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Poor Teddy has hurt his
leg and can not walk he
needs some help! Teddy
needs to go visit his
friend who lives down
the bottom of a hill.
He asked the year two
students to make a car
to transport him. In pairs
of 2 can you create a car
to transport poor Mr.
Teddy to the bottom of
the hill.
In pairs of 2 your mission is to design
a car to transport Mr Teddy down the
hill to visit his friend.
what you need to think about:
what type of wheels will best help
him roll down the hill?
what materials will best hold Mr

Generating Designs

Students need to use prior

knowledge of push and pull forces to
design a variety of cars for Mr. teddy.
Students need to draw and label
their cars- including possible
materials used.

Listed below our possible design

Project Specifications
Mr Teddys car must have 4 wheels.
The car must be able to roll and move.
The car must be able to with hold Mr Teddys weight.
Listed below are the required materials to build Mr. Teddy's car:
1L milk cartoon
Toilet paper roll
Lego wheels
Milk bottle tops
Plastic water bottles
Straw, sticks, wire

Project Management
1. Students will be asked to work in pairs.
2. Students need to compile their designs together that were made prior.
3. Students need to make sure that all materials have been collected to make your car.
4. Students can choose between the milk cartoon, toilet roll or plastic water bottle as the
5. Students need to source the teacher or EA to do the following- drill two holes into each
side of the bottle- these holes will be where the axles will go. The holes should be
parallel with each other.
6. Students need to choose which object will best fit to become your axles to your car -
choose from the following materials: straw, stick or wire.
7. Students need to gather the tyres for your car, choose from the following materials: lego
tyres, milk bottle tops, wooden tyres.
8. Students need to paint their car- wait for it to dry before starting the next step.
9. Students need to place the axles into the car i.e. plastic water bottle, toilet roll or milk
cartoon- making sure to run the axle all the way through the set of holes on the other
10. Students need to source the teacher or EA to do the following- drill a hole through each
four lids, or wooden wheels (depending on which wheels where used).
11. Students place the wheels onto the axles of the car. Run the axles through the holes
that were drilled in the bottle caps or wooden wheels.
Students will work out 2 stars and a wish-
students will write 2 things that went well
and 1 wish- 1 thing you would change for
next time.


After completing your car as a pair you are to

present it in front of the class: including rolling
your car down the hill (ramp).
you need to discuss the following -
Talk about the materials used
findings and observations?
did the car move?
did it not work, why not?


Plan- 1 lesson
Construct- 1 lesson
evaluate- 1 lesson
present- 1 lesson

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