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SPE 123955

An Overview to Applicability of Multilateral Drilling in the Middle East Fields

Abouzar Mirzaei Paiaman, Sharif U. of Tech., and J. Moghadasi, Petroleum U. of Tech.

Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2009 SPE Offshore Europe Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition held in Aberdeen, UK, 8–11 September 2009.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
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There are several types of drilling methods to increase the productivity of a well, such as horizontal drilling, extended reach
horizontal drilling and Multilateral (ML) drilling. It is thought that ML wells could be more economic with higher
productivities than horizontal or extended reach horizontal wells. Advances in ML drilling promise reduced costs, greater
flexibility and increased profit potential.

In the last 20 years, thousands of ML wells have been drilled worldwide, but only a small percentage of the total number of
wells is multilateral. The probable reason may be lack of concise information and misconceptions surrounding the costs and
perceived risks. However, recent advances in the capabilities of the systems and applications have proved ML drilling to be a
truly revolutionary and cost effective solution for the industry.

This paper investigates the benefits of ML drilling as one of the highly expanded methods. Moreover, advantages, challenges,
and priorities of the ML technology are highlighted. Since application of ML wells requires some improvement and
development especially in the Middle East, therefore, two case studies from this region are presented. The first case study is
the first Saudi Aramco’s deep ML gas well, and the second is drilling a dual lateral well in Dukhan field in Qatar. For the first
case study, productivity of ML wells is presented. Furthermore, a comparison is made between the productivity of a horizontal
and dual ML in order to give a recommendation for one of them.


Unconventional drilling technologies play a key role today where conventional technologies are not fully efficient to keep
development profitable. These technologies allow us to increase production per well but also to improve ultimate reservoir
recovery factor (RF). Multilateral (ML) drilling is one of unconventional drilling technologies emerging at the beginning of
nineties.1 More than 10 percent of the total 74000 drilled wells in the world is ML. The general definition of a ML well is one
in which there is more than one horizontal or near horizontal lateral well drilled from a single side (mother bore) and
connected back to a single bore. 2
MLs can be divided into two categories:
1. Re-entries: in this category an existing well is re-entered and new branches are drilled off the existing wellbore (e.g.
Charlez and Breant 1999 1, Tantawi et al. 1998 3).
2. New developments: in this category a new well is drilled as a ML well.

During 1980s, advances in horizontal technology were adopted quickly in the Middle East to bring about dramatic
improvements in well productivity. Many operators in this region looked at ML drilling technology as a next step from
horizontal drilling technology. These operators started to drill ML wells after experiencing successful drilling of horizontal
wells. Since 1992, the use of ML drilling technology in the Middle East has seen significant growth to the extent that Middle
East is one of the most active areas in the world for ML applications. 4 In 1996, it is estimated that over 35 MLs were drilled in
the Middle East. 5 Among the Middle East countries, some invested more on of ML technology are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman,
and Qatar. Examples of leading companies in the region in ML technology are Saudi Aramco and ZADCO. Saudi Aramco is
an industry leader in drilling maximum reservoir contact (MRC) wells. ZADCO is leader in drilling open hole lateral
2 SPE 123955

wellbores. 5 Other countries in the region are progressing in application of ML technology. An overview to applicability of ML
technology in the Middle East countries will be presented in following sections.

ML wells have several benefits that will be discussed in next section of this paper. Also, there exist various configurations for
ML wells. These configurations are listed as follow:
• Stacked dual/ tri-lateral
• Dual-opposed lateral and stacked opposed quadrilateral
• Planar dual-lateral (or planar Y-well)
• Planar tri-lateral
• Planar offset quadrilateral
• Planar opposed quadrilateral (or Heming-bone pattern)
• Stacked/ inclined tri-lateral
• Radial quadrilateral
• Radial tri-lateral extending from a primary vertical wellbore
• Stacked radial quadrilateral

Benefits, Challenges and Priorities of ML Wells

We have classified benefits of ML wells into two groups. Each of the benefits is reported and/or discussed in some
publications. Those published about the Middle East are mentioned.

1) Benefits due to multi target per well slot. Some main items in this group are:
a. Reducing environmental impacts,
b. Spreading the geological risks, and
c. Saving time and cost (e.g. Demong et al. 2000 6, Ismail and El-Khatib 1996 7).
2) Benefits due to long horizontal section of ML wells. The main items in this group are:
a. Producing from uneconomical pools, thin sand zones and blind zones (e.g. Charlez and Breant 1999 1),
b. Reducing probability of gas and water conning/water breakthrough (e.g. Ismail and El-Khatib 1996 7),
c. Improving sweep efficiency,
d. Acceleration of recovery (e.g. Charlez and Breant 1999 1),
e. Increase in reserves (e.g. Ginest et al. 2005 8), and
f. Better control of injection and production with proper installation.

