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Prepared By: Gabriel T Chibanda

Course: Applied Brand Management and Communications
Student No: C71161
Gabriel T Chibanda C71161 | Strategic Brand Plan Chicken Slice

Table of Contents

Section Table of Contents Page No.

Executive Summary 3
Introduction 4
2 Situation Analysis
External Situation Analysis 5
Internal Situation Analysis 12
Brand Audit 14
(i) Brand Inventory
(ii) Brand Exploratory
SWOT Analysis 16
Brand positioning and brand mantra 17
Proposed brand resonance model 18
Proposed value chain model 18
Key themes/message development 19
External brand strategy 19
Internal brand strategy 20
Graphic design and brand image look-and-feel 23
Corporate identity system 23
Tone and voice 23
Proposed website look and feel 24
Internal communications 24

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Gabriel T Chibanda C71161 | Strategic Brand Plan Chicken Slice

Executive Summary

Even by Zimbabwean standards Chicken Slice must be considered a success story

without precedent. As a fast-food restaurant spread across Zimbabwe, Chicken Slice
has positioned itself as affordable, delicious prepared chicken.

The magnum opus has been aggressive advertising campaigns is the extensive local
celebrity endorsements engagement used to increase its market share, awareness
of the brand which has dovetailed well with low market price strategy to lure the
mass market. To cement its position with the masses it has opened restaurants in
geographical locations where masses congregate in numbers in order to push
volumes e.g. bus stations.

This reports addresses the issue rebranding and reposition the Chicken Slice brand
from being perceived as a cheap fast-foot restaurant to middle class restaurant. The
report also includes the emphasis on redoing the logo as it toxic issue with

Also building on our strengths to provide the best of customer service, and
strengthen the brand in the market place, use the opportunities to expand our market
share whilst we acknowledge our weaknesses and find better ways to minimise

This report is prepared to make Chicken Slice a market leader not a follower.

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History and basic information

Chicken Slice was started by serial entrepreneur Tawanda Mutyebere. It first opened
its doors to the public on 1 May 2010, along the Harare-Masvingo highway at the
192km peg in Mvuma.

It is currently a subsidiary of Packer International a privately owned Zimbabwe

company, the company product portfolio consists of four brands, Creamy Slice,
Pizza Slice and Slice Express.

The company is well known for its chicken products which can be enjoyed as a
family in the environment of a social gathering. The magnum opus has been the
local celebrity endorsements used to increase awareness and popularity of the

The company employs a staff of approximately 500 people around Zimbabwe and its
headquarters is based in Harare the capital city. In 2010 Packers International boss
Tawanda Mutyebere won the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce
Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

“Is to position the Slice brand to international standards. To become second to none
through a combination of innovative quality product procurement, aggressive market
development and customer service delivery strategies.”

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Businesses generally operate in a network and are not entirely independent because
of the several environments that influence their activities and actions. Examples of
factors both from the external and internal environment that could influence Chicken
Slice includes; political, economical, social, technological, environment, and
legislation; competitors, customers, suppliers, financiers;

The following PESTEL analysis will aim to extensively evaluate Chicken Slice and
understand how the Political, Economical, Social Technological Environmental and
Legal issues will impact the company’s external environment since it relatively has
minimal control over such factors.
1. Political factors
The operations of Chicken Slice are highly influenced by Zimbabwe policies
enforced by the government. For example there are certain health conscience
groups in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Child Care within the
country that clamour for the government actions pertaining to the health
implications of eating fast-food. They have indicated that harmful elements
like cholesterol and adverse effects like obesity are attributed by consuming
fast foods products.
Another political factor that mainly affect Chicken Slice concern how the
government relates to health issues concerning food items being served or
brings out new regulations regarding the restaurant business. For Instance:
when Bird Flu occurred in Zimbabwe, if the government would have asked for
ban on chicken items or some strict regulations on the chicken items being
served, then it would have highly affected Chicken Slice as well.
If the government brings out higher fast-food license cost and increased taxes
and/or implements strict health and safety regulations along with more
documentation procedures, this will increase the barriers to entry. However, if
the government does the opposite by decreasing license cost and taxes or
has a lenient approach to health and safety procedures, the threat of new
entrants will be high.

2. Economic factors
Brands such as Chicken Slice are not immune from the troubles concerning
economic factors. The brand has experienced some hardships due to high
inflation and changes in the exchange rate.
Exchange Rates:
The falling RTGS$ (Real Time Gross Settlement) Dollar rates compared to
other currencies ( which was caused partly by weaker
monetary policy will affect imports. Most of Chicken Slice vital supplies such

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as chicken, branded boxes and spices will be affected because they are
imported, thus incurring higher cost due to weak RTGS. This raises a
question as to whether the company will pass the extra cost to consumer and
risk making its products even more expensive.
Income Distribution:
After the economic crises which spanned for that led to job losses, high
unemployment figures and a hyper-inflationary environment This affected
income disparity which became unequal. Hence people that were previously
able to afford fast-food now saw it as a luxury thus leading to low sales in this
This has a direct effect on the brand, the current high unemployment rate
translate to less purchasing power and lack of disposable income to buy
products from established brands such as Chicken Slice.

