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© 2013, Science Huβ,

ISSN: 2153-649X, doi:10.5251/ajsir.2013.4.3.306.317

The potential of removing toxic elements from red sea water by using
functionalised natural zeolite and synthetic zeolite
Mohammed ElTayeb Abd ElKarim and Dr. Saif Alnasr Abd Elmajed Said Ahmed
1.Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity Email:
2.University of Al-Neelain-Department of Chemistry Email:

In this study five types of natural Zeolites and synthetic zeolites were used .Three types of
synthetic zeolites (K-fledspar, clay and trona) were synthezied by using local crude materials by
certain ratios, and the natural zeolite which used were collected from different states of Sudan ,
also the column that was used for treating hard water was prepared for natural zeolite, synthetic
zeolite. The sample of red sea water was collected from Segala area at eastern side the of Port
Sudan city, This area is the main source of Red sea water to the desalination plant, which supply
the city with drinking water , study was investigated to determine the concentration of heavy
metals, such as (Cu, pb, Fe, Cd, Zn and Co) . The routine analysis was investigated to determine
the other parameters of water.TDS concentration was determined by TDS meter. Concentration
of heavy metals was measured by Atomic absorption. The synthetic zeolite and the natural
zeolite which that were identified a long with XRD and IR. Also we were concentrated on remove
the heavy metals from water during treatment process by synthetic zeolite and natural zeolite .
Analysis results of elements in this study were analyzed, and the synthetic and natural zeolite
were found to be better and Albite was found to be the best type in this study.

Key words: Zeolite, heavy metals, Albite , Infer Red , Total Dissolved Salts .

INTRODUCTION contamination into marine environment and have

directly influenced the coastal ecosystems (EL-
Heavy metals can be toxic to living creature at
Sikaily 2008). There are Considerable evidences in
certain levels. Although they occur naturally, they
the scientific literature that contaminants such as
might also come from many different sources. These
trace metals can be taken up and concentrated by
include some mining industries, burning of fossil
sediments and suspended matter in the Aquatic
fuels, like coal. (Allen et al. 1995, Sekar et al. 2004).
systems (Hart, 1982). The vertical and horizontal
Heavy metals are elements having atomic weights
distributions of many trace elements in the ocean are
between63.5 and 200.6, and a specific gravity
determined by association with the cycle of growth,
greater than 5.0. Living organisms require trace
sinking and demineralization of marine
amounts of some heavy metals, including cobalt,
phytoplankton. (Sommer et al., 2002; Al- Najjar,
copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium,
2000). Metal pollution of the marine environment is
strontium, and zinc. (Alva et al., 1995). Heavy metals
less visible and direct than other types of marine
can enter human bodies via food, drinking water and
pollution, but its effect on marine ecosystem and
air to a small extent. Although some heavy metals
human are intensive and very extensive (P Grath
effects include reduced growth and development,
1990). Sediment contamination poses one of the
cancer, organ damage, nervous system damage, are
worst environmental problems in marine ecosystem
very important to maintain the metabolism of the
acting as sinks and source contaminations in aquatic
human body as trace elements, they can lead to
systems .There is an evidence that in some coastal
poisoning at higher concentrations. (Appel et al.
areas of the Mediterranean sea the input of
eutrophying substances, particularly phosphorus
Heavy metals are among the normal constituents of .(Masoud 2005).
the marine environmental but anthropogenic
Zeolite is a Greek word that means “boiling stone,”
activities have contributed to th`e increase in metal
because naturally occurring zeolites are minerals that

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

absorb water that subsequently boils when heated. Prepration of Zeolite and Red kaoline: K-feldspar,
Zeolites are microporous, crystalline aluminosilicates clay and trona were added to red kaoline and
consisting of three components: framework crushed by mortar to apowder and the mixture was
tetrahedra, cations, and adsorbed molecules. put in furnace 11000 for 6 hrs then stored in
Depending upon the framework and cations, the adescicator.
adsorbed phase feels a local electrostatic
Preparation of natural zeolites: Natural zeolites
environment ranging from nonpolar to extremely
were crushed to powder by mortar and the powder
polar (Nakhleh, B. V 1993, Duit, R.1991).
was washed by diionized water and puted in the oven
Natural microporous materials - zeolites occur in
for 2 hrs after that the powder was stored in
various geological environments and soil formations.
Primary building units are (Al, Si) O4 tetrahedra.
When Al3+ substitutes Si4+ in the central cation Sample Processing: A Small column techniques
position of the tetrahedron, a net-negative charge is was designed as a unit and the raw material of
generated and this charge is balanced by monovalent Zeolite was packed in the column and the water
and divalent cations. Zeolites have an ability to which contain hardness trace of heavy metals and
exchange most of their constituent cations without other salts was passed through the column.
major change of the structural framework( Pabalan,
Test of Heavy metals: Flame AAS analysis was
R. T2006, Collela, C., 2000 ).According to the IUPAC
performed using a thermo Elemental Sollar M6 series
system [1], porous materials are classified according
atomic absorption spectrometer with air- acetylene
to their pore sizes into three classes: (i)
flame. Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Fe and Co hollow cathode
Microporous, having pore sizes below 20 Å; (ii)
Mesoporous, with intermediate pore sizes in the lamps were applied as sources. Standards of Pb, Zn,
range 20 - 500 Å; and (iii) Macroporous, with pore Cd, Cu,Fe ad Co were prepared from 1000mg/L
stock solutions- the aqueous solutions of Pb, Zn, Cd,
sizes exceeding 500 Å. (K. S. W. 1985, M. E.1995).
ions were analyezed after making the necessary
Zeolites are not phyllosilicates and for the most part
dilution whenever required.
they have crystal sizes above the 2 mm limit given as
a definition of clay minerals. Water content (H2O) Analysis of solid phase FTIR: FTIR technique was
increases with increasing silica content. The applied to collect the spectra of the solid samples
structural relations crystalline space groups are very using a Niclet Magma 550 type instrument. The
complicated in zeolite mineralogy, and in fact the samples were introduced as pellets prepared from
same chemical composition can be expressed in two powders mixed with KBr and the spectra were
different, and co-existing, minerals.( Velde ,1995). recorded KBr powder pellets were used as a
MATERIALS and METHODS background.

