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An Insight to Jean Nouvel’s Iconic Museum

Kim, Yun-Chul M.
Jean Nouvel is a French Architect who also won a
Pritzker Prize in 2008. There are some museums and
architectural centers have presented some of his
creative works. Jean Nouvel was born on August 12,
1945 in France. His parents were both teachers and
encouraged Jean Nouvel to study mathematics and
When he was 16 years old, he was captivated by art
when his teacher taught him about drawing. His
parents really wanted Jean Nouvel to pursue his career
in education or engineering. What I like about Jean
Nouvel is that most of his works are really
“Persistence, imagination, exuberance, and above all,
an insatiable urge for creative experimentation’ as
qualities abundant in Nouvel’s work.” His works are so
extraordinary that some of them are hard to imagine if
you’ll like it or not. One structure I remembered was the
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in 2010.
It has this really strong shade of red that you couldn’t
The Koncerthuset, Copenhagen Denmark
look at it for too long because it really hurts your eyes
just by looking merely its photos. The form is really
great and you can sense that creativity in the structure Footnotes:
its just that the shade of the color, doesn’t fit it. Koncerthuset, Jean Nouvel, Ateliers:
I guess if I really get to see the structure in person ers-jean-nouvel-/dr/concert-hall/
maybe I could change my mind and start to like it Koncerthuset,
instead. The structure that I really loved in Jean Jean Nouvel, Ateliers:
Nouvel work in the Koncerthuset, it is a concert hall in
Copenhagen, Denmark. It has a blue exterior and
monumental but somehow it feels airy because the
shade of the color blue made it look like as if the
structure was carved right out of the sky.
The exterior has like a semi-transparent look and I
guess that is what made it look airy and I also think
that the lighting also helped in having that kind of feel
in it. The Koncerthuset looks only like a big chunk of a
cloud, it looks like a massive cube outside and
normally, a boxy structure would appear really plain
and would look that it was not even thought of that
much but the Koncerthuset removed that kind of
Having a cube like structure would make it look
massive, but in the case of the Koncerthuset, it looked
really soft. The first time I saw the Koncerthuset, I
didn’t know what the structure is for, what kind of
building or structure this is, or what will be its use to
the people. So it has this mysterious feel in it that
makes you want to go inside and find out yourself. I
tried guessing and I thought of a museum because
usually, complex looking structure ends up to be a
museum so I really thought it was.
After reading several things about the Koncerthuset, I
found out it was a Concert hall and it literally blown off
my mind. A concert hall didn’t really came into my
mind when I was guessing what use or kind of
structure the Koncerthuset was until I read some of its
information. It looks really simple on the outside it just
that it had many lights and lots of mirrors in it that
made it look astonishing. But after looking whats
inside the Koncerthuset, it turned out to be a
completely new structure on the inside. It felt like the
Koncerthuset had two different personalities.
Personally, I thought that maybe the interior of the
Koncerthuset was somehow similar to its exterior like
having blue-ish walls with lots of blue lighting and
lots of glass inside. But the interior of the Koncerthuset
was like a modernized opera house just like in the
Sydney Opera House.
It has a wooden floor and wall feel in it but really
modernized. It’s like a mix of simplicity and complexity
combined to make something a lot more astonishing.
Usually most structure would be similar on its exterior
and its interior but for the Koncerthuset, it’s a whole
different story. The Koncerthuset features a lot of neat
stuff. Jean Nouvel wanted the Koncerthuset to have a
lot of feel in it. He wanted that when you open a door
from one studio to another that it is always a new
feeling, a new of different ambience. One other unique
thing about it is that the Koncerthuset can also be
written as K3NC2R1HUS4T. Four of the letters in
Koncerthuset was replaced by numbers, the reason
behind that is because each number represents each
studio in the Koncerthuset so that the audience can
easily find which studio the concert is being held.
Jean Nouvel has given his structures a lot of mysteries
in it by putting lots of thought or imaginations that can
only be solved if you think of really hard. Many
phrases that might be used to describe the career of
Jean Nouvel, foremost are those that emphasize his
courageous pursuit of new ideas and his challenge of
accepted norms in order to stretch the boundaries of
the field.

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