Any economic instability or economic recession would decrease the power of

a lot of consumers, decreasing the niche segment that Chicken Slice caters
to. Thus economic power does affect Chicken Slice as people tend to spend
less on eating out at relatively expensive places when they have a tighter
budget. If the economy develops and more people have the purchasing
power, then more people would be able to visit fast-food restaurants like
Chicken Slice.

3. Social factors
Increasing consumer awareness about healthy lifestyles has pressured many
fast-food players to offer healthier selections within their menus. This includes
offering low-calorie options and salads alongside burgers, and prominently
displaying nutritional content. The fast-food industry has also been heavily
criticised for targeting young children by including toys within children’s meals.
The current social trend is in favour of eating out especially at fast-food
restaurants, thereby, increasing their demand and also owning such eat-outs
is now very socially appealing thus, increasing the threat of new entrants.

4. Technological factors
As consumer familiarity with new technology increases, fast-food companies
are using channels such as social media websites to engage with their
customers. Chicken Slice is lagging behind amongst its competitors with the
brand having only six thousand followers on facebook.

Additionally, digital displays allow outlets to change their menus efficiently, to

suit the time of day and self-service ordering points have increased service
speed and reduced labour costs.

The rise in innovative technology has made management of fast-food

restaurants very easy and the new sophisticated software now enable fast-
food to restaurants run with less number of employees, thereby, reducing the

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labour cost. Thus, this factor increases the threat of new entrants.

5. Environmental factors
Local environmental lobbyists and organisations such as EMA Environmental
Management Authority (EMA) are pressuring the fast-food companies to
become greener. For instance in 2017 the use of polystyrene was banned
through the activation of Statutory Instrument 84 of 2012 as a result the brand
was affected as it was using non-biodegradable substances. Such
organisations and pressure groups posse incredible ability to coerce business
into changing their practise. They could influence the brand through boycotts.
These measures usually impact the intangible assets of the company which
involves tarnishing the company’s brand name.
Increased environmental awareness among consumers provides companies
with a significant opportunity to position themselves as ‘green’ to garner
customer loyalty

6. Legal factors
In 2019 Simbisa Brands fast-food restaurant Chicken Inn filed a lawsuit
against Packers International’s Chicken Slice alleging trademark infringement.
Chicken Inn sued Chicken Slice for using the word “Luv” in its marketing. It
has also taken issue with Chicken Slice for using similar colours saying this
would mislead customers. Such legal actions have a negative effect on the
organisation reputation especially when the logo appeal is challenged it would
mean an organisation has to incur costs for rebranding and the legal costs
should they lose the case.

In 2017 Chicken Slice was sued over supply of contaminated food at one of
their fast-food outlets in Bulawayo.

Such legal lawsuits leave permanent dents on the brands and costly to
business operations and place the reputation of brand under scrutiny.
Other legal concepts like tax obligations, employment standards, and quality
requirements are only a few of important elements on which the company has
to take into consideration.

Chicken Slice as a brand faces two kind of competition
1. Direct Competition
2. Indirect Competition

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Direct Competition
Chicken Slice is in direct competition with the following brands:

Chicken Inn
One of the major issues for Chicken Slice is its competitors. Chicken Inn is the
largest and the first fast-food brand in Zimbabwe opening its first outlet in 1987 and
it’s the number one competitor for Chicken Slice. Chicken has 210 outlets in
Zimbabwe and derives 65 percent of its revenue from walking customers and 35
percent from the drive-through window. Chicken Inn has distinguished itself over the
years in many ways including being the first in the fast-food industry to create a
playground area for children there by offering a family outing environment. Chicken
Inn also differentiated itself when it installed the drive-through window in its
restaurants. In addition to these developments Chicken Inn also offers a few set
items on its break-fast menu that differs it from its competitors including the Croissan'
sandwiches and french toast sticks. The rest of the menu also offered the unique
beef burger and chicken Caesar salad.
The second largest fast-food with 45 outlets in Zimbabwe. Nando's speciality is spicy
chicken as well as healthier items such as salads, vegetarian dishes. Nando's has
also distinguished itself through the creation of the special value menu with all items
on it under a 5 RTGS. Its plans on adding more retail outlets to further growth. One
important strength of Nando's is having recognisable product compared to Chicken
Slice products.

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KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) another major competitor in the fast-food industry.
KFC currently has 5 outlets in Zimbabwe, but the brand name is associated with
quality and exotic chicken taste.
Indirect Competition

Chicken Slice also faces fierce indirect competition from various other small time
players in the restaurant business.

Some of these companies are:

1. Hot dog and Sadza vendors who offer 1 RTGS meals
2. None fast food restaurants who offer chicken products but also expanded
range food cuisine
3. Substitutes food products from ( Ocean Basket, Simply Asia, Café Nush, St
Elmos )
In order to have a clearer outlook of the industry and competitors, Porter’s Five
Forces Model is adopted to analyse the fast food industry in Zimbabwe.

