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Computer How can I hire a great freelance talent over mediocre ones?
Pablo Macias, Growth Expert at Toptal (2018-present) Visit your feed
Movies Answered Feb 6
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Writing Originally Answered: Hiring a freelancer: How can I hire great freelance talent over mediocre ones ? spaces
There are several methods that can help you find the right freelancer for your project:
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Use a curated talent platform. Pre-vetted talent networks like Toptal have topics
Software Engineers
refined processes to offer a reliable, high-quality, and fast method of hiring
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Software and top freelancers (Toptal only accepts the top 3% of candidates into their good answers
Applications talent network). What are the pros/cons?
Ask your first
Software If you’re short on time, curated talent platforms such as Toptal scan question
Engineering their network of freelancers, so that you will have just a select few
candidates to interview and hire. Add 3 credentials
Satisfaction guarantee. Toptal offers a no-risk trial period that enables Answer a question
Technology you to hire a freelancer for your project and pay only if you’re completely
satisfied with your freelancer’s work at the end of the trial period.
Pricing transparency. A curated talent platform will help you scope out
the project and its price before you get started with a freelancer.

General Knowledge Use word of mouth. Referrals can be a great way to hire for any job. Great
freelance talent usually knows other great freelance talents. If you have
Sessions trusted networking contacts, tap into them and ask about inactive job
seekers who have the time and skill to dedicate to your project. What are
the pros/cons?

The difficulty of pursuing this method lies in the need to (1) possess your
own network of talented freelancers, and (2) attracting these freelancers
to your project. A great freelancer usually has their pick of projects, which
means you may need to offer a higher pay rate or more scheduling
flexibility if freelancers are not immediately interested in your project.

Use an agency. If you go this route, you’ll have to conduct your due
diligence by reading reviews and speaking with each agency, of which there
are many. What are the pros/cons?

Most freelancing agencies tend to be more costly than the other options
mentioned above, are not flexible with their working style, and do not
guarantee a successful outcome.

On the plus side, the pricing will be transparent up-front for your project
needs and duration.

Vet freelancers yourself using set criteria. You can find freelancers on job
boards, LinkedIn, and unvetted talent sites like Upwork . From there, you’ll
want to use the same vetting process for all the freelancers you interview to
minimize bias and arrive at an objective and clear winner. What are the

This vetting involves a formal, time-consuming recruiting process, most

of which has already been outlined in others’ responses here.

The main point is that after you finalize a freelancer, the outcome will still
be unclear and you won’t be able to get your time or money back like
you could with pre-vetted platforms.

Hiring the right freelancer for your job is an important business decision. You don’t
want to waste time and/or money working with someone who doesn’t accomplish
your goals. It’s worth spending some time exploring your options.

I have worked with all these options, both as a freelancer and as a hiring manager. In
my opinion, Toptal boasts the highest ROI and highest satisfaction for both clients
and freelancers.

Hope that helps!

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What innocent seeming picture is actually heartbreaking?
Alex C. Lee, Professional Cynic Follow 5 more
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Books This is Magda Newman, expecting a baby. Pre-natal scans told her that she was going Follow 9 more
to have a nice boy. topics
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She labored for nearly 17 hours before giving birth to her son.

You would expect her and her husband, Russel, to be overwhelmed with the joy of
bringing a new life into the world?

It might be the best moment of their life, but at the same time, also the worst.

As her husband, Russel Newman, took a closer look at the baby, he screamed, “OMG!
What happened? What's happening?” Chaos and alarms ensued as nurses took the
baby away into the back room without letting Magda take a look.

That day, Magda Newman was left on the delivery table, because the doctors and
nurses were working hard to save the baby's life.

The baby wasn't breathing or crying. The baby was completely disfigured. He didn't
have ears, cheekbones, upper or lower eyelids or eyesockets. The only parts
recognizable were a small jaw line and eyes that severely slanted downwards.

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It was hours before the doctor reached a diagnosis
3 which made Russel break down in
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tears. The baby Spaces Notifications
was born with Treacher Search Quora
Collins Syndrome, a rare congenital Add Question
craniofacial disorder caused by mutations in the POLR1C gene. It happens to 1 out of
50,000 newborn babies.
The Newmans' baby, named Nathaniel, was immediately transferred to the neonatal Improve Your Feed
Computer ICU at NYU Langone, where he lived for the entire first month of his life. It was in the
Programming ICU where Russel held the baby for the first time.
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Movies It took Russel and Magda a year before they could look at their son without flinching
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and acknowledge that this really happened to their own son. spaces

Books But the appearance wasn't the worst part. Eating and hearing were almost impossible Follow 9 more
for Nathaniel, and the doctors had a hard time trying to make him breathe. His nasal topics
Software Engineers passageway was nearly solid bone, and his airway was very narrow.[1]
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Software and The only comforting part was that Nathaniel's brain was unaffected. good answers
Within the first year, Nathaniel underwent at least 10 surgeries in order to live. The Ask your first
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first few surgical attempts to open his nasal passageway weren't successful. Then the
doctors tried an emergency tracheotomy, which was a procedure to put an incision in Add 3 credentials
Science the trachea creating a direct airway. Eventually, Nathaniel could finally breathe
through a trach. Answer a question
It was impossible to take Nathaniel out for a stroll, because they were living in New
York City. As soon as others saw them with a stroller, they would take a look at the
Photograph baby. While in other circumstances they would say, “Oh, he's so cute!” But in their
Recommendations case, they were horrified by what they saw.

