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A. Which answers are correct?

1. What are the typical signals for Present Continuous?
a) Listen! b) Look! c) ago d) at the moment e) just f) never g) now h) yet
2. What are the typical signals for Present Simple?
a) already b) at the moment c) every day d) last week e) normally f) now g) seldom
h) usually
3. Which sentence or questions are in the Present Continuous?
a) He had a shower in the morning
b) He was sitting on the beach
c) He’s having a shower
d) I don’t think so
e) We’re thinking of buying a new car
4. Which sentence or questions are in the Present Simple?
a) Anne is always coming late!
b) First, I get up then I have breakfast
c) He’s just finished the letter
d) I was having breakfast
e) I’m here
f) She lives in the Northern England

B. Choose the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. She_________ (run) because she's late for her lesson.
2. Our teacher always _________(give) us lots of homework.
3. We__________(not want) to go to the concert.
4. What time__________________ (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
5. I_____________ (not work) today. I'm on holiday.
6. People_________ (speak) English in Jamaica.
7. Archie__________ (not use) his computer at the moment.
8. _______________ (Tony / live) near the park?
9. The students ______________ (study) Ethics and Business this semester.
10. My grandmother_______________(cook) turkey for dinner tonight.

C. Which sentences are correct? Sometimes both sentences are correct.

1. a) I feel fine b) I’m feeling fine

2. a) Andi repairs things at the moment b) Andi sometimes repair things
3. a) I am tasting the soup b) The soup tastes good
4. a) I see what the teacher means b) I’m seeing what the teacher means
5. a) You are being silly about this b) You are silly
6. a) I am remembering my first day of school b) I remember my first day of school

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