Porter’s Competitive Forces

To start with, the competitive rivalry within the fast-food industry is high, as the
products offered by each brand are similar. Competition is ferocious as there are
many companies both formal and informal in the industry and the customer loyalty is
low as customers are eager to try new products. Chicken Slice, however manages to
retain a portion of their market share by becoming a cost leader and offering
differentiated products together with prominent local celebrity marketing efforts.

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Figure 1 Graphic Illustration of Porter’s Five Forces Model

Competitive rivalry within an industry

The fast-food industry faces competitive pressures from a number of forces. The
major competitive threats originate from competing sellers in the industry as well as
companies in other industries that offer substitute products. Chicken Slice main
competitors within the fast-food industry are continually deriving new strategies
through offensive and defensive tactics in order to gain customers and market share.
In 2017, Chicken Slice implemented the $3 dollar value menu as an offensive
strategy to gain customers looking for a quality product at a value price. In response,
Chicken Inn and Nandos took a defensive approach and also instituted a value menu
in their respective stores so that they wouldn’t lose market share and customers to
Chicken Slice. Brands in the fast-food industry are constantly jockeying for better
market position through offensive strategies and in response to these strategies,
other brands will take a defensive approach to guard against that offensive move

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made by the rival brand.

Overall, it is an unfavourable industry as the major cities are swamped with many
fast-food restaurants. Nevertheless, the industry position can be exploited to one’s
advantage, if strategically smart decisions are taken. For Chicken Slice, there
commendations include:
 Constantly innovate and bring in more competitive advantage that are
unmatchable, in order to reduce the threat of new entrants.
 Backward integration to reduce the power of suppliers.
 More effective differentiation to reduce the rivalry between Chicken Slice and
Substitute products
In addition to competition from rival sellers in the industry, fast-food brands also face
intense competitive pressure from companies in other industries selling substitute
products. The substitute products for the fast-food industry are probably some of the
most diverse in the world. These substitute products may include products
purchased from the local grocery store, food from sit-down restaurants, or delivery
foods such as pizza. The primary issue with these substitute products is that they are
readily available to the customer and the customer tends to view them as being
comparable or better in terms of the quality of fast-food products. Another issue that
faces the fast-food industry is the availability of products that cater to the health-
conscious lifestyle. The majority of the public tends to view fast-food restaurants as
primarily serving foods that are high in fat content and unhealthy and as a result they
are likely to look elsewhere for a healthy alternative.
The threat of substitutes is medium to low, as this industry does not have any real
substitutes, because fast-food restaurants offer unique experiences along with their
basic product i.e. food items. In Zimbabwe, eating out is a form of entertainment and
people generally like going to specific restaurants and cafés because of their
splendid experience in the past including ambience and food. Chicken Slice should
therefore concentrate their efforts on upgrading their restaurant ambience and the
taste offered by them.

Threat of new entrants

In general, the barrier of entry into the fast food industry is low, as there are no
government interventions on introduction of a new fast food provider. Thus, it is very
likely for companies to enter the industry. Indeed, countless fast food companies
have sprouted around Zimbabwe, with a major concentration in Harare offering
cheap substitutes.
The threat of potential new entrants is not a significant competitive force in the fast-
food industry. Occasionally, new entrants will come along and compete with brands
in the fast-food industry and offer substitute products. However, in order to compete
on a large scale, it will require a large chunk of capital to invest in real estate and
build physical restaurant locations. In addition, the market is already so saturated
that the new competitor might find it difficult to establish a customer base and
become profitable. Thus these companies are refrained from a larger market share
unless they outperform Chicken Slice in terms of costs and marketing strategies.

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Bargaining power of suppliers

Suppliers in the fast-food industry do not have substantial bargaining power due to
the fact that companies in the fast-food business tend to purchase their materials
from various outlets. One company might purchase their meat supplies from a
number different meat manufacturers, then purchase their spices needs from a
number of different spice companies, and also purchase their bakery products from a
variety of sources. Since the fast-food firms divide their purchases among a diverse
array of suppliers, the suppliers tend to have little or no bargaining power or leverage
since there are multiple suppliers for the same products.

Bargaining power of customers

The bargaining power of customers, on the other hand, is strong as there are many
brands providing similar products. Customers also tend to try new offerings. For
instance when KFC franchised was launched in Zimbabwe particular in Harare a
wave of chicken loving customers went on to try the offering by KFC and also
because of the brand name KFC it enticed people. This increases the chance of
turning away to competitors. When big brands such as KFC, Pizza Hut, and Ocean
Basket entered the fast-food industry in response brands like Chicken Slice regularly
launch marketing campaigns to promote latest products to attract customer back to
make purchases.
Since the bargaining power of customers is low in the industry firstly because their
product is a commodity item and consumers have no choice but to continue
consumption, as it is also a form of entertainment in our country. This makes the
industry more attractive and profitable and the PEST forces such as increasing
population is an appealing opportunity, however, the economic situation of the
country brings along adverse effects on the industry. Chicken Slice should therefore,
bank on the rising income disparity.


