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh

Best regards,
To SMKN 22 East Java

(Signet and Signature)

Official Letter, Mpd. I

NIP : 12354642578906534

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