General Knowledge Things were just as hard for Nathaniel.

Sessions He became aware of his looks at around 5 years old. Every time he went to a birthday
party, kids would immediately run away, screaming in terror. He realized it was about
him. Other kids would call him “monster” and insult him. Kids don't think twice before
saying anything, and sometimes that could be very hurtful.

By the time he turned 11, Nathaniel had been through nearly 54 surgeries, including a
radical surgery which had only been performed once in history, a surgery that
involved literally rearranging the bones in his face, and several surgeries that lasted
longer than 10 hours.

One time after a 12-hour surgery of separating his skull from his face and moving it
into the correct position, Nathaniel was left with a metal halo that had to remain
attached to his head for three months and a wired jaw to shut the halo. Attached to
the halo were tiny turning devices that need to be screwed three times a day.[2]

It was never easy for a kid to lie on a metal table, surrounded by tools that were
going to cut him open. But Nathaniel pulled through anyway. He had tackled more
life-altering challenges than many old people on earth.

In 2012, a book titled Wonder was published, making Treachers Collins Syndrome
better known to the world. The book was about an inspiring story of a 5th grade boy
August Pullman, who was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome.

In 2015, the family moved to the West Coast and Nathaniel enrolled in a local middle
school. His parents feared that he would be bullied and threatened because of his
condition. To help his classmates understand his condition, Nathaniel wrote a letter
before the first day of school.


How is your summer going? I want to take a second and introduce myself. My
name is Nathaniel Newman and I am moving to Reno from Short Hills, New Jersey.
I’m going to be a 5th grader.

My parents and I think it would be a good idea if I tell you a little about myself
before you meet me for the first time. We think that might make it easier for us all
to become friends. Why you ask? Well, I’m different than most kids you may have
met before.

I know, I know… All Kids are different. But, I think you will agree I am a little
different than most. I was born with a rare genetic birth defect called Treacher-
Collins Syndrome (TCS). TCS causes a crazy thing to happen when you are growing
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in your momma’s belly. The bones and stuff in your face don’t grow properly. Then, 3/8
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when you are born, you look very different
3 than most kids. Not only do you look
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different, it’s Spaces
hard for you toNotifications
do things most kidsSearch Quora
do pretty easily. I had a hard time Add Question
eating, breathing and hearing when I was a baby. The good news though, thanks
to some wicked awesome doctors I can eat, hear and breathe pretty well. But, I still
Feed look different and I don’t want you to be nervous when you meet me.
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Computer A few more details would help. I have had 54 surgeries in 10 years. You read that
Programming right. 54 surgeries. Many to reconstruct the bones in my face. NOT FUN AT ALL!
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Some to build new airways to breathe through. Some to build me a bone attached
hearing aid. Too many to talk about. Surgery is NOT fun. But, the cool part is that I Follow 5 more
Writing have been to some of the coolest cities in the world for my operations. NYC, spaces
Boston and Cincinnati just to name a few. Now, I still breathe with a tracheotomy
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which is a tube in your neck. Don’t be grossed out. It doesn’t bother me just try not
Software Engineers to touch it. I also have a hearing aid in my skull. It’s cool cause I hear everything
but dad worries cause if it gets wet or damaged it is MUCHO expensive. Upvote 5 more
Software and good answers
Applications Now the fun part. Other than all the stuff I just wrote I AM TOTALLY NORMAL!!! I
am seriously smart… I love PIZZA and Meatballs and Spaghetti. I have a brother Ask your first
Software question
Jacob he is 8. (Totally annoying!!!) My dogs Smokey and Coco are totally BOSS!
And of course I love my Mom & Dad. I have cool friends all over the country. And
Add 3 credentials
Science my absolute favorite fun thing… WAIT FOR IT… WAIT FOR IT!! MINECRAFT! I love
MINECRAFT. Other video games too but especially MINECRAFT. Maybe we can play Answer a question
Technology sometime if you like it as well. I also draw seriously funny cartoons.
Last thing… Kids like me sometimes have a hard time at new schools. Because I
Photograph look so different kids stare and say mean things sometimes. If you wouldn’t mind,
Recommendations please don’t do that. It makes me sad and I’d much rather have fun with you than
be sad. THANKS. If you want, you can read this awesome book called WONDER. My
General Knowledge friend RJ Pallacio wrote it. It’s about a kid like me named Auggie when he goes to a
new school. RJ calls me her real life Auggie. Check it out, I know you will like it.

If your Mom or Dad has any questions, tell them to shoot my dad an email.

Thanks. Always Choose to Be Kind.


In 2016, after a series of groundbreaking surgeries, Nathaniel's trach was removed. He

was capable of breathing through an unobstructed airway for the first time in his life.

Additionally, the book Wonder was made into a movie, starring Jacob Tremblay, Julia
Roberts, and Owen Wilson.

Jacob Tremblay played the protagonist, August Pullman. The makeup takes more than
two hours, but it looks so real.

This is Nathaniel (right) with Jacob.

Currently, Nathaniel is living a normal life as a 15-year-old high school student. He

has become accustomed to his condition and grown to sort of like it, as it makes him
stand out from the crowd.

This is a recent picture of the family — Russel, Magda, Nathaniel, and his younger
brother Jacob.

They are working on a book called Normal: One Kid's Extraordinary Journey , which
will be published next year.

[1] Family's hardships, triumphs with son who has rare craniofacial disorder
[2] Nathaniel Newman Seattle Children's Pulse Feature
[3] Letter From Nathanial
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