The internal business environment comprises of factors within the company which
impact the success and approach of operations of Chicken Slice. Unlike the external
environment, the company has control over these factors. It is important to recognise
the strengths or positives that give the brand an advantage whilst the negatives or
weaknesses refer to any constraints a brand faces. However, managing the
strengths (positives) of internal operations is the key to the brand success.

The different aspects that affect the brand in this case can be classified as
organisation related which have to do with the day to day operations of the
organisation and product related which the nature of the product are being offered to
the customers
Human resources Taste of the product

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Employee turnover Customer loyalty

Capital and resources Menu
Company image Product Consistency
Research and development
Organisation structure
Physical assets and facilities

Positive aspects which affect the brand:

 Good human resource department and low employee turnover

The human resource has been an important aspect to the success of Chicken
Slice, because they are the employer of choice amongst recent college
graduates looking to have a career in the fast-food industry, the organisation
has attracted some of the best talent around the country and has a staff
compliment of over 2500 employees. Chicken Slice employees can be
regarded as having high morale and this cascades down to the floor area
employees who have day to day interaction with customers. Through rigorous
training on customer care has played a pivotal role. Chicken Slice has the
lowest staff turnover compared to other competitors within the industry, the
partly to do with exit interviews that the company does when an employee
decides to leave company it has helped to mould their human resource policy
and plugin the loopholes that causes employees to leave the company. A low
staff turnover works better for the brand as the staff are the face of the
company and their dissatisfaction is reflected on the sales turnover and ability
to be profitable.
 State of the art physical assets and facilities
Chicken Slice has invested heavily in their restaurants by modernising their
equipment. The company have introduced payment methods through the
mobile phone and using different mobile network operators.
 Good Taste
Chicken Slice is famous for providing one of the best fried chicken and
chicken burgers in Harare.
 Strong Brand Conviction
When it comes to fried chicken the customers strongly prefer and the fact that
Chicken Slice is open till 4am which gives it an edge over all its competitors
such as Chicken Inn, KFC etc.
 Customer Loyalty
If a customer has once tried Chicken Slice; he’d get converted into a regular
customer in no time.
Negative aspects or factors which affect the brand:

 Centralised structure
Chicken Slice can be referred to as a centralised organisation, most decision
are done through the head office. A centralised structure has a disadvantage
or negative affect on the brand as decision making is slow.
 Negative company image and brand equity
The image of Chicken Slice in the outside market has the impact on the

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internal environment of the company. Chicken Slice has negative company

image mainly due to lawsuits by customers for contaminated food and
competitor for copyright infringement has dented the brand image, coupled
with that marketing and advertising error when they sort to expand into
Matabeleland region left the company being shunned upon and only having
one branch within that particular region.
 Limited capital expenditure:
The brand is failing to expand to other cities because of limited capital
expenditure which has a negative effect of the growth and brand exposure.
 Narrow assortment of menu:
Fried chicken pieces, burgers, and wings with fries and drink are just too
limited offerings due to which they might lose on some of the potential
customers. Failure to provide cater for vegans and dietary menu for health
conscious customers will lead to loss of sales.
 Lack in providing value for money to the customers:
According to a few customers Chicken Slice is now charging expensive rates
with respect to the value they are providing in form of food. The perceived
value is less than the actual value delivered to the customers.


6.3.1 Brand Inventory

Brand Character.
Although Chicken Slice is considered to be a unique challenger brand of Chicken
Inn, the company continues to position itself on the cutting-edge of the fast-food
industry. Rather than continuing to be dominated and overshadowed by its
competitors, Chicken Slice embraces an aggressive branding approach to
communicate a hip and youthful brand image to its consumers.

Product Portfolio

2 Piecer Chicken Burger Small Chips

1 Piecer Roast Chicken Medium Chips
Bucket Meal Full Chicken Large Chips

To better answer the question how the products are sold and marketed, the 4P’s of
marketing will be used to asses Chicken Slice brand inventory;
Mass marketing is used to market the products through the use of celebrity
endorsements like Sulu and Ja Prayzah who are local celebrities act as brand
ambassadors for Chicken Slice. Mainly the reason behind the used of musicians and

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brand ambassadors is due to the fact the owner of the business was also a musician
at one point.

Chicken Slice uses skimming pricing strategy to sell their products priced low and
target the lower to middle class people. Gradually they trickle down the prices
focusing on the lower class people to penetrate the market.

Placement of outlets due to Chicken Slice placing itself close to bus stations, fuel
stations, which are mostly populated by everyone and those who are in a hurry,
Chicken Slice enjoys a large number of sales every day.
Chicken Slice works on the flow of good operation techniques. Good Operating
Manager leads to Good Team Selection to Good Services to Good Targets to Good
Revenues through the following internal strategies
1. Training
2. Incentive based targets
3. Recognition for good work
4. Performance based bonus

Thus Chicken Slice is using focusing on the lower class target segment and
skimming pricing to lure people who cannot afford ChickenInn, KFC and Nandos as
this has mainly to do with the current status quo of the economy.
6.3.2 Brand exploratory

Chicken Slice perceptual map based on customers

Cheap Follower

Low to middle

Laid back

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Based on the above perceptual map we can have a holistic view of what the
consumers think of the brand.