Even though there are numerous benefits along with ML wells, some challenges exist in drilling these wells. Some are:

1. High risks associated with installation and retrieving of some necessary tools during drilling or after completion,
2. Difficulty in sand control in all legs,
3. Difficulty in modeling and prediction due to the sophisticated system of ML wells,
4. Complexity in construction, and
5. Difficulty in stimulation, and clean-up due to the complexity of laterals.

Several studies have been conducted to overcome challenges and to minimize ML drilling and completion problems. For
example Al-Buali et al. (2009) 9 documented application of combined rotary-jetting and multilateral tool (MLT) to stimulate a
dual lateral producer in Ghawar field, Saudi Arabia. Hassan (1998) 10 documented ZADCO experiences in stimulating ML
wells offshore Abu Dhabi. Pan et al. (2009) 11 used a generalized semi-analytical segmented model accounting for ML well
systems in commingled layered reservoirs for several field applications. Sufi et al. (1998) 12 discussed production logging in
ML wells drilled in ZADCO’s field.

Also the points presenting the priorities of designing ML wells are: Methodology for screening applications, better modeling
and diagnostic tools, sharing information, shorter cycle times, more interdisciplinary integration, education, standardization of
equipment, reservoir management, reliability, and completion system integration.

Maximum Reservoir Contact Wells

One new concept in ML wells drilling technology which is gaining more and more attention and has seen a significant growth
in the Middle East is drilling Maximum Reservoir Contact (MRC) wells. By combining ML drilling with extended each
drilling (ERD) enormous amounts of a reservoir can be exposed from a single slot using laterals. By definition, a MRC well is
a well with aggregate reservoir contact of five kilometers or more either as a single lateral or ML configuration. 13
MRC wells, as their name implies, are designed mainly to maximize reservoir contact, through drilling long laterals, and to
SPE 123955 3

achieve low drawdown, which causes improve in the well productivity. As the length of lateral increases, cumulative oil
production increases too (see Fig.1). Other goals are the same as the goals of drilling ML wells.

Fig. 1- Effect of lateral length on incremental production, a dual lateral well (after Rivera et al. 2002 14)

The technology of drilling MRC wells was initiated in 2002 by Saudi Aramco in Shaybah field, Saudi Arabia. Since then,
some giant fields (e.g. Ghawar, Abaqiq and Haradh) have experienced MRC technology. We can say that Saudi Aramco is
leading MRC wells technology in the world. Some examples of application of MRC wells in Middle East fields are also well
documented by Dossary and Mahghoub (2003) 15, Saleri (2003) 13, Nughaimish (2004) 16, and Hussain et al. (2005) 17, Salamy
et al. (2007) 18, and Mubarak et al. (2007) 19.

Since 2004 to date, the MRC concept has also been extended from new wells (new development category) to workovers (re-
entry category). The sequences of the work are mainly reducing the percentage of water cut, reducing the GOR and increasing
productivity index (PI). Salamy et al. (2007) 18 have reported reduction in water cut from 12% to 3%, increasing PI from 2
BOPD/psi to 117 BOPD/psi, and controlling GOR at or slightly above solution GOR of 800 SCF/STB for MRC workovers in
Shaybah field.

There are different shapes of MRC wells. MRC wells may be drilled in fork shape, fishbone shape, etc. These different shapes
of MRC wells have different impacts on performance of the reservoir, e.g. different shapes of MRC wells are drilled in
Shaybah field for this objective. Dossary and Mahghoub (2003) 15, and Nughaimish et al. (2004) 16 have documented drilling
fork-type (mother bore and 2 laterals), fishbone (mother bore and 6 laterals) and combination of two former types (mother
bore and 8 laterals) in Shaybah and Haradh fields, respectively. These examples of utilizing ML technology by Saudi Aramco
demonstrate the rapid growth of this technology in Saudi Arabia.

