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Dear Amazon,

I have recentrly bought a laptop from your website, exactly two months ago, with a
purchase number 33076511. When i opened and started using it, it looks like the
window is broken.

I asked some friends what can i do but they told me to give it back to you, Amazon.
So, i will be pleased if you can give me a new one because the product is new and
i have a warranty.

Thanks for your attention,

Dayahina Jacqueline Vera Galarza
I.D. 099933331

Dear Amazon,

My name is Viviana and I have bought a cellphone one month ago on your
websited, this product has warranty and the number of the product
#72800012. The cellphone is a Xiaomi Mi 8 but when i got it, this came with a
trouble in the charger, the conector is broken. I asked someone here in my country
to fix it but none have repaired it.

Please, i want you to give me a new one because the product is new and it has
warranty. So, i could sent this broken in order to change to a new one. I would
appreciate if you could send me a new one.

Thanks for your comprehension, Amazon.

Viviana Zambrano
I.D. 0988888881

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