Through brand touch points such as newspapers, billboards and social media and
the website its seen as a cheap brand. It’s mainly to do with how the advertisements
are created as they don’t inspire or invoke action mainly their adverts are product

SWOT Analysis
Strength Weakness

 Good Taste  Fewer items on the menu,

 Strong customer focus missing breakfast
 High quality equipment and  Poor reach
machinery  Negative publicity
 Quality becoming inconsistent
 Ambience not up to expectations
Opportunity Threats

 Introduce home meal delivery  More health conscious

 Venture into newer markets customers
 More spending on the resources  Threats from established
and development as well as franchised brands ( KFC, Ocean
introducing new food items and Basket, Barceló’s) and new
products. entrants to the market
 Low-cost menu to attract different  Increased competition among
customers rival sellers, including price wars,
product innovation, and growth
 Legal lawsuits
 Currency Fluctuations
 Overall weaker economy

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Phase 2: Strategic Planning

7.1.1: Brand position and brand mantra

Brand positioning
The brand position, defined as how a brand wants its customers to perceive, think
and feel about the brand in the marketplace, is one of the single-most important
aspects of building a brand.

The most important steps in developing a positioning strategy is to establish the

(POD) points-of-difference and (POP) points-of-parity. The points-of-parity and the
points-of-difference help differentiate Chicken Slice from its competitors. These
should be done by establishing the competitive frames of reference by defining the
customer target markets and the nature of competition associated with each target,
they can define the appropriate points-of-difference and points-of-parity associations
for positioning. The figure below summarises some positioning analysis and point-of-
parity and points-of-difference as described below.
Points-of-Parity Points-of-Difference
Home delivery Chicken Slice is popular for its deep
fried chicken
Positioning as “Tasty” Differs of product line
Food Quality Chicken Slice different packaging
Internet access A website with a “Nutrition Calculator”
Discounts and offers

Brand positioning are based on the benefits the customer wants. The new brand
positioning of the Chicken Slice is;
“Tasty, healthy and freshly tender prepared chicken that they can eat whenever they
want at the same quality, chicken products which can be enjoyed as a family in the
environment of a social gathering”.

Chicken Slice will emphasise at creating good memory and positive feelings towards
their products. Whenever you think of Chicken Slice you have to think of somebody.
It can be your family, friends, loved ones or somebody else, somebody to share the
fun of eating and to share the taste.
Chicken Slice creates ‘attributes’ around their product as a level of positioning. They
highlight the product functionality which is “tasty” food. Chicken Slice has a very
unique recipe and way of producing their products which is also their core

Brand mantra
Chicken Slice new brand mantra it's the articulation of the 'heart and soul' of the
brand or a spirit of brand positioning. Chicken Slice brand mantra will have the
following 3 elements:

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 Emotional modifier - Fun

 Descriptive modifier - Family
 Brand function - Tasty

Fun – Family – Tasty will be the new brand mantra.

7.1.2 Proposed brand resonance model for Chicken Slice

Increase depth of awareness by advertising on TV and billboards. Use popular radio
stations (STAR FM & ZiFM) and personalities like KVG & Phathisani

Brand Performance:
Chicken Slice in terms of quality it’s one of their weakness and there is need to
improve the quality of the chicken products by offering products that have a health
fare like flame grilled to improve brand meaning.

Brand imagery
Change celebrities associated with the brand Jah Prazah and SuLu are over
exposed. Use sport personalities like Warriors national soccer team that recently
qualified for AFCON.

Brand judgements
The brand can make use of testimonials, research results and any publications that
positively mention the brand. Focus should also be on the social media use engage
the customers through social media to get the feedback from customers.

The current brand invokes the feeling of being cheap and people on a budget, the
brand will need to change feelings to fun and family oriented, focus on fun and social
approval. Get customers to positively complement the brand. Chicken Slice can have
a kid’s play area to get parents to bring their kids and have fun.

Chicken Slice can get repeat purchases from current buyers through store cards and
loyalty rewards.

7.1.3 Proposed value chain model

Stage 1: Repeat the marketing investments identified in brand resonance model.

Add training of employees.
Identify DRIVE model. Show that brand has become marketing oriented utilising all

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marketing mix elements. It offers value as consumers have variety choosing

between deep fried and flame grilled.
Stage 2: Change in mind-set - due to popularity of brand with new endorsers. Brand
is well known and positively identified with flame grilled products hence positive
association. Activity increases as loyalty products result in greater traffic to outlets.

Chicken Inn and KFC will respond with more advertising or communication
commitment. Change in product range will act as a source of loyalty by customers
Stage 3: High market share, lower price sensitivity resulting in profits since
competitors are unable to match product range. In fact have been pre-emptied to the
effect that Chicken slice takes market leadership
Change in investor sentiment. More attractive evaluation. Analysts would see it as an
evolving brand. Winning awards like Superbrands will give the brand ab edge hence
analysts give it positive evaluation.

Stage 4: The brand gets listed on ZSE. Gets a lot of interested investors. Earns
more funds for market recapitalisation.