ML Drilling Technology in the Persian Gulf Countries

In this section examples of the ML drilling technology in Persian Gulf countries are presented. Table 1 indicates these
countries and status of drilling ML wells there. Here a question may arise about the use of ML junctions in the region. Several
authors have reported successful use of various types of ML junctions in the Middle East. Some are use of levels 3 and 4 in
Mukhaizna field reported by Rump et al. (2004) 20 and Al-Azkawi (2002) 21, levels 2, 4, and 5 reported by Demong et al.
(2000) 22, and level 3 reported by Ginest et al. (2005) 8.

Table 1- Persian Gulf countries and ML technology

Country Utilization of ML Some Field (s) experienced ML technology
Bahrain No -
Iran Yes Salman and Mansouri
Iraq No -
Kuwait Yes Mauddud reservoir, Wafra
Oman Yes Shuaiba, Saih Rawl, Nimr, Fahud North, Yibal, Mukhaizna, Amin,
Musalim, Burhaan, Daleel, and Mezoon
Qatar Yes Dukhan, ISND, and Al Shaheen
Saudi Arabia Yes Ghawar, Abaqiq, Haradth, and Khafji
UAE Yes Umm Dalkh, and ABK
Yemen Yes -
4 SPE 123955

ML Drilling Technology in UAE: First ML well in UAE was drilled in early 1990. Since then, many of fields have
experienced ML drilling technology (see Table 1). Here four examples of drilling ML wells in UAE are presented.
First example is drilling ML wells in Abu Al-Bukhoosh (ABK) filed offshore Persian Gulf. ABK is a mature field which was
put on stream in 1972. TOTAL added new drains to ABK wells (see Fig.2). These ML wells fall into Re-entry category and
are stacked dual lateral. Already, 30% of the current production comes from new drains added to existing wells. 1

Fig. 2- Adding new drains to existing wells, ABK field

Second example is drilling dual lateral wells in Dubai where mechanical trip retrievable whipstocks (MTRWs) were used to
open window. 4 There were two target layers for drilling and two types of dual laterals were drilled. On the first dual lateral
only one of the target layers was present and one lateral was drilled East and the other West from a vertical well. On the
second dual lateral wells there were two target layers present.

Third example is drilling dual laterals in ZADCO’s field. 7 This field which is one of the biggest producing fields in the
Middle East situated in offshore Persian Gulf North West of Abu Dhabi. ZADCO’s field was discovered in 1963, and
development started in 1977 by utilizing conventional drilling methods. Horizontal drilling was successfully experimented in
this field in 1989. The first dual lateral horizontal well was drilled in 1994. By the 1996, sixteen dual lateral horizontal wells
were drilled and completed as dual completion. The first ML horizontal well was drilled in 1995. Also zonal isolation was
achieved in these wells. Initial production results were encouraging; therefore ML drilling was considered the optimum
technique for developing the field. Also successful drilling of re-entry ML wells is reported by Tantawi (1998) 3.

Fourth example is drilling dual lateral wells in Umm Dalkh field as reported by O’Driscoll et al. (2000) 23.

ML Drilling Technology in Saudi Arabia: First ML well in Saudi Arabia was drilled in early 1990.
Drilling ML wells in Khafji field, offshore Persian Gulf (see Fig.3), is a good example of ML technology in Saudi Arabia.
More than 220 wells have been drilled in the Khafji Field. The first ML well (K-216) was drilled in 2004 with production
potential in excess of 10000 BOPD. Work over operations are concentrating on horizontal re-entries into various targeted
formations. This technique has been yielding tremendous results, by not only increasing oil production, but also reducing
water production.

Fig. 3- Location of Khafji field, offshore Persian Gulf

Furthermore, as it was mentioned, several MRC wells are drilled in Saudi fields since 2002. ML wells are used extensively in
Saudi Arabia to increase reservoir contact, maximizing production, and improving the field RF.

ML Drilling Technology in Oman: Horizontal drilling was started in 1986 with three short radius wells drilled in chalky oil
reservoirs due to gas or water coning and low production rates. Results were not sufficiently encouraging to lead to future
activity in the short term. Over the time, horizontal drilling was successfully introduced in early 1990 and paved the way for
drilling ML wells; therefore many fields in Oman have experienced ML drilling technology (see Table 1). ML drilling in this
sultanate has shown significant benefits in increased production rates, reduced costs and increased oil recovery from existing
producing fields and previously uncommercial oil deposits. Dual lateral, short-radius, slimhole, long reach ML wells and
SPE 123955 5

multibranch (MB) wells with 5, 6 and 7 legs are drilled. In addition, Re-entry of old vertical wells to drill ML wells is

Onshore Shuaiba field experienced its first ML wells in 1997. Drilled ML wells were dual/tri-lateral wells.

