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Activity 3: Writing a story

Based on the picture above, write a story by using the words given to help you.

 picnic
 eating
 riverbank
 dark cloud
 shouted
 buzzing sound
 into the water
 jumped in
 flew pass
 safe
 came out

1. –picnic
___________________________ were having a _________________
by the river.

2. –eating
Some of _______________ were _____________ their lunch under a
tree with their _______________ .

3. –riverbank
Others were _____________________ by the

4. –dark cloud
(Suddenly, / Out of the blue,) ______________________ saw a
__________________in the _________________.

5. –shouted
He ______________________ for __________________ to look at it
as he ______________ at the moving __________________ .
6. –buzzing sound
As __________________ looked up, they also heard a a

7. – into the water

The __________________ shouted for _______________________
to get ____________________________________ .

8. – jumped in
The pupils quickly ______________________ the river.

9. –flew pass
___________________ stayed in the water until the swarm of bees

10. –safe
___________________ waited until it was ____________________.

11. –came out

Then, they ___________________ of the ___________________ and
dried ______________________.
Activity 4: Copy the sentences written above and put them into paragraphs.

A group of pupils were having a picnic by the river. ______________________































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