7.1.4 Key message development

The message will be focusing on:
Health with variety and being family oriented are the

7.1.5 External brand strategy

Managing a brand is not an easy task. It cannot be denied that brand is a minor part
of doing business. It influences identification, practicality, loyalty and many others
operations which create differences between brands. Building strong brand requires
not only strategy but tactics on how to implement it. External branding is
communicating the brand position in many forms e.g websites, advertisements,
consistent messaging, customer communication, public relations and strong visual

For our customers:

The décor and ambience
The first place to start would be to rework on the restaurants appeal. Refurbishment
of restaurants environment to match the target customers. The decor, lighting,
furniture, and artwork help create your restaurant’s ambiance and are part of the
customer experience they’ll associate with your brand. Inside the restaurant
introduce music and company jingles to promote Chicken Slice products.

Staff Attire

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Introduce a staff uniform with branded clothing or an upscale standard, like white
shirts/dark slacks. Branded uniforms will help identify staff with the brand.
Menu design
Chicken Slice can introduce both printed and LCD, polished branded menu designs.
Customer tend to resonate more when they hold a menu in their hands. The menus
will make use of photos or illustrations to entice the customers.

Open kitchen concept

Show the customer that we offer fresh chicken. In order to gain the fresh position
value, we show to the customers our process of production line like the frying,
cleanness of the place, through an LCD television monitor that can make strong
evidence that our chicken is not cooked earlier and kept it in a warm environment but
Chicken Slice uses direct frying.

For investors
Franchising options can be used to expand the brand. Thus Chicken Slice can
rapidly increase their market share and presence if they are to offer franchising
opportunities to investors/business people who would like to set up a restaurant. This
strategy will help the brand grow.
Website content and blogging
Website creation, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), and content marketing aren’t
just ways to advertise Chicken Slice. While they are all effective in helping to build
your bottom line, they also provide plenty of important information about Chicken
Slice. After all, whenever someone in today’s marketplace considers doing business
with a brand, the first thing they do is “Google” them to see if they have a web
presence. Hence Chicken Slice will need to redo their website, engage in content
marketing and vigorous social media campaign. Companies that blog also generate
up to 67% more leads than their peers. When it comes to building your external
branding communications strategy, Chicken Slice website will be the hub for all other
brand-building campaigns.
Email and newsletters
Email is an effective form of marketing. Chicken slice will use email as a way to show
new offers to customers and also as a way to build relationships with various groups
in the external network. With segmentation, emails can be grouped, email
campaigns into solutions for shareholders, customers, and investors, and then refine
each of those groups even further.
Extension of the Chicken Slice brand, thus giving birth to new products. Already the
brand is not offering v

7.1.6 Internal brand strategy

Internal branding is the embodiment of the brand strategy for the target group
employee, the manifestation of the brand identity in personnel selection and
development. The goal of Chicken Slice internal branding is not to force some

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desired job-specific behaviour but to guide employees toward brand-specific


Chicken Slice employee new branding strategy is a two-pronged approach;

First and foremost is reinforcing the organisation mission and values consistently
and frequently. If employees are to project a positive image, they first need to know
and experience the desired brand image, and understand that it is a natural
outgrowth of the organisation’s mission and values. Furthermore, they must be
motivated to project the desired brand image to others. At Chicken Slice, the strategy
will be to ensure the messages emanating from all organisational systems align with
the company’s mission, values, and desired brand image. This alignment of
messages across organisational message systems is a key success factor in
Chicken Slice use of the employee branding and to position the organisation and its
offerings in its customers’ minds.
Thus the reinforcement will be done through formal internal communications, the
formal messages at Chicken Slice will be communicated through the human
resource management and public relations systems. The messages sent by the
human resource management system (i.e. People Department") will clearly
reinforce the organisation’s commitment to its employees. They will also reinforce
the values of fun, love, and teamwork. Reinforcement will be in the done through:
 Training and development efforts will be designed to clarify and reinforce the
behaviour and values of the organisation revers.
 Compensation is also a powerful tool for sending messages that reinforce the
desired brand image and relaying to the employee the thing that Chicken
Slice deem important. Compensation can be in the form of share options for
and profit sharing which serves as incentives and creates a sense of
ownership in the organisation.
 Culture committees can be setup to foster the Chicken Slice culture and
promote company values such as profitability, hard work, tasty chicken, love
and fun. Culture committees to help employees learn the Chicken Slice way of
Secondly the employee knowledge of the desired brand image and their willingness
to project it to others resides in their psyche. By making sure that messages are
based on the organisations mission and values and that they are delivered
consistently and frequently, such efforts effectively develop employee’s knowledge
and understanding of the brand. The next step in this strategy is to develop
“psychological contracts”. Chicken Slice psychological contracts will provide
guidelines for employees regarding what is both expected from them and that they
can expect in return. Psychological contracts will enable the organisation to enjoy
and enormous amount of trust on the part of its employees and for highly motived
employees who have strong drivers to deliver the desired brand image to those who
come into them.
 Psychological contracts will work glove in hand with an overhauled induction
process to include and online service and welcome packs for staff.

