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Non-biodegradable- handicrafts

Biodegradable- composting


According to studies each people in the world generates at least 4.3 pounds of garbage individually.
And the current world population is about 7 billion people! Can you imagine if each of those people
generates 4.3 pounds of garbage it will result to almost 13 million tons of garbage per day! In accordance
to this, we the environmentalist of Baliuag, Bulacan wants to be part of the change. We would like to raise
awareness, impart knowledge and most of all, to put an end to this phenomena. Today, we are going to
present some of our proposed solutions to these widespread problem which will benefit the Baliwagueños
and most of all, the environment.

So let’s proceed with the discussion. There are two types of waste materials: the biodegradable
and the non-biodegradable materials. A biodegradable material can be defined as a material which can be
decomposed by a bacteria or other natural organisms. While non-biodegradable materials do not
breakdown naturally. But, that doesn’t mean they cannot be reused. The key difference here is that the
process requires time, energy and expense.

Option: 1
So our first project proposal is to conduct a crafts fair which will showcase handicrafts made out of
recyclable or non-biodegradable materials. We all can’t deny that plastics, styrofor and other non-
biodegradable materials are very usable. They can be found in the form of plastic cutlery, cups, and “sando
bags”. The things that we use in our daily lives. But these things are just disposable, meaning you use this
once then throw it after using. Believe it or not, these things takes hundreds or thousands of years to be
decomposed. And that is the purpose of this crafts fair. Not just only to sell handicrafts made out of
recyclable materials but also, to encourage to recycle.
1. Increase in employment in the municipality. Of course, we will hire people to create their very
own handicrafts.
2. Lessen the number of non-biodegradable materials being thrown away.
3. Encourages people to recycle things.
4. Source of income of the Baliwagueños.
Option: 2
Second project proposal is to create compost fertilizer out of the biodegradable materials collected
from the household. A compost is organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called
composting. Compost is rich in nutrients. It is used, for example,
in gardens, landscaping, horticulture, urban agriculture and organic farming. The compost itself is
beneficial for the land in many ways, including as a soil conditioner, a fertilizer, addition of
vital humus or humic acids, and as a natural pesticide for soil. And this compost will be distributed to the
different agricultural sectors to be utilized as fertilizers.

1. We are able to help the farmers. Instead of them buying chemical fertilizers they were given
organic fertilizers.
2. Compost as fertilizers is eco-friendly. Chemical fertilizers have adverse effects on the
environment such as: waterway pollution, chemical burn, increased air pollution, soil acidification
and mineral depletion.
3. Making compost keeps these materials out of landfills where they take up space and release
methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

Option: 3
Christmas is coming! And one of the proposed project of the “Sanggunian ng Kabataan” is to
decorate the streets with Christmas decorations made out of recyclable materials.
*kruuu* *kruu*

Option: 4
Solar bottle bulb
The communities who benefit from this idea live in areas where the houses hardly have windows
and live in darkness even during daytime. Their solution up until this innovation was to turn on the light
bulb and use electricity.

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