Also application of ML drilling technology in Saih Rawl field is documented by Ellins and Nawfal (1999) 24. In this field, a
ML well design has 5 producing legs supported by a 4-leg water injector and the average length per leg is 2000 m with a
separation of 150 m between the legs. The mother bore was drilled in 8 ½ in. hole and lined with a 7-in. liner. Four windows
were cut and the 6 1/8-in. lateral legs were then drilled to the planned TDs. In addition dual lateral wells are drilled in this
field. Completion of this ML wells offered 30 percent cost savings per dual well in comparison with single laterals. By 1999,
more than 20 ML wells have been drilled in this field.

Mukhaizna field is another place where ML drilling technology was practiced, as discussed by Al-Azkawi (2002) 21 and Rump
et al. (2004) 20.

ML Drilling Technology in Iran: New development type ML wells in Iran are drilled in those fields operated by Iranian
Offshore Oil Company (IOOC) and National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC). Drilling horizontal and ML wells by
Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC) in its fields, has resulted in increase in average well productivity from 2300 BOPD to
3400 BOPD. Salman field is one of the fields that experienced ML drilling. Salman field, located in offshore Persian Gulf, is a
common field between Iran and UAE. This field is named ABK in Abu Dhabi. Both countries sharing this common field have
drilled ML wells in that. 70 percent of this field is belonging to Iran and the remaining 30 percent is belonging to UAE.

Drilling the first ML well by NISOC, dates back to spring 2008. The first ML well was experienced in Mansouri field. This
field is located 50 km South East of Ahvaz with daily production of 10000 BOPD. Drilling this ML well resulted in significant
increase in well productivity.

In the other Iranian fields the wells are drilled vertically, directionally and horizontally. In these situations to maximize
reservoir contact in tight rock and heavy oil formations, conventional methods such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal
drilling are utilized. Rivera et al. (2002) 14 stated that these conventional methods work in tight rock and heavy oil formations,
even though these methods in some of Persian fields do not improve well productivity. Even though the average ML well is
more expensive and technically difficult to drill than the average horizontal well, but for those fields that horizontal drilling
improved well productivity next step can be drilling ML wells. The reason of our claim is that National Iranian Drilling
Company (NIDC) which is responsible for drilling wells in Iran, in the last three decades has gained good experiences in
drilling horizontal wells. Examples are drilling the horizontal wells with the length of 675 m in 4 1/8 in hole at depth of 3220
m in 2009 in Rag Sefid field, and also with length of 750 m in 6 1/8 in hole at depth f 3913 m in Cheshmeh Khosh field. Some
of the fields that horizontal drilling had good results, as reported by Kalantari et al. (2006) 25, are Ahvaz-Asmari, Labsefid, and
Marun-Asmari fields. Horizontal drilling in other fields due to sever formation damages did not have good results.

ML Drilling Technology in Qatar: ML drilling was initiated in Qatar in 1998 in Dukhan field. Dual lateral wells were drilled
in this field. Drilling program of a dual lateral well in this field (DK-525) will be presented in next section.

Idd El Shargi North Dome (ISND) field is another place in Qatar where ML wells were drilled. Dual open hole laterals have
been employed to simultaneously exploit the Shuaiba A and B oil reservoirs.

ML Drilling Technology in Kuwait: First ML well was drilled in Wafra field in 2004. Also MRC wells are drilled in
Mauddud reservoir which is a thin (10-20 ft) carbonate reservoir. A tri-lateral MRC well with a mother bore and two laterals
are drilled in this thin reservoir. 5000ft reservoir contact is achieved by this MRC well. 26

ML Drilling Technology in Bahrain: This technology does not seem to create a revolution in Bahrain drilling industry. One
reason is Bahrain low oil (less than 50000 BOPD in 2007) and gas production (less than 12 billion cu m in 2006). These low
oil and gas production volumes do not worth to apply more expensive drilling technology.