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 Under psychological contracts the organisation will develop recognition

schemes and additional staff benefits for great service rendered.
Secondary tactical strategy will be giving employees a voice by storytelling to inspire
and engage other employee and prospective employees. The main objective of this
strategy is engagement with the employee but also expansion of employee
empowerment, improvement on loyalty, improve the reputation of the company in the
market and increase motivational levels. By using social media employees are given
a voice to engage. Employees can use the engage in the following;
 Social media engagement will be done through a common hashtag, this
allows employees to be brand ambassadors of the brand by sharing why they
love working for Chicken Slice with either their own social accounts, using a
common hashtag e.g #sliceambassadors across social platforms which will
be a great way to expand the reach organically. Chicken Slice employees
social media combined have a sizeable audience have the ability to move the
needle of traffic.
 Humanise the brand by highlighting real employee using video to increase
engagement. Employee share their day-to-day tasks and discuss their
professional growth.
 Internal focus groups to gauge perceptions of working for Chicken Slice can
be used to mould the brand get insights of the brand.
This strategy of internal branding will ensure that employees are involved in the
process early on. Representatives from different business will be involved as early
as possible not when the brand strategy is implemented, as is often the case in
practice or the past. The sooner employees are integrated, the greater their
understanding and acceptance of the brand strategy and their willingness to "live"
the brand in their operative business. Apart from that, they contribute valuable input
to the success of the brand strategy, provided they recognise its meaning and
benefits through social engagement and content creation.
The systematic planning of consistent message-sending not only aligns the
employee brand image with the desired brand image, it also informs them about the
brand, and inspire them to feel enthusiastic about the brand in order to ultimately
influence their behaviour to support the brand, this effectively positions the
organisation and its service offerings in the minds of its customers. This use of
consistent messages to effectively manage the employee brand image is a key to
Chicken Slice internal employee branding success.

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8.1 Graphic design and brand image look-and-feel

The current brand imagery are not in sync with the tone of voice of the organisation,
there lack consistency in how the message is delivered. Much of the imagery are
product centric than being people orientated, with fast-food restaurant business there
is need to show enjoyment, happiness, healthy food but this not the case with
Chicken Slice. See appendix A most of the imagery are product centric but also low
quality, there is no consistency in the use of font, and layout of the imagery. In
appendix C the imagery is similar and resonates well with the proposed position
statement, thus tasty, fresh and healthy.

8.2 Corporate identity system

The current logo is a free downloadable clipart from the internet which can be used
by anyone who thinks of opening a chicken fast-food restaurant since there are low
barriers to entry, . The current logo doesn’t
reflect soul and culture of Chicken Slice. The clipart has been edited to mimic a
competitor’s colour scheme and there is pending lawsuit on trademark infringement
rights as reported by the local media.

Chicken Slice needs a new logo that that would better define the brand and reflect
the “heart and soul “of the brand. The redesigned logo will have the strength to
appeal to the old customers and draw new customers and grab a wider audience
(see Appendix B for the new logo design).

Three of the most important elements of design are symbol, font and colour. The
current Chicken Slice logo uses a free clipart which will be replaced by an original
well-crafted chicken symbol which will be unique. The current logo uses Arial
Rounded MT bold. This can be replaced this with a more appealing, modern font
such as Eras Bold ITC. Instead of the drab yellow and brown logo I will use colours
such as reds and blue. These colours are used in the design to help catch attention.

Colour palette meaning:

Red Attention, Energy, Passion, & Excitement
Blue Loyalty, Honest and Responsibility

8.3 Tone and voice

One of the first tenets of good messaging is consistency. A brands set itself apart
from competition by establishing tone versus voice, and using both to communicate
with customers across all channels. Current tone of voice doesn’t cluck an emotional
connection with the product neither does it speak to the target audience. The brand
tone of voice should change to “FUN & HAPPINESS”. This new tone of voice will

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match also the new proposed brand imagery, see appendices C for reference.

8.4 A new website

Chicken Slice will need a new website which is in line with the new logo. The new
proposed new website entails changing the information architect, imagery,
functionality and of the website and give a true reflection of the brand and what it
stands for. The new website will also integrate with the social media platforms that
are used to connect and engage with customers. A new fully responsive site that is
adaptable enough to accommodate the dynamic content while reinforcing Chicken
Slice dedication to tasty, healthy and fresh food, modern aesthetic to ensure the
customer feel the same connection to the brand’s online presence as they did to its
brick and mortar locations.

Proposed new website can be viewed at the following link:

8.5 Internal communications

First of all, internal communication has to “acquire” a profound comprehension of the

organisational context. This happens through the adoption of multiple modes of
listening and interpretation of reality, explicit or implicit. The comprehension of
opinions and of the sediment of those that are called to participate in first person to
the change, is for sure of impact for the definition of more suitable activities to the
activation of the new culture.

