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Young woman at window, from Salvador Dali.

This work belongs to Dalí’s years of formation and style definition. We can see a
young girl’s back in front of an open window, while admiring the sea of Cadaqués.
Throughout his life, Salvador Dalí found a source of inspiration in the summers
spent in this village, and the protagonist of the painting may be his sister Ana
María, his model until 1029 when he meets Gala. It is very likely that, at the
moment of creation, Dalí was enjoying a summer vacation with his family in
Cadaqués. The frame depicted here, can be seen from one of the windows of the
house that the family had on the Es Llaner beach. Houses are reflected in the glass
of the window; some can still be identified today as part of Cadaqués landscape.
Salvador dali was a Spanish artist, he was a very good at surrealism.
Dalí was best known for the striking in his work. He was born the 11 May 1904, he
did sculpture, film, photography. He also made collaborations with other artists,
and he had lots of imagination.
The artist (Salvador Dalí) is not alive and he was born in Figueres, Cataluña, Spain.
This painting was done in 1925. This picture creates a relaxed atmosphere, it looks
like if it was summer, this girl is looking through the window to the sea. This picture
is realistic because the woman proportion is right and the rooms is realistic, it
doesn´t look as if it was made up. It has shadows and the colors create a warm
atmosphere. I think the light is coming from the outside because shadows are made
in that direction. I think the artist created this picture because he was inspired at
his village and with his family. And finally I chose this picture because the shadows
and the realistic painting caught my attention

BY: Candela Fuentes Y9B

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