ML Drilling Technology in Iraq: This technology did not enter Iraq for many reasons after the war between Iraq and Kuwait
in 1990. At that time, Iraq accused Kuwait of stealing Iraq's oil through slant drilling. In 1989, Iraq accused Kuwait of using
advanced drilling techniques to exploit oil from its share of the Rumaila field. Iraq estimated that US$2.4 billion worth of Iraqi
oil was stolen by Kuwait and demanded compensation, but Kuwait denied.
6 SPE 123955

Case Studies of Drilling ML wells in Middle East

In this section, two case studies of drilling ML wells in Middle East are presented. The first one is talking about Saudi
Aramco's first deep ML gas well, and the second is about drilling a ML well in Dukhan field, Qatar. For the first case,
motivation for drilling ML wells is expressed and then a comparison is made between productivity of a slanted well, horizontal
well, and dual lateral well to recommend the best one. For the second case, drilling schedule of drilling a dual lateral well is

Saudi Aramco's First ML Deep Gas Well

Saudi Aramco’s first deep gas well (D-10) was drilled in Delta (D) field (Ginest et al. 2005 8). The idea of drilling D-10 well
came from the G-10 slanted well (60°) in the nearby Gamma (G) field in the pre-khuff Unayzah-B sandstone gas reservoir.
The logs in G-10 slanted well indicated poor reservoir quality and the well tested at low gas flow rate and FWHP (see Table
2). Based on horizontal drilling successes in oil reservoirs and the need to determine whether Unayzah reserves were
economically recoverable, the Unayzah-B section was then drilled horizontally. The well tested 34 MMSCFD at a FWHP of
1450 psig.

Comparison between productivity of G-10 slanted well and a horizontal well showed an excellent performance considering the
poor reservoir quality encountered in G-10. This performance provided sufficient encouragement to drill the first ML deep gas
well (D-10) in the Delta Field of Unayzah gas reservoir.

The schematic of D-10 well is illustrated in Fig.4. As shown in Table 2, gas flow rate for D-10 dual lateral well was 63
MMSCFD at a 2700 FWHP which is favorable.

Despite the lengths of two laterals in D-10 well were about 4000 ft (>1.3 kilometers), but D-10 has been called a MRC well
which is not true, since as it was stated reservoir contact in MRC wells should be more than five kilometers.

Table 2- Comparison between productivity of various kinds of wells in neighbor G and D fields
Gas flow rate, MMSCFD FWHP, psig
G-10 slanted well (Unayzah-B) 0.5 90
Horizontal well in G field (Unayzah-B) 34 1450
D-10 dual lateral ML well (commingled 63 2700
from Unayzah-A & B)

Fig. 4- Schematic of Saudi Aramco’s first deep gas well (after Ginest et al. 2005 8)

Drilling a Dual Lateral Well in Dukhan Field, Qatar

Dukhan, first discovered in 1938, is a super-giant onshore field in Qatar. Dukhan is extending over an area of approximately
80 km by 8 km (see Fig.5). Dukhan Field encompasses four reservoirs from North to South: Khatiyah, Fahahil and
Jaleha/Diyab, three of which are oil reservoirs, and fourth contains non associated gas. Dukhan field produces a blend of
crudes called Dukhan or Qatar Land, 42˚ API with 1.2% sulfur.
SPE 123955 7

Fig. 5- Dukhan field, Qatar

In this section, we present the drilling schedule of successful drilling a dual lateral well in Dukhan field (DK-525). 27
ƒ Drill 17.5 in. hole to 1600 ft, run and cement 13-3/8 in. casing.
ƒ Drill 12-1/4 in. hole to 5120 ft, run and cement 9-5/8 in. casing.
ƒ Run and set drilling whipstock and drill Lateral "B", 8-1/2 in. hole to casing point, set 7 in. liner.
ƒ Washover the lateral "B", retrieve the drilling whipstock and set completion whipstock and drill lateral "B" 6-1/8 in. hole.
ƒ Retrieve the completion whipstock; drill 8-1/2 in. of Lateral "A" to final TD. Run and cement 7 in. liner of lateral "A".
The schematic of well is shown in Fig.6. Also front and top view of the wells is depicted in Figs.7 and 8.

Fig. 6- Dual lateral well in Dukhan field, Qatar (DK-525)

8 SPE 123955

Fig. 7- Front view of DK-525 in Qatar

Fig. 8- Top View of the well DK-525 in Qatar

The following table (Table 3) presents the bits and the selected BHAs for both vertical and horizontal sections of the DK-525.

