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Analysis of Woven Fabric Composites for Ballistic Protection

Chapter · December 2016

DOI: 10.1016/B978-1-78242-461-1.00008-X

2 309

1 author:

Niranjan K. Naik
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


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Naik, N.K. 2016
Chapter title: Analysis of Woven Fabric Composites for Ballistic Protection,
Chapter 8, pp 217-262
Book title: Advanced Fibrous Composite Materials for Ballistic Protection
Edited by: Xiaogang Chen
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited, an imprint of Elsevier, Cambridge,

The following papers (available in ResearchGate) generally cover the

contents of the above chapter:

1. Pandya Kedar S., Ch. V. Sesha Kumar, N. S. Nair, P. S. Patil and N. K. Naik.
2015. Analytical and experimental studies on ballistic impact behavior of 2D
woven fabric composites, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 24:471-
DOI: 10.1177/1056789514531440
2. Pandya Kedar S. and N. K. Naik. 2015. Analytical and experimental studies on
ballistic impact behavior of carbon nanotube dispersed resin, International
Journal of Impact Engineering, 76: 49-59.
3. Pandya K.S., Jayaram R. Pothnis, G. Ravikumar and N.K. Naik. 2013. Ballistic
impact behavior of hybrid composites, Materials and Design, 44: 128–135.
4. Shaktivesh, N.S. Nair, Ch.V. Sesha Kumar and, N.K. Naik. 2013. Ballistic impact
performance of composite targets, Materials and Design. 51: 833–846.
5. Udatha, P., Ch. V. Sesha Kumar, N.S. Nair and N.K. Naik. 2012. High velocity
impact performance of three-dimensional woven composites, Journal of Strain
Analysis for Engineering Design, 47 (7): 419–431.
6. Pandya, K.S., K. Akella, M. Joshi and N.K. Naik. 2012. Ballistic impact behavior
of carbon nanotube and nanosilica dispersed resin and composites, Journal of
Applied Physics, 112: article 113522.

Book details given below:

Advanced Fibrous Composite Materials
for Ballistic Protection
Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites
Science and Engineering: Number 66

Advanced Fibrous
Composite Materials
for Ballistic Protection

Edited by

X. Chen


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Analysis of woven fabric
composites for ballistic protection 8
N.K. Naik
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India

8.1 Introduction
Protection against external high-velocity projectiles is one of the critical requirements
for various structural elements. High velocity impact can lead to penetration/perforation
of the target by the projectile. Ballistic impact is a high-velocity impact caused by a pro-
pelling source, generally of low mass and high velocity. Protection against ballistic
impact loads is a critical issue in the design of ballistic grade armors, shock and impact
absorbers, and development of high-grade aerospace, marine, automobile, and civil
structures. Extensive research has been carried out on ballistic impact performance
of polymer matrix composites in recent years. Various parameters such as mass, shape
and size, and velocity of the projectile and geometry and mechanical properties of the
target influence the ballistic impact performance of composite targets.
When an impact load is applied to a body, instantaneous stresses are produced.
But the stresses are not immediately transmitted to all parts of the body. The remote
portions of the body remain undisturbed for some time. The stresses progress in all
directions through the body in the form of disturbances of different types. In other
words, stresses (and their associated deformations or strains) travel through the
body at specific velocities. These velocities are functions of the material properties.
Regardless of the method of application of impact load, the disturbances generated
have identical properties based only on the target material properties.
During an impact event the stress wave propagation takes place in all the directions.
Generally, this problem is analyzed using either 1D, 2D, or 3D approaches. In 1D
and 2D studies, wave propagation through the thickness direction is not considered.
When these approaches are used to analyze structures, isotropic as well as orthotropic,
it is assumed that the deformation behavior along the thickness direction of the target is
the same along the entire thickness. Such an assumption can be made for targets of
lower thickness or, in other words, can be used for thin plates. If the thickness of
the plate is increased, the deformation and the induced stress behavior of the plate
would be different at different locations along the thickness direction. For such cases,
the analysis is based on also considering the wave propagation along the thickness
As technologies of composites manufacturing are advancing and applications of
composites in nonaerospace industries are increasing, more and more thick section
composites are used in structural designs. Thick composites behave differently
compared to thin composites under impact-loading conditions.

Advanced Fibrous Composite Materials for Ballistic Protection.

Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
262 Advanced Fibrous Composite Materials for Ballistic Protection

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