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Day by Day Current Affairs (October 23 2019) | MCQs for CSS, PMS


October 23, 2019: National Current Affairs

1. Cabinet ignores criticism, okays eight ordinances

• Despite facing criticism for `bypassing the parliament and relying on presidential
ordinances for legislation`, the federal cabinet on October 22, 2019 approved more than
half a dozen ordinances, majority of which deal with the judiciary and one specifically
relates to amending the NAB Ordinance that may affect high-profile political prisoners in
the country.
• The cabinet meeting, which was chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan, formally approved
an agreement between Pakistan and India for implementation of Kartarpur Corridor project.
• In all, the cabinet approved eight ordinances.
• The ordinances, which received green signal from the cabinet, included the Letter of
Administration and Succession Certificates Ordinance 2019; the Enforcement of Women`s
Property Rights Ordinance 2019; the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) (Amendment)
Ordinance 2019; the Superior Courts (Court Dress and Mode of Address) Order (Repeal)
Ordinance 2019; the National Accountability (Amendment) Ordinance 2019; the Legal Aid
and Justice Authority Ordinance 2019 and Whistle-Blowers Act.
• The most significant ordinance which got the cabinet`s nod was the one seeking an
amendment to the NAB Ordinance under which those facing charges of corruption worth
Rs50 million or more would only be entitled to be kept in `C-Class` prisons.

2. 23 diplomats visit LoC areas affected by Indian shelling

• India neither allowed its diplomats based in Islamabad to visit the Line of Control (LoC)
along with a group of diplomats that travelled to the region on October 22, 2019 to see the

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Day by Day Current Affairs (October 23 2019) | MCQs for CSS, PMS

area affected by latest Indian shelling nor did it provide the coordinates of the alleged
`terror launch pads` it had claimed to hit.
• A group of 23 diplomats was taken to Jura to witness the targets and the damage caused
by Indian shelling in the early hours of Sunday morning in which six people, including a
soldier, were martyred, while six others were injured. The visit was jointly organised by the
Foreign Office and the Pakistan Army.
• Indian Army Chief Gen Rawat had earlier claimed that his troops had `destroyed three
terror camps` and inflicted heavy dam-age on the fourth one. It was alleged that the camps
were in `Jura, Athmuqam and Kundalsahi Sectors` The FO said the visit, which also
included local and foreign media representatives, was arranged to expose the `fallacy of
Indian claims` The Indian high commission had been invited to join the trip. But it did not
respond to the Pakistani offer

3. Climate change ministry launches survey of threatened wildlife


• The Ministry of Climate Change on October 22, 2019 launched a survey for the first
`Pakistan Red Data List` of threatened wildlife species in the country.
• Lack of adequate data about the status of wildlife species and their habitats has remained
a major hurdle to efforts for their conservation and protection in Pakistan.
• `The ministry is now collaborating with the globally-recognised wildlife conservation
organisations to prepare the first official Pakistan specific Red Data List of the threatened
and at risk of disappearing species in particular,` Ministry of Climate Change secretary
Hassan Nasir Jami told media persons.

October 23, 2019: International Current Affairs

4. Trudeau wins 2nd term, but polls leave Canada divided

• Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won a second term in a stronger-than-expected showing in

Canada`s national elections, claiming a `clear mandate` on October 22, 2019 despite a
Parliament and nation increasingly fractured along regional lines.
• Trudeau`s Liberal Party took the most seats in Parliament but lost its majority in

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Day by Day Current Affairs (October 23 2019) | MCQs for CSS, PMS

Monday`s balloting.
• That means it will have to rely on an opposition party to pass legislation.
• The prime minister`s early morning address to supporters came as his Conservative rival,
Andrew Scheer, had just begun speaking to his own backers, forcing TV networks to break
away from Scheer. But the prime minister struck a conciliatory note: `To those who did not
vote for us, know that we will work every single day for you, we will govern for everyone

5. Japan`s 126th emperor formally ascends throne

• Three booming cheers of `Banzai!` rang out on October 22, 2019 at the Imperial Palace in
Tokyo as Naruhito formally declared his ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne as the
nation`s 126th emperor.
• As a driving autumn rain briefly gave way to sunshine and 2,000 guests looked on,
Naruhito pledged at an elaborate, ritual-laden ceremony to serve as a symbol of the state for
his people. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe congratulated him and led the cheers of `Banzai,`
which traditionally means `10,000 years`.
• The enthronement ceremony is the high point of several succession rituals that began in
May when Naruhito inherited the throne after the abdication of Akihito, his father.
• Naruhito leads the world`s oldest hereditary monarchy, which historians say goes back
1,500 years.