Table 3- Recommended drilling bits and BHAs

Hole Drilling BHA Remarks

Vertical section: 17-1/2 in. Bit, MDC, 14-DCs, 15HWDP & DPs (surface). Slick Assembly
Vertical section: 12-1/4 in. Bit, BS, MDC, DC, STB, DCs XO, HWDP (+/- 450 ft) Pendulum Assembly
Rotary & DPs (surface).
& Deviated 7° Motor
Motor Assembly: Bit, 8 in. Sperry Drill 1.15 Bend, float Directional Steerable
sub, NMDC, MWD HOS, SMDC, 2 DC (+/- 60 ft), Assembly

Horizontal section: 8-1/2 in. Bit, 1.5° BH Motor, Performance BHA or as per Sperry Directional Steerable
Sun instructions Assembly
Horizontal section: 6-1/8 in. Bit, 1.15° BH Motor (standard) slick BHA Directional Steerable
SPE 123955 9


• In most of the Middle East countries where ML drilling technology is experienced, horizontal drilling technology
achieved commercial viability during the late 1980’s.
• Many Middle East operators looked at ML drilling technology as a next step from horizontal drilling technology. These
operators started to drill ML wells after experiencing successful drilling of horizontal wells.
• Production results from ML wells in Middle East are encouraging. This, along with several other advantages, causes
dramatic growth of ML drilling technology in Middle East especially in Persian Gulf region.
• Both categories of ML wells are experienced in Middle East fields. These are re-entry and new development ML wells.
• Dual lateral wells are gaining more attention and interest in Middle East due to their less complexity.
• Zonal isolation which is a vital part of dual completion systems is successfully achieved in Middle East fields.
• Drilling MRC wells in Saudi Arabia is growing rigorously, so that Saudi Aramco is world leader in this industry.
• Those fields which have not experienced ML technology (e.g. most of the Persian fields) can first experience horizontal
drilling. If satisfactory results were gained then appropriate decision to drilling ML wells can be made.
• Even though the average ML well is more expensive and technically difficult to drill than the average horizontal well, but
for those Persian fields that horizontal drilling has improved well productivity (e.g. Ahvaz-Asmari, Labsefid, and Marun-
Asmari fields) ML technology can be utilized.


API = American petroleum institute

BH = bottom hole
BHA = bottom hole assembly
BOPD = barrel of oil per day
D field = Delta field
DC = drill collar
DK = Dukhan field, Qatar
DP = drill pipe
ERD = extended reach drilling
FWHP = flowing well head pressure, m/Lt2, psig
G field = Gamma field
GOR = gas oil ratio, SCF/stb
HWDP = heavy drill pipe
IOOC =Iranian Offshore Oil Company
ISND = Idd El Shargi North Dome
MB = multibranch
ML = multilateral
MLT = multilateral tool
MRC = maximum reservoir contact
MWD = measurement while drilling
NIDC =National Iranian Drilling Company
NIOC =National Iranian Oil Company
NISOC =National Iranian South Oil Company
NMDC = non-magnetic drill collar
PI =productivity index, BOPD/psi
RF = recovery factor
RIH = run in hole
ROH = run out of hole
SCFD = standard cubic feet per day
STB = stock tank barrel
TAML = technical advancement of multilaterals
TD = true depth, L, ft
TVD = true vertical depth, L, ft
ZADCO = Zakum Development Company


The authors thank National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) for the financial support.
10 SPE 123955


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18. Salamy, S.P., Al-Mubarak, H.K., Ghamdi, M.S. and Hembling, D. 2007. MRC Wells Performance Update: Shaybah
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23. O’Driscoll, K. P., Amin, N. M. and Tantawi, I. Y. 2000. New Treatment for Removal of Mud-Polymer Damage in
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25. Kalantari, D.A.M., Moghadasi, J. and Gholami, V. 2006. Applicability of Horizontal Drilling Techniques in Iran: A Field
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26. Kabir, M., Ingham, S., Sibley, D., Osman, K., Ambastha, A. K., and Anderson, M. 2006. Application of a Maximum
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27. Ayyad, H. 2006. Multilateral Wells Description and Drilling Procedure. B.S.c Thesis. King Saud University.

SI Metric Conversion Factors

bbl × 1.589 873 E-01=m3

ft3 × 2.831 685 E-02=m3
ft* × 3.048 E-01=m
in* × 2.54 E-02=m
lb × 4.535 924 E-01=kg
psi × 6.894 757 E+03=Pa
* Conversion factor is exact.

Corresponding Author

Abouzar Mirzaei Paiaman is M.Sc. student of petroleum engineering at Sharif U of Tech., Tehran, holding B.Sc. of
petroleum engineering 2008 from Petroleum U of Tech. Abouzar is member of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and
European Association of Geosciences and Engineers (EAGE). E-mail:, Tell: +98 9361642229.

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