Materials XRD: The XRD analysis was performed using a

Philips X pert pro diffractometer, the sample were
Sample Sources: Natural zeolites were collected first ground, mounted on holders then introduced for
from Doka Elglabat and Sahra Bayoda, the clays analysis. Each sample was scanned with a step size
were collected from western Omdurman and the identified by a search match procedure
synthetic zeolite was prepared in Lab.
( Keneth, 1990).
The water samples were collected from Red Sea
from the shore of port Sudan City Segal area.
All results were taken by ppm units
Results of TDS and Heavy metals: The
concentration of TDS and Heavy metals were shown
in table 3.1 .below

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

Table.1 The result of TDS and Heavy metals

Test Raw Z+Mg Z+Red kaolin Z+w kaolin N.Z (1) N.Z (2)
TDS 45430 21420 14900 27720 42840 30740
Pb 0.818 0.0243 0.001 0.21 0.014 0.04
Cu 0.630 0.0165 NiL 0.211 0.23 0.22
Cd 0.262 0.0007 NiL 0.02 0.011 0.130
Co 0.112 0.0104 NiL NiL NiL 0.042
Zn 0.60 0.038 NiL 0.212 0.321 NiL
Fe 3.92 0.0559 0.02 0.18 1.102 0.140

The TDS of red sea water sample is about 42840 sodium ions was due to the ion exchange between
ppm wich is generally high within the range bettern water sample and zeolites. There fore its very
1000-15000 ppm due to high evaporation, low difficult to remove this ions.
precipitation, and the lack of a major river inflow.
During the treatment process found that some ions
Over all analysis of TDS, heavy metals, the best
can be removed and others like sodium was
synthetic zeolite wich decrased the TDS, heavy
precipitated in water sample due to ion exchange,
metals is the zeolite and red kaoline which
there fore these precipitated ions can increase the
decreased the TDS from 42840 ppm to 1444 ppm
TDS level.
and in this process we used 125g of synthetic Zeolite
to 1000 ml of water sample. The exchange of Over all results of heavy metals, showed that the
multivalent metal ions can be achieved over pH average for samples before treatment was 1.223 ppm
range between 3-6. and it was increased because of impurities in natural
zeolites. Also, it is clear that the concentration is very
The influence of TDS was very important in this
high and the S.zeolites was removed these ions and
study for efficient removal of heavy metals by ion
the S.zeolties is better than natural zeolite in
exchange. In this study efficiency was low because
of high TDS
The high value of TDS was due to increased of
sodium ions and this increase of

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

Figures of IR of Zeolites :
The figures of IR of Zeolites results were shown in figures from .1 to .3

Fig .1 IR of N.Zeolite.

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

Fig .2 IR of S.Zeolite(4).

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Fig .3 IR of S.Zeolite(5).

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

Figures of XRD of Zeolites :

The results of XRD OF Zeolites were show in figures from .4_ 6

Fig .4 XRD of S.Zeolite (1).

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

Fig .5 XRD of S.Zeolite (2).

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Fig .6 XRD of S.Zeolite (3)

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

raw(T.D.S) Z+Mg Z+Rkaolin

Fig .7 Comparison between Zeolite plus Red Kaoline and Zeolite plus Mg for removal of TDS.

S.zeolites is better than natural zeolite in treatment process although the weight of natural zeolites which was
used in treatment process was double S.zeolite.

raw(Pb) Z+Mg Z+Rkaolin

Fig .8 Comparison between Zeolite plus Red Kaoline and Zeolite plus Mg for removal of Lead

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

raw(Fe) Z+Mg Z+Rkaolin

Fig .9 Comparison between Zeolite plus Red Kaoline and Zeolite plus Mg for removal of Iron

raw(Zn) Z+Mg Z+Rkaolin

Fig .10 Comparison between Zeolite plus Red Kaoline and Zeolite plus Mg for removal of Zinc

CONCLUSION Also that the type of zeolie Albite was the best to
remove heavy metals .
Removal of heavy metals like (pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Fe
and Co) from red sea water was possible using In this study, sample magnesium ions were found to
natural zeolite, clay and synethetic zeolites which are be the best ion exchange than calcium ions in sea
prepared from (K-fledspar, clay, Trona, and trace water by synthetic zeolite compared to natural
element). zeolite and clay (kaolinite and Bentonite).
Found that synethetic zeolite was the best than clay Synthetic Zeoliite was synthied by natural substance
and retrial zeolite. and there was no contamination and pollution in the
environment when synthetic zeolite was used.

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2013, 4(3): 306-316

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