Currently the organisation is using notice boards, memos, emails and phone calls to
communicate to the staff on a number of issues. Whilst notice boards, memos are an
old way to communicate and they do not stimulate meaningful conversations lack the
capability for the sender to react with great speed to the stimuli of the context when
opinions are discussed. For effective and timely internal communication which allows
activation of open spaces for discussion and debate which is necessary in an
organisation to ensure that the leaders management and employees are working on
same vision to help do this Chicken Slice will need to invest in an intranet which will
be the fundamental plank for internal communication.

The goal of the intranet is to;

 Intranet will reduce the amount of paperwork, paper prints used in announcing
internal news, events and organisation updates
 improve morale and foster goodwill between employees and management
 to increase employee understanding of the organisation and its products,
ethics, culture
 staff manuals and guidelines can be readily available on the intranet

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 brand manuals on the does and don’ts of the brand will be easily accessible
 a well-crafted intranet help improve collaboration and productivity amongst
Whilst the intranet will be the fulcrum of internal communication as it encapsulate all
departmental information (human resources, finance, information technology and
marketing) and updates it will be an aided advantage to also deploy Web 2.0
technology for employer branding, internal alignment and engagement. The
emergence of the 2.0 as not just an instrumental dimension but also sociological and
relational, has determined a clear guidance, in communication in general and in
internal communication in particular, to the reflection and adoption of communicative
practices typically of social networks. Trust is always more built inside the practices
of conversation that are always more consistent, and not any more outside of these.
With Web 2.0 it will be a new orientation from controlled to shared communication
thus multiple voices and interventions contribute in a decisive way to build image,
identity, vision , public and market perception of the organisation. Web 2.0 open
space engagement is possible through diverse range of social functionalities:
 Discussion board
on different subjects, all managed through the grouping into categories
 Blog
online diary open to any member, where single threads can be posted on any
 Comment
text form to add comments on published content by another users scoring
form content evaluation tool
 Wiki
“collaborative encyclopaedia” that allows the easy creation and editing of
definitions regarding corporate content
 Survey
Extended questionnaire or quick polls managed centrally
These technologies will be the new internal communication tools, as before but more
and better than before, when designed and implemented in a masterly articulation of
instruments and channels that allow the diffusion of the made general strategic plans
as well as the possibility to elaborate them at all levels, as to guarantee the full
internalisation and therefore the full efficiency.

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9. Measurement and analysis

In order to measure the success of the marketing strategies implemented it is

important to monitor and revive on those strategies to ensure that the objectives are
achieved. Chicken Slice must monitor the marketing plan periodically make any
necessary changes and adjustments the cost volume profit analysis can be used to
evaluate on the short term sales that Chicken Slice is expecting to achieve. Annual
financial accounts can be used to evaluate on the sales revenue and long term
profits. An internal audit can be carried out to measure the efficiency levels. A
customer survey can be carried out to understand any improvements in customer
satisfaction. Regular appraisals on employees will be helpful to monitor the efficiency
needs and development of human resources.
Sales play a pivotal role in assessing brand awareness, this the most but crucial
element in the measuring of the effectiveness of a brand strategy has it been well
received by the target audience both current and potential customers. A positive
reception of the brand strategy will be equally matched by an uptick in sales.

Direct traffic to your website

Google Analytics will be used to measure the effectiveness of the new website and
conversations engagement with customer. Google analytics has the capability to
decipher or segment the audience based on demographics, geographic location and
their browsing behaviour when they visit the new website, also the data will provide
insight as to how visitors who visited the website came through either organic search
(none paid search) or paid search. As an organisation the data we would need to
zero in will be the audience demographics, geographic as it gives us information on
whose visiting our website and where are they from what are they particularly
interested in this data mining activity will help in understanding the behaviour of
current and potential customer on the level of awareness of the brand.

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In conclusion, the branding strategy will manage to achieve the rebranding

objectives and exercise of Chicken Slice while a higher growth of sales and
efficiency levels are achieved.

Thus the main objective of Chicken Slice is to

(1) Rebrand their logo and have logo resales the culture and soul of the organisation
(2) The brand will have to reposition from "Tasty" to "Freshly Prepared"
(3) Move away from being overused celebrity endorsements
(4) There is need to be change in the imagery used by the brand, from being product
centric to that of family and enjoyment

Of the above mentioned being a fast-food restaurant, Chicken Slice will be

successful if it include healthy feature into it’s positioning. Chicken Slice has its own
uniqueness and stands alone by having a "secret sauce" to their chicken products.
The brand has the potential to compete with already established brand and fit exactly
into the customers mind as long as they focus on chicken.

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Reference list
Kevin Lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management, 4th edition
Al Ries and Laura Ries 22 Immutable Laws of Branding
Frank Lane Killer Brands: Create and Market a Brand That Will Annihilate the

Mark Nelson; Branding Fundamentals: Framework of Branding

The Herald: Mutyebere: The brains behind Chicken Slice
Bulawayo24: Chicken Slice sued over supply of contaminated food
The Chronicle: Outrage over Chicken Slice spelling boob

Pindula: Chicken Slice taken to court by Chicken Inn

Zimeye: Chiecken fight for luv

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Appendix A
This is the current imagery for Chicken Slice

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Appendix B

Current logo Proposed new logo

Appendix C

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