6. Mahathir stands by his Kashmir comments amid India`s palm oil


• Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said on October 22, 2019 he would not
retract his criticism of New Delhi`s actions in the disputed region of Kashmir even though
Indian traders have urged a boycott of Malaysian palm oil.
• The impasse could exacerbate what Mahathir described as a trade war between the
world`s second biggest producer and exporter of the commodity and its biggest buyer so far

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Day by Day Current Affairs (October 23 2019) | MCQs for CSS, PMS

this year.
• India`s top vegetable oil trade body on Monday asked its members to stop buying
Malaysian palm oil after Mahathir said at the UN General Assembly last month that India
had `invaded and occupied` Kashmir.

7. Turkey, Russia strike deal to remove Kurds from N.E. Syria

• Turkey and Russia agreed on October 22, 2019 to remove the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia
to beyond 30 km from the Turkish border, after which their troops will jointly patrol a
narrower strip of land in a `safe zone` that Ankara has long sought in northern Syria.
• Beginning at noon (0900 GMT) on Wednesday, Russian military police and Syrian border
guards will move in to facilitate the removal of YPG members and weapons to beyond the
zone in a mission that should take about six days, according to the deal.
• Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov hailed the deal as one that would end the
bloodshed in the region, while Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey had no
designs on Syrian territory as it continued to push the YPG south.

8. US still sees held Kashmir as disputed, Congress panel told

• US Assistant Secretary of State Alice G. Wells informed a Congressional panel on October

22, 2019 that India`s annexation of the occupied lands has not changed America`s position
on held Kashmir, as it continues to consider it a disputed territory.
• `We consider the Line of Control (LoC) a de facto line separating two parts of Kashmir,`
said Ms Wells.
• `We recognise de facto administrations on both sides of LoC.
• She was responding to a question from the panel`s chairman, Congressman Brad Sherman
who asked her if India`s Aug 5 decision to annex the occupied territories had also affected
the US position on held Kashmir and if Washington now saw LoC as an international border.
He also asked her if Washington still saw held Kashmir as a disputed territory

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Day by Day Current Affairs (October 23 2019) | MCQs for CSS, PMS

October 23, 2019: Sports Current Affairs

9. Germany thrash Pakistan 6-1

• Pakistan were thrashed by Germany 6-1 in the first of the two match series in
Monchengladbach on October 22, 2019. The matches serve as practice for the national side
ahead of their 2020 Olympic qualifiers against Netherlands.
• The second match will be played on Wednesday and from there the team will leave for the
Dutch town of Amstelveen to play them on October 26 and 27 in the two legged qualifier.
• The lone scorer from Pakistan was Mohammad Umar Bhutta, who reduced Germany`s
lead when they were five up in the 47th minute.

10. Federer celebrates 1,500th singles game with 53-minute win

• Swiss top seed Roger Federer celebrated his 1,500th ATP match with a commanding 6-2,
6-1 win over Germany`s Peter Gojowczyk in the first round at his hometown Swiss Indoors
championship on October 21, 2019.
• The nine-time Basel champion and 20-time Grand Slam champion barely broke sweat as
he fired 12 aces and won 82% of his first service points, wrapping up the encounter against
the hapless German qualifier in 53 minutes.
• Gojowczyk, ranked 112th in the world, was broken five times while 38-year-old Federer
dropped serve once in the contest.
• It was a 21st consecutive win at St Jakobhalle for the 38-year-old Swiss and he used every
inch of the court to set up 34 winners. The success set Federer up for his tilt at a 103rd title
and improved his ATP career record to 1,232 wins and 268 losses.

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Check our daily updated ‘s Complete Day by Day Current Affairs Notes

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Day by Day Current Affairs (October 23 2019) | MCQs for CSS, PMS
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